Game of Survival || Multifandom RP || Open

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which are based on a book/movie/tv show/band e.g. Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, One Direction etc.
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Game of Survival || Multifandom RP || Open

Postby Ploegy » Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:18 pm


    The end is something that cannot be avoided. It always comes no matter how much we try to run from it. There are thousands upon thousands of Earths that exist across the multiverse, but one has finally met its end. As the wars waged on its surface, many strange things began to take place, but it wasn't until nearly all life was destroyed that the real fun began. One powerful being wasn't ready to see this Earth die yet. Pulling his victims out from across the thousands of universes that existed he brought them to the dying Earth to try and save it.

    Now you have been taken from your home and brought into this dead world. Buildings are falling, trees are bare and an eerie feeling follows you everywhere. This is the place you have been brought to now. Deformed creatures wander the lands and are especially active at night. They try to kill whatever they can find. Nearly everywhere has been abandoned and almost all human life has been killed off or deformed. The animal life however, have somehow survived relatively well, but have become rather vicious toward not only each other, but anything they might lay eyes on.

    Trying to survive in this place seems nearly impossible, but there is a catch. Once you wake, you are left with only a letter and a few of your belongs from your previous home. The letter reads:

    Dear reader,

    As you can see, my home is dying. What a shame now isn't it? I thought it might be fun to let in end by sporting a fun event. I have broken you up into teams of six and your goal is to try and reach the only bit of untouched land that is left. I haven't the slightest clue where it lies, but if you can make it there I will allow you to return home. Your teammates should be in the same area as you are so gather up and form a plan. Each team will have a designated leader and if you are leader it will way on the back of this letter.

    However, only so many of you can go home. It wouldn't be all that fun if I let all of you live now would it? Only a total of twelve can escape this place. It doesn't have to be two teams and you are more than welcome to leave your teams but it might be wise to stick with them and try to win your freedom. Taking out others might be wise but it's all up to you on how you proceed through this wasteland.

    I have left you with some supplies from your previous home including weapons and other important items you might have possessed. You'll need them to survive. So have fun in your new home and try not to die out there

    Your's truly,
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Postby Ploegy » Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:25 pm


    •Always be kind and friendly to all members of this roleplay
    •Any characters are allowed no matter what fandom they come from or if they are an OC. Have as many characters as you can handle
    •Do not force a relationship. It's no fun when someone does this.
    •Please try to write at least 4 sentences per character. I don't want any "She smiled." or "He nodded." posts.
    •Try to have decent grammar. I understand some mistakes, but please don't use textspeak and all that
    •No character is perfect and your character must have flaws. Your character is not the strongest or most powerful thing out there so please do not roleplay them like that
    •Keep violence and romance at a PG-13 level
    •Do not kill other people's characters without consent. X can be killed which will result in all being free, but the characters will not be aware of this. Please ask before encountering X
    •If you have any ideas for plot twists, please message me, but if I have not announced that there will be a plot twist or you have not confirmed it with me, don't make a plot twist
    •If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask
    •Please try to post as often as you can so this roleplay can stay active. I have the right to remove you for being inactive for a week and open your spot to someone else unless you have told me in advance that you would be gone
    •Disable your signature in the roleplay thread please
    •All character forms are to be posted on the discussion thread
    •Have fun c:
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Postby Ploegy » Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:36 pm


    Red Team:
    Tord - 26 - Male - Eddsworld - FieryKitti14
    Claus - 13 - Male - Mother 3 - Ploegy
    Silvia - 18 - Female - Digimon - Timoria
    Izabella - 14 - Female - Transformers - arainai.
    Rey - 21 - Female - Star Wars - Smiley100P
    Nadia - 20 - Female - Skullgirls - ➸ higgsbury

    Yellow Team:
    Caitlyn - 21 - Female - Pokemon - Ploegy
    Borean - 17 - Male - Voltron - axelandria
    Jayla - 15 - Female - Voltron - axelandria
    Steven - 14 - Male - Steven Universe - Smiley100P
    Dipper - 13 - Male - Gravity Falls - SugaryOwl
    •Name - Age - Gender - Fandom - Played by

    (I will add more teams if needed)
    Black Team:
    Nia - Unknown - Female - Xenoblade 2 - Ploegy
    Wilson - 31 - Male - Don't Starve - ➸ higgsbury
    Azura - 17 - Female - Voltron - axelandria
    Rizzix - 25 - Female - Magic - InfectedHau
    Zevran - 26 - Male - Dragon Age - arainai.
    Drakel - 28 - Male - The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - wink.

    White Team:
    Wendy - 12 - Female - Don't Starve - ➸ higgsbury
    Izuku - 15 - Male - My Hero Academia - Ploegy
    Holo - 700+ - Female - Spice and Wolf - Timoria
    Sora - 19 - Female - OC - mr bushido
    Terezi - 13 - Female - Homestuck - Smiley100P
    Emai - 20 - Female - Nightmare Factory - taroka
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Postby Ploegy » Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:39 pm


You do not need to use this form. You may make your own, but I will provide this one. Feel free to use your own if you desire, but include the major things seen on this one.

Note: Do not use my form elsewhere without permission

Code: Select all

➳skin tone;

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Postby Ploegy » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:05 am

    This roleplay is now open. Please post all forms here or pm me reservations
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Re: Game of Survival || Multifandom RP || Open

Postby Ploegy » Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:14 am

      Izuku "Deku" Midoriya
      15 Male BNHA White Team Tagged: Open

    His breathing was soft as he rolled over in his sleep, completely oblivious to the situation he had been thrown in to. Nuzzling his head against the torn pillow, Izuku let a soft grunt escape his throat. It seemed like he would be waking up no time soon until a cool breeze drifted in through the window and sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't remember going to bed with the window open. Allowing his eyes to crack open, he took a quick look around. Everything in his mind was still hazy making the situation seem less worrisome than it actually was. As his mind began to focus, his eyes began to widen. This wasn't his bedroom. Before him he could see broken walls and pieces of the ceiling laying on the floor. Even the floor was in bad shape and had holes in it. The scene caused him to abruptly push himself up into a sitting position. That's when he noticed he was no longer in his night clothes either but rather his hero costume. It was all confusing. Glancing over toward the window, he noted that the glass was missing from it, allowing the breeze to flow in as it pleased. What was this place?

    Allowing his eyes to continue to look around the room, they finally settled on a letter that laid nearby. Whoever had brought him here at least had been kind enough to leave one. Picking it up, his eyes scanned it over in silence. With each word he could feel himself becoming more and more concerned. A dying world? A game? As he continued to read on his heart sunk into his stomach. Not everyone could return home. There was a possibility he could die here. The thought was unsettling. How could someone be so cruel? Was this truly some form of amusement? He couldn't imagine this being any fun for anyone. Either way, it seemed that he had a team. That was a plus. Then again they might be killers for all he knew. Even with teams it seemed pointless the trust anyone. At any moment they might turn. Frowning at the thought, Deku climbed out of bed being careful of the unstable floor. He still needed to find his teammates. It was all he could count on for now.

    Making his way to the exit of his room, he moved the unhinged door aside to allow himself out. The whole place seemed eerily quiet and brought him a great amount of discomfort. If the houses looked like this he could only imagine what the outside world was like. His frown deepened and he quickly shook the thought off. Now wasn't the time to think of such things. His goal was finding someone. "H-hello?!" he finally called out, hoping for some response.

      Claus / The Masked Man
      13 Male Mother 3 Red Team Tagged: Open

    So this was his reality now? How pathetic. If he had thought his life back home had been miserable then he couldn't wait to experience this place. Everything had only just become peaceful again or as peaceful as it could be with him around. People hated him for what had happened. They blamed him for everything Porky did and most important everything the Masked Man had done. He had heard the stories by now. Nobody let him live them down, well, except Lucas. His brother was forgiving enough and he understood that he hadn't been in control. The Masked Man was his own being in a sense. Even now he still had to struggle with him still living in the back of his mind. His dark thoughts never went away. Surely he would try to fight his way out in a place like this. Killing someone was something up his alley to begin with. Not only would be he tasked with surviving but keeping that side of himself from ever seeing the light of day. Easier said than done.

    Making his way into the hallway, Claus weaved his way through the debris. This place sure was in no living condition. It was no surprise that whoever had previously lived here was gone. Whether they were still alive or not was something he couldn't say but if he were going off the letter then he could assume that most life was dead if not in a deformed state. He could relate to such. That was what the Masked Man was anyways. When he had been taken in back then he had been on the verge of death. In a way he owed Porky a thanks for saving him. He didn't deserve it though. Scowling at the thought, the redhead gave a soft grunt. It was a shame that he'd only have to suffer again in this place, but he didn't plan on dying. Then again, maybe death would spare him from the constant reminder of the awful things he had done.

    No, he couldn't think in such a manner. Lucas would be counting on him to return. That was enough reason to get back. He owed his twin that much. Stepping from the hallway, the teen found himself in what appeared to be a rundown living room. The furniture was much like everything else in the house; broken and torn. It was surprising that it still seemed semi-usable. Shaking his head at the thought, he averted his eyes away from it. There were supposed to be others here, right? Maybe this was the perfect place to wait for him. Heaving a sigh, Claus sank down into one of the chairs, not even bothering to check if it was stable first. Luckily it didn't break under his weight, but it was uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he stayed put awaiting his teammates.

      21 Female Pokemon Yellow Team Tagged: Open

    So she was a leader. How'd she get stuck with a job like that in a place like this? She wasn't a killer nor did she have plans on being one yet she was given the responsibility to try and bring these others to this untouched area. It was something she had never wanted. She may have trained herself and her Pokemon to high levels, but she was not at a level that she could protect people in a situation like this. It put a lot of unneeded pressure on her. Glancing at Riley, she could tell that the Pikachu had picked up on her uneasiness and she gave him a small smile. She didn't want her companion worrying to much about her. Picking him him, she allowed him to rest on her shoulder as she climbed from the bed. Even if she wasn't made for the leader role, she still needed to try and help those around her. It was the least she could do. The trainer could still fight and that was what truly mattered in this situation.

    Making her way from the room, she tried not to focus much on the situation the letter had laid out to her. It was too much to process. A dying world? It was an awful thought and it was only worse that someone thought it'd be fun to bring others into this place and have them try to kill one another. Who was that sick minded? Even those that were twisted back home weren't this bad or at least she hadn't encountered anyone this bad. She could always try to wish on Jirachi and see what would happen, but if the one behind this knew she had the wish Pokemon, she was sure that he wouldn't allow such things to be granted. Besides, there was no guarantee that Jirachi would have even helped her in the first place. It was a rather stubborn Pokemon and had a mind of its own most the time.

    Finding her way to the front door, Caitlyn came to a stop. She didn't plan on leaving just yet, but she wanted to see what the outside world was like. Cracking the door open, her eyes came upon the landscape before her. Most of the buildings around were houses that were crumbling to the ground much like the one she was in. The streets were broken as well and cars were sitting around in shambles. It was an awful sight. How were they supposed to get through a place like this? Frowning again, she simply stood there in disbelief.
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Re: Game of Survival || Multifandom RP || Open

Postby Timoria » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:29 am

Silvia and Zapzapmon
Team Red
Tags; Whoever wants Zapzapmon kicking their door down.

”Well this isn’t the digital world” Silvia said bluntly. Right next to her was Zapzapmon who was nodding in agreement, arms crossed.

Silvia had just gotten up from a really shabby looking sleeping bag while Zapzapmon had been lying on the floor next to her. The last thing she could remember was them trying to travel to the digital world just to hang out. Then she was waking up in the middle of a weird house that was ready to give out at any moment. As she was shaking Zapzapmon awake she saw a letter next to him and read it as he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes. She frowned when she finished and handed the letter to Zap so he could read it while she went to check out their surroundings. She wasn’t sure if she actually believed what she just read and even if she did she didn’t want to accept it.

She headed for the exit and waited for Zap to catch up. When they both made it to the door and opened it wide they saw the world they were in and immediately came to the same conclusion. It definitely was not the digital world. There were rundown towns there but none this bad and ominous.

Silvia looked at her digivice, the weird little gadget that could somehow go back and forth between the real world and digital world. It was also supposed to be holding her other Digimon friends inside but when she looked it glitched out and would not let her summon them.

”I swear this thing never works when I want it to.” Silvia said staring at the digivice as if pure willpower would get it to work properly.

”Well you’re the electro-genius, you should just fix it.” Zapzapmon said, giving Silvia a toothy grin.

Silvia ignored him. They both knew that the digivice basically has a mind of its own and no matter what she tried she could never figure out how it really worked. Of course that was not the main issue here. The problem was they were both stuck in an unfamiliar world and the digivice was unable to send them home this time. Silvia sighed at the ridiculousness of the situation. She couldn’t help letting her mind wander back to the letter. Hopefully it wasn’t serious about the whole killing thing. She would like to avoid killing innocent people just to get home.

Zapzapmon slapped her on the back with his hand, snapping Silvia out of her thoughts. ”Come on,” he said smiling, ”The letter said there are others here right? Then let’s go find ‘em!” Of course, like always, Zapzapmon jetted off at a ridiculous speed towards one of the other houses before Silvia could stop him.

The ‘house’ he ran up to was just as rundown as all the other buildings but the door was intact. Unfortunately it didn’t stay that way very long before Zapzapmon ran up to it and forcefully kicked it down in one shot. Silvia cringed when she heard the loud crash from across the street and tried not to sigh again before running to catch up to Zapzapmon. Hopefully they hadn’t just given the wrong impression to the only potential allies they had in this place.


Spice and Wolf
Over 700
Team White

Holo woke up suddenly then shot up from the ground. ”Lawre-? Gah!” She quickly regretted trying to get up so suddenly as she slammed her head into something. She realized she was lying on the cold floor and had hit her head on an old table she was lying under. She slid her way forward and out from under the desk rubbing her forehead on the way. As she moved she started to gather in her surroundings. She glanced around slowly, both surprised yet suspicious of the area she was now in. She found a letter next to her hand which she promptly snatched up and read. Quickly scanning the page her mood went from a little shocked to very upset.

Holo flipped the letter over. It was blank. If this were a normal situation she may have been slightly annoyed by that but for now she needed to gather her thoughts. She calmed herself and took one more look around. She seemed to be in a very old room, the walls were starting to rot and the wallpaper was unrecognizable. Holo decided it was best to leave and look for this “team” and see if they knew anymore. It would be best to try and talk to others about this instead of driving herself crazy thinking about it herself.

Holo went to the entrance and slowly opened the door. She flinched in irritation at the loud squeaking sound it made. Holo swiftly popped her head out past the door and saw what the letter meant by dying world. The place definitely looked like it was on its last legs. She listened to her surroundings closely and couldn’t hear anyone at the moment. At that moment she decided to take a step out into the open. Even if someone attacked her she was confident she could take her wolf form and defend herself. Still though, she kept a tight grip on the pouch filled with wheat hanging around her neck. Losing that would make her completely defenseless as she slowly wandered down the cracked street.
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Postby guar » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:14 am

    Izabella & Sqweeks - Team Red - Tag; Silvia and Zapzapmon

      Run down places weren't foreign to the fourteen-year-old girl, she lived in places like that before, of course, alongside certain cybertronians such as Canopy and Sqweeks. Sqweeks! Her attention was snatched by the thought of her little damaged autobot. Where was he? Was he with her? Panic washed over her as her eyes roamed the home she found herself in, able to observe what it looked like as she searched for the robot. The wallpaper was peeling, revealing the wall beneath it, and in some places there was no ceiling, allowing natural light to pour in much like the windows did; the curtains were torn and badly ripped, so it was no surprise that they were not efficiently fulfilling their purpose.

      Floorboards creaked as Izabella placed her foot down on them, some of them were broken or just missing, so she made sure to avoid them so he wouldn't get herself hurt by tripping over them. She then heard some distressed beeping and noticed Sqweeks buried under some debris. "Sqweeks!" She exclaimed, darting over to the pile and the little stressed autobot, grabbing the planks of wood and bricks, pulling them from the mound that was holding Sqweeks hostage. Eventually she freed him, he responded with some beeping and rolling into her affectionately so she stroked his head lightly, chuckling softly, "Any idea where we are, buddy?" She inquired, allowing her eyes to travel across their surroundings once more, but then a loud crash startled the child, encouraging a small gasp to escape her, becoming suddenly alert, her head cocked to try and detect any more noises.

      Izabella placed a cautious hand on Sqweeks' head to calm the small robot, then she crouched down and ventured towards the source of the sound, clearing her throat and remaining hidden before she spoke up, "Who's there?! I'm...I'm armed!"
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Re: Game of Survival || Multifandom RP || Open

Postby axelandria » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:25 am

auzzie, zurah | 17 | female | asexual | black team ; longsword, dagger | observant, impulsive, independent | enhanced speed/agility
xxdark brown wavy sidecut, bright green eyes, black hoodie/skinny jeans, purple feline ears, dark blue choker, black combat boots - vld galra/human
tags:. open

    Azura felt the cold breeze blow against her exposed back, and groaned, curling into a fetal position. Last night she'd snuck into the Blade of Marmora's base and suited up, pretending to be one of them. She'd gone on a mission to some forest planet with barely any civilisation, and had ended up being left behind. The brunette had finally fallen asleep underneath a fallen tree, hoping she'd be able to find someone the next day. But that was now today. So Auzzie reluctantly peeled open her eyes, then jumped to her feet as she realised she didn't recognize her surroundings. She was instantly awake and alert, scanning the obviously run-down room for signs of life, but found none. She spotted a note on the nightstand beside the mouldy mattress she'd been laying on, and picked it up, reading it over quickly. "No. No no no no. No!" Auzzie screamed the last word. "This is not what I signed up for!" The thought made her calm down enough to laugh. Well, I didn't sign up for anything. I just kind of do things. She cursed loudly. It was then that Auzzie realised that she had no idea if anyone else was in this house.

bo, reese | 17 | male ftm | homosexual ; crush:. open | yellow team ; bow and arrows | awkward, kind, reliable | excellent hearing
xxalmond skin, dark brown hair, long brown ears, deer nose/antlers, brown eyes, navy teal button-up and beanie, blue jeans, hiking boots - vld deer race
tags:. open

    Borean rolled over in his bed, then immediately fell off onto the floor. He groaned and tangled with his blankets before getting to his feet and rubbing his eyes, attempting to wake himself up. It was then that he realised he didn't recognise this place. This wasn't his room, with pale green wallpaper and soft wooden furniture scattered about. This room was rundown, the once yellow, now grey wallpaper peeling, mould was obvious in the corners of the room, and the furniture was strewn about, some of it upside down. The bed he'd fallen out of had a few springs showing, and the blankets tangled on the floor had a layer of dust seemingly permanently stuck to it. Reese had a moment of pure panic before he spotted a white piece of paper and focused on it, doing the breathing exercises his mother had taught him. In two three four. Hold for seven seconds. Out two three four five. When he finally calmed down, the deer-like male picked up the paper he'd seen, and realised it was a letter. He read it slowly and thoroughly, then dropped it to the ground in shock. What? No. This can't be happening. Who would do such a thing?

jay | 15 | female | asexual homoromantic ; crush:. open | yellow team ; mason jars of water | introverted, shy, weak | ice formation from moisture
xxpale white skin, ice blue eyes, long navy blue hair, black long-sleeved shirt, light blue/white bandana around neck, grey mountain climbing boots - vld alien
tags:. Caitlyn?

    Jayla jerked awake and sat up quickly. She'd had a nightmare that she was alone in a pitch black cave. None of her adopted family were there, and no one replied when she called out. She'd suddenly fallen into a desert, and was surrounded by soldiers. She'd tried to form ice, but there was no moisture in the dry desert air. One of the soldiers had just grabbed her arm when she awoke, her back hot and sweaty. But it was just her recurring dream that happened every time she laid her head down on her pillow. The female lifted her shirt, confused as to why she was so warm. Normally when she woke up she was freezing cold. Then she realised this was not her room, although the colour scheme was the same. This room looked like the houses back on her old planet, right after it was destroyed. Jay spotted a letter on the nightstand beside her lumpy bed, and picked it up. She read the first three sentences before she dropped the page, her hands shaking. She forced herself to finish reading the letter, then jumped to her feet. She spotted a duffel bag by the side of her bed, and opened it up, finding glass jars filled with water. Perfect! Her eyes lit up. Now I won't have to worry about air moisture! She slung the bag over her shoulder and made her way to the front door of the rundown house. She flung it open and stepped out into the destroyed street.
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Re: Game of Survival || Multifandom RP || Open

Postby InfectedHau » Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:15 am

Rizzix||25||Female||Black Team||Tagged: Azura
    Rizzix woke to the sound of someone screaming. Not that the circumstance was unusual, she'd woken up to far worse than before. Probably just one of the cobble golems running amok. Someone would take care of it. Yawning, the mage sat up, stretching out and grunting in annoyance at the pain in her shoulder. Had she fallen asleep with her mana tank on again? Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Rizzix blearily looked around, at first confused, then annoyed.

    "Oh, bother."

    This wasn't her workshop. This was some ghetto somewhere. Had someone kidnapped her again? Or was this one of Razzak's silly teleportals? Either way, it would be a hike back. Standing up and stretching some more, Rizzix noticed two things. One, there was a note on the ground where she had been lying. Two, there was a woman in the room with her. "Hello!" the mage said brightly,
    waving a brass gauntlet at her companion. "Lovely day, isn't it? Say, you wouldn't happen to know where it is we are, would you?"
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