TheComfortCorner | V.8

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby leggieboo » Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:19 pm

Ahhh, fresh(ish) thread smell!

Moving on to the point.

I know I'm not making any sense, but I really needed to say this.

Ever since mid-2017, around when I had my first panic attack, everything's felt off, like I'm not in my body, or the universe is playing some strange, cruel joke on me. It's starting to feel more and more like I'm slipping into some dark world, intead of feeling like there's this cold, damp towel over everything like I've had before then.

I've wondered if my mom cares about me for the longest, feeling sadenned by knowing I'm definitely not the favorite, and I feel like it's justified too!

My lack of a social life probably isn't helping any if this, it could even be causing this, but I've never had the motivitan, social skills, or even just the self-worth to get one.

I've just had this weird feeling in my stomach, and in later 2017 I'd feel like in was dying or dreaming, sometimes I still feel like I'm just in a dream and will wake up at any moment.

Occasionally I get the feeling what I'm doing has happened before, and will end badly, I think it's anxiety despite not being formally diagnosed.

I feel like there's more to all of this, however.
But I finally got this off my chest, especially after rewriting this post!

Advice appreciated.

Note: I rewrote this for clarity, although I still feel like I'm being unclear.
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby zing » Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:14 pm

i need someone
to give me a frying pan
so i can throw it at
his head
xxxxxxxxlia - she/her
just ur average tired college student
!! be kind always. <3

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8 ♡

Postby fika. » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:54 pm

      ahhh, i hope today is an 'ok' day for you!! or even better than ok!! i suffer a lot from nausea so what helps me is having gingerbread biscuits at hand at all times. even if you don't like the taste of ginger i deffo recommend them because it helps the nausea so much !! also just keeping yourself hydrated with small sips of water and lying on your back. if it's subtle and you don't feel sick sick, i read lying on your left side and rubbing your stomach in circular clockwise motions helps. it helps me sometimes, but not all the time.

      ooh turtles! maybe if you ask your parents and cooperate by doing chores around the house or keeping your grades high ?? parents like bribes, i've learnt that. as for your work, set a little schedule of deadlines and work on the ones due nearest to the time; it'll not only help you feel more organised but hopefully less stressed (unless it's a reallllyyyyy long list of course, long meaning 50 pages c;). good luck! ♡

Halographic wrote:I jus want everything to be okay
I want my friends to be happy
I’m trying
But they’re getting worse
I’m getting worse

What’s the point

      the point is for your friends and for yourself. there is so much worth living for and being grateful for, so don't give up yet! your friends need you and you need your friends. don't try and 'force' happiness upon others because forcing it seems fake,
      even if it's not. my best advise is to just let them know you are there for them. you can't pressure anything out of them, similar to how they can't pressure anything out of you. you just need to be there for them and support them. but don't put all their weight on your shoulders because your own mental health matters too. focus on yourself; maybe you should all go to therapy? it might help,
      or at least a school councillor. good luck! ♡

Spearow wrote:
      Really frustrated. I had plans with my friend at 3pm. Didn’t hear from him at all until two hours later. All he says is I overslept. And he goes back to ignoring me. Wth? I love how everyone I care about treats me like trash. If you don’t want to talk that’s fine, but don’t sit there and listen to music and not say anything when I talk to you. I say your name over and over and you pretend you can’t hear me. That’s cool. Grow up. He asked me to find something out for him and I can’t even tell him because he’s being a jerk.

      ugh, i hate unreliable friends like that?? some of us are brought up to be prompt and respect decisions, whereas others are really laid back about it. start telling them a time, say you want to meet up at 5, tell them meet up at 4 so they'll arrive at 5. handy trick ;> but honestly, it's hard but just bite your tongue because if he's a good friend it's not worth the falling out. good luck ♡

diet cola wrote:
haha i am so lonely and have no friends so i joined this site but it seems
not a lot of ppl share my interests and im really feeling worthless rn
whats a gUy To dO

      you ain't worthless boo don't sweat it ♡♡ ugh tbh it takes ages to find friends unless you have like the guts to message people or you just randomly gift them and then they pm you about it (rare but happens). ahhhh please don't leave tho !!
      ur name is the bomb dot com. eh, the thing is you can't force a friendship and no one wants a forced one anyone bc it ends up being so fake but what can you do. just let one naturally come to you. good luck ♡

shiga wrote:
    ughhh i was bordering an anxiety attack again
    i get really antsy when i sit for too long hh

      eghhh are you able to like, stand up and walk about? even for a minute?? if you are ever able to have access on your phone when you feel antsy i have links at the bottom of my post to help!! good luck ♡

Harlow. wrote:I'm tired of being screamed at all the time, You use me being older meaning i have higher expectations as an excuse but my sister is only a few months younger and you are treating her like royalty. I don't understand how my sister can sit here and laugh at me for being upset over "a stupid rat" but when i tell her to shut up i'm the one who gets yelled at.

edit~ I've lost another rat. I don't know why they are all dying..

      wait i'm confused how can your sister be a few months younger?? unless you're adopted or she is or whatever or step parents but hhh i'm confused. anyways, i'm so sorry to hear about your rats. it may just be their way of coping losing a loved one too? as for your sister, don't mind her. she's just being immature; if something was special to you, keep it that way. you don't need other peoples opinions getting in the way of what you like and care about. good luck ♡

leggieboo wrote:Ahhh, fresh(ish) thread smell!

Moving on to the point.

I know I'm not making any sense, but I really needed to say this.

Ever since mid-2017, around when I had my first panic attack, everything's felt off, like I'm not in my body, or the universe is playing some strange, cruel joke on me. It's starting to feel more and more like I'm slipping into some dark world, intead of feeling like there's this cold, damp towel over everything like I've had before then.

I've wondered if my mom cares about me for the longest, feeling sadenned by knowing I'm definitely not the favorite, and I feel like it's justified too!

My lack of a social life probably isn't helping any if this, it could even be causing this, but I've never had the motivitan, social skills, or even just the self-worth to get one.

I've just had this weird feeling in my stomach, and in later 2017 I'd feel like in was dying or dreaming, sometimes I still feel like I'm just in a dream and will wake up at any moment.

Occasionally I get the feeling what I'm doing has happened before, and will end badly, I think it's anxiety despite not being formally diagnosed.

I feel like there's more to all of this, however.
But I finally got this off my chest, especially after rewriting this post!

Advice appreciated.

Note: I rewrote this for clarity, although I still feel like I'm being unclear.

      i would go and properly get diagnosed because that way the doctors can help you and advise you better than anyone on this thread. i can't really say or advise much because i am a bit confused ? but if you ever need to pm me, you can! good luck ♡

vist wrote:
      god , i hate myself so very much

      nnooooo vist :< why?? if you need to vent hmu! ♡

okeke wrote:
i need someone
to give me a frying pan
so i can throw it at
his head


      i do it for you.
      hope you feel better soon! ♡


      if you ever feel down or need a shoulder to cry on, my inbox is open. i have gathered links to help everyone when they need a distraction or are feeling low:

      to help you smile:
      list of little things - list of little things to help make you smile and be happy
      cutest - cutest tumblr to help with your self esteem
      smile things - cute colours and tumblr page to help you out
      adorable - basically another tumblr that does the same as the ones above

      to help you with anything else / distractions:
      emergency compliments - if you ever feel poo, and nothing seems to cheer you up, this site is full of 'emergency compliments' which can make you laugh at how ridiculously brilliant they are.
      automatic flatterer - you know what's cute about this? you put in your name, nickname, whatever (it doesn't save it) and it pays you compliment after compliment after compliment. it's the cutest idea ever.
      the dawn room - do what it says. after doing that, loads of encouraging messages will come your way!
      hugs - hugs is all i have to say.
      thunderstorms - control them!<3
      beautiful places - if you're looking for a sign, this is it. set a goal to visit one of these places. don't change that goal. you won't regret it.
      how to change your life - just read it. it's amazing. too good.
      player two - if you're feeling hurt or upset, visit here. it's a game. it's good.
      koalas - if you're in need of a distraction that lasts a good five minutes, play this. it's fun, and if you love koalas it's even better!
      stick man game - good distraction with a hopefuly message i made at the end!
      just say yes - this blog was made by zoella and good for anyone who suffer with anxiety disorder, have panic attacks, depression, have social anxiety or are just a very negative or shy person this may be good for you!
      random acts of kindness (video) - may make you feel all warm and gooey at how kind people are
      list of things for those having a bad day!
      more bad day remedies - is similar to the one above
      how to love yourself - if you struggle with self esteem, pleasep lease read <3
      quiet room - one of my favourite places <3
      comfort box - i highly recommend looking at this because it's the most amazing idea i've ever seen
      ground box - similar to the one above

      to help you with panic attacks:
      i have loads of things that can help with your anxiety and panic attacks.

      facts !!!!:
      what not to say !!! - to someone who is having a panic attack, do not say these things
      facts- if you're confused about a few things

      i've also made a tumblr! you can message me anonomysouly on there for advice if you don't want to post here. i also will start reblogging things (nothing triggering or sad !) so if you ever need someone, you can go to me on there!
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby neferp1tou » Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:26 pm

ahh, nice new thread smell.
if anyone wants to talk, my discord user and number is
feel free to pm me as well!
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby survira » Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:33 am

    i love it when u have a crush on ur friend n u dont know if the feelings mutual so u overthink everything they say and do n feel like a freak bc u like them so much n they might not even know and u worry ur making it way too obvious
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby gophic » Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:17 am

    my depression is getting so bad and no one is noticing. everyone keeps telling me it will get better, but i can't remember the last time i was happy. i'm also terrified of the future. i can't be independent or even call someone on the phone without having a huge anxiety attack. i have my dream college picked out, and it's a great school for psychology, and psychology is something i'm really interested in, but my mom literally told me there's no way i'm going to become a psychologist, and my dad thinks psychology is dumb. there's just no hope for me at this point, and i've just accepted it. i can't even get my own problems sorted out, let alone others. sigh.


★ ★ ★
hey chumps i'm
ally your depressed kpop
loser! dm me if u ever
wanna scream to me!!


love yourself!!! <333



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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby illusion. » Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:40 am

It doesn't matter
Last edited by illusion. on Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
To all of my friends on chicken smoothie,new and old ,I am sending this message with deep regret.i will be leaving the forum as I no longer feel is hard for me to admit to ,but know that I can do so as you are all all an amazing ,understanding group of people,I am being I have admitted to you ,I feel more able to farewell and thanks again.
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Postby 0000007 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:02 am

    how do 8 mess evehrhthing up so bad is doesnt matter how hard i try becuase km never eniugh and its so stupid but one things after another all i can doo is cry but that diesnt chanfe an6thing and me tryign to change things doesnt change anything either
    judt leave me alone it doesnt mater anways
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby serik » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:17 am

I just want a hug,, I found out my aunty has cancer today and I’m worried because they don’t know how bad it is,,, I just want her to be okay
think about what’s
fun, not what’s easy
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.8

Postby gophic » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:41 am

    serik wrote:I just want a hug,, I found out my aunty has cancer today and I’m worried because they don’t know how bad it is,,, I just want her to be okay

    i'm virtually hugging you right now. <3 i'm so so so sorry, i know from personal experience that's some of the worst news you can receive. i will keep your aunt in my thoughts. she's going to be okay. just try and think positive, and not think about it too much. you can get through this, and so can your aunty. it will be okay. <333


★ ★ ★
hey chumps i'm
ally your depressed kpop
loser! dm me if u ever
wanna scream to me!!


love yourself!!! <333



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