TheComfortCorner | V.7

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby deoxyribonucleic » Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:38 pm

    guess ive already given up so i might as well go ahead and post this

    i dont even know her
    she could be dead
    no one knows what happened to her
    why did she do this she was so loved
    i'm terrified

    not to mention everything else im dealing with
    im not just worried sick im crying over dysphoria
    i dont want to shower i dont want to change clothes
    i dont want to look at myself

    i dont want to exist
    i shouldnt exist
    why do i exist

    probably will disappear sometime soon and if i do it's for the better

    i dont know why i keep going
    maybe its because of him? i love daniel.
    he doesnt love me though

    im nobody
    im nothing
    im pointless

    i need a hug right now and i need to feel like im worth it

    im just some spoiled whiny white boy brat
    no wonder i cant get along with anyone
    i just wish i fit in somewhere

    all people do is yell
    yelling all the time
    im so sick of yelling.
    looking at you mom
    red light means red light
    red light means 5 minutes
    give me my 5 minutes when i request it
    we're just going to fight if you dont

    and my dad
    hes getting worse
    his hair is balding, greying
    just yesterday he was driving in two lanes and we had to call him to tell him to move over
    i dont want to lose him
    hes getting old though
    but he has to be okay for me to be okay
    my dad is my biggest inspiration and he used to be,,, so cool. still is.
    he's the coolest dad, i don't know what i'm going to do when i lose him.
    i'm sorry for being a disappointment. a failure to everyone.

    i threw up a bunch today and i can barely walk without getting dizzy
    i wonder if i should be concerned but at the same time my edgy mind says "who cares if u live or die"
    and its true

    theyre the only one i feel like i have looking out for me
    and i love them
    i am just their depressed best friend and they dont deserve me
    im so,, weak. i cant get through the day without needing a shoulder to cry on
    i just want some support but im so worthless it doesnt even matter
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby drift. » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:34 pm

so. stressed.
I need my service dog yahtzee back so bad. He passed a little under a month ago and it's been a struggle.
Believe me, we're trying to find another one. But he was more than a service dog, he was my friend and family,
and im pretty sure im still grieving..

and my dad's trying to get a hold of me... after so long, just now he's deciding he wants to talk??
I've told him to stay away if he's not willing to get help, i tried so hard for so many years to be his support
I was there through every slammed door and bruised limb.
He finally made me snap and I left, I'm living with my mom full time. I've been diagnosed with anxiety and ptsd, all caused by what he's done to me. I'm through with being his punching bag. It's been almost a month.
I know I should probably be more understanding, but when I did actually reach out to him a few weeks ago and admit that I was Bisexual he practically disowned me. I say thats fair game for me not having to see him if I dont want to.
I dont know.... I just.. feel cornered.. I don't want to burden anyone with my thoughts and doubts on this topic, but i really really wish that at least one of my friends could be the one to understand and just really listen without trying to butt in and say something that might actually make it worse.
It's bad enough I live in constant fear... I dont want to keep all of my worries pinned up in my head, it only makes things worse..
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby brokenwisdom » Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:31 pm

My dad doesn't give an absolute boop about my mental health. I have OCD (yes actually, no i'm not just a neat freak), anxiety, stress, depression (it runs in my family), panic attacks, a possible thyroid problem, and I might have Parkinson's late in life because of my family history. Yep. The whole shabang. My dad couldn't give a darn if I was having a panic attack right in front of him, and my OCD is just 'magical thinking'.

Wow, thanks, dad.
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby gravy » Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:33 pm

I found out my Ex boyfriend only dated me because he felt bad for me, I am broke up with him.

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby bug;‌‌‌‏‏‏‏‏ » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:57 pm

id been getting up the confidence to ask for a therapist for a whole year or more, like, to yknow, try to help me
and thats difficult to do yknow, with major trust issues with not just my girlfriend, not just my dad, nonono, EVERYONE. that was really difficult. i was really scared at first, i still was, but i was hoping for at least the little bit of help with my problems. oh, and you may be thinking "what do you mean you had/were?" ohhoho, well, i got a therapist about 4 months ago, finally, after going to the hospital for whatever, and OHOHOHO-
long story short, i told them about something i cant even bear to tell my family, and she just WALTZES IN AND TELLS HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF AN APPOINTMENT WITH HER. like, lady, youre lucky i trusted you in the first place, and the only reason i didnt want to even have you is because i knew youd do something like this, and i finally got the guts to say it, and she just blurts it out, AND THEN ACTS LIKE SHE DIDNT. SHE COULD EVEN GET THE GUTS TO TELL ME??
like, oh my gosh, i havent felt this angry in a long time, its so hard to stomache
and better yet, the appointment didnt even teach me anything or help me at all. i just have to go to a new thing every monday which probably will not work and jUST UGH
im STILL dealing with all the same problems 4 months later and its so frustrating and confusing and sad,, ugh

ill shut up
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7 ♡

Postby fika. » Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:25 am

Harlow. wrote:I miss My little baby so much, He's just a tiny rat but he brought so much joy. I don't know how long he was suffering I found him to late. I feel so guilty for not being able to help him..

Harlow. wrote:I probably sound full of lies but I'm so scared and so sad. I think I'm loosing another rat he's struggling to walk and it hurts so bad to see. I can't do anything until tomorrow because it's too late for the vets.

      unfortunately such is mother nature. do not feel like it is your fault; people and pets come and go and it's so horrible. take as long as you need to mourn, a pet is a family member. as for your other rat, i hope he is okay. it is most likely his way of mourning for the friend he just lost. it is normal. if you ever need a friend or emotional support, you can pm me. good luck ♡

shidoni. wrote:aish. i have no self esteem left. none at all. do subliminals work?
ive been trying and using some :) i want to lose weight and become
pretty (aish, i know). people always say looks dont matter, but in
reality they do. you always judge people by looks, wether you say
you do or not, at some point you always do.

      unfortunately, we do live in a world where looks matter. which is rubbish! the only time it wasn't like that was when the cavemen were around. oh, if only we could go back to those times. and it's also true people do just by looks. but you just need to be happy with yourself. no one is perfect; there will ALWAYS be someone that finds you ugly or attractive, always.
      it is all down to personal preference of people. you work on your body for you, not for anyone else. you work on your body until you feel happy with it. don't do it for that crush, and don't do it for your parents. do it for you and your own health. there are so many stories where people wanted to be skinny, but still felt unhappy skinny so they exercised. they gained muscle and fat.
      fat isn't bad, it really isn't. in fact, our body needs fat to work. i love this tedtalk (':

      if you want to be healthy; exercise and diet properly. but if you are a teenager or of a younger age, be careful. bodies are still growing; and you need the right nutrients and protein and fibre for your body to function. if you feel truly unhappy with yourself,
      i would start with the exercise i tell a lot of people: look in the mirror, and pretend your body is your friends. you wouldn't say anything negative to your friend, would you? your body IS your friend, it is with you all your life. don't treat it harshly :< it's trying to make you happy!! good luck! ♡

aloe~ wrote:
wasnt too bad of a day. I feel really bad though, because a friend of mine quite possibly my gigantic crush had to leave school early because he was feeling bad. This is the second time in two weeks that he has left because of pain. So yeah I’ll probably text him later, make sure he’s ok. I was a lil’ lonely in my classes today without him.

      that would be a GREAT way to start a conversation !! you got him boo!! good luck with him, and i hope something comes out of it for you! (i also hope he and you are feeling better :>). good luck ♡

sweetarts. wrote:
    my depression is getting so bad, and it's so hard for me to do anything anymore. my parents are trying to move and i really want to help, but i feel constantly drained, so i end up sleeping a lot. it takes me around 6 hours to do homework and studying, because i have a learning disorder, and my parents don't understand i don't have the time or energy to do stuff around the house.
    i really need therapy, but they don't even know about my depression, nor would they care. i feel so empty and helpless and just dumb, my grades are falling and i just feel like i'm on the outside of everything :c

      you are a person. you are valid and worth everything; you are no where near dumb or helpless. to be honest,
      whenever my family have moved us about i was more helpful staying away than getting in the way hehe. you're very brave for coming on to this thread to talk about it! who do you trust more out of the two?? maybe talk to the parent you are closer to and say "listen, it is nothing to truly worry about, but i think i need therapy". or, if you don't feel comfortable, can you go to a school counsellor or a trusted teacher? it is confidential unless you are in true danger and it is a lot better as your parents don't have to know and no one else does!

      it's okay to feel constantly drained; you need to feel love and feel like you mean something, which you do. you mean so much to us,
      the community. you do a lot and impact so many peoples lives, which you may not even realise! if you ever need to talk to vent or rant or even have a friend, my inbox is open. i have suffered from depression since around 2013 and got diagnosed in 2016. it's hard but it's okay. good luck ♡

Sapphire_Amulet wrote:Just feeling a little down, and I have a ton of school work to do and I just feel stressed

      that's okay! we all have our off days, right?? :> my best advise for when your stressed is organise yourself; if your room is a mess, clean it first. clean room = clean mind. make a list of what you need to do. beside each thing, write the deadline.
      then rewrite that list, things due soon first, things due last being last. slowly tick each thing off the list. go to revision classes and in your breaks do work, if you're like me at college and have 2 hour breaks, use that time to work. it's surprising how much you can catch up! good luck, you can do it! ♡

sixx. wrote:
    i'm tired. i've been so tired for the past 2 days, i can't stay awake anymore.
    i got woke up to order food and then yelled at for asking a question.
    all i want is to go to sleep.
    why is that too much to ask?

    i ordered food 2 hours ago and it still isn't here. i haven't eaten in hours.
    why the hell does everyone have to be so damn incompetent
    i'm frustrated
    i rebroke my knuckles
    like honestly

      ohh, i hope your knuckles heal soon!! and i hope you have finally eaten. is there no food around the place you are staying?? you can snack on stuff like a cracker with some jam or a slice of toast. it doesn't fill you up, but keeps you going!
      have a days break and rest and sleep, you deserve it. if you're not able to stay awake then sleep. it'll do you so much good and you'll feel better and refreshed. if you have to stay awake, have yourself a cold shower to wake you up. good luck ♡

edgy cat of DOOM wrote:don't you just love when you put 3+ hours of work into writing and drawing and editing gifs and coding, just for firefox to close without warning, deleting everything you've just worked your freaking butt off for?

yeah, me neither.

excuse me while I go bawl my eyes out over all that freaking lost time

      this happens to me all the time !! my best advise is (i have to do this when i'm replying on TheCC because my google always shuts off) when you are writing, either do it in a word document or have the word document open and copy your text and paste it in that every ten minutes. and have your work continuously saved. it's a pain but in the long term worth it. good luck ♡

longview wrote:
    guess ive already given up so i might as well go ahead and post this

    i dont even know her
    she could be dead
    no one knows what happened to her
    why did she do this she was so loved
    i'm terrified

    not to mention everything else im dealing with
    im not just worried sick im crying over dysphoria
    i dont want to shower i dont want to change clothes
    i dont want to look at myself

    i dont want to exist
    i shouldnt exist
    why do i exist

    probably will disappear sometime soon and if i do it's for the better

    i dont know why i keep going
    maybe its because of him? i love daniel.
    he doesnt love me though

    im nobody
    im nothing
    im pointless

    i need a hug right now and i need to feel like im worth it

    im just some spoiled whiny white boy brat
    no wonder i cant get along with anyone
    i just wish i fit in somewhere

    all people do is yell
    yelling all the time
    im so sick of yelling.
    looking at you mom
    red light means red light
    red light means 5 minutes
    give me my 5 minutes when i request it
    we're just going to fight if you dont

    and my dad
    hes getting worse
    his hair is balding, greying
    just yesterday he was driving in two lanes and we had to call him to tell him to move over
    i dont want to lose him
    hes getting old though
    but he has to be okay for me to be okay
    my dad is my biggest inspiration and he used to be,,, so cool. still is.
    he's the coolest dad, i don't know what i'm going to do when i lose him.
    i'm sorry for being a disappointment. a failure to everyone.

    i threw up a bunch today and i can barely walk without getting dizzy
    i wonder if i should be concerned but at the same time my edgy mind says "who cares if u live or die"
    and its true

    theyre the only one i feel like i have looking out for me
    and i love them
    i am just their depressed best friend and they dont deserve me
    im so,, weak. i cant get through the day without needing a shoulder to cry on
    i just want some support but im so worthless it doesnt even matter

      okay, listen. you are not worthless. i know you feel like it, and when you look in the mirror you despise yourself,
      and with everything going on you feel it, but you aren't worthless. i promise you. i'm sorry about that person you are first on about,
      but take as long as you need to heal. it's hard, but please try shower. mentally you may feel a bit more refreshed. if you don't want to look at yourself in the mirror; cover your eyes. blindfold yourself but be careful ! it sucks you might hate yourself that much but you still need to look after yourself; you are worth living and worth everything. i know it's just some text on a screen but coming from a real living person, you are worth it. i'm sorry your mum doesn't see it, but as for your dad, i'm sorry. spend as much time with him as you can and don't forget all the memories; remind him of all the memories. i hope everything is okay. if you ever need to talk and cry or distract and rant my inbox is ALWAYS open. you are not alone in this fight and you truly deserve everything, okay??
      good luck ♡

Perfect Drift wrote:so. stressed.
I need my service dog yahtzee back so bad. He passed a little under a month ago and it's been a struggle.
Believe me, we're trying to find another one. But he was more than a service dog, he was my friend and family,
and im pretty sure im still grieving..

and my dad's trying to get a hold of me... after so long, just now he's deciding he wants to talk??
I've told him to stay away if he's not willing to get help, i tried so hard for so many years to be his support
I was there through every slammed door and bruised limb.
He finally made me snap and I left, I'm living with my mom full time. I've been diagnosed with anxiety and ptsd, all caused by what he's done to me. I'm through with being his punching bag. It's been almost a month.
I know I should probably be more understanding, but when I did actually reach out to him a few weeks ago and admit that I was Bisexual he practically disowned me. I say thats fair game for me not having to see him if I dont want to.
I dont know.... I just.. feel cornered.. I don't want to burden anyone with my thoughts and doubts on this topic, but i really really wish that at least one of my friends could be the one to understand and just really listen without trying to butt in and say something that might actually make it worse.
It's bad enough I live in constant fear... I dont want to keep all of my worries pinned up in my head, it only makes things worse..

      a pet is family; it is okay to still be grieving. mourning and grief takes time and sometimes people never get over it but it will feel okay some day. your doggo loves you and he is in a better place i'm sure and just take as long as you need to heal.
      healing does not happen over night as you know :>

      as for your dad, he doesn't deserve you. he is toxic and not good for your mental health. you stay strong, let him talk if he has to but for both you and your mum; you both deserve better. i am proud of you for coming out as bisexual though, it is a hard thing to do and it sucks he disowned you but he's not worth it ?? you aren't a burden to anyone; this thread is here for a reason and it's here for everyone to talk about their feelings. it's a good place to vent. as for your friends, just explain to them you don't want them to interrupt. just say you need to vent. you don't need an actual response, just a shoulder to cry on. if you need a friend like that,
      i know i'm only on screen but you can pm me. i'll be careful around my words and i'll be sure not to trigger anything. don't keep things locked up, vent. whether it's in a diary or on here or into your pillow. it's okay, and you'll be okay. good luck ♡

vist wrote:
      when saying " i have no friends " isn't even a joke anymore

      i know i'm online but i'll be your friend !! it's better than nothing, right?? if no one can see your worth, then they're not worth it. you deserve a friend that truly cares about you, not any fake friends. i learnt that the hard way. it's best to have one or two close friends than 50 fake ones. my mum is my best friend and i'm not even ashamed to admit that; she is one of three of my friends (': good luck ♡

spockpaperscissors wrote:My dad doesn't give an absolute boop about my mental health. I have OCD (yes actually, no i'm not just a neat freak), anxiety, stress, depression (it runs in my family), panic attacks, a possible thyroid problem, and I might have Parkinson's late in life because of my family history. Yep. The whole shabang. My dad couldn't give a darn if I was having a panic attack right in front of him, and my OCD is just 'magical thinking'.

Wow, thanks, dad.

      does it run in your mums side or your dads?? unfortunately, some people are like that. it sucks it runs in your family though, are you able to talk to someone? therapist? if you're in education, school counselling? i am so sorry your dad doesn't support you though. hopefully one day he sees. good luck! ♡

Aubrey06 wrote:I found out my Ex boyfriend only dated me because he felt bad for me, I am broke up with him.

      oh he's an ex and totally not worth it. be proud you're not with a scum like him anymore. but, unfortunately,
      some boys (not all!) lie to their friends and say they dated because they felt bad. it may not be true !! but he's cruel if it wasn't the truth, either way he's vile. you deserve so much better! one day, someone will see your worth. good luck ♡

flower boy wrote:id been getting up the confidence to ask for a therapist for a whole year or more, like, to yknow, try to help me
and thats difficult to do yknow, with major trust issues with not just my girlfriend, not just my dad, nonono, EVERYONE. that was really difficult. i was really scared at first, i still was, but i was hoping for at least the little bit of help with my problems. oh, and you may be thinking "what do you mean you had/were?" ohhoho, well, i got a therapist about 4 months ago, finally, after going to the hospital for whatever, and OHOHOHO-
long story short, i told them about something i cant even bear to tell my family, and she just WALTZES IN AND TELLS HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF AN APPOINTMENT WITH HER. like, lady, youre lucky i trusted you in the first place, and the only reason i didnt want to even have you is because i knew youd do something like this, and i finally got the guts to say it, and she just blurts it out, AND THEN ACTS LIKE SHE DIDNT. SHE COULD EVEN GET THE GUTS TO TELL ME??
like, oh my gosh, i havent felt this angry in a long time, its so hard to stomache
and better yet, the appointment didnt even teach me anything or help me at all. i just have to go to a new thing every monday which probably will not work and jUST UGH
im STILL dealing with all the same problems 4 months later and its so frustrating and confusing and sad,, ugh

ill shut up

      can you request another therapist?? a therapists job is to keep it confidential and what she did was illegal, surely you could report it. that is so cruel. i'm glad you found the guts to trust her though! not all of us are bad (': if it's not doing the job,
      switch therapists. some just don't have the ability to work with other peoples situations and some do. maybe she doesn't have the ability to work with you?? nothing to literally do with you of course, but i don't know how to explain it. if you ever need to anonymously rant, my tumblr is linked at the bottom!! good luck ♡


      to help you smile:
      list of little things - list of little things to help make you smile and be happy
      cutest - cutest tumblr to help with your self esteem
      smile things - cute colours and tumblr page to help you out
      adorable - basically another tumblr that does the same as the ones above

      to help you with anything else / distractions:
      emergency compliments - if you ever feel poo, and nothing seems to cheer you up, this site is full of 'emergency compliments' which can make you laugh at how ridiculously brilliant they are.
      automatic flatterer - you know what's cute about this? you put in your name, nickname, whatever (it doesn't save it) and it pays you compliment after compliment after compliment. it's the cutest idea ever.
      the dawn room - do what it says. after doing that, loads of encouraging messages will come your way!
      hugs - hugs is all i have to say.
      thunderstorms - control them!<3
      beautiful places - if you're looking for a sign, this is it. set a goal to visit one of these places. don't change that goal. you won't regret it.
      how to change your life - just read it. it's amazing. too good.
      player two - if you're feeling hurt or upset, visit here. it's a game. it's good.
      koalas - if you're in need of a distraction that lasts a good five minutes, play this. it's fun, and if you love koalas it's even better!
      stick man game - good distraction with a hopefuly message i made at the end!
      just say yes - this blog was made by zoella and good for anyone who suffer with anxiety disorder, have panic attacks, depression, have social anxiety or are just a very negative or shy person this may be good for you!
      random acts of kindness (video) - may make you feel all warm and gooey at how kind people are
      list of things for those having a bad day!
      more bad day remedies - is similar to the one above
      how to love yourself - if you struggle with self esteem, pleasep lease read <3
      quiet room - one of my favourite places <3
      comfort box - i highly recommend looking at this because it's the most amazing idea i've ever seen
      ground box - similar to the one above

      to help you with panic attacks:
      i have loads of things that can help with your anxiety and panic attacks.

      facts !!!!:
      what not to say !!! - to someone who is having a panic attack, do not say these things
      facts- if you're confused about a few things

      i've also made a tumblr! you can message me anonomysouly on there for advice if you don't want to post here. i also will start reblogging things (nothing triggering or sad !) so if you ever need someone, you can go to me on there!
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby sun » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:24 am

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