[♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Sun Feb 18, 2018 10:40 am

      don't worry about it artic,
      and i should be able to get a post up in the next day or so and i'll get aspen finished up to give pandora someone to interact with!
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby autumn, » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:23 pm

    finally got a post up. it's quite small and i apologize for that,
    i'm really busy, but i wanted to have something up.
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby ⠀vega » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:51 am

    No worries arctic, I read it and it's amazing. I will ha
    ve my post up soon once I have done one for 'Valeo'.
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[♛ \\ goliath]

Postby razzberry » Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:06 am

XXXi. goliath ii. lia, athy iii. female
XXXiv. four years v. hunter
XXXvi. heterosexual



as a young pup, goliath was raised by her mother and father alongside her three
siblings; barret, keno, and avalon. there had never been a tighter knit group of
siblings than those four. more than often their parents had to keep a close eye
on the four of them to ensure that their mischievous and adventurous antics di
dn't land them in trouble that they weren't prepared to face just yet. her mother
was with them for the majority of the time but their father was not the type to
neglect his family over his duties. whenever he could he made it his sole duty to
spend time with his pups, playing with them, teaching them things that came al
ong with the fighter title. goliath couldn't have asked for a better family.

all too suddenly, the humans that lived in a small village a couple miles away had
grown tired of fearing that the wolves who had been spotted skirting the outskirt
s their village and decided to take matters into their own hands. with a gas desig
ned to drive out even the mightiest of predators, the humans drove the wolves o
ut of their home. the pack scrambled to outrun the gas, to get out of the camp t
hey had called home, and those who were strong enough held back to help the we
aker members of the pack. for goliath and her siblings, they ran as fast as their li
ttle legs could carry them with their mother close behind. from here the wolves t
hought all they would have to do was continue to outrun the gas and eventually th
ey would be safe but they had no idea of what loomed ahead of them. in the dista
nce up ahead, goliath could almost count the bodies of her pack mates that were
taken down by the large bear traps that littered the ground. she didn't have time
to yelp a warning to her siblings before the traps that hid under the fallen leaves
snapped their metal jaws around the pup's fragile bodies. her world had stopped r
ight there, the sorrowful howl that left her mother's parted jaws barely reached t
he young pup. her mother scooped her up by her scruff, nimbly dodging through
the minefield of traps until they reached safety.

goliath is a wanderer. even when she was in a pack she soug
ht out time for herself, time spent wandering the land her pa
ck owned. she's an independent wolf at heart but isn't afraid
to open up and lets other's in, it is simply a tedious process f
or those who wish to deepen their bond with her. goliath is a
very sensual wolf, very in tune with her emotions and desires.
when she loves, she loves deeply, when she is sad, it's intens
e and sorrowful, all the emotions she experiences, she experi
ences in their strongest degree. kind-hearted and proud, athy
is a formidable partner who will be your strongest protector a
nd biggest supporter. spontaneous is a word that many would
not think to pin to goliath, given her reliable and composed n
ature that is, but most are surprised to discover that it is inde
ed a large part of her personality. she tends to go with the flo
w, make decisions as they are presented to her rather then pla
n ahead. living in the moment, and cherishing those she has e
ach and every day is something that goliath truly values, beca
use she is all too aware of how quickly someone can be taken
from you.

this fae has a soft confidence about her that, as bold and co
mposed as it is, is the type of confidence that will reach out
to those around her, prompting their confidence to show. go
liath isn't typically a sullen wolf but certain topics such as he
r past are sure to put this normally exuberant fae into a sull
en mood. the places that athy truly feels at peace are alway
s within the forest. she has always had a strong affinity for t
he beauty of the nature around her and is thankful the moon
goddess blessed their earth with such natural beauty. in conv
ersation, goliath is a talented listener, giving them her undiv
ided attention and genuinely appealing to their interest. she
will chime in with stories of her own to help move the conve
rsation along smoothly,giving advice if it is asked for and her
opinion if it is what they seek. goliath has never been someo
ne to deny another of what they desire. if she could possibly
give it to them then she would.
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:26 pm

      you're accepted razzberry!

      also now taking artic,'s suggestion and working on an ad for the roleplay
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby autumn, » Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:59 pm

    yay! I snooped and saw the ad! It looks good!
    however, I didn't find a link to the do. maybe
    that could be something to add?
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:07 pm

      ah.. the one thing i managed to forget
      thanks artic, and it has now been added

      edit; i posted for dahlia and aspen (who is now a male to even up genders)
      once Herbal posts i'll make a post for hermes
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby razzberry » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:41 pm

    working on goliath's starter
    she's open for relationships and tags right now c:
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby ⠀vega » Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:25 am

    Heyooo !! Sorry for my lack of activity on this thread, I have been pulling my hair out recent
    ly with the amount of stress in school and out. But I am back and I should be replying shortly.
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:54 am

You’re  mine.  Mine,  as  I’m  yours.  And  if  we  die,  we  die. 
All  men  must  die,  Jon  Snow.  But  first  we’ll  live.


she was born of fire, the flames ever present in her entrancing blue eyes. she had come into the world in the colds
of winter, an odd time for a wolf pup. she was the runt, the weakest many said, unfit to live in the harshness of th
e lands. she would die, it was known. the mother expected it every morning when she arose yet still, there she lay
against her mothers teats. her voice grew louder with each passing day until she could howl at the cave walls. as s
he grew she became reckless and wild, almost uncontrollable just like the rogue that sired her many snickered be
hind her back. her mother had never named the father, had never so much as talked of the brute that brought her
pups to the world, but
ygritte... ygritte was a reminder of their father every day. she was the only red pup, the ot
hers were tans and whites, grays like her own pack. aside from her fiery personality it made the rumors almost ind
isputable. she listened little to what others had to say, simply to infatuated with the world outside of the pack she
called family. they are no family. this was a constant thought that played through her mind for her packmates care
d little for her and that was the truth of it. when they were snickering behind her back they were laughing at her f
ace. she hated each wolf to the core, minus her mother and her siblings who thought her brave and strong. she did
not belong in the pack of that much she was certain. by the time she reached one, she had had more than enough.
the shadows had become her friends and with them she slid from the camp into the lonely wilderness of the forest.
it was a different world out there, any wolf would say the same, when you don't have a packmate to curl into at ni
ght. the forests are full of the sounds of crickets and owl songs at night and alive with the sound of deer and elk in
the daylight hours. in winters the snow was cruel to the wolves who slept alone yet
ygritte found solace in the chill
of winter, afterall, it was in winter that she was brought to the world. the cold became a friend, snow kept the pre
dators slow and the prey slower. she only need hunt for herself which meant a rabbit could suffice for a day or two
and when she stumbled upon the remains of elk or deer she could last a week before she need hunt again. she gre
w stronger until she herself could hunt young deer or injured deer though she never took calves for they were need
ed should the prey continue to thrive in the forests she called home. around to she found the sun valley pack. she
was entranced by the graceful ways of their wolves but not so much so that she desired homage among them, she s
imply enjoyed watching as they hunted or played, but in the end she desired the cool, shallow den she called her o
wn outside the confines of the pack. she chose to remain outside their territory, for they seemed harmless, though
she held no doubts that they would defend their own should they need to. she tracked their leftovers and took to s
tealing bones from their devoured carcasses. she was reckless for a certainty but she was never careless and was a
lways careful not to lead a trail back to her.


name: ygritte wildling
gender: female
age: three and a half
rank: rogue
sexuality: heterosexual
family: none living.
love interest: open
weapon of choice: n/a
style: n/a
+ traits: intelligent, dauntless, outg
oing, playful, curios, headstrong

- traits: sarcastic, quick-tempered,
blunt, sharp-tongued

xxWildling to the bone.

voice: ygritte
voice claim: rose leslie
face claim: n/a
name claim: george r. r. martin/ga
me of thrones

quote: game of thrones/ygritte

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