⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

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☆ danny ; 2 | ★ enzo ; 3

Postby bugbites » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:59 pm

⎯⎯⎯⎯ fun-loving ⎯⎯⎯⎯ male ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 19 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ tags; aurora, open ⎯⎯⎯⎯ form ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Danny lifted off the ground, a few feathers flying here and there. Had he been trying to be secretive with his location he would pick up any dropped feathers, but the giant mural should give enough of a hint saying that he had been here. He rose above the crumbling buildings, the movement of his wings leaving a cloud of dust behind. He looked around and spotted someone on a roof. Might as well check it out. He flew over to the silhouette outlined in the early morning sunlight. Luckily, he realized as he flew closer, this person sounded exactly like his sister. He landed on the roof behind her with a reasonably loud thud, slightly out of breath. He wasn't the most graceful thing around, and flying took a lot more out of him than he'd like to admit.
The red-head pulled his hood down to reveal his dust-covered red hair and sat down next to his sister. He looked over her shoulder at her book and immediately noticed a list of dog names. He rolled his eyes and laughed quietly, propping his arm up on his knee. "Will you ever give up on this?" He asked. He would probably never let her get a dog due to how hard it was just for them to survive, but he would always allow her to dream. Dreams were one of the only things people had to hold on to in this world. Besides, he'd quite like a dog as well. When he was young, almost too young to have formed memories, his parents had gotten a golden retriever puppy for Christmas. When the war started, the dog was relatively young but old enough to survive on his own, so they let him go so he wouldn't be trapped in the house in the chance that bombs started falling.
Danny often missed his old life, but he didn't necessarily hate his new one. He had wings which was awesome on its own, and the person he's always been closest too has survived with him, so he was fine with this wasteland. He was breathing, his heart was beating, and so was his sister's and that's all that mattered. He took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair, some smaller pieces of rubble falling out and landing on his shoulders. He very rarely removed his hood as his hair was one of the most recognizable features. It was a splash of color against dull brown wings and extremely pale skin.
Danny smiled at his sister, looking at her book again. He admired how resourceful she was and how she was able to keep hold of the scrapbook despite all that had happened. He had often contemplated finding a sketchbook and starting one of his own, but he often told himself that the city was his sketchbook, the buildings his canvas, and the people his critiques. The metaphor might seem a little crazy to the citizens, but most of the other luminaries understood. He took another deep breath and leaned back a little, allowing the sun to warm his face.

⎯⎯⎯⎯ the president ⎯⎯⎯⎯ male ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 26 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ tags; kirin ⎯⎯⎯⎯ form ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Enzo couldn't help but smile at Kirin's first answer, hearing how bright and cheerful he always was. Kirin's voice was one of the few things in this world that made life seem normal and livable. There were few things that brought normality into this awful place, but his assistant was luckily one of them. He gave a small, deep chuckle at the joke about pigs and potatoes. Enzo didn't even know if non-mutated swine still existed, and if they did how many were left. If there were some, though, they would have to start a capturing and breeding project to repopulate and begin producing actually edible food again. He made a mental note to begin those orders later.
The leader nodded along as Kirin brought up the wasteland creatures. They had been working to tame them for quite some time as some of them, especially those with the more powerful and potentially dangerous mutations, but it would take years as Kirin had said. It was frustrating to say the least, but trying to speed up the process would cause nothing but pointless deaths of some of the best animal tamers and zoologists the new world had to offer. Once the older man paused, though, Enzo's face went from relaxed to tense and slightly angry. He knew what was coming.
"We need to get rid of that group as soon as possible," He hissed through clenched teeth. Before he lost his temper in front of the only person who has ever seen him, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, then slowly exhaled. It helped calm him down a reasonable amount, actually, and prevented him from taking his anger out on the wrong person. As he was taking a moment to calm down, he heard footsteps outside and the very quiet, nearly unnoticeable creak of a figure leaning against the wall just outside the room. Carter. "Could you give this to the assassin real quick?" Enzo asked, holding up a yellowed envelope with a stain that looked suspiciously like blood. It held information of the next victim for the assassin to take care of; A trader who had stolen from an official government stock house and who was now selling the goods. A lot of the goods would be able to be reclaimed once the trader was killed, but he would send out a separate team for taking back the small amount of decently rare items such as warm clothing made of wool and cans of sugared vegetables.
"You may come back in when you're done," He added, motioning to the flask. Kirin was one of the few people that Enzo would share anything with, especially actual food. He leaned back in his chair a bit, looking to the window. There wasn't a whole lot to miss, but a little bit of sunlight on his paling skin would be nice every once in a while. Still, he needed to keep himself a complete secret so as to maintain the terrifying, unknown force that he currently held just by hiding his physical being. He sighed deeply, closing his eyes for a moment as he waited for Carter to receive the letter, imagining wind through his hair again and the feeling of warmth. Actual natural warmth, not that of a fireplace or candle, but warmth from the sunlight. Warmth from the outside and the feeling of being alive.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ( post two )

Postby stranger danger » Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:35 am

    ( aurora ; borealis ; 19 years ; female ; bisexual ; rooftop somewhere ; open, danny ; wishing for a canine companion )

    aurora smiles as feathers rain down around her, signifying the arrival of her brother. she whips around to face him, an excited smile lighting her features. "danny!" she says excitedly, looking back down to her scrapbook when he mentions the dog names. "once we get a dog," she snarkily replies, smiling at her work. she reaches out and grabs her brother's hand, opening a new page in her scrapbook. she takes the pen from earlier and takes it around the outline of his hand. once done, she moves his hand and writes 'danny' in shaking chicken-scratch lettering. "so, any new artwork?" she asks, eyeing her brother curiously. the creative bug must be in the family, and both of the siblings got bit with it. she flips through the pages of the book, stopping on a page to scan over a photo of the family. each and every one of their names had been written. "they're faded now," she said softly, mostly to herself.

    she looks back up, blinking tears off her lashes and gives danny a brilliant smile. "sorry, i got carried away." she looks back up towards the sky, obviously intent on forgetting that happened. "d'ya think we'll ever be able to tell people our real names? like, actually get to know others besides the luminaries?make friends?" she asks, looking towards her brother, reaching out. she teases her fingers through clumps of feathers on his wings, thinking deeply.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby distressed_piglet » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:01 am


Hadley Montgomery
illuminated//24//cis female
sraight//suburbs//tags: open

Hadley finally returned home to her simple living quarters. She liked the small quarters for two reasons. One, the area was small not had nothing of great value in it. Two, it had a few ways to leave in case of an emergency. Anything she treasured was hidden safely within the walls. Whoever constructed the building left a gap between the two walls. It was perfect for hiding items that could be stolen and sold on the market, as well as hiding her own personal items. Hadley moved the boards she used as a decoy, revealing her treasures. She slid her backpack into the gap, where it usually lay. She was a very organized person and preferred that everything have a specific place. It helped her feel as if her own little world was not as cluttered as those she was surrounded by. Made her feel as if she was different from the rest. In control of her own life, and actually had a say in what happened. That was why she wanted to fight. She wanted a say in what she could do, and didn't have to hide. That way she didn't have to worry she would be killed, just for being who she was. She had no control in it, and yet it put in her danger every second she walked the streets.

Lost in thought, she remembered an important meeting. Cursing silently she quickly put the boards back where they belonged. It looked as if she had repaired the room by nailing boards to the wall, not purposefully destroyed the wall. She brushed off her torn jeans and stood. With a deep breath, she walked back into the wave of people. It was going to be a long day at this rate. Hadley walked through the crowd, using her memory to find the rendezvous point. She knew where she was going, but tried to remember a different route. She preferred to take a long route, to lose any possible followers. She eventually made it to her destination and leaned against a building. She preferred to stand and wait for people. That was her back was blocked and she could keep watch over the streets. Simply standing around seemed to be common among the citizens of this town. Everyone was doing something shady, you just didn't know which were more dangerous than others. It was how you survived in this city. It was now her turn to stand and wait. Lucky for her, they chose to meet in a less popular part of town. Settling into a comfortable stance, she hoped she wouldn't have to wait long.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby Pyra Ilver » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:50 am


Still lost in her wanderings among this hidden plain of her world, she nearly ignored the feeling she had to be somewhere. But, here, even the smallest of feeling could not be ignored. Even as people denied it, appearance was an awful lot of survival. Being prompt and professional certainly wouldn't hurt her reputation within the organisation. Making herself popular and wanted for something other than her plans would certainly extend her lifespan beyond what had become normal now a days. The fact looking at someone funny could spark a murderous vendetta did not raise the average life span of anyone in the forsaken city. Rose truly believed if there was no hope of the Luminary movement, the city would descend into chaos, an internal war that would finally destroy the human race. It didn't do to consider what would happen if they even made the tiniest mistake. They were always on a precipice, always one step away from falling off their pedestal.

But she was supposed to be somewhere, and not like this. As Rouge. Where and who? She hadn't been thinking about it before, really more focused on her plotting. Wait, it was Hadley. She was never quite sure where the two stood beyond their professional (if what they did could be considered so) objectives. They were due to soon, and she had better get a wriggle on. Breaking out of her stroll, she sped up, as her gaudy cloak ballooned around her until she appeared rather like a circus tent.

When she arrived back at her base, she wiped away her makeup and pulled of the wig. Her fiery mane was released once more. It was essential for her to wear a wig, dye was rare and there was no way it was touching her hair, and even though it would afford her some protection, even the thinnest threads of connection could ruin her. She replaced her mask, changed back into black and did her hair up in a messy bun, stared into the cracked mirror. Rouge enveloped her like a protective bubble.

The luminary made her way quickly across the city, avoiding people when she could, hiding and waiting where she couldn't. Government agents could be anyone on the street, and to be dragged in and killed, or traced and everyone killed would be horrific and a guilt she could not bear. Caution could protect them all. Finally Rouge came across Hadley, and leaned against the wall next to her. What an image they made.
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Kirin . two.

Postby Saxhleel » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:05 am

    ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─────────────────────────
      [ Assistant ] shifts into animals [ location ] Enzo's home [ tagged ] Enzo, Carter

      Kirin white-knuckled his chair when he heard Enzo's breathing become a little more labored, his rational mind told him he had nothing to be afraid of but that didn't mean he really wished to anger the man sitting across the desk from him. It would be easier to find solutions if he wasn't the only level headed person in the room. Raising his hands in a defensive motion he gave Enzo a sheepish smile and cleared his throat to speak. "I have everyone I can looking for any distinguishing features they share, a color or an emblem. If thats not going to work we'll crack down, let the city know these people are not their friends, bait a reward for them turned in to us, we only need one dragged here and scared out of his mind enough to talk." Now, Kirin would never condone torture, but would wash his hands of the business as soon as he could to make sure he was never directly involved.

      The envelope the president produced brought him out of his dark little speech, he blinked as he considered it for a moment before deciding that yes, that was blood on the paper. Reaching out he took it between his finger and thumb as though it were a dead bird before rising to his feet and striding to the door. His lips curled into a smile when Enzo added he could return to share a meal after, truth be told it made him feel some degree of self worth to be the presidents only friend, and he was quite sure that was an accurate description of their relationship. He often had to remind himself not to let it turn into worship however...

      He had not heard Carter's approach, but wasn't that the point? His expression displayed his mild distaste for the other man as he left the office, making sure to close the door behind him as he addressed Carter, stubbornly maintaining a strong eye contact with him. "Your orders - Assassin." he said simply, holding out the envelope with the same squeamish hold. He did not necessarily hate him, but thought him much too brutish to be of use forever, and hoped one day their leadership would outgrow the need for such a grisly employee. Let him take that how he wished, if Carter thought him intimidated he wasn't wholly wrong, but that only meant he might underestimate Kirin, and there was no harm in that.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby Kyoyo » Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:05 am

Adriana - - - The Graceful
Location: The Streets/Trading District
(I've got writer's block)

Adrian's eyes widened in shock as she was grabbed none too gently by the man she had just bumped into. He spoke swiftly before turning to leave. "I would watch your mouth if I were you. Snapping at people like that could get you in serious trouble." His demeanor was unsettlingly calm and composed. When she looked into his eyes, she saw no emotion, which was an intimidating trait to have. She stared daggers at his back as he left, while rubbing her wrist with a perplexed look on her face. She didn't linger too long as she had things to do and she would not dilly dally.

After some time of navigating the busy streets, Adriana had finally made it to her destination. "Charles I've got some cigarettes here." she proclaimed as she approached the small hut. Placing the package on the counter, she asked "What can I get for them?" Her inquiry was straightforward. She knew this man liked to be slick in his dealings. The haggard man poked his head out from behind a ragged curtain with a toothy smile. "Ahhhh Adrianaaaa!! My favorite customer!" He exclaimed with a thick accent as he examined the package. It was long expired but it didn't matter any more as any you would find now a days would be in the same condition. He brushed his hand through his unkempt beard scruff thoughtfully while mumbling to himself. "I guess I can offer ya' this here.." The man produced two cans from seemingly out of nowhere. They didn't have any labels..'Great. More mystery meat' Adrian thought to herself before grabbing the cans and nodding in gratitude. "Charles please call me Adrian. I've stressed this before." Having known him since before the war, Charles was the only one who still called her by that name. "Thank you for your business. I'll see you again soon." Adrian stuffed the food in her pack and made her way toward home. Her pace was quick as to avoid any more trouble on her way back, but not too quick as to draw attention to herself. Her platinum hair and fair skin did that enough for her as it was.
Last edited by Kyoyo on Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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☆ danny ; 3 | ★ enzo ; 3

Postby bugbites » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:10 pm

⎯⎯⎯⎯ fun-loving ⎯⎯⎯⎯ male ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 19 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ tags; aurora, open ⎯⎯⎯⎯ form ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Danny grinned at her excitement, feeling quite proud when she outlined his hand. They had such a strong bond that even a world war couldn't break it, even when everything else around them was crumbling. They may not be siblings by blood, but she was the closest family he'd ever had and he planned on keeping her safe as his sister for as long as it took for the world to go back to normal. He also laughed a little at her response. One day they would have a dog. Maybe a few of them. But for now, they needed to focus on their own survival. He shrugged at her question. "But of course. Made a mural of all the luminaries," His tone was extremely proud as he answered. Of course their faces were practically covered in neon paint so their facial features were unrecognizable, but anyone could tell it was the group of freedom fighters.
When Aurora flipped through a few pages and stopped at a photo of their family, Danny froze. What Aurora said broke his heart. It's funny, really, how their lives didn't really seem to end. They just slowly faded away, one by one, they disappeared. Life is quite like a photograph, actually. It only lasts for so long before it disappears, and before too long it's completely gone. He sighed, looking up. As soon as he saw tears in her eyes, he enveloped her in a tight hug, wrapping both arms and wings around her.
He hugged her for a moment before releasing. They often talked about their old life and allowed themselves to pretend for just a moment that they were still 12, living with their mother, father, and large amount of siblings, helping clean the house and complaining about not getting to watch T.V. until late at night like their older siblings could. They cried about it a lot too, but in the end, they moved on and pretended that they didn't think about their old lives in the middle of the night when gunshots rang out and the air is too thick to breathe, nonetheless sleep.
At her next question, he waited a bit before responding, thinking carefully. Many knew him as many names, and he was even teasingly called "Flappy" by some of the luminaries, but hardly any knew his real name. "Daniel" was common, "Danny" even more so, but he rarely heard it uttered. Only he and his sister knew each other's names, and they only very cautiously called each other by them in case someone should be watching. It would be a lot easier to track them if their names were known. "Maybe," The red-head answered, allowing one of his legs to hang off the side of the roof. He always relaxed quite a bit when people played with the feathers on his wings, it felt like someone was playing with his hair actually, though she was the only person he trusted enough to touch something as fragile as his wings. They were sturdy enough to lift the weight of a human body, but they were still very anatomically similar to that of a bird's; thin, easy to break bones that allowed for easier flight.
"We gotta keep hoping, right?" He offered a smile. He didn't want to see Aurora lose hope, but he didn't want to get her hopes up either. Would they even live to see the collapse of the government? They were already 19 which could be considered pretty old for living in a toxic wasteland, and no matter how well their bodies took the radiation, constant exposure was sure to wear them down eventually. He shivered slightly at the thought and felt another surge of defensiveness and the need to protect Aurora no matter what.

⎯⎯⎯⎯ the president ⎯⎯⎯⎯ male ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 26 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ tags; kirin ⎯⎯⎯⎯ form ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Enzo noticed that, even though he would never hurt Kirin himself, the assistant still tensed up when Enzo even came close to losing his temper. He hated the fact that he liked that he had that kind of effect on people. The two men were friends, so why did Enzo enjoy that feeling? Lots of words had been used to describe him not only by the civilians, but his employees as well. Sadly the most fitting one was probably "monster". He could hear the employee's hushed whispers through the walls, especially when they were talking about their boss, and that was why sometimes employees would randomly disappear without a trace when they seemingly had no reason to be disposed of. There were only two people he would never kill or have killed; Kirin and Carter.
Carter was valuable, his skills admirable and useful as well as his undying devotion to the government. Kirin, well, the reason Enzo could never lay so much as a hand on him was pretty obvious. He shook his head to clear his mind of such thoughts. The most powerful man known to this city shouldn't have weaknesses, but here he was with one. Just one weakness, who happened to be human.
He sighed and began tapping his fingers on his desk impatiently, waiting for Kirin to return. He noticed that he didn't call Carter by his name. Did Kirin actually dislike the assassin? Well, that wouldn't be very surprising. Sure, the man loved nearly everyone or at least wanted to give them a chance, but he also had very strong morals that led him in the wrong direction by Enzo's standards. Kirin was basically the angel on Enzo's shoulder, the reason more people of the city hadn't been wrongly killed due to the president's temper by now. It was like he forced himself to behave properly and calmly in his assistant's presence which was strange when one stopped to think about it. The assistant controlled the boss. How backwards this world had become.
Luckily, Kirin didn't seem to be aware of his power due to his reaction to Enzo's anger just a few short moments ago. Enzo trusted his friend enough, but he still had to be the dominating power. How bad would it look if the boss didn't just take advice from the 'lowly' role of assistant, but took orders as well. The chain of command would be severely messed up, and Enzo would be left as the puppet.
He hissed and rubbed his temples. Thinking of not being in power was too much. He stood up and began pacing, which he often did when nervous. He covered his ears to try and block out the faint whispering he could hear from the kitchen about how the newest order of tough carrot-like plants hadn't come in yet. Enzo's brain was buzzing and he didn't need to be bothered by the cooks complaining about something so unimportant. He closed his eyes tightly until there were lines in his face and continued pacing, trying to focus on just one thing: Water. Water had always calmed him down when he was younger and would get awful migraines even before his heightened senses, so he often fled to the blank spot in his head reserved just to the ripples of water, the diffused sunlight shining peacefully off of the tiny waves. He took deep breaths as he paced faster, appearing more and more like a trapped animal.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby distressed_piglet » Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:08 am


Carter Collins
assassin//25//cis male
straight//the streets//tags:open

Carter heard the door click open.
Turning his head, he saw the assistant. He had shut the door quickly behind him as he came to deliver the envelope to Carter. Pushing himself off the wall, Carter acknowledged that assistant's direct eye contact. Eye contact wasn't something of an everyday occurrence. Anyone that knew the assassin would hastily busy themselves so they had an excuse to look away. Those who wandered the street usually avoided eye contact with everyone, so Carter never had to worry about being identified. Yet, here the assistant was, looking him dead in the eye. He wasn't sure if it was stubbornness, arrogance, dislike, hatred, or anything in between. Carter did notice the way that the assistant held the envelope. It was held away from him, between his index finger and thumb. It was almost like he didn't want to hold the envelope, though Carter wasn't sure if it was because of the bloodstain or the contents inside. It was a sight to see for sure.
'Your orders- Assassin.' Carter gave his head one quick nod before reaching for the envelope. He made sure to hold it so that his thumb was directly on the bloodstain. He silently noticed how it matched the size of his thumb, though perhaps a bit more rounded.

Taking the envelope, he turned and began to walk away. He hadn't uttered a single word doing their interaction and that was fine with Carter. He didn't completely dislike the assistant, he simply didn't understand how he had managed to slide under the presidents wing. With the brief interactions they had, as well as rumors around the house, Carter had inferred that the assistant was more of a gentle soul. He disliked killing or hurting others. In a world where struggling for life is a hourly occurrence, there was no room for people to hesitate. It was either kill or be killed.

Carter opened the envelope, reading his orders quickly. Despite being called an assassin, he wasn't always sent on mission to kill. Sometimes he was told to interrogate, spy, or simply gather information. This order had to do with the luminary and their constant influence on the city. They needed to be stopped, and yet any time he came close to finding information there would always be a curve-ball. They always covered their tracks or had citizens in the city who supported them and helped to diverge suspicion. Carter was almost positive that if this didn't stop soon, there could be trouble. Folding up his orders and placing them gently in his pocket, he made his way back into town to do some investigating.


Hadley Montgomery
illuminated//24//cis female
sraight//slums//tags: rogue

Hadley listened to the different conversations around her. There were mentions of shops owned by the government, which Hadley made mental note of, and there were conversations of the famous murals. Some mentioned the murals with distaste. They were obviously favoring the government and saw no problem with the president's rule. Others mentioned with murals with excitement. These were the people that could help the luminary if something happened. Though that wasn't always the case. Those who supported a group of people sometimes went silent when a larger force began asking questions. Hadley understood where that came from. If you were given the option of saving your life or saving someone you don't really know, you would obviously chose yourself. It was just the way the cookie crumbled.

Hadley also heard someone talk about the government finding a luminary. She instantly snapped her head up and listened intently.
"I heard someone say that the government found this girl who could shoot lasers out of her eyes. Isn't that insane? Who knows all the people she could have killed!" At this point, Hadley stopped paying attention. There was no luminary with such a power. If there had been, she would have known about it. Word traveled fast around here, and a power like that would be noticed quickly. It was the reason Hadley always tried to cover her steps. Getting discovered was game over. Permanently.

Hadley didn't have to wait long before she saw the ever familiar glow of red, signifying Rogue's appearance. She leaned against the wall next to Hadley. By now, most of the people heading off to work were gone. The street was rather quiet, save for a few people. Hadley had been leaning on an abandoned building.
"Follow me, it's safer inside." Hadley walked into the building. There was no sign of life, save for rodents and insects every now and then. She turned and faced Rogue, slightly envious of her disguise as usual. It was clever to hide your identity. "Did you find out anything about the shipment? Hadley had knew there was going to be a government shipment soon. They had been tracking these shipments for a while now. The only problem was the difficulty of finding out what these shipments were.
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Kirin . four.

Postby Saxhleel » Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:57 am

    ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─────────────────────────
      [ Assistant ] shifts into animals [ location ] Enzo's home [ tagged ] Carter, Enzo

      Brute. Kirin hissed inwardly as he watched Carter make a spectacle of touching the blood. He'd never seen anything glorious in killing, nothing heroic about wars or bloodshed. In an ideal world men of Carters make-up were a thing of the past, but Kirin acknowledged that to get anywhere right now it was beneficial to use fear and no tolerance tactics on certain things. There could be no stealing or wasting of their already limited supplies, no massacres of the innocent or contamination of clean water, if there was a shadowy figure enforcing their law until things could recover so be it. Better him than me. Carter said nothing, and the assistant saw no problem with that, he left immediately to read his orders and Kirin made a note of his efficiency. Before turning to head back inside the office, somewhat eager to do so.

      He deflated slightly, however, upon re-entering the room and paused a moment to take in the change. Enzo was pacing now, which had never been a good sign, but Kirin didn't think he'd been gone that long, what had set him off? He knew of the presidents powers, or rather, delicate sensibilities and Kirin could share the sentiment, whenever he shifted into an animal his senses were heightened too, and sometimes you heard things you didnt want to or smelled something unpleasant you wouldn't normally be able to, perhaps The President had heard some unsavory gossip. After a moment's hesitation he stepped forward, raising his hands submissively.

      "Hey, hey, what ever is the matter?" he said as he crossed the space between them back toward the desk, in a voice that sounded far too much like his mother's. "Would you like me to open a window? I won't open the blinds, just let in a little fresh air." He offered, acutely aware of how important his mysterious image was to his boss. It wasn't healthy to be tucked up like this all the time, this stuffy room was enough to give anyone a headache never mind drive them mad staring at the same four walls everyday. Kirin often wished he had gall enough to suggest a solution, he'd thought of a few before now.

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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby Pyra Ilver » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:00 pm


Rose followed the other girl inside. She had always found it bizarre how Hadley always had her face showing, she was distinctive Rouge knew, but she would have thought even the tiny bit of anonymity a disguise could provide would have been attractive. Or maybe she was unusual with her wariness and distrust, or at least the degree of it. None of her colleagues could be said to be overly open or trusting of anyone. At least it kept them safe. If one of them was to be captured, and confess, there would be nothing that they could reveal that could be fatal. Very few identities, homes or regular meeting spots (none as far as she was aware).

As for this building, she knew it was necessary to go to quite places, but they were always so dirty and infested it made affairs rather unpleasant. It wasn't like she herself lived in a palace, with an army of servants to obliterate any smudge or stain that should appear on the marbled floor of the ballroom, but her place was homely, this was a wreck.

Rouge perched on a broken crate, but leaped up at the scratching from it's interior and the squeak that was hopefully a mouse, but most likely a mutated rat the size of a cat with razor like teeth and rabies. Imagination did you no favours in a radiation soaked world. Any noise could be a marker for a terrifying monster if the thoughts weren't controlled.
Settling into her standing position, she wasn't willing to risk sitting again, she began. "Just from gossip in the trading centres, it'll be here early tomorrow before most people are up," that had been hard, their weren't many young woman at the trading docks. "And it's dangerous whatever it is, you never really know what's in these things, but probably the staples, food, water, and maybe some mutated animals- but that man was a bit tipsy, so I don't know about that part. But there is definitely some kind of weapon, animal or no." She finished up what she knew. It was always difficult finding out secrets from the government and even then most had to be assumed from tiny facts.
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