Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

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Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby d o e » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:18 am


    The Legendary Pokemon of the world have begun to weave their legacies. Small villages have been left to blossom and grow, led by the ones who have forged a deep connection to their Patron dieties. These villages have been blessed by their legends and promise to bring the Pokemon world back from the brink of darkness.
[CaPV FanClub] [CaPV RP]

    Fighters: [ Banned ]
    Username | Ban Length
    Username | Ban Length

    Apprentices: [ Strikes ]
    Username | Strike No.
    Username | Strike No.

    Young: [ Warnings ]
    Username | Warning No.
    Username | Warning No.
      Leader: [ Owner ]
      b u n n y h o p | No Village

      Battle Masters: [ Co-Owners ]
      U[/url]sername | Village Name

      Warriors: [ Mods ]
      U[/url]sername | Village Name

      Apprentice: [ Trial Mods ]
      ~Glaceon~ | Myth Harbor
      salmonnfishie | Syluss
    1) Follow all the Chickensmoothie rules.
    2) Do not under any circumstances try to copy or make a game like this.
    its an original idea made by kaden, passed down to katrione,
    who gave me permission to make a spin-off.
    3) I will remake this game at 900 pages.
    4) Please use proper grammar and punctuation
    and do not use text talk at all.
    5) Do not requote your post unless it has been
    skipped over by a mod. It gets annoying and clutters the thread.
    6) Any member talking badly about the game pleasemovepleasemovemovemovemove
    or its members will be banned.everything needs to be alignedmovemove
    7) Do not Mini Mod unless you are the co-owner or mod everything needs to be aligned wordy word
    8) Please PM me if you are confused or if you everything needs to be aligned wordy word
    have any questions. everything goes here.. align align align
    9) No begging for new Pokemon/herbs/allies/enemies everything goes here.. align align align
    10) Make sure to have fun! :) everything goes here.. align align align

    Starting Off If it is your first time posting, you must tell me about your territory. You can describe things like your territory's name, nature, reputation, what Pokemon are found there and terrain. Please make sure to include a legendary to be your Patron Pokemon - this will be very important for events. These things help us decide on what your first Pokemon, the leader will be! We will quote your post with what Pokemon your leader will be. You can decide on things like the leader's name, level and gender.

    Getting More Pokemon Your territory will start off small and you will have to build up it's population. You have two options for finding Pokemon: patrols and asking the ancients for another Pokemon. You are only able to talk to the ancients once a week and they can ask for a new Pokemon; you can ask for a specific species and rank of Pokemon or we will give you one at random. You will be able to pick their name, gender and level as well.

    Ranking For all Pokemon, you are allowed to choose their ranks, except for young and elders - breeders must be female. Once a Pokemon reaches level 15, you may choose their rank. Ceremonies or rituals may occur if they fit into your lore, it’s up to you. Default ranks may be changed to anything you like, and you may add/remove ranks as well.

    Leader: The founder of your territory. All other Pokemon look up to them.

    Medic: A healer. They keep track of all medicine your territory finds and care for injured or sick Pokemon.

    Battle Master: The right-hand to your leader. This strong Pokemon usually leads patrols and oversees training.

    Fighters: These Pokemon have been specially trained to protect your territory or fend off against trespassing trainers and threats.

    Foragers: These Pokemon care very little for the battling life and enjoy gathering berries and prey for the territory.

    Builders: These crafty Pokemon have learned how to better their territory with their skills. They are required to make buildings.

    Breeders: Female Pokemon who have brought eggs to the territory. They are the only ones allowed to mother Pokemon. Once a Pokemon becomes a breeder, they are not allowed to return to their old rank.

    Apprentices: These young Pokemon are trying to find their place. They must be assigned to a mentor, whom they will study under until they reach level 15. When they are level 15, they can be assigned their appropriate rank.

    Young: The newer additions to the territory. These Pokemon must reach level 10 before they can become an apprentice.

    Elders: The wise, older Pokemon of the territory. Once a Pokemon reaches level 90, they retire and prepare themselves to leave. Depending on their previous rank, they may decide to leave an item behind; berries, evolution stones, medicine, and other things.

    Leveling Up Pokemon are born at level 1 and will gain a level every post. Depending on their species, Pokemon will occasionally learn new moves as they level up, which you can decide to keep or forget and may help with tasks such as gathering berries or persuading other Pokemon to join your village. Once a Pokemon reaches level 100, they will depart from your territory, usually leaving a gift behind.

    Evolution Depending on the type of Pokemon, after reaching a certain level they can evolve. Other Pokemon may need to have certain requirements met, which will be detailed in this document. Before a Pokemon can evolve, they must speak with your leader and gain their permission.

    Healing When you find your medic Pokemon, you will be able to choose 5 non-human-made healing items for your territory from this list. When you send your medic out to find healing items, you can only find 2 every patrol they take. Once your medic gets an apprentice, you will be able to find 3 on one patrol. You store your healing items in the medicine store and they can be used to heal sick or injured Pokemon. Whenever you find a human-made medicine, you may have your medic study it once. If they succeed in studying this medicine, they will gain a skill point in human-made medicine and may eventually learn how to use them.

    Mentors/Training You will be the one to assign a certain mentor to a certain apprentice. Before your apprentice is allowed to join a rank, they must be level 10 and spend 5 posts with their mentor.

    Losing Pokemon Pokemon gain a level every post. If in one post, a Pokemon is level 28, in the next post they will be level 29. In this Create-A-Game, Pokemon very rarely die, but there are a few ways you may lose them. If they reach level 100, they will leave the territory and usually leave behind an item for you. They may die from severe injuries during a battle or from not having wounds treated within 2 posts of gaining them. Pokemon sent on patrols have a small chance of being captured by a passing Trainer. Pokemon sent to forage have a small chance of being enticed to join another group. Pokemon lost this way may occasionally pop up in your territory to say hello and have a small chance of bringing gifts with them.

    Becoming Mates/Having Eggs Without eggs, your territory would struggle to thrive. To have two Pokemon become mates, post them going for a walk together and one of them asking the other to be their mate. In my post, I will time skip to the eggs being brought to the territory. After 2 posts, they will hatch. If you wish for the eggs to not hatch yet, make sure to tell me. The amount of eggs a pair will have can range from 1-4. Every egg has a 10% chance of being lost or stolen. If you wish for a pair to breed more than once, you must use a Destiny Knot. A pair can be bred a max of 3 times.

    Forbidden Romances Forbidden romances are romantic relationships with either a medic Pokemon, or a Pokemon from another territory. Pokemon can form romances with Pokemon from both ally and enemy territories and can sneak out of camp to meet them. However, if the relationship results in eggs, they will have to cover them as abandoned Pokemon. It is extremely rare, but some Pokemon may find out that the eggs are forbidden and the parent(s) and/or eggs could be exiled from the territory.

    Buildings Although your Pokemon do not need to expand their territory, these buildings are good for giving boosts to certain aspects of your territory. You may change the name of these buildings as well as remove them, but if you want to add a building type, you must PM me first. Builders are required to make these.
      Arena- A battling stadium for your Pokemon. Pokemon who train here receive a buff to their strength for 2 posts. Time to build is 5 posts. 3 builders are required to make this building.
      School- This building makes learning easier for younger Pokemon. Training Pokemon level 1-14 have a 50% chance of gaining an extra level and a 10% chance of gaining two extra levels. Time to build is 5 posts. 3 builders are required to make this building.
      Meditation Area- A terrain specific area that brings harmony to your territory and a place for your Pokemon to relax. Sick or (non-severely) injured Pokemon who rest here have a 50% chance of recovering without medicine. This spot also has a chance of attracting an extra Pokemon during patrols. Time to build is 8 posts. 2 builders are required to make this building.
      Construction Hut- A place for your builders to really hone their skills. All buildings, except this one, will need either 1 less builder or 1 less post to complete. Time to build is 3 posts. 1 builder is required to make this building.
      Food Storage - A building to hold all your food. For every Pokemon sent on a foraging patrol, there is a 20% chance of finding an additional piece of food. Time to build is 5 posts. 3 builders are required to make this building.

      Patrols You are able to send up to 6 Pokemon out on a patrol at one time. In one post, you are only able to send out two hunting patrols and two border patrols. There are only a few things that can happen on patrols: you can find Pokemon food, which will keep your territory safe from any attacks for 12 hours; you can chase off a threat, which will also keep your territory safe for 12 hours; you can find a new Pokemon at the border (however the further along your clan gets the less likely this is to happen) and you can find a traveling merchant Pokemon - these Pokemon will usually have a number of items they’re looking to trade, which you can exchange any item you have for.

      Foraging Patrols The max amount of Pokemon you can send out on a foraging patrol is 6; for every 2 Pokemon on the patrol, you will get one piece of food, so the max amount of food you can get from one foraging patrol is 3 pieces of food. Some buildings and moves will increase the amount of food found during foraging patrols. There is a small chance of finding a wild Pokemon to join your territory.

      Food Every post, your territory will use up two pieces of food. Once you reach seven members, your serving will go up 1. Then the next time you get seven more Pokemon, your serving will go up by one again. You can use six types of food. You can switch out the different types of food depending on what is normally found in your territory. When you fill in your form after receiving your leader, remember to fill in the six types of food your territory will be using. Remember to go foraging often since two pieces are used every post. If you run out of food, you have 2 posts to get enough food back. After 2 posts, a Pokemon in your territory will leave in search of a new home. Every post after that, 1 Pokemon will leave until you find enough food.

              Food Servings
              Berries (Cheri, Pecha, Oran, etc); 1 serving
              Honey; 2 servings
              Small Pokemon (Luvdisc, Cherubi, Wurmple, etc); 2 servings
              Medium Pokemon (Exeggcute, Sandshrew, Magikarp, etc.); 3 servings
              Human-made food (Poffins, Pokeblocks, Poke Puffs, etc); 2 servings

              0-6 Pokemon; 2 servings
              7-13 Pokemon; 3 servings
              14-20 Pokemon; 4 servings
              21-27 Pokemon; 5 servings
              28-34 Pokemon; 6 servings
              35-41 Pokemon; 7 servings
              42-48 Pokemon; 8 servings
              49-55 Pokemon; 9 servings
              56-62 Pokemon; 10 servings
              63-69 Pokemon; 11 servings
              70-76 Pokemon; 12 servings
      Seasons Each season will last two weeks. When your mod replies to your post, the mod will write what type of weather your territory has for that day, which will ultimately effect how things go for you that day. Each season will have two events.
        Winter- During Winter, the chances of falling ill is higher. If you send the same Pokemon out multiple times in the same post, they are more likely to catch a cold. The sun will start to go down early and it will get colder once the sun starts to go down. You will also find less food and are less likely to find new Pokemon. Ice-type and Dark-type Pokemon will become stronger and easier to find.
        Spring- During Spring, more eggs may be laid. Food is in abundance and foraging patrols will yield more food. With all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. There will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. The odds of finding new Pokemon is very high. Water-type and Bug-type Pokemon will become stronger and easier to find.
        Summer- During Summer, you will forage a max of 6 pieces of food.. During patrols, you are more likely to run into trainers, and merchants will be more prevalent. You are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of Summer. Your territory will still receive new Pokemon but not as much as you would in Spring. Fire-type and Grass-type Pokemon will become stronger and easier to find.
        Autumn- During Fall, it will start to get colder so the amount of food you will find will go down. The sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into Winter. Patrols will yield less Pokemon and food, but trainers and stronger Pokemon threats will also be infrequent. Ghost-type and Ground-type Pokemon will become stronger and easier to find.

      Events Every week, there will be a new event. These will usually correspond to whatever season it is and may introduce things such as a boon of food, an increase in merchants or Pokemon, and even exclusive human-bred variations of Pokemon that don’t exist in the wild. These events are rarely negative, and may even be held as a festival in a nearby hub.

      Post Format After your first post, you will use the following format in every post to keep track of your territory. You may edit slightly, but not too much.

      Code: Select all
      [center][size=200]Your Territory's Name[/size]
      [size=85][b]Number of Pokemon:[/b] Here[/size]
      [size=85][b]Next talk with Ancestors:[/b] Here[/size]

      [size=85]Put your post of what your Pokemon are doing here[/size][/center]

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      [b]Battle Master:[/b]
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4[/list][/list][/size][/left] [left][list][list][size=85][b]Ally Territories:[/b]
      Territory Name | Username
      Territory Name | Username

      [b]Enemy Territories:[/b]
      Territory Name | Username
      Territory Name | Username

      North | Territory Name | Username
      East | Territory Name | Username
      South | Territory Name | Username
      West | Territory Name | Username

      [b]Food Storage:[/b]
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings

      [b]Medicine Store:[/b]
      Name | amount
      Name | amount
      Name | amount

      Item Name | amount | being held by
      Item Name | amount | being held by

      Mentor | Apprentice | Rank | No. of Posts Left |

      Mentor | Apprentice | Rank | No. of Posts Left |

      [b]Lost Pokemon:[/b]
      Name | Reason
      Name | Reason

      Name and Name | Offspring
      Name and Name | Offspring[/size][/list][/left]


Here is the list of territories, who owns the territory, and which mod replies to them:

Easthaven | Nightwolf950
Myth Harbor | ~Glaceon~
Syluss | salmonnfishie
Crescent Village | Lady Masquerade
~ G L A C E O N ~
Village of Jay | marshmello.
Farshore | ghuleh
Gloomview Grotto| b u n n y h o p
Shadow Garden Graveyard | Dragoncat08
Last edited by d o e on Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:14 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby d o e » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:18 am

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Re: Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby d o e » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:18 am

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Re: Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby d o e » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:18 am

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village of jay 001

Postby serpentine. » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:05 pm


    xxxxthe village of jay is a very tightly knit village of pokémon who are not only incredibly loyal but have a tendency to be both rebellious and very ambitious. the terrain is very smooth and rather flat with a few hills and fields of wildflowers, with long winding streams and a few waterfalls dotted throughout as well as scattered freshwater pools. all types of pokémon can be found in the village of jay. their symbol of strength, their patron, is xerneas, who is believed to bring them good fortune and good luck. the pokémon of the village of jay are very competitive, and they love a challenge. they are both valuable allies and fierce enemies.
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▹ bunny reply

Postby d o e » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:25 pm

marshmello. wrote:

    xxxxthe village of jay is a very tightly knit village of pokémon who are not only incredibly loyal but have a tendency to be both rebellious and very ambitious. the terrain is very smooth and rather flat with a few hills and fields of wildflowers, with long winding streams and a few waterfalls dotted throughout as well as scattered freshwater pools. all types of pokémon can be found in the village of jay. their symbol of strength, their patron, is xerneas, who is believed to bring them good fortune and good luck. the pokémon of the village of jay are very competitive, and they love a challenge. they are both valuable allies and fierce enemies.

The Village of Jay has been founded!
Your leader is a Sassy Cinccino. It's Ability is Technician.
It's moveset is Sing, Tail Slap, Rock Blast and Bullet Seed.
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Re: Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby serpentine. » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:17 pm

Number of Pokemon: one
[ males | 0 | females | 1 ]

Next talk with Ancestors: now

will write up next post !!
techie goes on a patrol + requests a battle master [perferably a zoura]

      techie | female | level one | sassy
      cinccino | technician
      ↪ sing, tail slap, rock blast, bullet seed

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Battle Master:
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4

      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Name | Gender | Level | Species | Ability
      ↪ Move #1, Move #2, Move #3, Move #4
      Ally Territories:
      Territory Name | Username
      Territory Name | Username

      Enemy Territories:
      Territory Name | Username
      Territory Name | Username

      North | Territory Name | Username
      East | Territory Name | Username
      South | Territory Name | Username
      West | Territory Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings
      Food name | amount | servings

      Item Name | amount | being held by
      Item Name | amount | being held by

      Mentor | Apprentice | Rank | No. of Posts Left |

      Mentor | Apprentice | Rank | No. of Posts Left |

      Lost Pokemon:
      Name | Reason
      Name | Reason

      Name and Name | Offspring
      Name and Name | Offspring
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Re: Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby NightWolf950 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:18 pm

Based near the sea, the village of Easthaven is home to many Pokemon, raging in all sorts of shapes/sizes/and types.
The village itself looks gorgeous. With its sleek metal rooftops, brick walls and endless grasslands.
The main attraction of the village is their lighthouse.
Easthaven, holds a celebration every Spring, thanking Lugia, their guardian.
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Re: Create a Pokemon Village - V.1

Postby guroboss » Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:00 pm

└─ [x x x 𝚅𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙰𝙶𝙴 x x x] ─┘


Farshore is a small, isolated village along a coastline of steep cliffs and rocky beaches. To the west lies the sea, scattered with seastacks and small uninhabitated islands of rock, and to the east, steep mountains covered in a thick forest of conifers and evergreens. Often, the area is covered in a thick, rolling fog around dawn and dusk.

Though the surrounding area may seem harsh, the local folk are welcoming, hardy pokémon with a strong sense of loyalty and community, though many tend to be a bit idiosyncratic. The locals revere Kyogre, who lends the town its strength and adaptability.
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▹ bunny reply

Postby d o e » Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:28 am

| Spring | Sunny | Food: High | Wandering Pokemon: High |

marshmello. wrote:

techie goes on a patrol + requests a battle master [perferably a zoura]

The ancients have sent you a Battle Master!
↪ Serious Zorua
↪ Battle Master
↪ Level 23
↪ Illusion
↪ Pursuit, Fake Tears, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack

During her patrol, Techie stumbled upon two Pokemon tumbling through the wildflowers, enjoying the sunshine. After spotting Techie, they seem interested in joining her. Will she allow them into her territory?

↪ Lax Minun
↪ Forager
↪ Level 21
↪ Volt Absorb
↪ Play Nice, Switcheroo, Electro Ball, Nuzzle

↪ Jolly Quilava
↪ Fighter
↪ Level 19
↪ Blaze
↪ Smokescreen, Ember, Quick Attack, Flame Wheel

Don't forget to update your food storage so I know what kind of food to give you!

The Village of Jay has 4 more days before they must eat.

NightWolf950 wrote:
Based near the sea, the village of Easthaven is home to many Pokemon, raging in all sorts of shapes/sizes/and types.
The village itself looks gorgeous. With its sleek metal rooftops, brick walls and endless grasslands.
The main attraction of the village is their lighthouse.
Easthaven, holds a celebration every Spring, thanking Lugia, their guardian.

Easthaven has been founded!

↪ Calm Milotic
↪ Leader
↪ Level ??
↪ Cute Charm
↪ Water Gun, Water Pulse, Captivate, Recover

ghuleh wrote:
└─ [x x x 𝚅𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙰𝙶𝙴 x x x] ─┘


Farshore is a small, isolated village along a coastline of steep cliffs and rocky beaches. To the west lies the sea, scattered with seastacks and small uninhabitated islands of rock, and to the east, steep mountains covered in a thick forest of conifers and evergreens. Often, the area is covered in a thick, rolling fog around dawn and dusk.

Though the surrounding area may seem harsh, the local folk are welcoming, hardy pokémon with a strong sense of loyalty and community, though many tend to be a bit idiosyncratic. The locals revere Kyogre, who lends the town its strength and adaptability.

Farshore has been founded!

↪ Gentle Espeon
↪ Leader
↪ Level ??
↪ Magic Bounce
↪ Confusion, Helping Hand, Swift, Psybeam
Last edited by d o e on Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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