ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

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⧼ ➴ ── but somethin' always turns into nothin' !! 」015

Postby hellb0und » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:07 am

        ( 🔥. // !)
        name. // aurora lane. x x gender. // female. x x species. // werewolf x x rank // fighter. x x tags. // gunshot.
            “𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.”

        I ignore Skylar as she gives out instructions. Calling her dogs and leaving. I walk around for awhile and eventually end up doing the same. Grabbing the gun I'd thrown on the table and locking it at my hip. I'd left my bow at home as I always did, I never hunted here, anyway. Plus, I'd trained myself with a wide variety of weapons. I open the door, not bothering to inform anyone of my absence. I was just fine on my own. I shift into the massive, ebony canine with flesh tearing fangs and serrated claws which is my wolf. The crisp air lacing itself between my course fur. Camoflouge is much easier, there never is any need to roll myself in the mud to avoid being seen. I take off into the woods a moment later. Not following Skylar but instead elsewhere. I'd become extremely familiar with the area, having hunted here in human form & roamed about as a wolf plenty of times. Lifting my muzzle I inhaled the fresh scent of pine, mixed with my faint odor of blood & fire. I try and see if I can pick anything else up, a human specifically. Hunter or not each and every one of them were dangerous. I'd only let the male go earlier because I refused to listen to Skylar's orders. Otherwise, he'd be a bloodied mess past recognition. Finishing him off with a bullet to the head after I'd satisfied myself. I broke into a run, checking my surroundings consistently. Always having my guard up. I growl nefariously as a rabbit jumps out from behind a bush, not startled but angered it'd drawn my attention away from the real task at hand. "Stupid thing," I mutter under my breath. I take off again, my large paws hitting the ground in a strategetic manner. With years of hunting under my belt, I knew exactly how to keep my steps quiet and steady. When the gunshot rang out, my instinct was to run. I darted through the trees, using the darkness to my advantage. Listening for nearing footsteps of men and women. I didn't go back near the pack house, instead moving further and further away from it.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:32 pm

✦ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ✦

{ Species } Blade { Role } Agent { Tags} Alistair. D'arc, Skyler, Mark, Aurora { Crush } open

I was too far to hear anything after D'arc had ignored my suggestion to get himself covered, only earning a scoff as i shook my head and kept moving, I wasn't sure why all the males on this team were so damn stubborn but it quite frankly got old rather quickly. Bitting back a comment i did what i could to shake it off " Whatever. You're the boss" I mumbled as i continuously stopped to try and find where this shooter went completely coming to a halt only when i saw a body mass limp laying upon the frozen ground, quickly becoming buried beneath the flakes that still rapidly free-fell from the sky. Furring my brows i sighed heavily as i side stepped over to it keeping guard up at all times as i did so until i reached it. Kneeling beside the mass i brushed the sheet of snow off gently to get a better idea of what exactly it was we hit but as i saw it, i wished i hadn't known.
Uncovering the sight of a dog, not one of ill intentions or much danger at all i closed my eyes for a moment as i looked away, doing my damn best to remember this was part of the job, sometimes civilians got caught up in the battle, just this time the civilian happen to be a dog with surely a loving family. Cursing beneath my breath as i looked back at him i gave him a single stroke on the head, not bothering to check for a pulse as it was clear he was well gone "I'm sorry buddy.. wrong place wrong time, right?" I whispered softly before standing up, staring the the limp body for a moment more before looking in the direction of D'arc at first assuming this was what we had been seeing, but that was denied as i heard another shot ring out, this dog Defiantly wasn't what we were after, not by a long shot. Moving quickly towards where it echoed from i narrowed my gaze, with the five or six shots we ourselves had rung out prior to tracking this thing I found it odd not a trace of blood spoke of the direction they went in, how had they gotten lucky enough not to be struck?. Cursing again i shook my head and continued on, ducking behind the tree trunks whenever possible before coming to another halt another Silhouette came into view yet this one wasn't dead quite the opposite actually thought they seemed to be leaning upon a tree themselves, perhaps we had finally hit them. Not taking long to ponder the possibilities i aimed the weapon directly at their head, for now unseen as i approached from behind and the prints left by either me nor D'arc now quickly recovered in the deep blanket of snow i remained silent as night itself, awaiting any order from my leader, ready to take the shot if directed to do so completely oblivious of the hurricane like force rushing towards us.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Crono » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:12 pm

Mark Holloway ~ Male ~ Thirty-Three ~ Werewolf ~ Loner/Former-Beta
Location: Woods ~ Tags: Katherine, Alistair, Adrian, Skylar

The moment the gunshots went off Mark flinched and ducked his head. Adrenaline and senses spiked quickly, the very first shot he'd assumed was his dying after knowing they were armed. Mark smelled the blood and was quick to acknowledge two if not all three had been hit and fired back. It was difficult to gather what exactly was going on, but he was quick to retreat to the opposite side of the vehicle after two of them had even suggested he do so. It wasn't difficult to imagine that someone from the pack might have been in that tree-line, but using a gun? That didn't sound like the people he remembered at all. There'd been a canine cry after the return fire though it hadn't sounded Wolf-like to him. One mentioned something about a sniper and for a moment he considered the thought that maybe he'd stumbled across a group of Werewolf hunters. The simple reasoning not being sure was the fact that they seemed naive for a group of hunters. Stranded in the middle of nowhere with plausible Wolves nearby, any sane hunters would have jumped in the working vehicle and left until morning at least.

Finally Mark shook his head and cursed in frustration, moving further along the vehicle before making a sprint towards the treeline as best he could though further down than where the other two had. Mark was intent on finding out who'd just been shooting in his general direction. And a moment later when the wind carried a scent his direction he'd rather quickly have his answer, Skylar. In one swift motion he shifted into his furrier form. The dark colored wolf paused as he adjusted, having not shifted as much as he used to he needed a moment. Hot breath left his maw and clouded up when it hit the cold night air, after two large puffs he was off. Mark had no knowledge of what was going on other than the surface facts. But the stupid girl had picked a fight she clearly couldn't finish and now she was in trouble, which meant he needed to do something. Initially Mark's intention was to try and scare these people off, but the moment he'd spotted the female from before honed in on something with her gun it changed. He had to get the target off of her and onto himself. The wolf sprinted through the deep snow and attempted to run straight into the back of her legs to knock them out from under her and if successful would continue zipping between the trees in a different direction than Skylar.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:42 am

Skylar Aleksandrsen I Werewolf I Beta I tags; PRETTY MUCH EVERYBODY XD
The trick was to keep breathing. In, out, in out.
She ground her teeth and pushed herself upright, pressing a hand to the injury in a dazed attempt to gauge how serious it was.
Slow your breathing. Try not to panic. Kinda late for that.
The Wolf was pacing at the front of her consciousness now, baying for blood and inching forward every time her concentration faltered for a second. It was a close match between her and The Wolf at the best of times - it took all of her mind to keep her wilder counterpart under control - but she knee that, if she was stupid enough to let it go now, she'd never rein it back in again.
The sound of footsteps behind her finally jolted her into action. Skylar wasn't fast, even as humans went, and even uninjured she doubted she could outrun them. She couldn't head back to her house, in the hope that they hadn't traced her back to her property and that the members of her pack that may still be lingering there would escape the threat.
So, half stumbling, half sprinting, she headed deeper into the woods, taking the path she took on her morning runs, trying to ignore the light-headedness setting in and the yells from behind her.
In, out, in, out.

Adrian D'Arc I Human I Blade Team Leader I tags; STILL EVERYBODY
"Klein! Get Ford out here now! We need medical kits, sedatives and silver chains. And get that damn man's numberplate, while you're at it! I want to know who the hell he is!"
He swung the mike back up and switched channels to yell a second order into Kat's receiver over the roaring wind. "Wd want her alive! Go for a hip or thigh, but nowhere we're unable to treat ourselves!"
The form - a blonde, slightly taller than Kat and injured, judging from her bloodied clothes - was less than a few hundred yards ahead and, despite an obvious knowledge of the territory and adeptness at moving through the snow hindering them, they were gaining fast. He peeled from Kat's side and sprinted up towards the target's left flank, pistol in hand and ready as he drew closer, only to spot a black shape, much faster than their quarry, flying towards Kat's legs. The truck guy.
His blood suddenly went cold.
The wolves were real, all right.
He twisted and shot a round at Mark, and emitted a strangled yell in Kat's direction, but he didn't even need to watch to know it'd missed, or that his voice probably hadn't reached the girl. His hands were shaking like crazy.
Christ, they're real!


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:03 pm

✦ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ✦

{ Species } Blade { Role } Agent { Tags} Alistair. D'arc, Skyler, Mark, Aurora { Crush } open

Gaze still hard set upon the rear of the girl's silhouette i set my finger upon the trigger prepared to pull the small peice that would send a round into her flesh but was stopped short when the sound of crackling came over the ear peice followed by D'arc more or less yelling a order over into my ear, causing my face to scrunch up in antiapprechation to the loud voice but, none the less payed attention to his infromation with a nod moving the mouth of my gun ever so slightly so it was aimed at her hip once more set on squeezing the trigger. Taking a steadying breath as i refocused myself as the adrilian continued to pump through my veins i squeezed, backfire jerking my shoulder as the bullet flew out, yet i hadn't a chance to see if I hit my intended target or not as soon my gaze was torn away as D'arcs own voice travled against the wind trying to figure out what he was trying to warn me of before seeing exactly what this mystery girl would have seen had she been facing me, a bullet approaching at rapid rates, in that moment i felt like this was a whole eleberate scheme to get me off the team, i know i'm not the best but i must admit there were far better ways to go about the matter, like i don't know, perhaps talking instead of trying to put a bullet in my head?. It was then the little mind in the back of my head pointed out, D'arc surely would go a more mature way about this matter, if that was even the issue at all causing the common sense to return to my mind as i turned to look behind me at what he was no doubtably aiming at though I wasn't able to really grasp what exactly was hurdling itself at me before it hit. Feeling the unnatural strength against my lower body as a startled gasp left my chest and my hands desperately searched for something to catch myself on i completely flipped over its body, travling from its angered, haunting eyes to its tail with a hard fall to the ground, hands locking onto the only thing they could now which would seem to be its hind ankle as the wind was completely knocked out of my body upon landing, stars dancing much closer in my line of vision then they should be in the night sky. Hand locked around the furred beasts leg i was no doubtably drug like a rag-doll a good distance before a strong force collided with my ribcage, earning a pained yell to surround the small group as i had no choice but to release this monsters leg and wrap my arms around my chest, panting heavily as my eyes closed trying to figure out what the hell was going on, i was only still for a moment as i battled coming to terms with what was the only logical thing going down before i reopened my eyes and began to sit up, the world was no doubtably ending.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:08 am

Blair Strong I Werewolf I Fighter I tags; open
She finally found the problem with the engine and sighed with relief. An easy fix.
Blair reached for what she estimated to be the correct wrench and, having briefly glanced up at her surprise guest, double took when she realised Malaya was no longer there.
"Hey, hon? You planning to jump out on me or something? 'Cause, girl, lemme tell you, I'mma going to break your nose if you try," she threatened weakly, knowing darn well she wouldn't carry it through.
No response.
The half-blood rolled her eyes good-naturedly and set the wrench back into the case. Maybe she was seeing things. It was getting late. Just as that thought crossed her kind, she caught the scent of her dad's cologne and the creak of the back door.
"Hey, honey, that you? You're still here?"
The face of her fifty-something, human, father poked his head into the workspace, scowling slightly.
"I told you, don't worry about the Smiths' Camaro, I need specialist parts for it."
"Huh? No, it's the Toyota that your friend brought in. I said I'd do it earlier."
Her dad's face softened. "Ah, yeah, I remember... So... Um, how was the memorial? Did you place the bouquet your mom bought?" Blair nodded silently, folding down the hood of the car and swallowing tears. Damien Stromg crossed the room in two strides and pulled her into a hug.
"Kiddo, I don't pretend to understand what you and your mom are feeling, but you know you can talk to me, right?"
There was a muffled response, but he knew her well enough to guess what she was saying. "You want a lift home or...?"
Blair sighed, and almost nodded, but the thought of her friend all alone that night held her back. The new alphaess needed her.
"Can you drop me off at Skylar's?"
"The crazy Swedish one that told me she'd kill me if I breathed a word? That lives right out in the woods?"
"Norwegian. But yeah."
"Well, you're definitely not walking out there at this time of night. I don't care if you're teen wolf or not."
"Thanks, Dad."



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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:52 am

Emmelene Tersen I Werewolf I Hunter I tags; Adam, infirmary
She eventually found the strength to return to human form, but the pain was bad enough to leave her reeling and retching. But they'd obviously put painkillers into the drip fluids and they slowly kicked in, numbing the burning in her side to a dill ache. It meant she could focus on other things.
She quickly picked up on the scent of blood and chemicals, and the sympathy flowers slowly dying elsewhere in the beta's house. Other wolves. Jason, Blake, Benji, Tyla, Adam, Skylar. And, floating in the background, the acrid tangs of fear and fury.
Her sense of smell wasn't as good as that of some in the pack. She was only half-blood. But it was enough to send her mind into overdrive as the scenario replayed in her mind. Emm couldn't remember anything after the bullet. But somebodyust have carried her back here, and a fighting band must have gone straight out afterwards. The smell of gun oil and steel was stronger than normal.
But, try as she might, she couldn't puzzle out what had happened. There should be more people around. And the silence of the infirmary was frightening her more than almost anything, only surpassed by the lingering scent of the pack's panic. Crimson Sky was a tough, strong pack. They didn't scare easily.
Trembling, the teenager opened her eyes and looked across to the only other person she could sense.
"... Adam? What... What happened?"


back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Crono » Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:43 pm

Mark Holloway ~ Male ~ Thirty-Three ~ Werewolf ~ Loner/Former-Beta
Location: Woods ~ Tags: Katherine, Alistair, Adrian, Skylar

The moment he'd impacted the woman he kept his pace up as best he could, fearing anymore shots from what he assumed was the man he'd spoken to before. The heavy anchor feeling on his foot told him she'd latched onto a hind leg, which threw him off, she was either brave or stupid. Eventually through the winding tree's he'd dislodged her, likely injured against a tree, not that he was too bothered considering she'd been about to shoot Skylar in the back. The wolf moved quickly in the direction Skylar had escaped in, completely unsure of the situation he now found himself in. Why was Skylar shooting at them? Why was she alone, and without any pack members? Mark shook the thoughts as he attempted to focus on the task at hand, the trail and scent of blood he was following. The black wolf didn't cease to move until he'd finally closed in on the girl from his past, though he was hesitant to considering she was injured and armed. Skylar could turn the gun on him in an instant whether she knew who he was or not.

Trudging up in the snow he came up alongside her on the right, maneuvering quickly into her path and lowering slightly. The wolf huffed a clouded breath, clearly trying to get her to climb on but if nothing else keep her from falling on her face.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:18 am

Skylar Aleksandrsen I Werewolf I Beta I tags; Mark, Kat, D'Arc
Her first - and by far the strongest - instinct was to shift and stand her ground. Skylar Aleksandrsen did not run. But the continued footsteps behind her kept her running. Even when the second bullet slammed into her hip and she almost fell with a screech. She would never admit it, but she was truly, properly frightened.
It was only when a black shape entered her field of vision and planted itself in her path that she allowed herself to slow. Hazed by pain, it took her a few seconds to register that this was Mark's Wolf and lower the pistol she hadn't consciously raised.
She stumbled to a complete halt and - gritting her teeth - bent her pride enough to grip the male's dense black fur and used it to support herself.
The hell are you doing here, Mark?
An explosion of splinters from the trees around them finally spurred her into hauling herself onto Mark's shoulders with the few scraps of strength she had left, groaning with the effort but desperate to avoid any more bullets. She couldn't outrun them, werewolf or not.
Sinking her hands back into the fur around the sides of his neck, partially to hold on and partially to hold herself upright, Skylar couldn't help but since at the thought of the telling-off she'd probably receive later. On instinct, the female began formulating excuses - anything would do - but, for once, she couldn't think of anything.
The man she'd shot came to mind. On an assumption.
He wasn't the first, and he wouldn't be the last.
She shut her eyes and flattened herself against her old packmate's back, fighting the unconsciousness threatening to take her.


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:44 pm

✦ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ✦

{ Species } Blade { Role } Agent { Tags} Alistair. D'arc, Skyler, Mark, Aurora { Crush } open

Arms still wrapped around myself as i panted, watching the black flash of fur zoom by and around the several trees with elegance i let my head fall back on the ground what the hell was taking them so long to get back up out here?!
I watched as the four legged creature rushed to the wounded girls side and seemed to beckon her onto his back with furred brows about to say something as i used a low branch to pull myself into a sitting position as i looked for my pistol only to remember it was knocked from me the moment the beast collided with my legs minutes before i was downed and unarmed,
great. Taking a moment i did the only logical thing i could think of not hearing back from either Klein nor Ford i cursed beneath my breath and reached up to press the button on my ear piece, clicking through the stations before reaching the one Ford should be on i growled our coordinates into the receiver, telling him to get down here, now - unless his life too was in mediate danger and to bring the medical kits and werewolf equipment, filling him in no more, and no less before taking my head off the button and slowly pulling myself up with a few grunts as i panted once on my feet. Watching as the still unknown girl climbed onto the mass's back i cursed and shook my head, looking seriously to my leader to await further directions.

↩ 𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓮 ↪

Species } Werewolf { Role } Fighter { Tags } Saturn { Crush } Open
▙ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ▟

Impaciently tapping my finger on the side of the bed i looked at those who passed by the room, though didn't say anything knowing if i tried it would likely come out as a harsh snap, i had since stopped paying my undivided attention to the girl at my side as i bit my lip, gaze looking at the things scattered about the room as i longed to know what was going on,
i was healing nicely, quickly or at least quicker then the average human, as all of us did and the thought of just sitting here continously drove me insane. Shaking my head i let my skull lean against the pillow silently as i staired for now at the ceiling, thinking i hadn't seen sign of the beta nor many pack members for that matter since after they got rid of the bastard that did this, but why? where could everyone possibly be?. About to say screw it and fight my body's protests to get out of bed i was stopped short as another voice caught my attention, though this one i hadn't heard often, Emmy. Glancing over to the teenager across from me i remained silent as i glared at the girl though it didn't last long as i let out a breath and looked away, it wasn't her fault and i knew that but still i longed for someone to blame but myself despite the several times i came up blank. Staring at nothing for several moments in dead silence i finally spoke up in a nearly emotionless tone "That depends kid, what do you remember?" I mused over to her as my own jaw clenched, replaying the events in my head as my eyes closed, only to reopen moments later as the very faint sound of gunshots reached my ears,
snapping my head towards the window "Did you hear that?"
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