CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all clans -

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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby clarke, » Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:33 pm


frecklestar / founder / molly / 34m / pigeon
she breathed a sigh of relief; pigeonnose was wondering about their kits as well. “splitpaw now. she’s rebellious and angry, self conscious about her face... but, acciapaw helps her through a lot. they spend a lot of time together. i fear she is falling for him. i know the difficulties of love outside the warrior code, and it won’t be easy.” then, she couldn’t help but selfishly add, “and when she’s older, i always hoped i would have grandchildren. but acciapaw wouldn’t break the code.”

splitpaw / heir / molly / 8m / open

acciapaw / warlock initiate / tom / 14m / open

cypressfall / mercenary / tom / 23m / closed: lf moth

rowanstrike / mercenary / tom / 42m / withered
“he should pay more attention to such a beautiful molly.” rowanstrike meowed thoughtfully, tilting her chin up with the tip of his tail, lingering the touch slightly. “with a brilliant mind like yours, i think it would be difficult to do my mercenary duties without getting distracted.”

aquilegia {quil} / mercenary / molly / 42m / strawberry
quil blinked rapidly when the she-cat came into view, her pelage coat shimmering underneath the moonlight. “clan? oh... i’m from drizzleclan.” she said, blue eyes lowered. “wow, you’re like, really pretty.” she meowed carefully, then mumbled her name, nearly incoherently. “i’m aquilegia, but most cats can’t pronounce it so they say quil.” as the paused, she felt the flowers not her head drop over her eyes. “i’m a purebred, that’s what the short faces called me. they said i was so pretty. short faces can be so weird, calling you pretty one moment then the next they hurt you. do you think i’m pretty, berry?”

tortoisecreek / mercenary / molly / 27m / duck
tortie spotted the sleek silver-gray pelage of duckwater and she padded over to him elegantly, purring as she approached him with jubilance. she drew her cheek across his jawline, before stepping back, wreathed in his scent. "i have something to tell you." she admitted sheepishly, looking at him with lowered lowered lashes.

diamond / birther / molly / 23m / closed: lf luxx

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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby imp. » Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:36 pm

      rank warrior tags quil, strawberrypatch
    wildclan, for the second time, wasn't allowed to visit the gathering. however, polarcurl and her overwhelming requests were growing quite annoying, so he had an excuse to come. his eyes continued to scan the groupings of cats, before settling on two she-cats. overhearing the conversation, he identified one of them to be a member of echoclan, and the other from drizzclan. putting on his most confident face, berryspring strutted forward, stopping in front of them with a smile. "i heard you say my name?" he looked down at her with curiosity.
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( ☁ mistclan → gathering → [ 2 ] ` ` )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:37 pm


─── ( attending ; slatestar, kestrelflight, palesun, addercloud, duckwater, eclispeheart, wolfhound, bearpaw, warblerpaw, sheeppaw )

    ─── slatestar ─ leader ─ tom ─ twenty nine moons ─ tagged ; raggedstar
    raggedstar seemed a friendly enough tom, and slatestar always enjoyed chatting. "that's wonderful to hear," he dipped his head at raggedstar's words about twigkit. "they're fantastic - apprentices now. one is here tonight, see - " slatestar twitched his tail towards sheeppaw, the dusty calico molly who looked around eagerly, though she stuck close to bearpaw, seeking out the older tom's guidance.

    ─── kestrelflight ─ temporary deputy ─ tom ─ thirty three moons ─ tagged ; tansypatch
    kestrelflight trotted through the ever-growing hollow of cats, his ears twitching and angled forwards. at last, he spotted the molly he'd been looking for - "tansypatch!" he purred lightly, rubbing his cheek against hers. "how are you?"

    ─── palesun ─ medicine cat ─ tom ─ thirty two moons ─ tagged ; open
    palesun and addercloud padded towards the spot where the medicine cats unofficially gathered. palesun's thoughts were heavy, still on carpkit and her death, still going through a list in his head of what he could've done to save her. there was nothing he could have done, he assured himself. straightening, the tom sat, curling his thick tail around his paws.

    ─── addercloud ─ medicine cat ─ molly ─ seventeen moons ─ tagged ; open
    addercloud had never been to a gathering before. there were so many smells, so many sights, though she felt slightly nervous - palesun's presence reassured her, though, made her feel as if she weren't completely alone, as did the sight of eclipseheart weaving between cats, stopping every so often to twitch his whiskers in a greeting.

    ─── duckwater ─ warrior ─ tom ─ thirty nine moons ─ tagged ; tortoisecreek
    at tortoisecreek's approach, duckwater's already-bright eyes lit up, his cheer evident in the forward angle of his ears and the eager twitch of his tail. he purred as tortoisecreek's scent flooded his nostrils, licking her cheek lightly. "oh?" he asked, at her words. his interest was piqued. "do tell." he grinned at her.

    ─── eclipseheart ─ warrior ─ tom ─ forty seven moons ─ tagged ; open

    ─── wolfhound ─ warrior ─ tom ─ twenty one moons ─ tagged ; open

    ─── bearpaw ─ apprentice ─ tom ─ ten moons ─ tagged ; open

    ─── warblerpaw ─ apprentice ─ molly ─ seven moons ─ tagged ; open

    ─── sheeppaw ─ apprentice ─ molly ─ six moons ─ tagged ; open
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby Katrione » Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:27 pm

~Many Voices Crying Out As One~
Cats Attending:
Raggedstar, Hemlockheart, Brindlecloud, Crowcloud
Witheredstalk, Pigeonnose, Strawberrypatch + 3 others

| Raggedstar | Leader | Tom | Tagged: Slatestar of Mistclan |

Raggedstar leaned to the side to catch a glimpse of the she-cat in question. He purred at the sight of the young apprentice sticking close to an older apprentice. "She looks strong." He mewed, approval in his voice. "She'll be a good warrior."

| Hemlockheart | Deputy | Tom | Tagged: Open |


| Brindlecloud | Medicine Cat | Molly | Tagged: Open |


| Crowcloud | Medicine Cat Apprentice | Tom | Tagged: Open |


| Witheredstalk | Warrior | Molly | Tagged: Rowanstrike of Drizzleclan |

Witheredstalk rolled her eyes, smirking slightly and looking away. "I see that you're still trying to flirt with me." She laughed. "Do you flirt with every molly like this or am I just special?"

| Pigeonnose | Warrior | Tom | Tagged: Frecklestar of Drizzleclan |

Pigeonnose snorted. "I don't think the warrior or medicine code will stop either of them." He mewed. "Nearly every medicine cat in Echoclan has had a mate at some point, and practically every Echoclan cat takes mates outside of the Clan." He looked over his shoulder to look at the tom in question. "If he loves her, he's going to find a way to be with her."

| Strawberrypatch | Warrior | Molly | Tagged: Quil of Drizzleclan, Berryspring of Wildclan |

Strawberrypatch blinked at Quil, slightly taken back by her question. "Uh, yeah, you're pretty." She mewed, her tail swishing slightly. She looked up when a tom joined them. "Oh, Quil meant me. My name is Strawberrypatch but I guess she calls me Berry." She laughed.
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby clarke, » Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:46 am


frecklestar / founder / molly / 34m / pigeon
"and you think i should let her? just like that?" frecklestar's brows furrowed slightly, creating an indention in the middle of her face. her pelage rippled and she sighed softly, before changing subjects. "i've had an omen. when i lost my first life... starclan came to me. darkness will herald darkness, until even the smallest beacon of light is drowned out by ebony's last star." she whispered, drawing closer to him. "and there's a littlie named in the nursery, he's so mean to the other littlies, named ebonykit. i can't ignore the signs, but what am i to do?"

splitpaw / heir / molly / 8m / open

sorrelberry / warlock / tom / 14m / open

rowanstrike / mercenary / tom / 42m / withered
“flirting is the only way to get your attention." rowanstrike commented, then in return, he rolled his eyes too and waggled his haunches slightly. "you're special. more special than you know, withered."

aquilegia {quil} / mercenary / molly / 42m / strawberry, berry
"oh wow." quil blurted, glancing at the other berry, her muzzle tilted to the side. her lashes brushed the flowers across her head and she huffed. "hello, other-berry." she meowed, still looking at strawberry's ginger face. to berry of wildclan she purred, "berry thinks i'm pretty. well, strawberry that is. not you. unless you think i'm pretty, too? wouldn't that be something super? wow."

tortoisecreek / mercenary / molly / 27m / duck
suddenly, it was as if her throat was caught on itself. she felt as though her tongue and palette dried simultaneously, and she bashfully casted her glance downward. "i- er, did you notice anything different?" tortie settled on saying, angling her body to the right so that he might see her somewhat swollen stomach. "i-i- sorrelberry says i'm pregnant!" she blurted, maybe too loudly.

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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby Dinolil1 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 7:26 am

Swanstar - Sometimes you've got to be the beauty and the beast

Determined to leave an impact on the other clans, Swanstar returned with the usual gaggle of cats; plus Elderwhisker, he was a new grunt added to her increasing posse. Clambering gracefully up the high rock, the white molly took her place among the leaders and smiled. ''Cats of all Clans!'' Swanstar yowled suddenly, watching her small group taking their places and mingling with a select few clan cats. ''I need to talk to you quickly!'' She stood the way an owl stood, regarding a puny mouse. ''It is of utmost importance!'' Swanstar continued, eyes glittering brightly. Back at camp, she'd noticed Neritefang gathering a little group and she wanted that little group to be squashed like a beetle. But Swanstar had to be careful, she was treading thin ice and one false move could be the end of the line for her.

Snailstep - Lady Luck is fickle, take her as she comes

Shaggy, dark-furred and sinister, Snailstep plodded into the gathering and arrogantly made his way through the crowd. Hearing Swanstar's call, Snailstep looked up and grinned; the molly had proven time and time again to be smart and cunning, like a fox. Nobody even suspected he was the murderer, except for Bramblefur and Braircloud but lately the pair had been very quiet. Almost too quiet, Snailstep realized with a frown. He'd been pondering and plodding for while when he walked into another cat. ''My bad.'' Snailstep mewed without much apology. ''I'm Snailstep, and I'm looking for another deputy?'' TALKING TO HEMLOCKHEART

Firepool - Mistakes were made

Lilypaw - In a gentle way, you can shake the world

Vervainpaw - Depend on no-one; for even your shadow leaves you when it gets dark

Elderwhisker - He who is not a good follower, cannot be a good leader

I believe that you are purrfect!

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Postby amethyst14 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:39 am

Attending: Sagestar, Coppereyes, Rabbitheart, Owlseed, Rustlepaw, Robinpaw
OOC: Looking for enemies :D
Sagestar | Tom | Leader of Briarclan | Tags; other leaders, open
Sagestar boldly stepped into the clearing, he decided he needed to show off his new status as the new Brairclan leader. Who knows maybe he could finally cause some trouble and have a large clan behind him. To him it was a good night to create some drama and luckily start a war. The tom smirked before leaving the others that followed him and jumped onto the leader's rock, shoving another cat out of his way without care.
Owlseed | Molly | Medicine Cat of Briarclan | Tags; Crowcloud
Owlseed was at the very end of the group, she wanted nothing more than to go back to camp. This was not her first gathering but she already knew she hated them as there were so many cats present. She watched as Sagestar jumped up and shoved another cat, she closed her eyes and thought to herself 'Please, Starclan. Please don't let him cause to much trouble, Briarclan can not take it right now.' With a sigh she kept to the outskirts of the gathering and avoided many cats, only occasionally flicked a tail when a cat meowed hello.

Owlseed knew where the medicine cats liked to gather as she could smell the herbs mixed with their scent. She slowly padded that way and stopped to look around. To her surprise she say the tom that had helped her out not to long ago and padded towards him. The molly let out a friendly chirp so she did not scare him before meowing, "Hello, I'm sorry but I have never got your name." Just then the warning that Archpool gave her rang through her mind and she shoved it away, he wasn't here and what harm could it do?

Rabbitheart | Tom | Warrior of Briarclan(Ill) | Tags; open
Rabbitheart held back his coughing the best he could, one of Sagestar's request. When Sagestar was far enough away Rabbitheart let the coughing spill out. The tom stayed on the edge of the gathering, not really in the mood to mingle. Every now and then he would let out a horrid cough, his eyes screamed that he was tired. The warrior eventually sunk down as his eyes slowly closed.
Coppereyes | Tom | Deputy of Briarclan | Tags; open
Coppereyes followed Sagestar until he reached the deputy are just below the leaders. The tom sat close to it and just observed the others, keeping tabs on those in his own clan and occasionally eavesdropping into other cat's conversations.
Rustlepaw | Tom | Apprentice of Briarclan | Tags; open
Rustlepaw led the way through the gathering, Robinpaw behind him. He was looking for cats that might be their age and apprentices as well.
Robinpaw | Molly | Apprentice of Briarclan | Tags; open
Robinpaw stayed near Rustlepaw as she took in the sights of the gathering. It was both of their first gatherings and everything seemed overwhelming to her. A smile was permanatly on her face as she darted her eyes on the many pelts in the area.
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Postby carpe noctem. » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:48 am


❝ beware their sinister smiles. ❞



      shadestar • tom • 31 moons • sovereign • tagged; leaders, open
      Sullenclan was young, indeed. Though did that make their strength, their very potential questionable? Certainly not. Shadestar suspected that one foolish feline or two would make an attempt to ridicule the leader that Sullenclan was not powerful, though he was prepared to shut down any sort of that tomfoolery as quick as it came. "I take that many of your are interested in perhaps chatting with others?" Shadestar questioned, emerald orbs focused upon the perch where the leaders where as he addressed his clan. He needed only a few murmurs of yes to know the answer. "I do not forbid it, though I advise that you keep yourself alert and do not become too warm around these cats. They are not your friends, they are your enemies unless otherwise stated." He ordered, his voice harsh suddenly. And when he advised the clan to do something, it was really a more polite version of ordering. With a mere flick of his tail, he dismissed the clan to let them mingle, agilely leaping up to where the leaders were.

      orchidmist • molly • 26 moons • shaman herbalist • tagged; open
      The hairless molly let the words of her sumpreme sovereign trace her mind as she winded her way through a throng of cats, ears flicking back as she picked up bits of their conversation. It didn't really interest her, all of the small talk that the groups uttered. "How is your clan? how are you? your clan is dying, oh, that's fun." It was nonsense like that, and each time she heard cats chatting like that questioned if any of them truly cared about the others. Oh well.. She thought with a sigh, lowering herself to her haunches and tucking her paws close to her supple frame. Their the ones wasting their breath pretending to care.

      verglascry • tom • 31 moons • combatant • tagged; open

      swanripple • molly • 32 moons • combatant • tagged; open

      aniella • molly • 15 moons • forgerer • tagged; open
      The amount of cats that surrounded the small munchkin were certainly impressive, yet also admittedly intimidating to the young Sullenclanner. She had been expected to view everyone as the enemy, as though in one second she would have to turn around and attack every one of them. Her clanmates had no trouble with these orders, all of this merely routine now. But, it was simply not in the nature of the shy munchkin molly to feel these emotions— though she knew well enough she had ought to try.

      frostedpaw • molly • 8 moons • cadet • tagged; open

      duneleap • molly • 21 moons • dame • tagged; open
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( ☁ mistclan → gathering → [ 3 ] ` ` )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:32 pm


─── ( attending ; slatestar, kestrelflight, palesun, addercloud, duckwater, eclispeheart, wolfhound, bearpaw, warblerpaw, sheeppaw )

    ─── slatestar ─ leader ─ tom ─ twenty nine moons ─ tagged ; raggedstar
    "yes, i do hope so," slatestar beamed at raggedstar's assessment of sheeppaw. "wheatpaw will hopefully be attending the next gathering - he was a bit miffed at me for choosing sheeppaw first." slatestar shrugged a 'what can you do?' kind of look.

    ─── kestrelflight ─ temporary deputy ─ tom ─ thirty three moons ─ tagged ; tansypatch
    kestrelflight trotted through the ever-growing hollow of cats, his ears twitching and angled forwards. at last, he spotted the molly he'd been looking for - "tansypatch!" he purred lightly, rubbing his cheek against hers. "how are you?"

    ─── palesun ─ medicine cat ─ tom ─ thirty two moons ─ tagged ; open
    palesun and addercloud padded towards the spot where the medicine cats unofficially gathered. palesun's thoughts were heavy, still on carpkit and her death, still going through a list in his head of what he could've done to save her. there was nothing he could have done, he assured himself. straightening, the tom sat, curling his thick tail around his paws.

    ─── addercloud ─ medicine cat ─ molly ─ seventeen moons ─ tagged ; open
    addercloud had never been to a gathering before. there were so many smells, so many sights, though she felt slightly nervous - palesun's presence reassured her, though, made her feel as if she weren't completely alone, as did the sight of eclipseheart weaving between cats, stopping every so often to twitch his whiskers in a greeting.

    ─── duckwater ─ warrior ─ tom ─ thirty nine moons ─ tagged ; tortoisecreek
    tortoisecreek's words shot through duckwater like an icy dip in the stream during leafbare. for a moment, he could only stare at her mutely, his eyes flashing to her slightly swollen tummy and then back to her face. a slow, languid grin broke through his shock, though, and his gaze was bright as he purred, brushing his cheek against hers with no small amount of joy. "that's wonderful!" duckwater rumbled, drawing his tongue over the top of her head lightly. "that is wonderful, right?" he pulled back to examine her expression - he hoped she was as happy with this turn of events as he was.

    ─── eclipseheart ─ warrior ─ tom ─ forty seven moons ─ tagged ; open

    ─── wolfhound ─ warrior ─ tom ─ twenty one moons ─ tagged ; open
    wolfhound padded through the clearing, ducking his head as he wove between a pair of felines in an apparently heated argument. as he turned abruptly around them, he collided with a hairless molly, her ivy-green eyes bright. wolfhound caught his balance, and hissed out a quick, sheepish apology, his amber eyes flashing towards her. "sorry," he told her gruffly, his ears laid back with apology. "er - what clan are you from?" wolfhound was absolutely sure he'd never seen the peculiar molly at a gathering before, though he'd never quite attended that many gatherings.

    ─── bearpaw ─ apprentice ─ tom ─ ten moons ─ tagged ; open
    bearpaw skirted through the crowded clearing, warblerpaw's dark-striped form at his heels. sheeppaw had disappeared, though. bearpaw wasn't worried - sheeppaw was a smart molly, always had been, and was probably off making friends somewhere. bearpaw paused at the sight of another pair of apprentices. he approached them with a grin, his thick tail twitching brightly. "hello," he purred, warblerpaw beside him. "i'm bearpaw - and you?" he addressed the tom, his eyes bright.

    ─── warblerpaw ─ apprentice ─ molly ─ seven moons ─ tagged ; open
    awe flickered in warblerpaw's gaze, though she tried to hide the fact that she was so easily impressed. "hello," she purred lightly to another molly apprentice. "i'm warblerpaw, of mistclan - who are you?" bearpaw was speaking to the tom, warblerpaw noticed, so she figured she'd try to make friends, too.

    ─── sheeppaw ─ apprentice ─ molly ─ six moons ─ tagged ; open
    sheeppaw blinked - she had lost her companions. well, no matter; she would try her hardest to make friends, her hardest to speak with other cats so she didn't feel so completely alone. she turned to the first feline she saw - a molly, white and brown-grey, who was very small, almost as if she were an apprentice. sheeppaw approached with a soft smile. "hello," she purred lightly, fear of rebuttal raising the fur on her spine. "i'm sheeppaw, from mistclan - and you?"
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby Katrione » Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:08 pm

~Many Voices Crying Out As One~
Cats Attending:
Raggedstar, Hemlockheart, Brindlecloud, Crowcloud
Witheredstalk, Pigeonnose + 4 others

| Raggedstar | Leader | Tom | Tagged: Open |


| Hemlockheart | Deputy | Tom | Tagged: Open |


| Brindlecloud | Medicine Cat | Molly | Tagged: Open |


| Crowcloud | Medicine Cat Apprentice | Tom | Tagged: Open |


| Witheredstalk | Warrior | Molly | Tagged: Open |


| Pigeonnose | Warrior | Tom | Tagged: Open |

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