▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins // v.1

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

▷ the knights of ren, 1

Postby goneeeeee :) » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:02 am

xborders n ‘ open e ‘ open
xis ‘ open w ‘ open

xallies open
xenemies open

xprey stock
xideer ‘ 0 ‘ 3 servings
ximountain goat ‘ 0’ 2 servings
xielk ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
ximink ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
xihawk ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
xieagle ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings

xmedicine stock
xiherb ‘ 0 ‘ usage

master of the knights of ren
ren ‘ 32m ‘ ♂
lives: ★★★★★★★★

admiral of the knights of ren
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

physician recruit
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

battle technician
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

number of griffins one [ males 1 females 0 ]

ren requests an infantry from the moonpool
ren goes on a border patrol + hunting party

family & mates
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits

mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves

deceased griffins
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
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goneeeeee :)
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[myth of hidden feathers] [zero]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:05 pm

the griffins of hidden feathers live in a cave high in the mountains. their camp lies within a large cavern. a cave entrance sits in the side of a mountain. vines hang down of the entrance, hiding the cave entrance. the camp itself is within the mountain in a large cavern. the main section of the cavern is very large. to one side is a ledge where the rightful addresses the myth. underneath the ledge is the entrance to the rightfuls nest. on the far wall a waterfall trickles into the cavern. an entrance to the healer nest sits below the small waterfall. the entrance is protected from the waterfall because small ledges redirect the water away from the entrance. on the right side of the cavern are tunnels into the followers, knowledgeables, and upcoming nests. finally from next to the healer in a separate cavern all together where a tunnel leads to the mothers nests. at the base of the mountain is the entrance to the starlight cave. the cave descends down into a cavern deep in the earth. this is where the rightful meets with ancestors. the cavern is big enough for just two griffins. in the center of it is a chunk of crystal.
the griffins of the myth of the hidden feathers live within the mountains. their territory is mostly mountainous and rocky. grass peeks through the rocks, and trees dot the land. many rocks on the mountain are loose and unstable, so flying is the best option for the griffins. a few waterfalls slither their way down the mountain side, providing fresh water. the waterfall that snakes down the side of the mountain pools at the base, making a lake. the lake is great for fishing. before the camp entrance is a ledge which is good for training upcoming to fly. at the base of the mountain is a vast forest. this is where the griffins gather most of their herbs and hunt most of their food. its great for training upcoming how to hunt. this is also where the training area for fighting is. its a large open clearing in the forest. there are no rocks jutting out of the ground and the ground is flat.
small // two servings // common :: mice and fish and hares
medium // two servings // uncommon :: hawks and snakes
large // three servings // rare :: mountain goats
naming of a rightful [leader] :: the naming of an upcoming is a serious one. it usually happens the day after the old rightful has died. to become a rightful the rightful upcoming must of learned the ways of herbs and how to hunt, fish, fight, and fly. they must be at least twenty moon cycles as well. the lead healer will stand atop the ledge within the cavern and announce i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the rightful. name, please step forward. name, you have proven yourself worthy. you are, trait, trait, and trait. name, i announce that you are the new rightful. the healer will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the rightfuls head. when the moon goes down the rightful will go into the starlight cavern and receive their nine lives.
naming of a rightful upcoming [deputy] the naming of an upcoming rightful is like the naming of a rightful, though its more fore upcomings. all upcomings are relieved of their duties for the day and are allowed to do whatever they want for the day. their choosing is usually a surprise. the rightful upcoming is chosen at six moon cycles like any other youngling. the rightful will stand at the ledge within the cavern and announce i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the rightful upcoming. name, please step forward. at a young age i saw potential in this young griffin. name, i announce that you are the rightful upcoming. the rightful will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the rightful upcomings head. from there the rightful upcoming will learn how to fly, fish, fight, hunt, and the ways of herbs.
naming of a follower [warriors] the follower naming ceremony is also like the rightful naming, but more joyful since a griffin didnt die. after learning how to fly, fight, fish, and hunt as upcomings they will become followers. to become a follower they also must be at least twelve moon cycles old. the rightful will stand atop the ledge within the cavern and say. i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the followers. name, please step forward. you are trait, trait, and trait. name, i announce that you are now a follower. the rightful will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the followers heads.
naming of an upcoming [apprntices] the naming of an upcoming is like the naming of a rightful upcoming. all upcomings are relieved of their duties for the day and are allowed to do whatever they want for the day. upcomings are chosen at six moon cycles like any other youngling. the rightful will stand at the ledge within the cavern and announce i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the upcomings. name, please step forward. name, i announce that you are an upcoming. the rightful will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the upcomings heads.
naming of a newborn the naming of a newborn is a very happy one. at the ledge within the cavern the rightful will stand withe mother griffin and her younglings. the rightful will announce the names of the younglings that the mother has chosen for them. i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the newborn youglings. name. the rightful will then hold the youngling up by their scruff, showing them to the myth.
naming of an outsider the naming of an outsider is either like the naming of a follower or an upcoming. the rightful will stand at the ledge within the cavern and announce i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth an outsider. name, please step forward. from this day on you will be called name. name, i announce that you are a follower // upcoming.
naming of a healer [shaman] the naming of an healer is a serious one. to become a healer the healer upcoming must of learned the ways of herbs and how to fly. the rightful will stand atop the ledge within the cavern and will announce i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the healer. name, please step forward. name, you have proven yourself worthy. you are, trait, trait, and trait. name, i announce that you are the new healer. the rightful will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the healers head.
naming of a healer upcoming [shaman apprentice] the naming of an upcoming healer is like the naming of a healer, though its more fore upcomings. all upcomings are relieved of their duties for the day and are allowed to do whatever they want for the day. their choosing is usually a surprise. the healer upcoming is chosen at six moon cycles like any other youngling. the rightful will stand at the ledge within the cavern and announce i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the healer upcoming. name, please step forward. at a young age healer name saw potential in this young griffin. name, i announce that you are the healer upcoming. the rightful will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the healer upcomings head. from there the healer upcoming will learn how to fly and the ways of herbs.
naming of knowledgeable [elder] the knowledgeable naming ceremony is also like the rightful naming, but more joyful since a griffin didnt die. after serving for many moon cycles followers will become knowledgeable. to become a knowledgeable they also must be one hundred moon cycles old. the rightful will stand atop the ledge within the cavern and say. i, name, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this day i bring forth the knowledgeable. name, please step forward. you are trait, trait, and trait. you have served your myth well. name, i announce that you are now a knowledgeable. the rightful will jump from the ledge and press their forehead against the knowledgeable heads.
burial of a rightful, follower, healer, knowledgeable the burial ceremony of a griffin is a sad one. the night of the griffins death the rightful will stand atop the ledge within the cave. with their head hung low the will say on this day i am saddened to say that we have lost a hidden feather. name was trait, trait, and trait. they were a valued member of the myth. let us hope the find the way to the stars peacefully. the rightful will jump down and rest their head atop the griffins head then theyll pluck a feather from the fallen griffin. loved ones and close friends will d the same. the griffins will stand at the ledge outside of the cavern and release the feathers to the wind. then they will bury the body at the base of the mountain. for the rest of the night they must keep a silent vigil. if a rightful dies then a healer will preform the ceremony.
burial of an upcoming, healer upcoming, rightful upcoming, newborn the burial ceremony of a griffin is a sad one. the night of the griffins death the rightful will stand atop the ledge within the cave. with their head hung low the will say on this day i am saddened to say that we have lost a hidden feather. name was just a young griffin starting to learn the ways of the myth. they were a valued member of the myth. let us hope the find the way to the stars peacefully. name, i announce that you are now a follower // rightful // healer. the rightful will jump down and rest their head atop the griffins head then theyll pluck a feather from the fallen griffin. loved ones and close friends will d the same. the griffins will stand at the ledge outside of the cavern and release the feathers to the wind. then they will bury the body at the base of the mountain. for the rest of the night they must keep a silent vigil. if a rightful dies then a healer will preform the ceremony.
celebration of the ancestors the celebration of the ancestors is another fun one. it starts at the new moon cycle before the rightful goes to visit with the ancestors. there is a lot of dancing around the cave. offerings are thrown off the ledge for the ancestors.
celebration of new leaf the celebration of new leaf is a bitter sweet one. it is about surviving through the cold season. its also bout remembering the lost of the past cycles, but its is also about starting anew. until sunhigh all of the griffins must remain in a silent vigil to commemorate the lost, then at sunhigh everyone that is able to leaves the cave and picks a flower down in the forest. the flowers are brought back to the cave. at the ledge everyone will release their flower to the wind.
celebration of flying feathers the celebration of flying feathers is one of the most loved rituals. it starts at the beginning of eachnaming of an upcoming. this is when the younglings begin to shed their baby feathers before they become an upcoming. the younglings exit the cavern for the first time and stand at the edge of the ledge. the begin to ruffle and shed their baby feathers, letting the wind carry them off through the air.
starlight visit
rightful :: a rightful is the leader of the myth. they announce when there is a celebration or ceremony. they have nine lives as well. a rightful becomes leader when a rightful chooses them as their upcoming.
rightful upcoming :: the rightful upcoming is the apprentice of the rightful. they learn from the rightful and are destined to become rightful one day. a rightful upcoming is only chosen when a rightful has lost most of their lives.
healer :: a healer is the shaman or medicine griffin of the myth. they go out and search for herbs. they heal other griffins.
healer upcoming :: a healer upcoming like an apprentice and is the successor of a healer. they are taught and trained what herbs are used for and when to see disease in another griffin.
follower :: a follower is like a warrior. theyre taught how to hunt and fight. the protect and provide for the myth.
upcoming :: an upcoming is an apprentice. they learn from the followers, learning how to fly and fight and hunt and fish from them.
youngling :: younglings are baby griffins.
mothers :: mothers are pregnant or nursing griffin mothers.
knowledgeable :: a knowledgeable is an elder. once they get to a point in their life that warrior tasks become too much for their old bodies they retire and provide younger griffins with knowledge.
the griffins of hidden feathers are elusive and mysterious creatures. they hide up in the mountains from other griffin myths. for the most part a lot of the griffins of the hidden feathers are kind creatures. theyre determined to do their very best and provide and protect the myth. they work hard. of course there are out liers who arent as kind and caring as other griffins. or who are more shy, every griffin is different after all. thats another thing, differences are loved in this myth. a lot of the griffins in this myth have neutral colors like black, white, silver, and gray. some are brown, red, gold, and orange. very few strange colors are within the myth such as green, blue, purple, and pink, but those colors can still show themselves.
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▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins

Postby imperials » Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:32 pm


    Newleaf ▷ The winter months have finally drawn an end and the air has started to heat up. There is an abundance of prey and herbs are easier to find. Humans are starting to be spotted more and more and their dogs have been sighted much more frequently now. There are many more rouges, loners, and abandons [ kitty-pets ] around near boarders.

    i will be responding to every post every 1-3 days depending on how busy i am, you will often find when ill post replies below!

    next replies ▷ January 22 or 23

    ** you do not have to take "servings" into account until your 3rd post so you may stock up on prey before hand!


    [ myth of forgotten shadows ] [ knights of ren ] [ myth of hidden feathers ]


adriana101 wrote:
-- snip --

[ Myth of Hidden Feathers has been founded ! ]
[ imperials will be your mod ]

~Glaceon~ wrote:
Myth of Forgotten Shadows
[ Talon hunts and patrols]
[Talon asks the dark ancestors for an accomplice]

[ while hunting, talon has acquired x1 hawk ]
[ the dark ancestors of the myth of forgotten shadows has granted the myth with an accomplice. ]

starkiller. wrote:Image
ren requests an infantry from the moonpool
ren goes on a border patrol + hunting party

[ the ancestors of knights of ren has granted the myth with an infantry ]
[ while hunting, ren has acquired x1 mountian goat ]
[ ren has noticed a strange scent at the boarder, will they follow it? ]
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▷ myth of dappled leaves, chapter one

Postby skywalker, » Sun Jan 21, 2018 6:38 pm


look at first post to see some description of the territory !

- the griffins mostly found in this area are the colours of ;;
common ; white, brown and grey
uncommon ; mixtures
rare ; midnight black
Last edited by skywalker, on Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins // v.1

Postby cloudy days » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:30 pm

➳ Myth of Forgotten Shadows ➳
Number of Griffins: 2
Next Ancestors Visit: 7 Days

As Talon proudly carried the large hawk to her cave when a flapping of wings caught her attention. Another griffin was staring right at her. "Who are you and what do you want?" she snapped. Unfazed, the male stood his ground. "I was told to come here and find you. I am Whirlwind." he explained, a little nervously, but still standing without a single sign of fleeing."Come then." Talon replied, her eyes glinting. She started beating her wings and ran to the cave, Whirlwind streaming behind her. "It looks small." he mused as he scrutinized the outside. "This is the camp. Be patient." she growled. With a brisk nod, the male followed her inside and gasped. It had running water, and still some light to see by, unlike the tiny spaces still considered caves dotted above them. "Happy now? Then let's hunt. You appear to be better at hunting then you are at battling." she considered. Whirlwind dipped his head. "Yes. Are we going to defend the territory too?" he asked, happier tones in his voice. "yes. And try to avoid rain while we can. "

Talon and Whirlwind patrol]
[Talon and Whirlwind hunt]

          Talon the Shadow Master
          40 Moons | Female |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Surgeon Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          War Admiral:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Hunting Admiral:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Whirlwind the Quick Clawed
          38 Moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Young Talons:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Scarred Ones:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Myths:
    Myth Name | Username
    Myth Name | Username

    Enemy Myths
    Myth Name | Username
    Myth Name | Username

    North | Myth Name | Username
    East | Myth Name | Username
    South | Myth Name | Username
    West | Myth Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rats | x0 | 1 servings
    Bats | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Deer | x0 | 3 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Griffins:
    Name | Cause of Death
    Name | Cause of Death

    Family / Relationships:
    Name and Name | Cubs
    Name and Name | Cubs
Last edited by cloudy days on Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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cloudy days
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▷ the knights of ren, 2

Postby goneeeeee :) » Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:20 am

xborders n ‘ open e ‘ open
xis ‘ open w ‘ open

xallies open
xenemies open

xprey stock
xideer ‘ 0 ‘ 3 servings
ximountain goat ‘ x1 ’ 2 servings
xielk ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
ximink ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
xihawk ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
xieagle ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings

xmedicine stock
xiherb ‘ 0 ‘ usage

master of the knights of ren
ren ‘ 33m ‘ ♂
lives: ★★★★★★★★

admiral of the knights of ren
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

physician recruit
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

battle technician
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

niklaus ‘ 32m ‘ ♀
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

number of griffins two [ males 1 females 1 ]

”welcome niklaus, to the knights of ren.” he was tall,
dark and powerful. long, thorn-sharp claws flashed in
the moonlight and dark eyes could just be seen in the
dim light of the moon overhead.

“call me klaus.” the other was somewhat shorter but
muscles rippled underneath his coat, wings stirring the
air gently.

“klaus, i want you to go on a patrol, get yourself
familiarwith the land of alteraa which we protect. i,
however, will hunt. we’ll need food if we are to survive.”

▷ border patrol — niklaus
▷ hunting party + border patrol — ren
▷ scent — ren decides to investigate

family & mates
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits

mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves

deceased griffins
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
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goneeeeee :)
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[myth of hidden feathers] [one]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:45 am

мyтн oғ нιdden ғeaтнerѕ
nυмвer oғ grιғғιnѕ :: one [males || zero ] [females || one]
neхт ѕтarlιgнт vιѕιѕт :: one // twenty eight // eighteen
ѕervιng :: two


it was a long and treacherous journey, but finally as the sun reached its high, smoke saw the mountain. she had been traveling for days now to find the mysterious cave of her ancestors, and the mountain before her is exactly what she saw in her dream that she had weeks before. the dream had happened some time ago. in it an ancestor of hers spoke to her. they taught her the ways of the myth and told her that she must find the cave of hidden feathers and bring the myth back to life.

nearing the mountain, smoke scanned it for the hidden cave entrance. it was tough to find, but she found the vines which hid the entrance. diving toward it her heart pounded. her ancestor told her she would be the only on there, but what if another griffin had claimed the area as their home? standing outside of the entrance she heard and saw no sign of another griffin around. moving the vines aside, smoke entered the dark cave. after her eyes adjusted to the dark smoke took a look around. the place was dusty and old feathers of past griffins lie on the floor, untouched for who knows how long. this'll do for now. smoke told herself.


after a little bit of cleaning the place, ridding it of the dust and feathers, smoke made her way outside. she stood at the edge of a precipice, staring out at the vast valley of trees below. the sun was starting to slowly make its descent into the horizon. this meant that the full moon would be rising tonight. before she would head to the starlight cave smoke wanted to hunt and patrol the borders. there could be a chance that a griffin needing a home would find their way to her. spreading her gray wings, smoke leaped from the cliff. she dove down toward the forest, her dark colored eyes searching for the movement of prey.


[starlight visit :: smoke]
[hunting patrol :: smoke]
[boarder patrol :: smoke]


smoke || thirty || female ||
lives :: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

rιgнтғυl υpcoмιng
name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

нealer υpcoмιng
name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]
      ally мyтнѕ
      myth name || username

      eneмy мyтнѕ
      myth name || username

      north || myth name || username
      north east || myth name || username
      east || myth name || username
      south east || myth name || username
      south || myth name || username
      south west || myth name || username
      west || myth name || username
      north west || myth name || username


      мedιcιne ѕтore
      borage leaves || increases milk in mothers + brings down fevers || zero
      burdock root || cures infection || zero
      catmint || cures greencough || zero
      chervil || helps infection + roots cure bellyache || zero
      cobweb || stops bleeding || zero
      coltsfoot || helps shortness of breath || zero
      comfry || soothes wounds + helps mend broken bones || zero
      deathberries || kills || zero
      dock || soothes scratches || zero
      dried oak leaf || stops infection || zero
      feverfew || cools body temperature || zero
      golden rod || helps heals wounds || zero
      honey || soothes throats of smoke inhalation || zero
      horsetail || helps infected wounds || zero
      juniper berries || soothes bellyache + breathing trouble || zero
      lavender || cures fevers || zero
      marigold || stops infection || zero
      mouse bile || removes ticks || zero
      poppy seeds || soothes pain + shock and distress || zero
      stinging nettle || dispels poison + brings down swelling || zero
      tansy || cures cough || zero
      thyme || calms anxiety || zero
      watermint || helps bellyache || zero
      wild garlic || prevents infection || zero
      yarrow || expels poison from wounds + ingested causes vomiting || zero

      ғreѕн ĸιll
      mice || zero || two servings
      fish || zero || two servings
      haer || zero || two servings
      hawk || zero || two servings
      snake || zero || two servings
      mountain goat || zero || three servings


      follower || upcoming
      move || move || move || move

      ғallen ғeaтнerѕ
      name || cause of death

      тwo вιrdѕ oғ a ғeaтнer
      unknown + unknown || smoke
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~ moth ~
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▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins

Postby imperials » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:55 am


    Newleaf ▷ The winter months have finally drawn an end and the air has started to heat up. There is an abundance of prey and herbs are easier to find. Humans are starting to be spotted more and more and their dogs have been sighted much more frequently now. There are many more rouges, loners, and abandons [ kitty-pets ] around near boarders.

    every 5 replies i do, the seasons will change ! [ 2 / 5 ]

    i will be responding to every post every 1-3 days depending on how busy i am, you will often find when ill post replies below! if there is no 'time' limit as to when ill be posting, expect ill generally post whenever i feel the need to <:!

    next replies ▷ ---

    ** you do not have to take "servings" into account until your 3rd post so you may stock up on prey before hand!


    [ myth of forgotten shadows ] [ knights of ren ] [ myth of hidden feathers ] [ myth of dappled leaves ]


skywalker, wrote:

[ myth of dappled leaves has been founded ! ]
[ your mod will be imperials ]

~Glaceon~ wrote:
➳ Myth of Forgotten Shadows ➳

[Talon and Whirlwind patrol]
[Talon and Whirlwind hunt]

[ while hunting, talon and whirlwind acquire x1 deer + x1 rat ]
[ talon and whirlwind find a potential trainee at the boarder ]

starkiller. wrote:
▷ border patrol — niklaus
▷ hunting party + border patrol — ren
▷ scent — ren decides to investigate

[ while patrolling the boarder, niklaus found a dame, she is due in 2 moons ]
[ the scent ren has followed, traced him to the pregnant dame that niklaus found ]
[ while hunting, ren has acquired x1 deer and x1 hawk ]

мyтн oғ нιdden ғeaтнerѕ
[starlight visit :: smoke]
[hunting patrol :: smoke]
[boarder patrol :: smoke]

[ smoke's starlight visit resulted in a healer given to her by her ancestors ]
You may not start you herb store. proceed by choosing 5 herbs to start your store.
[ smoke sensed that all was good around her boarders ]
[ while hunting, smoke has acquired x1 mountain goat and x1 mouse ]
Last edited by imperials on Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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▷ myth of dappled leaves, chapter one

Postby skywalker, » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:15 pm


number of griffins ; 1
females | 1 | males | 0 |

Softly Falling Snow | female | twenty moons

    second in command
name | gender | age

name | gender | age

    shaman apprentice
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

    retired griffins
name | age | gender

first moon, the beginning chapter

The sound of birds calling in the trees made the forest sing with life, their leaves being tugged at by the summer breeze. The beech nuts fell happily from their roost, squirrels eagerly running over and chomping on the outer-shell, yanking it open to get the food inside. A soft looking female padded through the bright green forest, her ice coloured eyes thoughtful as she took in the sights around her. She flexed her powerful wings, her tail dragging across the forest floor, disturbing grass and rustling little plants. She had long feather like whiskers on top of her head, and a necklace around her neck. It seemed to have a sapphire in the middle as the pendant, and almost looked like it was glowing. She didn't know why she was here; she had been up north, but now she was here... She continued walking gracefully, her purplish-white fur standing out brilliantly in the greenery.

That's when she felt another presence near her, and it seemed.. almost calming. She furrowed her brows, the feathery whiskers twitching and dancing behind her and she came to a stand-still. It felt like someone else was in her area, watching her.. That's when a ghostly figure suddenly appeared in front of her, making her jump back in shock. Her fur was bristling, and she felt her talons grip into the earth out of fear. The ghostly figure just smiled at her, and beckoned her with it's tail. She watched it walk off, and slowly started following it, slightly suspicious. It led her to a large beech tree, which had a hole in the base of the trunk. She gingerly followed the shimmering ghost into the hollow, and saw a pond right in the middle of it. It twinkled and shined, although there was no light, and she looked up. Crystals were hanging from the top of the trunk. It seemed to be hollow all the way up. She gasped slightly at the sight, a small smile peeling across her face at the beautiful show.

She then looked towards the figure, seeing it look at her with soft eyes. It dipped it's paw into the water, and suddenly disappeared. She stood confused, before padding towards the water and crouching down in front of it. She gently touched a toe to the water, and felt sleep over come her. She closed her eyes, and drifted off. When she awoke, she was no longer near the pond, but instead in a starry place, the grass blowing gracefully all around her. Vines grew and hung down from the trees, and frogs croaked all around her. She was admiring the place before she heard a voice "Snow?" She looked over, and saw three griffins standing before her. She didn't know who any of them were, and was confused at this; how did they know her name?

The young griffin nodded, confusing glowing in her eyes. She wasn't scared, far from it. She felt comfortable around these strangers for some reason, and she wanted to hear what they had to say to her "Y-Yes?" She asked, her voice small. A sweet looking female griffin smiled at her, and the two large males on the other side of her nodded towards her "Welcome to The Land of Stars." The female griffin said, and Snow's eyes widened. She had heard of this place, but never imagined she would be here herself. She looked around a bit more, before looking back to the three starry griffins "W-Why am I here?" She asked, and the largest male stepped forward a bit "We have brought you here so that you can establish a new colony we call a Myth" He said in a deep, gruff voice. She was silent for a moment, before nodding. The smaller male of the two smiled "So you are feeling up to the task?" Snow suddenly stood and nodded confidently "Yes. I believe that if you think I can establish this Myth, I will be able to do it." She said, and the three smiled "Wonderful!" The petite female cheered, bounding up and down slightly "You will now be know as Gently Falling Snow. As the leader, you need a proper Myth name of course!" She giggled cheerily. Snow blinked, and looked towards the two males who gazed fondly at the excited female "You can still go by Snow, it's just the name Pepper gave you is more formal" The burly male chuckled, and Snow laughed, smiling wide.

"You're new camp will located in The Great Yawning Cave. It's entrance is small, but it's inside surely isn't! It's entrance is a stone arc outside a mountainside, it's entrance covered in hanging lichen" The smaller male instructed, and Snow nodded "Good luck to you, Gently Falling Snow. We wish you luck, and we hope to see you again. May the stars lead you in a successful path" The three chanted, and when Snow awoke, she felt like a new griffin. She managed to find the place she was told her new home would be, and she admired the beauty of this cave, her home. She breathed in, and watched in crystals blink and wink at her playfully. She shook out her pelt and puffed out her chest "This is where my life truly begins!"

{ Gently Falling Snow goes out hunting }
{ Gently Falling Snow goes on a boarder Patrol }
{ Gently Falling Snow goes to The Sleeping Tree to request a companion to aid her ! }


herb storage

prey storage
deer | x0 | 3 servings
hawks | x0 | 3 servings
big fish | x0 | 3 servings
rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
small fish | x0 | 2 servings
mice | x0 | 1 serving

deceased griffins
no currently !

none currently !

Star Walkers
Sneezing Pepper, or just Pepper - little energetic female
Burly Lion, or just Lion - big bulky male
Little Stormcloud, or just Storm - smaller male
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▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins

Postby imperials » Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:02 pm


    Newleaf ▷ The winter months have finally drawn an end and the air has started to heat up. There is an abundance of prey and herbs are easier to find. Humans are starting to be spotted more and more and their dogs have been sighted much more frequently now. There are many more rouges, loners, and abandons [ kitty-pets ] around near boarders.

    every 5 replies i do, the seasons will change ! [ 2 / 5 ]

    i will be responding to every post every 1-3 days depending on how busy i am, you will often find when ill post replies below! if there is no 'time' limit as to when ill be posting, expect ill generally post whenever i feel the need to <:!

    next replies ▷ ---

    ** you do not have to take "servings" into account until your 3rd post so you may stock up on prey before hand!


    [ myth of forgotten shadows ] [ knights of ren ] [ myth of hidden feathers ] [ myth of dappled leaves ]



{ Gently Falling Snow goes out hunting }
{ Gently Falling Snow goes on a boarder Patrol }
{ Gently Falling Snow goes to The Sleeping Tree to request a companion to aid her ! }

[ while hunting, snow has acquired x1 deer and x1 mouse ]
[ while on boarder patrol, snow tracked a scent that leads deeper into unknown territory, will she follow it? ]
[ the myth of dappled leaves ancestors have granted the myth of dabbled leaves with a healer ! but they are blind in one eye ]
you may now begin you medicine store. to begin, please choose 5 herbs of choice and add them to your store
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