── Life² ──

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── Life² ──

Postby néktar » Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:57 pm


                do not post !!
                this is a place for the
                backstory/development of m
                y kalon gaia


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❝ it starts with a seed.

Postby néktar » Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:00 pm


    ∙ a seed?
    ∙ yea, that was all that was there, the only thing actually,, well, living.
    ∙ i don't get it,, how did all of this come from just one singular seed. and what about you?!
    ∙ hush child, and let me tell you then.

❝ the sounds of life were all around her, ringing through her mind, her body, her soul. she was one with the planet. and the planet was one with her, no one could refute that fact, in that moment the two were one in the same. she was not yet tangible in that frame of mind. she could not think, touch, or see, all she could do was listen, as would be her best quality in her waking life. though in a single burst of life, she saw, felt, and could convey thought. she saw first the blackened soil, thought of where or who she was, and lastly felt the smallest of objects betwixt her front paws. she sat up and looked around, clutching madly to the small token. and there she was, the last wish of a dying planet.

    ∙ and that was you right !
    ∙ yes it was my child.
    ∙ were you scared??
    ∙ no, i was not, if anything, i think i was worried.
    ∙ about what mother?
    ∙ the planet my dear.

❝ she walked about blindly, her legs fumbling and giving out every once in a while. she felt drained and weak. her mind was fuzzy and she could not make sense of her situation. she tumbled about the landscape trying to find some where hospitable but all she saw was blackened earth, like the whole planet had been scorched, it felt tough yet soft under her paws. as she sought to climb to the top of the hill she tripped over a rock and landed into a pile of black dust, it created a cloud around her as her ears began to ring and she had her ear to the earth. all of a sudden everything around her stopped and she heard the faintest voice from the earth below her. mother it called to her, it tugged at her heart strings and every bone in her body ached as if it knew this voice for a thousand years. she had to find the voice, she felt a new serge of energy life her from the ground and onto her paws. she now heard the voice all around her, she followed the strongest call; it lead her down the hill, across the sea of trees, through the thickets of black thorn bushes and into a field. it was now screaming, MOTHER! she was running at this point until something caught her eye, the only sight of color in this whole world, a small green plant, with gently glowing pink berries. she got low to the ground and stared at them, the voice had lowered and was right in her ear now. mother, save us. in that moment she flashed out her tongue and consumed a singular berry and felt pain as no other had felt in their life. the roots grew into her body attaching themselves to her bones, muscles, and stretching through out her veins. she screamed and hollered in agony but she knew she had done the right thing as she saw through tear filled eyes that the sinister plant crumbled into dust and blew away. that was the last thing she saw before passing out from the excruciating pain.

    ∙ mama aren't those the berries that are inside you?
    ∙ yes my love..
    ∙ no no! you must spit them out, they will hurt you again!
    ∙ no child, they will not harm me, they are one with me now. they keep me alive. i cannot live without them and they cannot live without me. do not fret.

❝ the soft breath tickled her ear, a whisper of love, please awaken mother gaia.. she had been asleep for a long time, she raised her head and opened her eyes. she had changed in these seemingly long years. flowers and vines have begun to sprout from her body, branches had sprouted from her head forming long horns, sap oozed from her paws, mouth, and from the cracks in her antlers. she struggled to stand as her legs were attached to roots, she looked up to see a large tree had grown in her sleep, it seemed to cover her and shelter her slowly. it was the only sign of plant life around her. she took a breath and stood up, the roots detached from her softly letting her go. she looked to the tree and planted a soft kiss to it's gentle bark, thank you. she backed away and watched as the sap from her kiss brought the tree to life, it sprouted moss and flowers, leaves big and beautiful. as she moved she felt something press against the inside of her. she bent her head to see that inside of her torso she held the berry plant she had eaten before passing out, it had grown inside of her during her sleep with the water that resided in her belly.

❝ she felt a pain in her heart as she looked at them but she swallowed the hurt and began to walk out back into the blackened world, leaving the warmth of the tree and newly found life. as she walked the soft sap dripped from her frontward help paws, and with each drop onto the blackened earth sprouted a new bud of life. she turned around seeing the trail of green buds and vibrant flowers. her heart filled to the brim with joy, tears poured from her eyes, she began to touch the earth with all of her paws. grass shot up from the dead soil, flowers burst from the dust with fragrant smells of beauty. she ran across the world now, her legs carrying her far across the land, she knew that each step from her sprouted new life, she felt her power surge through her. the power to save this poor planet who had brought her to life with it's final breaths. the sun had long since gone down and she was still running, her heart beating in tune with her paws steps, tears still streamed down her face and her lungs filled with heavy breath as she bounded farther and farther. by early morning she was standing on top of a mountain that over looked the land. and as the soft rays of sunlight leaked onto the world she saw her beautiful creation, she saw the planet taking control and gaining life back. the trees grew taller, grass and moss sprouted up along blackened dirt and hard tree bark. the springs flushed with fresh water, making the plant life sustainable at last. her tears have now stopped and she felt warmth through out her body, she felt the strong gust of wind blow through her ruffling her fur and feathering out her hair. the voice was carried along the wind, a familiar and welcoming voice. you have brought us back to life mother gaia, we are so grateful for your sacrifice, we will cherish you for the rest of our lives mother.

Last edited by néktar on Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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❝ my world.

Postby néktar » Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:03 am


    ∙ so you made this world mama??
    ∙ no child, only healed which gave me life.

❝ text
Last edited by néktar on Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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❝ and theirs.

Postby néktar » Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:04 am


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❝ side notes

Postby néktar » Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:04 am

    ∙ connection to Pele - fellow goddess
    ∙ connection to kolama
    ∙ connection to maverick

    ∙ hops between worlds through random portals
    ∙ dislikes cities bc of smog/pollution, destruction of plant life
    ∙ dislikes most unless they pose no threat to her & have a fondness for nature
    ∙ laid back and motherly nature to all
    ∙ does not show just anyone her world, very select few ever experience it

    gaia’s world is basically a huge nature planet that’s covered in plants and only that, and scarce animal life - mainly consists of butterflies and other insects that are used to pollinate the plants but no large animals. though the planet isn’t like a huge forest there are different bioms in each place of the world (though the planet is not that big as you can walk around it in a day or two) but there are forest areas, plains, marshes, and a large rainforest where gaia usually resides. she keeps the planet alive by helping the plants grow with her powers
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