The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:35 am


You look down at the plateau before you, luscious green grass as far as you could see. As you stood on the rocky mountainside, you saw a water fall of crystal clear water pouring out of a few caves into a large river running through the plains. A shallow cave laid behind the water fall and you could barely make put the figures of canines and felines alike. As you are about the leap down, a large fox darted out from the waterfall, circling you.
"Who are you and why are you here?" She snarled.
"I.... I-I'm _______. I've come from afar, kicked out my home. I was told legends of a group of misfits who rule the mountains."

"Well, ______, seems like you found the right place. I am Meredith, Queen of the Clan of Outcasts. You may join, if you are worthy."


The Clan of Outcasts is a group of carnivorous and omnivorous creatures who were cast out by their packs and clans. Founded by Meredith, they soon became well known in the northeast and have become a powerful group. The reign over the mountains with peace and equality, but also strength and skill. Most think they are just a legend.

Once in the group they will be blessed with a certain power that represents them and helps keep their sanctuary home safe. They now have something to make them special and prove the people that drove them off wrong

But it's not all fun and games. A plagued race of creatures called the Wronged are trying to climb their way to power. They aren't normal creatures, they are driven by greed and hunger for power. It consumes them and makes them practically demons. We are the only ones who can see them. The only ones who can stop them before they wipe out everything we know and love.


Northeast America, the Appalachian Mountains. A plateau with tall grass and a large waterfall. Not a real place, just in a real area. It is only found by those who look for it.

The territory is protected by a shield of who knows what that only let's the outcasts in. The Wronged are the only others who bjhave qve come close to finding it.

The Gathering Cave: the cave behind the waterfall. Moonly meetings happen there. The hierarchy, heirs, and the leads gather on the highest rocks.

Dens: Each rank has a cave for them. A trainee cave, hunters cave, shamans cave, warriors cave, the vulerables cave, the youngs cave, and the royal cave. They sleep there for the extent of their time in that rank.

Hunting grounds: The Clan hunts in the mountains and in the plains. They eat the large birds, small birds, small rodents, and herd creatures nearby.

Star Place: The cave next to the Gathering Cave that has a pool of clear water and many crystals. This is where all the Shaman connect with The Ancestors from the past. The ceremony where new members get their powers happened here.


Canines: Foxes, wolves, coyotes, and dogs.

Felines: House cats, lynxs, and cougars.

Birds: Herons, bald eagles, herons, kingfishers,

Other: Fishers(fisher cats), raccoons, possums, wolverines, bats, and black bears.

Disscussion Thread. FORMS MUST GO HERE OR THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is the second spot that I put it in, so there is no way that anyone should miss it now.


1.) A young must be 6 moons to be a trainee

2.) You are only considered disabled if you are missing limbs, paralysed, have a permanent limp, or suffer from extreme mental illnesses. Some may still be able to do normal tasks, but will be given different expectations than the others due to their limitations.

3.) Only as many characters as you can handle.

4.) As of 2/11/18, post all forms on the discussion and forms thread! It makes the roleplay more organized. Post out of roleplay content there too. Here: viewtopic.php?f=85&t=3730073&p=116632961#

5.) The king and queen will automatically be mates. It can be adjusted to king and king or queen and queen. There can be exceptions made of needed though.

6.) The second in commands will get the throne after the queen and king die or step down. They are also mates. Except for special exceptions.

7.) No shortened words like "idk" or "lol"
Dnt tlk lyk dis. Basically, no text talk

8.) No over powered ocs!!!! No powerplaying. No "kills nn" or "blocks nn" or "moves out of the way at the last minute to avoid hit".

9.) All ranks can have mates EXCEPT for trainees and youngs.

10.) You may choose your powers, but in the roleplay the character doesnt choose their own. You as a person chooses. It can't be something too crazy though.
Bad Example: "Can control every living creature" or "Can end the world"
Good Example: "Can control fire" or "Can slightly heal wounds." Or "Can manipulate plants and heal wounds. But healing wounds drains energy."

11.) Please no Mary Sues or Gary Stews. Have FLAWS please. Don't be the person with only positive traits.

12.) Fade to black when needed. Keep it pg. Tess's rules apply here. Always.

13.) Signatures off please!

14.) Your characters can not have powers outside of the Clan or the Wronged. There is only one case so far that is an exception because off the detailed backstory. Besides that your character CAN'T have had powers before they came into the Clan or joined the Wronged

15.) Only 1 heir/hierarchy/lead oc at a time please. The people who have more than one high ranking ocs are either me(plot reasons) or people who PMed me and I trust will not take advantage of it(also plot reasons). For now only 1 high ranked oc.

16.) No mates that aren't in the roleplay.

17.) Put "LONG LIVE THE OUTCASTS" under your form if you read the rules. Your form won't likely be accepted if it is not included.
Last edited by LonelyForestFae on Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:09 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: The Clan of Outcasts (WIP)

Postby LonelyForestFae » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:36 am

Name | Species | Gender | Sexuality | Age | Power | Mate/Crush | Kin in the Clan | User

The "royals" of the Clan. The children of the king and queen don't have much power, but they have a large social status.

Queen: CLOSED 1/1
•Meredith | Red Fox | Female | Heterosexual | 4 years 3 moons | Pyrokenesis | Mate: Open | Kin: Farer(Daughter) | Foxwolf273

King: OPEN 0/1
*Win over Meredith*

Princes: OPEN 0/3

Princesses: OPEN 2/3
•Farer | Red Fox | Female | Heterosexual | 1 year | Astral vision | Mate: Open | Kin: Meredith(Mother), Kira(Sister) | ThePaprika
•Kira | Red Fox | Female | Deciding | 1 year | Pyrokenesis | Mate: Open | Kin: Meredith(Mother), Farer(Sister) | XxshewolvxX

Second in Comand(Comanders): CLOSED 2/2
•Spencer | Wolf | Male | Asexual | 4 years 9 moons | Weak angel extract | .chariot
•Kirallis | Red Fox | Deciding | 3 years 5 moons | xxxx | Mate: Open | camea42123

The healers.

Lead Shaman: CLOSED 1/1
•Renn | Grey Wolf | Female | Pansexual | 6 years 2 moons | Healing and infliction of minor injuries | Mate: Open | XxRenezzaxX

Shamans: OPEN 0/5

Shaman Trainees: OPEN 0/2

Those who supply food for the Clan.

Lead Hunter: OPEN 0/1

Hunters: OPEN 3/Unlimited
•Lazuli | Cougar | Female | Pansexual | 5 years 3 moons | Can read emotions | Mate: Open | XxRenezzaxX
•Infinity(Infin) | Welsh Corgi | Male | Bisexual | 1 year 8 moons | Time travel | Mate: Open | Yeegurt

Hunter Trainees: OPEN 1/Unlimited
•Farer | Red Fox | Female | Heterosexual | 1 year | Astral vision | Mentor: None Yet | Mate: Open | Kin: Meredith(Mother), Kira(Sister) | ThePaprika

The fighters and protecters of the territory that specialize in combat.

Lead Warrior: CLOSED 1/1
•Amber | Wolf | Female | Bisexual | 4 years 1 moon | Weak Pyrokenesis | Mate: Open | Galra Keith Kogane

Warriors: OPEN 3/Unlimited
•Tenuya | Wolverine | Male | Heterosexual | 4 years 6 moons | Telekinesis | Training Kira | Mate: Open | XxRenezzaxX
•Angel | Wolfdog | Female | Bisexual | 1 year 2 moons | Weak flight | Mate:Open | XxshewolvxX
•Eclipse | Domestic Cat | Female | Heterosexual | 2 years 3 moons | Can project negative emotions onto others | Mate: Open | Galra Keith Kogane
• Darkclaw | Wolf | Male | Heterosexual | 3 years 2 moons | Enhanced Strength

Warrior Trainees: OPEN 2/Unlimited
•Pine | Raccoon | Female | Heterosexual | 8 moons | Shape Shifter(small animals of prey) | AsunaFlower
•Kira | Red Fox | Female | Deciding | 1 year | Pyrokenesis | Mentor: Tenuya | Mate: Open | Kin: Meredith(Mother), Farer(Sister) | XxshewolvxX

Those who take care of nursing mothers and the mothers that bore the young.

Lead Caretaker: OPEN 0/1

Mothers(not a permanent rank): OPEN 0/5

Caretakers: OPEN 0/2

•The Vulnerable•
Those who aren't the strongest they can be or used to be, or young members. Are still considered proper members and will be given respect. Some may still be able to do normal duties.

Elders: OPEN 0/Unlimited

Young: OPEN 0/Unlimited

Disabled: OPEN 0/5


•The Wronged•
The plagued race of demons who used to be creatures, normal animals. They feed off of greed and hate and power and live to steal our world. PM me to be one

Dictator: CLOSED 1/1
•Esmeralda | Black Fox | Cisfemale | Asexual | 15 years 6 moons | Infection | .chariot

General: CLOSED 1/1
•Javiera | Wolf | Female | Unknown | 17 years 10 moons | Decay and Rot | XxRenezzaxX

Commanders: OPEN 1/2
•Eliot | Fisher | Male | Bisexual | 1 year | Mind Control | Mate: Open | Foxwolf273

Dark Souls: OPEN 1/10
•Cry | Oriental Shorthair Cat | Female | Pansexual | 2 years | Sleep infliction | Mate: Open | Yeegurt (will be promoted in the future)


Those who wander the mountains. They do NOT have powers, UNLESS if they have since left either group. They usually stay out of the Clan's and the Wronged's businesses when possible. They can chose to join, or rejoin, either group if they truly want to. Or they can remain free. PM me to be one.

Loners: Open 0/5:
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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:39 pm

My Characters

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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:18 am

Roleplay Info


Plot: Infected Forest. Part of the hunting grounds have been infected by a fiery disease.

Member Count: 17
Females: 11
Males: 5 (we need more dudes)

Clan: 11
Female: 8
Male: 4

Wronged: 4
Female: 3
Male: 1
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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:19 am


Meredith is the mother of Farer and Kira
X is the parent of X
X is the parent of X

Farer and Kira are siblings
X and X are siblings

X has a crush on X
X has a crush on X

X and X are mates
X and X are mates

X and X used to be mates
X and X used to be mates

X hates X
X hates X
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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:37 am

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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby .chariot » Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:10 am

Name: Spencer
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Age(in years and moons): 15 Moons(?)
Rank you want: Second In Command
Kin: Father: Kiba (Deceased) Mother: Nilah (Missing)
Mate: None/Not Interested
Description(Pic is ok): Timberwolf style
Personality/backstory: Spencer wouldn't remember most of his past. He suffers from severe amnesia.
He had lost it in a large collision between heaven, earth and the underworld. All wolves had come together almost destroying his partial world. Originally, Spencer was a plain old timberwolf before he was reconfigured to be an angel-wolf in the heavens. Battling and fighting for his colony.
The battle royal had started with an argument with Gabist {Archangel-wolf}, Sixter {Earth-Arch-wolf} & Qextion {Underworld-Arch-Wolf}. As stupid as it sounds, they were fighting over the land of their own realm. Arguments turned into physical fighting between the three. Qextion had declared war between the worlds. Gabist and Sixter agreed to the idea, foolishly.
Whilst this was all happening, young Spencer had just learned how to be himself. How to be a plain timberwolf in the world of his own. This was his paradise. His life. His luxury. Eventually, the exaggerated, unneeded war had begun. Sixter demanded that all pups would be reallocated to the heavens. Unfortunately all the pups had to be extracted from their wild essence. With the technology that was used, all the timber wolf pups had lost all their memories. Nothing. Blank. Emptiness. They forgot who they were. Forgot about the war, and were introduced to peace and harmony.
Power: Angel Extract (Very Weak)
Extra: Long live the outcasts ;)
[hope this is right ;w;]
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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:15 am

Accepted! That's a amazing backstory ya got there!
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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:59 am

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Re: The Clan of Outcasts OPEN!!!

Postby .chariot » Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:32 pm

[thank ye]
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