Create A Kennel [ — V.2 ]

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: thunder valley pack

Postby ilhdc7 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:22 pm

Thunder Valley Pack
Number of Dogs: 014
Next Ancestor Visit; 8th of January
Pups Due In; Now! // 2 Moons

Rexx had agonized about the new female who joined named basil, the tough fae, who ran with the wolves for a time, and decided to join him and his pack, had no idea how much he was thinking about her. But sometimes she was too wild, too crazy, and got in the way of others, almost to the point where she was causing problems. She had taken an interest in her, and seemed to enjoy his company a lot, or so she told him. He spent half of his time thinking about her opinion on his choices, rather than making the choices that would be good for the team. He shook his head and then his coat, relieving it of the morning dew, as well as the stressful thoughts. He glanced around the large cave before recognizing the small friend groups that were forming, Marigold, Jules, & Tania were in good with each other, but they also interacted with the pregnant Atlantis and her good friend Alaska also. The males had grouped together also, but Leziel, a tough, thick and burly female was in the middle of them as well. He thought about it for a second, and realized that all of the dogs who had grouped together, were together based off of size. He sat down and pondered it for a second, if the pack would continue to get bigger, there would be more dogs than needed. He would need to separate duties for the dogs that were quicker, who could hunt & track the bigger prey down easier, but the large dogs could be used as fighters and as guards for the camp. This would be something that would happen in the future, but right now, the pack didn't need any divisions among it.

two pheasants were eaten
ancestors; ---
new members; queenie, basil, jules
hunting; Marigold, Basil, Alaska, Isak, Leizel, & Quincey go Elk Hunting
patrolling; Rexx, Tania, Chablis, Quincey
pups; Atlantis is having her pups! (father)
herbs; Domina & Vulcan & Jules
rexx wonders & asks the ancestors if Basil would be a
good alpha female (no, easily overcome with jealousy & is too rash
with decisions & is greedy)

          Rexx | 37m | brute | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★ [9/9]

          Alpha Fae:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Beta Fae:
          Marigold | 29m | fae | X

          Domina | 25m | fae | X
          Vulcan | 29m | brute | X
          Jules | 31m | fae | X

          Tania | 61m | fae | X
          Chablis | 32m | brute | X
          Quincey | 41m | brute | X
          Alaska | 30m | fae | X
          Isak | 37m | brute | X
          Leizel | 38m | fae | X
          Basil | 29m | Fae | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Atlantis | 21m | fae | X
          Queenie | 19m | fae | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    Enemy Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    North | Kennel Name | Username
    East | Kennel Name | Username
    South | Kennel Name | Username
    West | Kennel Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    x1 Beech leaves | Used for carrying other herbs
    x1 Bindweed | Keeps broken bones in place
    x2 Catmint | Best remedy for greencough
    x1 Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes
    x1 Chervil | Treats infected wounds + bellyaches
    x1 Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, inflammation on stiff joints
    x1 Borage | helps faes create milk, reduces fever
    x1 Chickweed | treats green cough
    x1 Stick | pain distractor or splint
    x2 Ragwort | aching joints

    Fresh-Kill Pile:

    salmon | x0 | 3 servings
    pheasant | x1 | 2 servings
    chicken | x1 | 1 serving
    wild boar | x0 | 6 servings
    elk | x0 | 6 servings
    rabbit | x0 |  2 servings

    Mentor | Tenderpaw | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Tenderpaw | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Dogs:
    Dog Name | Cause of Death
    Dog Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Pups
    Name and Name | Pups
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( dogs of eden — 000 )

Postby astrohund » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:33 pm



        xeden was an ancient kennel formed by anouk, a female czechoslovakian wolfdog, and ester, a male great pyrenees. the
        kennel lasted for decades and decades, and during that time, eden had taken over other kennels' territories to give thei
        r own kennel enough space to roam. they nearly had thousands of acres to do what they wish and nothing was able to ov
        erthrow them as their kennel was large with just about eighty members. but as time passed on and as humans were pilin
        g in more and more, eden's home was unexpectedly demolished by the humans and their metal machines. many of eden's
        members could not escape from the humans and were captured, and some died from being crushed by the machines in a
        n attempt to flee the scene. anouk was killed in the incident though ester made it out with a broken leg, but even he kn
        ew that it was no hope left for him; his kennel departed from each other and had left what had been their home forest ;

        eden's territory had previously been a forest, but had been destroyed by the humans. their new territory is a rain forest n
        ear the coastline. it has hundreds of acres of land though there aren't any other kennels nearby, and they will be able to h
        ave the unclaimed land. the rain forest is shady with a few openings to allow sunlight to shine and bring light, it does rain
        often, but dogs of eden have adapted to the forest's conditions. the other animals in the rain forest consist of howler mon
        keys, toucans, boa constrictors, harpy eagles, iguanas, tapirs and okapis, but there are definitely predators there which in
        clude jaguars, caimans, bats and anacondas, but they are rarely seen and encountering them won't be a good thing. the r
        ainforest appears to be in a valley as their are tall rocky mountains surrounding them, and there is also a small canyon th
        at has a river running through it.... the river seems to be accessible meaning that dogs and other animals can climb down.
        highly unrealistically: they do sometimes get snow - it isn't much like a rainforest.

        the temperate and personalities of dogs apart of eden are diverse, they can be aggressive or passive, though most however
        are passive-aggressive. dogs of eden are not quick to trust newcomers and may or may not be hostile during their first days
        apart of eden, but they can slowly warm up to them and learn to trust them a little. they are highly protective of young m
        embers, including pups or whelps as some call them, and new mothers are definitely not trusting to others, and maybe not
        even close family. as whelps and adolescents become older, they become more mature and stern, losing their playfulness ;

        each dog in eden has a belief, though their beliefs are always separate and different. most of eden believe in multiple holy
        figures, one including a husky name boreallis who was believed to control storms and weather. the main holy figure is beow
        ulf, who is believed to be the greatest ancestor of all dogs, but even if it may not be true, eden still believes in him. other
        gods and goddesses include: diabolos, the god of the underworld and death and destruction, eris, the goddess of nature, yv
        ette, the goddess of fertility, atlas, the god of the skies, and aidan, the god of the seas, though there are many more. eden
        also believes in reincarnation based upon karma, but very few dogs of eden believe in nothing whatsoever.

        breed list wrote:common breeds include beaucerons, dutch shepherds, german shepherds, belgian malinoises, groenendaels, tervurens, and
        briards. uncommon breeds include doberman pinschers, australian shepherds, pyrenean shepherds, pyrenean mastiffs, great pyrenees, kuvaszs, leonbergers, and labrador retrievers. rare breeds include schipperkes, pumis, harriers, mudis, appenzell
        er sennenhunds, danish mastiffs and aidis.

        may theybe my leader?
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Re: Create A Kennel [ — V.2 ]

Postby MissFriday » Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:32 pm


They are lean and agile. Long legs and thick coats. Border collies or BC mixes. They have boundless energy and are great cooperative hunters.

Any time of the year, a litter of 4-6 puppies are born and the whole pack looks after the nursing bitches. At 6 moons old, the become tender paws. At 12 moons old, they become ironclaws or omegas. They must each take down a boar if they wish to become ironclaws.

Normally BC or BC mixes. But generally any herding dog, as they need the boundless energy crucial to thier existence. They come in any colour. (Could mine please be a brown Merle?)

After death, the pack mate is carried by a close family member that buries the deadened in a family graveyard.

A valley

They have 3 seasonal caves about the territory, when a bitch becomes less than two weeks away from labour, the pack moves too the one that is closest(they are nomads) untill the pups can eat meat.



Spring/summer= Lothbrok; plentiful prey, pups born, little to no illness
Autumn= Cadbrok; fatten up for winter, diminishing prey, illness
Winter=Snobrok; cold and snowy, almost no prey, lots of illness
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Re: Create A Kennel [ — V.2 ]

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 11:07 am

Season: Summer
Weather Report: With summer comes the smoldering heat. Driving most prey and other dogs towards lakes and streams to keep cool. However they are not alone, as the heat drives the predators towards the lakes and streams as well.

Valiant Souls | Silver Ridge | Sunlit Snows | Pack of the Silver River | The Chowilawu Kennel | Kennel of Catching Fire | The Misfit Growlers | Pack of Endless Howles | Swinging Blades | Mount Willow Tree | The pack of Northern Lights | Aurora Borealis | Dogs of Eden | The Crimson Pack


Makoto Naegi wrote:[Mount Willow Tree consumes one rabbit]
[Sol becomes Rusty mentor]
[Sol trains Rusty]
[Seria asks the ancestors for a shaman]
[Kierat, Aster and Conner go hunting]
I hope it's okay to add my re-adopted dogs in c:

Rusty learns the hunting skill.
The ancestors sends Seria a shaman
The hunting patrol catches x1 rabbit
That's 100% fine darling! =)


Galipaygo wrote:[Rerria and Kaelys take Kalsang and Cason training in combat]
[Clover, Bronco, and Montana do a boarder patrol]
[Pebble takes Fleck training in hunting, then they hunt together]
[Latara goes into labor!]
[Cho-Lynn, Montana, Rerria and Cason go hunting]
[Clover and Beau go on a romantic walk]
[The pack consumes a large bird and a mouse]
[Bronco requests an elder or a pup-mother]
[Chaser, Bryan, and Lucky hunt for herbs]

Kalsang and Cason learn the combat skill.
The patrol catches scent of a fox.
Fleck learns the hunting skill.
The pair catches x1 mouse
Latara gives birth to two healthy pups.
The hunting patrol catches x2 birds
Clover is now due in two moons!
The ancestors send Bronco a pup-mother. With her is two older pups.
Chaser and others find x1 feverfew and x2 juniper berries.


soccer97 wrote:[Duke, Titus, Callie, and Gracie patrol the borders.]
[Summer, Stitches, Keesha, Maxie, and Blitz go hunting.]
[Dimitri, Clover, and Tobias go hunting.]
[Verona, Kaiser, and Revolution patrol the borders.]
[Lekkar takes Rocco herb hunting and congratulates his former tenderpaw.]
[Kota rearranges his grassy nest and takes a nap.]
[Revolution goes into labor and Nikita helps.]
[The kennel consumes a large bird and a mouse.]

The patrol runs into a bear cub. Their mother must be close by.
The hunting patrol catches x2 small birds
The hunting patrol catches x1 snake
The patrol passes uneventful.
Lekkar and Rocco find x1 feverfew and x1 cob nuts
Revolution gives birth to three healthy pups. However there is a runt.


Lady Masquerade wrote:[dove asks the ancestors for another irontooth]
[dove goes hunting]
[bear goes on a border patrol]
[robin looks for herbs]

The ancestors send Dove an irontooth.
Dove catches x1 squirrel.
Bear finds a tenderpaw suffering from the intense heat. They will need some water and one moon of rest.
Robin finds x1 yarrow.


aesthetic. wrote:[ Odyssey leads a patrol of Neith, Costello, Faust and Omen ]
[ Valerik leads a hunting patrol of Anika, Tempest, Zariana & Caspain ]
[ Adonis herb hunts ]
[ Diablo requests a intimidating irontooth ]
[ Zariana goes out to teach Asteria hunting ]
[ Costello goes out to teach Faust stalking ]
[ Neith goes out to teach Nyx fighting ]

The border patrol catches scent of a mountain lion.
The hunting patrol catches x2 racoons
Adonis finds x1 alder bark.
The ancestors grant Diablo an irontooth
Asteria learns the hunting skill.
Faust learns the stalking skill.
Nyx learns the fighting skill.


bel. wrote:[ Athena requests an Assassin from her ancestors. {Smaller in size; husky/pitbull} ]
[ Athena and Hades goes hunting. ]
[ Athena searches for kennel members. ]
[ Hades trains Macaria: fighting. ]
[ Athena and Ikelos try for pups. ]
[ x1 Rabbit is consumed. ]

The ancestors send Athena an assassin
Athena and Hades catch x1 rabbit
Athena finds two dogs hiding out in the shadow of a tree.
Macaria learns the fighting skill.
Athena is now due in two moons.


b u n n y h o p wrote:

        - descended from an ancient gaelic pack, strong blood runs through the new generation. the members of this kennel are revered for their wisdom and patience; they seem to remain neutral in all events and prefer to keep to their own, though they've been known to support other kennels who hold similar beliefs. because of their heritage, they have a strong connection to the supernatural and have many rituals they follow to provide safety and well-being for their kennel - whether they work or not, they never waver in their faith.

        territory - through the centuries of the kennels' life, they have never strayed far from their origins. although they sometimes travel outside of their borders, it is a secluded woodland they call home. covered in thick pine and fir trees, they are rarely disturbed and often left to their own. a nearby stream is their place of worship and is often referred to as their lifewater. this is where many of their rituals occur and is very sacred to them. hidden grottos, shallow caves and entangled branches are their favored resting places.

        rituals - although there is no proof that any of these rituals have an effect, all members of annan streams highly believe in and participate in tradition. there are hundreds of rituals they follow, from birthing days to fertility dances. many take place around or in their lifewater, and sometimes require resources such as herbs, feathers or bits of prey.

        temperament - once known as a more aggressive and strong kennel, the dogs of annan streams have grown more reclusive and are more likely to offer peace than fight. reserved and quiet, they may come across as concieted. though they do take pride in their pedigree and knowledge of the land, it's rare for a dog of the kennel to flaunt their superiority, real or imagined. although they hold their own high above anyone else, they will often help in any way they can, should an outsider be in need.

        breeds - as the years have passed and new alphas have taken over, the once distinctive Galician breed of the kennel has dissipated. any sort of breed is welcome, should they be able to prove their worth to the kennel.


Howls of approval echos through the night.
Annan streams has been founded
aesthetic. will be your mod


мαρℓεғσxιε wrote:[Zima wishes to the Dogs of the Flowing Lights to have a Beta]
[Zima hunts soon after]
[Travi hunts for herbs]

The Flowing Lights send Zima a beta
Zima catches x1 arctic squirrel
Travi finds x1 cob nuts
Okay, I apologize for must have missing your post.


A Fox's Tail wrote:{Frost is now Maena’s mentor}
{Frost trains Maena}
{Koda trains Blizzard}
{Pepper trains Seraph}
{If Seraph learns another skill he will take his assessment}
{Koda, Lily, Nemmell, Caelan, Frost and Leslie go hunting the deer they were looking for}
{Pepper, Seraph and Blizzard go patrolling}
{Almond goes collecting}
{Rose and Sona watch over the pups}
{Dakota, Ant, Conall, and Duvessa go exploring}
{A fox stumbles upon them, Conall dies, can you roll injuries for the rest?}
{Pack mourns the loss of Conall}

Maena learns the tracking skill.
Blizzard learns the fighting skill.
Seraph learns the defense skill.
Seraph is nor ready for his final assessment!
The patrol tracks down and kills the deer. Gaining x1 deer!
The patrol passes uneventful.
Alomnd finds x1 daisy leaf and x1 lamb's ear.
Dakota suffers from a torn ear and some scratches. He will need x1 cobweb to stop the bleeding.
Ant suffers from a few scratches.
Duvessa twists her paw and will need to rest for 1 moon.


Nerrvoh wrote:
𝔸𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕣𝕒 𝔹𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤 𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕝


..........Don't ever mistake ..........
......My silence for ignorance......


...My calmness for acceptance...
..Or my kindness for weakness..


𝔸𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕣𝕒 𝔹𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤 kennel was formed by a dog who spent most of his life living with wolves. Most of the members are medium to large sized, lost dogs with quite furry coats and good cold tolerance as the winters can be very harsh. The kennel has many beliefs and ceremonies (most of them were adapted from the wolf pack the leader grew in)* When reached adulthood every dog is gifted with a small Amulet (a representation of the dog when it goes to howl with the star packs like stones, branches, collars, fish scales etc) by the ancestors and the dog keeps it all its life. They are located in a big valley, with a central river which has many small ones branching out, especially in the spring. The dogs in this kennel don't reside in one main camp but have a lot of smaller ones all around their territory to which they travel seasonally or by wish. Not all of the dogs live in dens in the summer as some prefer to sleep under the stars + the dens aren't very rank obligated and some live with their families.
The only difference is their "Head Iroonteeth" rank, where a small amount (~3-5~) of most skilled, trusted and respected dogs of the kennel are found, their mentor skills are quite in demand and most of the pups want to be their Tenderpaws. If not mentoring, they usually help the Beta to fulfill his/her duties if he/she needs helping and just keep the order in the kennel
*All the information written in small is additional
**The above is a very short recap of everything written below + some extra information
***Mods, the looks are quoted and are at the very bottom of the post

𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕗𝕤 & 𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕖𝕤
The dogs of this kennel consider that ‘there isn’t a better dog than a wolf’ and many of their gods and heroes are wolves, as the leader was raised by a wolf pack which influenced the rules of his new kennel.
The kennel believes that the skies are divided into three territories, one for each of the packs inhabiting the night sky, with the moon being the sacred sky lake.

The north is where the Frost pack lives, they howl frost and breathe snow. Lead by Saril, a she-wolf who tends to lead the lost back home with blue lights, being the wisest pack they possess lots of knowledge and are responsible for the winter. Every white/pale gray dog is placed under their protection and is believed to be knowledgeable
In the west the Nocturnal pack lives, fierce and strong, they are responsible for leading a dying dog to the stars and accompany them through the burial ritual called Amauti. A black/dark silver coated wolf is born with their blessing and is expected to be a powerful warrior, helping the nocturnal pack fill the skies with stars
The east is inhabited by the Fire pack, red wolves known to be the tricksters and the wittiest creatures of them all, lead by Kitsune, a fox that pretended to be a wolf to gain the protection a pack offered. A dog born with red/liverish-brown coat is believed to be watched by the Fire pack, be cunning and have a fox personality
The south is for the dogs that no longer howl among us, gray/brown celestial wolves that don’t belong to any pack, the place where packs’ dispersal children end up and also where many heroes and hero trios are found, thus making it a good sign that if a pup-mother gives birth to 3/6/9 pups they can become the next heroes, and especially if they're different colors (one black, one white, one gray, one red etc)

Amulets are small things like: coat-matching rocks, unusually patterned stones, everlasting nuts, evergreen flowers/recognizable plant part, animal horns/tail/bones/claws/fangs, big chunk of tree bark, branches, feathers, fish scales/tail, some shikari (humans) stuff (basket, box, bracelet, tennis ball, belt, statue, necklace, collar, lace etc) given by the ancestors to each dog when reached adulthood, its main purpose is to symbolize the dog when it goes to howl with the star packs and it's believed to protect its owner, but it can also reflect their personality/inner fears/likes etc, and/or contain a hint about their adulthood life. The Amulets are kept either in a den, a generic location native to the amulets' origin (in tree roots, under a rock, near a river etc), worn by the dog themselves or used somewhere, like a basket to hold puppies.

To become an Irontooth, Tenderpaws must follow the Parka, a quite complex ceremony to gain the trust of their kennel and respect of the sky packs. The Tenderpaws must first visit the water spring at the center of their territory (secretly accompanied by two Ironteeth) On their way there they must remain silent and hunt some prey if they wish to, but cannot eat it until they reach their destination. When reached the water spring they spend some time living by themselves, and not only hunt and take shelter but also complete individual and group tasks, which were given to them by the Beta of the kennel. At the last day of their pilgrimage, they should groom each other and prepare to enter the cave on the other side of the main river, where their Ironteeth amulets would be given to them by the ancestors. After the new Ironteeth received their amulets they may want to disperse from the kennel (if they haven’t already) or return and be welcomed by a big feast, with gifts from the kennel members and spars to establish their rank. A failed Tenderpaw may repeat the test, become an Omega, a low ranked Irontooth (if voted) or be exiled from the kennel, depending on the case

There're other ceremonies and customs which are not listed

𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒'𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
The leader’s father was a Beta, his mother was a human dog, a forbidden romance, especially for a Beta. In otherwise case, it would result in permanent scars, an exile from the kennel or even death. But the day his mother was due the kennel was attacked by their rival and when the Beta came home with a human dog and 7 newborn pups, they met not only a broken camp but the fangs of the rival kennel that killed off all his. They killed the Beta and one of the pups, as warnings to the fae to behave, and planned to keep her until the pups would start eating meat. Afterwards, two more pups died because of malnutrition and bad living conditions. Sometime after one of the faes in the kennel gave birth and 2 of his siblings were given to her as she had plenty of milk. One night his mother took notice that the 2 remaining pups started showing interest in the meat she was eating and made a decision that changed everything. She sneaked out of camp after a big feast the kennel had, being so relaxed they didn't notice her missing and taking the two pups with her.

‘Come on!’ Mum whispered picking up Koda and nuzzling me to move. Why did we have to run? It’s cold, and I want to eat, but she kept pushing me forward. I hear a distant bark from the camp ‘Where’s she?!’ and so does my mother. She starts running, still with Koda picked up. I move my tiny legs as fast as I can, but her now distant silhouette starts rapidly disappearing into the morning fog. I can’t see! Where is she? I whine trying to run in the same direction, but accidentally trip over and roll down a cliff. Drifting at the edge of consciousness I hear someone running past me and commanding ‘You must find her! NOW!’ before blackness surrounds me
I wake up to two very big, gray dogs standing and talking in front of me ‘Oh look he’s awake! Come on little one, don’t be afraid’ The fae said motherly, licking me at the forehead. ‘Welcome to North Wind’s pack. You’re now part of it, be proud, not every dog can make it’ Said the other one, affectionately sniffing me.
Only much later I realized, they weren’t dogs but wolves.
2 years later
Gunshot. Growling. Gunshot. Wolves whining. Gunshot. Gunshot. Gunshot. I ran, ran as fast as I can, because every time I stop I see them, my pack, lying dead still on the ground. Every time I stop I hear them fighting till their last breaths and gunshot… gunshots, too many of them. I lost track of time for how long I’ve been running. I lost count how many times I collapsed on the ground from fatigue and stood up again only to run even faster. But everything had to have an end, right? The run, the nightmares, the loneliness… When I saw the valley I knew it was the end of my terrors and the start of the Aurora Borealis kennel. I will raise and then come back to my pack’s territory and I will take my revenge! Those shikaris (hunters) will deeply regret taking everything I loved and cared for from me

This kennel might be looked strangely at because of their beliefs and ‘worshipping’ the dog-killer (this usually doesn’t happen right away as the Aurora kennel is quite closed off and won’t tell a thing to anyone if they aren’t sure this won’t damage them) but the dogs of this kennel won’t simply give up on their customs just because someone is considering it crazy. Due to this not many want to become allies with them but nor enemies because the Aurora kennel consists of quite a lot tough members that may look too intimidating for some kennels to attack
Sometimes that’s not the case as this kennel prefers to keep to themselves and won’t accept every kennel as their ally, but if they do, the lucky one will have a very loyal kennel by their side and will be expected to give the same amount of participation
Not much is known of this kennel because they live quite isolated from everything, not because they want to but simply because the majority of the kennels are located in warmer and more pleasant climates a bit too far to be able to communicate easily with
The dogs in this kennel try to resolve things in a more peaceful way, but sometimes they have another image of resolving things peacefully, or it simply doesn’t work, and then comes the part they are surely good at, not only surviving harsh winters from birth and facing many rank battles in the kennel, with many weak dogs not making it to adulthood (resulting in the strongest dogs alive) but also being a kennel full of furry dogs (some bites don’t reach the skin itself but get stuck in their fur) they fight

Their territory is located in a quite big valley (original belongs to Google). The terrain is quite rocky in places, without immense vegetation. They have long and cold winters with mildly hot summers during which many small streams appear throughout their territory. During the spring the kennel may move with a caribou herd along the river to their rendezvous site (original belongs to Qaqqaqtunaaq) in the upper north and reside or re-make fox/badger dens, dig their own in the tree roots or occupy caves. Sometimes they cross the river and spend their time there hunting mountain goats or pay a visit to a small farm located further north. Much further north the river falls into the sea, but not many know about this as its quite far, and not formally belongs to their territory. The dens located alongside the river are usually dried-up aqueducts, which lead to a desiccated lake with big cement pipes scattered all over the place where the kennel sometimes also lives in
*All pictures without (credit) belong to me
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Direction (Name of the god/dess designated to the direction) - main landmark/s - prey - predators
North (Polaris) River – trout - bears
North-East (Capella) Farm in the mountains – chicken, sheep – humans, foxes
East (Altair) Mountain range + summer site – lemmings, mountain goats - mountains lions, falcons
South-East (Sirocco) River crossing + winter dens – chipmunks, ducks – coyotes, snow owls
South (Ostro) High hills + small river– hares, pheasants – hawks
South-West (Africus) Cliffs + winter dens – voles - eagles, raccoons
West (Ponente) Plains + Cliffs w/ a small water spring more to the east + dried-up lake (to the east) – beavers, peccary – badgers, weasel
North-West (Corus) Cliffs + simmer site – caribou, squirrels – lynx, ferrets
*The prey would be affected by the seasons and the location of the kennel. Generally, in the winter and autumn the kennel would occupy South and West and in summer and spring North and East

Most common breeds
Huskies, Laikas, Inus, Spitz-type dogs, Samoyeds, Eskimo Dogs,
Bernese Mountain Dogs, St. Bernards, Great Pyrenees, Kuvasz
Shepherds (Swiss, Lapponian, Dutch, German, Caucasian, Icelandic, Belgian, Anatolian)

Full List
Huskies, Laikas, Malamutes, Akitas, Samoyed, Collie, Borzoi, Chinook, Mudi, Karelian Bear dogs, Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, Sweedish Vallhund, Pyrenean/Tibetan mastiffs, Eskimo dogs,
Shikoku/Shiba/Kai/Kishu/Hokkaido Inus, Jindo dogs, Mountain Cu, Buhund/Lundehund/Elkhound Norwegian, Slovensky Cuvac, Lapponian/Australian/Dutch/German/Caucasian/Anatolian/Shetland/Icelandic/ Belgian sheepdogs, Hovawart, Estrela Mountain dogs, Saint Bernard, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling, Retriever, Leonberger, Eurasier, Kuvasz, Greater Swiss Mountain dog, Finnish/German/etc spitz, Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Border Collie, Norrbottenspets, Kooikerhondje, Swedish Lapphund, Norwegian Lundehund, Schipperke, Bernese Mountain dog, Belgian Tervuren/Malinois, Appenzeller Sennenhunde

*Other similar breeds and mixed breeds between listed are acceptable

((Can the leader be some kind of a husky?
It's my first time doing a roleplay so feel free to point out something I'm doing wrong ;)
English isn't my first language. I use multiple sites to check my grammar and punctuation although mistakes still occur, and I have a small mania with editing them. Sorry in advance. ))

[Howls of approval echos through the night.
Aurora Borealis has been founded
Zmija's Folly/myself will be your mod]


✨Moon✨ wrote:


        xeden was an ancient kennel formed by anouk, a female czechoslovakian wolfdog, and ester, a male great pyrenees. the
        kennel lasted for decades and decades, and during that time, eden had taken over other kennels' territories to give thei
        r own kennel enough space to roam. they nearly had thousands of acres to do what they wish and nothing was able to ov
        erthrow them as their kennel was large with just about eighty members. but as time passed on and as humans were pilin
        g in more and more, eden's home was unexpectedly demolished by the humans and their metal machines. many of eden's
        members could not escape from the humans and were captured, and some died from being crushed by the machines in a
        n attempt to flee the scene. anouk was killed in the incident though ester made it out with a broken leg, but even he kn
        ew that it was no hope left for him; his kennel departed from each other and had left what had been their home forest ;

        eden's territory had previously been a forest, but had been destroyed by the humans. their new territory is a rain forest n
        ear the coastline. it has hundreds of acres of land though there aren't any other kennels nearby, and they will be able to h
        ave the unclaimed land. the rain forest is shady with a few openings to allow sunlight to shine and bring light, it does rain
        often, but dogs of eden have adapted to the forest's conditions. the other animals in the rain forest consist of howler mon
        keys, toucans, boa constrictors, harpy eagles, iguanas, tapirs and okapis, but there are definitely predators there which in
        clude jaguars, caimans, bats and anacondas, but they are rarely seen and encountering them won't be a good thing. the r
        ainforest appears to be in a valley as their are tall rocky mountains surrounding them, and there is also a small canyon th
        at has a river running through it.... the river seems to be accessible meaning that dogs and other animals can climb down.
        highly unrealistically: they do sometimes get snow - it isn't much like a rainforest.

        the temperate and personalities of dogs apart of eden are diverse, they can be aggressive or passive, though most however
        are passive-aggressive. dogs of eden are not quick to trust newcomers and may or may not be hostile during their first days
        apart of eden, but they can slowly warm up to them and learn to trust them a little. they are highly protective of young m
        embers, including pups or whelps as some call them, and new mothers are definitely not trusting to others, and maybe not
        even close family. as whelps and adolescents become older, they become more mature and stern, losing their playfulness ;

        each dog in eden has a belief, though their beliefs are always separate and different. most of eden believe in multiple holy
        figures, one including a husky name boreallis who was believed to control storms and weather. the main holy figure is beow
        ulf, who is believed to be the greatest ancestor of all dogs, but even if it may not be true, eden still believes in him. other
        gods and goddesses include: diabolos, the god of the underworld and death and destruction, eris, the goddess of nature, yv
        ette, the goddess of fertility, atlas, the god of the skies, and aidan, the god of the seas, though there are many more. eden
        also believes in reincarnation based upon karma, but very few dogs of eden believe in nothing whatsoever.

        breed list wrote:common breeds include beaucerons, dutch shepherds, german shepherds, belgian malinoises, groenendaels, tervurens, and
        briards. uncommon breeds include doberman pinschers, australian shepherds, pyrenean shepherds, pyrenean mastiffs, great pyrenees, kuvaszs, leonbergers, and labrador retrievers. rare breeds include schipperkes, pumis, harriers, mudis, appenzell
        er sennenhunds, danish mastiffs and aidis.

        may theybe my leader?

[Howls of approval echos through the night.
Dogs of Eden has been founded
Zmija's Folly/myself will be your mod]


MissFriday wrote:

They are lean and agile. Long legs and thick coats. Border collies or BC mixes. They have boundless energy and are great cooperative hunters.

Any time of the year, a litter of 4-6 puppies are born and the whole pack looks after the nursing bitches. At 6 moons old, the become tender paws. At 12 moons old, they become ironclaws or omegas. They must each take down a boar if they wish to become ironclaws.

Normally BC or BC mixes. But generally any herding dog, as they need the boundless energy crucial to thier existence. They come in any colour. (Could mine please be a brown Merle?)

After death, the pack mate is carried by a close family member that buries the deadened in a family graveyard.

A valley

They have 3 seasonal caves about the territory, when a bitch becomes less than two weeks away from labour, the pack moves too the one that is closest(they are nomads) untill the pups can eat meat.



Spring/summer= Lothbrok; plentiful prey, pups born, little to no illness
Autumn= Cadbrok; fatten up for winter, diminishing prey, illness
Winter=Snobrok; cold and snowy, almost no prey, lots of illness

[Howls of approval echos through the night.
Silverskies Pack has been founded
aesthetic. will be your mod]
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Re: Create A Kennel [ — V.2 ]

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:38 pm

Number of Dogs: 51 (Males; 26 Females; 25)
Speak to the Stars: x
Servings need: 9

The Northern Stars consumes x1 deer and x2 squirrels.
Azora needs to rest for another moon.
Stone needs to rest for another moon.




{Kodiak, Bird, Rose, Akira, Norman, and Red patrol for the loner.
Charlie, Thunder, Nina, Wallen, Daisy, and Azalea go hunting.
June, Bear, Kayode, and Scooby go hunting.
Dakota, Zeus, Graham, Bailey, and Apollo go on a patrol.
Eagle, Kai, and Reba tend to Azora and Stone.
x1 cobweb used on Azora. She needs x1 stick still.
Eagle, Kai, and Reba go in search for a stick for Azora and other herbs.
Stone and Azora rest.
Shiloh morns the loss of Baxter.
Korra trains Yusuke.
Amber trians Akechi.
Boss trains Tank.
Banjo trains Sakura.
Leif trains Steele.
Sasha trains Jenny.
Dane trains Makoto.
Shiho trains Delilah.
Korra trains Yusuke.
Ray watches over her pups.
Dusty and Parker nap.}

Kodiak | 97 moons | Male | Alaskan Malamute
Lives: ★★★★★★★

Charlie | 84 moons | Female | Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Eagle | 30 moons | Male | Icelandic Sheepdog
Kai | 58 moons | Male | Akita

Stone | 84 moons | Male | Pitbull
Thunder | 77 moons | Male | Belgian Malinois
Nina | 75 moons | Female | German Shepherd
Wallen | 75 moons | Male | German Shepherd
Daisy | 82 moons | Female | Icelandic Sheepdog
Korra | 39 moons | Female | Border Collie
Azalea | 70 moons | Female | Australian shepherd Mix
Amber | 80 moons | Female | Basque Shepherd
Shiloh | 78 moons | Female | Redbone Coonhound
June | 30 moons | Female | Icelandic Sheepdog
Rose | 30 moons | Female | Icelandic Sheepdog
Bear | 30 moons | Male | Icelandic Sheepdog
Boss | 85 moons | Male | Irish wolfhound mix
Bailey | 65 moons | Female | English Shepherd
Akira | 27 moons | Female | Husky/Australian Shepherd mix
Norman | 27 moons | Male | Husky/Australian Shepherd mix
Red | 26 moons | Male | Pitbull
Kayode | 80 moons | Male African Wild Dog
Azora | 56 moons| Female | Husky/Sheltie mix
Dakota | 43 moons | Female | Siberian Husky
Banjo | 36 moons | Male | Shepherd mix
Leif | 40 moons | Male | Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Sasha | 24 moons | Female | Red heeler pitbull mix
Dane | 45 moons | Male | Great Dane
Zeus | 44 moons | Male | Great Dane
Graham | 28 moons | Male | Border collie
Shiho | 67 moons | Female | Shikoku
Apollo | 68 moons | Male | Doberman
Brittany | 67 moons | Female |English Shepherd

Reba | 13 moons| Female | Husky/Sheltie mix
Scooby | 13 moons | Male | Great Dane mix
Bird | 12 moons | Female | Mutt
Yusuke | 9 moons| Male | Shikoku
Akechi | 9 moons| Male | Shikoku
Makoto | 9 moons| Female | Shikoku
Sakura | 9 moons| Female | Shikoku
Delilah | 9 moons| Female | GSMD/Irish Wolfhound mix
Tank | 9 moons| Male | GSMD/Irish Wolfhound mix
Jenny | 7 moons | Female | English shepherd/Malamute mix
Steele | 7 moons | Male | English shepherd/Malamute mix

Ray | 53 moons | Female |

Rusty | 0 moons | Male | x
Sparrow | 0 moons | Female | x
Ezio | 0 moons | Male | x
Claudia | 0 moons | Female | x

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Dusty | 140 moons | Male | Golden Retriever
Parker | 75 moons | Male | Blue Heeler mix

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 1
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 1
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 4
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 1
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 1
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 0
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 1
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 1
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 1
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 1
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
Fennel | helps hip pain - 0
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 1
Foxglove seeds | x - 1
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0
Goldenrod | helsp healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 1
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 1
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 2
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 1
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 0
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 0
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 1
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 1
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 0
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 1
Mint | hides scent of death - 1
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 0
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 0
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 1
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 1
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 0
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 1
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 0
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 0
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 0
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 0
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 0
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 1
Willow Bark | eases pain - 0
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 0
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 0

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x0 | 1 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Rabbit | x7 | 2 servings
Hare | x6 | 2 servings
Small birds | x0 | 2 servings
Deer | x0 | 6 servings

Eagle & Kai | Reba | 4 | herb recognition, herb searching, herb assessing, herb gathering
Kodiak | Bird | 5 | hunting, fishing, defense, tracking, stamina
Kayode | Scooby | 4 | offense, defense, hunting, stalking
Shiho | Delilah | 2 | fishing, stalking
Dane | Makoto | 2 | climbing, fishing
Korra | Yusuke | 2 | offense, climbing
Boss | Tank | 2 | scenting, swimming
Amber | Akechi | 2 | tracking, offense,
Banjo | Sakura | 2 | swimming, hunting
Sasha | Jenny | 0 | x
Leif | Steele | 0 | x

Deceased Dogs:
Sage | Female | Still born
Ash | Male | Still born
Willow | Female | Still born
Slade | Male | Rouge Attack
Cowboy | Male | Still born
Tiger | Female | Still born
Haru | Male | Extremely Weak after birth
Bandit | Male | Mountain Lion attack
Jovi | Male | Weak lungs
Baxter | Male | Bear attack

Daisy | Bear, Eagle, June, Rose and Sage (deceased)
Bandit and Azalea | Slade (deceased), Akira, Norma, Ash (deceased), Willow (deceased)
Azora | Reba, Cowboy (deceased), Tiger (deceased)
Boss and Charlie | Delilah, Tank , Jovi (deceased)
Shiho | Yusuke, Akechi, Makoto, Sakura, Haru (deceased)
Kodiak and Brittany | Jenny and Steele

Ally Kennels:
The Misfit Growlers | _Ravenfeather_
Kennel Name | Username

Enemy Kennels:
Kennel Name | Username
Kennel Name | Username

North | Kennel Name | Username
East | Kennel Name | Username
South | The Misfit Growlers | _Ravenfeather_
West | Kennel Name | Username
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n o r t h e r n l i g h t s

Postby Lady Masquerade » Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:48 pm

The Pack of Northern Lights
Number of Dogs: five

In the passing months, the Pack of Northern Lights had been growing very slowly, but growth was still progress in the eyes of Dove. She had yet to pick a Beta for her pack, but was considering Bear for a number of reasons. Still, something made her hold back and wait until a few more months had passed, she could handle it on her own for now. Her main focus for the time being would be on the new tenderpaw, Starling, who had been found during a patrol. The poor thing had been very weak and in need of water, and was now under Robin's intense care. When she felt better, Dove was sure that she would assign Bear to be the paw's mentor.
"I have to go speak with the ancestors tonight.. I want to see more pups running around this camp, it's the best way to ensure growth." Robin had agreed, believing that the pack was strong enough to take on a few more dogs. "We'll be waiting loyally for your return, Dove. Be safe."

[dove asks the ancestors for a pup mother]
[moose and dove go hunting]
[bear goes on a border patrol]
[robin looks for herbs]
[starling rests]
[the pack consumes 2 servings]

          Dove | 25 months | Female | Akbash Dog | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Robin | 25 months | Female | Koiikerhondje| X

          Bear | 27 months | Male | Karelian Bear Dog | X
          Moose | 28 months | Belgian Tervuren | X

          Starling | 6 months | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Link to Known Dogs:
    Ally Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    Enemy Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    North | Kennel Name | Username
    East | Kennel Name | Username
    South | Kennel Name | Username
    West | Kennel Name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Bindweed| fastens sticks together for broken legs | 0
    Borage Leaves | produces milk & brings down fevers | 1
    Broom | poultice for broken legs & wounds | 0
    Catmint | cures greencough & whitecough | 1
    Chamomile | for strength | 1
    Chervil | infected wounds & bellyaches | 0
    Cobwebs | stops bleeding | 0
    Comfrey root | itching, bleeding,soreness | 0
    Feverfew | fevers, aches, chills | 1
    Honey | infections, coughs, sorethroats | 0
    Lungwort | cures yellowcough | 0
    Marigold | cures infection & bleeding | 1
    Poppy Seeds | cures stress, sleeplessness, & shock | 0
    Rush | a cast for broken bones | 0
    Sorrel | traveling herb | 0
    Tansy | cures coughs, wounds, &poisons | 0
    Yarrow | makes dogs throw up poison | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Small Bird | x1 | 2 servings
    Large Bird | x0 | 3 servings
    Deer/Elk | x0 | 6 servings

    Bear | Starling | 0 | Moves
    Mentor | Tenderpaw | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Dogs:
    Dog Name | Cause of Death
    Dog Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Pups
    Name and Name | Pups
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Re: Create A Kennel [ — V.2 ]

Postby Wolfypoof » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:30 pm

Number of Dogs: 7

Seria closely watched Mount Willow Tree's new shaman Tulip. She was sorting out herbs and making holes to place them in. There was a cool part of the cavern that Tulip took a liking to and declared it as her herb storage. "How's that for ya?" Seria asked when it looked she had finished.
"It's perfect," she said and lifted her brown head to face her. "The herbs will stay nice and fresh here."
"Well, that's good to hear!" she lightly chuckled. "Anyway, I have other matters to attend to. I'll see you later."
"Sure. I think I will go herb hunting as well," she replied. The two dogs nodded at each other and separated ways to do their duties.

Meanwhile, Kierat was talking to Rusty. Although only a tenderpaw, Kierat had begun to admire him. Kierat was the smallest in the pack and while he didn't care, he was constantly looked down upon. The only ones who didn't were Seria obviously and also Rusty. Rusty had also took an liking to him.
"I hope I'll be able to become an irontooth just like you," he said.
"Of course you will! You just need to train hard is all," Kierat barked.
"That's true but I meant... Ah, it's nothing." He shook his head and turned away. Kierat titled his head and was about to say more when Seria walked towards them offering to go on a hunting patrol. Rusty jumped up and said he would love to. Kierat shrugged and followed as they collected Sol to go with them.

Conner sat at the entrance and watched them go. He gave a brief nod as they passed him. A little tail-lengths behind was Aster hiding behind a wall, watching him. She was trying her best to not be seen. Conner laid down and stretched out in the afternoon sun.
"You like him, don't you?" a voice whispered behind Aster and startled her. She spun around to see Bella, a fairly new addition to Mount Willow Tree. She gave a cheeky smile.
"N-no! Of course not!" Aster barked but kept her voice down.
"Haha, no need to deny it. It's obvious," she smirked. She looked away and Bella's ears perked up. "Why don't you ask him?"
"I can't do that. It's too soon..."
"Not really," Bella said and slowly wagged her tail. "I know, let's go on a border patrol together. Sol said we could." Aster slowly nodded in agreement. Bella nudged her and then went over to ask Conner to come with them before they left. "Let's see what you think after this," Bella whispered to her.

[Mount Willow Tree consume 1 mouse and squirrel (3 servings)]
[Tulip goes herb hunting]
[Seria, Kierat, Sol and Rusty go hunting]
[Bella, Aster and Conner go on a border patrol]

          Seria | 27 months| Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Sol | 29 months | Male | X

          Tulip | 56 months | Female | X

          Kierat | 49 months | Male | X
          Aster | 44 months | Female | X
          Conner | 63 months | Male | X
          Bella | 28 months | Female | X

          Rusty | 7 moons | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    Enemy Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    North | Kennel Name | Username
    East | Kennel Name | Username
    South | Kennel Name | Username
    West | Kennel Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint |x1 | Cures greencough and whitecough
    Cobweb |x1 | Soak up bleeding, binds broken bones
    Golden weed |x1 | Heals wounds
    Mallow leaves |x1 | Soothes bellyache
    Tansy |x1 | Cures coughs, wounds, poisons, soothes throats

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0| 1 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Large birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Deer/Elk| x0 | 6 servings

    Sol | Rusty | 1 | Hunting
    Mentor | Tenderpaw | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Dogs:
    Dog Name | Cause of Death
    Dog Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Pups
    Name and Name | Pups
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( dogs of eden — 001 )

Postby astrohund » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:32 am

number of canids 002 ( ♂ : 001 | ♀ : 001 )

( ooc. eden's territory has changed into a taiga like area instead of a rainforest, also maverick will appear next post! )

the summer wasn't as warm as it should be, but it was the taiga and the taiga is always cold despite what season it xwas,
at least the sun was out and shining brightly, providing light that they hadn't have in months. the aussie was out explori
ng today, having been tucked away in her den for weeks without leaving for food, xshe had a few carcass remains inside
her den. she needed more to keep her hunger at bay, the only thing she had left was the bones of rabbits and fish. she w
as a bit... famine... but it didn't bother her much, she'd live.

as of lately, andromeda had been experiencing vivid dreams. dreams of dogs with stars in their eyes and dogs that float
without the limitations of gravity, they were odd dreams and they'd happen every time, the female didn't know the mea
ning of them, and she might not ever know, but she could've sworn she'd heard a repeating word... eden. what was eden?
of course she didn't know. as her dreams get even more stranger, maybe she'll figure it out.

andromeda hunted for the rest of the day, bringing back fresh-kill to satisfy her. the sun was already beginning to set, le
aving a bright mixture of different shades of orange and pink in the skies. as much as she wanted to watch the sun rest,
she needed to rest herself. after eating, she headed straight to her nest of moss and curled up in a ball to keep warm, s
he didn't go to sleep immediately, but it came slowly and soon enough, she'd drifted off into a deep slumber.

she knew she was dreaming, how did she know? well, she had felt... uneasy, and she wasn't where she had once been. an
dromeda stood in a mysterious dreamscape, beneath her were thick, wispy clouds and a deep fog was all around her — or
maybe it was clouds? she didn't know. the whole place gave her the idea that she was in a nirvana, that she was gone.. d
ead. she didn't look around anymore, the aussie had been here countless times and so she had grown familiar to the stran
ge atmosphere of this place.

her legs began to ache, she had became restless, she needed to move. hesitantly, she took one step forward then another,
but had came to an abrupt stop as she picked up the sound of movement, not her movement obviously... but someone else
's. this was... new, she'd never come across anyone in her dreams, and especially not in this place. who could it be? she ha
d to know, but she felt tense.

"hello?" she called out, searching around for them frantically. the female didn't get an answer back, which she knew would
happen, but she decided to cry out again. "hello?! who's there!?" she hollered, but then they spoke . . .

"greetings," they simply said, their voice settled. "you must be andromeda, if i'm correct?"

"yes! i am! where are you? who are you?" the aussie then asked, not being disturbed by the fact that this stranger knew her
name. "look... over here, follow my voice." without reluctance, she did and ran towards it. in the distance, she could've sw
orn she'd seen a figure, maybe it was a just her eyes deceiving her. moving closer, she realized that her eyes weren't fooling
her, what laid in front of her was a tall canid. they were a mixture of grey, light tan and black, they looked like a wolf-dog,
maybe they were. they, or she, had a normal appearance with the exception that she appeared to be transparent, see-thro
ugh. "hello there, its so nice to finally see you." she said, sounding as if they were a distant family member.

"who are you?" she asked again.

"i'm anouk." she answered with a flick of her amber eyes. "i was once the empress of eden, but now, no more." empress? ede
n? what on earth... she said it as if the aussie knew what eden was, andromeda figured it was a kennel - she had came acros
s one of those before and the encounters would nearly get her killed.

"look, andromeda... i need your help." the female then murmured, giving the aussie a look of hopelessness. andromeda gave
a look of confusion. "what is it?"

anouk explained whatever it was, going on about her past life of being an empress and how she had formed this so called "e
den" kennel a long time ago. andromeda was puzzled about whatever she was talking about but listened intently.

"so... you want me to reform a kennel that had been gone for decades and decades, and... lead it?" anouk gave a nod.

"what?!" andromeda shrieked, pacing around nervously. "what makes you think that i would be able to lead a kennel?! out of
all canids alive, you chose me, the one who has never been apart of a kennel?"

"you could be a good leader for eden, you have been born in the wilderness and those humans haven't got a hold of you. with
all honesty, i think you will do just fine."the wolf dog reassured.


"please andromeda, i'm counting on you to recreate eden into what it once was, i can't do it myself." anouk repeated, trying
to calm the frantic aussie. "it appears that we are out of time. but don't panic, i believe there will be someone to assist you."

andromeda was about to ask something else, but then she could feel the dreamscape and anouk slowly fading away, and then
the world she was familiar with had returned to her. the aussie was in her nest, her den, where she always felt comfortable,,
but she wasn't feeling comfortable... she was feeling anxious.

[ andromeda goes hunting and exploring ]

          andromeda • twenty-one • ♀ •

          name • age • ♂ • [url=X]♔[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]♝[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]♜[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]♞[/url]
          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]♞[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]♘[/url]
          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]♘[/url]

          name • age • ♀ | [url=X]❦[/url]
          name • age • ♀ | [url=X]❦[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]❧[/url]
          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]❧[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]✰[/url]
          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]✰[/url]

          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]★[/url]
          name • age • ♂♀ | [url=X]★[/url]
    kennel name • username
    kennel name • username[/quote]

    kennel name • username
    kennel name • username

    north side • kennel name • username
    east side • kennel name • username
    west side • kennel name • username
    south side • kennel name • username

    herb • quantity • usage
    herb • quantity • usage

    big horn sheep • zero • six servings
    salmon • zero • three servings
    white tailed deer • zero • five servings
    mountain hare • zero • two servings
    moose • zero • eight servings
    ptarmigan • zero • three servings
    carcass remains • zero • one servings

    mentor • apprentice • # of sessions • moves
    mentor • apprentice • # of sessions • moves

    name • age at death • cause of death
    name • age at death • cause of death

    name & name • offspring
    name & name • offspring
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Re: Create A Kennel [ — V.2 ]

Postby d o e » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:28 pm

number of dogs | one

Will edit with story later!

[ Calum patrols the border ]
[ Calum hunts ]
[ Calum asks the lifewater for a shaman ]

          calum | two years | male
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username[/quote]

    enemy kennels:
    Kennel Name | Username
    Kennel Name | Username

    North | Kennel Name | Username
    East | Kennel Name | Username
    South | Kennel Name | Username
    West | Kennel Name | Username

    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    fresh-kill pile:
    mice | x0 | 1 servings
    squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    hare | x0 | 2 servings
    snake | x0 | 2 servings
    sparrow | x0 | 2 servings
    deer | x0 | 6 servings
    wild boar | x0 | 6 servings

    Mentor | Tenderpaw | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Tenderpaw | No. of training sessions | Moves

    deceased dogs:
    Dog Name | Cause of Death
    Dog Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Pups
    Name and Name | Pups
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Re: Silver Ridge Moon 9

Postby xi'rika » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:31 pm




13 Moons | Male | Alaskan Klee Kai |
- A strong headed male who always
protects others

10 Moons | Male | Alaskan Malamute |
- A large Alaskan Malamute who is
very loyal to his pack

8 Moons | Female | Papillon Mix |
- A small, brave Papillion mix

6 moons | Male | Dalmatian mix |
- A courageous Dalmation mix who
always looks out for his little brother

6 Moons | Male | Dalmatian mix |
-A nervous Dalmation mix who
has a few secrets


35 moons | Female | Border Collie |
- An outgoing Border Collie who seems
to knows everybody

43 Moons | Female | Dalmation Mix |
- A motherly Dalmation-pit mix
who looks a lot like Frost ;)
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

5 Moons | Female | Irish Wolfhound |
-A forthright Wolfhound who has
great ambition

4 Moons | Female | Heeler |
- A loyal Heeler who will protect
her pack at all costs

3 Moons | Male | Saluki |
- undeveloped

2 Moons | Male | Border Collie Mix |
-A trouble maker in the making

2 Moons| Female | Border Collie Mix |
-A feisty and rebellious Collie mix

2 Moons | Male | Border Collie Mix |
- A submissive collie mix who is very nosy


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

40 moons | Female | Aussie |
-A feisty Aussie who knows what she is
doing and will stand up for what is right
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


31 moons | Male | Collie Mix |

- A quiet and kind male who's
mate is Rose


22 Moons | Male | Wheaton Terrier Mix |

- A young shaman who is out
of his depth but is trying his best


20 Moons | Male | Border Collie | |
- A amiable Border Collie
who is oblivious to the
darker side of the world

27 Moons | Female | Dalmation |
- A vain Dalmation who always
thinks she right.
Old Alpha of ***

71 Moons | Male | Heeler Mix |
- A steady male who doesn't mind
getting dirty

27 Moons | Female | Dutch Shepherd |
- A proud Dutch Shepherd who
always speaks her mind

24 Moons | Male | Golden Retriever |
- An affable retriver who loves pups


14 Moons | Male | Husky/Lab/Border |
- A handsome male who wants everyone
to just get along



Ally Kennels:
Kennel Name | Username
Kennel Name | Username


Enemy Kennels:
Kennel Name | Username
Kennel Name | Username


North | Swinging Blades | soccer97
Northeast | Kennel Name | Username
East | The Slaughterhouse | ICED-OVER
Southeast | Kennel Name | Username
South | Kennel Name | Username
Southwest | Kennel Name | Username
West | Kennel Name | Username
Northwest | Kennel Name | Username

Pepper | Seraph | 4 | Hunting,
Tracking, Fighting, Defense
Koda | Blizzard | 3 | Hunting,
Tracking, Fighting
Frost | Maena | 2 | Hunting, Tracking
Lily | Dakota | 0 |
Leslie | Ant | 0 |

Deceased Dogs:

4 Moons | Male | Irish Woflhound
| Went exploring, goth caught by a fox
Dog Name | Cause of Death


Rose & Koda | Maverick ♪ Xena ♪ Arlin

? & Laika (Pack of Silver River)|
Seraph ♪ Blitz (The Shining Suns)

♪ Jay (The Shinning Suns)? & ? |
Eloise (Falling Leaves)Caelan

Lochlain (Swinging Blades)&
Ardala (Stinging Wind)|
ConallDuvessa ♪ Nyx
(Valiant Souls)♪ Asteria (Valiant Souls)

Billie (Evergreen Forests) & Ridge
(Kennel of The Free) | Bruno
(Pack of Endless Howls)♪ Unnamed
(Pack of Stinging Wind)Rory

? & Sona | DakotaAnt

Keirat (Mount Willow Tree)&
Juniper (Kennel of the Free)| Maena
Cason (Endless Howls)♪ Eraelis
(Stinging Wind)

Tulio (?) & Iris | Viola (Falling Leaves)
♪ Silvia ♪ Malvolio (Stinging Wind)
Lucetta (The Slaughterhouse)Romeo

Lily & Caelan

? & ? | Nessie (Poisoned by Lucian) ♪
Ace (Pack of Silver River)
↳ Ace & Estelle (The Silentium) | Victurri
(Valiant Souls) ♪ Artemis
(Falling Leaves) ♪ Gabriel
Faust (Valiant Souls)

& - Mates
♪ - Siblings
(pack) - Discovered what pack they are in
(pack) - Have not discovered
what pack they are in



Mice | x0 | 1 servings
Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
Small Birds | x0 | 2 servings
Large Birds | x0 | 3 servings
Deer | x1 | 6 servings

Bindweed | x1 | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them
in place.
Burnet | x1 | Stops minor bleeding and
keeps strength up.
Catmint | x1 | For deadly greencough or
Chervil | x1 | For infected wounds and bellyache.
Comfrey Root | x1 | Repairs broken bones or
soothes wounds, or used for burns.
Daisy Leaf | x1 | Eases the pain of aching joints.
Dock | x1 | Soothes scratches or sore pads.
Feverfew | x1 | For fever/chills or for headaches.
Juniper Berries | x1 | Soothes bellyaches,
gives strength,
and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.
Lamb's Ear | x1 | Gives a cat strength.
Rush | x1 | Helps hold a broken limb in place.
Stinging Nettle | x2 | Induces vomiting, or
brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
Tansy | x1 | Cures coughs, cure wounds and
poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
Thyme | x1 | Calms nervousness, anxiety,
and cats who are in shock.
Yarrow | x1 |Induce vomiting or extracts
poison from wounds.


Number of Dogs: 20 {9 Female | 11 Male} \\ Serving needed: 4 \\ Pups due in: N/A \\ Next visit to stars: now
The kennel eats a squirrel and a rabbit

Dakota carefully placed his spotted paws on the edge of the ledge and heaved himself the rest of the way up on to Highledge. It was critical he made a good impression. It was his Tenderpaw ceremony after all and what happened today would effect the rest of his life. Dakota paused at the top and glanced at Ant as he nimbly hopped from one rocky overhang to another. At first Ant doesn't look like much. Most dogs saw his scrawny, spotted exterior, and small voice as weak. But Dakota knew better. He knew that beneath that fake cowardice lurked a different dog than everyone expected. He loved Ant and would defend him at any cost, but sometimes it felt like he didn't even know his own brother. Dakota shook his head and turned back to the merle dog waiting for him.

Frost looked upon the ceremony curiously. This was the first time he had witnessed one in this pack. Sure he had seen ones in his old pack, but somehow this ceremony was different. It had more of a formal feel to it, more monumental. Frost turned back to the ceremony and listened for what made it so special. "... you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be a tenderpaw. Your mentor will be Lily. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you, and you will learn all she knows." Pepper turn to the crowd gathered below addressed Lily, "Lily, you are ready to take on a tenderpaw. You have received excellent training from the stars above, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and good-hearted. You will be the mentor of Dakota, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Dakota's eyes reflected Lily's as the blazed with joy and excitement, he could not have expected a better mentor. Dakota delicately climbed down and touched noses with the awaiting female. As they did so, the camp erupted shouting "DA-KO-TA! DA-KO-TA!" Dakota's chest puffed with pride as he sat next to Lily to listen to his brother's ceremony. Pepper turned back and gestured the nervous Ant forward. He was starting shake as he eyed the gathered crown nervously. Pepper was obviously irritated at this but just shook her head and continued with the ceremony. "Ant, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. Your mentor will be..." A great tide of voices had started at the back of the crowd. Frost craned his head to try to look towards the entrance but he was to far forward to see anything of significance. The only thing he had to go on was grumblings of "a gorgeous golden dog" and "someone who had no right to be here" That last comment was predictably from Leslie who was growling softly. Koda hopped off his smaller ledge below Pepper's Highledge and pushed through the crowd. Pepper followed, leaving the wide-eyed Ant stranded on the ledge. Suddenly, a clear voice rang out, "What's with the separation in this pack? It looks like y'all not truly a pack, maybe two separate ones." Frost looked around, noticing the two groups for the first time. The group of dogs that had arrived a few months ago lay to the right of the camp, and the original ones the right. Frost himself sat with the former group. "I'm Gabriel and i hope to stay in this pack a while longer than my others, but you got to fix this problem or this pack will end up like the others." After saying this, he promptly strode froward and plopped himself in the middle of the groups, looking as if the pack was to just carry on after an announcement like that.

{Ant and Dakota become Tenderpaws with Leslie mentoring Ant and Lily mentors Dakota}
{Seraph takes his assessment}
{Frost trains Maena}
{Koda trains Blizzard}
{Gabriel joins from readopts}
{Koda, Blizzard, Nemmell, Caelan, Lily and Leslie go hunting}
{Pepper, Seraph, Gabriel, Frost, and Maena go patrolling}
{Almond goes collecting}
{Rose and Sona watch over the pups}
{Used 1 Cobweb on Dakota}
{Duvessa rests reluctantly}
{Lily and Caelan are now mates}
{Pepper asks for a Irontooth}

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