Create a Village - V.1 Closed and Under Construction

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

The Vale

Postby Scottish9 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:15 am

The Vale is in the most remote part of the Scottish highlands. There, hemmed in by looming mountains, bottomless lochs, and time itself, lives a clan of fae, called Sidhe. Their villages cascade over the slopes of the craggy hills, broken by dense patches of heather. Their homes are crude but practical, snug against the fiercest weather.

These Sidhe take the form of humans that seem a little too perfect to be real. They are warlike and will retaliate at the least provocation. They can do some magic, but it is often to exhausting to even bother trying. They are skilled warriors, but sadly, their immortality has been stripped from them.

The land around them may be rough, but it feeds them well. They farm oats, turnips, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, berries, apples, and rhubarb. They catch salmon, trout, haddock, and herring. They hunt deer, sheep, and the occasional wild pig. They raise cattle and dogs, and tame foxes.
Last edited by Scottish9 on Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:31 am

    Season: Spring
    Weather: Snows from the previous winter has already begun to melt. Flooding does not seem to be an issue just yet. Prey will become plenty and the shrubs and crops that hold the other food will start to grow better. Predators are not a threat at this time and it will be common for your patrols to find nomads and people looking for a permanent place to call home.

| Easthaven Shiokaze | Mournstead | Caling | Ulrica | Staridon | Dreamwind | Cyrrane |

NightWolf950 wrote:
First let me just say this is a unique idea!
Gonna go with a more fantasy base village with this.
So elves, kemonomimis (people with ears&tails), humans, and nymphs. =D

Based near the sea, the village of Easthaven Shiokaze is home to many creatures.
The village itself looks gorgeous. With its shingle rooftops, birch wood walls and fields of farmland.
Easthaven Shiokaze layout
The main attraction of the village is their lighthouse.
The village economy is mainly supported by animal training, farming and fishing.

    Easthaven Shiokaze has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-E8 / HC-94 / HS-S / EC-Green / Human
    Easthaven Shiokaze has 5 more fasting days.


Katrione wrote:

the vikings
no matter how many times you tried to quell them, they rose up stronger than ever

many years ago, the vikings were near the end of their raiding campaigns. despite the vast amount of victories they had, they were slowly starting to lose and be pushed back. it seemed that their legacy would die. the last viking leader, mournstead, hid his wife away in a fishing boat, hoping to save the last thing of his family that he loved. little did he know, a young fire was tucked away in the belly of his wife, barely weeks old. as the ravens, a group wiping out vikings, came for mournstead, he smiled and spat one final message before meeting his end.

the gods have already written our stories in the stars. you will never win

the gods have finally sensed mournstead's young fire has been born

mournstead will rise once more


mournstead is a viking village set in the side of a mountain. the mountain leads up to a large tree that many vikings believe to be sacred to them. at the base of the mountain is a large, roaring waterfall and river. the fishing docks and the docks where they keep their ships is near the waterfall, but not close enough to be negatively affected. farming can be quiet hard for the vikings to do most of the time, since there isn't a lot of flat land in their village to farm on. if they do decide to try and farm, they will have to cross the river to the grazing pastures and block off half of the field for their crops while they livestock will occupy the other half.

like most vikings, the vikings of mournstead are loud and brash, usually getting into tussles whenever they're docked in other villages and towns. they speak their mind and aren't afraid to fight anyone over what they believe in. despite bad things that vikings do while on voyages, they are quite normal and calm when they are back in mournstead. it's an odd sight, but enemies, particularly the ravens, will see female vikings fighting while pregnant. this is a strategy that usually works well for the vikings of mournstead. their enemies are usually too scared to hurt a pregnant woman and it stuns them long enough for the women to finish them off for themselves or for one of the non-pregnant females or males sneak in and do it themselves.

mournstead is a strictly matriarchal society. the village will always be run by a female, but her advisers and the other chiefs may be male. elders are usually rare in this society since many perish during harsh winters or die in battles while out on raiding campaigns. the few elders they do manage to have at times are well cared for until they join the vikings beloved mournstead in the afterlife.


meat sources
xxxdeer, wild boar, fox, beaver, bear, trout, mackerel, salmon
vegetable sources
xxxleeks, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, potatoes, seaweed, cabbage
fruit sources
xxxapples, plums, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, cloudberries, sour cherries, crabapples
pelt sources
xxxbadger, bear, beaver, ermine, fox, sheep, reindeer, wolf

xxx silver trade
xxxfish trade
xxxfur trade
xxxweapons trade
xxxarranged marriages in exchange for livestock

    Mournstead has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-B4 / HC-68 / HS-LC / EC-Hazel / Human
    Mournstead has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)


hazilnut wrote:
ᵀᴴᴱ ᶜᴵᵀᵞ ᴼᶠ
"ᵀᴴᴱ ᴾᴱᴺ ᴵˢ ᴹᴵᴳᴴᵀᴵᴱᴿ ᵀᴴᴬᴺ ᵀᴴᴱ ˢᵂᴼᴿᴰ"

Caling is a city which believes words hold the highest of power. With the right words you could do anything, from move the tallest of mountains, to charm the most stubborn of beasts. Vocabulary and rhetoric are highly valued and taught to all children starting at a young age and continuing on to adulthood. New words are ceremoniously taught as members rise through the ranks, some words being reserved for specific high ranking individuals which if used by any lower ranking member is considered sacrilege. Divine Words are words that are said to have shaped the Earth when spoken. They are never to be spoken unless a dire need arises because mortals are not capable of wielding them, and are seldom written down except when shamans are passing down knowledge. Cursing or using words in ways that they were not intended for is looked down upon and often punished. Despite being incredibly intellectual and wonderful communicators, progress is slow for Caling both in internal and external affairs. Internally the city is traditional and slow to adapt to new ideas not gained through the Old Books and externally they have issues establishing relationships with other villages. Unfortunately the people of Caling can be rather stiff and sensitive, unable to look past even unintentional slights despite being skilled in soothing others themselves. Some Calingers will use their words for manipulation, and while this is officially looked down upon it is rarely acted upon, and even officials will resort to trickery of their own if need be. Caling is an agricultural city by nature, though they do supplement their diet through hunting when need be. Animal companionship is not a natural or encouraged occurrence as animals tend to be looked upon as lesser due to not being capable of speech. For the first year of a child's apprenticeship they are forbidden to speak and instead communicate only through writing. This is to teach them the importance of the words they have been given and to test that they are in fact ready to begin learning their chosen trade. If they are caught breaking their silence they are made to spend the rest of the year doing menial work and try again the next year. Caling is set in the midst of a fertile river valley, said to have been carved by one of the Ancients when they spoke the work 'Caling'. The name is the one Divine Word that is common knowledge among the dwellers as it was interpreted as a gift and therefore safe for use. Oftentimes 'Caling' is used in place of 'us', 'home', or 'valley' in a close and familiar context. It is never used this way in the presence of outsiders.

    Caling has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-A5 / HC-58 / HS-LC / EC-Green / Human
    Caling has 5 more fasting days.


ilhdc7 wrote:Ulrica

the people
    the people of Ulrica are those of any kind. they live in a cave within a blossoming valley where all four seasons happen. each member is properly bundled and always have layers on to loose when the summer comes. the people within the village are strong hearted, and tricky. they love to use their creative mind to make new traps and all creative ways to disarm their opponents. the thing to remember when you step onto Ulrica land is that they know this place better then you, and they will use every dirty trick in the book to get you off their land. no limits come when protecting their home, their territory. Ulrica has a really close relationship with the local wolf pack, from where in the spring they trade with(look at traditions). most of the people that live within Ulrica spend their time in the forest to the pastures surrounding the cavern. they speak the secret code to enter the town, but otherwise live in the sun, thus none of the people are pasty white. the people are generally free to have free reign of the forest surrounding the town, but only children dare tempt fate and travel past where the guards circulate.
the place
    Ulrica lives in a meadow where many different plant and animal life blossoms. in the middle of the mountain side, is a small entrance, 8'2 tall. if you go farther in you would find a small cave town. a small stream flows through the middle where fresh water can be collected, then boiled to drink. the only risk of the large cavern is that people can be easily trapped within, and the stream can flood in the spring time with heavy rainfall. along the side of the cavern is blackberry bushes, where the children love to spend their time eating and playing by. at the entrance are 1-3 guards placed at all times.

    outside the cave is a fenced in area where the animals stay at night. a small coop for the birds, a small run for any foxes. the cats roam free inside, and so do the dogs. the horses are in an open pasture with the cattle. beyond that is a small meadow where the peach grove is and where the watermelon, cucumber, squash & tomatoes grow underfoot. children aren't allowed in the field because they could potentially ruin crops. when the weather is potentially harmful, the animals are moved into the cavern.
the produce
    main meat sources;
    - moose, deer, boar, rabbit
    main pelt sources (these are not eaten, but used strictly as a means of clothing & trading)
    - beaver, muskrat, badger
    main vegetable sources;
    - cucumber, tomatoes, squash
    main fruit source;
    - watermelon, peach, blackberry
the economy
    - fur trade - 1st
    - meat trade - 2nd
the traditions will be added to as more are built
    1. the trade with the wolves
      this is when in the springtime, the people offer the local wolf pack a deer, and in return they get the runt/weakest of the litter. this benefits both parties because the people get a wolf to help protect the village & potentially catch food. the wolves get rid of a potential hindrance, a pup that probably wouldn't have survived on its own.
modes of travel
    common - walking, zip-lining (only in the town)
    uncommon - on beast
    rare - by water

    Ulrica has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-C9 / HC-46 / HS-LC / EC-LBrown / Human
    Ulrica has 5 more fasting days.
    -Serving size- Moose(extra large), Deer(large) Boar(medium) Rabbit(small) Cucumber(medium) Tomato(small) Squash(large) Watermelon(large) Peach(medium) Blackberry(small)


Dinolil1 wrote:

Built near the woods, among sprawling oak and groaning cedars, this village is quiet and clear-headed. Although noises can be heard ringing throughout the forest, the inhabitants go about their duties with patience and solemnity; after-all, they are only noises. They specialize in the trade of steel and pets, calmly walking to their nearest villages to trade. They grow no vegetables but forage for nuts, berries and fruit while catching the occasional deer or trout. They call themselves the village of Staridon, lawful and bullheaded. They build many towers, made to keep watch on the woods although few suspect it's to keep watch on them! Most are blacksmiths, tamers or fruit growers but you do get the occasional map-maker, charting paths via the stars that shine brightly above.

Their predecessors were Rivendon, a foolish lot that razed the woods to the ground and drove all the animals away. Keen to make amends, Staridon values the forest and the creatures within it above all else. They scorn hunters and when they do hunt, they make sure to use the whole animal and not to waste so much as a crumb of marrow. Staridon are fair-minded and will understand the nature of other villages although they will not sway their own laws to match the thoughts of others.

(Blackberries, Apples, Strawberries, Deer, Fox, Goose, Duck, Pheasant, Quail, Trout, Carp, Salmon, Hazelnuts, Raspberries, Pigeon)

    Staridon has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-A9 / HC-88 / HS-AC / EC-DBlue / Human
    Staridon has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)


_Ravenfeather_ wrote:

Dreamwind is built on a field of tall grass, a long path made of bricks will lead off to the Blackberry Forest. The Blackberry forest is where most of Dreamwind’s food comes from, as well as pets and herbs. Dreamwind’s houses are usually little cabins all on sides of the gravel road, the biggest house belongs to the Head Chief. The house is a large stone house. The Shaman’s house, built to the left is a wooden house with many rooms, each room having 2 beds, each room for a patient. Usually a Shaman has animal ears or a tail. Blackberry Forest is filled with rabbits, deer, quail, and hawks. The river provides the Salmon for Dreamwind, the only fish of this village. Fruits, Vegetables and berries that grow out in the first are apples, lemons, oranges, eggplant, blackberry, cabbage, and carrots. The pets that roam the forest are most commonly fox, dog, ox/cow, and bird. Uncommon pets to find out are cats. The rarest pets to find are horses.

    Dreamwind has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-A11 / HC-60 / HS-AC / EC-Viloet / Human
    Dreamwind has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)


Arya22 wrote:(Eeep I am so excited for this!!)

Cyrrane- a place where the unnatural meet the normal. Most people living in this village are humans, but some are not. Wood elves, great but mysterious warriors, live in the woods below the village and sometimes join them. Rarely, dwarves also come out from their mountains to live in the small village. Those special creatures living in the village makes it that Cyrrian people (the villagers of Cyrrane) usually have a great acceptance to other looks, races and ideas.

Cyrrane is located on a high plateau of the Blyhonn mountain. A slope leads down on the east to the valley below, where the thick Wyst forest is. The west is a cliff, and below that cliff lies a big lake, the Ahl. A river of the same name flows from the far north towards them and finishes its course in the lake. To the south is more forest. At the top of the plateau, where the village is, there are barely any trees. Instead, small bushes and areas of bare earth make up most the ground.

The Wyst is populated by many animals. Birds of all sizes, as well as mammals like boars, deers, foxes and squirrels live there. It is rare, but there are a few berry bushes and fruit trees down in the less thick areas of the forest as well. At the top, the few patches of earth are good to be planted with seeds. The lake Ahl is also filled with all sorts of fish.

    Cyrrane has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-D7 / HC-48 / HS-HW / EC-DBrown / Human
    Cyrrane has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)
Last edited by amethyst14 on Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Chinchy » Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:09 am

(Yes, I couldn't think of a better name)

"Omniville - home of the rejected"

Those who manage to cross the band of tall mountains surrounding the village would be faced with something very unusual - the inhabutants do not appear to quite be people. In fact, all of them share one similarity - some amount of animal features. Of all sorts. You've got various birds, mammals, reptiles and even sometimes hybrids of multiple animals (these are rare and are infertile however). There don't seem to be any amphibians or fish among them however. And despite the diversity, they all appear to get along just fine.

As mentioned, the village is surrounded by a long range of tall mountains, those most would not think to try climbing. As the band is actually very long, there is plenty of room for even a large village here. This is great for those who prefer to keep some distance from others and also those who may keep actual animals or farm land.
The range does not form a complete ring. Where the mountains die down in size, a large thick, mixed forest around a lake, fed by the moutain rivers and sending out one of its own.

The people are just as diverse as the species they reprisent, but overall they get along very well. The village is peaceful and seeks to make the lives of everyone within its natural walls as good as possible. Sometimes you may find some squabbles happening between inhabitants too, but they are almost never anything more than a verbal argument.

As far as traditions go, there aren't very many. Most have their own family traditions instead, but the village has its week-long festival when the snow melts and spring begins that they call 'matutínis meditábor in terra' (broken latin ftw). As well as a more peaceful celebration near the end of Autumn called 'principio de somno'.

Some people become strict herbivores or canivores, as such there are vegetables and fruit grown as well as meat from both farmed and hunted animals.

Animals are a clear specialty to these people as they, using knowledge, instinct and experience alike, have found ways to tame most animals as well as domesticate those worthwhile including mountain goats, bighorn sheep, boars, wolves and rabbits.

Fruits: Apples*, cherries*, plums*, peaches, grapes, blueberries, strawberries
Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage*, peas, carrots*, raddish, spinach, potatoes*, corn
Meat: Mutton (BH sheep)*, Pork (Boars)*, Ham, Rabbit*, Hare, Deer*, poultry.

* - starting with

(** This is the list of sorts I'd be using. You can either randomize it or I could do that for myself. I'll randomize specific species out of groups. As long as that's okay. If you'll be choosing, some sort of bird (aves, hopefully neoaves) is preferable as the first villager/head chief)
Last edited by Chinchy on Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
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cav [ introductory. ]

Postby carpe noctem. » Sat Dec 09, 2017 3:46 pm


        valourae sol

      valourae sol is the courageous tribe of warrior-like people, housed in a place that is quite jungle-like in some places, though also bears normal foresty on other places of the village territory. They come from the older tribe that used to live here, called the valirae. They fell apart due to war and chaos, though the descendants of the ancestors have begun to form a new village. The land itself is known for it's sparkling waters, pristine, lush vegetation and abundance in both prey and predator. The village is specialized in its warfare advancements, it's tamed creatures and fishery. Yes, undoubtedly because of their prideful and somewhat harsh behaviours they ought to have some kind of growth in this work. With multiple waterfalls and streams running across the place, it's obvious that many fish dart about in the dazzling blue waters. And for, their tamed creatures, they have even managed to befriend a few of the large felines of the jungle.


      the people of valourae sol live lives in a way that is filled with a sense of lavish grandeur, from the homes they live in to the horses they ride. It all seems to so foreign and exotic, yet also familiar to the people. They are said to be a bit prideful in this, though generally hold a elegant yet meancing look to them. fierce yet feeble. They are intelligent, and have showed it in their quick tongues and courageous acts. Some might call them arrogant at times, though they merely ignore the rude comments with a snide remark and a simple tilt of the head.

        the tribe boundaries and landscape

      the village is made around the largest waterfall around, it can be seen by many the highest-ranking people of the tribes in their homes, which are often higher elevated for safety purposes and more lavish in appearance (can be seen in the right of the picture). The medical person/shaman is directed on the other side of the main village, for it is a bit more tranquil with just that one home there.
      The river that runs down the middle of the village does not stop in the tribe, infact it continues very far away to uncharted lands. A fishery has been made just a small walk away from the main village, where another small waterfall falls in the pools beneath it, which are brimming with fish of many varieties. There is a flat boardwalk that can be used as a dock for boating or fishing, and it leads into the jungle. There is a few houses in the fishery, though they are often used for storing some of the fish rather than actual homes where the people sleep.
      Back in the village, a large path leads to the stables and farm where the village keeps their livestock and horses. Their is a pasture to graze in for the horses, and another for the cattle. A little ways away, near to the river the aviary for birds.
      To avoid any mishaps with the birds, the foxes are allowed to be "pets" of some sorts and live in human households, like the canines and felines do. However, their is also a kennel and run for them if they aren't chosen to be treated as a pet. canines (dogs & wolves) and felines (cats, big cats) are treated as pets for the most part.
      The empress or emperor will go to the old temple, which is where they make requests to the ancestors.

        the tamed animals

      it was learnt in the early days of the former village, valirae (the old tribe that valerae is made upon) that their was more than just people around them, though they never expected to see such fearsome cats waltz around the jungle. It was once they were rivalling enemies, man vs beast, until they came across a cheetah kit, abandoned by its mother. A young girl of the tribe rescued it, and it grew to be loyal to the humans. Since that, they have learned to appreciate the big cats of the forest.. well, most of them, anyways.
      you can find the regular dog, cat, bird, fox (foxes aren't often seen, they're elusive and were hunted for their pelts for a long time before it was banned by the lead chief) & horse. But, you can also find clouded leopards, wolves, leopards & cheetahs. These are predators that can be hunted, though also can be tamed. Leopards and cheetahs are the rarest out of these to find, though they are the most respected and only royalty own them. They come with danger though, as if they aren't socialized properly they might just lash out. is it okay to have leopards and cheetahs? I have this plot already mind that if I get one they're going to kill a child XD
        the produce
      like all villages, it is necessary the kingdom has access to food. They aren't as necessary rich in farming compared to other villages, though they have rich soil and good weather (for the majority of the time) to allow them to farm well enough to thrive.
      > meats | parrots^, reef fish^, deer^, crab^, eagle, muntjac, shrew
      > vegetables | peppers^, peas, tomato^, lettuce^
      > fruit | mango^, passion fruit^, pomegranate^, papaya

      | ^ means that these are my starting foods |


      fish trade
      — fish is a popular source of food in the village, and is often a valuable thing to own, as the scales of certain species of fish can be used for jewelry and bead-making.
      fur trade
      — though the summers may be hot and sweaty, the winters are bitter and cold, so coats are necessary. Different types of pelts can change the amount traded for them depending on what species it was hunted. Fox pelts and tiger pelts are one of the most expensive, though both are rare and important animals that most don't want to kill.
      weapons/armour trade
      — since the tribe is quite harsh and brash, they have advancements in the weapon and armour work and it is a valuable source of protection. Bows and arrows are often used when hunting, too.
      jewelry/bead trade
      — jewelry is often reserved to the royalty of the village/tribe/kingdom. It is a display of wealth and value and is sought out by many maidens.

        traditions & customs
      there aren't many traditions in the tribe, though there is the typical ceremony when someone is promoted a rank or when something major happens (like death, or the birth of the head chief's progeny). One, though, is that in the last stroke of summer the kingdom celebrates the birth of valerae sol by lighting lanterns in the night sky. Before that though, they hold horse races, hunts and let the people take a break off their regular duties to enjoy a lovely feast as a entire tribe. They even go out to the fishery to catch the brightest fish, and then release them into the river in the village and see them dance around in the water.

      (might've gone just a wee bit overboard because i absolutely love this idea)
Last edited by carpe noctem. on Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Rock Weyr Introduction

Postby Simonpet » Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:53 pm

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣
It's been almost a century since the Ninth and final Pass on Pern. The southern continent has been settled, for the most part, and a young to-be queen rider has been granted a new weyr of her own that she calls Black Rock Weyr for the river nearby. Like many southern Weyrs, it is near a beach, making it perfect for cultivating many types of food and scrounging for fire-lizard eggs.

Fruits - blueberries, moonflower fruit, redfruit
Meat - bovines, caprines, fish (small, large), wherries
Vegetables - carrots, corn, cucumbers

Food - bovine and caprine meat, fish
Items - glass, leather, and wood items
Other - fire-lizard eggs

Bird - Birds-of-prey are used as messengers and help in finding seeds.
Bovine (cow) - Bovines are used to till the soil, get milk, and as meat.
Canine (dog) - Canines are used as guards and herders.
Caprine (goat) - Caprines, like bovines, are used to get milk but some are also used to get the wool used in weaving.
Cheetah/Lion - Cheetahs and lions are a menace created by Ted Tubberman in a failed attempt at creating a hunting animal. They are to be killed at first sight to prevent them from attacking humans and dragons alike.
Draftbeast (horse) - Draftbeasts are used as beasts of burden. Much more steady than the flighty runnerbeast, a draftbeast is good to have for larger holds and weyrs.
Dragon - Dragons are the primary purpose behind a weyr. They protect the skies from harm and are bonded to their rider from life to death.
Feline (cat) - Felines are used to kill pests.
Fire-lizard - A novelty rediscovered in the Ninth Pass, a fire-lizard acts as a pet and messenger.
Gryphhawk - A gryphhawk looks similar to a gryphon but is the size of a Terran hawk and is trainable like one.
Runnerbeast (horse) - Runnerbeasts are used by runners and as racing animals.
Watch Wher - The "ugly cousin" to a dragon, watch whers are primarily used as guard beasts or as the "canary in a coal mine." They can see in infrared and are nocturnal, and can only fly at night. Since the Third Pass, fewer holds and even fewer weyrs have used them.
Last edited by Simonpet on Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:22 pm

Number of People: 1 ( x males | x females)
Next visit with Ancestors: December 16th
Servings Needed: x




[Takeshi asks the ancestors for a Shaman.
Takeshi goes out to look for food.]

      Head Chief:
      Takeshi | 28 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST-E8 | HC-94 | HS-S | EC-Green

      Name | Age | Gender | Skill Number
      ↪ n/a/n

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Village Name | Username
      East | Village Name | Username
      South | Village Name | Username
      West | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      Rabbit | x0 | 1 serving
      Deer | x0 | 3 servings
      Seal | x0 | 3 servings
      Sea bass | x0 | 2 servings
      Potatoes | x0 | 3 servings
      Cabbage | x0 | 3 servings
      Onions | x0 | 2 servings
      Apples | x0 | 2 servings
      Grapes | x0 | 1 serving
      Figs |x0 | 1 serving

      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by NightWolf950 on Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby Arya22 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:23 pm

Number of People: 1
Next visit with Ancestors: Today

Deep in the Wyst forest, a young woman laid on the ground, sleeping. Her dark skin and hair blended in perfectly well with the forest, and she was not disturbed for many hours. Her eyelids fluttered-she was dreaming.
As the sun started rising, the birds sang loudly and cheerily, waking up the sleeping woman. Her dark brown eyes opened and she sat up. She had had a dream that night, a dream where her mother talked to her. Her father too. They had told her she would be the leader of a new village.

Myriam sat there on the ground for a few minutes, trying to remember every detail. It had been so long since she had seen her parents... Indeed, she hadn't seen them since they had-
Myriam stood up. It wasn't the time to think about the past. Her dreams had to be true, now she had a new goal. She turned to the east, and, guided by the memory of her dream, walked through the forest. She knew exactly where to go. And so, for many hours, she walked.

At last, the young woman pushed out of the forest, and directly in front of her, a huge lake sprawled. It was wide, and the midday sun reflected in its clear waters. Myriam spotted the flash of a few fish darting in and out of the sea grass. Directly in front of Myriam, far across the lake, a huge cliff rose into the air, a steep and dangerous one. Its sides were white, perhaps made of chalk, or limestone. And from where she stood, Myriam could just spot the old roof of a house and the top of a broken down mill. The corners of Myriam's mouth turned upwards, into a triumphant smile. It was exactly the image of her dream!
Now, to get up there. The young woman turned south, deciding to go around the lake that way round, and to hopefully find a way up those cliffs. If people lived, or had lived, in that village, there surely must be a way up.
True enough, having reached the eastern side of the cliffs, she noticed that it sloped down very cleanly to ground level, and that there were even the rests of an old path. With another smile, this one perhaps more relieved, Myriam began her climb.

When finally at the top, Myriam moved into the village. It was clear that nobody had lived here for many, many years. The houses were all broken down, with holes for windows, often holes in the roof too, and a multitude of bits of rocks and branches laid strewn everywhere in the streets. It would certainly need a lot of repair and cleaning.
The young leader finally found a house which, wonders of wonders, still had intact glass windows. The roof did have a big branch that had caved in a part of it, but it was better than having all the wind come in- the weather was good, it probably wouldn't rain in a while, at least not before she has the time to repair it.

Myriam dropped off her things- some food, water, a change of clothes and blankets- then went outside. "I suppose I should find. Things to help." the young woman laughed a little, scratching the back of her head with her hand. "I look a little stupid, don't I. Random girl gets a dream about her dead parents, thinks she's to be the new leader of a village, finds an abandoned village and sets up there." she stopped, looking down. She had unconsciously walked to the edge of the cliff, and was now looking down at the lake, far below. In the shimmering waters seemed to be two familiar shapes... "Maybe I'm not that crazy after all." Myriam whispered, smiling sadly. The figures didn't move, but Myriam was sure they were looking at her, or, perhaps more accurately, watching over her.
But there were things to do. The young woman tore her gaze from the figures in the water, and started back down the slope. Hunting was in order.

(Myriam goes to the shrine and asks for someone to join her
Myriam goes hunting)

      Head Chief:
      Myriam Sheherezad | 21 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST-D7 / HC-48 / HS-HW / EC-DBrown

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url] | Skill Number
      ↪ n/a/n

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Description | Village Name | Username
      East | Description | Village Name | Username
      South | Description | Village Name | Username
      West | Description | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      (normally 1 serving every post but now in fasting period)
      Deer | x0 | servings
      Boar | x0 | servings
      Hare | x0 | servings
      Bovine | x0 | servings
      Carrots | x0 | servings
      Potatoes | x0 | servings
      Mushrooms | x0 | servings
      Apples | x0 | servings
      Berries | x0 | servings
      Melons | x0 | servings

      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Name ->/<-> Name

      Name and Name | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Arya22 on Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:55 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby scarecrowz » Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:29 am

Number of People: 1
Next visit with Ancestors: Today

Rasha slid on her leather shoes, ready to go out to Blackberry Forest. She had finally decided to make a village. After combing her hair with her nails she shoved open the large wooden door to her home. She scratched her arms one final time before heading down the path The sun had let out its first beams of light, awakening the birds in the forest. She went down the old gravel path, never moving her gaze from the forest. Once she entered the long branches of trees looked over the young woman’s head. She gave off a grin when she heard the beautiful songs of the birds, she lowered herself and sat beside a tall, dead, pine tree. Her eyes slowly closing, she soon would wake up in the pretense of her ancestors. Soon the songs of the birds faded out, and she was fast asleep.
Rasha hunts.
Rasha asks her ancestors for someone to join her.

      Head Chief:
      Rasha | 20 | female| I human
      ↪ ST-A11 / HC-60 / HS-Afro / EC-Violet

      Name | Age | Gender | Skill Number
      ↪ n/a/n

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Village Name | Username
      East | Village Name | Username
      South | Village Name | Username
      West | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      Robin| amount | servings
      Rabbit| amount | servings
      Salmon | amount | servings
      Deer| amount | servings
      Carrot| amount | servings
      Eggplant| amount | servings
      Carrot| amount | servings
      Apple| amount | servings
      Tomato | amount | servings
      Blackberry| amount | servings

      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby ilhdc7 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:39 am

Number of People: one male zero females
Next visit with Ancestors: now
Serving Size; 1/2 (half)

atticus placed his hand on the side of the wall, his thick, meaty, callous covered hand gently stroking the wall of his precious home. he had found the cave and the ancient ruins inside a month ago, and had been spending most of his time sanding and carving out a path that would be easier to travel through. He knew that in time, people would be traveling through here and wearing it down, but until that time, he didn't want to trip on a stray rock.

he glanced one time again down the path, whistling while he did so, heading down into the wooded area around. His eyes searched the densely packed forest, looking for any signs of movement. His movements slowed down, and his body froze with each rustle of the leaves, each chirp of the bird. He was looking for new members of his newly opened town, as well as food to supply the people with.

ancestors visit; atticus wishes for a shaman
hunting; atticus goes hunting for food & looks for people

      Head Chief:
      Atticus Glenn Ambrosia | 20 | Male |
      ↪ ST-C9 / HC-46 / HS-LC / EC-LBrown / Human

      Name | Age | Gender | Skill Number
      ↪ n/a/n

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Village Name | Username
      East | Village Name | Username
      South | Village Name | Username
      West | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      rabbit | 0 | 1 servings
      boar | 0 | 2 servings
      deer | 0 | 3 servings
      moose | 0 | 4 servings

      tomato | 0 | 2 servings
      cucumber | 0 | 3 servings
      squash | 0 | 4 servings

      blackberry | 0 | 1 servings
      peach | 0 | 2 servings
      watermelon | 0 | 3 servings

      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:29 pm

    Season: Spring
    Weather: Snows from the previous winter has already begun to melt. Flooding does not seem to be an issue just yet. Prey will become plenty and the shrubs and crops that hold the other food will start to grow better. Predators are not a threat at this time and it will be common for your patrols to find nomads and people looking for a permanent place to call home.

| Easthaven Shiokaze | Mournstead | Caling | Ulrica | Staridon | Dreamwind | Cyrrane | The Vale | Omniville | Valourae Sol | Black Rock Weyr |

NightWolf950 wrote:Image
[Takeshi asks the ancestors for a Shaman.
Takeshi goes out to look for food.]

    The ancestors sent you a shaman!
    Their traits are: ST-B9 / HC-108 / HS-S / EC-Blue / Elven
    Takeshi gathered an apple.
    Easthaven Shiokaze has 4 more fasting days.


ilhdc7 wrote:Ulrica
ancestors visit; atticus wishes for a shaman
hunting; atticus goes hunting for food & looks for people

    The ancestors sent you a shaman!
    Their traits are: ST-B2 / HC-114 / HS-LC / EC-Brown / Human
    Atticus caught a rabbit.
    Ulrica has 4 more fasting days.


_Ravenfeather_ wrote:Dreamwind
Rasha hunts.
Rasha asks her ancestors for someone to join her.

    The ancestors sent you a gatherer!
    Their traits are: ST-C2 / HC-76 / HS-S / EC-DBlue / Human
    Rasha caught a salmon.
    Dreamwind has 4 more fasting days.


Arya22 wrote:Cyrrane
Myriam goes to the shrine and asks for someone to join her
Myriam goes hunting

    The ancestors sent you a hunting chief!
    Their traits are: ST-C3 / HC-69 / HS-S / EC-Red / Human
    Myriam caught a hare.
    Cyrrane has 4 more fasting days.


Scottish9 wrote:The Vale is in the most remote part of the Scottish highlands. There, hemmed in by looming mountains, bottomless lochs, and time itself, lives a clan of fae, called Sidhe. Their villages cascade over the slopes of the craggy hills, broken by dense patches of heather. Their homes are crude but practical, snug against the fiercest weather.

These Sidhe take the form of humans that seem a little too perfect to be real. They are warlike and will retaliate at the least provocation. They can do some magic, but it is often to exhausting to even bother trying. They are skilled warriors, but sadly, their immortality has been stripped from them.

The land around them may be rough, but it feeds them well. They farm oats, turnips, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, berries, apples, and rhubarb. They catch salmon, trout, haddock, and herring. They hunt deer, sheep, and the occasional wild pig. They raise cattle and dogs, and tame foxes.

    The Vale has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-A7 / HC-130 / HS-LW / EC-Blue / Sidhe
    The Vale has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)


Chinchy wrote:(Yes, I couldn't think of a better name)

"Omniville - home of the rejected"

Those who manage to cross the band of tall mountains surrounding the village would be faced with something very unusual - the inhabutants do not appear to quite be people. In fact, all of them share one similarity - some amount of animal features. Of all sorts. You've got various birds, mammals, reptiles and even sometimes hybrids of multiple animals (these are rare and are infertile however). There don't seem to be any amphibians or fish among them however. And despite the diversity, they all appear to get along just fine.

As mentioned, the village is surrounded by a long range of tall mountains, those most would not think to try climbing. As the band is actually very long, there is plenty of room for even a large village here. This is great for those who prefer to keep some distance from others and also those who may keep actual animals or farm land.
The range does not form a complete ring. Where the mountains die down in size, a large thick, mixed forest around a lake, fed by the moutain rivers and sending out one of its own.

The people are just as diverse as the species they reprisent, but overall they get along very well. The village is peaceful and seeks to make the lives of everyone within its natural walls as good as possible. Sometimes you may find some squabbles happening between inhabitants too, but they are almost never anything more than a verbal argument.

As far as traditions go, there aren't very many. Most have their own family traditions instead, but the village has its week-long festival when the snow melts and spring begins that they call 'matutínis meditábor in terra' (broken latin ftw). As well as a more peaceful celebration near the end of Autumn called 'principio de somno'.

Some people become strict herbivores or canivores, as such there are vegetables and fruit grown as well as meat from both farmed and hunted animals.

Animals are a clear specialty to these people as they, using knowledge, instinct and experience alike, have found ways to tame most animals as well as domesticate those worthwhile including mountain goats, bighorn sheep, boars, wolves and rabbits.

Fruits: Apples*, cherries*, plums*, peaches, grapes, blueberries, strawberries
Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage*, peas, carrots*, raddish, spinach, potatoes*, corn
Meat: Mutton (BH sheep)*, Pork (Boars)*, Ham, Rabbit*, Hare, Deer*, poultry.

* - starting with

(** This is the list of sorts I'd be using. You can either randomize it or I could do that for myself. I'll randomize specific species out of groups. As long as that's okay. If you'll be choosing, some sort of bird (aves, hopefully neoaves) is preferable as the first villager/head chief)

    Omniville has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-B9 / HC-108 / HS-HW / EC-DBrown / Human
    Omniville has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)


❝ rein-dear. wrote:

        valourae sol

      valourae sol is the courageous tribe of warrior-like people, housed in a place that is quite jungle-like in some places, though also bears normal foresty on other places of the village territory. They come from the older tribe that used to live here, called the valirae. They fell apart due to war and chaos, though the descendants of the ancestors have begun to form a new village. The land itself is known for it's sparkling waters, pristine, lush vegetation and abundance in both prey and predator. The village is specialized in its warfare advancements, it's tamed creatures and fishery. Yes, undoubtedly because of their prideful and somewhat harsh behaviours they ought to have some kind of growth in this work. With multiple waterfalls and streams running across the place, it's obvious that many fish dart about in the dazzling blue waters. And for, their tamed creatures, they have even managed to befriend a few of the large felines of the jungle.


      the people of valourae sol live lives in a way that is filled with a sense of lavish grandeur, from the homes they live in to the horses they ride. It all seems to so foreign and exotic, yet also familiar to the people. They are said to be a bit prideful in this, though generally hold a elegant yet meancing look to them. fierce yet feeble. They are intelligent, and have showed it in their quick tongues and courageous acts. Some might call them arrogant at times, though they merely ignore the rude comments with a snide remark and a simple tilt of the head.

        the tribe boundaries and landscape

      the village is made around the largest waterfall around, it can be seen by many the highest-ranking people of the tribes in their homes, which are often higher elevated for safety purposes and more lavish in appearance (can be seen in the right of the picture). The medical person/shaman is directed on the other side of the main village, for it is a bit more tranquil with just that one home there.
      The river that runs down the middle of the village does not stop in the tribe, infact it continues very far away to uncharted lands. A fishery has been made just a small walk away from the main village, where another small waterfall falls in the pools beneath it, which are brimming with fish of many varieties. There is a flat boardwalk that can be used as a dock for boating or fishing, and it leads into the jungle. There is a few houses in the fishery, though they are often used for storing some of the fish rather than actual homes where the people sleep.
      Back in the village, a large path leads to the stables and farm where the village keeps their livestock and horses. Their is a pasture to graze in for the horses, and another for the cattle. A little ways away, near to the river the aviary for birds.
      To avoid any mishaps with the birds, the foxes are allowed to be "pets" of some sorts and live in human households, like the canines and felines do. However, their is also a kennel and run for them if they aren't chosen to be treated as a pet. canines (dogs & wolves) and felines (cats, big cats) are treated as pets for the most part.
      The empress or emperor will go to the old temple, which is where they make requests to the ancestors.

        the tamed animals

      it was learnt in the early days of the former village, valirae (the old tribe that valerae is made upon) that their was more than just people around them, though they never expected to see such fearsome cats waltz around the jungle. It was once they were rivalling enemies, man vs beast, until they came across a cheetah kit, abandoned by its mother. A young girl of the tribe rescued it, and it grew to be loyal to the humans. Since that, they have learned to appreciate the big cats of the forest.. well, most of them, anyways.
      you can find the regular dog, cat, bird, fox (foxes aren't often seen, they're elusive and were hunted for their pelts for a long time before it was banned by the lead chief) & horse. But, you can also find clouded leopards, wolves, leopards & cheetahs. These are predators that can be hunted, though also can be tamed. Leopards and cheetahs are the rarest out of these to find, though they are the most respected and only royalty own them. They come with danger though, as if they aren't socialized properly they might just lash out. is it okay to have leopards and cheetahs? I have this plot already mind that if I get one they're going to kill a child XD
        the produce
      like all villages, it is necessary the kingdom has access to food. They aren't as necessary rich in farming compared to other villages, though they have rich soil and good weather (for the majority of the time) to allow them to farm well enough to thrive.
      > meats | parrots^, reef fish^, deer^, crab^, eagle, muntjac, shrew
      > vegetables | peppers^, peas, tomato^, lettuce^
      > fruit | mango^, passion fruit^, pomegranate^, papaya

      | ^ means that these are my starting foods |


      fish trade
      — fish is a popular source of food in the village, and is often a valuable thing to own, as the scales of certain species of fish can be used for jewelry and bead-making.
      fur trade
      — though the summers may be hot and sweaty, the winters are bitter and cold, so coats are necessary. Different types of pelts can change the amount traded for them depending on what species it was hunted. Fox pelts and tiger pelts are one of the most expensive, though both are rare and important animals that most don't want to kill.
      weapons/armour trade
      — since the tribe is quite harsh and brash, they have advancements in the weapon and armour work and it is a valuable source of protection. Bows and arrows are often used when hunting, too.
      jewelry/bead trade
      — jewelry is often reserved to the royalty of the village/tribe/kingdom. It is a display of wealth and value and is sought out by many maidens.

        traditions & customs
      there aren't many traditions in the tribe, though there is the typical ceremony when someone is promoted a rank or when something major happens (like death, or the birth of the head chief's progeny). One, though, is that in the last stroke of summer the kingdom celebrates the birth of valerae sol by lighting lanterns in the night sky. Before that though, they hold horse races, hunts and let the people take a break off their regular duties to enjoy a lovely feast as a entire tribe. They even go out to the fishery to catch the brightest fish, and then release them into the river in the village and see them dance around in the water.

      (might've gone just a wee bit overboard because i absolutely love this idea)

    Valourae Sol has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-B4 / HC-69 / HS-LC / EC-Blue / Human
    Valourae Sol has 5 more fasting days.
    (Remember 4 meats, 3 veggies, 3 fruits for now. Once the market gets running I will allow an increase)


Simonpet wrote:
𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣
It's been almost a century since the Ninth and final Pass on Pern. The southern continent has been settled, for the most part, and a young to-be queen rider has been granted a new weyr of her own that she calls Black Rock Weyr for the river nearby. Like many southern Weyrs, it is near a beach, making it perfect for cultivating many types of food and scrounging for fire-lizard eggs.

Fruits - blueberries, moonflower fruit, redfruit
Meat - bovines, fish (small, large), wherries
Vegetables - carrots, corn, cucumbers

Food - bovine meat, fish
Items - glass, leather, and wood items
Other - fire-lizard eggs

Bird - Birds-of-prey are used as messengers and help in finding seeds.
Bovine (cow) - Bovines are used to till the soil, get milk, and as meat.
Canine (dog) - Canines are used as guards and herders.
Dragon - Dragons are the primary purpose behind a weyr. They protect the skies from harm and are bonded to their rider from life to death.
Feline (cat) - Felines are used to kill pests.
Fire-lizard - A novelty rediscovered in the Ninth Pass, a fire-lizard acts as a pet and messenger.
Runnerbeast (horse) - Runnerbeasts are used by runners and as racing animals.

    Black Rock Weyr has been founded!
    Your leader has these traits: ST-A6 / HC-46 / HS-LC / EC-Red / Human
    Black Rock Weyr has 5 more fasting days.
Last edited by amethyst14 on Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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