[ ♛ ] 1812 !(entry)

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[ ♛ ] 1812 !(entry)

Postby morrissey » Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:36 pm


this is an entry for
kyar's ufa litter,
coded by marya d. and
written by marya d.,
phina d wolf, and kacc
-han by combining wor
d limits. this is an orig
inal plot that is not
historically accurate.


welcome, welcome to moscow! scruffy yet cozy, like an old dressing gown...
moscow, the early 1800s. carriages rolling down the streets, catcalls as ladies in corsets walk by.
the never-ending bustle of a busy town. perhaps you'll come across a florist, waving her aromatic
flowers in the air, and you'll catch a whiff, breathing in the lovely scent of a fresh rose,
the giddiness and nostalgia filling your heart as you continue down the street, maybe with a small
strut in your stride. perchance you'll see a mother watching over her children as they play at
the park, and you can see her eyes dart nervously to each of her offspring, warning them to be
careful as they might fall into the rosebushes. as you continue your stroll, it's almost certain
that you'll see someone greeting another, pure joy lighting up their faces like the torches that
illuminate the night. maybe they'll hug, or a simple hand-shake will do... everyone knows
everyone in the city that really never seems to sleep.
yet one of the worst fates has fallen upon the people of moscow. war. unbeknownst to the
townspeople, the fatal battle of borodino is swiftly approaching. for years the city has known
of napoleon's planned conquest of russia, but they didn't know of the lasting french influence on
their country. they continued on with their lives, napoleon's threats riding on their backs.
this is when we introduce our heros, three kalon kits who were sent by their mother and father
to go into the world with nothing but sacks on their backs and a pendant with the symbol of
their mother, solace, and a note inside reminding them of their mother and father's love. the
kits, named anatole, anfisa, and vaughn were completely lost in the constant clamor of the city.
they were taken in by a kind baker by the name of aliena, and her daughter jen. the three quickly
bonded with the two kind souls, and there they learned more about russia and what it had to off
-er. they frequently communicated with their mother, father, and younger brother, telling their
family of the many adventures that they had in moscow, and always received a delightful respon
-se, and perhaps a small trinket or a token that their family back in the temple wanted them to
have. the three were very close, and often did not allow the baker and her daughter into their
lives very directly, which often caused multiple misunderstandings between the five.
when napoleon finally took his troops to borodino on september 7th, 1812, the city of moscow
was struck with the financial, physical, and emotional effects of the battle. afterwards, it was
described as the deadliest day of the napoleonic wars, with over 70,000 casualties out of the
250,000 troops involved. the battle provided a major turn in napoleon's failure to take over
russia, and provided a sense of victory to the russians.
which is perhaps just what they needed. [ 495 ]

starring: bleak thunder aka anatole, coming storm aka vaughn, and shattered dawn aka anfisa.

Last edited by morrissey on Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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[ ♛ ] A N A T O L E !

Postby morrissey » Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:28 pm

───────── ( A N A T O L E ) ───
─────────────── ɪs ʜᴏᴛ! ────────


"anatole kuragin! doll, i haven't heard that name in ages!" the char
-ming kalon grinned, eyes sparkling with delight. "my, what a beauti
-ful sight you are! here, to see me?" he chucked, chest heaving.
"well, my dear. i certainly am flattered. i'll tell you about myself?"
anatole is certainly a flirtatious kalon, laying it on thick with his
eyes ablaze. he's self-centered and only cares about himself, not st
-opping to think about how his actions may affect those around him.
with many characters there is a silver lining to this cloud, but with
anatole he's just a big rainy day, though, of couse, he certainly
doesn't see it that way.



"come on, doll! don't fall behind, mon chou! if we don't hurry, then we'll miss the train, and you wouldn't want to miss that, now would you?"
anatole's tail flicked, mischief in his eyes as he lead his third mistress down the street, talking nonstop as they travelled. the busy streets of
moscow were just an annoying bee in his ear, but to jaiden it seemed to be a bit overwhelming, as her ears were pinned to her head. "what's
wrong, mon canard? should we stop? perhaps a pastry or a cup of tea will loosen you?" jaiden shook her head, eyes trained on the street. "i'm
fine, love. the trip from america to here has shaken me up a bit, that's all." anatole smirked. "aah, oui! let me know if you need something."
the two kalons continued down the road, thoughts flooding through anatole's head as he watched jaiden, who's pace was rather quick. "slow
down, mon ami! you seem rather tense, relax! this is just a trip to the rubble. it's mandatory for any tourist to go, it'll be rather fun! perhaps
when we return, i can play you a song on my violin?" jaiden nodded, though still she seemed quite unsure of anatole's promises. when the pair
reached the train station, anatole stopped and turned to jaiden. "i have the tickets, love, but could i see your wallet? i have to put the ticket
[i]inside one of the pockets."
unknowingly, jaiden handed over her wallet. just then, the train pulled up to the station. "go ahead and get in,
love!" after sliding the ticket into her wallet, anatole pulled himself into the train. in the process, though, he dropped jaiden's wallet on the
ground. feigning shock, anatole jumped out of the train. "i'm sorry, love!" he called, picking up the wallet. however, he made no effort to
climb in after his mistress. "it was nice seeing you!" he called, waving to the other kalon as the doors shut between them. sighing with
content, anatole backtracked through the train station and back to the street where they were walking just minutes earlier. from across the
street, anatole could feel the heat of another kalon's gaze. he turned his head and winked at another male who was staring at him, causing the
other to turn away, a blush spreading through his cheeks. anatole turned away, jaiden's wallet heavy in his pocket, and a proud smirk on his
face. [ 519 ]
starring: bleak thunder as anatole, jaiden as herself.

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[ ♛ ] make way for vaughn !!

Postby akame, » Thu Jan 04, 2018 5:45 am


Once full, the ink container had now spread its contents to
hundredsof sheets of paper. Paper filled the floor and the
oak table, ink splatterswere everywhere, the floor, the
walls, even on Vaughn himself. The sound of his pen
roughly making contact with the thick paper was all
he heard from the hours he had sat on his chair and
scribbled designs. Clothing designs, to be exact.
The ringing in his ears stopped once he dropped his
pen onto the table, the silence was music to his ears.
Vaughn narrowed his eyes at the sheet of paper, only
to sigh in satisfaction. He let his body fall to meet
the back of his chair, until hearing a chime of a bell

in where he stood up from his lazed position. He looked to see who the intruder was to see it was his partner, Avery. She mainly was
the one who would approve of the concept designs and change a few things here and there. Vaughn cringed when seeing brown muck
staining her leather boots that were already in the worst condition they could be in. "So, you come in late and expect me warmly welcome
you with those filthy things?"
Vaughn asked, putting his paw over his nose to block out the smell as if there was any to begin with. Avery
shrugged. "It's just mud, its not like its gonna kill you if you inhale it.." She stepped outside to stomp the brown liquid off. The male Kalon
eyed the mud scornfully and prepared to complain if even one drop touched him. Once the door had been shut and Vaughn couldn't
feel the cold breeze make contact with his skin, he relaxed. No brown slime was going to touch him today. Avery hung her jacket onto the
coat-hanger, but her eyes were distracted by the mess before her. "God, this is a mess!" The female exclaimed, picking up one of the
many sheets on the floor. Vaughn rolled his eyes ."Did you just notice? Any kalon could see this mess from the moment they open the
damn door."
If Avery had heard him, she had ignored it; Avery gasped at the sheet of paper in front of her. "This is gorgeous! Why did
you throw it out?
" Her eyes glittered in awe at the sketchy design. The designer snorted. "Go check your eyes, women. It's garbage." Vaughn
watched his partner sit on the floor cross legged to analyze the other sheets. "What are these for, anyways?" She asked, picking up numerous
sheets off the floor and piling them into a neatly on her lap. "Well, Anatole, Anfisa, and I are planning to visit each other after
these couple of years. I know that their closets are just utter trash, believe me. I've spent almost my whole life with them. So lemme
be their little god and give them some clothes that are worth being in their houses."
Vaughn took a moment to ruffle his hair. "I under
estimated the time because we were both over-whelmed with commissions because my work is just so- I mean, our work was just so fabulous,
and now we only have two more days to do this."
He slurred on his words a bit. Drowsiness was kicking in, but he was desperately
trying to stay consious. While he explained, Avery was scanning the three finalized sketches. Her fur spiked when she heard the due date. "Two
Oh god! We should start now while we can then! HEY wake up!!"
Last edited by akame, on Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:32 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby Phina D Wolf » Thu Jan 04, 2018 5:57 am


♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛
... charming.

Anfisa clutched her tattered cloak as she stared up at the mansion. Knocking on the door, she waited, ears flicking to catch the slightest sound. As the door was opened by a maid, she began, “Oh, miss, I’m sorry to disturb, I am Lady Anfisa Ivanov. I was in Moscow with…” she paused, blushing furiously. “A friend of mine. And, he... he asked me to become his betrothed, and was with with me when I refused, and he casted me out, and I…well….I need a place to stay the night.” The maid, enamored with this tragic tale, swept her in, calling for something hot to be prepared, for the special guest. As the kitchens began to swarm with activity, a dark kalon dressed in servants attire slipped in through a window. Joining in the hustle to wait on the sweet new guest, his sheepskin-lined pockets began to fill with mere trinkets at first, rings, a few coins, a statuette. But as time went on he slipped off, scouring the mansion, taking the most valuable items he could find, slipping out every hour or so, emptying his finds into the saddlebags of waiting horses.
Once he was satisfied with his plunder, he carefully unstrapped his Sashka. Exchanging his servant’s clothes for noble attire, all in black with a sweeping cape, he approached the house, smashing the window. Dead silence fell on the house. He heard the skittering of nervous servants feet and the locking of doors. Within minutes, the only sounds were the ominous clicking of his shoes on the hard floors, and the muffled wailing coming from a small, out of the way bedroom.
Reaching the door, he forced it open, snapping the old lock with ease. There on the bed, sat Anfisa, weeping. Kneeling as he approached, the dark kalon attempted to move her wings from her face, saying gently, “Oh, come now love, it can’t be that terrible.”
“Don’t touch me!” Anfisa shrieked, yanking her wing away and continuing to sob.
With a growl of disapproval, he swept her up, ignoring her wails, “I warned you. You should have co-operated.” Turning, he bore her away, leaving the servants stunned and sorrowful.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Ugh, must you be so rough, Bacilli?” demanded Anfisa, rubbing her arm, “Surely, scooping me up gently would have convinced them.”
“I’m a heart sick lover, remember?” Bacilli chuckled. “Heartsick lovers I am sure would not think to be gentle.”
“You just wanted to get back at me for kissing you during our other heist trick.” Anfisa responded.
“That too.” her partner agreed. “That was not appreciated.”
“At least you got some good stuff. Look at this lovely necklace.” Anfisa said, admiring the piece, then placed it on her neck.
“Remember, I get half.” Bacilli said tersely. “Half, value wise. None of this weight nonsense. You cheated me out of fifty seven thousand rubles last haul.”
Anfisa said nothing, merely laughing as she admired the sparkling treasures they had gained.
Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:55 am, edited 14 times in total.
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[ ♛ ] 1812 !

Postby morrissey » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:22 am

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