Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby DeMaizu » Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:08 pm

nooo wait I has something O_O It'll take a bit longer, unless you're okay with it being unfinished?
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Ranger of the North » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:00 pm

DeMaizu wrote:nooo wait I has something O_O It'll take a bit longer, unless you're okay with it being unfinished?
Okay, that's fine! I can give you an extension c: How long d'you reckon it'll be? c:
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:34 pm

Ranger of the North wrote:
DeMaizu wrote:nooo wait I has something O_O It'll take a bit longer, unless you're okay with it being unfinished?
Okay, that's fine! I can give you an extension c: How long d'you reckon it'll be? c:

I may try to get something in as well, but my muse is screaming Alpha War at the moment, so I may not managed to get it in on time.
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Ranger of the North » Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:04 pm

Woogwoo Wren wrote:
Ranger of the North wrote:
DeMaizu wrote:nooo wait I has something O_O It'll take a bit longer, unless you're okay with it being unfinished?
Okay, that's fine! I can give you an extension c: How long d'you reckon it'll be? c:
I may try to get something in as well, but my muse is screaming Alpha War at the moment, so I may not managed to get it in on time.
Oki doki! c:
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby DeMaizu » Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:22 pm

Ranger of the North wrote:
DeMaizu wrote:nooo wait I has something O_O It'll take a bit longer, unless you're okay with it being unfinished?
Okay, that's fine! I can give you an extension c: How long d'you reckon it'll be? c:

Um . . . another day or so? Maybe?
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby DeMaizu » Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:16 pm

Poison in the cup wrote:
    He was standing in a construction zone, a few bulldozers abandoned here and there, with a child who wasn’t his in one hand and an antique medieval weapon that had recently been reported as missing from the history museum in the other hand ― trying to ward off a hungry-looking leopard . . . thing (he wasn’t actually if it was a leopard or not, because it had feathers on its ears and tail and wings. Its legs also transitioned from furred to scaly halfway down. So yeah). How the heck did he end up in this situation?
    Well, that’s quite a bit of a story. We’ll have to go back a bit, to explain how he met the child, first of all. The child’s name is Faith, and she had no faith in him at all, their first meeting.
    Tasha Rogers did not like coffee of any sort. This was unfortunate, because the whole rest of his family did.
    His parents were addicted to the stuff, craving the jolt of awareness it gave them when their minds were too muddled to work in the morning (or very, very late at night, in his mother’s case). His sister Celia loved it because she and her boyfriend would go to coffee shops nearby whenever they called on Skype. It was part of her connection with him. His older brother Jamie had only started drinking a few months ago, but he already denied having drunk anything else.
    ‘Kay, maybe the not the whole rest of his family, but the twins didn’t count, ‘cause they didn’t know what it tasted like.
    Anyway. Tasha didn’t like coffee, was the point. He did, however, love tea, which the coffee-drinkers eschewed constantly. They were also constantly saying he was missing out on the superior drink, but he always just shrugged. It was a running joke in their house, “the great rift of our home ― Tasha-Tea versus everyone else!” The twins didn’t care either way, apparently. They were too busy trying to get more chocolate milk with their puppy eyes at the moment.
    “Sweetie, you already had two cups of it. That was the limit, remember?”
    “But Mama,” Jack wheedled pleadingly, “This is a party, isn’t it? And you’re not paying!”
    Jamie snorted into his drink (yes, coffee) as Celia glared and Tasha sighed tiredly, resting his chin in his hands. They were indeed celebrating with eating out at a buffet; Mom’s book had been published, Celia and Dad had both gotten promoted, Jamie was getting into the college he wanted (yay, Tasha could have the room to himself!). Jack’s remark about the bill not being handled by Mom was true, too; Celia had offered to take care of it beforehand, and Mom would not let her go back on it.
    Mom hesitated. “Well . . .”
    “Pleeaase?” The twins pleaded, clasping their hands together.
    Their waiter came by before an answer got out. “Hey, how is everything? Need anything?”
    “Oh, yeah,” Tasha cut in. He glanced at the menu quickly, ignoring the outraged look Celia sent him across the table (Traitor, said her eyebrows). “Could I have some green tea, please?”
    “Of course! Anything else?”
    “Chocolate milk!” The twins chorused, accidentally whacking the table as they threw their hands up.
    Tasha shrugged contritely at Celia, though the effect was somewhat ruined by his smile. She huffed, waving a hand as the waiter walked away to get their drinks. Jamie followed her in search of more food while Tasha finished his sushi and talk returned to Celia’s room mate.
    “What got her so interested in leopards, anyway?” Dad looked like he didn’t really want to be part of this meal, but that was what he looked like almost all of the time. Tasha was pretty sure Dad had been born with that face. That, or he’d held the expression for too long and it froze on his face, like people were always warning you about.
    Celia shrugged as she speared a piece of chicken with one of her chopstick. “I ‘unno, something online caught her eye? Apparently she’s making her birthday party a costume party so she can dress up as one. She keeps using me as a mannequin, too, did you know?”
    “No,” Tasha muttered under his breath. “I went deaf the first four times you said it.” Celia hated being dressed up for anything.
    “I mean, I know we’re close in size, but really?” Celia continued, waving her chicken-speared chopstick around. The waiter had come back, and was giving her a confused look, but didn’t comment on it. Tasha smiled gratefully at him when he was handed the tea, watching the twins squeal over their own cups while he stirred absent-mindedly. “Come on, she has a twin sister! She could have snagged her to stand still while sharp things were being poked all over her body.”
    “I’ll save you from the pokies,” Jill said, muffled by the lip of her cup. She took a sip and set it down, smiling brightly, seemingly unaware of her chocolate milk mustache. “I’ll make you a shield!”
    “Thanks,” Celia said, finally chewing on the piece of chicken. “My hero,” she added, muffled.
    Amusement bubbled in Tasha’s chest as he finished his what was in his cup and set it down. He was reaching for the tea pot that had come with the cup when he glanced down and frowned. At the bottom of the cup were black, lower case letters. He turned the cup around and frowned harder.
    you’ve been poisoned.
    Tasha jumped, looking up at Dad, who was watching with concern. “You alright there?” Jamie had come back to the table, his plate loaded with what must have been everything the buffet had to offer, and now looked up with a forkful of lo mein on the way to his mouth.
    Tasha smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a weird thought.” Hurriedly, he poured more tea into the cup, wondering how he hadn’t noticed it before. It must have been there, right? A joke someone played on customers? But why wouldn’t he have seen it? It was pretty obvious; the black letters were such a contrast against the white of the cup that it was hard to miss, but miss it he had.
    You know what, Tasha thought, shoving a suhsi roll in his mouth, whatever. It’s probably nothing.
    As he fell alseep in the car ride home, he thought about the letters again. I hope it was nothing.

    The next thing he knew, he was being shaken awake by a small hand. He groaned. The hand shook harder, more insistently.
    “Five more minutes, Jill,” he mumbled, waving a hand vaguely.
    “Who names their kid frickin’ Jill? Hey! Wake up!” A slap accompanied the much clearer words.
    Tasha yelped and sat up, blinking in confusion. He was definitely not at home; he was under a starry sky (that he probably would have admired if he weren’t so confused) in what looked lie the middle of nowhere, with a grumpy-looking child sitting next to him.
    “It’s about time,” the kid said huffily, crossing their arms. A dark curl of hair fell into their face, and they blew it away before continuing; “I was starting to think the poison was too strong.”

I'm really, really sorry it took me so long to post this; it started all whizzy and creative, but then it . . . stopped. So it took a while. But I hope you like it anyway!
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Ranger of the North » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:49 pm

Yey! I shall begin judging on Sunday or Monday c:

Last week was CRAZY! I've made a start now, though cx
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Ranger of the North » Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:59 pm

Okay, I think I'm done judging! Sorry for a bit of a wait c:

I'll try to get the results posted tonight, but it's 11PM, so no promises XD
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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Ranger of the North » Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:12 pm

First place:
(entered via PM)

Second place:

Third place:

'grats, guys!! c:

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Re: Awesome Competitions! Write a Story; Win Some Pets!!

Postby Ranger of the North » Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:38 pm


  1. Winners' list

  2. Notice: As of the 19th of December, 2017, I will be taking a break from this. But only until the 20th of January, 2018! I am currently too busy with Christmas hoo-rah to keep this up over the holidays, and I imagine many people will be too busy to enter anyway :p I'll hopefully plan some more coding for the new thread in my free time. Thanks, one and all, for being a part of this; I really appreciate it, and I hope to see you again next year! :D Happy holidays!!

  3. Donators' list

  4. #Goals
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