Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Letsgograss » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:10 pm

I see so many role plays for normal Pokemon, but not nearly enough for legendary ones. So, being the talented, successful role play maker I am, I decided to make one for myself.
Welcome, everyone. To the Lives of Legends!


For once, all is peaceful. No evil teams trying to take over the world only to be thwarted by the world's most powerful pre-teens, no plots to steal the power of the gods for themselves, and no sibling feuds between said gods. The world has gone quiet. Is it too quiet? You be the judge.

In this role play, everything is peaceful, but for how long is up to you. Become the rulers of the Pokemon world, or their disciples, to shape this world. Start drama at the meeting table. Go start an organization. Get captured by a weird kid and used to defeat their region's best trainers. Chill out in a cave or something, whatever!
(well not actually whatever there are some rules but ANYWAYS)
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Postby Letsgograss » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:30 pm

The Rules™-
    1!- Tess's rules all apply, as per usual (if you want the human ones they're here too!)
    2!- For now, no duplicate legendary Pokemon. If this gets popular (doubt it though Xd) we can have multiples.
    3!- Do not kill or otherwise harm other individuals without their consent. Be considerate.
    4!- Please, try to be active. I would prefer once a week, but if you can't, or are having free time issues, talk to me and we can work it out!
    5!-Since we have a smallish amount of legendaries, 3 max, please, and try not to take an entire trio/duo. No limit on disciples, but if you are a disciple to another person's Pokemon, ask them first.
    6!- If you have suggestions, feel free to tell me! It's been a while since I've role played actively.
    7!- Have fun!
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Postby Letsgograss » Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:46 am

Characters! (forms go in the discussion thread)
Antimatter Baroness wrote:
The 'Renegade Pokemon'
Ruler of- Antimatter || Home- Turnback Cave/Distortion World || Allignment- Rouge || Curious about- Rayquaza|| Refer to as- She/Her or They/Them
Personality-Prefers staying away from action, but had finally started emerging more often not there are no conflicts to repair. A gentle giant, unless you are Palkia or Dialga (or even arceus, although that's less active aggression and more passive aggression)
History- After the incident in-game(s), she has calmed down and now is trying to venture farther away from Turnback Cave and even Sinnoh itself. Has been sighted in Johto and Hoenn, and over the seas of Kanto and Alola.

Psychic Princess wrote:
The New Species Pokemon
Ruler of Psychics || Home- Forests, Jungles, Caves || Allignment- Neutral || Curious about/Interested in- Gaining knowledge and playing around|| Refer to as- she/her
Personality- Mew is playful and child-like with the tendency to get a little sassy at times.
History- Mew has been on the search for Pokemon to add to her kingdom. She looks specifically for Pokemon that have had a troubled life and she levitates them to a safe home where they can stay if they wish.
Other- Very little can rile up Mew. The only thing that can make her truly angry is if her kingdom is threatened.
The Pokemon she's in charge of are the most important things to her.

Deepspace Marquess wrote:
The DNA Pokemon
Ruler of- DNA|| Home- Space/ Birth Island|| Alignment- Neutral (leaning toward rouge) || Curious about- Exploring Earth||Refer to as- He/ him they/ them
Personality- Deoxys is pretty kind and caring, but also a tad shy. He also semi acts intellectual.
History- Deoxys is naturally curious, but he really wants to explore Earth, because Rayquaza doesn't let him go near earth in fear he will try to destroy it. Deoxys has tried before to get onto Earth and has failed, only landing on Birth Island before Rayquaza brings him back to space.
Other- Deoxys is very fond of Cleffa, Minior, Elgyem, and any Pokemon that is said to come from space. Has minor feuds with Palkia and has a rivalry with Rayquaza. Deoxys can also change forms at will and with contact with meteors.

Lightning Count wrote:
Thunder Pokemon
Ruler of Storms || Home The Burnt Tower || Allignment Arceus-alligned || Curious about Meeting other electric types and
Ho-Oh|| Refer to as He/Him (doesn't really mind if misgendered though)
Personality Independent, Laid Back, Antisocial, Lazy
History Not much, usually just hangs out and naps in the Burnt Tower, occasionally explores the nearby routes.
Other that's about it

Midnight Knight wrote:
Cosmog (Lunala)
The Nebula Pokémon (The Moone Pokémon)
Ruler of the Moon (future) || Home- Wanders about, no real home, comes from ultra space|| Allignment- Neutral || Curious about mythical Pokémon and (potentially) Solgaleo || Refer to as- female/she,her,etc
Personality- Cosmog is a happy-go-lucky Pokémon without a care in the world. She loves to 'play' with others, whether that be teleporting them somewhere random or playing teleportation hide-and-seek. While she could float, when she's near the ground she uses the nebulous blue appendages on her head to crawl. She's curious and naive.//As Lunala, she is quiet and thoughtful. Lunala hates the day, and tends to hide away in dark places. Lunala tries to keep her distance, but loves a good chat. She retains her former curiosity.
History- Cosmog simply... appeared one day. The Beast Who Devours the Sun and the Beast Who Calls the Moon created Cosmog, and they let the cheery Pokémon be- as tends to be the case with what Cosmog we see. She came from Ultra Space, and decided she enjoyed her current dimension on a whim. Cosmog has been a curious wanderer ever since. As a weak Pokémon, Cosmog has tended to get herself in a lot of trouble, and has winded up injured multiple times. Even when she learned Teleport, she still got into a lot of issues with other Pokémon.
Other- Cosmog tends to enjoy the company of other Psychic types, and has a natural affinity for those who are more nocturnal.

Ocean King wrote:

Diving Pokemon

Ruler of The Sea || Home- Within the depths of the sea or around the Orange Islands || Allignment- Neutral || Curious about - Further life away from the isles / other Pokemon || Refer to as- Agender, they/ them or he / him pronouns

Graceful in nature, Lugia is the kind of Pokemon to try and project themselves as kind and inviting to others. However, if they are crossed in a way that they deem to be unacceptable, Lugia can be cold and furious. They're usually fairly quiet as they spend a lot of time underwater, the only interaction being a few rare Pokemon who could manage the dark depths Lugia resides in and occasionally the trio of elemental birds around the other three islands.

Nothing much at all. Lugia hasn't been the cause of any stress or chaos recently and hasn't prevented any since the events of Pokemon 2000. Simply lurks around the island, occasionally leaving their perch in the water to rest upon the centre island and listen to the faintest whistles of music that manages to drift through the air from the distant village.

That's all! Thank you!! <3

Wishgranter Rex wrote:
The Wish Pokemon
Ruler of Wishes|| Home- Mountains, near Hoenn usually. Now is out and about, wandering around. || Alignment- Arceus-aligned || Curious about People and new Legends!|| Refer to as- They/Them
Personality- A very bright, cheery, childlike Legend, but wise beyond their waking days. Looking for someone to bond with after their 1,000 year slumber. Something about them seems a little off, though...
History- After the events of Jirachi: Wish Maker, sleeping, of course! Anything else would be preposterous!
Other- Seems like something went wrong with that mutant Groudon, after all what kind of a Jirachi only sleeps for 10 years?

Clone Revolutionary wrote:
The Genetic Pokemon
Ruler of Pokemon liberation || Nomadic || Rogue || Interested in other legendaries joining his cause|| Refer to as he/him
Personality- Mewtwo is a stoic with strong principles and morals. He believes pokemon should live free of both humans and legendaries.
History- Mewtwo was a saving force for many pokemon. He fought back against many human organizations and rescued several pokemon mistreated by them. Now that the organizations are down, he's set his sites against the legendaries. He has decidedly shed his legendary status in order to continue helping his fellow pokemon.
Other- Mewtwo will not jump directly into violence. He will try to persuade his opposition to his side first.

Melemele Marquess wrote:
Tapu Koko
The Land Spirit Pokémon
Ruler of- Melemele island guardian || Home- Ruins of Conflict.|| Alignment- Arceus-aligned || Curious about- Battling|| Refer to as- He, Him, His, them, they
Personality- Tapu Koko is a restless spirit with seemingly infinite energy. He can't sit still for even a minute. Very curious, Tapu Koko often watches trainers in Alola battle to see what strategies they use. Although he is Arceus aligned, if something angers him he wont hesitate to snap back a comment or, in serious cases, try to battle.
History- After the ultra beast invasion, Tapu Koko has been resting In the ruins of Conflict. However, not as many people and pokemon have been visiting lately...
Other- Sorry if the Yellow is a bit hard to read. Because of this, I will be using this color for him speaking

Akala Countess wrote:
Tapu Lele
Land Spirit Pokémon
Guardian of Akala, Ruler of Healing|| Home- Ruins of Life || Allignment- Arceus-alligned|| Curious about/Interested in- Anyone and everyone, as long as they would be entertaining!|| Refer to as- she, her
Personality- Tapu Lele is a carefree and playful Pokémon, who tends to spend her time frolicking about and finding Pokémon to play with. Unfortunately this land spirit is not fully aware of her own strength, and she can tend to leave her 'playmates' injured. She's more of a chaotic good; while she does have morals and is Arceus-alligned, she goes about things in her own, usually odd ways. When she wants to help a Pokémon out she will, though her methods can be peculiar. An example in point is Ash's Rockruff.
History- Tapu Lele retired to the Ruins of Life after the events of Sun and Moon, going out only to look over Akala. She hasn't caused much trouble in awhile, but with fewer visitors, she's beginning to grow bored...
Other- I'm sorry for the simularities to spacialdimension's Tapu Koko form, I was trying to avoid them!

Northern Wind Princess wrote:
(Name/Species) Suicune
Title- Aurora Pokémon
Ruler of the North Wind || Home- Burnt Towers || Allignment- Arceus-alligned || Curious about/Interested in- She is curious to meet up with the two other legendary beasts and Ho-oh || Refer to as- she
Personality- heroic, serious, and calm during dangerous situations. She dislikes violence and believes humans and Pokemon can live in harmony.
History- She spends her time racing around Kanto and Johto helping out Pokemon and humans as well as purifying polluted water.

Weather ☁️ wrote:Season- Winter
Weather report- Gloomy skies have parted for a sunny day, but watch out for a volcanic eruption by Unova!

Events 📣 wrote: What's going on with this funky weather?
Woah! The 1,000 year comet is back early, it seems!
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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Letsgograss » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:23 am

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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Letsgograss » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:21 am

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: None

Giratina climbed out of the distortion world, into her cave. She shook her wings and walked to the entrance, staring at the grey clouds over the skies. A golbat flew by, chasing a bidoof.
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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Doodle_Bunny » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:48 am

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: None

Giratina climbed out of the distortion world, into her cave. She shook her wings and walked to the entrance, staring at the grey clouds over the skies. A golbat flew by, chasing a bidoof.

Mew || Turnback Cave || Tagged: Giratina

As Giratina gazed out into the dreary world outside her world of madness, a small, pink creature blinked in from seemingly nowhere.

Mew's levitation was wobbly as she held her over-sized head, "Ooh... I need to stop teleporting today..."

Gaining her composure, she calld out, "Giri! Oh, Giri?" Mew soon spotted her target, "There you are! I was hoping you'd be popping out of that crazy hole soon!"
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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Letsgograss » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:01 pm

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: Mew

She was drawn out of her thoughts when she saw the smaller legendary. "Oh, hello, Mew. I suppose it has been a while since I have left the distortion world. I keep expecting something to go wrong," she chuckled. Her wings folded against her sides.
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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Doodle_Bunny » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:12 pm

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: Mew

She was drawn out of her thoughts when she saw the smaller legendary. "Oh, hello, Mew. I suppose it has been a while since I have left the distortion world. I keep expecting something to go wrong," she chuckled. Her wings folded against her sides.

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: Giratina

"Isn't this peace just fab-u-lous?" Mew did a gleeful flip in the air. As she came back down, she stopped with a reluctant pause, "Um... on that note. I was hoping to ask you a little favor."
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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Letsgograss » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:25 pm

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: Mew

Giratina spoke, "Yes, its just so bizzare. Anyways,
what were you going to ask?"
She tilted her head inquisitively. Her tail wagged slightly, brushing against the rocky floor.
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Re: Lives of Legends (Pkmn RP) (New and Open!)

Postby Doodle_Bunny » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:37 pm

Giratina || In Turnback Cave || Tagged: Mew

Giratina spoke, "Yes, its just so bizzare. Anyways,
what were you going to ask?" She tilted her head inquisitively. Her tail wagged slightly, brushing against the rocky floor.

Mew || Turnback Cave ||Tags:Giratina

Mew fiddled with her tail sheepishly as she started her story, "Well, since a whole bunch of bad human groups got disbanded, I took in a lot of new Pokemon this year. Don't get me wrong, it was great... at least for the other seasons it was.

"Look, what I'm trying to ask is-- can you use your distortion powers to help food grow? I've been rationing the best I can, but it's only working so much. And some Pokemon are giving others hungry looks back home," Mew anxiously concluded her story.
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