❀ blossomclan

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☆ Rowanpaw [4] Hollyflower [2] Fluffypaw [2]

Postby Tiny_Cat » Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:20 pm

    R O W A N P A W
    ( blossomclan hunter app ) ( she-cat ) ( 10 Moons) ( arranged mate; unknown ) ( location; Camp ) ( mood; Surprised ) ( tagged; Tigersroar, Pebblesky, Hollyflower, Apprentices )
      At Sparkpaw's response, Rowanpaw bared her teeth in the beginning of a snark. Annoyance flashed in her eyes as she glared at the she-cat. For the Most part, she didn't mind Sparkpaw. The she-cat could be very entertaining at times. She could also be downright obnoxious when she wanted to be. She started to tell the other she-cat to grow up when Tigersroar slid between them. She flinched, expecting him to scold both of them, but instead his anger seemed more directed at Sparkpaw. His form was rigged, his stance almost aggressive and definitely protective. Protective... of her? She blinked at his back inquisitively. Why did Tigersroar feel the need to protect her, and from Sparkpaw of all cats. Sparkpaw was a bit... eccentric but she wasn't dangerous and it wasn't like Rowanpaw didn't get into arguments all the time. Rowanpaw watched him quizically as he turned his attention to Pebblesky, moving his tail between the tomcat's mouth and his sister's scruff and ordering him to release her. Shaking her head, she forced herself to focus. This was no time to be- the thought broke off as a strangled meow came from back in the direction of the apprentices den. With Tigersroar's back to her, she slipped through the thickening smoke, carefully picking her way over the ground until she reached the apprentices den. Alarm course through her as she halted before the probe forms of Lilacpaw and Maplepaw. "Help! Some cat help! Lilacpaw ans Maplepaw aren't moving!" She screeched in the direction of the cats she had left behind.

    F L U F F Y P A W
    ( blossomclan fighter app ) ( she-cat ) ( 8 Moons ) ( arranged mate; tbd ) ( location; Camp ) ( mood; Annoyed, Scared ) ( tagged; Pebblesky )
      Fluffypaw grumbled softly to herself as she hung from Pebblesky's jaws like a limp noodle. It wasn't fair. Why was she being carried. Clearly Sparkpaw needed a cat to corral her much more with that mouth of hers. To be fair, Pebblesky wasn't acting like his usual self and his breaths were coming out short and fast. He sounded really scared, not that she blamed him. She showed mild interest when Rowanpaw approached and snapped at Sparkpaw like that would do much good. The two she-cats were about to start arguing when Fluffypaw's half brother stepped between them, his glare focused solely on Sparkpaw. Like Tigersroar could ever actually be mad at Rowanpaw. The only one who seemed unaware of his crush was Rowanpaw herself. She was about to point out that she was still trapped in Pebblesky's jaws when Tigersroar made him out her down. Relief courses through her as she found solid ground under her paws. She turned as the oldest of the warriors seemed to snap out of his case and started ordering cats around. Not that she minded. Some cat had to take charge and she obediently sidled up beside her brother, allowing her due to mingle with his.

    H O L L Y F L O W E R
    ( blossomclan hunter ) ( she-cat ) ( 14 Moons ) ( arranged mate; tbd ) ( location; Camp ) ( mood; Apprehensive, Alarmed ) ( tagged; Pebblesky, Apprentices )
      Hollyflower could have groaned in. Relief as finally, the bickering ceased and Pebblesky took charge. Nodding at his command, she turned to look for her ward except... Rowanpaw was no longer standing beside Tigersroar. She scanned their group, alarm filling her as she realized that Rowanpaw had disappeared. "Hey... hey, you guys... WHERE'S ROWANPAW!?" She yowled, spinning in a circle and trying to see through the thickening smoke. The roar of the fire drowned out most other noises and it was getting hard to breath. "Rowanpaw!?" She shrieked, panic starting to overwhelm her. Then, miraculously, she heard Rowanpaw screeching at them from back the way they had come. Something about Maplepaw and Lilacpaw? Has the two apprentices somehow been overlooked!? Turning to Tigersroar and Pebblesky, she gestured for them to go. "You two go back and help Rowanpaw. I will get the other apprentices out of camp." She meowed with what she hoped was a reassuring smile as she beckoned Fluffypaw and Sparkpaw. Skypaw was practically out of camp by this point.
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¨ [ii.] M A P L E P A W & [i.] S E R P E N T S O N G — ! ¨

Postby vaud » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:07 pm


¨ [✧] M A P L E P A W — ! ¨------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i. tomcat ii. eleven moons iii. hunter's apprentice iv. no established romance v. outside the camp vi. lilacpaw, rowanpaw, serpentsong, & paletuft


    the hunter's apprentice opened his groggy eyes as he felt a worn out body slump down next to his. even though his vision was blurred, he could tell that it was lilacpaw who had laid beside him. maplepaw realized that the smaller she-cat next to him had dragged him from the jaws of the fire and made sure he was safely beyond its devastating reach. the young tom pressed his nose against lilacpaw's flank in gratitude, scooting closer so he could shield her from the torrential downpour that soaked through even the longest pelts. he felt a shudder of grief as he saw the camp alight with the glow of the fire that raged inside. maplepaw tried to yowl for assistance but his jaws felt like heavy stones and his throat burned from the smoke he had inhaled in the den. the apprentice knew they weren't in any immediate danger but he knew that if they didn't find shelter soon, the rain would drench them and sickness would set in. stocks of herbs and freshkill would be destroyed and supplies would be scarce until the clan found order once again in the chaos that the fire brought.

    maplepaw began to drift in and out of consciousness, unable to keep himself awake without straining his already exhausted body. the nightmare returned, starting where it had last left off. the scene had shifting from the forest to the camp where he was still being carried by the scruff of his neck. the jaws that carried him were almost too tight, as if the cat who was carrying him had underlying anger left over. it wasn't until he was dropped on the ground that he had a glimpse of the warrior. his heart dropped as he recognized serpentsong's broad face. unlike the others who had a look of sympathy for the shook up apprentice, serpentsong looked upon him with disdain. he shrunk against the wall of the medicine cats' den when serpentsong's lip curled up in a snarl, in his feeble state he was vulnerable and was prepared to face the much larger warrior's wrath. he couldn't understand why he was the target of serpentsong's anger, wasn't he the victim in this situation? serpentsong approached the apprentice, his green eyes boring into maplepaw's pelt, "this wouldn't have happened if you didn't decide to hunt alone in the forest. this isn't the nursery, danger lurks behind every tree and if you're not careful, you'll end up as freshkill for a hungry predator who won't think twice about making a meal out of a scrawny apprentice. we have rules to guide us and protect ourselves from instances like this. I expect you to follow them just like any of your other clanmates." maplepaw felt his lip tremble, from fear or from sadness he couldn't decipher between the two in his state of shock. the warrior spoke again, "your father made his first mistake when he abandoned his duties to visit your mother, a pathetic kittypet, every night at the border. he was able to hide it from the clan for several moons until I followed his trail to find him with your mother. by then the relationship had gone too far, emberheart had fathered a single scrawny kit who was born outside of our border. you do not possess the same wild blood that runs through us, the blood of our ancestors that lived in the forest for generations. emberheart had a duty and loyalty to his clan, and yet he sacrificed it so he could raise you as one of us. his second mistake was when he preceded over your training, he allowed you too much freedom and softened your mind and your heart. he instilled false confidence in you and now look where it has gotten the both of you. your reckless act has taken away a warrior from the clan and robbed you of a father. it would have been better if your mother had raised you alongside the two-legs where you belong." serpentsong sneered. thankfully, one of the medicine cats interrupted their confrontation. serpentsong had put on a façade for the medicine cat, his voice sorrowful and tired as if he was the victim, "poor kit, he's absolutely delusional from exhaustion and the loss of his father. I would keep an eye on him, sorrow can easily become anger if it isn't kept in check." and with that, serpentsong left the den, leaving maplepaw in a state of alarm and guilt. was it really his fault that emberheart was now being mourned for outside the den with clanmates wailing for justice? perhaps maplepaw had been too distracted with the mouse he was stalking to notice the soft mewls of the kits that serpentsong claimed had existed. fearing that his clanmates would despise him, he kept silent on what he had seen in hopes that emberheart's death would be seen as an accident and not the fault of his own kin's reckless behavior.

    rowanpaw's frantic screeches brought maplepaw back into the conscious world. he was thankful that the she-cat had awoken him before the nightmare turned sour and had brought attention to his and lilacpaw's drenched bodies. he felt relief wash over him as he felt hurried pawsteps pound at the ground as some warriors came to their aid. he nudged lilacpaw's face with his own in a gentle manner, trying to keep his closest friend from going unconscious herself, "thank you for dragging my rear out of the den." his chuckles were ragged and riddled with coughing in between. "I can hear some pawsteps coming towards us, rowanpaw signaled them to come help us. i'll be by your side until they arrive." he insisted, licking his friend's pelt to clean off the mud and water that drenched them both. it wasn't long until he felt jaws around his limp body, carrying him to safety on higher ground where the mudslide couldn't reach. his poor heart nearly stopped when he recognized those jaws, realizing that they belonged to serpentsong. serpentsong's grip wasn't as ridged as it had been before, perhaps it was because the warrior felt pity or that he wouldn't dare attempt to harm the apprentice in front of his clanmates' careful watch. when serpentsong released maplepaw from his jaws, the apprentice immediately called out for lilacpaw, "wait! lilacpaw is still down there! the mudslide isn't far from where we were laying, she could be caught in the muck if someone doesn't rescue her!"


¨ [✧] S E R P E N T S O N G — ! ¨-----------------------------------------------------------------
i. tomcat ii. thirty-four moons iii. figher iv. no established romance v. outside the camp vi. paletuft, rowanpaw, lilacpaw, & maplepaw


    the tabby warrior had gone out on a quest to renew the markers that signified their borders, claiming that he had gotten a wiff of a familiar scent near the northern border: dog. of course it was just a ruse, serpentsong had lied through his fangs so that he could go back to the scene where emberheart had lost his life just a few short moons ago. even though the snow had melted and any evidence of his plan had been washed away, he could still play out the memory as if it had just been yesterday. the formidable warrior snarled and dug his claws into the undergrowth beneath his broad paws, the residue of anger still left over. he hadn't accounted that maplepaw had been lurking which subsequently led to the ruining of his plan to claim the life of a more important cat in the clan that stood in his way in his path to power. he made sure to silence the apprentice before he was compromised. serpentsong thought of himself as an important warrior, too important to let a meek apprentice squander his name. unfortunately for maplepaw, serpentsong was a natural charmer who could convince a starving cat to lend him their only meal. the tabby's eerily calm disposition managed to scare maplepaw into keeping his mouth shut for now. serpentsong knew the apprentice wouldn't dare accuse a senior warrior of plotting against the clan at the risk of sounding like a delusional elder. the warrior's secret was safe for now, the future was uncertain.

    after refreshing the markers, serpentsong began his journey back to camp, rehearsing what he would say to koistar when he returned. the warrior would casually mention that the scent of dog was stale and that there was no trail of destruction that the beast could have left. serpentsong's acts of loyalty were clouded with dishonesty and self-interest, but to him, the end justified the means and his web of lies would continue to be woven until discovered. the tabby didn't get to use his rehearsed lie for the scent of smoke had reached the warrior's nose. his nonchalant saunter escalated into a hurried sprint, eager to reach the camp in hopes of preforming a seemingly heroic act to get in his superiors' good graces. when he arrived, he was greeted by his drenched and mud-caked clanmates who were pushing past each other to escape the fire inside the camp. he nudged the last of the apprentices out of the camp before following the stream of cats to higher ground. the torrential downpour had created a mudslide which slowed the clan's escape from the camp that was slowly being devoured by the fire's tongues of flame. he assisted his fellow clanmates, making sure that the most vulnerable cats wouldn't linger behind where they could be swallowed up by the mudslide. it was difficult for serpentsong to maintain a stable posture, his weight was dragging him down the mud covered slope against his will. it took most of his energy and muscle strength to keep himself from becoming a victim of the mudslide as he followed behind his clanmates. the tom was far too preoccupied with keep his footing to notice that paletuft was sliding towards him. what could've been a gentle bump on solid ground had been a push on the unstable mud, sending the tabby warrior backwards into the muck, caking his fur and drenching his pelt. serpentsong whipped around to see the source of the impact, expecting a lingering apprentice but instead found his gaze settling on paletuft. he spoke with a gentle, soothing voice to reassure the she-cat that he felt no anger towards her, "no need to apologize, everyone is struggling to keep their footing in the muck. if you hadn't bumped into me, I would have still made a mess of myself along the way." he chuckled softly, following paletuft's gaze out into the forest, "we'll be lucky if we find the stream before the mud dries and makes us too stiff to walk." he took a few moments to groom his chest free of mud in hopes to retain some of the warmth he lost.

    the tabby warrior heard rowanpaw's wails, his ears swiveling towards the source of the cries. he stood to his paws once more and nodded to paletuft, "the others are too far ahead, we need to grab lilacpaw and maplepaw before the mudslide reaches them." quickly yet carefully, he navigated the mudslide until he reached the three apprentices, two of them unmoving and completely drenched. once rowanpaw briefed him on the status of the two apprentices, he praised the young she-cat and nudged her forward gently, "excellent work, rowanpaw. lilacpaw and maplepaw will be alright thanks to your quick thinking. go on ahead, paletuft and i will carry them for now." and with that, the warrior took maplepaw in his jaws to carry the limp tom to higher ground before promptly setting him down. he prodded at the apprentice, trying to awaken the poor tom who shivered and struggled to stand.
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paletuft [ 4 ] ❀

Postby paper planets » Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:39 am

    . ── PALETUFT
      twenty five moons she cat fighter camp tags: serpentsong, shadowfrost, maplepaw, lilacpaw & rowanpaw

        Paletuft shook out her pelt quickly before Serpentsong replied and when she did her offered a small nod and then she chuckled along with him, "Hah! I'll be lucky if I ever get dry," she said as she thought of what she had told Blizzardbriar earlier that morning before they had gone in Koistar's den, before Blossomclan's world erupted into flame.

        When Rowanpaw's wail carried down to the two fighters, Paletuft had been lifting up each one of her paws and shaking them off to dislodge some of the muck that was trapped in between her claws and toes. She would clean her pelt more thoroughly later, but she found no reason to clean her pelt when it would only get more muddy and she also has no time, especially with Rowanpaw screeching from the camp. In the camp. Three apprentices are still in the camp! she thought suddenly and her eyes were stuck, staring in the direction of camp. This uproar of panic and fear wasn't her strong suit. She liked adventures and peace. She wanted to live and have fun. She wasn't heroic, not at all. So, she truly didn't know what to do, until Serpentsong spoke in a serious voice, his eyes hardened with determination. Paletuft looked on at Serpentsong as he spoke and she nodded slowly, following after the Tom as he scaled the slope where the mudslide was. The thick-furred she cat followed behind him, hooking her paws onto roots and branches so she could climb through the muck without slipping all the way down again.

        By the time she reached the top her legs were aching, but she pushed on, bolting back into the camp where the fire was still raging on, eating away at the dens with no sign of stopping anytime soon. She didn't focus on the fire, she just followed Serpentsong as he ran towards the apprentice's den. Though, the fighter stopped when she saw a huddled figure on the other side of camp, the fire creeping towards the black-pelted cat. Narrowing her eyes against the thick smoke that stung her eyes and the glare of the fire, she saw that the figure was none other than Shadowfrost. Paletuft glanced at the apprentice's den, where Rowanpaw was talking with Serpentsong and she turned and ran towards Shadowfrost. Even though the fighter found the other she cat to be annoying, she still rushed up to her and pushed her up, "Get up, Shadowfrost!" she hissed as she used her shoulder to prop the she cat up and push her towards the entrance, "Don't be a mouse-brain, just go or you're going to get yourself, and everyone else in this camp, killed! There are apprentices we still have to save," she said and, as if on queue, Serpentsong ran from the camp with a limp Maplepaw hanging from his jaws and Rowanpaw following. After giving Shadowfrost one last shove, hoping the hunter would snap out of it, she bolted to the other side of the camp, her chest heaving, her breaths ragged as the smoke invaded her lungs. The curly-furred clan cat found Lilacpaw and picked up the apprentice. Even though Lilacpaw was quite small, Paletuft had short legs and the apprentice's rump dragged on the ground despite Paletuft's best efforts to keep her off the ground. Stumbling out of the camp, the fire at her heels, with her chin up in the air, she went in the direction she thought Serpentsong had gone, hoping that her assumption turned out to be correct.

        Paletuft made it to higher ground and found Serpentsong, nudging Maplepaw awake. As he began to wail about Lilacpaw she emerged from the undergrowth, barely able to stay on her paws, but she managed to lay a shivering Lilacpaw beside Maplepaw, "Here she is, Maplepaw," she huffed, "Don't worry," she reassured gently as she sat down beside the two apprentices and began cleaning Lilacpaw's fur to get her to warm up. She stopped momentarily to look at Serpentsong, "Maybe we should wait until the rain slows down to find the clan," she offered in a quiet voice, glancing at the tired apprentices, she wasn't sure how they'd fair going down that mudslide and, frankly, she wasn't sure how she would make it either.
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swiftsnap (5) | doepaw (3)

Postby crash the mode » Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:54 pm

    blossomclan hunter · where fox den · with deertrack · feeling calm

        indentThe storm outside was muffled by the packed earth of the fox den, meaning that the den itself was quiet save for the soft patter of the heaviest raindrops and the voices of the two warriors. Occasionally the peace was broken by a heavy roll of thunder, but Swiftsnap was unbothered as ever. He would much rather focus on getting the mud out of his fur-- the one downside to a good heavy rain.

        indentHis brow quirked, amused by Deertrack's question. "If my fur was that long it would've been ripped off in a patch of thorns before I'd gotten my warrior name." It was as much of a joke as it had been a question, after all. Swiftsnap couldn't even imagine what it must be like to live that way. Just the longer fur of his tail was enough to drive him up a wall at times like this. Another, louder peal of thunder, followed by a flash of light in the sky, and Swiftsnap saw Deertrack flinch through lazy, half-lidded eyes. "Do you think we'll have any luck catching prey once this passes over us?"

    blossomclan fighter's apprentice · where camp, forest · with thrushwing · feeling p scared actually

        indentThrushwing could say what she wanted; Doepaw would greatly enjoy the opportunity to sleep in. Thrushwing's insistence that the change would be too different confused her, even frustrated her. Still, her reasoning was more personal than she supposed Thrushwing's would have been. Calmer clanmates who weren't ready to jump at each-other's throats at a moment's notice meant, among other things, that her origins wouldn't be used against her to petty effect. They hadn't yet, but she would rather not live in fear of it either way. She kept her thoughts to herself, opting for a shrug as she returned to her meal.

        indentThe silence lasted only a short while. Before she was aware the lightning had even struck, that there was fire in the camp, Koistar was running from his den, urging his clanmates into the forest and away from the blaze. She wriggled out from under the cover of the leaves, earlier frustration forgotten as she took in the sights and sounds of this new turmoil. There were yowls as kin called for each-other and protests as warriors took up young ones in their jaws for safe keeping.

        indentDoepaw's paws beat the earth with nervous energy. "Fire," She muttered, and then more loudly, "Fire!" Most cats already knew, scattering in different directions through cracks in the undergrowth. She spared a moment to hiss for Thrushwing before she started to pick her way to one such opening. Her legs shook. Somewhere nearby she heard the familiar sounds of cats arguing with one-another, and found a moment even in her panic to roll her eyes.
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❀ blizzard & lion -- four

Postby razzberry » Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:43 pm

      ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➸
      heir of blossomclan ♀/33 mns arranged mate. none tags. koistar, paletuft, bluecreek, serpentsong, the clan

        just as blizzardbriar had begun to settle down and turned her head to groom the fur on her shoulder, a blinding flash of light and a deafening boom shook her in her place. her body tensed and her eyes grew wide, watching as her father leapt to his paws and bounded out of the den. her heart beat heavily in her chest and she was sure paletuft was able to hear it's frantic rhythm. "what was th-" she begun to meow, her voice shaking as her wide-eyed gaze fell on her friend who also seemed startled into immobility. she was cut off however by the sound of koistar's yowl that rang throughout the camp "blossomclan! retreat into the forest! find shelter! theres a fire in the camp!". a fire? blizzardbriar leapt to her paws just as koistar burst through the den entrance, his pelt wet from the rain. "blizzardbriar, try to keep everyone together. i'll join you soon" her father meowed quickly before slipping out of the den to herd the remaining cats out of the dens.

        blizzardbriar glanced over her shoulder to see that paletuft had already high-tailed it out of the den and was on her way to what she hoped was safety. nodding to herself, the sleek white feline ran out of the den and was met with the chaos of her fleeing clan and the raging fire that would soon enough devour the camp. the molly heeded her father's orders and, with a determined look etched across her face, leapt down from his den and pelted towards the camp entrance where the clan was fleeing. "blossomclan, head to the river! we shall cross to safety on the other side!" her voice called out louder than she had anticipated and she was thankful for that. halting at the entrance, blizzardbriar watched her clan mates stream past her, making sure they made it out of camp safely. she saw pebblesky with his jaws full of fluffypaw's pelt as he carried the young orange tabby out of the apprentice's den, and a group of bickering apprentices who followed the large grey warrior out of camp, accompanied by hollyflower. blizzardbriar was sure that there were still a number of cats in the dens but she had faith that koistar would get to them and get them out of camp safely. in the meantime, she had to head to the river with the rest of blossomclan and get them across the water all while keeping them together.

        turning on her heel, the deputy streaked through the forest, a mere flash of white as her instincts kicked in and lent her body the strength and speed it needed to get where she need to be. dancing deftly around rocks and tiny burrows, blizzardbriar caught up to some of her clan mates. though it took one misplaced paw in the mud by skypaw to send the young tom sliding down the muddy hill on his side, careening into other clan mates on his way down. good thing we're heading to the river. my pelt's gonna need it after this" she thought to herself before leaping down the hill. her paws slapped onto the mud and slid, spraying up the dark, moist earth that clung to her pelt like a second skin. as she continued to half slid half bound down the hill, she nudged her sliding clan mates to their feet and helped them in a safe descent. out of the corner of her eye a silvery blue pelt flashed through the forest way off to the side of where she and some of blossomclan were. throwing a glance over her shoulder at paletuft and serpentsong, she was relieved to see both warriors had managed to carry lilacpaw and maplepaw to safety. "paletuft! serpentsong! make sure everyone get's to the river!" she called to the two cats, her flanks heaving as she took the brief exchange to catch her breath. the white warrior bounded off after bluecreek, hoping that the tom hadn't gone too far out of the way. she was surprised her legs hadn't given out on her yet and when she finally caught sight of the blue tom, her body seemed to scream in relief. "bluecreek! this way, we need to get to the river!" she meowed breathlessly, flicking her tail in the direction she had come.

      ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➸
      fighter of blossomclan ♂/30 mns arranged mate. dappledmoon tags. dappledmoon, shadowfrost

        as the tom began to make his way towards the camp entrance, keen on doing some hunting before he returned to do some training with silentpaw, a loud crash of thunder followed and bright streak of lightning as it touched the ground right in the middle of the camp and birthed the beginnings of a ferocious fire. lionstorm's pale optics widened and just as he opened his mouth to yowl out a warning, his leader's voice boomed overhead. with the call to retreat into the forest the clan was set into a frenzy as cats streaked out of dens and out of the camp towards the safety of the forest. among them was a flash of white, blizzardbriar, who halted near the entrance, yelling for the clan to meet at the river. it was a smart plan. if the clan could reach the river and cross to the other sides, the flames wouldn't be able to reach them on the other side of the fire's greatest rival, water.

        the longhaired tom whirled around quickly and his eyes frantically sought out his mate. dappledmoon was still with shadowfrost, yet the ebony feline seemed to be in some kind of stupor and was not moving, even with the nudges and prods of the calico warrior beside her. lionstorm gave a huff of annoyance and leapt into action, running towards the two she cat's before he dipped his head to talk briefly to his mate. "go to the river. blizzardbriar will get everyone to safety from there. i'll be along shortly. go" he assured her in a rather firm voice before he pressed his cold nose to her flank and gently nudged her in the direction of the camp entrance.

        turning his eyes on the black molly below him, still crouched down as the smoke began to engulf the camp, and he bit back a growl. shadowfrost was staring blankly into the flames that licked dangerously close to her body, and lionstorm was done giving the molly time to compose herself. "for starclan's sake, shadowfrost get ahold of yourself!" the mighty golden warrior ground out before he gripped the molly's scruff in his jaws and half lifted half dragged the warrior away from the flames and out of the camp. letting go of her scruff, he turned his furious gaze on her, pinning her with his fiery stare. "what the heck was that?! you know, despite trying so hard to get other's to fear you, there were a lot of cat's who stopped to help you, ya know! you should really value your life a little bit more!" lionstorm's voice rose as he practically yelled at shadowfrost. his flanks heaved from the exertion and the smoke that filled his lungs. casting a glance back towards the camp he knew that there were still others to retrieve. "get to the river" was all he said to the ebony feline before he bounded back into the camp to help koistar get the others to safety.
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#4 || thrushwing || silentpaw ||

Postby skulduggery » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:23 am

|| female || hunter || camp forest || arranged: pebblesky || tags: doepaw


    Storms were never Thrushwing's favorite thing. There was just no way you could ignore a storm, they were loud and messy and you had to deal with it and go about your normal routine no matter what. Rain? Go out and get soaked.
    Snow? Go out and get cold. Hail, sleet, strong winds, whatever, the life of a clan cat meant dealing with each and every one of those instances. She was not looking forward to leaving her comfortable shelter underneath the bush. She was warm, her hunger sated and best- Thrushwing flinched, having seen the bright strike light up the camp. She froze, blinking as though not quite believing that lightning had struck the camp when she heard a loud yowl. Koistar.

    Fire? The she-cat felt her brain move far too slowly despite the events unfolding around her. Fire? There was a fire in the camp but she didn't understand it right away. It was as though her mind were moving through thick mud. But then Doepaw was muttering loudly next to her, Fire! And as she said it Thrushwing finally saw the fire. It's bright, luminous sparks were growing, fingers of flame reaching where they could. Finally, finally she was spurred into action. She looked for Doepaw to find her already making her way out, already fleeing and Thrushwing wasted not another heartbeat to track after her, ushering them both along faster to escape the camp.

    As they escaped she realized how odd that sounded. Escape the camp. She had to flee from her home, from her den, from her nest. The clan cats were all running, most headed in the direction of the river as she had heard Blizzardbriar command. But fleeing from a place that was usually safe, secure. The camp was a place of respite, food, comfort, arguments... Her ears flicked back, but she dared not even look over her shoulder. Fleeing from a safe place. Then again what was safe? Nothing. What a somber thought, but it was true. Nothing was safe. Not the camp. Not their lives which could be lost at any moment. StarClan! Not even some of her clanmates were safe.

    Thrushwing banished the thoughts as she kept stride with the younger she-cat. "Keep going, Doepaw. Don't slow down until you've reached the river." Perhaps the apprentice did not need to be told, but the words calmed Thrushwing somewhat. The river would be safe (until it wasn't) but at that moment it was their safest bet.

|| male || fighter apprentice || camp
|| arranged: none || tags: none


    It was a soothing thing, grooming one's pelt. The long, continuous motions, the repetitiveness of the task and being clean at the end. Silentpaw had long fur, it took him longer to groom himself but he never did mind. It was just him,
    alone with his thoughts with no one to bother him. Yes there were other cats around him, but everyone usually ignored him anyway. He was used to it by now, the aloofness, the distance he himself created between himself and his clan mates. He lived his life never expecting anything and as such he could never be disappointed. It was a good way for him. It sometimes made him feel a little lonesome but the feeling would quickly pass or he would vehemently ignore it. So he was content in those moments, cleaning his long fur, eyes closed as his comfortable nest surrounded him. He was content - until he wasn't.

    A loud voice stopped him mid stroke. Koistar was alerting the clan, telling everyone to leave. There was a fire! The tom jumped up from his nest, a certain panic taking him over as he did so. Fire! A true enemy to any creature. Hot and livid, it darkened everything in it's path. He shuffled his paws, being at the far end of the apprentice den had him waiting for others to get out first.
    though it seemed Sparkpaw was doing a fine job of rushing everyone along. His ears lay flat against his head, she was loud. Then again the situation called for it. Finally seeing an opening chance, he too scurried out of the apprentice den and looked around.

    Indeed the camp was on fire. Silentpaw stepped away from it before remembering that he could not leave right away. it would be wrong of him to flee, saving his own pelt rather than waiting and making sure everyone had gotten out. Other cats had the same idea, but he could not leave the task up to them. Worriedly he cast his gaze about camp. Everyone was fleeing, Lionstorm was dealing with Shadowfrost... It seemed pretty clear. The apprentice took a few steps towards the camp entrance again but did not leave. He could spare a few more moments, in case anyone needed help.
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Postby soba » Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:35 am

. - - - DEERTRACK !!❜
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
( hunter ) ( tom ) ( twenty five moons ) ( tags - swiftsnap ) ( "mate" - shadowfrost )

deertrack glanced hazily at swiftsnap, mrrowing in amusement before setting his head down on his paws. acknowledging swiftsnaps question,
deertrack thought about it for a moment before answering. "depends, i doubt a storm would keep prey away. they'd have to show up eve
" deertrack meowed with the flick of his ears. the only time prey was scarce after storms would be if a fire wiped out most of their
territory. but fires rarely happened-so deertrack wasn't to worried about it. deertrack found himself staring outside of the burrow, dazing at
the rain that seemed to mercilessly continue with no current sign of stopping. with each oncoming bolt of lightning momentarily lighting up t
he relatively dark area and send a loud boom noise that caught him off guard a few times. deertrack didn't want to show it to the other cat be
sides him, but he was beginning to worry. as each bolt of lightning struck, the ongoing chances of fire increased.

the two stayed together for what felt like moons, quietly huddled together in the fox burrow before a horrible, overbearing stench hit his nose,
making him gag. "what in starclan-" deertrack hissed, peeking his head out the fox burrow. glancing bothways his eyes widened, a horrible feeling
immediately struck his gut. fire. and it was coming from the direction of the camp! "swiftsnap!" deertrack hissed, fear gnawing at his innards. "oh
starclan, swiftsnap we need to leave immediately!
" deertrack said, worried that the blazing fire would reach them if they stay here. deertrack
immediately squeezed through-eyes widening in fear as the fire seemed to be closer than it actually was. paws immediately running farthest away
from the scorching fire-he yowled at swiftsnap and stopped to make sure his crush was behind him. "this way! we need to get as far away from the
fire as possible!" deertrack yowled before immediately darting off away from the direction of the fire, hoping that the clan had escaped safely
and found a water source.


( fighter ) ( molly ) ( twenty seven moons ) ( tags - lionstorm, shadowfrost ) ( "mate" - lionstorm )


dappledmoon immediately stopped running, coughing slightly from a mixture of the smoke and running faster than what she's used to. glancing
behind her, she saw the blazing fire's lap up the storm and she immediately began running back to camp. there was no way she was leaving b
ehind lionstorm. he was her friend-and friend's stay together, die together. knowing her luck lionstorm would be a casualty from the fire bec
ause he was associated with her. she'd sacrifice herself for him if it meant finally being at peace and saving the life of someone she was close to.
it didn't take long to reach the camp, finding lionstorm helping a few apprentices out the the apprentice's den and she immediately bounded tow
ards him, wheezing as she caught her breath carefully. "mousebrain if you think i'm going to leave you here to burn your dead wrong!" d
appledmoon hissed, catching eyes with shadowfrost who still seemed dazed as she was headed towards the exit of the camp and to the river. do
es she have bees in her brains?
the calico thought, leaving lionstorm's side to assist the ebony warrior out. "do you want to die? get going an
d join the others before you collapse and burn!
" dappledmoon hissed to shdowfrost, nudging the she-cat forward before bounding back to lionstorm
to help him.

some of the others that were left in the camp seemed shocked, frozen in fear, or to scared to leave. and it took more than one cat to do it.
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby lacke » Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:56 am

      ( ♂/50 m )( leader of blossomclan )( assigned mate: none atm )( tags: lionstorm, dappledmoon, silentpaw)
        koistar made his way back to the meeting rock, where he leaped up and stared through the flames as his
        clan retreated. he watched as the last of the cats dwindled out, however he noticed shadowfrost and lio
        nstorm having an altercation. koistar leapt from the rock and began to pick his way over to the pair, whe
        n dappledmoon joined her mate and the two turned to dash back into camp. koistar blocked their path,
        and shook his head. "we've done all we can. make sure you both are safe, get away from here." he tol
        d them, giving them a stern yet concerned look. when he was sure they turned and bounded out of camp,
        koistar turned and stepped around the flames once more. however, he spotted a familiar pelt of a fighter
        apprentice, silentpaw. the leader bounded over to the apprentice, squinting his eyes out of pain. "silent
        paw, i thank you for staying behind. but all cats are out of camp, so you should leave too."
        the leader
        meowed, before turning tail and tracking back towards the medicine cats den. the tom glanced around in
        the dens once more to make sure no cats were left behind, and after content with getting his clan out saf
        ely, he sharply turned into the medicine cats den. he picked his way over to the herb storage, where he b
        egan blindly reaching for piles of herbs. he wasn't sure which herbs he picked up, but he suddenly droppe
        d them in a spasm of coughs. his legs shook, but he tossed it in the back of his mind. his clan needed him,
        and without the herbs, it would be the end. koistar reached down to grab the herbs once more before tur
        ning and exiting the smoke filled den. he entered the clearing, where he began to round the fire, his legs
        shaking more as he approached the meeting rock. the fire licked at his pelt, and his vision began to leave
        him, and koistar silently cursed himself. 'come on, you can make it out,' he thought to himself, willing his
        paws to carry him to the camp entrance. just as he reached the tunnel, however, his paws gave out and t
        he tom crashed to the ground, the herbs he was carrying spraying out infront of him. suddenly, everything
        went dark.

      ( ♀/10 m )( apprentice of blossomclan )( mentor: fleetfoot )( tags: rowanpaw, fleetfoot )
        shes just kind of there, tag her if you wish!
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❀ Fire vs. Foolishness

Postby Ayashi » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:19 pm

--[ -H--T-E----E
-----You go. Before my fangs find you.
--------Apprentice| Beetlepaw
------Mate| [X]
------Tag(s)| Kiostar


"You... are utterly foolish." A deep voice spoke softly in the roar of fire and the crackling of embers.

Whitewave started down passively at his fallen leader, Kiostar, tail twitching behind him. Smoke rose from the red flames, licking at the greenery, turning the once vibrant camp into a blacken and desolate wasteland. In the distance he could hear a tree groaning in anguish, a loud cracking noise following before an echoing thud passed through the air and shook the earth beneath his paws. Embers popped and sizzled, adding to the volume of the chaos around the two toms. However, the senior fighter ignored all this in favor of staring down at his unconscious leader. Despite all his moons and sunrises that he had lived, he could honestly say without a shadow of doubt that Kiostar was utterly mousebrain at the worse moments.

Honorable and strong willed? Yes.
Commanding of the most basics of common sense when his clan mates were endanger? No.

If Kiostar had the honor of being Whitewave's apprentice long ago, the dual color cat would have beaten the tom within an inch of his pathetic life for making such a fool hearty mistake and insulting his mentor's teachings. His honor demanded that he teach the young cats under his command to be the best. To never show weakness off and on the battle field. To achieve ultimate power within the clan. To be the rock that supported the cats among their clan, and the fangs that cried for blood to protect them. Perhaps it was fortunate that Kiostar was never given the opportunity to be under his command in the first place, Whitewave mused to himself, narrowing his eyes at the pale cat. He would not have lived long enough to be their leader if he was.

He, like the rest of his clan, had escaped out beyond the fire's range and across the river to safety. His apprentice, Beetlepaw, was sitting next to him, conversing quietly with Cricketpaw, a small tom who had been made an apprentice this past moon, when three more cats came fleeing from the underbrush. His eyes narrowed in thought as he watched Lionstorm, Dappledmoon, and young Slientpaw racing towards them, panting and coughing. But that still left one cat not among them. Kiostar, he learned from the three cats, had ordered them to escape into the forest to their current location. However, non of his clan mates had seen him since that moment. Fur along his spine slowly rose in anger at the thought of Kiostar staying behind for some foolish reason, perhaps trying to save some dying cat in the raging fire without regards to his own life. It would be just like the young leader's nature to do so. With that thought, Whitewave raced across the river and into the forest, disappearing into the shadows of the trees before any of his clan could call him back, or stop him. No that their weak attempts could have prevented him.

Which lead him to where he was at this very moment. Staring at the foolish, foolish, tom he called his leader. And what could have possibly been so important the their leader risked his life for by coming back? Dried herbs. The few bundles that the medicine cats and their apprentices had not yet retrieve before leaving camp.
"Why must you offer your life for something so pathetic? Weak minded tom." He scoffed, dipping his head downward, lips pulling back to revel sharp fangs. Grasping a mouthful of ash flecked fur, Whitewave lifted the down leader with ease. White paws turn gracefully across the burning land, going back into the direction he previously traveled from, now with an extra body in tow. The flames roared more furiously now, as if screaming at the tom for taking their prey. Whitewave showed no signs of hearing this, only trotting along faster though the wreckage of Blossomclan's camp. Fire licked at the ground behind him, swallowing the location they previously were, as his black tail disappeared into the darkness of the tree's.
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby clarke, » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:35 pm

    E G R E T C A L L !!
    ━━ i'm running from my PAST
    ( intact female ) ( twenty-eight moons ) ( medicine cat ) ( in camp ) ( fallenoak )
      egretcall fled, her pelt brushing against her mate's. she was out of breath by the time she slid underneath the root cavern, her ears pinned against her head. "should we make sure everyone is safe?" she winced, pulling at a thorn embedded in her paw. with nimble teeth, she gripped it and tugged once, blood gushing out onto the dirt. she gave it a few laps and the bleeding and soreness dulled.

    T I G E R S R O A R !!
    ( intact male ) ( fourteen moons ) ( fighter ) ( in camp ) ( sparkpaw )

      the striped tom couldn't hear his thoughts over the roaring of the flames, but he could hear rowanpaw's cries. beckoning to the woods with his long banner, he shouted to his half-sister. "get out of here, run as far as you can, and don't come back! no matter what!" not awaiting a response, he dived back into the flame-ridden camp, coughing heavily as he inhaled smoke. the ashy taste made his face screw up sourly, and through squinted eyes he could see the rowan-colored apprentice; she was heading out of camp and paletuft and serpentsong were carrying the collapsed apprentices. "i'm so glad you are safe, let's get out of here." he paused, coughing against the smoke. [color=darkorange] i will protect you, always. he promised her, or himself: he didn't know.
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