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ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:08 am



Death is an old acquaintance of the werewolf race.
Packs go to war over land and resources when the humans go to
sleep, rogues tears apart whoever crosses their path and werewolf
hunters stalk the underworld, weapons in hand. But the sheltered
wolves of Jasper City know little of it.

For ten years, since the creation of Crimson Sky pack,
Jasper City has been among the safest places across the
States for both humans and the werewolves living in
secret there. Werewolf hunters are eliminated, rogues are driven away,
loners taken in, dangerously curious humans silenced.

But following a series of bloody killings
across the city – with the pack’s alpha, his wife and more than a
handful of packmates among the dead – their world collapses around them,
and it seems that death could be even closer than ever...

For centuries, reports of werewolves have been received
from the isolated city of Jasper. Nobody paid much attention
to them, except to laugh them off and lock their doors at night.
Nobody sane believed them. Until now.

The file stated eleven kills in as many days. Each body almost beyond
recognition, torn apart by animals. These murders, your commanding
officer assures you, were not committed by people. There are no rabid
predators within a hundred miles of the town.
And no animal would kill for sport.

Whatever path brought you here was probably long and twisted.
It’s not as if you can simply apply to join us. Sometimes, soldiers are
funneled from the Marines. At others, directly from the CIA. Only the
best are even offered a position. Yet here you are, a member of the
elite unit of agents known by the few who’ve even heard of us as the Blades.
And the lives of the town-folk are resting in your hands.
Let the hunt begin.

Last edited by raey on Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:36 pm

Skylar Aleksandersen | Werewolf Beta | tags; open
Everything was quiet. Comforted by the familiar weight at her hip, she moved through the trees back towards her house, her bright red scarf billowing in the wind.
Skylar hadn't expected to find anything on her property, of course. Not when it was over an hour's walk from the northern-most limit of Jasper, out in the middle of nowhere. But you never knew. The distance that made her land such a good meeting place for her pack also made her vulnerable when she was alone. As if she was ever really alone anymore. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, as if to prove the point. She pulled it out immediately, but it'd already gone to voicemail. Blair Strong, impatient as always.
"Skylar, it's Blair. Duh. Look at the caller id.
Use your eyes! The memorial for Alpha Greg and your mom is in two hours! Are you going to come and pick us up or what? No disrespect, ma'am, but get yourself over here. Preferably before Christmas!"

She half-considered calling back to yell at her, but - with a shake of her head - broke into a jog instead. Heck. She'd forgotten.
Swearing in Norwegian, she made a beeline for her house, dimly wondering if she'd find anybody waiting for her there.

Adrian D'Arc | Blade Team Leader | tags; Theo, open
"The memorial for two of the victims starts in two hours," D'Arc said, nudging the main room's door open with a hip and lowering the plastic strongbox labelled "Tranqs" onto the floor beside Ford's chair. They'd been unpacking equipment since their arrival at dawn, and although the small hunting cabin (how appropriate) was pretty well equipped, there was still more work to do. They were prepared for a long stay; the two SUV out on the front lawn were still half full of supplies. He pushed his sunglasses up onto his head as his eyes adjusted to the slightly dimmer lighting inside.
"I was thinking that one or two of you guys should go along to pay our respects."
Theo paused in his file-sorting long enough to glance over his shoulder at him.
"I mean, take the old pickup truck and discreetly start sounding out the townspeople, you know?"
It was only the guy's second mission with them, but Ford nodded in total understanding. "As good a way as any, sir."

Emmelene Tersen | Werewolf | Hunter | tags; open
Emmy stared into her mug of coffee as she stirred the four spoonfuls of sugar in. The History essay she'd been up writing until four am sat maliciously on the table beside the pink mug. It couldn't have been any earlier than eight, but she was exhausted already. And she could hear her parents beginning to move about upstairs. No doubt they'd be horrified that their precious baby girl had been up all night. She sighed, scribbled a quick note on a scrap of paper, shoved the essay to one side and poured the beverage into a thermal cup. She'd leave before they got up.
Her engine didn't particularly want to fire up, but with a little bit of coaxing it eventually turned over and her slightly dented Fiat rolled out of the driveway. Only pausing to check the tote bag containing her black dress and flats was in the backseat, she turned the car towards the pack's headquarters and set off.
Last edited by amarok. on Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby FLYBOY » Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:24 am

James || human || hunter || tags;; open

    James' day started, as it often did, at the crack of dawn. The watery dregs of sunlight were just beginning to filter through the pale grey sky when he headed out from his family's home above their hunting shop. The tree line was visible from his bedroom window, and that was where he was headed on his day off. To hunt.
    The young man scarfed down his breakfast, said his goodbyes, and grabbed his bag of equipment on his way to his truck. The drive out to the forest was a short one, mostly on rumbly unpaved roads. Everything was quiet that early in the morning, as though the town and the forest itself were holding their breath. Before long, he parked his truck and walked into the woods to complete his trip on foot. Leaves crunched underfoot, his breath fogged in the cool autumn air, and a chill slowly seeped its way into his jacket. There were no roads here, only a narrow path worn into the ground by the hunters traveling that way on a regular basis. Finally, James' destination came into view.
    The deer stand hunkered atop its spindly legs, an ugly and imposing hulk painted with drab tones. Its dark windows looked like sullen eyes peering out across a clearing of patchy grass and the nearby stream. He shivered a little, eager to get inside and warm the place up, when he saw something that made him freeze halfway up the ladder to the stand.
    There was blood on the ground. Fresh, wet blood that gleamed in the weak sunlight where it pooled among the yellow grass. James backed down the ladder, and knelt beside the puddle. It was large, and he saw his own worried face looking back at him from the reflection upon the dark surface. He looked up, tracking the droplets and splashes as they moved in an unsteady path towards the trees. Something had been wounded here, but it had kept walking.
    Suddenly sent into a scrambling rush, James stood and ran back to the stand. He tore open the zipper of his bag and pulled out his hunting rifle, and began to load it with fumbling hands. He'd already made up his mind to follow the trail, but he wasn't going out there unarmed. He might have to put a suffering animal out of its misery, or drive off whatever predator had wounded it. Or worse... but he didn't let himself consider that last option for very long.
    With the stand secured behind him, and the rest of his supplies safely inside, James set out with nothing but his rifle in hand. He was already nervous. His palms were clammy, and he could feel his heart racing as his eyes darted about, scanning the woods for movement. But there was none, nothing but the dreary trees and the trail of blood, clear as day, steadily continuing on before him. But then it began to peter out, and he began to walk with his head down, struggling to see which way the trail would go next as it meandered and wandered through the underbrush. Eventually it vanished altogether and James straightened up with a frustrated sigh - and then he froze, feeling the blood drain from his face as his breath caught in his throat.
    The clearing ahead of him was red. Blood drenched the grass where hooves and paws had trampled it flat, viscera and gore radiating out from the deer carcass in the center. It had been torn to shreds, its pelt barely clinging to the mangled corpse. Its skull and ribs peeked out from the bloody mess, and looking at it for too long made James feel sick. A powerful wave of dizziness swept over him as he stumbled back from the disgusting sight, then turned around and started to run, slipping on the wet, bloody grass before he found his footing and broke into a dead sprint.
    This deer hadn't been taken down by any natural creature. No ordinary predator, no matter how violent or rabid, could have done that. This was the hunt of a werewolf.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:28 am

✦ Kathrine Kingston ✦
Species- Blade I Role: Agent I Tags- D'arc, Theo I crush: open

The better part of the morning i had been getting ready, you can't rush beauty everyone knows that, my outfit today was pretty plain, an adorable crop top, followed by a blue jacket, and jeans, finished with my favorite boots, prefect. Once i was content i placed my pistol in my boot and joined the rest of the team in the main room, where there i saw D,arc coming in with a plastic box of tranquilizers and Theo continuing the long process of unpacking, the rest doing other things about the cabin that would be our home for who knows how long. Coming down the stairs i ran a hand through my curls as i joined them,with my boots clicking against the polished floor i made my way past the boys, and to a box containing a few other weapons, hand guns,daggers, things of that nature. Carefully i unpacked them from the boxes that contained them safely within and put them around the cabin, out of sight but in clever enough spots the team and i would know exactly where they were. I was about a forth of the way through my self assigned task when i heard conversation start up throughout the room we all were working in causing my brown gaze to flick over to the ones speaking, tuning in whilst i sipped the coffee i had made on the way down here, my attention shifted from D'arc to theo and ford, then back again in turn with whom was speaking. Attend the memorial for the two killed? would that be appreciate? shaking off the questions that zoomed throughout my mind i shifted on my feet letting them speak before i did so myself "Sounds like a suitable way to make our way into their society, better go to them before they come to us and start asking questions" i commented glancing at our leader before setting my mug on the centering table and sitting on the edge of the table next to it awaiting anything directed to me before i moved onto the question everyone needed to know "who will be going on this little mission, sir?" i asked out loud running a hand through my hair once again as my gaze settled upon the taller male as i picked my mug back up and held it in my lap with my legs both now crossed.

↩ Adam Hale ↪
Species:Werewolf I Role:Guard I Tags: Skylar, open I Crush:Open
Awaking at the peak of dawn still wasn't something i was used to, nor a fan of but here i was again,
wide awake before the sun even fully lit up the sky. Groaning i sat up my head throbbed horribly it only doubling at any dispercings of light, holding it i made my way down the stairs of my house and to my fridge where i grabbed a energy drink, not the healthiest choice i know sue me. Popping open the can i drank part of its sugary contents before catching sight of the time. Groaning once more i ran a hand through my hair, two hours before the memorial for the alpha pair, i knew i missed them,
nearly every day, and of course the pack did as well this was important. Setting the can down i ran back upstairs and put on a nice outfit, combed my hair, and through a good jacket on, giving myself a once over in the mirror i nodded, running back down the stairs. okay i almost fell down them but thats not the point. quickly i picked up the can and my keys before making my way out the door,
locking up on the way out before headed into the forest. I could hear seemingly everything with the inhansed hearing that came along with my gift, so with any sound of leaves crunching my head snapped in the direction it came from, most the time it was a hare, or occasional deer. Scoffing i shook my head as i ventured onward sniffing the air every so often nothing had seemed out of place,
but sense the attacks i couldn't help but feel more on edge. Venturing further out i sighed, watching the ground as i traveled lightly on foot making hardly a noise, it was habit i had picked up when constantly scouting the territory It hadn't been long till i heard another sound, yet this one was different, footsteps, and no from a snack. instantly i stood up to my full height eyes narrowed as i tried to find the source. Clenching my jaw i stalked forwards gaze intense and ears listening to now everything around from the birds flapping wings above to the scampering of the hares to their burrows at my passing. With my head still pounding i knew i wasn't making the most rational decisions but as i neared the ever growing sound of steps i let out a low growl and quickened my own gate soon coming upon a smaller frame i set my energy drink on a rock before quickly approaching, common sense not in my mind as i quickly grabbed the fleeing form a threatening air coming from my frame as i towered over her, but as my gaze landed upon the beta my eyes widened and i quickly released the higher femora taking a step back "Sh*t Ma'm my apologies, are you alright?" i questioned quickly, voice rough from not having been used today yet as my gaze quickly looked her over to ensure she was indeed uninjured before i let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair as i fixed my jacket that had promptly been messed up through the whole situation.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Tonic_Memories » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:10 am

name; Benji Hutcherson
age; 35
species; werewolf
rank; medic
tags; open

"Crap, crap, crap." Benji muttered as he drove down the road. Late once again. It had been a rather rough morning for the 35-year-old man. Blake was putting up a fuss the moment she woke up and once he was out the door to leave poor Benji realized he wasn't even dressed for the day. Running back inside he threw on his outfit: a long sleeve button up blouse, black vest, black bow tie, black slacks and dress shoes. Dashing back out he buckled Blake in and drove off, flying down the streets as fast as he could without breaking the law. His 1985 Ford pick-up truck rolled up to the service, squeaky breaks crying out as he came to a halt and parked. It seemed he wasn't as late as he thought, a few people were still trickling in. Climbing out of his truck, the brown haired man walked over to help his niece out. "Uncle Benji! I don't wanna wear this dress!" Blake whined, yanking at the end of her black dress with a huff. "I know, I know sweetheart." Benji sighed, kneeling down to her height as he tried to tame her frazzled hair. "Ya just have to put up with it for a little while. When this is all done you can change. I promise." Standing back up he brushed the dirt off of his pants, grabbed Blake's hand and began to walk towards the service.

name; Blake Hutcherson
age; 7
species; werewolf
rank; pup
tags; open

The dirty blonde huffed in annoyance at her uncle. He was making her wear this stupid dress yet again, and Blake hated dresses. Of course she had to wear these annoying nylons as well and dress shoes. Griping to her uncle as she yanked and pulled at the cloth covering her. "Fine." She huffed, grabbing his hand and walked towards the service. Blake decided that she hated events like this. Sad moments filled with sad people. She was already feeling rather sad, but seeing all these people crying and grieving only made her feel worse. Sticking close to her uncle she avoided eye contact, trying to stay unnoticed.
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( ♚ ❝ i feel it in my bones !! ) 001

Postby hellb0und » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:43 am

        ( 🔥. // !)
        name. // aurora lane. x x gender. // female. x x species. // werewolf x x rank // fighter. x x tags. // none.
            "i am as deadly as fire itself."

      The sun had just risen, peering in through the open shutters of my window. Today is that of the public memorial for the Alphas. This is a day I've been dreading for months. I don't know who will show up. My guess, likely no one but the pack. People have grown fearful of us. Drawing their shutters and locking their doors. Though nobody, not even the government, can figure out who these creatures are. So now we're pinned as suspects. I shuffle through my fridge, finally pulling out an apple and taking a bite. My trip to the gym will have to wait. Walking back up into my room, I turn the dial on the shower and leave my garments on the floor. The warm water pelting my skin. After I scrub myself down and wash my hair I continue to try and make sense of things. How this will all play out, whether or not there will be a very possible attack. Once I finish I pull on my robe, finding the steam has since drifted from the shower and clouded up my mirror. I'd forgotten to turn on the fan, and shutting the door obviously didn't help. Either way I run my hand along the smooth glass and clear an area so I can see my reflection. Flipping the switch on so the fan can run. The rest of my prepping drags on, and I decide on a black dress which ends just a bit below my knees. It's relatively comfortable. After I tug on a pair of black heels. At first I look like a staggering deer, just trying to walk for the first time. My temper is short, so after a few attempts I'm enraged. Finally, after at least five minutes, I can walk properly and leave my home. The morning air is chilly and crisp. I realize I'll likely end up changing, and groan as I rush back inside and throw a sweatshirt, t-shirt, and pair of skinny jeans into a bag. Now headed for the service, I check the time once more and find I am running late. Slamming the accelerator pedal down and rushing for the designated meeting place. Driving down the smooth and paved road, I do my best not to speed as I make my way into town. Upon arrival, I lock my car and begin walking to where we're requested to meet. I've never been one to go around acting friendly, shaking other's hands, and smiling. Instead I sit back and watch as the rest of the pack arrives.

      [This is a really boring post. Sorry about that.]
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:14 am

Skylar Aleksandersen I Werewolf | Beta | tags; Adam
She heard him before she saw him, immediately recognising the pace patterns and breaking into a run. Skylar did not want to deal with anyone today.
He caught her anyway. Adam had always been much faster than her.
Totally unintimidated, she whirled on him, tearing herself free from his strong grip with a fierce snarl, barely hearing his words in her almost uncharacteristic fury.
"I am the damn biggest, baddest thing in these woods right now and you have the nerve to assume I am not safe to wall around my own property?"
Then she met his eyes and felt her anger crumple, even as the quiet shock at her own arrogance hit her like a brick wall, or a silver bullet. He'd seen somebody running and intercepted them. Maybe for her sake, maybe for his own agenda, but she suddenly doubted he was there out of spite. He'd probably been trying to help.
The Beta took a step back, sighing heavily.
"Look, mate, I appreciate the ... How do you say... Concern, but I am ok. Of course I am OK."
Then she shook her head.
"Just a little stressed. The fighting... I can deal with. That is what I do. I organise patrols, I lead patrols, I protect the pack. For two years, that was my job. But now I need to organise this and organise that and..."
Shaking her head, she half turned in the direction of her house and continued over her shoulder, her Norwegian accent almost disappearing as she slowly calmed down.
"What I do not understand is why anybody would want to be Alpha."
Her smartphone beeped again, almost indignantly. The blonde rolled her eyes and continued walking.
"Come on. We're late for the service and I am supposed to pick up people along the way."

Adrian D'Arc I Human | Blade Team Leader | tags; Theo, Kathrine, open
Rian just took one look at Kathrine and sighed, the words on his lips about how Kathrine had left the guys to do all the heavy lifting dying on his lips. One battle at a time, D'Arc. She probably needed the break. And maybe you lecturing won't help this time. Flashing a look at the frosted windows - heck, it was only October, it made no sense - he said firmly, "You won't be. Not dressed like that." Ignoring how patronising he must sound, he gestured at her outfit and shool his head. "One word; discretion. It's freezing outside and you're in a crop top. That's not blending in."
Remembering the chill at the unearthly hour they had arrived, he tugged the sleeves of his plain grey sweater over his wrists and aimed a kick at Ford's legs, silencing the junior agent's chuckling. Adrian liked him - honestly, he did, you couldn't help but like the goofball - but he found himself wondering why he had been assigned to his unit.
"Go and change, then you guys can go. It's at the park in the centre of town. The city council have blocked the whole thing off especially."
He briefly checked his phone. "They're dedicating a tree apparently."

Theodore Ford | Human | Blade | tags; Kathrine
In a chilled way that couldn't have contrasted more strongly with his leader's relatively professional manner, he stretched and stood up, neatly piling the papers into a general" unsorted" stack and tucking the crate he'd been sitting on under the table. No chairs. The camp chairs they'd been equipped with, according to the inventory the commanding officer had given D'Arc, were still in the first SUV, along with zip ties and - in accordance with werewolf lore -
silver plated chains. He hoped they'd never have to use them. Mostly because they had no idea if silver would work on a creature they, until a few days ago, had believed mythical. D'Arc maintained that all legends had a foundation in fact, but personally he thought was pushing it.
Careful to keep the cheerful facade flying, he shot a grin at the female sitting by him and turned to leave the room, dusting down his black denim jacket and the brandless pair of navy chinos acquired from a thrift store, in accordance with 'protocol'. It was ridiculous, sure, but he didn't question it. There were reasons. Civvies, check. Pistol, check. Good to go. "I'll wait outside, Kingson. Shotgun driving!"

Jason Loen I Werewolf | Medic I tags; Benji, Blake
Thank God, he'd remembered his fancy clothes. Grabbing the from the locker, Jason backed into a changing cubicle and swapped the bloodied paramedic uniform for more respectful clothing and shoved the article back into the backpack he'd brought to work with him. The memorial was due to begin soon. He'd have to hurry.
He ran out of the building, drove the few miles to the service and jumped out of the Skoda, only just remembering to lock the car behind him as he gently pushed his way through the small crowd of various businessmen, journalists, casual city-goers and employees of the Alpha's security firm towards his fellow packmates. Or, at least, where he's expected them to be. He could only see his fellow medic and Blake.
With a deep sigh, he tapped Benji's shoulder, to let him know he was there, and nodded to the both of them, shrugging a little. Bet you didn't see those one coming,
he thought, bitterly, as more and more people arrived. I don't think anybody did.


back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Tonic_Memories » Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:16 am

name; Benji Hutcherson
age; 35
species; werewolf
rank; medic
tags; Jason

Benji had to push past people, eventually carrying Blake on his hip as to better move around everyone. God, why did there have to be so many people? Benji wasn't an angry man, but so much as been happening all at once and so many loved ones had been lost. All these strangers gathered around here made him feel uncomfortable and on edge. The man suppressed a snarl as he shouldered past a few reporters. Coming to a clearing Benji finally set Blake down as they began to look for a spot. Jumping slightly, Benji turned to see Jason. With a nod of acknowledgment Benji grunted in agreement. "Remind me again why this had to be so public." He muttered under his breath.

name; Blake Hutcherson
age; 7
species; werewolf
rank; pup
tags; Jason, open

With all the people around Blake was rather grateful her uncle decided to carry her around. Clinging to the man she tried to block out the world of chaos around her. Once they made it inside and found a small clearing her uncle set her down. "Hi Jason." She chirped with a small wave of her hand, happy to see someone familiar.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:29 am

✦ Kathrine Kingston ✦
Species- Blade I Role: Agent I Tags- D'arc, Theo I crush: open
I had caught D'arcs displeased look as soon as i had entered the room and rose a eyebrow, what was that about?
shaking it off and writing it towards he was tired from not only driving all night, but then unpacking i twirled the end of my hair as i awaited further orders. The team was easy to get along with escpesally Ford he was the one who kept the team from killing each other most of the time, even if he had only been here a few days i praised the unit for assigning him to us. Hearing D'arcs words i was pulled from my thoughts, my eyes almost instantly narrowed almost as if i were silently challenging the male, i knew i must be over reacting but i looked great! did i not?. As he continued i rose a brow the more he talked,the more it made sense, yet still i feel he could have worded it better, Finally deciding to just abide by his request i rose from the table with a sigh, mug in hand, walking past D'arc with nothing more then a glance i headed up the stairs to where my things where kept, hearing fords words just as i had reached the top i couldn't help but smile softly such a goof "Got it ford!" i called out to him before continuing my task at hand, completely designing a new outfit.Reaching my room i set my mug on the small bedside table and rummaged through my bags. After several minutes i pulled out a proper memorial dress, with a respectful jacket and the same boots, Changing i looked at myself, judging i looked presentable best i could without a mirror. "this is as best as i'm doing" i mumbled to myself as i grabbed my beloved coffee. one the way down i stopped by the kitchen and prepared a mug of coffee for our grumpy leader, carrying that one instead of my own as i continued towards where D'arc awaited, reaching him i rose my brow yet again, coming to a stop directly in front of him i twirled around as if asking his acceptance before pressing the ceramic mug of hot coffee into his chest, waiting for him to take it before walking outside "you not coming with us?" i called behind me, curious if he'd change his mind and join us, Reaching the old pick up we were instructed on taking i hopped in with a amused smile to ford, Waiting a few moments to see if D'arc was coming i then began the drive there radio on the best pop station ever as i leaned back in my seat i couldn't help but question the fact they where dedicating a tree to the pair lost, what would happen when the tree was cut down or died? this town was weird i'd give them that.

↩ Adam Hale ↪
Species:Werewolf I Role:Guard I Tags: Skylar, open I Crush:Open
The pace the beta had whipped around and broke free of my grasp indeed surprised me, though it didn't that she had known i was coming, everyone was on edge lately, constantly on alert. Though as her agressive tone rang out i clenched my jaw once more, did this female really think i was meaning to attack her? inwardly scoffing i shook my head letting her words sink in as i walked to the rock that held my energy drink and picked it up, taking a drink before turning back towards her "Would you rather i risk it ma'm? protecting the pack is my job, therefore if i see something running yes i'll go after it" i explained watching her, my eyes did darken for a spit second from the hostility filling the air from both of us, but as her gaze met mine i let out a sign of my own perhaps we both were over reacting. I hadn't replied as she confirmed she was alright but walked back over, listening as she continued before huffing with a nod, i often forgot she was the one who had to figure all this out, mostly on her own at that looking at the can i held within my hand i nodded once more "It would be a big adjustment for anyone ma'm having to take on several jobs at once,
then make sure the pack isn't killing each other on top of it, it'll take some getting used to, for sure, but i have faith you'll do fine, after all as you said, you are the biggest, baddest damn thing out here"
i said with a faint smirk and a wink before continuing after her, the fall leaves crunching below my shoes as fall brutality knocked them off the branches, it was always interesting to see how each season changed our territory, fall and winter brought destruction and cold gloomy weather while spring and summer did the opposite, fixing what they had destroyed, scoffing at my silly admiration's i tuned back into the betas speech before shrugging, thinking over the very concept of someone wishing to be alpha myself before responding as i came to her side "Hmm, well i'm sure its a honor thing, kinda like you can brag about it.
plus you get the joy of bossing everyone around"
i said trailing off as if i was thinking about it. Shrugging i stopped speaking and simply walked in step with her, taking another drink of the contained liquids i let my other hand rest in my pocket not commenting on the fact she had to pick up the others, just simply accepting it and accompanying her on the journey
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:15 am

Jason Loen I Werewolf | Medic |
tags; Blake, Benji

I'll be damned if I know, he silently replied, shrugging again to convey the message. I'm not even sure this was our idea. Probably something to do with city council politics, I guess... No idea why Skylar let it go ahead, though. You would've thought Aurora or somebody would make her stop it. But conscious of Blake, who at least seemed pretty happy to see him, he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to stress her out about pack politics yet. No doubt Benji had his own suspicions, anyway. In all likelihood, anything his partner could suggest would be closer to the mark anyway.
Jason contented himself to returning Blake's friendly wave and offering a fist bump to the kid, relatively sure they were used to his habitual silence.

Adrian D'Arc I Human | Blade | tags; Kathrine, open.
He shook his head and waited until both of his troops had left the room before sitting down on Agent Ford's crate to finish what the goof had started, sorting reports into "definite leads", "probable hoaxes" and every box in between.
Until he was handed a coffee. No sugar, but he didn't mind that.
"Thanks? And no, I'm staying here. Somebody has to do this. Just keep an eye on Ford. And recon only, okay?" He took a sip and glanced upwards, to apologise for snapping, but she'd already gone.
D'Arc sighed. She was impossible to stay mad at. Oh, well. It could wait.
With a deft gesture, he turned over the next report and seamlessly went back to work.

Theodore Ford | Human | Blade |tags; Katrine
To his surprise, the battered pickup started without a hitch. He swung the door open and nimbly hauled himself in, automatically reaching for the seat belt and clicking it over himself. Five minutes later, Katrine was beside him and they were cruising down a backwater road into the city, car radio tuned to a pop station and playing at a volume that would have made a werewolf cringe, Ford singing along and dancing to the ones he recognised, fingertips drumming on the wheel. Cracking the occasional joke. Looking for all the world an ordinary-ish guy. Albiet an ordinary guy with too much caffeine in his system. But nothing - nothing - like the deadly weapon he was paid to be.
"Kinda weird town, though, don't you think?" he eventually said, lowering the volume as they cruised into the outskirts of the town. "I mean, all those people dead and nobody's freaking out yet?"

Skylar Aleksandersen I Werewolf | Beta |
tags; Adam

"Damn right I am," she snapped, pointedly focusing on her surroundings now.
"Doing great. Bragging rights. Bossing people around. Yeah, right. I can boss people around as it is. They are not stupid enough to disobey."
But she didn't try to pull away from the younger guy as they headed back to her house, or even protest. If she was honest with herself, she was glad she wasn't alone. Rogues, hunters... Those things she could deal with. She was Beta for a reason. But when the pack went home and the crushing loneliness arrived... Well, the demons were never far behind. At least, if she had somebody to talk to, and yell at, she had a distraction.
And then, she began wondering whether Adam would make a good Alpha. She quickly pushed the thought to one side.
When they finally arrived, an uncomfortable silence later, she went straight to the door, only pausing to gesture at her combat pants and black hoodie and address Adam.
"I need to change. You want to come into Jasper with me or make your own way there?"

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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