❀ blossomclan

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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby Casual Writer » Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:31 am

Sex: female Age: 8moons Rank: Fighter Apprentice Crush: tbd Betrothed: tbd Interacting: Pebblesky, Hollyflower, Skypaw, Fluffypaw, Apprentices

The tortoiseshell female was just shimmying off the faint traces of dust that had clung to her fur, having hoisted herself up from her short slumber. Yes, it was a short sleep. While some of the apprentices were capable of sleeping during the night, or for that matter through anything, Sparkpaw always seemed to be too bothered by others' bodies around her to actually achieve her needed shut eye. Sparkpaw hated sleeping by others, even if nights were supposed to get cold. The long haired oriental scrunched her face up in irritation. Naturally she awoke in such a state, part of her morning routine, but this contorted face of disgust was triggered by something else. It wasn't lighting up any idea bulbs until a warrior just bumbled in grabbed whom she thought to be Fluffypaw and lunged back outside their den. Interesting, her nostrils again flaring from the scent- Oh, well that'll do it. Whatever warrior had nodded in and quickly sped away she felt a little more aggravated about, He just darts in and thinks we are all going to get the message? Not all of as are top notch sniffers here. In all fairness of course the apprentice with an attitude knew that the yowling from outside should have been enough to make the lingering lumps of fur haul their rears. But there were also those cats that decided standing and looking around doe-eyed in confusion was a better plan. The female's spitting was loud and aggressive, though that wasn't really too odd for a cat such as Sparkpaw, "Get your lazy rears out of the damn den for Star Clan's sake you flea-brains!" Her yellow-green eyes glinted in anger at the sudden bits of surprise from some of the remaining apprentices, mostly Skypaw who always seemed to be the doe she referred to. After the last of their group funneled out of the den she too made her grand escape. With a powerful launch from her two back legs, the feisty female soon followed her own orders and emerged in a swift wind from the den. That's when she began catching the orange dancing light. A fire? How? Her eyes narrowed further in disdain, it was going to be a fun next few days and nights trying to rebuild the camp. And for Star Clan's sake no cat better die, I'm not about that mourning crap. Sparkpaw decided to keep moving and eyeing what lay forward than at the beautiful but deadly flames that were likely to engulf the camp. Ahead of her she finally identified Peppblesky and Hollyflower. And of course she still had some words to say even during the crisis, "HELLO, you could have actually told the rest of this lot to move their behinds!? Not everyone responds to a silent nodding, and why is Fluffypaw in your mouth, Fluffypaw don't tell me you tripped and sprained something out of panic?! My goodness what kind of apprentices are you guys?"
Sex: male Age: 8moons Rank: Fighter Apprentice Crush: tbd Betrothed: tbd Interacting: Pebblesky, Hollyflower, Sparkpaw, Fluffypaw, Apprentices

Skypaw seemed to snap back into reality at the horrible hissing of Sparkpaw, I mean she could try just calmly telling us to get out, screaming doesn't really help in emergencies. Does it? But now really wasn't the time for questions or attempting to change Sparkpaws outlook on her attitude. The soft lilac, long furred tom skedaddled under the tortie's scornful eyes. They definitely never reached speaking terms yet, it was difficult for Skypaw to try interacting with her when he was already shy and unsure of just about everything he did. Scampering outside and soon away from their flame tinted camp, Skypaw's frowned deepened thinking about his brother, Darkwillow. He wasn't still in there, was he? He shook his head, Skypaw had confidence in his older brother he seemed to handle all situations with a calm and stoic face, never faltering in his composure. How Skypaw would ever amount to that was beyond him, he often thought it impossible. But Skypaw didn't wan to dote on his self-pity for long, if he did that he'd fall behind. If he did that he'd probably hear more out of Sparkpaw. In fact he already heard her running her maw to, boy was she bold, a warrior, Pebblesky. Of course seeing as he had Fluffypaw in his mouth, he couldn't exactly respond back. Skypaw's thoughts drifted, where were they running to, how long would they have to be away from camp? Would there even BE a camp to return to? Distracted, the tom was unaware of a pot hole of sorts, a dip in the earth, which cause him to fumble with his footing. FANTATSTIC!!!! He growled at his own thoughts as his body began to slide through the wet earth and into a few of his clan mates. They were going to need to jump in a pond after this one.

occ: I leave it up to you guys whom he bumps into and drags with him into the mud.
Last edited by Casual Writer on Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby clarke, » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:11 am

    E G R E T C A L L !!
    ━━ i'm running from my PAST
    ( intact female ) ( twenty-eight moons ) ( medicine cat ) ( in camp ) ( fallenoak )
      egretcall gazed into fallenoak's lanterns, nodding slowly. she felt self-conscious at his sudden rejection, pulling away shyly and giving her downy white fur a shake. her eyes went wide, like tiny whole moons at the sudden scent that flushed over her. the waves of heat blistered against her thick pelage, and she gently gave fallenoak a shove to his paws. "let's go, now." she whined, pulling at his scruff with her sharp incisors.

    T I G E R S R O A R !!
    ( intact male ) ( fourteen moons ) ( fighter ) ( in camp ) ( sparkpaw )

      the long-haired tom gazed longingly as rowanpaw bounded out of camp with tinypaw and darkwillow, paws itching for him to follow. but he was a warrior now: he couldn't just follow an apprentice all moony-eyed. he had a duty, responsibilities. his lanterns dulled over with frustration when egretcall shoved through the entrance and stepped on his tail. he whipped his feathery banner out of her claws, losing a tuft of fur, and grumpily left the den. how nice it must be to have a relationship with no flaws. he thought, giving himself a thorough grooming. he wondered if he should tell rowanpaw of his feelings, or if she, such a pretty she-cat, could ever care for him the way he did. what if i'm not enough? what if, what if, what if... he busied himself with watching his clan for awhile, lanterns widening when the sudden shriek of cats split the air, followed by a flash of light. sudden, the camp was on fire; burning. he said a silent prayer to StarClan that rowanpaw had left the camp before the bolt struck. he looked up sharply at the words of sparkpaw, growling at her as he shoved her closer to the entrance. "less talking, more running!"
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¨ [i.] M A P L E P A W — ! ¨

Postby vaud » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:29 am


¨ [✧] M A P L E P A W — ! ¨------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i. tomcat ii. eleven moons iii. hunter's apprentice iv. no established romance v. the den, outside the camp vi. no one


    the apprentice stirred in his fitful sleep, bits of moss and leaf matter scattered around his sleeping body. the nightmare always began in the same: the dead of night on a particularly frigid day, surrounded by a vast expanse of forest that had no end in sight. maplepaw was crouched behind the entangling roots of a large tree, unable to move his paws that felt as if they were trapped in the roots themselves. the frigid wind of the night chilled his bones and froze his breath in the air. each breath he took in burned his lungs like billows of smoke. he had been through this nightmare enough to know that the next sound would be serpentsong's frantic voice through the trees. "quick! the kits are in a burrow close to here. the dogs will not be far behind!" he heard the warrior say to another who was hidden from his view. the apprentice strained to listen for any sound of the mentioned kits, but he heard nothing but hurried pawsteps and the ravenous barking of dogs in the near distance. maplepaw was about to return to camp from a successful hunt and he heard no mewling of kits and their milky scent was impossible to be tracked in the deep snow. he couldn't understand where serpentsong had gotten the notion that anyone was in danger, was the warrior mistaken? or was there a meaning that his young mind couldn't comprehend yet?

    the next scene played out in front of his eyes. serpentsong came into his view, blood caking his lion-like tabby mane as he bounded through the snow with several of his clanmates following behind. the blood looked fresh, yet maplepaw could not see any visible injury on serpentsong. the rest of the warriors' figures were too blurred for him to make out, but he picked out emberheart's dark ginger pelt stand out among the stark white of the snow. he desperately called out his father like a lost kit, unable to leave the confines of his prison of entangled roots. another blur appeared out the corner of his eyes, it snarled and barreled into the warriors that clawed at its pelt. dog! he recognized the putrid scent from an earlier patrol with his father. finally, his jaws parted and a yowl rang out as he saw the dog charging towards where he was crouched down in fear. shutting his eyes, he prepared for the hot breath that stank of carrion and the gnashing of jaws, but instead he felt a heavy force knocking him out of the way of the dog's jaws. maplepaw screeched in horror and devastation as emberheart fought a losing battle against the stronger opponent. he was forcibly dragged away from the scene by his scruff, his cries for his father falling on deaf ears as emberheart's lifeless body laid in the scarlet-stained snow.

    safe from the dog's rampage, maplepaw tried to gather his scattered wits. blood pounded in his ears, drowning out the yowls and screeches of his clanmates as they chased the dog into the depths of the forest. through blurry eyes, he spotted serpentsong who had stayed behind. the warrior almost seemed...disappointed, as if emberheart wasn't the one that was supposed to be a victim of the dog's jaws. maplepaw saw the warrior scowl as he stalked away into the depths of the forest, his tail errantly flicking in annoyance. it was only when his battered clanmates returned from the battle that serpentsong reappeared, his paws soaked in crimson. the warrior shook and bowed his broad head, I apologize, we were too late. the kits...oh starclan, it is too horrible to describe." the warrior spat out the fur that he was carrying in his jaws, touching his nose to the rather mousy looking fur in mock sorrow. it was his clanmates sorrowful wails and yowls of anguish that brought the apprentice out of his nightmare.

    maplepaw awoke with a groan, his muscles strained and sore from a night of kicking and tossing. it took him a moment to realize that the yowls from the end of his nightmare had carried over into his awakened state. it was only a short time before the smoke crept into the apprentices' den like a suffocating, dense fog. he stumbled over his fellow apprentices that were just as eager as him to escape the den. through sleep-blurred eyes, he following the stream of cats that left the camp, his mind fuzzy from sleep. once he was safely out of reach from the flames that lapped at the camp, he collapsed on the ground, exhausted even with adrenaline pumping through his veins.
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Rowanpaw [3]

Postby Tiny_Cat » Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:01 pm

    R O W A N P A W
    ( blossomclan hunter app ) ( she-cat ) ( 10 Moons) ( arranged mate; unknown ) ( location; Camp ) ( mood; Alarmed ) ( tagged; Tigersroar, Pebblesky, Hollyflower, Apprentices )
      Rowanpaw dropped into a clumsy, off-center battle stance and looked up at Tinypaw for approval. She felt awkward, her long legs protesting the position they were in. She started to suggest they go hunting instead when there was the boom of thunder and lightning lot the camp. The smell of smoke immediately followed and the russet she-cat sat up, alarm in her wide green eyes. Koistar bounded from his den, voice sounding the alarm, though any cat in the clearing could plainly see and smell the flames by this point. Nudging Tinypaw, she nodded towards the camp entrance and started ushering her forward. "Come on, Tinypaw, we have to leave." She meowed, shoving her friend harder in hopes of getting her to move faster. They were almost at the camp entrance when a flash of Orange appeared in her peripheral vision and she involuntarily glanced up. Tigersroar, one of the few cats she considered a close friend, was racing across the clearing to help Pebblesky and Hollyflower round up the other apprentices. She gave Tinypaw another nudge. "Keep going and find Fleetfoot. I'm going to help Tigersroar." Rowanpaw didn't wait dor a reply but spun around and hared back across the clearing. Although he often insisted he had done nothing special, she firmly believes she owes Tigersroar her life. She had been attacked by a fox right after becoming an apprentice and had froze up. He had come to her defense and scared off the fox before she could bat an eye. If he hadn't been there, she was certain she wouldn't be here today. He was one of the few cats she trusted implicitly.

      Skidding to a halt beside the trio of warriors, she nudged Tigersroar with her muzzle.
      "Hey we should g-" She broke off at the odd sight before her. Fluffypaw, looking quite out out, was swinging from Pebblesky's jaws while the other apprentices gathered around them in a loose circle and Sparkpaw, as usual, mouthed off to any cat who would listen. "Pebblesky, what are you doing to poor Fluffypaw?" She asked with an inquisitive frown before giving a form shake of her head. She was here for a reason. She needed to focus. "Nevermind. We need to leave the camp, now... and don't even start with me, Sparkpaw. Get over that who of yours and get a move on." She spared an amused look at Sparkpaw, conveying without words that the barn had been a joke. Mostly. Though she wouldn't put it past here for Sparkpaw to sit here arguing with a fire a fox-length away. She glanced from Pebblesky to Hollyflower and finally to Tigersroar, waiting for one of them to take the lead.
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby éros » Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:05 pm

    .❝ FALLENOAK !!

    ( medicine cat ) ( tom ) ( twenty eight moons ) ( tags - egretcall ) ( arranged mate - egretcall ) ( wordcount - 312 )
      Though the tom was trapped in his own trail of thought, he snapped back quickly at the sounds of lightening-a sounds that he'd never forget. If Fallenoak truely hated anything, it would be storms. The tom-cat's stomach began to turn and his short and sleek coat was standing on end, he almost didn't hear his mates warning. He shook his head knowing that he would have to make a move quick.

      Fallenoak was jolted forward a bit with Egretcalls help, he had calmed down in an instant and all that was on his mind was his mate and the clan. He didn't often take matters into his own paws, he was not quite so assertive, but this time it called for him to ignore his own fears and help out. Being a medicine cat, this is the sort of situation that he had been training for.

      Fallenoak was now running quickly but closely to Egretcall, he didn't want to be separated from her. Fallenoak saw Koistar hurrying all of the cats to retreat into the forest, at first he didn't think that the storm could be that bad but it just continued to get worse.
      Now with the rain and thunder getting stronger, he couldn't care less what his fur looked like.

      Fallenoak and Egretcall had made it somewhat further into the forest, enough to begin looking for a suitable shelter. In all honesty,
      Fallenoak wanted to return to help the remaining cats but now his duty was to remain with and protect his mate. The tom-cats eyes darted quickly as he surveyed the forest area that the two were covering and he quickly spotted a burrow-like place under the bigger and thick roots of a large tree. It seemed to have plenty space for the two so he quickly made his way over to it, waiting at the entrance for Egretcall.

    .❝ LILACPAW !!

    ( fighter apprentice ) ( molly ) ( eleven moons ) ( tags - maplepaw ) ( crush - maplepaw ) ( wordcount - 574 )
      Lilacpaw had been exploring early in the morning. The young molly wanted a bit of time to herself and to fill that gap she was playing around, attempting to hunt a few small prey. Lilacpaw was never one for hunting, it's probably her biggest weakness.

      The little she-cat was very enthusiastic to start her day. Lilac had no immediate family in the clan but never once did she feel unwelcomed, the clan was her home and family... but at times she felt lonely and longed for her parents. Lilac most likely felt down about it on some days because she was particularly young when she was separated from her parents. It didn't often get to her but sometimes, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling of isolation.

      To begin with, Lilac had found an injured squirrel, this piqued the question of "why it was already injured" after remaining a safe distance away from it and observing it, she came to the conclusion that it fell and broke it's leg. Though the thought was the best among others, she was enjoying her day so she approached it tactically, her pale pelt pressing against the slightly damp floor.
      Her efforts were worth it, she managed to pounce on it directly and quickly kill it off with a bite. Though hunting was not for her,
      today must have been her lucky day.

      Lilac was padding quickly back to camp because she wanted to show her close friend, Maplepaw, what she had caught. Maple was a hunter's apprentice so he was definitely much better at it than this molly. Once Lilac had made it into the hunter's den, she saw Maple sleeping, he looked uncomfortable. Lilac didn't want to disturb him (lies cx) so she quietly exited the den. She sat herself outside in what was still the sunny weather after dropping her prey in the food pile.

      Lilac had managed to doze off but a sudden drop of rain on her nose woke her right up, she blinked bewilderedly and before she knew it, the clan was thrown into panic. A bolt of lightening flashed, causing anyone that saw it to be momentarily blinded. Lilac was about to panic herself until she saw a fire begin to emerge. Lilac raced into the direction of the camps entrance but the looming feeling of fear hit her when she thought of Maple.

      Lilac had caught enough breath to process what was happening, she knew that she couldn't help him herself, she'd likely get hurt in the process and be unable to do anything. She frantically looked around at the older clan members, speech began to form but not enough for full words. She shook her head and gave into her brainless thoughts.

      The light haired molly hurried back into the deeper parts of the camp and made her way through the lighter smoke. The hunter's den seemed to be slowly filling with unbreathable air, regardless, she jumped in. Lilac spotted her friend, seemingly still asleep.
      In attempt to bring him out she began tugging at his scruff, he likely weighed more than her but she managed to take him a somewhat safe distance out of the den; Not too far from the den entrance. The smoke continued to worsen and she couldn't move much further, her legs gave up and she buckled down next to Maple. Her eyes her fogged up but she began to mew in hope to notify one of the bigger cats while she was still concious.
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby Casual Writer » Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:57 pm

Sex: female Age: 8moons Rank: Fighter Apprentice Crush: tbd Betrothed: tbd Interacting: Pebblesky, Hollyflower, Skypaw, Fluffypaw, Apprentices

Sparkpaw snorted at Tigersroar, it wasn't her fault that there apparently seemed to be cats that couldn't multitask. How on earth did these cats expected to make coordinated attacks if they were to be in a battle? That does require running and communication. However the shoving was unnecessary and sorely noted. "Do not push me you overgrown furball I am moving plenty fast!", she nearly snarled with the most, probably ugly face you could see on a cat her age. Her mind was wired for some serious personal space and the mouse-brains should have known that. Fire or not touching of her fur was out of the question- she can only imagine her violent reaction had she been in Fluffypaw's position in her stead. oh ho- absolutely not. Rowanpaw was soon riding up next to their little herd of get the Star Clan out of Dodge. Were these felines mad, what did they think they were doing, no, we are just running for no reason. In fact we were thinking about ramming our heads into a tree! Having already had her fill of close bodies and lack of observation from her fellow clan mates she hissed in reply and warning, "Don't make me repeat myself Rowanpaw."
Sex: male Age: 8moons Rank: Fighter Apprentice Crush: tbd Betrothed: tbd Interacting: Pebblesky, Hollyflower, Sparkpaw, Fluffypaw, Apprentices

The tom somehow managed to slide through the mud up to the bantering peers. Uh no, Star Clan please. Even while tryignt o alert his friends he stuttered, "G-guys! Move out of the way!"

occ: WIP
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby clarke, » Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:37 pm

    E G R E T C A L L !!
    ━━ i'm running from my PAST
    ( intact female ) ( twenty-eight moons ) ( medicine cat ) ( in camp ) ( fallenoak )
      egretcall fled, her pelt brushing against her mate's. she was out of breath by the time she slid underneath the root cavern, her ears pinned against her head. "should we make sure everyone is safe?" she winced, pulling at a thorn embedded in her paw. with nimble teeth, she gripped it and tugged once, blood gushing out onto the dirt. she gave it a few laps and the bleeding and soreness dulled.

    T I G E R S R O A R !!
    ( intact male ) ( fourteen moons ) ( fighter ) ( in camp ) ( sparkpaw )

      tigersroar stepped in-between sparkpaw and rowanpaw. "you are still an apprentice, last time i checked. now get out of camp, and stop making threats to cats older than you!" he hissed, ferociously protective of rowanpaw. he whipped around to pebblesky, easing his tail in-between his jaws and fluffypaw's scruff. "my sister can take care of herself, now everyone get out and stop conversing!" he pleaded, his amber orbs wide and desperate. he wanted to keep everyone safe, yet here they were, talking against the roaring flames of a fire.
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paletuft [ 3 ] ❀ fidgetpaw [ 3 ]

Postby paper planets » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:14 pm

    . ── PALETUFT
      twenty five moons she cat fighter camp tags: blizzardbriar, koistar - skypaw & serpentsong

        Paletuft huddled up in Koistar's den, fluffing up her pelt and ducking her head to try and stay warm. The wind outside was whipping the branches of the trees back and forth and it looked as if the beautiful blossom trees may soon be uprooted by the vicious winds. The wind was howling as it carried into the small space, raking it's chilly claws across her flank. The fighter tried to ignore the storm raging on outside as Blizzardbriar began speaking and, after her words, she nodded and opened her maw to speak. But, no words came out. Because she watched, her green eyes widened to the size of two full moons, as a quick flash of lightning struck the camp. It's electric fingers clawing through the air and striking the ground with such a powerful, invisible, force that a fire spring aflame and began to eat away at the grass in the center of camp. The licking flames stretched further and further as Koistar ran out only the camp. Though, his yowled warning was merely a murmur in her ears. She felt like she was underwater, numb to what was happening around her, as her eyes stayed fixed on the flames.

        Paletuft snapped out of her trance when chaos erupted in the camp. Koistar rushed into the den to speak urgently to Blizzardbriar before disappearing and cats were running frantically around the camp, checking dens and shoving apprentices towards the entrance. The curly-furred she cat didn't waste any more time. She bolted from the den, checking the fighter's and hunter's den before she bounded towards the camp entrance. She skirted around the steadily growing flame, feeling the heat against her flank as she ran past the flickering orange fire. She squeezed out of the camp with the last few cats that were exiting. The rain was falling sideways now and when it hit her it strung fiercely from the force of the wind pushing it to a slant. Lightning lit up the sky momentarily once again as the clan ran through the forest, running from the deadly flames. Running for their lives.

        Drenched and panic-driven, Paletuft swerved through the undergrowth and ran through puddles and mud-patches. She had caught up with some of the apprentices, who had been the first to be ushered out of the camp, and her pace slowed, her breath uneven and heavy. Her pelt was heavy and water-logged and it turns out, it would only get worse after that. She heard a stuttering voice behind her and looked over her shoulder to see Skypaw barrelling towards the other apprentices and her. She quickly tried to get out of his way, but her paws slipped on the mud and she slipped, her white chest falling flat into the muck. She growled in annoyance and got up on shaky legs, her little slip had cleared her from Skypaw's path, but now the heavy rain was creating a mudslide down the small slope the clan was headed down and she was slowly slipping and losing her balance.

        Paletuft dug her claws into the mud, but all they did was clog up with the thick mud and, before she could do much else, she was sliding down the slope as the mud piled up in front of her paws and splashed into her fur. Her legs were coated with mud as she stumbled down the slope and this alone caused her to hiss curses under her breath as she jerked this way and that way, not wanting to face-plant into the mud. After a few moment of precarious sliding, the she cat finally found traction, but definitely not in the form she was expecting. When her gaze had been averted to her paws, she hadn't even seen the long-furred Tom in front of her and when she finally looked up, she was already to close, so all she could do was push her paws deeper into the mud to slow her pace so she only bumped into Serpentsong instead of barreling into him and pushing him into the mud as well. She stood unsteadily and looked up at Serpentsong, her ears hot with embarrassment for two reasons, one being bumping into the Tom and two being her appearance. She looked terrible, her pelt filled with water and her legs, stomach and chest dripping mud. Paletuft backed up a few paces, the mud making awful sucking noises as she pulled her paws out of the muck, "Sorry," she muttered quickly and then she let her gaze wander, looking to see where they were headed, "I hope we go to the streams or else I'll never be clean," she murmured, basically talking to herself.

chasing_stars wrote:
    . ── FIDGETPAW
      eleven moons tom hunter apprentice medicine cat's den tags: pebblesky, leopardpaw

        Fidgetpaw watched, flicking his ears a few times mostly to dislodge annoying water drops that landed on his large ears, as Pebblesky easily split the squirrel in two. At his signal to choose a piece he gratefully nodded his head and settled down, tucking his paws underneath him, after he pulled half of the squirrel towards himself. Taking a small bite of the prey, he chewed it slowly. He had been taught by his mother many moons ago to eat slowly so that he wouldn't get a stomach ache. It seemed like a common thing for parents to teach their kits, but Fidgetpaw soon realized that it was to help him distinguish between symptoms of a seizure or just normal aches and pains. If he ate too fast he would get a stomach ache and possibly cause a false alarm. The apprentice definitely didn't want to be stuck in camp just because he was excited to head out to train. It had happened once before and once was enough. So, even though Pebblesky assured him that he still had plenty of time to spare, he didn't rush to eat and just gave his mentor and little smile to show he understood.

        As Fidgetpaw listened to the large, grey tom speak he nodded swiftly, his eyes bright as he chewed his fresh kill thoughtfully. When Pebblesky joked about carrying the young apprentice back to camp he had finished and he licked his lips before laughing lightly, "Don't worry, Pebblesky, I've spent the last few days curled up in a nest, basically sleeping all day," he informed matter of factly, "I've got plenty of energy to spare." At the hunter's next words, he grinned and rose to his paws, "Thanks, Pebblesky!" he exclaimed as his tail shot straight up into the air. Then, he turned his green gaze on the camp around him and his green orbs searched for one of his fellow apprentices, mostly Rowanpaw or Leopardpaw, though, as they were his closest friends. He was sure that either one of them would want to hear his good news. But, the hunter apprentice didn't have to look for long because he soon heard his name being hissed through the rain. He narrowed his eyes and searched for where the voice came from and soon spotted Leopardpaw sticking her head out of the medicine cat's den and staring straight at him. He smiled and waved his tail to greet the spotted she cat before began bounding over, ducking his head as he felt the rain fall harder down on his short fur. As he ran towards the medicine cat apprentice he heard Pebblesky call to him, telling him he would find him when it was time to head out. He didn't both looking back, in fear of rain falling into his eyes, he just continued to sprint across the camp.

        Fidgetpaw stumbled into the medicine cat's den and shook out his light-furred pelt, "It sure is getting stormy out there," he stated as he gave his flank a few rough licks to clear the water from his pelt. The oriental Tom looked up at Leopardpaw and then the fishing trip came rushing back to his mind, "Oh - Leopardpaw! I have the best news!" he said excitedly, barely even able to stay still as he fidgeted around in his excitement, "The other medicine cats said I could return to training.. But I guess you know that, already," he murmured sheepishly, though his enthusiasm didn't dull for long because he was back to hurriedly explaining Pebblesky's news for him, "Anyways, Pebblesky said that we were going to walk all the way up to the streams to catch some fish! I've always wanted to travel up there and it's finally happening. And don't worry, I'll make sure to save you one so you can try some of the fish that we catch, Pebblesky says that fish tastes good, so I'm excited to try it." once the apprentice finished speaking he sat back and looked on at Leopardpaw, awaiting the bengal she cat's reply.
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Re: ❀ blossomclan

Postby peppermintleo » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:23 pm

    Bluecreekxxxx location ;; camp - mood ;; panicked - tagged ;; Amberlight

    gender ;; tom
    age ;; 32 moons
    rank ;; fighter
    crush ;; none
    mate ;; none
    kits ;; none
Bluecreek had just woken when he heard the crash and felt the ground shake below him. His claws dug into the soft nest under him to keep himself straight. Getting up slowly, his mind processed what it could possibly be, originally settling on a tree falling. The tom pushed out of the warriors den to pure and utter panic, and instantly his fur fluffed up with his tree idea collapsing into an ambush conclusion. Looking around quickly, he saw cats just fleeing, not fighting. Confusion blurred his pure blue eyes as he frowned and watched them, though the smell of smoke flooding his senses clicked the flee instinct in him too. 'Fire, mouse brain! It's fire.' He cursed to himself as he turned tail and bolted to the hunters' den, shoving his head inside and calling out for his sister. "Amberlight! Amberlight where are you?" He shouted, getting no quick response. Pushing inside, he tripped over a couple cats that were trying to flee out of the brambles themselves. Spinning in a circle, he didn't see the yellow ginger she-cat anywhere and fear gripped his heart. Even so, he forced himself to save himself and hope she was out already.

Forcing his way out of the hunters' den, he ran towards the exit of the camp, stopping and hesitating a couple times to look for Amberlight, and any other cats that could need help, his clan loyalty getting the better of him. Squeezing out of the camp entrance, he followed a couple of his clanmates away from camp but soon enough got himself a little lost. Out of habit, he followed a small stream that trickled through the forest, listening for others and glancing over his shoulder at the smoldering smoke billowing from the camp. Just what they needed, a painful reminder that things could never be good and easy going.

    Strawberrypawxxxx location ;; camp - mood ;; scared - tagged ;; Pebblesky, Fluffypaw

    gender ;; she-cat
    age ;; 10 moons
    rank ;; fighter app.
    mentor ;; -NA-
    crush ;; none
    mate ;; none
    kits ;; none
Strawberrypaw woke up when Pebblesky rushed in and stepped on her tail. Letting out a pained screech, she went to scratch at the tom before she smelt the panic and smoke on his fur. Ignoring her pain, she jumped up and out of the way, watching Pebblesky grab Fluffypaw by the scruff and leave. Hesitating for a mere second, the pinkish-ginger she-cat dashed out after the older cat and fellow apprentice. Unable to help herself, she followed close behind Pebblesky, her fearful kit coming back out. She was a ten moon old apprentice that usually acted like she was better than all the other apprentices but here she was, clinging to a hunter's side like a scared little kit. Ridiculous, but she'd let it slide for now.

A branch crashed to the camp floor next to her, startling her and throwing hot ashes at her. Yelping as she stepped on a couple, she bounced to the other side of Pebblesky, nervously using him to protect her from the falling ash and choking smoke. Her ears were pinned down, fur fluffed though soaked, eyes wide, and tail tucked to make herself smaller until they were finally out of the camp and far enough away to catch her breath. Stopping for just a second, she panted and tried to catch her breath, the cold rain quickly getting through her short fur to her tiny body, a whimper escaping as she looked for any other cats as well, worried for her clanmates.
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[5] ✩ yeah, everything goes away.

Postby ataraxic_gone » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:55 pm

    xxxxxxxBehind PebbleSky the crackling of fire filled his mind, as he moved, only to get short of leaving camp as he was almost toppled by HollyFlower. He looked at her confused, mind coming to conclusions in short jumps. In the haze he remembered something his brother had once said to him, "you're good under stress PebbleSky, but only on the outside." He could feel it, internally he was panicking so hard, all he could hear was the fire behind him, the voices of his clan-mates coming out as white noise. HollyFlower in front of him spoke something and he stared at her mouth, reading her lips. She was offering help. Help? He looked behind him at the apprentices that were becoming unsightly to deal with. Running ahead was SkyPaw, good he had the right idea but at his side he could make out SparkPaw running her mouth. There was no doubt in his mind that she was trying to pull jabs at him. But all he could hear was the fire. From the corner of his vision appeared TigersRoar, shoving SparkPaw from stalling the group.

    xxxxxxxNow there was RowanPaw, the fire was getting bigger and the group that was clogging up the entrance was growing. PebbleSky remained quiet, still holding the apprentice in his maw, his brain going foggy as the panic started to settle in making itself at home in his core. But on the outside he stood calm, eyes soft and focused. The only sign of his panic would be noticeable to FluffyPaw, his breath coming out in short faced breaths. He blinked as he noticed PaleTuft exiting the clan and he felt a sense of relief flood through his chest. Good she was out even if her paws wet and thick with mud she would be okay. Moving in front of him was TigersRoar speaking softly and staring into his eyes intensely. His words were the first he could hear since the fire had started and after blinking a couple times he nodded his head. Leaning down and releasing the scruff of FluffyPaw. He took a breath, panic settling inside him as the fire started to fade out of his mind.

    xxxxxxxSomething clicked inside him, he was the oldest here and even though he wasn't in any position of power he should be taking charge. "TigersRoar, you watch over FluffyPaw. HollyFlower, you take care of RowanPaw and StrawberryPaw and SparkPaw will stick with me." He moved forward taking the lead. "We're going to head towards the north side of the border, to the training clearing," he announced as he moved, his voice loud but not with it's usual jovialness. No this time his tone was deadpan, serious and that of a leader. It was surprising he had it in him but it couldn't have been seen as unsurprising, not to those who knew him.

    xxxx ⇢ hunter⇢ tom ⇢ 42m ⇢ just outside camp; so many peoples ⇢ 477 words
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