☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:22 pm

Location: Camp then to Sanctuary
Tagged: Her Pack

Amber's eyes widened when she saw Cilan was glowing. Literally glowing, faintly, but still glowing. For a moment, Amber wanted to study him, but she had to shove the emotion down. She had to get the others to safety, and then she could do whatever she wanted.
"If you would please follow us." Amber smiled to the group, squeezing Cilan's hand as she turned and started walking home. She was at a fast, yet casual pace, despite the anxiety coursing through her.
Were her siblings all right? How would she even know if they weren't? Is everyone at the Sanctuary okay? Is Solara going to make it? When were the armies going to get there?
Her mind was racing faster than her heartbeat, and she couldn't calm either of them. She couldn't even stop the sparks emitting from her hands.
Amber knew the dangers of bottling up her emotions, and they were only amounting to even greater lengths. She just took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Whatever happened, Cilan would be there and help her, just as she would help them. They were a team, and she didn't have to do things alone anymore.
"I love you," She whispered to Cilan, looking at him. She memorized the angle of his eyes, the slope of his nose, the curve of his mouth. She focused solely on him, grounding herself enough to make it back to camp. From there, who knew what would happen.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Rowan

Mayne watched Rowan crumple, or at least almost crumple. He stumbled over to help Ivana, much to Sorcha's chagrin. Despite the fact that Sorcha looked like she wanted to take the girl and run, she stayed still. Mayne watched as Rowan healed, feeling numb himself from seeing Gavotte dead. Ivana suddenly had color back, and she looked beautiful. Mayne bet her beauty would even compete with Regina's, not that Mayne had a concrete definition of beautiful. He thought everything was beautiful, but Ivana would be devastating when she was all done up. Mayne jumped when Rowan ripped himself away like he had shocked Ivana. Sorcha took a step back, no doubt seeing something on Rowan's face that made her want to get Ivana away. Rowan then covered his face with his hands, and Mayne's heart shuttered at the first sob that Rowan emitted.
"Please..." He pleaded, so quietly Mayne was sure it was his imagination. But then Rowan crashed to his knees and practically crawled towards Mayne. He gripped his shirt and opened his eyes up at Mayne.
"Kill me, Mayne." Rowan snarled, sounding nothing like Mayne's friend. His unseeing eyes, how they were filled with haunting sorrow. Mayne trembled in Rowan's grasp, his memories trying to overwhelm him. Mayne blinked, and instead of sightless eyes, he saw gold eyes full of wonder and curiosity. He blinked again, and those eyes were gone.
"I can't." Mayne whispered, his voice trembling. He grabbed Rowan's hands and gently unfurled them from his shirt, and wrapped his friend in a hug.
"You are not a murderer. You are not a burden." Mayne murmured, his voice still trembling as he lowered himself to the ground. He was shaking so hard, he felt himself shaking Rowan. "You will be okay. This is not your fault. War is hard, and no one will blame you if you have to leave here. You will not die though. You will live to a ripe old age, carrying on the memories of those we lost. To die before our time would be a slap in the face to our loved ones."
Mayne couldn't keep the tears out of his voice, or the sobs. He couldn't stop shaking, not when he saw his dead sister when his eyes were closed. He kept his eyes wide open, not wanting to see it. Not wanting to see his baby sister bleeding out, not wanting to relive those moments in which he had to make the hardest decision of his life.
"We will be okay." He whispered between sobs, holding Rowan tightly so he could not hurt himself or others. Mayne wasn't strong, but he was determined to contain Rowan until more help could come.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Ivana and Vivien and Rowan and Mayne

Sorcha did not like the gleam in those sightless eyes. They were filled with such guilt, Sorcha had half a mind running away with the beautiful creature in her arms. But something told her that he could save her, so Sorcha stayed still, even as the man put his hands on Ivana's face. Sorcha watched as the color returned to her face, and Sorcha let out the breath she was holding. Ivana was going to be okay.
She looked up to the man with sightless eyes, ready to say thank you, only to see his face crumple. She immediately took a few steps back, wanting to get Ivana away from the explosion the man was about to ensue. Sorcha turned to leave, to go put Ivana in the house, when she heard the healer snarl. She watched as he grabbed onto Mayne and begged to be killed. Sorcha didn't know why, but she set down Ivana against a tree, close enough to still have an eye on her, and turned towards the sobbing mess of the healer and Mayne. Mayne's eyes were unfocused, but he kept them open as he sobbed to Rowan. He was sobbing so hard, she couldn't even make out his words.
Timpani was going to kill her when she returned, seeing her love in a state like this.
"Dying before your time is the coward's way out." Sorcha coldly stated, ready to knock some sense into this healer. She went and crouched by the two boys. "Mayne, let go of him." Mayne didn't release him, and just continued to sob. Sorcha realized that Mayne was going into shock, and cursed soundly. She ripped him away from Rowan, not that it was hard. Sorcha carried him towards Vivien.
"You are a water user right? Splash him with cold water. Don't drown him." Sorcha simply stated before turning back to Rowan. She lifted him to his feet and moved him away from Gavotte, closer to Ivana. She set him against a tree that was as far as she would go from the sleeping beauty.
"Rowan, that's your name right? You're the healer?" Sorcha stated, making sure her voice was sharp and controlled like the flames she used. "I understand what it feels like, to fail your friends and family. You just want to give up and hide forever. But you can't." She took a deep breath as she continued, trying to calm the fire threatening to expel from her. Her blood was living flames, her anger stoking until she was an inferno.
"You are important. As a healer, you can save lives. You've already saved countless lives, and yes, there will be times when you cannot save everyone. You cannot and will not let it get to you and shut you down. When you shut down, more people die. I know how devastating it is, but you have to move on for the greater good. It is hard, and there will be plenty of more times when you just want to give up, but you can't. If you give up, more of your friends and family will die. You can't prevent all deaths, because you can't cheat Zelkova, but you can prevent some. Some is better than none. So suck it up, and help those who need it. I will personally ensure that you do not die until your time."

Location: Celestial Tower and then Lanette's Mind
Tagged: Clove and then Lanette and Katherine

"It is a pretty good theory, if I do say so myself." Jonah chuckled, and then full out laughing as Clove threatened him. "I'd love to see you try, love. It would definitely be interesting." He could just imagine being locked to her for all of eternity, and he was not surprised at how much he loved the idea. He wasn't as territorial as his parents or his siblings, but he still liked the idea of everyone knowing that he was hers, and she was his. He shook his head, needing to do something before he fantasized even more about being chained to Clove for eternity.
"Be nice to Katherine." Jonah simply warned, smiling wickedly, before throwing them both into separate minds. He opened his eyes and looked at Lanette.
"Hello, General Lanette. My name is Jonah Soare. I've come to relay the message that the armies are need to assemble and are called to the Sanctuary." He introduced, bowing low in the waist before standing back up. Jonah just wished he could see into Clove's mind so he could watch her interact with Katherine, but his power had limits even in death. He had more power in death, but not infinite like Lord Ada seemed to have.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: No One

Flynn's breathing was erratic as Jen roared at him, and he just rested on the ground when she pushed him off. He knew she had returned to Sanctuary, somehow in his gut he knew.
And with no one around him, he allowed the first tear to slip. And another, and another. Until he was sobbing, alone in the middle of the forest.

Location: Celestial Tower
Tagged: General Ada

Kelly swore she felt the tower shake from Ada's wrath, and she couldn't help but chuckle. She crossed her legs as she continued to read the book she had picked up to peruse. Something about another world called Concordia. She found it rather fascinating. Then, to her amusement, a worn piece of leather appeared and fell onto her book.
Kelly recognized the angry lettering and cackled when she read the words. Knowing she was just poking the raging Tyrant, she grabbed a piece of paper and her favorite pen and wrote a quick note.

So is that a yes?

And kissed the paper, making sure she left a pink kiss mark next to it. She then willed it back to General Ada with a wave of her hand, and returned to reading the book in front of her. But then, Kelly had a better idea.
A wickedly, awful idea.
Before she could lose her nerve, she immersed herself into the shadows, and then traveled to the underworld, stepping out of the shadows near the door of the massive throne room.
"Hello, my love. Still raging as always?" She flirtatiously smiled as she strolled in. Kelly tilted her head and exposed her neck for a moment, showing her respect for the immortal God in front of her, in her own way.
"You know that Agatha is a force to be reckoned with, and I know it will take most of us to bring her down. With you being ruler of the Underworld, and effectively the dead, I was wondering what I would have to do, have to bargain, for you to open up the door between the dead and the living realm? Our allies in the living world will not be enough to kill Agatha, enough to weaken her, but not enough to kill her. They need all of the help they can get." Kelly explained, stopping a respectable distance away from the Lord's throne. "So, what do I need to do, oh powerful Alpha, for you to open the door so I can help our children prosper?" Kelly was above begging and pleading, but not above hoping. She would never hide the hope that shined in her eyes, or the need to protect her own. Kelly had felt so helpless when her children were in pain, and she couldn't stand it. She needed to take action, even if it meant bargaining away her existence to the God before her.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:12 pm

The Sanctuary & Surroundings

Cilan would never have imagined this, a couple of minutes ago. The calm that had overcome him was more befitting of his mother or grandfather. His heartbeat was slow enough to waltz to.
Everything was going to be alright, he knew it now. No matter what happened. They could deal with Regina and Darius; rebels were commonplace problems. They could deal with the mayhem in the Sanctuary; they just needed to brace themselves until this war was over. And they could definitely deal with this war. They had something Agatha did not. Hope for the future and determination to make it better.
Was Amber coping well with everything that happened? She was bound to be under significant stress. "I love you too," Cilan echoed, in his best Solara-ish voice. Since they were children, he had loved Amber as a sister, a best friend, even a mother figure at times. He had been far too young to love her as his betrothed princess.
That was then, and this was now. The future was finally looking brighter and brighter.
Amber seemed to function her best when she was in her element; planning her genius strategies. "What's the plan once we get back?" Cilan asked, completely trusting of whatever ideas she proposed. Although Cilan had the determination, he didn't yet have the intelligence to lead as effectively.

Rowan couldn't speak a single word. He helplessly clung to his friend as he sobbed like a small child, not knowing who was trembling harder, himself or Mayne. The healer was so exhausted and could barely form coherent thoughts, let alone words. He had not only lost his sight, he had lost his sight of the future too. Visions of light and peace being restored to the world- Rowan could almost see his hopes and dreams shattered on the floor beside Gavotte's body.
A harsher voice snapped him out of his despair. He barely noticed as the fiery warrior moved Mayne away, then moved Rowan so he was standing against a tree. Despite her small stature, the girl glowed intensely with the light of a wildfire. The blind healer could hardly respond to her. It was difficult to even remain standing, leaning against the tree.
Her words, these were fighting words. Rowan didn't think he could fight the suffocating hopelessness that was drowning him, but... He had to, didn't he?
If I quit now, more people are going to die... Aren't they?
Vivien, Mayne...
... Lily...
No... I won't let you die.

Rowan was silent for a long time, breathing in and out. His sightless eyes were trained on the forest floor. After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally responded with a silent nod.
That was the best he could do right now. It was better than nothing.
Even if it kills me inside, I have to keep going. I can't speak right now, but when I can... I'll make sure to thank you.


The Beach

Myrtle sat down on the wooden bench. It gave a faint creak under his weight, hinting these boats were probably pretty old. Myrtle wasn't the heaviest person in the world.
Grace's roommates were right behind them. A moment later, the General bodychecked their boat and they started drifting out to sea. Ondine was going around tackling all the boats to get them started.
"Heck right she could be terrifying!" The rosy-cheeked brunette agreed. She was the shortest of the three, but the widest in stature. "And are you really talking about Agatha's shoes?"
The fast-talking redhead girl, the one who hid the coconut under her pillow, flipped her fiery hair all dramatically. "I don't care what fashions that ugly saltwater drinker wears. I want in on the hugging competition."
"I'll win," boasted the broomstick skinny blonde as she hugged coconut girl, causing chubby cheeks to glare at her yet again. Seemed like a typical thing between them.
"I sure do hope Agatha wears some shoes!" Myrtle said. "I bet her feet smell..."
Coconut girl made a gagging sound. "Change of subject. Do you guys know people who are like, good[i] at fashion?"



"Geez! That better not be a threat, or I'll have to..."
Before Clove could think of an effective threat, she was sitting on a tree branch. A seriously high-up tree branch. [i]I hate heights!
Clotilda immediately clung to the tree trunk.
I'm not scared of heights. I just hate them.
She was kind of relieved Jonah sent her to Katharine's dream before she could create a threat. Honestly, Clotilda was so tired she was out of good threats. Normally she would have something creative and gruesome that involved bloody murder. Most of her threats were not too child friendly because she loved being overly descriptive. Her mother hated it. Solara was like scared of blood or something.
Katharine was sitting at the base of the tree. Not wanting to waste time, Clotilda took a deep breath and jumped from the tree. She landed safely on the ground, like a cat with nine lives.
It's just a dream. And besides, this ought to show Jonah I am NOT scared of heights.
"Hey General Katharine- can I call you Kathy? I'm Clotilda, and I'm a dead prophet here to give you a dramatic message." Clove leaned all casually against another tree. The dark-skinned warrior was looking at her calmly.
"Of course, kiddo. What brings you here at this hour?" Katharine smiled patiently, but Clotilda could see the exhausted lines under her eyes.
"Well there's an annoying wannabe called Agatha, who's trying to destroy the world-"
Katharine leaped to attention, on her feet with a longsword clutched in her hand. Yes, somehow the General could wield a huge sword with only one hand. "Where is Agatha."
"Whoa... I don't know. Just go to 'the Sanctuary' and beat her up. I'll help give directions if you want." Clove held up her hands. Geez, talk about overly protective. She probably had a boyfriend or girlfriend she wanted to defend.
"No need." Katharine seemed to have calmed down significantly within seconds. "I've been in contact with my friends- the other Generals. We're already on our way. That's why we're camping out in the woods tonight."
"That's great. Well, I'll be on my way." Clove was getting pretty frustrated that everyone already knew everything. She walked out of Katharine's dream and back into the library. Grumbling, she grabbed the nearest book and started reading, waiting for Jonah to come out of his trance.
"Hang on a moment, how do these punks... communicate with each other?" Clove growled aloud. Definitely something fishy was up with them.

Lanette had just put on her shirt when the ghost appeared. The General was taken aback for a moment, but she listened respectfully to what 'Jonah Soare' had to say. Lanette had heard some things about the Soares, both positive and negative. Since most of the negative comments were from sources such as assassins and deserters, Lanette had good reason to ignore those. Judging from her respectable sources, the Soares were renowned for their intelligence and strategy. And almost all of them had perished in the Sunset Rebellion.
"Thank you for the reminder, Jonah." The slender brunette smiled sweetly, reaching out her hand for him to shake. If ghosts could shake hands. "I have already heard about the danger from my friends, and we are leaving once the wagons are fixed. We have many supplies we wish to share with our fellow soldiers."
She felt sorry that such a polite, cultured youth had died. Likely under Alastair's rule. Of course, Lanette felt it was inappropriate to bring this up right now.
"Is there anything else you need? You are welcome to stay for as long as you please. My sisters and brothers in arms are accepting of everyone, including spirits."


The Underworld

Ada was so mad at this freakin punk, she instantly incinerated the note when she touched it. This was completely accidental. She was just so ticked off. The lipstick kiss looked real, which was disgusting. Ada hated kisses. The thought of exchanging saliva with someone. It was not attractive, it was revolting.
"Oh my god! This punk!" The Lord of the Underworld roared, flipping over a table. The piece of useless furniture slammed into the ceiling and broke in half, impaled on a stalactite.
"It's fun hearing you yell 'oh my god,' sweetie... since you are the god of the Underworld, are you not?" A soft, musical soprano voice sounded in her mind. Freakin Luno.
"Shut your disgracing dead dog mouth," Ada snapped at him.
Just as she knocked a stalagmite flying across the room, some idiot started flirting with her. And not just any idiot. It was THE punk. What the hell!!
And try not to make me stare at your neck, geez...
Lord Ada was about to start ranting about everything she hated about human beings, but Kelly spoke first. This punk might be smaller, but she seemed to have the biggest brain. Ada was gonna give her a taste of her own medicine though. She would punish the ridiculous nerd... by giving her just what she wanted.
"You want power over the dead? Those rude, disobedient, arrogant punks who scream constantly in their horrible high pitched voices?" Ada snarled as she continued beating up the stalagmite rock formation. "Well! Your wish is my command! But..."
A smile was on her face as she spun around, facing the brunette nerd.
"YOU will be in control of all of them. Every single one, from the Idiot Alliance to the Lamias' ancestors. They will be rewarded with much lighter punishments, as long as they obey your every command. But YOU will have to do everything, and YOU will make every plan and every order."
The table fell from the ceiling then, but Ada was done raging. She caught it and placed it on the ground relatively safely. "If the rumors are correct, this is your element. You'll have a lot of fun doing this. So go."
Heh heh heh...
"Have fun."
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby honeybee. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:26 am

Grace didn't share the love of the ocean that many who had grown up on the Island did, having been born and raised far from the sea apart from her visits to Myrtle, although she did love the beach itself with its soft sand and warmth, but she was so eager (and somewhat filled with anxious trepidation) that the creaky old boat didn't phase her at all. Before she had developed her enhanced reflexes the ocean had been hellish for her, any voyages on the sea rendering her completely useless, but her power had allowed her to develop her sea legs and so now that sea-sickness was long in the past.
Grace grinned as her roommates joined them in the boat. The four of them together had had some brilliantly jolly times: feasts in the middle of the night; massive sparring competitions; shoving each other off the lower cliffs into the sea. She couldn't think of a better group of girls to sail off to battle with. “Of course we’re talking about Agatha’s shoes!” She laughed, “What could be more important? We already know she had an awful taste in colours, all of the worst possible shades of red and green, but nobody ever talks about her shoes!”
As her roommates had one of their typical hug battles, one you would barely notice if you hadn't been living with them for some time, Grace just shook her head repeating, “Ugly saltwater drinker!” With a chuckle. They never failed to surprise her with their made-up offensive slang.
At the thought of Agatha and her smelly feet, Grace made a feigned retching sound. “Dont even make me think about that!” She groaned, “She’ll take her shoes off in the middle of battle and we'll all collapse from the stench.” She paused, thinking of something suddenly, “Do you think anyone had a power like that? The ability to create really awful, powerful smells that can just kill anyone in one sniff?” The idea was so comical that she had to laugh again, “Knocking out an entire army just with the smell of someone's feet.”
At Coconut’s question Grace shrugged, “Good at fashion?” She repeated, “I’m pretty sure nobody's good at fashion. There's nothing to be good at really, it's all fluke. One person just throws something on, somebody else likes it and then everyone's wearing it. It all sounds like too much effort to me!” As a warrior, she found fashion completely impractical. After all, how was one supposed to fight when their shoes meant they weren't even flat on the floor and they risked falling over with every move.

Natalie (she/her)
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( ♚ ❝ leave all your love and your longing behind you !! )

Postby hellb0und » Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:03 am

      ( 🔥. // !)
      name. // jennifer dire. x x gender. // female. x x aliases. // girl on fire or jen. x x powers. // pyrokinesis & accuracy. x x tags. // closed.
          "she is as deadly as fire itself."

        She ran her hands carefully through her hair as she undid what was once a braid. Finished, she examined herself in the mirror. Trying to remember who she is and is not. Turning towards the bathroom her hand reached for the handle to the shower, instinctively turning it to warm. Leaving her dirty undergarments on the floor and stepping in, she allowed the warmth of the falling water to comfort her for just a second. Pouring the shampoo onto her head and scrubbing herself down, she watched as what remained of the dried red liquid disappeared for good. The water was luxurious, having never experienced something such as this so freely. Oftentimes bathes were taken cold, unless you boiled the water over the fire first. Angrily, she recalled how much hatred she felt for those who lead the group. How, for so long, they sat by and watched the death rate increase. That made them no better than Alastair and his servants. She got out and wrapped a towel around herself, running through where she'll need to go. Alastair's kingdom, a long journey. Though of course, there will still be Regina and Darius which need to be taken care of. Coldly, she racked her brain for how she could kill the two of them. They'll likely have gotten to Alastair's kingdom by then. The idea of sleep is inevitably satisfying, though there would be none of that. Pulling the garments back on, Jen closed the door behind her and left the room. Sitting down once more, she inhaled sharply before shutting her eye's for just a moment. Everything replayed itself in the blink of an eye. She realized that if she was going to fulfill her mission, she'd need to let go of those she spent so long mourning. Slowly saying good-bye to each and every one of them mentally. No longer capable of being saved. Though throughout this period she realized how selfish her decision really was, running off when they actually needed her. She stared at the wooden table for a moment longer before stepping back outside, trudging through the grass. Scanning the forest and carefully planning an escape route. She cleaned her arrows for good measure and waited silently for night to officially fall.

      ( . // )
      name. // vivien dire. x x gender. // female. x x aliases. // viv. x x power. // hydrokinesis. x x tags. // open.
          "all the hardest, coldest people you meet were once as soft as water. and that's the tragedy of living."

        After doing as she asked, Vivien followed the two back to the tree. "Sorcha is right, Rowan. You'll never be able to save everyone, that's impossible." She got up and walked away with that, continuing her attempt to calm the violent inferno which spread while she was gone. Destroying whatever stood in it's path. She had seen the lake upon arrival, and decided to go and take a drink. She returned to the area where the dead male was left and flushed out the flames. After while, few remained, just sparks here and there. She watched them silently before turning away from the dead body, again facing the group. Vivien decided to leave Sorcha, Mayne, and Rowan alone for now. Mayne now in a state of shock, Rowan overcome with hysteria. There really was nothing more to be said to Rowan, as it was his job to pull himself together. Mayne was likely unreachable. She ended up heading back to the lake and sitting just on the edge. Recalling how she still hadn't found out who birthed her, and then left her to die. At least that was the message she'd perceived.
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Re: ☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

Postby TheFae » Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:38 am

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Her Pack

Amber just stared at Cilan, grounding herself with his help. Her emotions were still running wild, but he knew how to refocus her. Her mind immediately started whirring with everything they needed to do, but she did a quick glance around at her pack. They were all weary and exhausted.
"We rest, we recoup, we plan." She stated softly, her eyes filling with hope but also determination. She then looked back at Cilan. "We can do this, together." She squeezed his hand once, smiling softly.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Ivana, Mayne, Vivien, and Rowan

Sorcha nodded once, ever still the soldier. She then stepped back from Rowan, her blood still thrashing with the fire threatening to consume her. Sorcha pointed sharply at Ivana, who was still in the same exact position she left her in.
"You know this is Ivana Lin, and that she is the adopted sister of Amber Soare. She is gravely injured and needs your help." Sorcha stated, her voice stoic and unwavering. She was trying to suppress her emotions, but she noticed that a single flame was escaping from her pointed finger tip. It was only like a candle, but it was still more than she allowed to escape. She took a deep breath in and let it out, watching as the fire extinguished itself. She then crossed her arms, trying to quench the fire in her veins.
"Solara is going to need your help once they get back, so make sure not to expend all of your power." She added as an afterthought.

17 going on 19
Location: Celestial Tower and then Lanette's Mind
Tagged: Lanette

Jonah smiled at Lanette. She was very kind and hospitable, almost like a motherly figure. He dipped his head in both respect and thanks. "Thank you for the offer, ma'am, but I should get going back to Clove. I'll see you soon." Jonah then started to allow himself to leave, but he stopped. He tilted his head and promptly returned fully.
"Wait, how did you already know about the threat? How have you been communicating with the others?" Jonah asked, tilting his head with curiosity. Were the Generals able to communicate mind to mind or was there someone else like him?

Location: Celestial Tower
Tagged: General Ada and then Luno

Kelly tried to hide the smile as Ada gave her command over some of the ancestors, but Kelly was not good at hiding smiles. She was smiling wide, but not with glee. Kelly was wearing her predator smile, because the hunt was on.
"As you say, so it shall be, Alpha." Kelly stated, baring her neck as her family does to show respect. "I'll make you proud." Without another word she turned on her heel and walked out, her inner predator preening at the thought of a hunt. She was so excited, the shadows practically hugged her. Kelly allowed the shadows to wrap around her, as she traveled back up to her world and straight to Luno's room.
"We have a lot to plan out, Moony." She smiled, her teeth still gleaming brightly and her eyes giving off a feral glint.
No one hurt her pups and lived to see another day.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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Re: ☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:15 pm

At this time, most of the armies are arriving at the Sanctuary (except Ondine's which is slightly delayed). Solara and Ivana are resting upstairs in the Sanctuary and are in stable condition.


The Sanctuary

"They're finally here. You might have to speak for me, though, haha..."
Cilan's voice had gone nearly hoarse from exhaustion. It had taken tremendous energy to round up the other teenagers, and some of them were still missing.
After Cilan heard what happened to Gavotte, the conclusion was easy. Even a literal birdbrain like the phoenix-boy could deduce that Regina and Darius struck Gavotte down, and Jennifer went after his murderers. Cilan hoped she would bring justice upon those two anarchy-causing traitors.
Cilan should have anticipated this and kicked those two out already. But honestly, would they listen? Probably they would sneak back and do the same thing. At least they were gone now, and hopefully would not return.
Now the armies were fast approaching from the burnt area of the forest. Blair and her wild warriors were actually leaping through the trees. Janice and her mountain army marched single-file, probably accustomed to the narrow spaces of the mountain tunnels. Lanette's enormous brigade was still far away, but their countless silhouettes darkened the horizon. Camilla's people were already arriving, and they stood in perfect rows, weapons at the ready. From the other direction, Cilan could hear the uniform marching of yet another army. Probably Katharine, as her people were the most disciplined.
Cilan quickly surveyed the clearing. Rowan was sitting against the old oak tree. He seemed to have calmed down. Timpani was standing guard in front of the cabin, arms crossed like a tough security guard.
"Are you ready?" He whispered to Amber, quiet enough that nobody else could hear. "It's okay if you aren't... because honestly, I'm not either."


Birvale Beach

Myrtle had fallen asleep to the gentle rocking of the boat, caressed by the ocean's waves. Hearing the voice of one of the girls, he awoke, blinking his eyes groggily.
"Watch out, Ondine. This place feels cursed." The coconut thief sounded remarkably serious for someone who attempted to hide a coconut under her pillow.
"Don't worry about it, Maggie." Ondine chuckled.
Myrtle heard footsteps landing on soft sand. He honestly didn't feel any different. Cursed or not, they had reached land. The boy sat up with a big yawn.
"Where are we?"
"In Hesenia." Ondine said plainly. "Actually, Maggie's right. It's way too dark here. Have you seen the sky?"
Myrtle looked up, and his almost-eternal smile faltered for a second. The darkness was much deeper here. Back on the island, it felt like just a normal night, although it was particularly long. The shadows in Hesenia somehow felt malevolent, like they could turn into monsters at any second. Myrtle felt a chill go down his spine.
"Alright, girls. Let's get unpacked and hit the road!" Ondine announced.


Windwoods Ruins

The ex-queen Atalanta was having the time of her life. Not only was she free from those horrible sniveling unmanly wimps at parliament, but she was standing in the ruins of her least favorite place. Windwoods, home of the gender-role-defying Tenuto family, had finally fallen.
About time!
The bigot smirked haughtily as she sashayed past the unrecognizable remains of burned buildings. Among them were the bones of Windwoods citizens too. They deserved this just as much.
Atalanta couldn't wait to watch this happen to Alastair, and everybody else she hated. Those teenagers who escaped from the Capital City... soon there would be nowhere to run to anymore.
How did Atalanta know?
Well, let's just say I have a new friend.
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Re: ☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

Postby TheFae » Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:21 pm

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Cilan and Her ever expanding Pack

"I won't mind speaking for you, birdbrain." Amber teased Cilan, before kissing his cheek. "Especially since I doubt anyone would be able to hear you. Even my brother with his dog hearing now." She was so in love, she was sure she sickened others.
But this of course was after the breakdown. As soon as they returned to Sanctuary, Amber nearly lost control of herself when she heard about Gavotte, and learned that her brother was not in camp. When everything had cleared, she had sobbed in Cilan's arms. She voiced all of her fears, and he calmed her down, helping her see everything rationally. She just stared at Cilan, smiling to herself.
She was so lucky to have fallen in love with Cilan, and even luckier since he loved her.
"I'm more than ready. It's time to right this world. We can do it, together. Always and forever, right?" Amber smiled, turning and taking a step forward with Cilan. She met each of the Generals in the eye and nodded to them, smiling her thanks and welcome. Once Katharine's army arrived, and promptly came to a stop, Amber really smiled.
"Welcome Generals and armies. We are eternally thankful for your aid." Amber started. She then smirked as she inclined her head towards her love. "You must forgive my Prince here, his voice is too hoarse from all of that squawking." She chuckled at her own joke before she looked around at all that were assembled.
"You all know why we are gathered. We are here to finally make a stance against the evil that has invaded our world. To right the wrong that we unintentionally created. We are here to finally take down Agatha, and we will make sure she stays down." Amber stated, the smile slowly dying from her face and a light filling her eyes. She was determined.
"We lost many, and we may lose more, but all those who died fighting to fix this wrong has died a hero and will be blessed with the utmost of honors. They will be welcomed into Celestial Towers with open arms and love. Those who are lost did not die in vein, nor will we. You have my word, that I will not walk away from that field until that witch is six feet under. I will never stop fighting against her evil, against evil tyranny, because Hesenia is my home."
"I will fight for Hesenia, and with you all being here today, I know you will too." Amber continued, entirely passioned. She was nearly breathless, sparks were arcing off of her as her emotions roller coastered. "If you do not wish to be on the battlefield, step forward now. There will be no shame, no contempt, nor any judgement. You will be thanked for for your service thus far, and I will personally find you a safe spot to hide."
"For everyone else," Amber smiled, after a moment. She squeezed Cilan's hand, and then she threw her other fist up.
"For Hesenia!"

Location: Upstairs Sanctuary
Tagged: Solara and Ivana

For some odd, unknown reason, Sorcha had not been able to separate herself from the blonde beauty currently resting. Since Rowan had healed her, Sorcha had been by her side, 'protecting' her from any danger that may arise. Truth be told, Sorcha found herself getting shaky and worried every time she had to leave the blonde beauty.
Which was why she practically forced Amber and Cilan to let her stay upstairs to 'protect' the Queen of Hesenia, as well as the future Queen's sister. She longed to see Janice, but the thought of leaving Ivana made her want to become a human torch.
"So, Scar, do you think you are going to be on the battlefield or stay at home?" Sorcha asked, tilting her head as she turned to the ever beautiful creature in front of her.
She really had to get a hold of herself.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Timpani and everyone else in the vicinity

Mayne was so proud of Timpani. She had volunteered to stand by the future leaders of Hesenia in case Agatha tried to make an appearance today. He worried, don't get him wrong, but he knew that wherever Timpani went, Mayne would follow. He was holding her eyes the entire time, smiling as Amber gave a rather impassioned speech. His arms erupted in goosebumps, and he finally allowed himself to daydream for a moment.
Ever since his meltdown, when Timpani came back into the Sanctuary to find him frozen and in shock. She immediately ran towards him, shouting at anyone who even dared to come near him. Timpani held him, so gingerly he didn't even think it was her. And she just told him the same phrase over and over: "I love you, and I will protect you."
When he finally was calm enough to utter the phrase back, he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. That's when he made her promise not to ever leave him, that where she goes, he goes with her and vice versa.
"I love you." He mouthed to her, winking as Amber continued, but then it was as if the entire world went silent.
"For Hesenia!" Amber shouted, her voice echoing and carrying on the wind.
Mayne would forever swear that her voice traveled around the world, and that even Hesenia would answer her cry.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: His Pack

Flynn was completely in tune to his sister's every movement. He couldn't help it. All of his senses were on alert, because he was terrified he was going to lose his family again.
He has been so lonely, even though there were plenty of people around. Something inside of him broke when he lost Mal, and when he failed to protect Gavotte.
He was still broken, but he was healing. Slowly. Just like Hesenia he guessed. But he listened to his sister's word, hung onto every note every movement. And when she promised to not leave that field until Agatha was vanquished, Flynn's heart stopped. He knew right then that he would follow as well. He was not going to be alone, and he would stand beside his sister until the very end.
And when she raised her fist and shouted, "For Hesenia!" Flynn smiled.
"Long live the rightful rulers of Hesenia!" He cried as an answering, raising his sword in the air. He then fell onto a knee and bared his neck, promising to follow them anywhere.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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( ♚ ❝ i’m dyin’ slow but the devil tryna’ rush me !! )

Postby hellb0und » Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:25 pm

      ( 🔥. // !)
      name. // jennifer dire. x x gender. // female. x x aliases. // girl on fire or jen. x x powers. // pyrokinesis & accuracy. x x tags. // alta.
          "she is as deadly as fire itself."

        As I burst into the outskirts of Windwoods Village, I had entirely expected what was coming. Watching as ash shifted due to my movement. A place I knew I had destroyed. Few things escaped the incineration, but the bones are utterly visible. A mass of people which tried to escape my unforgiving, raging inferno. Soon enough I'm down on my knees, with my head braced between my arms. Once I regain myself, using some coping method I'd been given due to past experiences, I stop when I walk into what's believed to be another piece of ruin. Though it isn't. The skull sits face up, staring at me. This isn't the end of it, in fact, it's only the beginning. When I decide on sticking to the street, I'm only met with more unfamiliar faces. A long list of various potential causes of death running through my head. I killed you, and you, and you. Now, there's only I and a a few other remaining civilians which come from Windwoods. Majority, if not all of them, within the Sanctuary. As far as I'm concerned, I won't be returning. Once this is over I'll likely be killed for the destruction I've caused. Or, they'll figure out my twisted past. How I murdered a school filled with innocent children. All because of my uncontrollable temper, and even worse, the unattended spark I'd set aflame. Abruptly I stop, upon seeing a flash of bright pink. Instinctively ducking into the underbrush, crouched down. Alta.. I hiss inwardly, even her name disgusts me. Automatically I poise my arrow, locking it on her heart, and release it without hesitation. It hits where intended, and she falls to the ground with a soft thud. I walk over to her body and pluck the arrow from her chest. Staring at the red liquid which now stains the tip. Sliding it into my quiver, considering I'm not sure when I'll see water again, I observe my surroundings further. Searching for someone which could actually pose some sort of threat.
Last edited by hellb0und on Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby darcy_jensen » Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:01 pm

l i l y // a l l i n g t o n
power - teleportation // crush - rowan // tags - the pack

lily watched in awe and respect as amber made her speech, with no doubt that the young woman inspired everyone present. as she finished, she offered a shout and an action that offered the much needed sense of unity and strength. "For Hesenia!" lily repeated, throwing her clenched fist into the air. she knew there wasn't much she could offer in terms of fighting, for the ability to teleport didn't exactly enhance her in physical conflict, but she could serve as a spy for her pack. she could inform the leaders of the whereabouts of certain enemies. she wanted to ensure that she could protect her beloved friends. "so," lily began, looking up at the princess with eyes of passion, "where do you want us positioned?"
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Re: ☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

Postby honeybee. » Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:58 am

Grace had spent half of the journey chatting non-stop with Maggie and the rest of her friends but when Myrtle had fallen asleep they'd hushed their voices and by the time they reached the mainland Grace had almost gone the same way of Myrtle, sitting with her chin resting on her hand and her elbow resting on the side of the boat staring drowsily over the ocean. The sky seemed to be getting darker and darker until the boat lightly came to rest on the sand and the darkness seemed to envelop everything. Grace's heart gave a tiny flutter of fear in her chest, it was as if all the world's light was being drained away leaving nothing but a suffocating blackness. It made her nervous. At Maggie's comment Grace nodded severely but Ondine's words were reassuring and she relaxed slightly. "I miss the sun ever more from here." She murmured to Myrtle as her friend looked up at the sky, "And the moon and stars."
As Ondine encouraged them to get ready to move Grace hopped out of the boat carrying both her bag and Myrtle's before extending a hand to help the boy out of the boat.
"How close are we?" She asked Ondine, before adding, "Are we just going to leave the boats here?"
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