❀ blossomclan

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❀ i

Postby lacke » Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:39 am

      ( ♂/50 m )( leader of blossomclan )( assigned mate: none atm )( tags: fidgetpaw )( mentions: none )
        the black and white oriental shorthair lay in his nest, located beneath the meeting rock. glancing up through
        the hole that lead up to the ground, he took note that the sun had not yet risen. with a heavy sigh, the tom
        heaved himself to his paws, where he then squeezed through the hole, surfacing above the ground. he plant
        ed his paws firmly in the dirt, and shoot out his pelt, shivering ever so slightly from the chill. the toms pale
        eyes scanned the small open clearing, before he quietly made his way towards the fresh kill pile. he picked
        out a small squirrel, and padded back over to the meeting rock where he sat and placed the squirrel down
        infront of him, where he promptly began to eat it. as he finished, he lifted his head and raised a paw up to
        his maw, where he licked the pad and ran it over his ears, and lastly licked his lips.

        he raised his head towards the sky as something dropped on his ear. he could scent rain on the horizon, and
        the thought made him flatten his ears. it was the beginning of leaf-bare, but not yet cold enough to snow.
        the tom preferred snow over rain, because a clan could never be prepared for a flood. he remained sitting
        until the sun began to rise, and he too stood, eyes moving to the medicine cats den. one of the clans appre
        ntices, fidgetpaw, had a seizure, and koistar had been worried about the small tom ever since it happened.
        koistar slowly made his way over to the medicine den, where he peeked his head inside the den, attempti
        ng to see if any of the cats were awake. after seeing fidgetpaw stir, koistar slid into the den and quietly sat
        besides the apprentice, lowering his head to be besides the apprentices'. "fidgetpaw," he murmured quiet
        ly. "i just came to check on how you were doing. fallenoak and egretcall said today you could probably
        resume your training."

      ( ♀/10 m )( apprentice of blossomclan )( mentor: fleetfoot )( tags: none )( mentions: none )
        will post for her later <3
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[1] ✩ yeah, everything goes away.

Postby ataraxic_gone » Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:03 am

    xxxxxxxThe brown nose of PebbleSky twitched in his sleep, it's small heart shape wrinkling and falling flat as the tom scented the air in his sleep. While his nose flared, his muscles rippled, under his thick pelt as his mind simulate the actions of his dreams into reality. He was a simple tom who dream of simple things; open fields with a shower of petals cascading from upon high. The warm and crisp summer day was made better by his brother laying at his side, making his usual negative remarks on how his fur is to thick for this kind of weather. PebbleSky's whole face shifts in laughter at his brother's plight, earning the reaction of a sharp jab to the chest by the shadow coated tom. In the distance FleetFoot appears, calling him to come join a hunting patrol, remarking how beautiful the day is. WhisperStep follows PebbleSky's gaze, whiskers twitching with amusement before his maw erupted with a chastising laugh. It was all in good nature and soon after WhisperStep dismissed his brother to go join the patrol. Just as PebbleSky gets up to run to FleetFoot the cream tom ran off, over the hill out out of view. Without hesitation PebbleSky began to make chase, bounding over rocks and fallen branches, FleetFoot coming into view as he runs. Out of no where PebbleSky trips over his own feet, sending him to the earthy floor below. The grey tabby tom pulled himself up from the ground, gaze raising to see FleetFoot running to check on him. After a short moment the two erupt in laughter as PebbleSky regains his footing and the two head out to begin hunting. The two begin heading along the winding paths of the mountain, ears alert as they listen for prey, pelts brushing occasionally causing the two toms to chuckle awkwardly, and share a long and loving look before changing the subject. They make plenty of catches, the pheasants, squirrels and voles easier to catch then they ever were. Between catches they spend moments resting, talking about their hopes and dreams. PebbleSky talks about how he hopes FidgetPaw's seisures will go away and FleetFoot wishing for more simple days like these. They keep hunting until the sun begins to fall behind the horizon. The orange hues splash onto their faces, warming their bones and hearts.

    xxxxxxxA cold wave rushed into the den of the hunters, startling PebbleSky awake. At his side, ThrushWing seemed to still be sleeping. The tom gingerly made his way out of the nest, his heart heavy in his chest. It was all just a dream, he looked towards FleetFoot's nest, eyes heavy and tired from the feeling of reality hitting him. As he walked out of the den, gate slow and long as he made his way. For a breif moment he turned his head towards the molly he had left behind, before leaving. His first assigned mate, CreekHeart was beautiful, the two got along like a house on fire. But not as mates, no they were just really good friends and when she died along with WhisperStep it saddened him deeply. He was guilty however, of feeling a great sense of relief to finally be free of his arranged mate. But he had never had any kits and neither had ThrushWing, it was the leader before KoiStar's choice to pair the two together. He didn't hate the choice, he just deeply regretted that he hadn't spoken up sooner, maybe if he had convinced them that he was still heart broken over loosing CreekHeart he wouldn't have been assigned a new mate. But that was the past and nothing could change it, standing in the entrance of the den PebbleSky turned his head to the sky. It was dark and grey, with rain drops beginning to fall. Out of the corner of his vision he caught site of KoiStar leap from his usual morning perch and head towards the medicine cat den. The tom's eyes lit up at the site of his friend, his tail shooting upwards with pride. It suddenly struck him what the leader was investigating and without hesitation he bounded towards the den himself, nosing his way into the den behind the oriental leader. He entered just in time to hear KoiStar assert that his apprentice would resume training. The tom's eyes shone with delight, "That's Wonderful!!" PebbleSky shouted, startling himself at the loud volume the escaped his maw. He cleared his throat, "that's wonderful" he repeated, this time in a whisper.

    xxxx ⇢ hunter⇢ tom ⇢ 42m ⇢ med den; fidget, koi ⇢ 756 words
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❀ blizzard & lion -- one

Postby razzberry » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:21 pm

      ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➸
      heir of blossomclan ♀/33 mns arranged mate. none tags. koistar

        curled in a tight ball in the nook of her nest, the white oriental tucked her muzzle more snugly under her paw and squeezed her eyes shut against the light that danced through the entrance of the warriors den. blizzardbriar stirred restlessly, dreams, or rather memories, that plagued her sleep were of a time before her father and herself were grasped in the clutches of grief, a time where her siblings and mother still lived. the white molly's eyes blinked open, her flank heaving heavily as she fought to regain her composure. reliving memories with her deceased kin always rattled her and left the gaping hole in her heart as void as it had been the day it happened. over the years she had thought it had begun to heal, that time truly was doing what everyone praised it did. but the peace only lasted a little while, until they visited her in her slumber.

        she lifted her narrow head from her nest, peering around the den before she extended her fore and hind legs and stretched out her body. her long pale pink tongue curled in a wide yawn and her large dish-shaped ears twitched. lifting her body onto her legs, blizzardbriar headed towards the entrance to the den, being mindful of the sleeping forms and swishing tails around her. her lean frame ducked through the ferns that guarded the entrance of the den and her eyes blinked rapidly in the morning sun. the white heir had woken just in time to watch her father's white rear disappear into the medicine den. blizzardbriar knew that koistar had been anxious to see fidgetpaw recover from the seizure he had the other day, and her father's worry had seemed to rub off on her as well. not far behind koistar, the apprentice's mentor, pebblesky, perked up and bounded through the entrance of the medicine den with an eagerness to see his apprentice that warmed the molly's heart. she had yet to be given an apprentice of her own and, having never had one before, blizzardbriar was both nervous and anxious for her first one to come along.

        temptation gnawed at her gut to go and see how young fidgetpaw was doing and she made a mental note to visit him later when the den wasn't so crowded. nimble paws carried her towards the pile of fresh kill and upon picking a small vole from the top, she ambled away near the vicinity of her father's den and flopped down with the vole at her paws.

      ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➸
      fighter of blossomclan ♂/30 mns arranged mate. dappledmoon tags. briarblossom, dappledmoon

        skirting around a pile of rocks that lay just to the side of the thin dirt path he trotted on, the large golden tabby slowed his pace and let his lower jaw shift around the bundle of flesh he carried in his jaws. lionstorm was an early riser and preferred to get an early start on hunting when he could. it beat sitting around the camp until someone brought it upon themselves to tell him what to do, not that it worked very often. the last thing he needed or wanted was blizzardbriar down his throat for lazing around camp while others were out on patrols. he swore that she cat had it out for him ever since day one. though he couldn't really deny that he wasn't her biggest fan either, more so because she bore the privilege of being koistar's descendant and apparently one who didn't need to heed the clan law that had been set in stone for arranged mates. his whiskers twitched in annoyance simply at the thought. while she pretty much got her pick of the litter, everyone else was assigned a mate, and it bugged lionstorm to no end.

        that's not to say that he was unhappy to be paired with the beautiful calico, dappledmoon, because he wasn't. she was far from a push over, which was one particular trait that always turned him away. she had a fire in her and was a feisty one at that, but she always kept him on his toes. though, upon discovering that they were paired together the relationship that blossomed from there was less like that of lovers or mates and more like dear friends who put up with each other. the tom's thoughts were brought to an end as he entered the camp, padding towards the pile of fresh kill and dropping the two squirrels he had caught. as he turned his head in search of something to occupy his time, his pale amber gaze skimmed over to another familiar calico who set his nerves off and rubbed him in all the wrong ways. briarblossom and himself were never really the best of friends, or friends at all for that matter. everything was a competition between the two of them and she was way to easy to rile up that it eventually became one of his favourite past times.

        "i think you should go back to sleep. you clearly didn't get enough beauty sleep" the golden fighter chirped as he padded in the molly's direction. he knew that she would bite back a snide or sarcastic remark, and he knew that once she did the game would be set in motion as it always had. his feathered tail flicked out behind him in amusement and with sight of movement near the fighter's den, lionstorm flicked his gaze over to see his mate emerge from between the ferns. turning back to retrieve one of the squirrels he had caught, he threw one last comment over a broad shoulder. "you should take the advice. i mean, it's not easy being this handsome but you gotta start somewhere" he snickered before picking up a squirrel and promptly padding back to dappledmoon. he dipped his large head in greeting to the dark calico and let his jaws ease up so the prey could slid out and land at her feet. "morning. it should still be warm since i caught it this morning" he meowed as he sat back on his haunches, pale eyes lifting to rest calmly on the she cats face.
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❀ Briarblossom [1]

Postby Tiny_Cat » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:24 pm

    B R I A R B L O S S O M
    ( blossomclan fighter ) ( she-cat ) ( 23 Moons) ( arranged mate; Swiftsnap ) ( tagged; Lionstorm, Dappledmoon )
      It was the rain that roused the she-cat from her slumber. The brambles overhead were tightly packed, but there were a few small gaps here and there and several droplets of ice cold water managed to worm their way through the woven branches to drop onto her tiny pink nose. The small she-cat awoke with a start and a delicate sneeze, then yawned, jaws stretching wide to show pretty white teeth that glinted in the den's gloominess. Rising, the small calico stretched, bowing her back and stretching her forepaws out as far as they could go before straightening and exiting the den. Outside, the weather wasn't much better. The rain wasn't heavy, but judging by the darkening clouds that crowded the horizon she wouldn't be surprised if a full-blown storm hit by sunhigh. Her whiskers twitched, uselessly shaking off the raindrops weighing them down before new ones took their place. Briarblossom had never been a fan of the rain. Her medium length fur tended to spike out in the rain, making her look like a half-drowned porcupine. It wasn't a good look on her, at least not in her opinion. Galewhisker, her mate, said it made her look adorable. Scanning the camp now, she was mildly surprised not to see the blue-gray tomcat. It wasn't rare for Galewhisker to rise before her, but thinking back, the nest beside hers hadn't even looked slept in. She had retired early, and Galewhisker had promised to join her after the moonhigh patrol. Was he still out in the forest? Had he decided to stop and hunt on his way home? What was keeping him? Turning to glance at the camp entrance, she debated going out to search for the tomcat but she quickly discarded the idea. He could take care of himself, after all. Briarblossom had been paired with the tomcat shortly after earning her warrior name. He was several moons older, a seasoned fighter, and she had admired his strength and skill in battle even when she was an apprentice. While she had never really approved of this silly arranged mate thing, if she had had to choose a cat to spend her life with, Galewhisker was definitely a good fit for her. They had an amicable relationship and while she wasn't certain she loved him, she did care quite strongly for the handsome tomcat. He made her laugh, provided a sympathetic ear when she needed to unload her frustrations, and he valued her above all else. Most importantly, he was in love with her and had no doubt she would grow to love him too... eventually. She wanted to believe him more than anything.

      Glancing towards the fresh kill like, she debated finding something to eat but even from where she sat, the pickings looked pitiful. Besides, she really ought to take care of her fur before it got any worse. Settling in an almost-dry patch of dirt (ugh) she twisted her head and began to methodically groom her pelt into submission. The water seemed to help a not, holding the strands she pushed down into place rather than allowing them to bounce back up into unruly spikes. She was nearly done with her back when an warm, familiar scent weather around her and set her once smooth fur prickling. Eyes flirting up, she watched silently as Lionstorm strode into the camp with all the confidence of a far superior warrior. She wanted to look away but something about the way he moved always seemed to hold her captive. Despite his size, the tomcat practically glided across the camp to drop his catch onto the fresh kill pile. Her stomach growled quietly at the scent of freshly caught squirrel but she wasn't about to give the stupid furball the satisfaction of watching her take something he had caught. Turning away, she tried to focus on taking her fur once more when the tomcat spoke, his voice suddenly sounding a lot closer.
      "I think you should go back to sleep. You clearly didn't get enough beauty sleep." Lionstorm commented, green eyes locking on her bi-colored ones.

      Briarblossom's hackles rose, destroying any progress she had made in smoothing her pelt, and she scowled at him, eyes blazing with annoyance. She had known Lionstorm since she was a kit and had never really liked the tomcat. He was infuriating, arrogant, and competitive and she had made it her life's mission to knock him down a peg. So far, she hadn't managed though. Galewhisker often pointed out that he only teased her because he knew he would get a rise out of her, but She she couldn't help it. The ginger tomcat made her want to claw his ears off. Leaping to her paws, she rounded on him with every intention of biting his tail off... But he was already trotting away from her with his stupid, feathery tail held high. She glared as he scooped up one of his abandoned squirrels and carried it to where another she-cat say. Another calico, though she was considerably darker and had longer fur than Briarblossom. Immediately, her annoyance seemed to double. Much like with Lionstorm, Briarblossom couldn't stand his mate, Dappledmoon. Something about the she-cat set her fur on end. Stalking after them, she shouldered her way between the two and rounded on Lionstorm, teeth bared into what barely passed as a smile.

      "You ought to be more careful, Lionstorm. With an ego that big, your head might explode all over poor little Dappledmoon." She meowed in her sweetest (and most flirtarious) tone, her bi-colored eyes wide with innocence. Flicking her tail, she nudged the squirrel out of the way and sauntered off in the direction of Blizzardbriar and Koistar. She wouldn't admit it around Lionstorm but she was starting to worry about Galewhisker's whereabouts.
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paletuft [ 1 ] ❀ fidgetpaw [ 1 ]

Postby paper planets » Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:01 pm

    . ── PALETUFT
      twenty five moons she cat fighter camp tags: blizzardbriar

        Paletuft woke up suddenly as a large drop of cold rainwater dropped perfectly on her nose, splashing up and making her nose wet. Her head jerked upwards and, after shaking her head to get the droplet off her nose, she scowled and glared up towards the roof of the den where she spotted the small gap in the woven den. She made a mental note to try and fix that later or at least tell someone about it. The curly-furred fighter sat up and glanced towards Darkwillow, still fast asleep. She contemplated waking him before she shrugged it off and cleaned her pelt as quickly as she could get through her thick fur, which truly wasn't that quick at all. The mottled she cat stood, gave her pure white chest a few licks, and headed towards the den entrance. She clumsily danced over the sleeping bodies of her clan-mates and made it to the entrance successfully, without laying a paw on one of her clan-mate's tails.

        As she poked her head out of the den she spotted Koistar and Pebblesky rushing into the medicine cat's den, obviously going to visit Fidgetpaw. She chose to leave him be, he probably just wanted to get out of there and train and it wasn't as if her presence would allow him to do that. She would see him when he was up and out of that tiny, claustrophobic, medicine cat's den, anyways. Paletuft saw Lionstorm walk towards the den, so she slipped out out of the entrance quickly to get out of the large tom's way and that was when she spotted her close friend, Blizzardbriar. She smiled and rushed over the lean, white she cat. The young fighter plopped down beside her friend and shook out her fur, which had already caught plenty of rain, even though it was only drizzling, "I can't stand the rain," she exclaimed with a sour expression on her face, "It soaks into my fur like I'm made of moss and then my fur is damp for days."

    . ── FIDGETPAW
      eleven moons tom hunter apprentice medicine cat's den tags: koistar & pebblesky

        Fidgetpaw was nearly awake, he had been tossing and shifting in his temporary nest in the medicine cat's den for a time period that felt like moons. If it wasn't for the poppy seeds he had taken the night before he would'nt have slept at all last night. The medicine cats had crafted this nest quickly after his seizure and while he appreciated their efforts, with the ferns and grass blades along with the moss, it just wasn't the same as his nest in the apprentice's den. This one smelled of herbs and dust and not him or the other apprentices that usually slept around him. And while his seizure occurred, it was terrifying, confusing and humiliating. Thankfully he had been in camp when it happened, though, if it had been up to him, he would've still been training with Pebblesky out in the forest. While he had been learning new hunting crouches, he had begun to feel the common symptoms he got before he had a seizure. He felt nauseated and dizzy, like the world was spinning and he couldn't stay upright. But, he pushed it away, determined to keep training and getting stronger. Though, Pebblesky must've seen him swaying from side to side and sent him back to see the medicine cats so he could take some herbs to help him. Fidgetpaw tried to protest, but he couldn't convince Pebblesky to let him stay. So, he trudged back to camp and when he tried to stumble towards the medicine cat's den it happened. He didn't really remember what had happened during the seizure, but all the cats knew to make sure he stayed on his side while having a seizure and someone must've done that. The last thing he remembered was being carried to the medicince cat's den and placed in his nest. Then, as he groggily stared out at the camp he saw cats cleaning up the bile that he must've coughed up and he covered his face with his paw and drifted off into sleep, his ears hot with embarrassment. He had spent the last couple of days in his nest, recovering and his stay in the medicine cat's den was also as a precaution so that Egretcall and Fallenoak could make sure he was stable. So, to say the least, his two surprise visitors were a breath of fresh air.

        Fidgetpaw looked up at Koistar as he entered and he smiled in greeting, "Good morning, Koistar!" he said brightly, hoping the leader would notice how healthy and well he was looking, then maybe he would convince Egretcall and Fallenoak to allow him to continue training. And it seemed as if luck was on his side today because the next words that escaped Koistar's maw were exactly those words. Before he could respond, Pebblesky was in the den, his huge personality filling up the space, shouting his excitement. The young apprentice laughed and sat up a little too quickly, making his head spin momentarily before he focused again, looking enthusiastic, "Thank you, Koistar!" he purred, "Thank you all!" he called into the den where the medicine cat's slept because they were definitely awake after Pebblesky's booming voice. Then, the eager apprentice turned towards his mentor, nearly to the point where he was shaking with relief, "Can we train soon, Pebblesky?" he basically pleaded the older tom as these past few days had been terribly boring for the apprentice.
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❀ post one

Postby astrohund » Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:22 am

      ( // ❝. EOPARDPAW !! ──── ( ☁️ )

      01. gender molly // 02. role med. cat apprentice 03. age nine moons 04. tags open 05. word count ---
      indentLeopardpaw rose earlier in the morning, earlier than when the other clan cats had began to rise from their rest. She was out of her nest, out of the medicine cat's den, out of camp, currently wandering through the clan's territory. It was bitter, cold, nippy, her pelt was ruffled from the frosty air, she was trying her best to stay warm and since she had a shorter pelt than others, it didn't keep her cozy or snug, though Leopardpaw figured she'd do fine, nothing that she couldn't handle... right? The Bengal roamed around carelessly, taking a small whiff at plants and scratching at tree trunks. 'Should probably get some more herbs...' Leopardpaw thought quietly to herself, her face scrunched up into questionable expression. That could wait, she decided, continuously wandering around. The boredom was evident in her actions, where was Fidgetpaw or Rowanpaw? She was surprised that they weren't up and out of camp yet... Leopardpaw hadn't talked to the two in a while and she had admit, she was worried a bit about Fidgetpaw and his health issues, but maybe it wasn't her business to worry about. The she-cat had been trying to make him take it easy with the training, and to stop stressing himself over this apprentice training or whatever, but of course, Fidgetpaw would never listen to her about that and would continue on doing what he does, she still was concerned however. Leopardpaw shook all the accumulating water droplets out of her spotted pelt, shivering in the process. Bare-Leaf was already here, huh. Even though most clan cats hated it, Leopardpaw enjoyed the cold seasons instead of the warmer ones. It always felt great to warm up in her nest of moss and lichen, and to watch the angelic snow fall softly and gracefully to the ground. But it wasn't like she wished for a snow storm or blizzard to wreck havoc on the clan and everyone within it, that'd go too far. Her mother died from hypothermia, perhaps because of her being rather underweight and lacking fur and a longer, thicker pelt like some of the cats here. Leopardpaw was actually glad that her mother was gone, it calmed her down a bit since her mother was practically the abusive type. It wasn't her birth mother who actually raised her, but instead a nicer, gentle, warmhearted queen known as Softeyes, whom died several moons ago. Softeyes had decided to "adopt" Leopardpaw since her mother wasn't properly taking care of her, it turns out that the queen had lost her actual kits from illness and queen never got to be a mother, though she had gotten a second-chance with Leopardpaw, or Leopardkit at the time. Leopardpaw actually loved Softeyes, unlike some of her clan-mates, it was heart-breaking to see her pass away like that, maybe they'll see each other again.

      indentThe molly yawned silently, a white puff forming from her mouth and dissipating within seconds. Leopardpaw trudged over to lie in the forest undergrowth, almost camouflaging with the grasses and shrubs. Hopefully no one would find her out here by herself, doing absolutely nothing and wasting precious time, she did want some time to herself for now, just to rest a little for perhaps a big, busy, boisterous day coming up.

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    ❀ Rowanpaw [1] Sweetnose [1]

    Postby Tiny_Cat » Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:42 am

      S W E E T N O S E
      ( blossomclan med cat app ) ( tomcat ) ( 14 Moons) ( arranged mate; Leopardpaw ) ( tagged; Fidgetpaw, Koistar, Pebblesky )
        The soft patter of rain hitting the ground outside of the cozy den was enough to wake the fluffy tomcat from his slumber. The den was warm, given the number of bodies currently occupying it, and he almost didn't want to get up. Outside of the little hollow where he made his best, he could hear voices. The warm, relaxed tone of their esteemed leader, the bubbly excitement in Fidgetpaw's words, and the typical boom of Pebblesky's voice. Rolling to his belly, he stood and stretched each leg individually, then arched his back in a luxurious stretch. Something popped and he sighed contentedly. The den was dimly lit by the weak, watery sunlight that managed to break through thee thickly woven branches overhead, but he made out the others with ease. They stood near the den entrance in a loose clutter. He wasn't certain he had ever seen Fidgetpaw so excited and it warmed the young medicine cat to the core. This was why he had left the life of a fighter behind. He wanted to see the joy on cats faces when they left the medicine cat, their injuries and illnesses healed or, in Fidgetpaw's case, controlled. Tail too sweeping the ground behind him, Sweetnose approached rhe other cats with a friendly smile on his face. "Good morning, Koistar. Pebblesky. And congrats on being able to resume your training, Fidgetpaw! I am certain you will make an excellent hunter one day." He purred encouragingly at his patient.

        He glanced around, finding it rather odd that neither Egretcall or Fallenoak were here to congratulate the apprentice on returning to his training. They were the real medicine cats. He still had a long way to go before he became a full medicine cat. Even Leopardpaw seemed to be absent from the den. Focusing back on Fidgetpaw, he tried to channel Fallenoak. The tomcat had always seemed wise beyond his years and Sweetnose deeply respected and admired him.
        "I know you're eager to jump right by into the thick of things but remember to take it easy and come back if you have any problems." He meowed, hoping he sounded like one of his mentors. That was something they would have said... wasn't it? He frowned to himseld, reanalyzing his words, but as far as he could tell he had sounded reasonably mature. Lifting one hind paw, he scratched uncomfortably at his ear. He hates when the other medicine cats disappeared and left him to his own devices. What if he said something harebrained? Or have a patient bad advice?

      R O W A N P A W
      ( blossomclan hunter app ) ( she-cat ) ( 10 Moons) ( arranged mate; unknown ) ( tagged; Tinypaw )
        Rowanpaw blinked open her eyes. She couldn't tell what time it was, but knew it had to be relatively early. Otherwise Darkwillow would have already roused her. Rolling to her oaws, she sat up. The den was chiller than she was used too and she fluffed her fur out in hopes of warming herself up a bit. Usually, the den was packed with bodies making tbe air warm and toasty but today it seemed only she and Tinypaw remained. Rising, she crossed the den and prodded the she-cat in the side, hoping to wake her up. With her fluffy white pelr, the other apprentice was probably a lot warmer than Rowanpaw was. "Tinypaw, wake up. You know Blizzardbriar doesn't like it when we sleep in." She meowed impatiently. Glancing towards the den entrance, she wondered how Fidgetpaw was doing. He had told her the might before he had to check in with the medicine cats this morning, and that Koistar would be deciding whether or not he could resume his training. Had Koistar already spoken to him? Would she be able to resume training with her friend? She hoped so. She missed working with the tomcat, discussing different hunting techniques. He was fun to work with and they had developed a close relationship... like brother and sister almost. He has his seizures, she had her bad paw... these traits had bonded them despite their wildly different personalities. Growling she prodded Tinypaw in the ribs even harder, impatience entering her voice. "Come on, Tinypaw. Wake up already. You're wasting sunlight, lazy furball."
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    Re: ❀ blossomclan

    Postby clarke, » Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:25 am

      E G R E T C A L L !!
      ━━ i'm running from my PAST
      ( intact female ) ( twenty-eight moons ) ( medicine cat ) ( in camp ) ( fallenoak )
        the downy she-cat mumbled under her breath, repeating herb names. thyme for shock, chamomile for anxiety, poppy-seed for grief... she whispered, using her nimble paws to neatly separate dead leaves from live ones, useful ones from useless ones. such a simple task, yet, so easy to mess up. her thoughts drifted to sweetnose, her beloved apprentice: the one she had sworn to protect. despite her unpopularity with the clan, egretcall lifted her nose up and pointedly ignored her clan-mates most of the time. after all, starclan had spoken to her in a dream that lead her to blossomclan. true, she had no idea who they were at the time- i mean, cats with stars in their fur?- yet still she had been faithful to who she later knew as her ancestors and she had fallen in love, for a second time, with a tom named fallenoak. it had been arranged, something she struggled to accept when she first came to the clan as a loner, but fallenoak was kind, worthy: loyal. unlike her. before she had come to know fallenoak, before she was used to the arranged mates ritual she had a secret affair with shadowfrost. she had been confused and hurting, and she fell into the she-cat's trance. though she had ended the relationship as soon as she realized how wrong it was, she carried the guilt with her. now, she avoided the she-cat at all costs. sighing softly, she exited her den in search of her mate. he could always comfort her in time where she felt distressed, better than any of her herb concoctions could. she found the handsome tom, looking peaceful: he was sleeping. Delicate to avoid stepping on the others in the den, she picked her way over to him and laid down in front of him, her forehead touching his forehead: her nose touching his. "good morning my love." she whispered, fondly licking his cheek.
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    { ❀ } dappledmoon and deertrack - - one

    Postby soba » Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:34 am

    Image ..... Image
    ( fighter ) ( molly ) ( twenty seven moons ) ( tags - briarblossom, lionstorm, shadowfrost ) ( arranged mate - lionstorm )
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    the pretty calico blinked her pale green eyes, an uncomfortable feeling surged throughout her as she stretched. i probably slept wrong.
    a few minutes outside would make the ache go away
    she thought, glancing momentarily to the empty nest to her side. lionstorm. as m
    uch as she hated to admit it, the calico she-cat enjoyed his company and to an extent-as her friend. she had always promised herself tha
    t she wouldn't get to close to the golden warrior but in a way it was impossible. the two were nearly everywhere together since koistar o
    ften pairs up mates together to go on patrols (to enhance their relationship) she presumed-which was weird for a leader to be so involved
    with their warriors' love lives but dappledmoon wouldn't judge. the nursery has been empty for a while, but dappledmoon was never inter
    ested in kits. not because she wasn't interested in having kits with lionstorm-but she couldn't handle the stress of worrying over them all t
    he time. besides-god knows what would happen to them. snapping out of her thoughts, she glanced at the other warriors who were still in
    their nests before padding out of the cramped but comfort of the den. she shivered as she walked out of the den, glancing up at the dark,
    gloomy skies above her. the scent of rain bombarded her at first, though her attention was soon swept to lionstorm who was approaching
    her with a squirrel. she blinked at the tom, purring softly before her gaze whisked to the familiar pelt of briarblossom-a pretty she-cat w
    ho unintentionally got on her nerves-not because of her constant rivalry with lionstorm (after all, lionstorm does need someone to keep h
    is ego in check) but because of the she-cat's overbearing confidence and flirtatious actions. narrowing her eyes, she stared at the pretty
    she-cat with a warning gaze. lionstorm after all was her friend-and if briarblossom's attitude got to far she was readying for it. dappledmo
    on stayed quiet during the duo's quarrel, eyes flickering back and forth between the two as each of them exchanged a few derogatory wo
    rds before briarblossom kicked her squirrel out of the way and shashayed away from the pair. dappledmoon hissed at the she-cat with a f
    lail of unsheathed claws at her. tail swaying back and forth, she watched as briarblossom sauntered off-confidence seemed to radiate off
    the calico in a taunting way.

    "you'd think briarblossom's hips would be broken by the way she shakes her hips when she walks." dappledmoon said, loud enough
    for the smaller she-cat to hear. glancing to lionstorm, her agitation was cut off shortly by shadowfrost's smart remark causing dappledmoo
    n to roll her eyes. "shouldn't you be off scaring apprentices?" dappledmoon meowed teasingly to shadowfrost. dappledmoon was far mo
    re willing to deal with shadowfrost.


    ///xxxxx/// Image
    ( hunter ) ( tom ) ( twenty five moons ) ( tags - none ) ( arranged mate - shadowfrost )
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    currently being a sleepy boy and sleeping, will wake up in my next post. wake him up <3
    Last edited by soba on Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    #1 || thrushwing || silentpaw ||

    Postby skulduggery » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:07 pm

    || female || hunter || camp || arranged: pebblesky || tags: none


      Mumbling... there was so much mumbling! Thrushwing flicked her ears in annoyance, burrowing further down into her warm nest but the mumbling did not stop. In fact, the mumbling became the voices of her clanmates and she knew there would be no more rest for her that morning. Screwing her eyes shut tightly, she futilely attempted to block out the noise by pressing a paw over her ears. The voices multiplied, and grumbling under her breath she finally cracked open an eye and stared at the one's responsible for all the noise. There were four culprits responsible for waking her up, Lionstorm, Briarblossom (how was that not a surprise?) Dappledmoon and seemingly new to this "den" party was Shadowfrost. Ears perked in mild amusement but still feeling the pinpricks of irritation at being woken up, Thrushwing only listened in for a few moments. She left seconds later, not wanting to be involved in the dramatics of her clanmates, at least not this early in the morning. Once outside the den, she stretched languorously, first stretching out her front paws and digging her claws into the earth before reaching out behind her with her hind legs. Thrushwing settled down a few paces from the den to smooth down the short ends of her fur.

      As she lied there, with the early morning chill waking her up fully she could spy a few cats gathered in the medicine cat den. Her ears angled in their direction picking up the faintest sound of the good news. Fidgetpaw would be returning to his training. How wonderful, she thought with a brief purr. Pebblesky was Fidgetpaw's mentor and her thoughts quickly turned to her arranged mate. He was a nice tom, nothing like her previous arranged mate. Her ears flattened at the thought of him, his name she would not even allow to cross her mind. Needless to say, he was the sole reason she rebelled against the idea of arranged mates. She had once believed love could be found anywhere, sometimes it just took longer. Her mate had ensured to erase such naive thoughts from her mind for good. Smoothing down the last bits of her unkempt fur, she banished the thought of him with a flick of her tail. Pebblesky was different, energetic and friendly, but Thrushwing doubted he would ever feel anything for her or she anything for him. She'd given up on arranged mates and love in general moons ago.

      Satisfied that her fur was as clean and tidy as it could get, Thrushwing heeded the demands of her stomach. The fresh kill pile had been freshly stocked and the warm alluring scent of a squirrel made her mouth water. She took her meal under the protection of a bush near the pile, glaring at the sky as a few drops of water dropped from it. It seemed it would be a rainy day and though she had no particular feelings towards the rain, she didn't particularly like it spoiling her meal. She never did like wet prey, it never tasted the same. Protected from the elements now and with prey in front of her, Thrushwing looked out over the active camp and wondered briefly what the day would bring.

    || male || fighter apprentice || forest || arranged: none || tags: leopardpaw


      Silentpaw licked his paws clean once more, before deciding he was finished with his morning routine.
      Having risen somewhat early, he had been witness to the majority of the camp waking up and going about their business. He quite enjoyed watching them walking this way and that, doing one thing or another. Despite the seeming random sequence of events that took over each cat's lives, in the end the pattern was usually the same and that regularity gave him a sense of comfort. Routine and order were predictable and easy. He liked that. Which was why he did the same thing every morning. As soon as he had finished eating and had cleaned every last trace of his meal from his paws and mouth he would venture out into the forest. He had planned on asking Lionstorm if they could go out on a hunt together but the older tom was otherwise preoccupied and had already gone out on a hunt earlier. That was okay with Silentpaw, he'd never been against being alone. Getting up, he looked once about camp before making his exit.

      The forest was peaceful. There were only the sounds of the rain and a few critters that still scurried about. Despite leaf-bare being so near, the sounds of prey could still be heard. Silentpaw followed the hurried path of a squirrel as it rushed up a tree, cheeks enlarged by its burden of food. He hummed thoughtfully and decided his morning would best be spent hunting rather than patrolling. He could do that too while he hunted anyway. Standing still, he took stock of his surroundings and followed some rustling in the undergrowth. It led him to a vole perched atop a tree root. He immediately went still, creeping across the ground slowly and carefully. It looked around for many moments before grabbing at whatever was in front of it. Silentpaw rushed forward and caught it, smiling in triumph as it went limp between his jaws. He was incredibly proud of himself. He wasn't hunter, and he was certainly not training to be one, but he considered this catch a great victory.

      Triumphantly, he held his head high and purred. There was no one around to see him celebrating his small victory, which made him all the more confident to show it off to no one in particular. Traipsing with a little less care through the forest, he nearly missed a strange blur in the undergrowth. He barely saw it, nearly stepped on it... well her. Silentpaw jumped back with a soft gasp and dropped his vole, just then comprehending that the blur in the undergrowth was Leopardpaw. She blended in perfectly, he had nearly walked past her none the wiser to her presence. He flicked his tail a few times in embarrassment. "Leopardpaw... I did-didn't see you there." Great, Silentpaw thought to himself. Out of all the cats, it had to be Leopardpaw. What have I done to offend Starclan that they would punish me in this way?
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