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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby caf. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:56 am

PastaTea wrote:
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caf. wrote:all accepted, thanks so much for joining!
so sorry for my recent absence, it's been quite a busy month for me. to spark some conversation, however, how many of y'all have worked with animals on body awareness?
it's been awhile since i've done any with dogs, but since half my equestrian training regards dressage i do a lot with my horse. mostly we do pivots on the fore and hind legs, leg-yielding (diagonal motion), and we're just beginning shoulder-in (in which the horse displaces its front end from the track while keeping the hind end in forward motion). all of this to strengthen the hindquarters and improve general locomotion. anyone else have experience? thoughts?
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby cornspurrd. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:00 am

caf. wrote:all accepted, thanks so much for joining!
so sorry for my recent absence, it's been quite a busy month for me. to spark some conversation, however, how many of y'all have worked with animals on body awareness?
it's been awhile since i've done any with dogs, but since half my equestrian training regards dressage i do a lot with my horse. mostly we do pivots on the fore and hind legs, leg-yielding (diagonal motion), and we're just beginning shoulder-in (in which the horse displaces its front end from the track while keeping the hind end in forward motion). all of this to strengthen the hindquarters and improve general locomotion. anyone else have experience? thoughts?

When You say body awareness do you mean targeting a certain object Such as a body part? Or what do you mean??
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby caf. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:03 am

probably poorly worded, aha.
i mean getting animals in balance and aware of all their limbs; for example, getting them to stand with all four feet on a platform, asking them to pivot, etc.. a lot of four-legged animals let their hind ends slip when asked to balance on something until they gain a little more control of everything back there. it's especially prevalent in dressage and jumping and, for dogs, agility, but i was curious if anyone practiced it for other reasons or with other species.
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby ∘Raven∘ » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:06 am

Ahhh thanks for accepting!

I desperately need advice with my rescue German Shepherd. He spent the first 3 years of his life living in a tiny apartment, with no yard, and no socializing. So since I’ve gotten him he has some fear aggression. He’s never bitten anyone, and if people try to pet him he gets really flighty and runs, barking the entire time. But if I’m say, walking down the street he becomes extremely overprotective if someone he doesn’t know starts walking towards me. Hackles go up, and he gets really stiff legged.
I don’t think he’d ever hurt someone unless they tried to hurt me, but I don’t know what to do about his fear? There’s no reason for it other than how little he was socialized, as I am as encouraging as I can be with him, and praise him when he does the right thing. He’s 5 years old right now, and I am going to be going to college soon, so I fully intend to take him.
Also he’s scared of hats. He doesn’t like it when anyone wears hats or sunglasses.
Any advice? Thanks!
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby caf. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:28 am

i have a sheltie who's a bit the same way, not quite as severe but extremely neurotic.
my key thing is small, good experiences; taking really small steps is the best way to make progress. going on a walk might be too much; start by going outside for, day, five minutes, offering something positive to reinforce that it's a good thing (if he doesn't like being petted, try treats or toys), then go back inside. the key is to end on a good note; try to go back before something happens, and if something does, stay out until things calm down again. gradually, you can start pushing it; little walks to the end of the street and back, staying out for longer, etc..
you can do a similar thing with the hats and sunglasses; start with just having them in the room for a little while, then gradually increase the exposure with positive experiences.
as for petting, doesn't hurt to do consent tests - if he doesn't want to be touched, don't touch him. ultimately that will improve his trust in you and eventually he might start asking for a scratch or two.
never a bad idea to try and find a professional either; starting now before things escalate to aggression is a smart choice. take all this advice with a grain of salt, of course, since my dog isn't such a bad case.
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby ∘Raven∘ » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:01 am

As far as it goes with people he knows, he is extremely affectionate, and he’ll give hugs, handshakes, high fives etc.
It’s mostly just people he doesn’t know, and I’m just nervous haha.
And he spends almost all his time outside as he doesn’t like being in confined spaces long.
I might send him to a professional trainer, because I don’t want anything to happen to him or someone else.
Thanks for the advice! <3
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby cornspurrd. » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:22 am

PastaTea wrote:Ahhh thanks for accepting!

I desperately need advice with my rescue German Shepherd. He spent the first 3 years of his life living in a tiny apartment, with no yard, and no socializing. So since I’ve gotten him he has some fear aggression. He’s never bitten anyone, and if people try to pet him he gets really flighty and runs, barking the entire time. But if I’m say, walking down the street he becomes extremely overprotective if someone he doesn’t know starts walking towards me. Hackles go up, and he gets really stiff legged.
I don’t think he’d ever hurt someone unless they tried to hurt me, but I don’t know what to do about his fear? There’s no reason for it other than how little he was socialized, as I am as encouraging as I can be with him, and praise him when he does the right thing. He’s 5 years old right now, and I am going to be going to college soon, so I fully intend to take him.
Also he’s scared of hats. He doesn’t like it when anyone wears hats or sunglasses.
Any advice? Thanks!

Baby Steps, Go very very slow with him. if he does get spooked go back a step. associate that object with something happy, Or something he loves. when you go near that object Or thing give lots of praise and treats. Good luck and I hope this helps!
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby Sadies » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:46 am

caf. wrote:all accepted, thanks so much for joining!
so sorry for my recent absence, it's been quite a busy month for me. to spark some conversation, however, how many of y'all have worked with animals on body awareness?
it's been awhile since i've done any with dogs, but since half my equestrian training regards dressage i do a lot with my horse. mostly we do pivots on the fore and hind legs, leg-yielding (diagonal motion), and we're just beginning shoulder-in (in which the horse displaces its front end from the track while keeping the hind end in forward motion). all of this to strengthen the hindquarters and improve general locomotion. anyone else have experience? thoughts?

Thanks for accepting me. :)
That sounds really interesting, I have no idea what half the things are (I know little about horses) but it sounds awesome. :)

PastaTea wrote:Ahhh thanks for accepting!

I desperately need advice with my rescue German Shepherd. He spent the first 3 years of his life living in a tiny apartment, with no yard, and no socializing. So since I’ve gotten him he has some fear aggression. He’s never bitten anyone, and if people try to pet him he gets really flighty and runs, barking the entire time. But if I’m say, walking down the street he becomes extremely overprotective if someone he doesn’t know starts walking towards me. Hackles go up, and he gets really stiff legged.
I don’t think he’d ever hurt someone unless they tried to hurt me, but I don’t know what to do about his fear? There’s no reason for it other than how little he was socialized, as I am as encouraging as I can be with him, and praise him when he does the right thing. He’s 5 years old right now, and I am going to be going to college soon, so I fully intend to take him.
Also he’s scared of hats. He doesn’t like it when anyone wears hats or sunglasses.
Any advice? Thanks!

I pressures he's alright on walks unless there is a person?
When your out on walks, work out how far away from a person you can be without getting a reaction from your dog. Learn how far then begin to use food rewards when he's calm to distract him from the incoming person. He will slowly learn to relax around strangers who are coming, eventually you can start walking past people a little closer.
If he reacts to a person, stop the food rewards and just keep walking. Don't punish him or even speak to him, you don't want to encourage this behaviour but at the same time you don't want to frighten him and make it worst.

Going by what you say, I presume he's not the type of dog to attack a stranger? Just bark at them?
When introducing a stranger to him, e.g if someone comes around your house, allow them to enter the room without them making contact or looking at him. Let him bark and eventually he should calm down and start sniffing the person. While he's doing this, ask the person to remain calm and still, not to look at him.
When he's a little calmer, you can feed him some treats on the floor, maybe ask the stranger to drop the treats on the floor without looking at him or speaking.
Also getting the person to crouch and hold their hand out, while avoiding eye contact, is a less threatening way to approach a dog. Never go over the top of a dog because it's quite scary. The kneeling person could give treats. Let him come to them, don't go to him.

The more people he meets and the more rewarding it becomes, the more he should learn that people are not all that bad. You can do the above with strangers in hats and glasses when he feels more assured with people.
I have worked with ALOT of dogs with nervous dispositions, it really is taking time to reassure them with many different people.
Sorry for my slow response time on RP's. My new job steals ALL my time. :(




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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby cornspurrd. » Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:07 am

Hello! I need a little Advice. I have A Dog. His Name is Deacon! And He won't pick things up for the love of him Haha.

I wan't him to retrieve items and bring them to me, But he refuses. Help..?
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Re: training talk || v.1 open

Postby Luzien » Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:03 pm

Harlow. wrote:
Hello! I need a little Advice. I have A Dog. His Name is Deacon! And He won't pick things up for the love of him Haha.

I wan't him to retrieve items and bring them to me, But he refuses. Help..?

he does not pick up anything? no Food no toy no bone?
do it as game, no force, no pushing to much...
maybe throw a bone or a toy he loves, and when he runs to get it, tell him calmly to catch, and to take it-pick it up.. in the moment that he is there one on the way to take it up- pick it up^^ (or do it in the morning when you feed him, put some food in front of him and tell take it or pick up... do this 2-3 times and let him eat the rest in peace.....or such)when you did this some time he learns...throw and catch means run after something nice an take it means to take it up into his mouth, from there you work on other things.

but one Thing you need to know, there are dogs who hate to carry things in there mouth or pick things up..then you need to accept this and let it go..
not sure if this did help at all. please tell how it did go^^
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