(( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

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[♕] ─ ❝ after tournaments?

sanctus + sanctum drama.
natural disaster.
time skip [ please specify if you choose this ].
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drama between characters [ whether it be love/enemies/etc ].
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other [ i’m bad at coming up with this oof ].
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Total votes : 9

─── ❛ and we'll never be royals ! // nine. `✧ ❜ )

Postby megapolis » Mon Oct 09, 2017 12:11 pm


    xxxxx( ♔ . ── RAINE
    gender. fem. xxx rank. matriarch. xxx favoring. tbd. xxx word count. 0154. xxx tags. azazel[?], rhaegar.

      indent The thrill of the hunt caused an uncanny sense of glee, instincts taking over. It was almost as if her mind had turned off. Once she had caused the deer to swerve to the side, almost instantly had Rhaegar closed in. The metallic scent of blood that filled in the air only heightened Raine's euphoria. The deer's gait shifted, now hobbling more awkwardly. Deep gashes ran down it's body, crimson dripping from the newly inflicted wounds. Pushing her pace, she charged forward. Her canines latched on to the deer's heels, nipping down swiftly at them. The deer's momentum cut off, staggering sharply before plummeting to floor. Paws pinning down the prey, she delivered a killing bite at it's throat. The clean snap of it's windpipe indicated it's death, the game's dark eyes growing glassy. Lightly wagging her tail, the she-wolf glanced over at her comrades. "Good work," she murmured, approval glinting in her eyes.

    ooc. sorry for the v short reply ! rian's last reply is here. c:

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Postby beignet » Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:16 pm

      K O D I A K
      ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬
        the downtrodden ; male ; custos ; sanctus ; tagged:none ; love life:none
        Kodiak lay silently, the creek-bed beside him the only sound to be heard. That and the crunch of leaves as critters scurried to and fro here and there. He maintained no particular interest in them, he seemed to lack any fascination these days. He was deeply lost, and despite the constant ache, he desperately wanted something to lure him back to the surface.

        The wind brushed against his fur, and he leaned into it ever so slightly, closing his eyes with ease. He pulled himself to his paws, trekking to the remaining shade of a nearby pine, laying beside it comfortably, his eyes not daring to escape the water. Kodiak lay comfortably, the sun peeking through the line of mostly barren trees, warming his sun kissed onyx pelt. He slowly lay his head to his paws, blinking sleepily, and a formidable itch overcame him. He scratched his ear vigorously in his as he attempted to assuage the irritating itch that had tickled the tip of his ear. Sighing gratefully as it ceased, his gaze returned to the stream until it was interrupted by an unknown figure. He stared blankly, holding Kauri's gaze for a long while before standing again, turning to head deeper into the forest where he hoped to be uninterrupted. He made no sounds, not even the slightest. Kodiak walked for a long while, losing track of time and himself.

      K A U R I
      ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬
        the iron will ; female ; custos; sanctus ; tagged:none ; love life:none
        Kauri rose from her previous position laying atop the moistened Earth, shaking herself so that whatever had previously clung to it was ridden of. She stretched forward so that her claws scrapped up the dirt, the imprints of her paws leaving a trace of her presence. Her muscles relaxed, the tension momentarily gone, Kauri flicked her tail ever so slightly, her ears forward and alert. Her curious gaze followed a leaf as it fell from the mostly barren tree beside her, honey amber eyes softened by the ever present peace of silence.

        Kauri blinked warily as the sun seeped through the trees, warming her back. Her ears swiveled slightly, her eyes flickering as the birds chirped, the crisp and new day luring assortments of creatures from their dens. Kauri rose her head to the air, searching for an unfamiliar scents, she eased, finding none. Her paws clicked against the ground as she traipsed to a spot that lay in the shade of a pine. Kauri relaxed to her haunches beside the immense tree, digging her claws into the Earth, until her paws met the cool, underlying soil, she laid her head to her paws with ease, watching the pack closely.

        The she-wolf shifted slightly as a light breeze tugged at her pelt, dancing through her fur, grasping it and knotting it. She dozed sleepily as she began to drift into unconsciousness, however was crudely awakened as a leaf who had been plucked from a tree not far from her, and was swept with the wind had landed directly on her nose. Kauri crinkled her nose as she gazed at the colorful leaf, shaking her snout slightly so that it fell to the ground. She swiftly leapt to her paws as the pine creaked, her muscles tense as she scanned her surroundings for intruders and potential predators. A nearby thicket rustled, her attention immediately drawn to it, she chuffed softly as a hare emerged. Kauri stood momentarily, watching it with fascination, particularly curious as to what it would do without the threat of her hunger. She drew back a breath, her chest heaving heavily, and with that it was gone. Kauri never let prey escape, but since that day, a lot had changed. She made her way to a stream not far away, sitting peacefully in the serenity of the lapping water. A large moss covered area lay beyond; the water was calm here, a slow current making small ripples in the water. She recognized Kodiak not far away, a suddenly sullen gaze taking form to her face.
        > I'll admit I was a bit at a loss of how to begin as I feel really behind in regards to what's going on with who and between who, and so forth. I did skim through, but it probably would do me some good to read through all the character forms and the RP, but I do admit that some semblance of a recap would be helpful is possible. I'm leaving my characters open more or less for those who wish to interact with them.
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Re: (( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

Postby ⠀vega » Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:31 am

Name: Xthanus Gender: Male Rank: Custos, Pack: Sanctus Desired rank: Elite
|Xthanus would like to interact with Kauri. If thats okay. :) |


[size=85]The collosal brute placed his scance in the center of camp, the bitter gusts channeled through the cascading vally relentlessly revolving around his pelt. The wind's iced claws scrapped his tenous skin, chillinh his internal state. Xthanus simply shook hs billowed masses of fur motivating his radiation to yield the formidable gusts. His amber glazed orbs flickered gently it's illuminous tint contrasted against his placid tawny pelt. He harshly pinned his vision over the proximity, in desparate need to seek infomation on the grand tormiment. The clasping thoughts rugged his mind, how was he to gain his rank, and he did not wish to terminate his packmates. He just felt lost..Lost in this fmailier world tearing his mental state peice by piece. Xthanus elivated his fores, his lengthened snout emmited it's self into the un-wilding atmosphere. The tentative sent trailing from beyond camp revolved into his wet neres. 'Kauri' he had aknowlaged her presence woundering in and out of camp . Was she friendly? That mattered little he needed infomation and was willing tp persurvire the risks.
Releving his exhurted mass he rolled onto his muscular hunches the forst-ridden carpet scavenged at his flesh, winter it did not come with many perks. First of the prey came with shortage and when the brute finally caught a large dear or elk it was no where near the amount of flesh he anticipated. Moreover, the poor Medicus suffered with his herbs which posed a suvirier threat to the out comes of the tormenent. His aductives gently twitched to the frequetnt motions in the far-proximity the sudden disterbance in the stream. The sire jioned two and two together, he had worked out the exact position of Kauri.
Xthanus elivated his quarters, the esence of cyistalized frost moulded to his pelt. He aultered his dial letting his tounge to disgard the frosty substance before slowly loping in the imediate direction of the femanine, his long pelt attracted varios debree it clings to his fibers creating a sudden urge to shake his pelt every few paces or so. At long last his amber lit orbs laced over a sudden figure in the distance the size and curves deduced that it was a female. Xthanus twitched his nares bringing her musky sent,'Kauri' he lowered his highly held tassel in all due respect. Changing his eliptical corse the sire rounded her off the the slight ajacent to not deem to be aggressive. His elegant stance fell at her wake his toned frame folded close to the floor, his orbs locked on hers for any sudden body language she may preform. After a few moments he arose."Excuse me Ma'am". He paused elivating onto his quadrens his esophagus circulating up."If you agree, may I ask of your advise?"Xthanus's frame quivered with nerves comunication was not on his possitive traits.
Last edited by ⠀vega on Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

Postby Doodle_Bunny » Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:08 am

{gender. male} {rank. Medicus} {pack. Sanctum} {word count. } {tags. Jaren}
Caelum let out a small snort as the custos shot away, snapping at the flowers. He took a moment to watch him--Jaren was pulling up plants that were certainly not needed, but they didn't have much value anyways, so he didn't stop him. He was picking calendula at an impressive rate as well anyways.

Determined not to fall behind that much, Caelum trotted forwards, carefully biting through the stems of the flowers. He had no problem with letting the custos win, but he figured it'd be worse if Jaren suspected that he didn't try at all. Caelum didn't want a repeat of the dejected, sullen wolf that he had to coax into being excited again. He shook his head, driving the thoughts away.
All he needed to do for now was to pick calendula. He'd deal with however Jaren reacted to winning later.

The pile of flowers that they picked slowly grew and Caelum let out a pleased huff. It would have taken him much longer alone for a harvest that large, and the amount they had now was more than enough to serve him for the tournament and store for the winter.

••¤(`×[¤ נαяεη ¤]×´)¤••

i. Gender= Male ii.Location = Sanctum Camp iii. Rank = Custos iv. Age = 2 Years v. Tag = Caelum, Eden

Once Jaren had determined the race was over, he gathered his hoard into a nice pile. He saw that his was significantly bigger than Caelum's.

"H-ha! Hah!" Jaren laughed in between exhausted panting, "I did it! I beat you!"

This was the first time Jaren had ever competed against someone before. He knew he was pretty fast despite his lack of strength, but he never thought he was this exceptionally fast. He felt a sense of pride growing within him like the start of a burbling spring. If he was this fast against a medicus, how fast was he in comparison to all the other custos? Maybe working wouldn't be so bad if he had a skill that he was legitimately good at.


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Re: (( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

Postby ⠀vega » Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:48 am



Gender: Female Pack: Will be in Sanctus Rank: Will be Medicus Trainee Desired Rank: Medicus Trainee [Loner]



The colossal composing forest dominated the various proximity, compact vegetation swarmed in coffee clusters, now and again brittle leaves gradually descended from there ancient branches. One of the thousand landed gently tipping the damsel's snout moments before being carted off in the ever continuous wind cycle, Franchesca flashed her umber orbs ajar at the unexpected conflict, she harshly browsed the scene to her fortune to realise the coffee billowed plantation inches from her glaucous-tinted snout. Her pastel walkers exiled in front of her gravitated head, the two of them plastered with scars, ones that should have healed; but couldn't due to her curvy stance. The damsel was located on the brink of the Sanctus territory, she was dormant over a well sized platformed cobblestone it's usual cold texture was replenished in light heat waves due to the unique sun basking through a snippet in the composing inch of sky. Frankie's drawn-out tail unanticipatedly flickered at its slate tip, the undercurrent drew her tails long ribbons into the atmosphere instantaneously wavering in above her focal tailbone. 'Better get up' the Russian female urged in her quirky mind, The damsel elevated her stance a harsh snap like sound erupted the silence as her joints hurridly got used to the sudden pressure placed upon them. "ich hasse mein Leben." The damsel spat her usual soft tone transfixed into a hot spitfire she despised her language and because of it, she was isolated having not a clue of what others were saying. No one ...Not one wolf has had the patience to teach her there tongue. But then again Franchesca did not blame them, some say including her mother that she is 'not right in the head'. Halting her mane into the moist arena, the feminine fluttered her nerves deducting a nearby herbivore by the musty scent of its urine it seemed to be a porcupine. Aha! She knew the exact method of bringing these little blighters down, and to her leverage to be agile and acute was key to slay the vermin.

She launched her slender frame with ease slashing her lengthened tail along the pine was ridden carpet scaring the visually impaired vermin, its ominous yelp shrilled the proximity. Franchesca gently preserved an egotistical, smirk as she docked her quadrants there cream feathers lashed along her lengthened dew claws, entwining themselves over the sharp talon. Frankie slowly grounded, the porcupine restricted its self its blood pointed pined bounded its tenous physique. Despite its efforts, the female was all too aware of its ancient traditions. She had the deep clarifying knowledge of the spines not sprouting from underneath its embodiment, her snout gently shambled under its defence mechanism. She harshly elevated tossing the unexpected victim, once again it highly vocalised but the hight and fear caused the porcupine to land slightly disorientated only for a split second and in that time Franchesca pursued her denials through the abdomen. The panicked stricken porcupine attempted to coil up but the damsel bit the area where the spines did not lay. Franchesca flicked the porcupine across the coffee clustered terrain, it's final moments were painless as it knocked unconscious under the blood loss and sudden contact with the terrain.
Last edited by ⠀vega on Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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(( ❝ ♕. ── one.

Postby tranquility. » Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:14 pm

ϟ ( barak) ( a sanctus custos ) ( 3 1/2 y/o brute) ( towards the border ) ( w/fanchesa )

It was, aptly put, a gorgeous fall day.

Scintillating golden rays of sunshine beamed down upon the earth, its warm rays gently caressing all of nature's children. The warmth was welcome and not unbearable, for they were the serene, blissful fall rays that every wolf adored. A crisp, refreshing breeze swept over the landscape, so gentle it was a mere tickle the fur upon the scruff and spine, a playful nip at the forepaws and hindquarters. It was one of the days that the older generations had learned to appreciate, the younger took for granted. But, that was not the case for this particular youth. The first thing he noticed was the blissful warmth and excess light. That was what woke him up. Blearily blinking open his endearing golden eyes, Barak squinted at the particles of fabric dancing on the particular ray that dare pierce his den - directly in his face, no less - startling him from his fitful slumber. For a second, he looked like any other canine when they awoke; not entirely in the real world, clinging onto the last rapidly fading memories of a dream or nightmare with slow, steady blinks; their pelage ruffled by little dream spasms, and their muscles taut and cramped due to awkward positions.

But that faded very quickly. Barak pricked his ears, quickly realizing it was late afternoon. The tournament will be soon! Excitement ballooned in the young brute's chest, chasing away any sleepiness he might have felt mere seconds ago. I need to go on a last minute hunt, perhaps even find a sparring partner and warm up somehow! The bright golden canine hopped to his feat with grace the belied his previous state of slumber, and hurriedly began to groom down his unruly pelt, eager to be out and doing something beneficial for his pack. After his rushed grooming session was completely, Barak, energized and refreshed, bounded out of his den, taking a second to allow his gaze to sweep the camp, his ears pricked and attenative. It was a bit late for any wolf to be in camp, so Barak wasn't surprised to see it deserted, however, he felt a prickle of disappointment, for he had overslept a lot more than he intended to. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone at the crack of dawn, he mused, leisurely strolling towards the entrance, his muscles cracking as they woke up, preparing themselves for perhaps the most important day of his life. The tournament is today, after all. But Barak had been awfully restless; had he remained in camp, he was certain he would have driven his pack mates mad. Oh well, no point on dwelling on the past - I am awake now, and I feel much better! Immediately after that, a distinct little prance started; Barak was always filled with so much energy that his gait belied it, with little twitches and hops in his steps. Its time to hunt, and get something done before the tournament!

With that, his nose began to twitch frenetically like a rabbits as Barak sought to detect where his pack mates had gone, and head in the opposite direction. It seemed like most of his pack had headed for the denser part of their territory, which made sense - that's were all of the good game would be. I guess this will be more of a scouting trip than an actual hunt, the golden brute mused, skipping over the loose earth, headed for the outside parameters of the territory. He would then work his way back, hopefully bumping into one of his pack mates. From there, he could return and perhaps spar for warm up before the actual tournament. A solid plan Barak, he thought gleefully, his tail beginning to wag in barely contained excitement. The young brute had high hopes for this tournament. Although he very well knew that the chances of him getting promoted to the verdani elite were slim (he wasn't even a verdani yet!), he still aspired for such, and knew even if he didn't get it this time, making a lasting impression was essential to him reaching his goal the near future. And then, regardless of what happened, Barak knew he'd have a blast. All of his pack mates were wonderful individuals to be around, and each of them would have a different fighting style and thus provide a different kind of challenge, which would be entertaining to watch and spar against. With that in mind, Barak found himself inevitably pondering, Who will be my sparring partner? And what will the other match ups look like?

So caught up in his musing, Barak nearly missed the crisp, cool breeze carrying the grassy, earthen scent of a hare his way. Oh! He was quite lucky to have caught wind of one so quickly! Immediately narrowing his sinewy frame to the earth, prominent, sleek muscles began to ripple under his vibrant golden coat as the young custos attempted to pinpoint the scent, ears fully erect, nostrils flaring as he steadily crept forward, his belly fur drawing over the leaf laden ground. It only after a few moments of the painstaking carefulness that he pinpointed his prey's location, and began crawling in the appropriate direction. Coming across a short yet dense bush, Barak froze when two large brown ears appeared over the top. Circling around slowly but steadily, Barak spotted his quarry; a rather plump thing, the hare was nibbling with hardly a care in the world. After a seconds hesitation Barak exploded forth, grasping the hare's throat in his teeth and snapping it before the tiny mammal could even register what had happened. That went surprisingly well, the brute thought gleefully, however, he immediately stiffened when an unfamiliar scent wafted across his nostrils. A loner is in our territory, Barak thought. He quickly kicked his catch under the dense bush and followed the scent, hackles rising steadily.

It was long before he happened across a very lean, curvy female with a luscious grey pelt. She was facing away from him, standing over a dead porcupine. Tilting his narrow cranium, the young brute gently stirred leaves with his paws, announcing his presence, before he called out, "Hello there! I hate to disturb you, but your trespassing on pack lands." Stepping closer then, smoothing out his hackles - she didn't seem to be a threat, and Barak dreadfully hated using any kind of force or threats unless absolutely necessary - "Are you lost? Do y'need help?" Completing the helpful, harmless look Barak smiled slightly, lowering his ears slightly to show he was not trying to be aggressive in any way.

( blood) ( a sancum custos ) ( 5 y/o brute) ( leaving camp/sanctum territory ) ( w/ no one [caelum, eden & jaren mentioned])

Why did it always start and end the same way?

"Amelia, there is no such thing as a yumberry," Rusty moaned unhappily, his moist black nose wrinkling in distaste as his sister's ignorance and persistent stubbornness. The younger sister in question, Amelia, was currently sitting across from him pawing the ground anxiously. At his snarky rebuttal, she merely huffed and pawed the ground. "Yes there is! They taste like all things delu- deli-" "Delicious," Rusty interrupted, ignoring his sisters eye roll, and rude huff. "-good. They are filling and just... wonderful." With that, her pretty orange eyes glazed over, and pity surged through Rusty. Even at this young age of roughly five months, he understood that he shouldn't be able to see his sister's rib bones, and that she shouldn't have that long, deep scratch on her flank that was just now beginning to heal into a scar from a failed attempt at hunting. Biting his bottom lip, the senior canine of the two mused about how exactly to tell his half-starved sister, in plain English, that no pup's tale would save her from her current plight. It was always the same story. Amelia would always get fixated on some wonderful thing would save her, and Rusty would always bail her out. Oh, how he wished she would act Ryan, Alcatraz or Robin, his younger brothers, and yet she absolutely refused to stay out of harm's way! However, the thought of tact - and anything else, for that matter - completely flew out the picture at her next words.

"They're in Varien's den. He keeps them there because he's a selfish-" Rusty didn't mean to snarl at his sister, but it erupted from his chest, loud and menacing enough to startle her into silence. "There is no way in Lupus's name I am letting you go anywhere near that [b]psycho's den! Its a pup's tale, nothing more, leave it be,"[/b] Rusty snarled out, sounding so much older and more dangerous that he actually was, ignoring the way his sister's orange eyes widened in horror. It was a necessary evil to act so harsh. Varien was a creature to be avoided at all costs... even in the case of slow starvation. An awkward silence settled over the pair, during which Rusty squirmed under his sister's hurt, desperate stare. In a slightly calmer voice, he rumbled, "You will die if you go in his den. How many injured wolves have you actually seen leave his den, even if he is the medic? Its not worth it. I-i'll go hunting for you now, okay? But only if you promise to stay out of harm's way." Amelia simply nodded and slunk away, ears down, tail tucked, underneath the rock ledge that was the supposed "pups den". Anxiously gnawing at his bottom lip once more, Rusty turned, leaving the camp with one last glance at his sister. Pale orange eyes, miserable and hurt, gazed back at him. Guilt flooded through Rusty as he left the camp.

He would've looked a lot longer if he realized it was one of the last times he'd ever see her alive and somewhat well.

After leaving the camp, Rusty headed towards the left; barren trees stretch over dusty, lifeless ground, yet it was the only part of the territory with any decent vegetation. If he had any chance of catching something with his inexperienced, it would be here. Roving through the trees, he sniffed and sniffed but came across naught, and each time he stepped away from camp, he envisioned that thing called Varien catching his sister trespassing. Luckily, he found a dead, slightly rotten squirrel after a few minutes of his miserable excuse of a "hunting trip". Immediately, not even sniffing the dead mammal over, Rusty snagged it and bolted off, heart in his throat with worry. Through the trees he weaved, over rocks he went, and he scaled the small hills as if they didn't even exists. It didn't take long for him to make it back, and yet... he was too late. The pure horror that washed over him when he saw that Amelia wasn't where he'd left her would never be rivaled. Rusty dropped the squirrel, and practically howled for her, so loud that he warranted a warning snarl from a nearby wolf. He was, however, too scared for Amelia to even consider his own safety. As he finally allowed his deep amber gaze to rest on the medics den, he saw his worst dream coming to fruition.

A pure, snow white pelt was visible, and could be mistaken for no other, for this brute was the only white one of this pack. As Rusty choked on nothing but air, the creature known as Varien emerged. The fluffy, gorgeous, luscious pelt was only mangled by hideous scars that would've killed a normal wolf at least twice over; handsome, sinewy muscles rippled as the large medic approached him. However, it was only when his sole emotionless, baby blue eye - so pale it was almost translucent - fixated upon him that Blood somewhat snapped out of his choking state. Clamped in the massive jaw was Amelia, looking even more fearful than he felt, if that was at all possible. Her light golden face was smeared with a strange purple juice, and if she could've pulled her head into her neck she probably would have. As the pure white brute continued leisurely strolling towards him, Rusty could feel many eyes piercing into him. "You really should have been supervising her." the older brute said in that soft, cold voice, watching him stoically for what felt like years, but was only mere seconds. That said, Varien merely placed her at his paws - Rusty almost fled when that creature came close - and disappeared back into his den with a strange expression that could only be described as a cruel smile. Rusty could only stare, before looking at his sister, too scared and suddenly too tired to scold her for her act. He was shaking all over, and had forgotten all about his catch - his appetite had failed him and clearly his sister had found the fabled yumberries. "Let's go to bed," he rumbled weakly, helping his stunned sister to her feet and padding towards the rock ledge, where all of his brothers and every other pup in the camp lay, gazing in horror. Yet not a soul spoke, even after Rusty and Amelia laid down beside them. To speak of what had just occurred was to jinx Varien's mercy; besides, the pups could be punished for gossiping. Certainly, tomorrow when they were forced to hunt, what had just occurred would be spoken of.
Rusty blinked open his eyes, feeling oddly wet and strange. His first thought was a rational one; had he been peed upon? The incredulity of the thought made Rusty growl lowly, but before he could formulate a word, a familiar coppery smell filled his nostrils. "Amelia?" Rusty grunted out, rolling over, accidentally flipping Amelia onto her side. She didn't feel right. As Rusty's eyes adjusted to the dim light, he saw what was wrong. Blood pooled out of her mouth, and her beautiful orange eyes gazed unblinkingly into then night.

Blood awoke with a low snarl that came from deep in his belly, but sounded like it had come from the chest of a dragon. He had seen many more gruesome deaths before he left that pack, but waking up and seeing his sister simply lying there like a suffocated fish would haunt him forever. Maybe if he'd done more than just slink away to bed like a coward... but god, it had been so long since he'd had that dream. Why now? Hurriedly smoothing down his short yet thick copper pelt for which he had been named, Blood arose and padded into the camp, not even stopping to revel at the gorgeous fall weather. He plodded steadily out of camp, his massive head down, his fiery tangerine gaze sending a simple warning to all: don't mess with him. Blood plodded aimlessly through the forest for a decent while before he began to calm down, and shortly after he was in a somewhat reasonable mood he detected the familiar scents of Caelum, Jaren and Eden. They didn't disturb him at all, however. Finding a massive rock to perch his backside on, Blood laid down,
taking a rest in a convenient location; if any of his comrades needed help, he would be close by. But for now, he would rest, and continue to exorcise the demons that haunted him mercilessly.
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(( ❝ ♕. ── we're bigger than we ever dreamed // 011.

Postby paper planets » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:34 pm

── ( ) ──────────── (( DEN !!! ✰✰✰
    " careful creature made friends with time ... "
    ( eden ) . ( sanctum ) . ( custos ) . ( sanctum territory ) . ( tags - blood )

        Eden was entirely focused on her work, using her dull claws to scrape off the moss. It was a job that required accuracy and precision, if she clawed carelessly at the trunk of the large oak tree she would end up getting little chips and splinters of bark into the fuzzy, green plant and that would be no good for treating injured wolves. So, she was careful and gentle, making her claws hook onto the moss that stuck up, then, as she pulled her paw down, the moss unfurled and fell into a clump onto the grass. Both Caelum and Jaren had left moments before and the pale-coated female had directed her ears back, listening to them walk off until she no longer heard their distant voices or their paws crunching on the crisp, fallen leaves that littered the forest floor. Though, even in the short amount of time she had spent alone at the tree she had nearly cleared all the moss off the trunk that sat in a paw's reach. Eden looked down between her paws and saw a large pile of moss settled in front of her. There was definitely enough here, perhaps there would even be some to spare once the tournaments were over. The custos stood, her tail slowly swaying back and forth in glee as she tried her best to compact the moss into a tighter ball to make it easier to carry. Even though it did little to make the pile of moss more manageable, it was all she had to work with, so, she picked up the large moss-ball between her jaws and began walking in the direction of camp.

        Eden knew that the strong, mossy oak wasn't far from camp, but the journey was exceptionally longer when she kept dropping clumps of moss and was forced to turn around and try to pick them back up with a maw that was already stuffed full with moss. The sun will be down by the time I get back! she thought in dispair as she trudged along, keeping her chin tilted up so her paws wouldn't catch on any dangling pieces of moss and tug a clump of the green plant from her mouth. She felt herself getting into a sour mood, which was caused by her frustration with the moss which was also making her mouth dry I've consumed more moss today than actual prey.. she though with a whine that barely leaked through the wall of moss that sat between her teeth. The disheartened wolf padded towards a large rock, which was a landmark on her way back to camp, and as she turned around the side of it she nearly tripped over her fellow pack-mate, Blood, who was lounging beside the boulder. The shock at almost running into the large male made her drop the moss ball and now she looked down with a distraught expression and saw that the ball had exploded into a blanket of moss strewn before her. She let out an audible sigh, closing her eyes as she did so, before she opened them and looked towards Blood's orange eyes, "Good morning, Blood," she murmured with a small downward tilt of her head, trying to not sound defeated with this whole moss situation. Then, she tilted her tan-coloured face down, glancing at the moss before looking up at the custos in front of her, "I don't suppose you could help me carry this to Caelum's den?" she inquired, looking hopeful. Her jaw was aching already and it would be a huge relief to split the burden.
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Re: (( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

Postby ⠀vega » Sat Oct 14, 2017 4:01 am



[Gender: Female] [Pack: Will be in Sanctus] [Rank: Will be Medicus Trainee] [Desired Rank: Medicus Trainee] [Loner] [With/Barak]



The gingerly damsel's svelte ears uncertainly peaked gratingly skimming her smooth tiara, her hollowed existence paused at the very conclusive section of the vocals speech. He umber orbs threated in there unwielded sockets laboriously scanning the various proximity until her captivating physique alined the opposer. No sound emitted from her German vocals as she paralyzed her joints. There was nothing she could say, nothing. Her twisted tongue remained German and his...Well, she could not even deduce his mother tongue. Her perception continuously raked her tearful mind surely she could formulate a merely selected cluster of his vocals and work out the precise question he was asking. Oh, what was the use! Franchesca scathed her petite paw over the Ochre placid terrain, large distinguishable chunks served from the focal beige carpet. The sudden sensation of supple dirt encased her senses drifting her state out of the horrendous situation all to be charismatic back into reality. Frankie averted her weak gaze back to the marigold sire her nose tested the intoxicating scent in its receptor disgorges of nerves, this particular sent would fuel her mind encasing the sent for future reference. Shortly after, she replenished his vocals in her head desperately concluding what he could of possible stated, 'Hello there! I hate to disturb you, but your trespassing on pack lands.' and 'Are you lost? Do you need help?'. Cycling and cycling her abnormal mind. Lost...Lost....LOST! Her heaving thoughts haltered in her mind 'bin verloren' Frankie new one word and that's what she was going to go off. Gently elevating her delicate frame her coiled fur leisurely tumbled from her platinum shoulders tethering over her contracted chest. The unceasing wind lowered its intensity momentarily her thriving cream feathers loosened from there clutched position over her dew claws.
"Ich bin verloren. Ich spreche nicht deine Sprache." meaning that she was lost and she cannot speak his tongue.

The damsel loosened her abdomen her lifeless pups drowsed, it's unbeaten heart turned cold and deep russet, no pulse remained in its system. The female had not a clue of this pup as ever since it was conceived it had not moved and was born with its organs miss placed never taking its first heartbeat, never kicking the radiating sweltering of her amniotic lining. The damsel would never know of the exceptional bond signifying mother and pup. Franchesca was actually due to give birth the lifeless pups, oh what a shock that would bring upon the unstable mother.

Franchesca gravitated her snout inches under his despite there distance from the opposer she managed to just stand lower than him. Her protracted tail fluctuated timorously below her pointed hocks, it coiled and re-coiled out of anticipation the outcome would surely not be in her favour. This masculine was strong with surly years of training in fighting and what was she? A wolf with some speed and agility could that really help her in a skittish circumstance such as this? The porcupine limped from her concealed maw she harshly dropped her supplement the suddenly interrupted silence set off the billowed raven community hobbling around in wait of her scraps of the possible fight that the surprisingly wise birds predicted. Their caws flashed her mind over 'death' if anything dies the Ravens the messengers from hell would clump over the suspected victim only to view their last breaths the gorge their coal orbs in the gory details there cry a cry of joy as they scrape the skinned scraps of the corpse. Franchesca let a skittish gulp tease along her oesophagus this couldn't be the end. Since she had not a clue on his speech she could only rely on body language but was he dominant to protect his pack or dominate to conflict the first wound, that was what played her mind.
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:05 am

    Form;; X | Gender;; male | Rank;; sanctus medicus | Scent;; herbs and dust | Words;; 399| Tagged;; branna|
    xxxxxBy the sparkle that lit Muru's it was obvious that those words meant everything, it was against his nature to hide something- anything from those around him. He wore his life on his sleeve, speaking his mind and living in the moment. The only thing he kept to himself was his past, but that was purely because of a lack of people asking. Wolves like Raine already knew of his past, after all it had been Raine who had brought his parents into the pack and by extension, him. Of course this was only after he returned from what most had thought was the grave. He supposed that most didn't bother asking, what with the formidable and strong presence he emitted when bored or disinterested. It was Branna, it was always Branna that made him turn off that aggressive behaviour and let his kindness and intelligence shine through. His voice echoed again in it's calm state, "I will be giving a report of how the patrol went to Raine when we get back, right before she announces the tournaments." The lupa paused, head dipping, signalling the open-endedness of the next statement. "We can tell her then?"

    xxxxxAlmost as a sign of that fact that the truth would be out, they began nearing camp. As they approached the entrance Muru paused, breath becoming shallow as a small wave of panic hit him, things were going to change now. But with a deep breath he nodded his head, walking into the camp, a smile on his maw and confidence pushing away any doubt. With Branna, by his side the world was theirs. He the master healer and her the master of everything else. Nothing could stop them, their pack or their people from succeeding. He just needed her by his side and now, that was where she was. Walking into the open expanse of the camp he felt giddy and free, a similar feeling to when he had first come home. Even though the camp was knew, his family were here. Thinking on it, everything had a different light to it, had the camp always looked so dark prior to this moment, or was it simply this youthful bliss that gave him the energy to see the light. His eyes moved to meet with Branna's and he smiled, more softly now but with a love in his eyes that spoke everything.

    Note;; sorry for the long wait; my muse was very fickle the last couple days. loud yelling
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(( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // two.

Postby tranquility. » Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:51 am

ϟ ( barak) ( a sanctus custos ) ( 3 1/2 y/o brute) ( towards the border ) ( w/fanchesa )

For a second, Barak was quite worried he had started the strange female. For a second she froze, her shapely frame rigid, her petite ears swiveling to pinpoint the strange sound. Then, after a moments hesitation, she turned to face him, in slow motion. Upon finally becoming vertical to him, her amber eyes widened in clear shock and she went completely rigid. Barak, however, made certain to remain relaxed and as unassuming as possible as he, more thoroughly examined the strange female before him. As he had deduced from the initial moment he'd laid eyes upon her, she was a fair maiden. Definitely built to be more of a hunter, like himself, no visible noteworthy scars or ailments. He noted that her ribs seemed a bit more pronounced that was usual, but given that she was a loner it wasn't startling at all, really. What startled him more was the fact that her stomach looked... a little swollen. Perhaps it was just him merely staring too hard, or the fact that her already petite body enunciated her stomach more than usual, but Barak immediately felt his worry increase.

That, and the fact that she hadn't spoken made him tilt his head ever so slightly. It wasn't as if she was too busy sizing him up too speak; if anything, now that he was fully focused on her face and eyes once more, she looked to be in a state of despair. The golden brute tentatively took a step forward, lowering his petite golden cranium to the earth a bit in a sign of borderline submission as he ventured forth, only stopping when the fae broke eye contact to angrily raked her claws over the peaty soil in the universal sign for frustration. Barak immediately felt all worries cease, turning into pure sympthy, because when he had dared ventured closer, he noted she wasn't merely skinny with a thicker coat, but her scent was entirely different from not only this territory, but this region. Barak, in spite of his age, was a well traveled individual, and given her smell? Barak had no grasp of human miles, but knew she was probably so far removed from her home that the prey here might not even be the same in any shape, form or fashion. Which answered one of his questions. If she isn't speaking yet clearly needs help, she probably doesn't speak our language. Something awful must've happened for her to be way out here, away from her native territory, prey and even language. Leaning forward a bit more as the strange fae made eye contact once more, Barak caught another whiff of her scent. It smells... a little familiar. Not her unique scent, but the general tones of it- but before the young brute could delve into his memory, the fae's gaze intensified, her black nose twitching as she finally spoke.

"Ich bin verloren. Ich spreche nicht deine Sprache." The way she spoke the harsh tongue was smooth and practiced. Immediately that spark of recognition turned into a blaze. Ah! I've heard that tongue uttered before. One of the few wolves I actually called friends spoke it. A bit of sadness and deja vu washed over him. The friend in question had faced a gruesome death, one Barak forced himself not to dwell on; instead, he turned the fae's words over in his head. If I think hard enough, I can help her.... Krieger taught me a few words before Lupus took him up the Starry Ladder. Yet, Barak had a bit of difficulty focusing, for the strange female had ventured closer, curiosity and anxiety flickering within that deep amber gaze. Angling his head up, allowing every section his neck to be sniffed in a sign of trust. He believed that the female would not act against him, for her tail flickered with more anxiety than anything, and if he gave her no reason to, why would she - whom had clearly demonstrated she didn't want to - strike a non-hostile wolf trying to assist? After her thorough sniff the female backed off a few mere inches, dropping her meal - a porcupine, Barak wondered how on earth she'd managed to catch the prickly, annoying beast - startling a few ravens away pesky creatures he thought briefly, but that thought dissipated when he watched the female gulp, watching him. Clearly she was trying to communicate with body language, as she had lowered her head and was gazing at him expectantly. Barak squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. What was it Krieger first said when he saw me? Something similar, like armer verlorener Welpe... and when I asked him what he meant he said "poor lost pup". So she did say lost... then the golden brute remembered something else. A few words he taught me... gosh, I hope this is right. For a second, the golden brute felt sadness. He'd spent so much time trying to survive during the time he'd met Krieger he had never learned the brute's native tongue well. But he did remember a few things, and hopefully the female would understand him. Enough.

"Um... Elch? No, no, no.... hat verloren? verlor dich? Folge mir," Barak said, his deep yet soft voice struggling to pronounce the foreign tongue, but making it work. Barely. It was clear he had no clue what he was doing. What was safe again? again? " borke? hm... that's not right. Leben? That's not right either. Hm... Packung sicher" the brute finally managed to utter, satisfied that he'd gotten at least close to his message of 'follow me. the pack will help you, its safe there.' Thanks for what you could do, Krieger, its really helping me out. Smiling warmly then at the female, wagging his tail and bringing up his head, he motioned with his narrow cranium for her to follow, before turning and padding towards the camp.
"I"m Barak," the golden brute said simply, introducing himself out of habit, although she couldn't understand him. Goodness, what will our pack do with her? She can't speak our language... but we do need to help her. No matter what, no wolf deserves to be left out here without assistance. And I can understand her... a little bit. What was travel again? Maybe I can ask her where she's from...

( blood) ( a sancum custos ) ( 5 y/o brute) ( leaving camp/sanctum territory ) ( w/eden)

Blood had managed to drift off into wonderland, his ears flickering atop his head every so often, swatting away any annoying bugs that dared plague him. However, just as his mind drifted into a deeper subconscious, a very annoying 'scritch, scrritch' filled the air, snapping the massive beast from his lull state. Fiery tangerine gaze snapping to attention and following the sound, the massive brute released a irritable sigh. It sounded like a wolf trying to sharpen its claws on a rock, or scrap something off of a tree, or something or other; Blood really didn't care. It was unbelievably annoying, and persistent. However, after his initial state of discomfort past, he found that it was rather easy to ignore the somewhat foreign, persistent sound. Yet, just as he was falling back into his initial lull Blood heard pawsteps approaching. Once again his large cranium snapped to attention. Annoyance was clearly visible in his fiery tangerine orbs, but it quickly morphed into a bit of - dare he think it - amusement as the source of the annoyance came into view. Eden had her head held high, so high there was no possible way she could've seen where she was going. There was moss everywhere it seemed; crammed in her maw, draping over her front, almost up to her eyes. It looked as if she was growing the plant! A very low rumble - something that could possibly be interpreted as a snort - escaped him. The massive, coppery red wolf watched Eden nearly pass him, before stopping, amber eyes widening in shock and her jaw subsequently betraying her, depositing all of her painstakingly collected moss at her paws. Then, immediately thereafter, a distraught sigh and glancing at the ground, before finally making eye contact. Blood was a bit surprised to see the annoyance in them. Surely this situation was annoying, but it was, after all, just moss.

The massive brute merely cocked an eyebrow at this display. What in Lupus' name was she thinking, collecting this much? Was she going to clean out all of the dens? Better yet, why had her comrades fled, leaving her to do the task herself? But instead of inquiring,
the massive brute merely watched the fae give a courteous head dip, and a polite "Good morning," quickly followed by a predictable inquiry for assistance. "I don't suppose you could help me carry this to Caelum's den?" Instead of replying initial, the brute merely looked around her, his fiery tangerine eyes searching for something. Then, his deep voice dry as a bone, the brute rumbled, "Morning Eden," (because why would he say good when his morning was anything but at the moment)? "That's rather odd; I was under the impression you had two comrades with you to do that." Blood usually was not one for sarcasm; however, it slipped of his maw, and while the words were curious and almost lighthearted, the tone was anything but. It wasn't Eden fault at all; it was merely Blood was having one of those days. Removing his rear from his comfortable rock in slow motion, the coppery brute snapped up all of the moss with ease, before fixing Eden with another stony look. It had suddenly hit him; he was ravenous, and there was no fresh prey in camp, or wolves for that matter. "Where are all of the other scouts?" Blood grunted around the moss, his tangerine eyes flickering irritably; he shouldn't have to inquire about this. Really. He shouldn't have too.
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