Kalon Fanclub V.3 [CLOSED]

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Kalontines Day is coming up! Do your Kalons have sweethearts?

No, and they're happy!
No, but they want one!
-waggles eyebrows-
Total votes : 340

Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby cherrydoge » Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:38 pm

Hey! I'm here to show off some art I did of my kalon, Astrophel


It's smaller than I intended, but it fits perfectly on his info page!! <3

I'm also still looking for relations for all of my Kals. They can be found here!
Some of their info is a wip, but I can tell you some of their personality in a PM.
PM me if interested!

Lorenzo is open for friends and enemies

Valerie is open for friends and enemies

Shirley is open for friends and enemies

Sam is open for friends, enemies, and romance

Astrophel is open for friends, enemies, and tentatively romance

Teddy is open for friends, enemies and crushes.


@kitana. - I'll PM you about commission prices! Your drawing is adorable, and I love all their expressions! I also love the poses, I think it shows a lot about the character, even if you don't know their personality.

@Colour54 - Your writing is really good! It's descriptive, but doesn't take too long to get to the point, if that makes sense? It's engaging, I was engrossed in reading your writing. I would keep an eye on your comma usage (although I do the same thing), but other than that I don't see many things wrong with your writing. I do suggest using Grammarly or Hemingwayapp, both excellent editing tools. Grammarly costs money if you want more options, but Hemingway is also good. Good luck with your future writing works, and for Kalon 1200!!

@bellini79 - Good luck with trading your kalons! I really like the colors and design on the second one, I'd offer if I had any kalons to trade away. The green stands out a lot! I hope they go to a loving home <3

@viixen - I'm sorry to hear you're upset : ( I hope you feel better soon ! Good luck with commissions, I hope you get lots so you can save up to commission some other artists :0

@Diamond Sapphire - My golly, Ciel is so stunning? <33!! GOSH I wish I could offer for him. Good luck with trades and I hope he goes to a good home that will cherish him c:

@KatLóve - Ahh congrats on getting your dream kal! I've seen that kalon around the fanclub now and then, I'm happy to see its new home! If you need relations, don't hesitate to pm me ;0 Also, good luck with your commissions! If I had more points I'd do it, your art style is amazing!

@.lucifer - Wow, that art is really good! If I had the time I'd join the roleplay, but unfortunately I don't. I'll occasionally check the thread now and then, though. Once slots are open, I just might comm you, since you're taking pets!
leaving. pm me if anythings important, i still get email notifs
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby Izuku » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:00 pm


I'm making a small experiment with comic since I want to do something similar for the #1200 competition, but I need a kal here to pat Ronnie's back
the bratty child has grown (I'm still finishing up his growth but pfftght) into a mess - he is now a youngster with a massive ego but has a bunch of problems with his emotions and trauma coping and here he is having a panic attack due one thing - how wonderful
but yeA I need one kal to pat him out of it and maybe give him a hug - can be a new buddy or someone of his older pals (I'm too awkward to pm anyone specific hh)
shoot me a pm if you're interested

found someone!! thank you so much!

Code: Select all

@cherrydoge - yOUR ART IS LOVELY??!! wow I really like your style pm me if you'd want to do an art trade or something - I'll check out your kals later for the relationships!
@kitana. - look at those gals I wish I had patience to do group pics - I'd give you bread money but my paypal is showing zeros aHAH
@bellini79 - wish you luck with trades! the bottom babe has so good palette but I have no kals to offer ;;
@KatLóve - your art is literally the sweetest thing but my dA balance is also 0 rn ahhh ;;; if I manage to get points in few hours I'll def. pm you!!
Last edited by Izuku on Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
    。 ゚░░░░

    Hi! I'm Mara !!

    my kals - dA - tumblr -
    commissions open! PM me if interested!

    signature art © pangurbanka
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby bite sized kuiper » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:16 pm

replies <3
Code: Select all
@izuku, oh my that is an amazing sketch so far!! ronnie is an adorable kid <3 good luck in finding a kal for your comic! i might shoot you a pm later if you are still in need of someone :0c
@cherrydoge, aaaa that art is precious! the tiny blep! your kalons are so fleshed out and wonderful oh my and the formatting is so n eat so crap good luck getting some relationships too !! id offer if i had some kals i think that would go well with yours orz
@kitana., im sure nikki was p er fe cT because that art is adorabLE AAA good luck with your commissions!!
@Color54, your writing is wonderful! its certainly not from a perspective im used to, but thats not to be taken in a bad way!! i usually see third person, but how you portray your writing in a second/first person point of view is amazing! although i skimmed it here and there, i think your writing is very engaging for the reader! pretty good if you ask me ^^
@bellini79, im sorry to hear youre losing connection with those kiddos </3 theyre very gorgeous--good luck trading them!
@viixen, good luck with pmv sketches!! ive always wanted to do amvs/pmvs, but i never had the time nor skill pffht. im sure youll make great pmvs though <33
@diamond sapphire, ciel is adorable! the colors are very nice and calming--good luck with trading!
@KatLóve, goodness, you have such lovely art!! id totally com you if i could so b s. but either way, good luck with your emergency coms!! i adore your pixels <3 and yes!!! chickadee!!!! i remember that kiddo congrats!
@.lucifer, your a rt is a ma zing sobs,,, good luck getting coms and relationships! your kal and art is lovely!
@coolwhipp, have fun streaming! its hella nice of ya to do requests ^^
@oiau, good luck finding a growth artist! my replication skills are horrid at the moment, but one day ill be able to do growths //shots emery is a dream bab!!

    - so in the dis tance-
    so exam week is literally starting tomorroW but im gonna procrastinate instead and do some art!!
    ive been having fun experimenting and what not with my style, and i wanna do some coms and art trades orz
    some of my latest examples are here: xxx, xxx,xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, my da is here if you want more examples //shot
    basically!! ill be doing pretty cheap coms for some da points, art trades, and maybe c$ and wl pets,,,
    if anything i prefer da points sobs (da points > art trades > c$ > wl pets) you can just hmu with kals or whatever and we
    can discuss prices, but honestly i dont really charge over 100-150 points whoopS im not so sure abt art trades,,, buT we
    can just discuss that over pm or somethin orz ill draw whatever tbh i just like doodling other people's kALS weeps
    so just hmu if youre interested ;'>
    apologizes if this post is cRAP im so ti red sobs

    -lays in my pile of doodles-
    w he e zes thanks for the i nte re st guys orz
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby Rikugan » Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:36 pm

@cherrydoge: aaa i love the style of that headshot ;-; i'm totes gonna stalk all your kalon's info just to admire ;v;
@Izuku: oml how precious ;; the style of your art is very expressive and really draws the viewer into the feel of his emotions aaa
@Epipale: holy canoli kimberly is gorgeous ;; her colors are a dream to look at aaa what a good bean

so i just wanted to share the finished collab between myself and Raleigh of my prince ;;v;; i know i shared it in the chat but gosh dangit i am just rlly proud of it orz

Raleigh did the sketch, and I did everything else !! isn't her human style to die for


i'm looking for some relationships for my boy, romance or friendos ;v; any messages will be replied to asap!!

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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby Kyar » Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:56 pm

Those are some handsome kids! I've definitely seen them around before - they're both such great examples of simple but lovely designs where less is definitely more. I'm not really in the trading market at the moment but they are quite gorgeous and I hope you're able to find them a loving new home! :) As well as a kalon or two you can connect with yourself. :)
Ah - practice is absolutely the best way to do it. That's a great strategy! I'd love to look them over but I'm not sure I'll have the time. Fingers crossed - eh? I think you've got the right idea focusing on ideas and content first though - that's one thing I learned in college that really took me until then to get. Style is secondary - you gotta have the right ingredients before you make the perfect meal!
Your style is lovely! I'm sorry to see one get cut off omg but I completely know the feeling. They're so adorable though! I really do love the way you've got them with the pose and the little smiles and everything. Gosh they're just too cute. I hope you're able to get some commissions in although I'm spending everything I have already and that needs to not happen oh gosh. They're really sweet though. Maybe someday I'll have to come back and order!
Astrophe looks adorable! I'm always down for nice small-sized portraits that fit onto pages nicely lol. It looks perfect to me. :) And good luck finding relationships for your kalons! I love the way you've got it formatted all nicely. If I wasn't so busy I'd do more investigating and perhaps starting something up - I'm just so behind as it is that it's probably not a good idea to try to force it in right now. Sorry about that!
Wow - you've got an incredible style! I'm already blown away by what you've got so far. I hope you're able to find someone to help the poor kid out! I won't say I don't have anyone exactly but I'm assuming by now you've found somebody and I'd rather you were working with someone who had more time for - you know - actual development stuff versus me who's a big old mess right now. I'll be looking out for the final comic and your 1200 entry though!!
@Nekoma's Lion
Tfw you click on a random example and it's the one you did for me. Super gorgeous though as always - and I love all the different styles you've got going! I haven't seen anything like those lineless examples around - those are super cool! I'm glad you've had so many orders come in though - I'll be eagerly awaiting the results of it all! :) Seriously though I can't thank you enough for the gift art - I love it to bits omg.
Uh… Wow??? That's absolutely gorgeous. You two make an incredible team that's all I've gotta say. I mean that looks like the kind of art I can't afford tbh. He's so stunning! The style Raleigh set up with your stunning coloring - it's fantastic! You guys should work together often lol. I think you have every right to be proud - it's a stellar piece!!

Hello all!
As usual life is still busy and I'm still behind on PM replies. I've been trying to focus hard on getting things with deadlines done first - like contests and the like - but I do plan on hunkering down and getting some serious work done on development and relationships in the upcoming weeks! Hopefully I'm able to find the time to fit in some PM organization and I can get things together to keep up with set relationships as well as develop some new ones! I know I have a few PMs I really need to get out after my last FC post so my apologies to those of you who've PMed me and been waiting for a response. I'm keeping up as best I can!

I wanted first of all to share some AMAZING gift art I've received recently! Each of these users were so extraordinarily kind to surprise me with some artwork of my kalons completely out of the blue! And they're so stunning too omg.
Lorna by crepuscular.
Another piece of Lorna by Nekoma's Lion (also linked in their post above!)

To prevent this from being a too image-heavy post I'm gonna post the boys and link the girls! ignominyy surprised me with a TON of gorgeous drawings of my kalons!
Idellia, Valkyrie, and Rita too!

I can't thank these guys enough for their incredible work. They're just fantastic!!

I also wanted to share some recent growths!
I don't believe I've had the chance to show off the stunning growth Aey did of my darling little satyr girl Lyra.
She's been a kit for such a long time it's hard to think of her as an adult now - but I think her childish trickster personality is far from changing even into adulthood. Pranks and shenanigans are 100% up her alley. She'd easily rather lead you in circles than help you get where you need to go - but she knows where the limits are too and in the end won't do anything to seriously hurt another. Or at least, not on purpose.

I also have to thank Sixbane for their fantastic work on my boy Bennet!
Rita's and Cherry's lovely son is all big and fancy now - ready to thrill and amaze with his soaring-and-diving stunts (and don't forget scaring his mom half to death). He's got his dad's and his aunt's adventurous spirit and a hard time focusing his attention on any one thing. Needless to say, he was no easy child to raise. But it boils down to a rim of fragile insecurity when he does get slowed down and has to face the fact that he spends so much time skimming the surface of everything - and focusing more on what he appears to be than what he actually is - he's got a desperate loneliness and a need for affirmation that can't ever be satiated. He'll never admit to it - but the air of confidence he exudes really is just that. His family has always been there for him, but he's had a way of distancing himself to the point that it's mostly a mental barrier formed in his own mind.
Ah - I have a lot more to work on developing with him lol. That's just where I'm at so far. :) He's a gorgeous kid but came home right at one of the busiest points in my life so far. It's made it tough for me to make solid decisions for him which is part of what led into his chaotic character.

Both are certainly open for relationships under the warning that PM replies will be quite slow right now - sorry!

Last but not least - I'm looking for a breeding cooldown skipping item! If anyone has one they'd be willing to trade - please PM me! I'd really love to work something out. I have a handful of edit items and the potential to buy items from the edit shop as well. Thank you!
Have a good day y'all.
Please contact me here or on TH - I will no longer be using Discord!
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 (LONG POST)

Postby ArizonaT3a » Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:00 pm

Hey guys, I thought I'd give a little update/share some Kalons ^^
Also a stream --> I'm just going to draw for a bit since my firefox/chibipaint is down and then maybe play some NITWs if anyone is interested? ( stream )
Taking request headshots/possibly half or fullbodies. Just need to draw for a bit, my mind is a bit scrambled tonight. <3

First things first, growths are delayed! I have two off oekaki growths that'll probably be done soon, but if I can't get firefox to work tonight once I finish streaming. Then growths might have to wait till tomorrow, along with an hm I have in progress.
All of the growths have been at least lined or almost finished lining, along with an hm custom and a myo!
My apologies for the delay!

I cannot art on oekaki either till I get chibipaint back, chickenpaint does not like my tablet. But I can do off oekaki art, which I'll be opening up commissions right after these growths.
Only opening them up for USD/possibly points? Or at least in return for art as well!
Along with growths once again for USD or points!
This is going towards my move

Now for Kalons: (all are looking for art ack)
Robin is all grown <3 He's looking for some friends and possibly enemies!

Angel is quite the little bundle of joy, she resides in the fantasy medieval era and is a bit of a trouble maker. But the type that gets you to laugh with them, even if you're trying to be serious. She has a passion for ramen, and lives in the forests of Japan. She is also a demon hunter.

Coastguard and part time nerd, Pepper had a fairly happy life. Her mother Mako wasn't around much so she was mostly raised by her mother Avery, who happens to have been a traveling nurse. Often times they got to see the world together, and whenever Mako visted she'd take Pepper to go out hunting for rocks for her to add to their special rock collection. Of course there were hard times with them, as that's how life is. But she loves her parents dearly and they're a big part of her life. And the reason she's so out there and happy.
Pepper is a little extroverted sweetheart, she can have a soft voice sometimes. But most the times she's as assertive as can be, it'd would've done her no good if she was constantly soft spoken in her type of career.
She learned a lot of her medical information from her mother Avery, the two were always close as can be to each other.

(also got a Fui chibi of her!! <33 Ahh thank you once again Check for the wonderful gift!)

And last but not least my new Kalon Vana: (he has a growth but I'd like to draw/develop him as a kit)
A shy little hiker who enjoys spending his time in cafe's or out in the woods. Vana enjoys hiking out far places even if he's quite slow, as he is a bit out of shape but doesn't mind too terribly much. When he gets out there he just enjoys the peace and silence, or the natural noises of wherever he's at. Often times falling asleep on rocks or in sunny patches of grass.
When he's not out hiking, he can be found at cafe's drinking frappe's of all sorts and doodling or listening to music as he does so.
He loves attention but is far too shy for it, often times leaving him crabby that he's alone.

Code: Select all
@Kyar - Ahh look at Robin's sibling, so pretty! Congrats on the growth, along with all of the art! I bet it was pretty exciting to get them eep, they're all so beautiful. Also good luck with deadlines and such, I hope all works out well for you! If you need any Kalons for relationships and/or developments- feel free to pm me! I have a lot of Kals that I'd be ecstatic to develop some more! Also acckk it's good to see Lyra around and grown! ; o ; <33
@ prospecte - OH MY GOSH, what stunning artwork! Raleigh is a line god ngl and hecc your style is stunning as well! The shading you did, along with the coloring is perfect ~
@ Nekoma's Lion - I hope you got all that you were looking for, I can't wait to see your art around oml!! <33
@ Izuku - Good luck with your comic, I hope you find a Kalon to put in there. Oh my gosh your style looks so precious though, I'll be looking forward to reading over your finished form!
@ cherrydoge - That art is so adorable <33 Your style is lovely! Good luck finding relations as well, feel free to pm me if you'd like!
@ kitana. - Your art is just so precious hnnn, the lines are smooth too! Keep it up ack, I hope to see more in the future!
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby Alantica » Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:33 pm

Good luck with your comic! ^o^
Ohhh! That art looks amazing!
Ahh such a cool collab!
Your recently grown kalons are beauties :')
All the art looks awesome also!
Your kalons are all so pretty I cant. :')
Good luck with your commissions!

I'm in search of C$, points, and USD so I'm opening up commissions. Sorry no pets this time.
[1 USD = 100 points]
My deviantart: le-skywings

I'll be doing
Growths for 40 C$ or $2.00 USD (Base price). Might be more expensive if the design is more detailed/complex. Can do on oekaki growths and off oekaki growths.
Examples: A||B||C||D
"Head-shots" (It includes a bit of the neck) for 60 C$ or $3.00 USD.
Examples: A||B||C
Head-shot sketches for 10 C$ or $0.50 USD. (Will have a white background and a transparent version.)
Examples: A||B||C
Chibis for 80 C$ or $4.00 USD.
Examples: A||B
Custom Kalon Designs: Starting from 120 C$ or $6.00 USD. Price increases with difficulty of design. (Includes 2 revision. More revisions will cost more.)
Examples: (On oekaki) A||B (Off oekaki) C

Prices in per character. Feel free to PM me if interested or if you have any questions.
Image Image Image
Image Image

Big fan of
Boku no Hero Academia, Love Live, Dangan Ronpa

If I owe you something and haven't done it in a while,
remind me again because I probably forgotten about it.

My Kalons||My other adoptables||Fish Keepers
It's been two days. I'm already ded from college.
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby mikey » Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:50 pm

    I swear I'll get one of those cool layout things for my fanclub posts one day...
    Meet my new kalon Desiree, she was designed by fawnpi! I'm so excited to have a fawnpi design aHhA
    She's a generally quiet kalon who tends to look on the positive side of a situation. She loves flowers and will probably work as a florist, because that's definitely an original idea. Desiree, or Des (maybe) is very passionate about working with electricity. She's also a mega nerd and I love her. Also, never ever bring her to a picnic or a date where either stargazing or going to a place where there's plants around. Because she can ramble on about constellations & plants for hours. I'll be searching for relationships for her at some point, once I get her figured out.

    Because I'm hella impatient and I love to plan ahead, I'm opening all of my kalons for OOC breeding. I'm on a cooldown until October 15th ;v; Just message me. (all of them besides Astra, she'll probably breed with Elliot at some point because I want them to have some kids. )
    My kalons

    Replies !!
    Alantica: Good luck with all of that, your growths are amazing and so is your art <33
    Akemi-chan: Good luck trying to get firefox to work, and woah those are some pretty kalons !!
    Kyar: Wow, that art is stunning congratulations !! Those growths are so pretty, you've got some amazing kalons <3
    prospecte: Woah what an incredible collab, you both did so well !! The style is amazing and the way the hair is coloured is so pretty ahh
    Nekoma's Lion: Wow, have fun with all of that art !!
    Izuku: It's great that you've found a kal for that, I'll have to check out your form at some point <33
    cherrydoge: Good luck with all of those relationships!! That art is so pretty <33
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby kittykore » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:13 am

@Sketchimutt- They look so pretty congratulations
@Alantica- I will for sure be pming you, lemme get the chicken dollars owo
@Akemi-chan- I hope the stream went well ^^ <3

Hey guys! I bring to you Angelina's Voice over by Inspired girl!
Words cannot describe how happy I am. I'm working on my form more today!
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby shibeboi » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:03 am

Hey! I'm at school rn but I need someone to transfer Astrid for me! I can pay in pets, art and the three C$ I have! Thanks if you do!

@JackAttacks that's awesome!
@Sketchiimutt Desiree is gorgeous! Congrats!
@Alantica wow for art is really pretty, gl with commissions!
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