Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread--CLOSED

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Fire At Heart » Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:13 am

Username: Fire at Heart
Your lion: Aspen
How your lion feels:

Aspen wants to feel out the new lions before he makes a solid decision on whether he likes these lions staying around. Secretly though, he is really excited that there are oasis lions in the pride. Even though he is a cub, he acknowledged that this is a rare opportunity to learn about a part of the planet that very little lions know about. Unfortunately, Aspen has not gotten a chance to talk to the older lions from the Oasis yet, but he is hoping he will once everything settles down. The Oasis cubs seem nice enough though, they are also very knowledgeable about the lions as a race. He loves to hear the stories about the Oasis and their journey from the cubs. Most of the time he hangs out around the cubs when there is a large group of pride cubs. Since he shares an element with some of them, he likes to see the different ways they use their element compared to the pride. Though he works hard now, he has started to push himself harder to get to the level these cubs are with their elements. They will be one of the reasons he is able to work past the issues he has controlling his element. As he grows older, Aspen hopes to be the generation that fights besides the Oasis lions… maybe even these cubs he has just met.

word count: 233

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Nanorat » Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:56 am

Username: Nanorat
Nusery rhyme/Story: A Lazy Caffer
Gather round, cubs, it's story time for you! This evening, I will tell you a tale of a lazy caffer.
There was once a herd of caffers, roaming the vast planes of unknown lands. Now you all know caffers are slow, but one of them, was standing out even among his own kind! He was a big, old caffer and to his age, got so lazy that he started to fall behind on his herd. When everybody else were starting to move out, he always lingered to lay around a bit longer, lazing on the ground and basking in the sun. He thought, "I am so big and strong, who is there to challange me?" and one day, decided to just stay behind when his herd left for another pasture. He was so happy! Nobody nudged him to stop being lazy, nobody bothered him while he relaxed, lying on warm stones. And so he stayed on this one pasture that had enough food just for him, and he didnt have to roam far for it. Can you guess what happened to him next, cubs?
Correct! A hunting party came across the lazy giant. He smelled them from afar, as caffers have very keen sense of smell - but when he tried to run away, he couldnt. Lazying around all he wanted to, he grew so fat that he couldnt run few steps without stopping to catch his breath! The lions surrounded him and together, they brought the lonely caffer down.
And so you should learn from this tale, little cubs, to never grow lazy like this old caffer did. Your friends will move on while your laze will stall you back, and enemies will not miss this opportunity to strike. Rememeber this well!

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Rohan. » Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:19 pm

Username: Rohan.
Your lion: Keres
How your lion feels:
"My name is Keres, I am a spy for the rebellion, but I live amongst the pride much of my time. I joined the rebellion for my beliefs with my Mate, but many things have changed, as have my allegience.. perhaps this is why I'm hesitant to say anything about these new comers. The rebellion will know nothing of them from, at least. The pride will not see me around them. I wish to stay away from their issues, though my duty will likely betray this wish, as usual."

Keres has had a very complex history, but the vital information to this is that she was born to the pride to parents that didn't truly want cubs, and neglected them. Banding together, her siblings became the most important thing to her. They relied on one another for everything, and are the only pride lions to know her reason for disappearing every few days.
Keres loved Wernen and Lilith with everything she has, and has happily watched as they each took mates and had families. However, her a llegience began to shift when Wernens children Ezra and Varania joined the rebellion. Especially when the rebellion ordered Ezra to kill Wernen. With the horrid realization that her beliefs meant nothing if it's up to lions with the likes of the rebel leaders to create them. She has begun to lengthen the time spent at the pride in order to avoid the rebellion.
It's due to this that she met many of the newcomers first hand. Eowyn was the first she met, a guard with the element of psychic and poison, her psychic abilities allowing her to see parts of Keres mind. Due to this Eowyn knows Keres' secret and allegiance.
"" Keres walked the pridelands without much confidence, her mind was alight with misgivings and confusion, her very core beliefs and loyalities were being challenged for the first time since she had her parents constantly around her- it was unsettling to say the least. She felt her only solid ground was with her sister, Lilith, and her dear nieces and nephews. To see Lilith so happy after so long, much like when Wernen had found his mate and had cubs, it was good. She found herself jealous at times, cursing her own inability to have cubs for herself and Raider, but to see her family happy was good. She missed her brother so dearly, found his children that she saw daily in the rebellion unsettling. At one point she may have had a hand in raising their station, in finding them the right contacts to engage in the rebellion... but now.. she curses their station, curses their very being in the rebellion as an act of karma spitting at her family for its wrong doings, for its traitorous and selfish acts.
There were many things, to say the least, haunting the icy lioness as she trudged into the prides core in the mountains. She barely even noticed the newest gossip floating from the mouths of lions everywhere. Not at first, at least. It became hard to ignore though, when she suddenly heard a sharp intake of a gasp. Attention shifting to the lioness infront of her, "Watch it" , she growled. In a moment of hesitation, the lioness stepped out of the way, her gaze darkening and muscles tensing. Keres narrowed her eyes at the multicolored lioness, tension flooding her as she stared. The two lionesses stood locked in a glaring match, sudden hostilities unexplained to Keres until the stranger spoke.
"Who are you"
She nearly laughed, a stranger to the pride lands asking a pride member that? Who do they think they are? What do they know? Keres untensed, ready to play the role of a innocent pride member until the stranger hissed traitor under her breath. Ah.
"What will you do?" She asked, calling upon her element, the air seemed to chill around her, her whiskers gathered frost.
With the chill, the stranger seemed unsure, her confidence faltering at the threat. "Why? Why with so much to lose? I saw youve got thoughts of family, so much new bliss, why lose that for the rebellion?"
Keres hissed, psychics. She had learned those that wandered the pride to avoid them in case this very situation occured, but newcomers were always a threat. "Whats it matter to you?"
The stranger- Eowyn- seemed to straighten up, a mask sliding over her face as she seemed to decide what reaction would be appropriate for the change in events. She stood elegantly, but her form was wrong for preparation for fighting.
"Your presence and position requires you to give intel to those that wish to see Lochren burn.. You could ruin my family. However... It is not my position to ruin yours either. If you do not tell of my family and our appearance here to your traitors, I will keep my mouth shut."
Keres stared, surprised by the sudden change of heart. This stranger.. it was dangerous. This was a bad idea, but.. she nodded. Her family needed her around- or rather she needed to still find good in the world, and thus be around her family for it. Raider would be delighted shes still able to see him in the pride lands if she agreed and kept quiet...
Would the rebellion even know of her betrayal to them? How could they possibly find out? They would know nothing of it. She'd make sure she gets away with the deception.
"Deal." She whispered, more of a breath, barely audiable. The stranger stared at her for a moment, then unflurled her wings and took off, leaving Keres to her own.
Keres watched her retreating form quietly, wishing she could escape her cloudy mind as easily as the stranger escaped the situation. With a sigh, she turned and began walking in her dens direction, forgoing her plans on visiting Liltih. She could use a little comfort from her mate right now. He'd know what to say, he always knows how to calm her fears.""
(1006 words)
Last edited by Rohan. on Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Squirrelspirit » Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:40 pm

Username: Squirrelspirit
Your lion: Ruvik
How your lion feels:
Words: 245

Ruvik isn’t the type to listen to idle gossip as it makes it easy for the truth to become lost once it leaves it‘s source. Which was why he preferred to hear any and all news straight from source. Once news of there being guests within the Pride made it’s way over to his ears, he couldn’t help but be skeptical. Who were these strangers? They were from the Oasis? Wasn’t that a silly myth? What did they want? After asking around, ease dropping on the adults who tended to gossip, and finally seeing the family for himself, Ruvik was only left feeling just as confused about their presence as when he first heard the rumor.

The cub didn’t understand how these strangers were able to help them with the war. They certainly didn’t have the looked of fierce some warriors or cunning leaders. At least not that he could tell. They looked like a bunch of messengers really. And if they were here to help why hadn’t they come sooner? Why bring a bunch of cubs? Even when he spoke to some of the cubs, it did only spurred more questions. It was all too weird, and in all honestly Ruvik was unwilling to spend more time trying to figure it all out. In the end Ruvik feels rather neutral towards these strangers. If they help turn the tides of the war, then great! If not, then what purpose did their visit truly serve.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Mechanic Drone » Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:44 pm

Username: Mechanic Drone
Your lion: Klay
How your lion feels:
 Lions from the oasis? It cant be true. As a child the oasis was nothing more than chatter in the unknown lands, a myth, or maybe more of a legend. And now? I'm face to face with not just one but an entire family of lions from the oasis. I have to say though, overall they seem... normal. Normal in a sense that they are just regular lions just like every body else. They seem so formal about everything but I suppose it isnt a bad thing. I still find it strange how they brought cubs with them tho. The unknown lands isnt a safe place for a cub, take it from me, I know. I hope they are enjoying their time here thogh and I do truly hope they can help us end this civil war. I am excited to be able to help lead them back to the oasis within time, more than anything I am excited and eager to see the oasis for myself. I have been to so many different places in the unknown land I'm extremely curious as to where it even is and how no one has ever found it. All I know is I'm itching to get out there in hopes of ending this war.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby NARANDA » Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:18 am

Username: NARANDA
Your lion:
How your lion feels: (208 Words)
Istas has not heard about the Oasis Lions arriving at the pride, but if she had she would probably be unsure about them getting involved with the war since she hates the war so much and would hate to see even more lions get involved, hurt and even killed, especially since they had the option to stay out of the war all together. She has spent her time in the Unknown Lands, surviving and taking care of Ibzan. After a bad decision Ibzan had made he was left severely injured, luckily she had found him and brought him home. Her time has since been spent taking care of him as his wounds heal. He has refused to be taken to any healers from any side and would rather wait out the healing process, forcing Istas to take care of him and help him recover. She has become a little disappointed in him after what has occurred, but won't say anything. She silently hopes this event taught him a lesson since he finally told her all that happened to lead up to this horrible fight, and she was not surprised when she found out what he did to provoke the much stronger male into beating him to a pulp.

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Queen Vivane » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:45 pm

Username: Queen Chrysalis
Your lion: Zalaen
How your lion feels:
Strangers always bring trouble and Zalaen hates trouble. It always means he can't get his job done properly because someone needs him to do something. He supposes that he'll make a proper decision once these strangers actually do something to show what side they are on. Until then he'll just ignore them unless he has absolutely has to interact with them.

Zalaen will absolutely refuse to listen to ridiculous gossip about these Oasis lions and their spawn. If others want to blabber uselessly then they can, he's not interested in listening to lies. It's not as though these new lions look particularly suspicious or anything but, neither do they look like innocent bystanders.

Still though Lions from the Oasis, he's only ever heard tales of the place. It's strange to think it's actually a real pace and that there is another pride there. That these ones chose to come to here as ambassadors. In all honesty Zalaen is rather confused about all this Oasis Lions arriving business.

He was the first to see the party of lions arrive and kept tabs on the newcomers. Finding himself rather suspicious of them he kept to the shadows as much as he possibly could. Keeping an eye on them and making sure none of them wandered off to create mischief.

217 words

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Red weasel » Fri Sep 29, 2017 7:46 am

Alrighty guys! Threads closed, I'll have results posted soon!

Pengu. - 30
broken* - 30
Fire at Heart - 30
Rohan. - 30
squirrelspirit - 30
Mechanic Drone - 30
Queen Chrysalis - 30

Nanorat - 30

I love reading all your entries! Hope to see you all around for next months prompts!
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Red weasel » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:34 am

Posting is open for this month!
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Mechanic Drone » Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:23 am

Username: Mechanic Drone
Your lion: Klay
Story: Well I grew up in the unknown lands and so I'm quite familiar with Arknon and his undead army. My father never told me about them until we eventually ran into a lone one. It's pure black wispy body and glowing yellow features are something I will never forget. Before I even had a chance to process what I was looking at the creature lunged at me with a terrifying screeching roar. I ran as fast as I could away from the creature but my short cub legs wouldn't carry me fast enough. In an instant it had me pinned to the ground while it wiped it's tail around ready to deliver the final blow. Surprisingly though my father Arius stepped in and knocked the creature off me. In an instant he had me by the scruff and carried me away from the undead abomination. However it wasn't that easy to get away. With my added weight the lion gained on us and knocked my father to the ground and I tumbled from his mouth. Quickly turning around I saw the creature had Arius pinned to the ground. Without thinking I sprung to my feet and tried to help get the creature off my father. It's fire like eyes staring through my very being as I moved towards it. Quick as I could I rammed into using my full body weight which moved the undead lion just enough for my father to push it off and finish it off with a tail attack. I got scolded pretty badly for not running fast enough but it was definitely a scary experience.
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