SoL - The Stallion Run (CLOSED)

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Re: SoL - The Stallion Run

Postby -Isabella- » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:14 am

Username: Isabella56
Horse Number: #007
Horse's Name: Nirav
Name Meaning: "Quiet, Silent"
Age: 9 years
Why Do I like Him In Particular?: I love his markings and color and when I looked at him his story started coming together in my mind so I thought I would give it a try! I was going to do some head shot art but Oekaki isn't working for me currently.
Herd Name: Zelimir Herd (Meaning: Wishes for Peace)

Nirav's Youth:

Nirav was born into a family of bold horses, a warrior herd, they were called. His mother and all of his aunts and sisters were brave and courageous horses who fought hard to survive in a harsh land. It was said that they never backed down and would die fighting rather than retreat.
They also believed that colts were a sign of strength. They demanded courage and spirit from all of their foals, but especially their colts.
When Nirav was born, he was the first colt and last foal his father ever sired.
His mother was a bold, courageous mare and Nirav's father thought that their foal would certainly be strong and bold, just like they were.
But as the foal grew his mother began to notice something strange. Her colt was quiet, meek, and obedient. He didn't play fight, instead he liked to take quiet walks. He didn't argue his point with his siblings, instead he would concede rather than cause a problem.
Nirav's mother tried to convince his father that he would grow out of his meekness, but when he was six months old it was time for a special tradition. The naming ceremony. The lead mare would give him a fitting name, maybe one suggested by his mother or maybe one she herself thought was appropriate.
The name meant quiet, silent. A contradiction of everything he was supposed to be, and yet an embodiment of everything he was.
It wasn't until he was older that he understood the significance of such a name. Even his sister's names stood for things like strength, bravery, spirit. Strong names. Names that demanded respect. But he was just Nirav, the quiet, silent, meek, and weak.
A disappointment to his parents and his herd.
He endured the teasing of his older sisters, but maybe worse was the pity he had to endure from their mothers.
As much as he wanted to be someone else to please his family, Nirav didn't know how. He didn't mind being just as he was, quiet, agreeable Nirav.
But his father wanted a protector, a warrior, a bold fearsome young stallion. Everything Nirav was not.
So, when he grew older he left his father's herd to try to make his own way.
He soon discovered that he had a lot to learn about living on his own.
He had to be his own lead stallion and lead mare all at once, learning how to defend himself and how to find the right places to eat and drink, knowing friend from foe.
The year he spent on his own didn't change him like his parents had hoped he might change, he was still quiet and lacked a certain boldness, but he learned a lot from those he met along the way, patience, diplomacy, reliability, ingenuity. All of these things would help him to become a good leader one day, even if he didn't lead as his father and grandfather had before him.

495 words

His Ancestors:
Nirav loved to listen to the stories of his ancestors. His mother was a story teller in their herd and she would tell of days long ago, before the war.
She told of their unicorn ancestors, healers and peacekeepers. Then, the war came.
She said that most of their ancestors were wiped out at the beginning of the war. But those few that remained fought likes lions. Nirav has been told that one of his unicorn ancestors, a mare called Akilah the wise, was in love with Kṣamatā,though it was unrequited. They say she tried to plead with him to stop, but failed, dying by his hooves. Many more perished, but a few survived.
One such survivor was Nasir. Nirav's mother says that she is directly related to Nasir through her mother. Apparently he was a weaker unicorn whose powers were not as well developed as the others, making him a subject of teasing sometimes. One story says he survived because Kṣamata thought him not worth the trouble of killing, another says he was meeting with his lover, who was a normal horse, and therefor escaped the fate of the other Unicorns.
His mother said that survivors, like Nasir, found mates among horses and the resulting foals didn't carry enough of their unicorn parent's blood to have their powers, or their horns.
After just a few generations any slight resemblance they may have had to their unicorn relatives was gone. But they remained determined as ever, survivors at any cost.

No one knows for sure how much of the stories are true and what has changed as it was came down through the generations, but Nirav hopes that he would have the courage of Akilah and the courage to persevere like Nasir.

-- words


Nirav is a quiet stallion, preferring to use as few words as possible. He isn't the type to have an immediately commanding presence, but he has a deep, rich voice that captures your attention and makes you want to keep listening.
Nirav will protect his herd with all of his heart and soul. He cares for each individual and speaks to them by name, but he also knows that he cannot risk the safety of the whole herd for just one horse, regardless of his feelings.
He is a good listener and carefully thinks out every problem, whether his own or one presented to him by one of his herd.
He think out everything so carefully that he is often at risk of overthinking things.
He is very private about his innermost feelings and has yet to share his heart with anyone. In his mind he cannot be hurt if he doesn't give anyone the chance to inflict injuries, but at the same time he has closed himself of so much he has deprived himself of giving or properly receiving love. he has yet to find the proper balance here.
Nirav could be considered old fashioned, tending to speak and act in an old fashioned, chivalrous, sort of manner.
Because he is such a careful thinker those that know him sometimes worry that he doesn't ever just take a chance and see where a little impulsiveness leads him. Even when he was young he missed out on some adventures and relationships because he wasn't willing to take the chance and a little risk.
Of course, his caution assures that he keeps his herd safe, but in his personal life maybe he could use a little impulsiveness or boldness.
Nirav is not one to outwardly show his feelings very often, remaining fairly neutral at all times. In times when others are panicking, excited, or angry, they tend to wonder how he isn't. But Nirav isn't immune to such feelings, he simply chooses to try his best to keep them to himself. He knows that his herd looks to him for protection, and if he is panicking that feeling could spread to everyone and make things worse.
Some lead mares don't appreciate his quietness all that much, but those that have seen beneath it can see his value as a leader. Even if he isn't as outwardly impressive as other stallions.
As far as romance goes, Nirav is fairly certain he should not rely on his ability to sweet talk or impress. He gets tongue tied around mares for the most part and says nonsensical things. He wishes he were more smooth and quick witted but that has never been his speciality.
Deep down, part of him longs for love since he never got much of it growing up. But because of his tendency to close himself off from other horses he has, in a way, made it harder on himself to achieve this desire.
If he did have a special someone he would treat her like a queen.
His loyalty, once given, is something to be depended on. He will never desert those he loves best, unless he would endanger his herd by not doing so.
Nirav finds it easy to talk to a horse as a leader to a herd member, but he finds it harder to just relax and be friendly.
Nirav is curious, but he doesn't like to push another horse for information or invade their privacy. But, as a leader he sometimes has to remind himself that for the good of all he has to let go of his own misgivings if he thinks there might be a problem.
Despite not being very social, at least on a casual level, he is surprisingly good at guessing when another horse is in trouble or bothered by something. And if another horse is willing to talk to him, he is a good, listener and will give the best advice he knows how to give.



When Nirav was young he knew his mother was disappointed in him, but he loved her anyway. If anything he felt guilty, blaming himself for being born as he was. He remembers his mother being beautiful, her coat the color of autumn leaves, splashed with white as if the clouds had come rolling across her coat. He remembers that, even in her disappointment, she protected him. For all of the moments she told him how she wanted him to try to change, there were always those special moments when she kept another foal from teasing him or those rare occasions when a mare would remark on his lacking something and his mother would instantly remind the mare of something he had done or said that was intelligent or clever.
His mother was maybe his harshest critic, and his protector. For deep in her heart, she always loved her foal, and she grieved more over the fact that no one, even his own father, would accept him, than she did that he had been born 'different'.
Nirav's sister was not much older than him. He remembers her clearly, a spitfire filly with eyes that could go from being soft as a doe to almost electric in their energy. She was older than him by at least two years, and in truth, she didn't look upon him any more favorably than anyone else, but there were times when she would speak kindly to him or let him tag along when she went out to explore. She treated him mostly as an annoying younger brother. He remembers her coat, golden like the tall grass with just a little white here and there. Wherever she went it was like she carried a ray of sunshine with her, not just in her coloring, but in her spirit.
Nirav wouldn't remember his father very well. Once he grew old enough to remember his father had stopped visiting him and Nirav only ever saw him from afar. He remember him being tall and muscular with a commanding air about him. He had a deep voice, like rolling thunder. His coat was light gold, almost white, and his mane the color of freshly fallen snow. He remembers both fearing and revering the stallion who had sired him. Though he sometimes detected love in his mother's eyes, he never saw any such sentiment from his father, just bitter disappointment.
402 words
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Re: SoL - The Stallion Run

Postby Phina D Wolf » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:55 pm

Username: Phina Wolf
Horse Number: 002
Species: Horse
Age: 6
Name: Mchenga
Herd: Aralon
Herd Position: Lead


Mchenga is a very quiet and thoughtful stallion, who knows exactly where he wants to go in life. He wants to form a small band, like all stallions do, but he wants his to be special. He wants his band to constantly be supporting each other, and building each other up. None of the petty nonsense that sometimes occurs in groups of mares.

He aims to ensure that his followers exhibit this behavior by exhibiting it by himself. He strives to always be understanding, to always be ready to listen, and to always put others needs before his own.

His one fault is that he has a naturally short temper, which he still occasionally struggles with. He will blow up in someone’s face and storm off, only to come back later to apologize for his irrational behavior.

He forms very close bonds, and would walk through fire for those he loves, so he hates that he still inadvertently hurts those close to him from time to time. You can always tell when Mchenga has recently lost his temper, because the despair and self loathing is evident on his face, and he won’t raise his voice above a quiet murmur.

Mchenga’s natural state is one of quiet, thoughtful authority. He doesn’t yell his way into a position of power, he wins the respect of the other horses by his quiet strength and deep understanding.

While his constant strong, silent demeanor may seem to indicate a stallion with little empathy Mchenga actually strives to identify with each horse he meets in a unique way. He always does his best to make new comers seem welcome, and try to match them up with horses with similar interests, so that they will feel at home.

When he isn’t defending his herd, Mchanga actually enjoys mentoring all the little foals that tag at his heels. He loves to teach them about life through different games, helping the little colts and fillies learn how to defend themselves, and others, by organizing play combats and training sessions. He teaches them to find water and good grazing by holding competitions, with some special treat as the prize.

Machenga is renown for his intensive protection of his mares. If a mare chooses to join his herd, no other stallion dares to even look askance at her, for fear of arousing Mchenga’s infamous temper. While he keeps it well controlled among his herd, with outsiders he is not so careful.

When the mood strikes him, Mchenga is a hopeless romantic. Every so often, he will sporadically become overly sweet and romantic, sweeping his mares off their feet as if they were yearlings again. The mood doesn’t often last long, but he makes the time matter.

While Mchenga forces himself to be strong for those who depend on him, he is actually very delicate emotionally. If someone he trusts betrays or is cruel to him, he will be devastated for days. Often his band never knows how badly he is effected, because he suppresses his emotions during the day, appearing to be the same, quiet, powerful stallion, but at night he lays down a long way away from his band, and lets the silent tears slip down his cheeks.

Once he heals from a betrayal, he will never be the same to that horse again. He will still be polite, but his mannerism will forever be cold, and he will do his best to separate them from anyone he thinks might be hurt the same way.

What part did his or her Ancestors play in the war?

Meharan was the leader of a small, closely knit band that wish to have no part in the war. He only wished to protect his herd, to give them a safe life. But that was not to be. His herd was called upon to fight, and his loyalty and honor forbade him from denying the call. Hating every moment of the battle, he steadily rose in the esteem of his comrades for his ferocity and skill on the battle field, for even if he hated the war, he hated their enemies more. Finally he was injured so badly that they refused to allow him back on the battle field, and insisted that they had a better use for his skills. For many years, he stayed behind the battle lines, training the new recruits, giving them the best chance at survival and victory that he could. His last living moments were spent holding back a small force of the enemy while giving his trainees, and young wife and child, a chance to escape. The tiny foal galloping by his mother’s side is Mchenga’s great grandsire. he aspires to attain the loyalty and courage of his ancestors, being willing to fight and die to protect those he loves.


Mchenga was barely three when he struck out on his own, and he wasn’t quite sure he was ready. The first few days were a blast, no parents, no responsibilities, no one looking to him for an example. The freedom was glorious. But it didn’t maintain the initial glory. Soon he found himself wandering listlessly, wanting SOMETHING to do, someone to mind. But there was no one. The bachelor life was lonelier than he had expected. He found a bachelor herd his second week, but no company was better than that company. Mchenga could not stand the petty fighting and whatever other insanity that was going on in that herd. So, he stayed out on his own, avoiding the bachelor herds, and other stallions’ herds. He knew better than to bother an established stallion.

He had been out on his own for just over a month when it happened. Grazing contentedly, he was disturbed by a low grumble from the forest. He pricked his ears, then bolted. He knew that sound. That was the sound of a bear, and likely a hungry one. He glanced back over his shoulder and skidded to a halt, eyes wide with horror. There was a young mother and fawn in the clearing he had just left, and the bear was advancing, his intentions obvious.

Mchenga hesitated, then shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” he muttered, whirling and galloping back to the clearing. The bear was distracted by the mother and fawn, so he didn’t see the grey and white blur speeding towards him until Mchenga slammed into his side, knocking him off balance. Mchenga stumbled, regaining his feet quickly. “GO!!” he shouted, sending the mother and fawn bolting into the forest. Mchenga turned, ready to follow them, when the bear lurched to it’s feet, an angry bellow emanating from it’s cavernous mouth.

Mchenga swore, turning to face the creature. It was advancing towards him, claws digging into the earth as he padded forward, eyes bright with anger. Mchenga took in the beast advancing towards him, then glanced around. The mother and fawn had gone east. Mchenga bolted to the west, the bear crashing through the undergrowth behind him. While Mchenga was swift and agile, the bear just shoved through the dense places Mchenga was forced to run around.

It took several hours before the bear was tired enough to give up, but he eventually did. Mchenga stumbled on, trying to get far enough from the bear to be able to sleep safely. Locating a patch of softish grass, he collapsed, eyes barely held open. He was totally exhausted, but he knew that it was worth it.

Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SoL - The Stallion Run

Postby Keen » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:00 pm

The Final Round of the Stallion Run is Closed for Judging!
Any Forms Edited After this Point will be Disqualified!
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Round 5 Results - Week 5

Postby Keen » Sun Sep 17, 2017 1:28 am

Round 5 Results

Character development: 665 words
I absolutely love what you did with this stallion. You have created a balanced, fun character. You are also the first person to be brave enough to use Kasamata in your form ;)
Congrats, 007 is yours!

Phina Wolf
Character development: 585 words
The first thing I noticed is that you made him 4 years old. If he were that age he would still be a colt.
He needs to be at least 5 years old.
Secondly, the war happened 1,500 years ago, so no horse that was alive during the war would be a great-grandsire. There would be at least 75 horse generations between then and now.

Finally, I really like the character you have created. He is nice to read about. I feel that you put a good amount of effort into the form.
Congrats, 002 is yours!

And this concludes the final round of the stallion run! Thank you all for participating! You may still try for a mare this week, but remember that it is their final round starting today!
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"Life's a grind, then you die. Bad things come for you whether you want them to or not. So you have to fight your hardest to survive and seek out the good in the world. What little of it there may be."

"It's never a mistake to help others. One of the most important things you can
do in this life is to let other people know they're not alone."
-Bastian Hallix

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Re: SoL - The Stallion Run

Postby Phina D Wolf » Sun Sep 17, 2017 1:31 am

Whoops, I thought 4 was an adult for some reason! Sorry about that! And the Greats thing I had a note on my computer to fix, but I panicked and forgot. XD Anyway, thank you so much!!!

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