Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Are you a writer or a poet? Come and share your creations with us, or discuss writing techniques with others
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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby Pyra Ilver » Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:05 am

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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby nyoovi » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:36 am

    username: atsu
    prompt: #1
    word count: ---
    "Face it, you idiot. We're lost. Completely, utterly, hopelessly lost, and are most likely going to die out here."
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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby FluffyBirdie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:03 pm

Prompt 2 | FluffyBirdie

Looking in the mirror, I barely recognised the person staring back. And pleasantly surprised, I moved my head, seeing my reflection move as well. "Well Tressler, I'm surprised you're this good at disguises. Who would have thought you could make such a stunning dress?" I teased, turning to the grinning young man who confidently spun a pair of scissors around his finger. I turned back, again feeling mildly surprised to see the reflection move when I did. "This is perfect, that foolish prince wouldn't know what hit him." I smoothed down the dress I was wearing, straightened my long gloves and twisted my silver rings, and stood with my back straight, my head high, my gaze cold as I pretended to glare at invisible people around me.
"Of course I'm good at disguises, I'm good at everything." He replied with a quiet chuckle. " And woah there, if that glare is any colder you might freeze us peasants." Tressler said, throwing the scissors towards me. I caught it deftly, placed it on a nearby stool, and shot him a frown before turning back to the mirror.
"How's my posture? The nobles always walked like they had a pole down their backs."
"Push your shoulders back a bit more, and stop fiddling with your makeup, I'm not going to put it back on again." He warned, and I dropped my hands from the irritating eyepiece. Noblewomen wore ridiculous things, like fake gems glued to their eyelids, and with every blink I could feel them sticking uncomfortably to my skin and poking into my eyelid. The belltower chimed then, and I turned towards the sound, glancing at Tressler before giving him a lady-like bow. "Well then, kind sir," I said in the accented voice of royalty and nobility, "I'll be leaving your generous presence to head to the prince. May he and King Videl live forever." I added sarcastically.
"I hope you find what you want there, kid." He replied, laughing loudly and knowing full well I couldn't smack him for calling me a kid. Not now anyways, with all this ridiculous jewellery and tight gloves. I left the small home, shaking my head lightly so as to not unravel the complex mess that is my hair, and sighed, preparing to slip into the mindset of a noblewoman. I glided towards the castle entrance, giving a light bow to the guards as they allowed me to pass and entering the castle courtyard. The prince was there, waiting and grinning widely, and I smiled back, smirking inwardly. Ah, foolish princes were my favorite.
"My prince." I said, bowing deeply and waiting for his permission to rise.
"Lorina! You surely know you have no need to bow in my presence." He replied, lightly touching my elbow and guiding me up. "You're my personal guest here, so lets be rid of those formalities. Come now, I have something to show you!" I followed the prince, giggling when he slipped his hand into mine, and as we walked, I scanned the castle grounds, noting the number of guards and the possible entrances.
"There are many guards posted here, are you worried about attacks?" I inquired in a tone that made the question sound like I was just asking to start a conversation. If only he knew it was more than that.
"Rumor has it that the enemy kingdom is planning an attack, and thus my father sees it fit to lift the number of guards surrounding the castle. I know it's quite a surprise, as after all, rumor is not a source that can be trusted, but dangerous times call for more means of information." He replied, gesturing at the guards as he spoke. "Its quite annoying though, as having around 200 or so guards active at all times within the castle itself pretty much means they receive less rest, since they rotate with the gate guards, city wall guards, and still have to undergo daily training and drills, marching around the forest and such. Less rest means they are less alert and attentive, which is why I think doubling the number of guards within the castle is pretty much useless. Father doesn't listen though, so we're stuck with this until its been confirmed that the enemy kingdom would not attack." I felt like he knew I was gathering information and was purposely throwing it all towards to me, but I still cautiously memorized it anyway. There was always the chance that the prince knew my true purpose and was feeding me false information, but even so, I had to remember it, in case he wasn't lying.
"I think I lost you at some point, but I see what you mean." I laughed charmingly, leaning against him in a playful manner and staying there longer than was necessary. He seemed pleased with the attention, and tugged me after him when he started jogging towards whatever he was showing me.


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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby FireFlightTheStar » Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:46 am

Mark. I will write my story after school
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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby pillowa » Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:29 am

Prompt #2 | Mamaparri | 1,216 words (according to this website)!
(There is a bit of a mystery in this one too, let me know if you solved them!)
Good luck to all who enter ! ( o v o )/
- - - - - - - -
Looking in the mirror,
I barely recognised the
staring back.
The happy go-lucky gleam
of my eyes,
the smile that my mother
always told me would
scare away even the fiercest
of storms,
both replaced by
a broken stare.

My eyes snap away
from my reflection,
and I bury
my head in my hands.

I'd like to say
that I felt scared,
sad even,

but the truth is,
I felt
at all.

It's as if
I've developed
a disease
that I couldn't

A disease
that I didn't
know how
to cure.

Day 1
I know it's weird,
but I've been documenting
nearly every moment
of my life
on this tape recorder.

Every moment,
except for
that night.


The car ride to school
used to be light, and
filled with laughter and
The radio would be
The windows would be
and the wind would
be slapping my face.

But after what happened
last week,

it would never be
the same.

The driver up front glanced
at me from his
rearview mirror,
and offers a sympathetic
"Are you nervous
for your first day, lad?"

My eyes don't
meet his
I shrug.
I didn't feel nervous,
how could I,
if I am

Day 2
Hey, tape recorder,
I couldn't focus in school,
my mind would
keep wandering back
to that
horrific night.

It all seemed so real,
the blood,
the denial,
the emotions that
poured out of
until I

I snap back
to reality

and my
lurches out.

Day 3
Hey, tape recorder,
I wasn't surprised
when everyone
avoided me
after I had barfed
all over my desk.

So I was particularly
when a girl plopped her
lunch tray
next to mine.

She took a large
bite off her apple
and didn't seem to
the eyes and whispers
behind her back.

Instead, she asks me
what I ate
to make myself sick.

Day 10
Hey, tape recorder,
the girl I told you about
a week ago,
sat next
to me
Her conversations
would take my mind
off of that
gloomy night.
And I somehow
find myself

Day 13
Hey, tape recorder,
The cab ride
to school was heavier
than usual.
The driver was quiet,
his expression was
and his
whisper was
soft and sad,
"Lad, yesterday night,
I've lost someone dear
to me,"

So have I.

Day 23
Hey, tape recorder,
The girl had given me
a small doodle
of me battling
a dragon.

I taped it to my locker.

whenever I
see it,
a small smile
would play on
my lips.

Day 26
Hey, tape recorder,
I can't sleep.
I had woken up
with a start,
soaked in cold shivers
and sweat.
My head was pounding
with my thumping heart,
and my throat was
parched and dry.

I had gotten out of
bed and splashed
my face with cold water
in hopes of washing
away the images
of my

Now, I lay on
my bed, talking to my
tape recorder,
and for some
thinking about
the girl.

Day 30
Hey, tape recorder,
the girl bought a
giant textbook
with her to lunch.

She asked me if I had
studied for the Algebra
test next week,
and when I
shook my head,

she grinned and turned
to page
a hundred and sixty-four.

Day 37
Hey, tape recorder,
The cab driver
would always try
to get me
to talk
by asking questions
"How was your
day today,

And I would always
reply with shrugs
and nods.

So imagine the
look on his face
when I had answered,
"I got an A on my
algebra test today,"

Day 43
Hey, tape recorder,
the girl was not
at lunch today.

I tried to smother
my disappointment
as I dumped my tray
and headed
to the library
to study for my
history test.

As I rounded
the hallway,
I heard footsteps,

then her voice,
"I've done what you've
asked, Principal B.
I've befriended him,
I've hung out with him,
and I helped him
bring his scores up,"

I knew
I shouldn't be
my feet
were glued.

The principal replied,
clearly pleased,
"Great, I'll reward
you ten extra
credit points for
each month you're
willing to stay his friend."

There was silence
as their footsteps
got closer.
The floor
somehow seemed
as if it were

"But I don't
the points,
I don't
to be his friend

The words
were like


Kinda like
that had
the life

my parents.

My hands balled
into fists
and I lean on
the wall to steady

I can't
I had really
that she
to do
a freak

Day 47
Hey, tape recorder,
I am

I am still sick
with a disease
that I cannot cure.

The cab driver
came to check up
on me,
he asked me if I
was taking
a separate cab
to school now.

I just shook my

He asked me if
I was alright,

and I replied,
"I thought I was."

Then I slammed
the door
on his
confused face.

Day 48
Hey, tape recorder,
I decided to go out
for a walk.

I wasn't helping
myself if I just
stayed at the
house all day long.
But again,
I wasn't helping
myself by
excluding school.

That's different though.

I slipped on my jacket
and out the front

The air was chilly,
and I inhaled
a sharp breath.

I hadn't even walked
from my porch
when I spot
the girl
with the cab-driver
staring at me.

I quickly pivot
and fumble with
my keys,
I'll take a walk

She yells,
running up to me.

I stick the key
into the hole,
and twist.

She grabs my
arm as the door
gives in,
a single word,

I freeze.
That was
the same question
I had asked
my parents

were murdered.

I look up at
her face,
and suddenly

into tears.

I couldn't stop
it was as if the
weight of
my parents' death
and a friend's
betrayal had
finally crushed
my fragile shell
of a body.

"I already know
that we were
never friends."

I told her, wiping furiously
at my tears,

"I already know
that you never
thought of me
as one."

She watched me
as I collected myself.
Her eyes
never left
my face as
she replied,
"I never wanted
those extra credit points,
I never thought of
you as a friend,

I thought
of you

as something more."

I didn't know
what else
to say,
so I
out a whisper,
"Prove it,"

She grinned,

I thought
she was going
to laugh,
to tell me that
I was an idiot,
to tell me that
I meant
nothing to her.

But no,

she leaned in
and kissed me.

I felt something
in my chest.
And I knew,
that I
the cure
to my disease,
the cure
to the numbness
and the emptiness
that had
slowly been
eating me away.

For the first
time in so long,
I felt emotions,
and not
the empty void
that had eaten them up.
- - - - - - - - - -

<3 <3 <3
Last edited by pillowa on Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby Pyra Ilver » Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:03 pm

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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby ! honeysuckle ! » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:48 pm


I'm entering!
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Re: Prompts

Postby jasp » Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:07 pm

Prompt 1
Word/character count: 346 words 1,784 characters

Everything started out normal. I was studying marine biology for a school project but I was alone at sea, and let me tell you it was a big mistake. I was studying a school of Neon Tetra fish when things starting getting a little bumpy. It wasn't really a big deal, I had been studying marine biology years before this. My gut was telling me to go back, but my future deepened on this project. So I ignored myself and carried on.

Everything got worse and worse from then on. The waves were crashing, rain was hammering and the boat was swaying. I tried to get to the panels, but suddenly a huge burst of lighting struck down on me. The pain was so overwhelming that words honestly could not describe it. I could feel the burns piercing my skin from the outside in. I had never felt anything like that before, even when I got stung by a jellyfish just off the coast of Sydney.

While the whole world was spinning around me I just stayed still and let it happen. From behind me I could hear a terrifying noise, it was a large wave. I used all my strength and turned my head to watch it's shark-like teeth bite into me and my sailboat. In that moment, I felt as heavy as a rock. Sinking, mindlessly to the bottom of the ocean. Shortly after I resurfaced, only to be greeted by a part of my boat flying into my face. I was fighting to remain awake. I fought and wouldn't stop, I looked down and the sea was no longer blue, but red from the blood gushing from my head. Finally, I fell into unconsciousness.

For once in this trip something good happens. When I was knocked out, I had somehow been propped up on top of a plank. So I stayed afloat. I woke up to the blurred sounds of doctors and nurses. I felt so crowed. I felt dizzy but shortly after I realised I was in a hospital, I was safe.
Last edited by jasp on Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Win a Corgi Store and more- writing challenge

Postby Spearow » Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:16 pm

Marking :3
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