★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby ashton. » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:43 pm

      oh my goodness, stay safe!! i know exactly how you feel, i live in south texas and hurricane harvey was so close to us. just think a bunch of good thoughts, hope for the best but also plan for the worst, you know? it will be all right <3
      here's another kitty gif to help you feel better c:
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CaC Summer Event- Adopt #5 Winner

Postby Katrione » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:52 pm

I want you guys to get more of a feel for this cat before you enter them into your Clan, so for your prompts I want a story of this cat with their original family/Clan in the Amazon basin, and a story of them shortly after they join your Clan. There is no limit to how much you can write for the prompts! Good luck! :)

I got SOOOO many amazing entries!! But this one stood out and i kept coming back to it. Congratulations, Savy!!

Savannah-the-Caracal wrote:
Name: Piranha of the Fish Clan
Gender: Female
Age:49 Moons

Story 1 - Before Capture:
Piranha's speckled fur rippled slightly as she padded along the riverbank. She had been sent out earlier, before the time of Orange Skies, to check on the far east border. All was well, which would hopefully make Parrot happy.

Pushing past the entrance barrier in the secret spot only Jungle Talon's knew about, the moment Piranha entered camp, she was greeted by an energetic young tom-cat "Toucan!" she cried, laughing slightly as her Sapling bombarded her with purrs "Get down!" reluctantly, the spotted cat backed down, but he continued radiating energy "But I was so worried about you!" he cried "My mom said she sent you to check on the FAR east border, that's like...SUPER FAR away, PLUS it's the border with the OCELOTS!!"
Piranha rolled her eyes "You know we are currently at peace with the Ocelots, they wouldn't have dared attacked me" she gave him a sly smirk "Besides, I'm one of the best Tree-Striker in the Talons, they wouldn't have been able to lay a paw on me before I was in the canopy."
Toucan's ears drooped "But...but you still could have been" he said softly.

Piranha sighed. Parrot's son was a rather difficult Sapling, he could go from being overly excited, to mopey and sad in less than half a heart-beat. Which, in her eyes, only helped further tie him to his mother, who was the same way.

"Piranha" Speak of the Tiger, and they shall appear she thought wryly "Coming Chieftess" she said, before lowering her nose to nudge Toucan's face "Hey, look at me" as he raised tearful blue eyes up at her she said "I'm sorry you worried, but I'm back now, and next time, I'll ask your mother if you can come with me, alright?" Toucan brightened slightly "Could you take me to the Jaguar border?" She gave him a stern look, and he wilted again "I will take you wherever your mother lets me" she said, knowing it was the way of the Talons to ask a mother if you could take her child somewhere before you did, thankfully it was only for Saplings and Sprouts, other wise there would be Tree-Strikers not able to go anywhere. "Alright" Toucan relented. Piranha nodded, then slipped past him, heading for where Parrot stood outside her den.

"Piranha of the Fish Clan, report" Piranha nodded, and began to speak "The Far east border is secure, Ocelot scents are weaker than usual, but that is to be expected, as this is the time of year the fish are most abundant in their lakes" Parrot relaxed "Very well, you are dismissed, Piranha of the Fish" Piranha bowed her head "Thank you, Parrot of the Bird Clan" before turning and padding away.

Jerking to a stop as three kits hurtled past her, she stepped a paw down on one's tail, causing it to stop, so that she could see it was Turtle, of the Reptile Clan. Which meant the other two were Snake, and Iguana, Crocodile's kits. "Where are you all going in such a rush?" Turtle grinned up at her "Ripple of the Fish Clan is telling stories! We wanna hear about the Family Clans! So lemmie go" he strained forwards, and Piranha lifted a paw with a smile, purring as the kit catapulted forwards, before following them, at a much slower pace.

Arriving at the Ancient Corner, a spot where the elderly lived, Piranha settled herself down to listen, as Ripple, an elderly dark blue she-cat, began to speak.
"Back when the Talons were first founded, the cats lived in chaos. There were no family clans, and cats mated with whom they pleased, without seeking the leaders approval." the kits all gasped in horror, and Piranha couldn't help but shudder "Even the Shaman?" Snake cried, eyes wide with terror. Ripple nodded slowly "That's right Snake, even the Shaman became with kit" her eyes twinkled "But then, a savior came. Flame, the first of the Dragon Clan" the kit's immediately ceased shaking with fear, and leaned forwards eagerly.

"Flame was a strong cat, he became leader, and gave us the world we know, dividing cats into four Major Tribes, these are the Tribe of Fire, known for their ferocity, the Tribe of Grass, known for their stealth, the Tribe of Air, known for their speed, and the Tribe of Water, known for their swimming"
Ripple smiled slightly "Then, Flame distinguished the Tribes further, into the Animal Family Clans, Fire was divided into Panther, the ones who prefer open combat, and Leopard, the ones who prefer attack from the shadows"

Iguana shuddered, her small tail poofing out "I wouldn't want to fight Leopard Clan" she whimpered, and Ripple nodded at her "Quite right young one, Leopard Clan are the fiercest of the Tribe of Fire. At least Panther Clan will challenge you before battle." she shifted slightly in her nest "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. The Tribe of Grass became separated into the Clans of Reptile, and Amphibian, the Spies, and the Whisperers" "Hey!" Turtle said, ears perking "WE'RE Reptile Clan!" Ripple nodded "Correct, which means when you are grown, you will be Spies" Iguana grinned "Alright!" "Now let me continue" Ripple said, slightly sternly "The day grows old and we are only half-way done" the kits nodded and quieted down. "The Tribe of Air was separated into Bird, the ones who race through the land, and the Dragon. The Dragon Clan died out many seasons ago, but they say that before the Bird Clan took leader ship, it was the Dragons who ruled the jungles. And finally, the Tribe of Water was divided into the Clans of Fish and Waves. These days, Fish Clan, those who are excellent swimmers, but also rather good climbers, are dominant, but there are a few Wave Clan cats, and soon, more cats may be born who can swim faster than crocodiles."

Ripple yawned slightly, before continuing "And then, Flame decreed that Tribes could only mate with cats from their Tribe, a Reptile Clan cat can have mates with an Amphibian Clan cat, but if a Bird Clan cat wanted to have kits with a Fish Clan cat, the pairing would be forbidden. And to ensure these rules were kept, Flame decreed that if two cats wanted to become mates, they had to get approval from the Chief or Chieftess of the time. If the Chief forbade them and they had kits anyway, both cats, AND the kits, would be killed instantly. But if the Chief blessed the pairing, they would become mates, the she-cat would become a Leaf, give birth to her kits, or as we like to call them Sprouts, and once they became Saplings, then she could return to her duties. It is simply the cycle of life"

Ripple stretched out her forelegs "Now then young ones, go off and play your games. It's time for my nap. As the kits scurried away, Piranha rose to her paws "I had better get going on my duties" she said "But, thanks for the story." Ripple nodded "Of course, we all need to be reminded of our past now and then, for as long as we know it, we will not repeat it"

Story 1 End

Story 2 - Joining Rainclan:
Piranha's flanks heaved as she raced far from the hairless beings. She had finally managed to escape her silver locked den, and when the cave was opened by the hairless ones, she had bolted, managing to scratch them on her way out.

She didn't know how long she ran until she found the forest. The trees were not as tall as the ones back in the Talon's territory, but the scent of heavy rain seemed to draw her in. Collapsing to the ground under shelter of a large tree, Piranha finally let herself rest, gasping for air, until sleep, blessed sleep, finally came.

"I think she's still alive"

Piranha's ear twitched. The voice was slightly distorted, like it was coming from far away. She made a rumbling noise, a sort of cross between a growl and a grunt, before curling her tail around herself

"Yup, definitely alive" "I can see that Indigosplash"

The same voice, clearer now. And a new one, both female.
Silence, blissful silence. Piranha hoped the voices had left, until a paw jabbed her shoulder and she started awake. Two faces were staring down at her. A grinning white cat with small black spots, and a wary looking black cat with almost minuscule golden splashes in her fur.

"W..who?" Piranha rasped, wincing at her own voice
The smiling cat spoke first "I'm Indigosplash, and this is Onyxstone. We're Rainclan cats, who are you?" she spoke rapidly, and it took Piranha's dazed mind a moment to process everything. "I am Piranha, of the Fish Clan of the Water Tribe" she said her full name, since she didn't recognize the term 'Rainclan' which meant she must be in a different group's land. That was to be expected, what with the length of time it took for her to escape, but these looked like semi-normal cats, so hopefully that meant she wasn't TOO far from home "I am a Tree-Striker in the Talons, please, can you tell me how to get home?"

Indigosplash and Onyxstone exchanged a glance, and then it was Onyxstone who spoke "I'm afraid we've never heard of the Talons, or Tree-Strikers, or The Fish Clan of the Water Tribe" she shook her head "And I doubt Nightwing, Rainstar, or Orangeleaf know either"

"If they do, they sure haven't told us!" Indigosplash chirped. Piranha felt her ears lowering. She was definitely far from her home "Hey there, it's alright!" Indigosplash said "Hey, tell you what! We'll take you to Rainstar, and maybe she'll let you stay with us, until you find a way to get home?"

Piranha considered this for a moment. She was a Talon cat through and through, but she was far from the Talon's homeland...maybe it would be for the best to join this...Rainclan, if only for a while. She shouldn't be there too long....right?
Story 2 - end
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby NightWolf950 » Thu Sep 07, 2017 4:14 pm

@Savannah, yep! It's me. =)
NightWolf950 is just a really really really old username I've had forever. Blue-Wonderland is my newest user. =D

@Deimos, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby Springtalon » Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:42 am

@Night - Oh phew XD
Sorry if I sounded mean, I just knew the code belonged to Blue-Wonderland, and I had no clue if you were Blue or not XD

@Kat - I'm glad you liked it :D

All those mate rules mentioned? Piranha's gonna flip when she finds out Rainclan doesn't use them.
And she might try to get a few of the ranks into Rainclan...whether or not she'll succeed...I haven't decided yet, but they would be like mini ranks. Warriors would be warriors, with all the same basic skills, but each would learn a more advanced, prominent skill.
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby Katrione » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:52 am

I will be starting the gathering at 5:00 PM today and it will end on 5:00 PM Sunday.
I will put a starting post but I can't promise I'll be joining in on the gathering.

I'm going through a personal problem right now that honestly is a stupid thing to be devastated over compared to the people in states being affected by hurricanes but it still upsets me none the less. Ame will be taking care of my next replies for me. I'm sorry for the inconvenience
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby Arya22 » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:02 am


I hope everything will be alright with you!! Good luck, whatever it is about. And if you need to talk my pms are always open!
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby Ember! » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:07 am

It's okay, personal problems are sometimes the hardest. Feel free to take your time to feel better!




Since my form of self-expression is cat gifs, here's some cute ones I found! <3 Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby krazykitty00 » Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:02 am

Hey guys, firstly, thank you for all your support. I've been feeling better. Still a little scared but it'll be fine I hope. Ah, I'd like to say that I'll be missing for a while since my family and I are evacuating, so I don't know how long well be gone.

If someone would do my clan's responses while I'm gone I'd be extremely grateful. Wish me luck!
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Re: ★ Create A Clan Fanclub V.3 ★

Postby Dinolil1 » Sun Sep 10, 2017 5:01 am


I hope you are alright; I'm here if you need a listening ear, m'dude. Same goes for everyone else, I truthfully don't mind listening to y'all!


I wouldn't mind! I hope you are alright.

I believe that you are purrfect!

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★ | cac fanclub

Postby deimido » Sun Sep 10, 2017 5:29 pm

        apologies for my absence, i've been real sick for the past couple of days and i've been so affected by it, i rlly couldnt do much of anything besides sleep or lay in bed. i'll get my replies done here, on create a tribe, and over on create a skulk as quickly as i'm able to - i'm so sorry for the wait!

        @krazykitty00 - oh god i hope you'll all be alright! stay safe and best wishes to you and your family, i hope everything ends up okay for you guys.

        @katrione - if you ever need to vent anything just shoot me a PM, i really hope youre okay kat.
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