1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

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1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby hollyglow » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:02 am

This is a 1x1. No posting unless you're one of us, please.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:16 am

Full Name: Ashton Rouleau.
Nickname: Ash, Ashton.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted).
Role: Prince of Gwildor.
Appearance: He has short, blond hair that is straight (unlike him), and dark blue-brown eyes. He stands at around 5'7", which is a little shorter than most guys, but he absolutely hates being called short (this is probably the fastest way to irritate him). He has an athletic build, with a good figure, and fair skin.

Personality: Ashton is incredibly friendly, with a huge amount of seemingly endless energy - to the point where he doesn't really walk regularly, preferring to bounce and bound around - and is rarely in a bad mood. He's very social, and will speak to mostly everyone. However, Ashton can also be very over-the-top, with some of his reactions being dramatically fainting (and occasionally actually knocking himself out if no one catches him), or getting inexplicably angry (and he will attempt to fight, even though he's not very good, and usually ends up getting carried off by a friend, then napping for a while). He can also be an incredible diva when he wants to be, which is usually when something isn't going his way - a slight scratch on the hand may as well be a broken arm. Interestingly enough, though, actual, larger problems seem to hardly faze him.

Likes: Dance (especially tap, jazz and ballroom), salad, cats, playing violin, badminton, sleeping, making a fuss for no reason.
Dislikes: Waking up early, velvet, meat, seafood (he's allergic), having to wait too long for something, being told/teased he's short.
Fears: Snakes, heights and horses.
Other: N/A.

Full Name: Loralei Waverly.
Nickname: Lora, Loralei.
Age: 22.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Role: Mermaid.
Appearance: She has long, black hair that is curly, and very soft - even when wet, and her eyes are dark brown. She stands at 5'9'', and has an athletic, well-toned build. She has a scar on the back of her left hand. Her tail is an iridescent blue-green gradient that starts out as blue at the top, then becomes more emerald green at the end of her fins.

Personality: A no-nonsense, yet well-meaning mermaid, Loralei is also fairly confident and understanding. She is careful to be cautious around outsiders and those that are not mer-folk - especially as she has heard of many stories about humans in particular being 'bad beings' towards mer-folk, though she does know that not everyone is the same way - but those that she senses are trustworthy, and proves that they are such, will be graced with her help. However, she is also very secretive and closed-off, preferring to not talk about herself - she feels that just knowing the now and what can be seen of her is enough. She can also be quite impatient, hating to wait for long explanations, and prefers things to be to-the-point. Despite not seeming like the sort, though, she does long for a bit of adventure.

Likes: Organisation, painting, classical music, interesting/unusual objects, riddles/puzzles, history.
Dislikes: Timewasters, boats, people that she knows she can't trust, being bored, seafood.
Fears: Geese.
Other: N/A.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby hollyglow » Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:06 am

Name: Elsa Alina Asbjornson.
Gender: cis-female.
Age: 20 years.
Sexuality: homoflexible.
Appearance: Elsa has strikingly mismatched eyes. They're both blue, but the difference is nontheless incredible. One is pale, almost gray, like a dawn sky, and the other is the deep turquoise like the ocean on a clear day. Her hair is a very light blond and reaches down to her waist. If it isn't styled every day, or at least forced into some sort of ponytail or braid, it tangles into a complete mess of a mane. Her face is elegant, almost chiseled, and her eyelashes are as pale as her hair, blending into her face. Her bottom lip is full, but her top lip is thin, and she has a small nose with a ski jump. Her body is tall, almost awkward-looking, with long, gangly limbs and no curves to speak of. She's not ugly, per se, but most people wouldn't call her beautiful, either.
Personality: Elsa is a thoughtful presence. She doesn't speak often, but when she does, it's well thought out. She has a knack for strategy and is cleverer than most war strategists. This often manifests itself in a cool, manipulative way, but she's not incapable of feelings by any means. She's socially awkward, which can definitely make her look distant and emotionless, but in truth, she feels more intensely than most people, leading her to avoid situations where she's likely to be bombarded with emotions. Similarly, she's easily overwhelmed by loud noises, intense sights, and often suffers from sensory overload. She prefers to either stay inside and study texts or go deep into the wilderness to be alone. Although she's capable of lying and manipulation herself, she sometimes doesn't understand when it comes from other people. Even things like jokes and sarcasm can be confusing for her.
History: Elsa was the second-born in her family. Her older brother, Erek, was arrogant, narcissistic, and rarely thought of the kingdom. But he loved his little sister. He was the one who taught her not only to read, but to use a bow and a sword, to ride horses, and the one who brought her to her first war council. They were trying to figure out how to defeat an army much larger than theirs, and Elsa, ten at the time, was overwhelmed by the yelling and noise. Erek yelled, "hey! My sister's got something to say!" She hadn't known she did until he pointed it out. "Um," she began softly, "well, they have to travel through a valley, don't they? Why not shoot at them as they come through?" The council responded with equal parts alarm and appreciation. From that day on, she was always welcome, though she usually gave her imput to Erek. Her strategizing was the only reason she wasn't married off at eighteen, the usual age, but she was only allowed for two more years because she was at war. Any longer, the family was told, and the offer was off. Her parents worried that it would be difficult to find another offer. She wasn't beautiful or talented at any of the things usually searched for in a princess. So she was sent off to Gwildor to marry Ashton.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby hollyglow » Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:46 am

Name: Jem Laceburn.
Gender: trans-male.
Age: 25.
Sexuality: pansexual.
Appearance: Jem has black hair, smooth tan skin, and almond-shaped black eyes. He favors his mother, a woman who came from China, and has a very slight build. He's medium height, but looks smaller because he never built up very much muscle mass despite his impressive strength. His face is perfectly smooth and heart-shaped, with expressive eyebrows, a small nose with a slight hook, and full lips.
Personality: Jem is sort of a dork. He likes to think he's impressive, and while he does have the respect of his crew, he's also a joke to some of them. No one minds, though, because he's not only a natural leader, but incredibly funny. He gets along with just about everyone, and is also a talented actor. He can become anyone he wants. He's also surprisingly sensitive: he hates killing (something he doesn't tell people---it's hard to be feared if anyone knows that), and he does his best to avoid trafficking humans.
History: his parents were poor farmers, but they loved Jem to no end. They supported him when he said he was a boy rather than a girl, something he eventually realized was incredibly rare. He promised them that he would take care of them, so he became a merchant and spent months at sea, only to get captured by pirates. He was held for months, and eventually managed to convince them he was worth something. He made his way up in the hierarchy of the crew, only to find himself first mate. He said he had to go away on business, planning to leave the ship with what loot he'd acquired, but when he got home, he found that his parents had died in an outbreak of disease. He returned to the pirate ship and found the previous captain on his deathbed. The captain begged him to take over the ship, so he did.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:12 am

Ashton Rouleau
Ashton walked the grounds of the palace, going at a fairly slow pace. It was just so unfair, he thought, that he was being made to marry a princess against his will. He was pretty sure that she wasn't even interested in him anyway. He knew that he wasn't interested in her - not in a romantic sense, anyway, but he had never been able to say that he didn't like girls to anyone... he did not like to think of their reactions if he was to come out. Even though the arrangement had been planned and he had known about it for weeks, he was still finding himself becoming practically distraught every time he thought about it. Maybe he could faint during the ceremony... get it postponed for even longer... now that would be something. At least he was still able to dance - one thing his parents had been unable to take from him or try and quash. Nothing, Ashton convinced himself, as he sat on the thick ledge of a large, grand fountain that served as the centrepiece to the grounds, could possibly make this worse.

Loralei Waverly
Loralei carefully untangled the dolphin that had been caught in some loose fishing net that had long since been attached to any sort of fishing vessel, working quickly and efficiently. Humans could be so careless, she thought. She tried to not senselessly dislike them, like most of the other mer-folk, but she just kept finding another reason to do just that at least once a week. At least she hadn't actually encountered any before... though she was quite intrigued at the possibilities if she did. Maybe she could go on an adventure with them, as she so secretly longed to do... now that would be wonderful. Loralei sighed, watching the dolphin swim off, then she took the fishing net, and swam up to the surface, hoping to secretly place it on some rocks or somewhere where it wouldn't be a danger to her home.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby hollyglow » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:04 pm

Elsa Alina Asbjornson

I could see out the window of my room. It was the only window in the room, but it at least let light in, and fresh air. The air here smelled different, thicker and more floral, than in my own kingdom. My kingdom. I still thought of Iceland of my home. Idly, I wondered if I would or could ever see this place as my home. There were similarities---the salty smell in the air, the constant bustle of servants---but it felt different. The change in my life felt wrong. I was eating different food, sleeping in a different bed, talking to different people, and studying different things. They'd even made me a different set of gowns. I picked at the fabric of the one I wore now: pale blue, with a tight bodice and a neckline that was cut too low. The sleeves were too tight. But the fabric---I loved the way it felt, the way it whispered under my fingers and along my hips as I walked. I got to my feet and wandered through the palace until I was outside. When I was, I found myself facing the prince, the man I was engaged to. Not that I felt anything for him besides a dull sense of sympathy. No hope, no love, no desire. Nothing. I contemplated turning away, but at the last moment, instead walked closer to him. "Did you need a break?" I asked. I spoke his language fluently, albeit with an accent.

Jem Laceburn

The sea was clear, the sky was cloudless, and the breeze was perfect. The day was, in a word, flawless. I smiled from the crow's nest, looking at the smudge of land in the distance. I'd been hired to kidnap the prince of Gwildor by...I wasn't actually certain, really. My first mate, Amber, had done the exchange. I had no face to go with my employer. Probably some competing kingdom, wanting to leave Gwildor without a strong leader. The sort of thing I found very boring. The one requirement was that I had to do it before the prince was married. I didn't really understand, but then, what did I know? This was why I just did my own thing and let the kingdoms fight it out on their own.

Hi! I'm Erin/Eren/Aaron. Um.
Not sure what else to put here...I
guess, I'm kinda an average
teen...ask my pronouns, please.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ IT IS THE MUSIC OF A PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT BE SLAVES AGAIN!━━━━━━━
to die for lack of love is horrible.

the asphyxia of the soul.

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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:24 pm

Ashton Rouleau
By the time the princess had approached him, Ashton had leaned forward so that his head was on his knees, almost as though he had practically been folded in half. For most people, this would have been painful, but as Ashton was flexible - being a dancer, after all - he only felt a slight stretch in his lower back. He sat up slowly when he heard Elsa speak, looking up at her, then he nodded, letting out a dramatic sigh. "Yes," he responded, "it's just so hard to believe that this is actually happening. I know it's meant to be for the good of the kingdom, but..." he broke off, lying down on the fountain ledge and prrsding back of his hand against his forehead, as though he was in distress.

Loralei Waverly
Before breaking the surface, Loralei stayed under for a few more moments, to allow for a large boat to pass over. She did not particularly want to be ploughed by one, nor spotted by whoever was onboard. Once it pretty much clear, she broke the surface, watching the back of the retreating boat. It wasn't like any other sea vessel that she had seen before. How unusual. Shaking her head slightly, she took the net over to some rocks that were jutting out of the ocean, and carefully laid it over them, taking care to secure it where she could and leave no loose ends. Perhaps it would be useful for another mermaid to use as a grip to pull themselves up onto the rock.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby hollyglow » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:11 pm

Elsa Alina Asbjornson

I sat down close next to Ashton---it was hard not to think of him as an Ash---my hip pressed nearly against his. It was technically too close for propriety, but I thought as long as no one saw us, it was okay. The closeness wasn't meant to be flirtatious, anyway, not at all. It was only that I liked Ashton, not romantically, but as a friend, and he felt trustworthy, and touching someone was a grounding, comforting sensation for me. The warmth of his body against mine gave me something to focus on. "But it feels surreal and false," I completed his sentence. Then, although I hated to ask for help, I added, "is that right? I think it is, but some words...I haven't quite figured the language out."

Jem Laceburn

I could hear the sounds of my crew singing and laughing below me. It was my favorite sound in the world. It was a signal that no matter how bad things might be, I'd done something right, because they were still able to sing and laugh. The emerald in the distance grew, forming ridges and smudges until it was recognizable as a country. "Prepare a landing party!" I called down to the crew, climbing down the rigging. The singing stopped, but the cheerful attitude remained. And after all, why shouldn't they be cheerful? We were about to come into a large sum of money. It was what they lived for.

Hi! I'm Erin/Eren/Aaron. Um.
Not sure what else to put here...I
guess, I'm kinda an average
teen...ask my pronouns, please.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ IT IS THE MUSIC OF A PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT BE SLAVES AGAIN!━━━━━━━
to die for lack of love is horrible.

the asphyxia of the soul.

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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby Consulting_Angel » Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:10 pm

Ashton Rouleau
He refocused, sitting back up again properly as Elsa sat next to him. He didn't particularly mind the closeness - and it helped to feel as though the princess was in the same sort of boat as him in terms of their feelings towards the arrangement. Ashton nodded slightly when she finished the sentence, even though he hadn't really been looking for an end to it. It did feel like the right thing to fill in the blanks with, though. "Yeah... yeah, that's right. And you're doing great with the language so far," he said, with a light smile. He watched her for a few moments, then he glanced away to just look across the rest of the palace grounds. As much as he didn't like feeling as though he was trapped here, he did also like the sense of security.

Loralei Waverly
Now finished with keeping the net out of the water, Loralei swam back down below the surface. Her interest had been piqued at the mysterious sea vessel from earlier, but she had other duties and things to attend to first. Besides, with any luck, it would probably be passing over this area again at some point in the future, so she could be more investigative then. If she wasn't busy at the time, of course. The other merfolk she passed by greeted her warmly, and she returned the greeting just as warmly, but she didn't stop by to chat with anyone.
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Re: 1x1 with hollyglow and Consulting_Angel

Postby hollyglow » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:09 pm

Elsa Alina Asbjornson

He didn't seem to mind how close I was, which only made me like him more. It wasn't just tutors, guards, staff, and families who didn't want me to be so physical---if I'd tried the same thing with anyone else, prince or princess, with the exception of my brother Erek, the reaction would have been disgust, or at best, discomfort. And the feeling was so comfortable and natural, the same way I felt when I leaned against Erek, so I tilted my head against his shoulder. Imagining what a servant or guard would say if they found us like this made my lips twitch. "You don't mind, do you?" I asked softly. "I don't mean anything by it, it's just good for me." I didn't have the words to explain what I really meant.

Jem Laceburn

I, my first mate, Amber, and six other members of the crew piled into a rowboat, each of us armed with a bag of gold. We planned to rent a room in an inn---there were women in the landing party, but propriety meant little to us, and to buy an extra room would be an unnecessary luxury---and start from there. We came ashore and Amber and Flynn---a tall, muscular man who towered over the rest of the crew---promised to take care of the boat. Two of the rest went to find food, two more to find horses for us, and I was left with Natasha, a tall, striking woman two years my senior from India, to get the room. We stepped into the nearest inn. It was well lit, mostly clean, and smelled, well, better than the crew's cabin. We moved to the counter, where a man sat. His hair was slicked back dramatically from his pale face. Natasha stepped forward and leaned over the counter. Natasha was one of our grestest assets. She was fabulously attractive, and we'd worked out a simple way to get cheaper rates: let her take care of transactions and keep back. This pale man fell straight into the trap. He barely looked my way, and Natasha barely paid a thing, although the man did his best to persuade her to come to his room, to go to dinner, supper, breakfast, anything with him. She turned away disinterestedly and started up the stairs. After a beat, I followed her.

Hi! I'm Erin/Eren/Aaron. Um.
Not sure what else to put here...I
guess, I'm kinda an average
teen...ask my pronouns, please.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ IT IS THE MUSIC OF A PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT BE SLAVES AGAIN!━━━━━━━
to die for lack of love is horrible.

the asphyxia of the soul.

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