Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create A Clan- V.3 [ 008 ]

Postby solyn » Sat Aug 12, 2017 10:28 pm

# of cats; 14 (♀: 7 / β™‚: 7)
servings consumed; 4 servings
next moonpool visit; 13/08 onward

π• π•Ÿπ•– π•žπ• π• π•Ÿ π•’π•˜π• ,
Badgerstar wearily dragged himself back into camp in the afternoon sun, stretching himself out as he breezed through the tunnel. He was glad to be home, feeling himself purr a little at being on familiar ground. The sound caught the attention of the cats in his clan, an excited yowl going up as they began to flock toward him. Maplefall reached him first, twining around him happily as he touched noses with Lionheart, and rubbed cheeks with Flintburr, laughing as he was crowded by the rest of his clan.
"Glad you're back safely," Flintburr rumbled, with a smile.
"You've missed a lot," Maplefall added, and the cats looked at each other, before laughing at the truth of it. Maplefall was right: a lot had happened in just a few hours. All eyes fell on Hawkthorn and Acornstream, where they stood shoulder to shoulder. Badgerstar's eyes widened in understanding, and his tail raised happily as Acornstream purred at him, and nuzzled her mates shoulder. Everyone laughed at Badgerstar's excitement. Dustfang stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"We found a cat on patrol," he said, before turning, and nodding to a shape in the shadows. A burly young tom emerged, looking somewhat sheepish. "This is Rock. He told us he's been watching our clan for a while now, and he wants to join." Badgerstar smiled at him amicably, before nodding to Dustfang.
"Well, I have a ceremony to hold anyway. Starclan approved my choice of deputy." The clan murmured excitedly, backing away from their leader so that he could climb to the high branch, seating himself on the thick plane and looking over the clan. "I say these words before Starclan," he said, boldly, "and I know that our ancestors have approved my choice. The new deputy- the first deputy of Groveclan will be Lionheart."
"Yes!" Maplefall yowled, bounding over to Lionheart and weaving around her happily. The ginger she-cat looked pleased, albeit a tad embarrassed, swatting Maplefall away playfully and leaning down to accept a cheek-touch from her apprentice.
"Lionheart has been with me from the very beginning," Badgerstar continued, "and she has taught me everything I know about being a leader and about the warrior code. Groveclan would not be the clan it is today without her, and I know if anything were to happen to me, Lionheart would lead you as well as I would have. She is a cat I trust implicitly, and her stalwart loyalty earns her this position. Welcome her as your new deputy."
"Lionheart!" The cheer went up around the clan, before Badgerstar held up his tail. "We also have a new warrior among us. Rock, step forward." The new cat stepped into the center of camp, squaring his shoulders. "From this day forward, you will be known as Stonepatch, warrior of Groveclan. Welcome." The clan cheered his name, and Badgerstar leaped down from his perch to officially congratulate his deputy. Lionheart purred as he rubbed his head under her chin.
"It's an honour," she said, happiness dancing in her eyes.
"You were the obvious choice," he replied, "there's no cat I'd rather have as my deputy, not in the whole wide world."
"That's a lot of space," she replied, but Badgerstar just snorted.
"Maybe so, but I still mean it. Anyway, I'm going to go and talk to Acornstream and Hawkthorn! Do you think kits are in Groveclan's future? Our first litter! Oh! I'm so excited." His tail waved wildly as he touched his nose to her cheek, and bounded off in the direction of the happy couple, where they were talking to Shadowtail.
"Don't ask them that!" Lionheart called after him, shaking her head in amusement. A shape beside her startled her, and she turned to see Ashenstrike appearing in the last rays of the sun to sit beside her, curling his fluffy tail over his paws. She gave him an amused look, cocking her head to the side as she watched him carefully. He smiled back at her.
"So, deputy, huh? You're moving up in the world."
"It's an honour, and I'll do the best I can." She replied, rolling her eyes at his teasing. Ashenstrike laughed, a jovial sound of merriment that made Lionheart flush under the pelt. It really was a nice laugh.
"Please," he purred, "I've only been here a moon and I can already see clear as day that you were already acting in the role of deputy long since you were appointed. You're the only cat that makes sense to be deputy, except for maybe Flintburr, considering he's probably the oldest here." They both glanced toward the large black tom, where he'd joined Acornstream and Hawkthorn's throng of congratulators.
"Well, maybe," she said, with an embarrassed chuckle, "but, still. Now that it's official, I can't let Badgerstar or the clan down. Why did you approach me about it, are you jealous?"
"No," Ashenstrike replied simply, mischief dancing in his eyes, "I just happen to like powerful mollies."
"Oh," she hummed, "well, I'll keep that completely useless information in mind."
"Useless!" He said, feigning hurt. Lionheart laughed, and stood, glancing over her shoulder at him once before she padded over to the new mates to pay her own congratulations. He watched her go with a fond smile on his face. Ever since he'd arrived, there had been something alluring about the ginger molly, and he felt that her rough teasing was progress: at least she was willing to joke around with him.
The sun set to merriment in Groveclan, in the cool summer night.

"Record time," Maplefall hissed to a giggling Ashenstrike as the pair watched Hawkthorn bolt from the warrior's den and immediately into the nursery. Every day for the past week this had been the tom's regular pattern. Of course, he had a reason, as he was checking up on Acornstream, who had finally been persuaded to move to the nursery once Goldleaf picked up on her pregnancy. Naturally, the clan was over the moon with the news, but that didn't stop the warriors from teasing him about it relentlessly.
"Are you two making fun of Hawkthorn again?" Came a voice from behind them, and the pair jumped. Lionheart shook her head with a slight laugh. "Ashenstrike, I swear. You act like you're Maplefall's age. Lay off Hawkthorn, he's going to be a father soon. It's good that he cares about his mate so much that he's practically fused to her." Lionheart's joking tone startled the pair of them, before all three burst into giggles. Lionheart's ears pricked as she spotted Goldleaf exiting the den. She excused herself and bounded over.
"How's Acornstream?"
"She's fine," Goldleaf replied, "I had to get out of there. If I heard Hawkthorn call her one more pet name I think I would have been sick." The medicine cat huffed as Lionheart snorted. "It's great that they're in love, it would just be wonderful if they could be less nauseous about it. But... I am excited to see kits in the clan. And it'll be a relief if she can kit before Leafbare. She's a strong she-cat, but it's still much safer for her to kit now, or at least during Leaf-fall."
"I share your concern," Lionheart agreed, "the timing is... not perfect, but I'm happy for them. It's nice to see love in the clan. Hopefully we'll see some more of it around soon." She turned to smile back at Maplefall, still giggling away to Ashenstrike, who had been joined by Shadowtail and Flowerpaw. Goldleaf followed her gaze, and purred in amusement.
"Ashenstrike, huh?"
"What-- no! Maplefall. I was talking about Maplefall and Badgerstar! Why would you think I was talking about Ashenstrike?" She turned to her friend with a perplexed look, watching Goldleaf's face fall into flat disappointment. The pale coloured molly sighed and rolled her eyes at the bright ginger, nodding her head at the group of cats. Ashenstrike looked up, curiosity in his green eyes before he shook his head and turned back to Maplefall.
"Clear as day, that tom has been mooning over you since the day he got here. I cannot believe you haven't been picking up on him flirting with you. He's so obvious about it anyone with eyes could see i--" she cut herself off, giving Lionheart a sad look, "I can tell by the look on your face you couldn't see it. Oh, honey. You really are blind to these things aren't you?"
"Bite your tongue!" Lionheart flushed a little, ducking her head. "It doesn't matter, anyway. He can moon all he wants, but if he wants me to be his mate, then he better learn how to court a molly-- properly."


"I can't believe Greenleaf is almost over!" Badgerstar complained, looking up at the sky. "It seems like just yesterday Newleaf was over and-- Starclan! That means that Groveclan is nearly a full season-change old! Whoa, I did not think about it like that. Leafbare is a terrible time for celebrations, but we should still do something, what do you guys think?" He turned to glance expectantly at the two gray and white toms, wandering along behind him. He sighed, at the lack of an answer.
"I just can't believe you still patrol with us," Dustfang finally said.
"Well, we don't have a very big clan yet. And besides! I like to build relationships with my warriors. How are you settling in, Stonepatch? I feel like we haven't had much of a chance to talk just yet." He glanced expectantly at the burly tom, who blinked at him, and then shrugged lightly, with a sheepish smile. In the moon since he'd been in the clan, Badgerstar had hardly heard the tom talk once. He let out a little sigh, which prompted the other to reply:
"I still feel a bit awkward. I'm new and I don't really know anyone. Maplefall's nice though." He added, almost as an afterthought. Dustfang chuckled, and Badgerstar sighed wistfully at the thought of the calico molly. He missed their patrols together when it had just been the two of them, Flintburr and Lionheart out bonding over senior warrior stuff... or something.
"Yeah, she is."
"It's a universal constant," Dustfang said, amused, "if cats stop thinking Maplefall is nice, I think the world will collapse in on itself." Stonepatch smiled in amusement, trotting along behind the two older cats. He was still getting used to the territory, but he liked the company of the quiet grey tom, and the friendliness of the fluffy black leader. Dustfang cleared his throat after a little bit and eyed Badgerstar with a somewhat smug amusement. "So, when are you and Maplefall going to make it official?"
"What? Us?" Badgerstar snorted, waving his tail dismissively, "no no, it's not like that. Maplefall and I are just friends."


"We're just friends," Maplefall complained to Flintburr as they watched their apprentices play-fight together. "I really like him but I don't think he likes me the same way. He's always talking about what a good friend I am, and how much our friendship means to him and I mean... I don't know how Acornstream and Hawkthorn did it! It's so hard to make him see that I'm interested in him like they're interested in each other!"
"Maybe he just doesn't realize you're an option," Flintburr suggested, "good work Burrpaw, but try to keep your tail out, it'll give you more balance so Boulderpaw won't be able to knock you around so easily." He watched the apprentices for a bit, before his attention returned to Maplefall. "Badgerstar can be... oblivious at the best of times, we know this. Maybe he just hasn't considered that liking you in a romantic way is an option because he's never had a crush before? Just be patient with him, I'm sure he'll come around eventually."
"Starclan," Maplefall groaned, "I wish Lionheart would just shake some sense into him. Waiting is so hard."
Flintburr simply laughed.


"So, just one moon to go until your warrior assessment," Lionheart prompted, watching Flowerpaw nimbly scramble up the tree after her, looking proud of herself, "you must be excited. You'll be the first apprentice to be appointed a warrior name in the history of Groveclan. That must be a little daunting."
"Just like you're the first deputy," Flowerpaw replied, "but yes, I am excited. I'll miss being your apprentice though. You've taught me so much. And I think your temper has rubbed off on me, I didn't even apologize to Burrpaw and Boulderpaw after I told them off for stepping on my tail this morning. I think it's a real development."
"Good for you," Lionheart laughed, lifting her head to look out over the forest with a wistful sigh, "the view up here is so beautiful. It's so... different from where I grew up."
"Do you ever miss it?" Flowerpaw asked gently, suddenly aware of how little she actually knew about Lionheart, despite having spent practically every day with her since she'd joined the clan. All she knew was that Lionheart was from a different clan before Groveclan, she was scary when she was angry and she knew what she was doing. Aside from that, the entire history of her mentor was a blank mystery to her.
"Sometimes," Lionheart said with a nod, "it's hard to miss it when you know it doesn't exist anymore though. Sometimes the fields remind me of the moors, but... it's not completely the same. Not with all the trees around at least. But... I wouldn't change how things ended up for the entire world. Groveclan is my home now, and this is my new family."
"So... what you're saying is you're not really qualified to teach me how to climb a tree?" Flowerpaw asked, glancing down at the floor of the forest. Lionheart laughed.
"No, I really am not."


"Come on," Hawkthorn huffed, shouldering his sister and swatting at Ashenstrike, both warriors leaping out of the way as they continued their giggle fit. "You guys are scaring away all the prey with your laughing! Besides, it's not a bad thing that I love Acornstream and I want to make sure she's okay. I mean, she's having our kits! And it's not like I can really help her with that so I just need to let her know that I'm there for her, that I love her, and that I will love our kits just as much."
"I can't wait to be an aunt," Shadowtail sighed, dramatically, "and tell them all about how lovey-dovey and goo-goo-eyed their parents were for each other. I'm sure they'll share my sentiment: blech." She beamed, ignoring Hawkthorn's pouty glare.
"Come on man," Ashenstrike laughed, "we're just teasing. It's cute that you're so devoted to her."
"We're going into Leaf-fall. What if she doesn't kit before Leafbare? Goldleaf is worried about the kit's chances if that happens and she says there's a possibility that Acornstream might get sick, because she'll be weak. I don't want that to happen. I'm just worried I guess. It's really stressful, being a father. Why did our dad never tell us that?" He directed his question toward Shadowtail who simply shrugged, before bounding over to him and wrapping around him carefully.
"Hey, don't sweat," she said gently, "we're all here for you. The entirety of Groveclan will be behind you, supporting you and Acornstream and the kits. We're not going to let anything happen to them. Swear it, on Starclan." Hawkthorn smiled faintly, glancing between Ashenstrike and his sister, looking a lot less worried.
"You really mean that?"
"Of course we do," Ashenstrike replied, "now come on. We've got some prey to catch-- or Lionheart will have our ears."

[ badgerstar, dustfang and stonepatch patrol the borders
hawkthorn, shadowtail and ashenstrike go hunting near the lake
lionheart teaches flowerpaw the climbing skill
flintburr and maplefall teach their apprentices the battle skill
goldleaf hunts for herbs [kitting priority]
the clan consumes 2 rabbits ]

        badgerstar | 24 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…βœ°

        lionheart | 45 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        Medicine Cat:
        goldleaf | 46 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        flintburr | 60 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        maplefall | 20 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        shadowtail | 34 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        hawkthorn | 34 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        dustfang | 39 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        ashenstrike | 45 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        stonepatch | 21 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        flowerpaw | 11 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        boulderpaw | 8 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        burrpaw | 8 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        acornstream | 34 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]
        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]
        name | age | ♀/β™‚ | [url=link]🌷[/url]
    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    crescentclan | chasing the moon
    echoclan | Katrione

    enemy clans;
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | Clan Name | Username
    south | Clan Name | Username
    west | Clan Name | Username

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [1] | greencough
    chervil [1] | wounds/aches
    marigold [1] | wounds
    tansy [1] | coughs
    goldenrod [1] | wounds
    catchweed [1] | poultices
    poppy seeds [1] | pain
    cobwebs [1] | bleeding
    fennel [1] | pain
    raspberry leaves [1] | kitting
    herb [#] | use

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    vole | x1 | 1 servings
    rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    bird | x2 | 6 servings
    fish | x4 | 8 servings
    squirrel | x3 | 6 servings
    capacity: 22 servings (5 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    lionheart | flowerpaw [4]
    β†ͺ hunting, battle, swimming, climbing
    maplefall | boulderpaw [3]
    β†ͺ swimming, hunting, battle, skill
    flintburr | burrpaw [3]
    β†ͺ swimming, hunting, battle, skill
    mentor | apprentice [#]
    β†ͺ skill, skill, skill, skill

    deceased cats;
    name | cause
    name | cause

    flintburr β™‘ silvermoon
    β†ͺ halfkit & sootkit
    unknown β™₯ unknown
    β†ͺ shadowtail & hawkthorn
    dustfang β™‘ tanglestep
    β†ͺ boulderpaw & burrpaw
    hawkthorn β™₯ acornstream
    β†ͺ expecting [ two posts ]
    name and name
    β†ͺ kit names
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Springtalon » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:44 am

Number of Cats: 02
Servings // Prey:N/A // N/A
Time since Founding: Three Moons
Upcoming Events: Moonpool visit - 2days // Patrol - 12 hours
Story Arc: The Founding of Rainclan Part 3

Last Moon
When Rainstar and Onyxstone, whom she had caught up with after her patrol, the raven-furred deputy carrying a mouse, emerged into camp, they were quite surprised, to find a white she-cat sitting their, her black-spotted back to them. Onyxstone let out a growl, and lunged at the cat, tackling her over. The stranger let out a hiss, and reared up, knocking Onyxstone down, before whirling around, claws outstretched to kill the deputy "WAIT!" Rainstar cried. The stranger froze, claws mouse-tail lengths away from slicing into Onyxstone's face. "I am Rainstar, leader of Rainclan. Who are you?" she growled.

The stranger looked at her in shock "Rainstar? Rainclan? Then this is your camp?" she asked, in a voice so soft and quiet, Rainstar could barely believe it was coming from the cat who was seconds away from killing Onyxstone. "Yes it is, now please, sheathe your claws, and let my deputy up" the cat at least looked sheepish as she did so. "Please forgive me, cats of Rainclan, I had been sent to your territory by the stars, but, was not sure if this was your camp, nor you who you really are." Rainstar smiled "It's all right, in fact, we could use a warrior as strong as yourself...what is your name?" "Indigo!" the she-cat replied with a chirp "Well Indigo, from this day on, you shall be known as Indigosplash the Fierce"

Rainstar nodded to Onyxstone and Indigosplash "Onyxstone, I know you are deputy, but for the time being, until we have more orders, I'd like to take command, do you have any problems with that" the she-cat shook her head immediately "Of course not Rainstar, you are leader." Rainstar nodded Good. Now, I found some fresh dog tracks on the eastern border, so it would be best to avoid that place today. Take Indigosplash, and check out what's going on on the west side of the forest, alright?" Onyxstone nodded briskly, but Indigosplash tilted her head "Where are you going?" she asked, in that quiet voice of hers. Rainstar flicked her tail at the alcove that sheltered prey "Hunting" she explained "Starclan knows we need it"

πŸ’¦Onyxstone and Indigosplash patrolπŸ’¦
πŸ’¦Rainstar hunts

          Rainstar the Founder | 22 Moons | Female | πŸ’¦
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Onyxstone the Wary | 31 Moons | Female | πŸ’¦

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Indigosplash the Fierce | 26 Moons | Female | πŸ’¦
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | 1/1
    Parrot | 0/3
    Hare | 0/3
    Small Fish | 0/2
    Vole | 0/1
    Lizard | 0/2

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Pearl | Rain's Mother | Unknown
    Forest | Rain's Friend | Unknown
    Light | Pearl's Sister | Unknown

    The Dark Forest:
    Cat Name | Known As | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Known As | Cause of Death

    Pearl and Unknown
    Light - Rainstar

    Rainclan's Legend
    The Founding of Rainclan
    Parts: πŸ’¦ - πŸ’¦ - πŸ’¦[you are here]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby krazykitty00 » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:25 am

Weather: The heat of green-leaf is only getting worse. The only comfort the clan's can take from this is the approaching season of Leaf-bare. But first they need to survive this heat. Starclan has predicted a strong heatwave coming...


Starwindrider wrote:
Stormfrost and Goldenstar push through the bushes encircling their small camp, carrying their prey. Smokefrost sets the prey down and begins to wash himself. "I'm going to see StarClan to ask for a medicine cat," Goldenstar told her warrior. "No problem, I'll go on patrol then," Smokefrost replied.

Goldenstar goes to ask StarClan for a medicine cat!
Smokefrost goes on patrol![/size]

Starclan has sent you a medicine cat. You may choose five herbs from here to start your storage
Your patrol passed uneventfully


Griffingirl4everx3 wrote:
while waiting for the heat of sun high to pass, muddystar and the new member, cherry, talk. Muddystar tells her about tunnelclan, while cherry tells her about her travels. When they felt it was cool enough to travel, they make their way to camp. Shrewwhisker greets them when they get back, and muddystar calls a clan meeting to welcome their new clanmate, now named cherrynose. The three cats talk for a while before going to their dens for the night. The next day the two warriors head out on patrols, while muddystar heads to moonpool.

{{shrewwhisker goes on a border patrol}}
{{cherrynose go hunting}}
{{muddystar goes to moonpool to ask for a medicine cat}}
{{tunnelclan eats two servings of rabbit}}

Starclan has sent you a medicine cat. You may choose five herbs from here to start your storage
While on patrol, Shrewwhisker feels faint. He needs to rest next post or he could collapse from heat stroke.
While hunting, Cherrynose caught 2 squirrels and a shrew


Chinchy wrote:
Softstone and Toadstep rubbed their cheeks together, purring happily. The cream molly was in the nursery, the tunnel opposite of what would be the apprentices' den. Now that there were plans for kits, the pair were already setting up a nice nest for Softstone to sleep and rest with her kits when the time comes for the little bundles of fur to cause trouble and liven up the place. It was the middle of the day, but the tunnels were bathed in darkness for the most part. There was a rather scarce amount of light that came from holes in the roof there for that specific purpose. There were plans to enlarge them and cover them with the branches of bushes once those may possibly begin to grow. Seeing a small sappling of a tree make itself known near one of the borders, just inside their territory had been cause for celebration not long ago so it should be clear how the cats here take the larger plantlife's presence. The peace of the pair was broken as Bearface stuck his head in. The deputy wasn't one to really socialize outside from speaking to Boulderstar or barking orders to everyone so it wasn't any surprise when the latter happened. "There you are. How about you two lovebirds make yourselves useful. You can handle the border patrol, me and Oaksplash plan to go try our paws at fishing and looking for prey along the river." He declared, moving out from the entrance to the nursery to allow the pair to leave, Softstone following in a normal gait while Toadstep showed his rather abnormal way of movement as he seemed to give little hops forward on occasion. Bearface and Oaksplash followed them out, heading down south as the lovebirds moved north. Boulderstar was left sleeping in his nest alone down underground now as the warriors had dispersed.

"Our family is going to be great. What do you think the kits will look like? Oh, I can't wait to see them." Toadstep happily declared, Softstone watching her cheerful mate in amusement, both their tails held high. "I'm sure they'll be beautiful. And I'm sure at least one of them is bound to be as cheeful as kind as you." She flicked her mate's nose with her tail before passing by him. The border patrol seemed to be momentarily forgotten as the pair decided to play like kits and chase one another around.

The hunting patrol was taking everything far more seriously. While Oaksplash crouched by the water, aiming for any fish that may decide to try to swim by, Bearface kept an eye out for frogs and ducks that may be around for the most part, joining Oaksplash in looking for fish on occasion.

In the evening, as stars sparkled in the sky, Bearface was out sitting watch for the night when Boulderstar slipped out. They nodded a greeting to one another and the leader answered a question that needn't be asked. "I'm going to the Moonpool. I must ask StarClan for a new medicine cat before trouble comes. I plan to be back by sunrise." With that he left, traveling along the familiar path and eventually crouching by the pool of water which held water shinning with the stars and moon above it like a mirror. He took a couple laps of the water before settling down by the edge to request a new medicine cat.

[Softstone and Toadstep have mated and will be expecting kits]
[Softstone and Toadstep went on a border patrol]
[Bearface and Oaksplash went on a hunting patrol]
[Boulderstar visited the Moonpool to request a medicine cat]

Starclan has sent you a medicine cat. You may choose five herbs from here to start your storage
Softstone is now expecting kits. She will be due in two moons.
Your patrol passed uneventfully
While hunting, your cats caught 1 Bird and 2 mice


crutchie_ wrote:
Honeygaze was sorting her remaining herbs in the medicine den just as she would any other morning. Squirrelleap had recovered from the wound on her shoulder and was now out with Greycloud to help familiarize her with the Hollowclan territory. She let out a sigh as she pawed a few cobwebs back into their pile at the very back of the store. In all honesty, it was just a try to clear her head. Lynxclaw would not let go of her thoughts. The tabby warrior had been coming into the den regularly, asking to gather herbs or complimenting her skills as medicine cat of their clan. She realized in horror that she had a fondness for the warrior past what a regular medicine cat should feel for a clanmate. She felt love towards him and that was forbidden in the warrior code she was brought up to fear. Lynxclaw was a former rouge. He wouldn't understand her dilemma.
"Honeygaze?" Honeygaze jumped and whirled around to see none other than Lynxclaw standing in the mouth of the den, an assortment of herbs dangling from his jaws. "I found those herbs for you." He said, his eyes wide and warm. Honeygaze had to fight to keep the fuzzy feeling in her stomach at bay.
"Yes. Please put them here so I can sort them." She motioned to a spot near where her organized herbs were sitting. Obeying, Lynxclaw lay the herbs down at her paws. Honeygaze bent down to inspect them, sniffing at the Goldenrod and the rose...a rose? Honeygaze swallowed and looked up at Lynxclaw. "A rose?" She felt the urge to blush and did so. "That wasn't what I asked you to bring back for me."
Lynxclaw shrugged, "I know. I couldn't resist. It kinda reminded me of you."
"Really? Wait," she stood up and fixed him with a serious gaze, "no. This isn't right." She said lowly. Lynxclaw flinched and took a step back. Honeygaze shook her head and turned her back on him. "I'm the medicine cat of Hollowclan. I can't be...this."
"In love?"
"Yes!" Honeygaze hissed, slumping her shoulders. "We must follow the code, Lynxclaw. I can't do this." The den became dead silent and she listened to Lynxclaw's shallow breath. Finally, she heard the vines at the entrance of the den rustle and with that, she was alone.


Lynxclaw stalked away from the medicine den, Honeygaze's rejection stinging his pelt. He knew the code. Everyone in the clan did, but that was no reason for hiding her feelings for him. He could see it in those amber eyes that she shared his feelings, no matter what she said. He walked past Wolfstar and out into the forest with his mind set on clearing his head.


Wolfstar watched Lynxclaw pass and considered following the warrior but stopped. The warrior certainly looked like he needed his space for some reason. His eyes wandered towards the medicine den but he shook his head. He had been paranoid the moon before. Being a leader seemed to make him even more jumpy than he usually was before leading an entire clan of cats. He decided that a nice day of hunting would clear his mind. Afterwards, he made the journey to moonstone and lay down by the glowing rock, pressing his nose to it. "Starclan, Hollowclan is thriving, but we need more kits if the clan is to survive. I request a queen to keep my clan going for moons to come."

[The clan eats a mouse.]
[Greycloud and Squirrelleap patrol.]
[Lynxclaw hunts.]
[Wolfstar hunts and requests a queen.]

Starclan has granted you a queen. She is due in two moons
While on patrol, you cats found a loner, seemingly the sibling of the recently found queen.
While hunting, you cats caught 1 Hare and 2 squirrels.
After his hunt, Lynxclaw is feeling faint from the heat. He needs to rest next post or he'll collapse from heat stroke.


L A T I wrote:
Willowstar exited her den, leaving camp swiftly as she padded outside of the territory, locking gazes with Dappledmask, who was collecting herbs. She ignored him, going off in the other direction and trying to hunt.

[Willowstar goes out hunting]
[Dapplemask looks for herbs]

While hunting, Willowstar caught 2 minnows and 1 small fish
While herb hunting, Dapplemask found Catmint and Lavender.

((You may also choose five more herbs and place them in your herb storage to start it off. Choose from here.))


Mika. wrote:


Then EmberStar came back home with the new Warrior everything seemed fine and Claim. Everyone was just chilling out for the day.

Not didn't do anything for that day but the next was different. As normal Blazeclaw send out some warrior to find some food as well that will be Ravenclaw and nightcry. As the headed off Smokeheart needed help with something so Emberstar knew what to do, as she headed of to the moonpool asking for a Medicine Apprentice. Blazeclaw headed out to find some cats or some food for himself and her mate plus kits now.

{RavenClaw and Nighcry has gone hunting}
{Emberstar has gone to the moonpool}
{Blazeclaw has gone finding some food or cats}


Starclan has granted you a Medicine cat apprentice.
While hunting, your cats caught 1 Rabbit
While one patrol, Blazeclaw found a squirrel for his mate. He also scented a loner on the territory. You have a choice of finding them next post or ignoring them


deimos wrote:─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
"From the tiny seeds we sow, we grow!"

➡ A suffering too terrible to name.

There was never a feeling so unearthly like the sight of a dead kitten.

Lizardstripe would know, the junkyard he had grown up in was anything but forgiving, especially towards the young. It was more often then not that the stench of death filled the senses near collapsed piles of junk or crudely dug holes, it only took some scavenging to uncover the deceased, and as a scavenger - that was exactly what Lizardstripe had done. It succeeded each and every time to send the tom into a panic, made even worse by his father, who often forced him to continue working without any sign of sympathy for his young son.

He hoped to escape death when he first joined PineClan when he was hardly six moons old, and he almost did, for many peaceful moons he had nearly forgotten the terror of his former life in his personal prison for seasons until the birth of Shadowstar's kits. Lizardstripe just knew something wrong was going to happen then, as he was acquainted with the same agonized wails the first leader had made with nearly all the births in the awful junkyard he spent his kithood in. It wasn't surprising to see that one her of own died two moons after. It hurt him, sure. But he wasn't surprised.

He just hoped that after that he would never had to remember it again, and the moment his mate first told him she was expecting every thought of that day was just prayers to StarClan to keep her and their kits safe. Evidently the stars didn't listen, he didn't know why, he mused that perhaps they didn't pay attention to cats like him. But he immediately understood things were going terribly wrong the moment he heard Rosemask's pained yowls, and his fear increased tenfold just by observing how Shadepaw acted when she frantically came out of the nursery.

Soon after, Lizardstripe became the father of three kits, five had two of them not been born dead. He and Rosemask were beyond devastated, she was almost inconsolable, the cheerful molly he fell in love with replaced by a mourning mother who was shell shocked by what just happened. He managed to bring her out of her frozen state long enough to think of names for their litter and settled on Birchkit and Ashkit for their daughters, and Elmkit for their son.

They weren't sure if it was appropriate for them to give names to their deceased, but Lizardstripe once heard a tale from Skunknose when she was still the medicine cat that if a dead kit was unnamed they would not be able to rest and would sap the strength from the next expecting mother, and he did not another another molly to go through the pain they were experiencing now, so they named the two Firkit and Cedarkit - a molly and a tom. Rosemask gave him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, saying that the names they chose fit their kits just perfectly, and drifted off to sleep. Lizardstripe slept by her side shortly after, hardly paying attention to Ratpaw's warrior ceremony taking place outside the nursery.

[ last reply ]
- aspenheart, magpiewhisker, and asphodelface go patrolling.*
(*they find rosefur of tumbleclan?)
- daisystorm, ratnose, minkcloud, cottonbush, blissheart, and shrikeface go hunting.
- mintstar, larkclaw, and comfreyfang go take care of the hawk.*
(*mintstar loses one life)
- all apprentices go training with their mentors.
- x1 feverfew was used for rosemask.


While on patrol, your cats find a wounded Rosefur. Nothing serious, just many scratches and cuts. But some are infected. She'll need Cobwebs to stop the bleeding and Sweet-Sedge to clear the infection.
You cats has successfully fought off the hawk, but Mintstar has lost a life.
While training, your apprentices learned new skills!
{Juniperpaw > Climbing, Egretpaw > Battle, Orchidpaw > Advanced Tracking, Acornpaw > Swimming, Firepaw > Advanced Hunting}
After training, Egretpaw is feeling faint due to the heat. He needs to rest next post or he'll collapse from heat stroke.


BrightDays wrote:
Deerstar smiled at the new queen. "Thanks for joining Pikeriver," she meowed. "Didn't expect the patrol to find a kit while they were out," she commented."Get him to Blizzardspirt," she told the patrol. Softheart nodded and ran to the medicine cat den.

"Blizzardspirt?" she called, the former queen's eyes and voice where worried for the small kit. "I'm here!" the tom called, running out. "A kit?" he asked, sniffing it to check it over, while Softheart explained what happened. "I'll get some Lavender," Blizzardspirt meowed, going into the herb stocks and collecting the last bit of lavender. "Always low," he muttered, giving Jaykit the herb. "He can tell us what happened to his clan later," the tom meowed, showing Softheart out.

"Once Jaykit is better Pikeriver, mine watching him until he's old enough to be an apprentice?" Deerstar asked. "Of course Deerstar," Pikeriver meowed softly."He'll be part of the small family," she chuckled.

Hunting Patrol: Shadedfrost,Ramclaw,Frostedleaf
Healing Jaykit: Blizzardspirit (using Lavender)
Herb Hunting: Hailwish
Sedgepaw trains with Ocrafur
Marigoldpaw trains with Foxstrike
Beepaw trains with Powderbreeze

The Clan ate a Hare and Deku using 4 servings

While hunting your cats caught 1 Bird and 2 Pikas
Jaykit has been healed though he needs to spend another day in the medicine den.
While herb hunting, Hailwish found Rush and Dock
While training, your apprentices learned new skills!
{Sedgepaw > Swimming, Marigoldpaw > Climbing, Beepaw > Battle}


raven walker wrote:
Number of Cats: 4 (2 : 2)
Last visit to the moonpool: 6th August

Ashenstar trekked on through the dense forest towards the nearest moonpool, intent on getting there and back before sunfall. He knew exactly what the clan needed from the ancestors: a deputy. And it was his duty now to get it. On and on he went, frustrated by the beating sun. Not the direct heat, as he was in shade, but the way it warmed up the whole forest: making it feel stuffy and dry. Eventually he arrived, and touched his nose to the glistening water without much hesitation.

He awoke in a sheltered clearing; much like the sort you might find on Spiritclan territory. A strange she-cat approached him from the mist that engulfed these towering trees, and as she did many other shadows seemed to appear; but none venturing into the open. He couldn't bring himself to day anything in awe of what he was seeing. For the second time time, he was visiting Starclan, but it felt like the first. Still, true to himself, he kept his posture straight and upright and his face politely still, preventing his mouth from hanging wide in amazement like a small cave. The she-cat sat before him and bowed her glimmering head.
"Greetings, Ashenstar." she said. Two simple words, but they sounded like the greatest things the leader had ever heard. He was talking to an ancestor. A legacy.
"Greetings. May I ask your name?" he replied, surprised at how well he was holding his voice together.
"I'm Hollybright, Tinybird's grandmother. Like her I was a medicine cat." She replied.
Ashenstar could see the resemblance. Unlike Tinybird, this cat had rich, amber eyes, but on the other hand she had the same white coat and tufted ears. But, how could she be a grandmother and a medicine cat? The only way he could think of was that she'd broken the code...
"If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you're a mother and a medicine cat?"
"I fell in love."
"I see." Hollybright didn't seem to have much more to say on the subject, so Ashenstar got on to the reason he was here. "Youd probably like to know how she is then: and she is well. The whole clan is doing quite well. As it stands, we need to stock up on prey a little more, but everyone is happy. However, we don't have a deputy."
"So you're here to request one. Of course."
"Yes. Thank you ever so much."
"Our pleasure. I wish you happy hunting."
Politely, Ashenstar nodded his head as the scenery around him faded to black, and Hollybright disappeared.


Tinybird looked at her pitiful herb piles. There was hardly enough here. Hardly. It wouldn't do! Shaking her head, she marched out of her den and into the forest determinedly, in search of herbs. Anything would suffice. Absolutely anything that could be of any use. The dryness would not be beneficial to the herbs, and she could only hope that they hadn't all shrivelled up.


The hungry apprentice and his mentor gazed solemnly at the prey pile. They couldn't eat it. There'd be nothing left! Sad, Pinewhisper sighed. Bored, Badgerpaw scratched his ear vigorously. They'd been sitting there for a good minute, wondering what on earth they should eat. Suddenly, Pinewhisper made a decision. She whipped around to face her apprentice and looked him dead in the eye.
"If we eat we'll only be filled with crushing guilt. Yet if we don't eat we'll starve to death. The only feasible way to solve this problem is to go hunting, which you now know how, and catch prey. Anything we can't carry, we eat." She nodded, but her eyes sought confirmation. She didnt sound like she was overreacting, did she?
However, Badgerpaw seemed satisfied with this and stood up, nodding really fast. Without a word, Pinewhisper trotted out of camp, the little black and white cat following up behind.

[Ashenstar requests a deputy from the moonpool]
[Tinybird goes herb collecting]
[Pinewhisper and Badgerpaw are hunting]

Starclan has granted you a deputy
While hunting, your cats caught 1 Hare and 2 squirrels
While herb hunting, Tinybird found Tansy and Feverfew
Last edited by krazykitty00 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby tauriel. » Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:34 pm

Number of Cats: 46
22 males : 24 females

A moon had come and gone since the birth of Lilystem and Larkfeather's kits. The kits were now old enough to leave the nursery and Juniperfoot and Harespring had already taught them how to play mossball.
The two queens lay just outside the nursery, sharing tongues and watching over the four kits as they played. Rippleshade lay with them, telling the mothers about the time when he'd been a kit. However, when Woolyfur began announcements, Rippleshade paused to listen, gazing respectfully at the deputy. Calmly assigning several patrols, the warriors and apprentices left for their duties.

"Bet you can't catch this!" Toadkit taunted, flinging the mossball high in the air. The mossball flew towards the air, past the second group of kits as they all scrambled to get it. They'd divided themselves into two groups: mollies against toms. Wriggling her haunches, Pepperkit launched herself into the air, claws outstretched to catch it. The mossball just grazed her claws and landed into Splashkit's paws. Looking a bit surprised, the molly blinked. While her denmates preferred playing, Splashkit was different. Cloudpool and Shadedleaf had been so nice when the kits had been exploring the camp for the first time. And when Splashkit had asked about their herbs, she'd been fascinated. Her friends had no interest and ever since, Splashkit's mind was half on the medicine den. "Stop dreaming and get your head back in the game!" Laurelkit's bossy voice interrupted and Splashkit frowned at her, but threw the mossball anyways. "Don't yell at her!" Toadkit jumped quickly to their sister's defense, shooting a glare at Laurelkit. "I'm not!" Laurelkit glared right back at him, looking annoyed.

Toadkit opened his jaws as a horrible scream echoed through the camp. All the cats in the clearing looked astonished as four huge badgers stomped into the camp. Four bushing up with terror, all the kits except for Maplekit fled towards their mothers. Maplekit was frozen with terror as one of the badgers lumbered towards him. Snarling, the badger raised a huge paw to throw the poor kit across camp. Maplekit hit the cave wall with a sickening thud and lay there.

By this time, the clan had jumped into action, Morningstar splitting the remaining cats into seperate groups to fight the badgers. He, himself, was helping to take on the largest of the creatures. As the battle raged on, Ashpaw was sent to alert the patrols.

Dappleleaf fought one of the smaller badgers along with Hawkfeather, Pigeonflight, and Mottledshade. All four bore the marks of the badger's horrible claws but the badger looked worse than the injured warriors. With Hawkfeather and Pigeonflight battling the badger on one side, Dappleleaf and Mottledshade were fighting on the other. So when one pair struck, the badger would attack that pair and then the second pair would attack. The strategy was working well and the group was actually beginning to push back the badger.

Crouching protectively over Maplekit, Shadedleaf and Cloudpool were talking in low voices. "His neck is broken," The black molly's voice was thick with grief. "The impact must've killed him immediately."
"We need to get him somewhere safe." He murmured. "Larkfeather'll need to be told too," The frantic looking queen was staring out from the nursery, her remaining kits crouched at her paws. Just beyond, Lilystem could be seen, trying to comfort both the kits, and poor Larkfeather.
"I'll do that," Shadedleaf murmured quietly. "You be ready with herbs for the injured warriors." Cloudpool nodded and began to pad back towards the medicine den, mind racing as he mentally recited the names of herbs and their uses in his head. He faltered as his gaze spotted Dappleleaf fighting nearby. As the badger's attention turned to Hawkfeather and Pigeonflight, the calico molly felt his gaze on her back and turned to look at the tom.

As well as the fight was going for Dappleleaf's group was going, another group wasn't doing so great. Morningstar had been struck down and though the badger was on the run, it was heading straight towards the medicine den, towards Cloudpool.

"Cloudpool look out!" Panic bursting through the calico pushed her into action. Racing towards the tom, Dappleleaf pushed him back, hissing as the badger loomed over the pair. Cloudpool had frozen, green eyes huge with terror. "You leave us alone!" Dappleleaf snarled, slashing her claws at it's chest. The badger retaliated by snapping it's jaws at her and as the calico spun around to avoid the blow, it's teeth closed around her tail. Pain shooting up and down her tail, Dappleleaf yanked her tail free. Tail held close to her body, the calico bristled, ready to attack.
Fortunately, she and Cloudpool weren't alone for long as Hawkfeather, Pigeonflight, and Mottledshade had managed to drive their badger off. The three raced over to help, and distracted by their furious yowling, the badger turned away from Dappleleaf and Cloudpool to face the three.

"Go to the den!" Dappleleaf hissed at Cloudpool, nudging him roughly towards the medicine den. "Your not safe out here!" The grey and white tom tore his gaze from her ruined tail. "But your tail! I might not be able to save it if you don't let me treat it now." The tom protested. "There's no time! Go!" Dappleleaf ran to join her clanmates, her heart pounding. Seeing him in such danger had sparked an alarming feeling of panic she'd never felt before. All she'd thought during that time was of saving Cloudpool. No time to think about that! Dappleleaf scolded herself, eyes narrowing on the badger that had threatened Cloudpool.

The group that had been fighting the badger before it had ran off finally caught up. Morningstar was up again, although he was limping. Chiveclaw and Ebonywing came with him, although Morningstar had sent Sedgetail and Burrwhisker to help Juniperfoot and Harespring.

Ashpaw's return with reinforcements turned the tide for the battle and by the time the rest of the patrols returned, the badgers had been driven out of camp, leaving the cats in a state of shock over the attack. The last thing any of them had expected was a badger attack in the middle of camp. The cat scent alone should've been more than enough to discourage even the bravest of predators.

"It could've been worse," Shadedleaf murmured after most of the injured cats had been treated. Most of the cats had only suffered scratches, although the severe gash across Hawkfeather's eye worried her, as did Dappleleaf's tail. The poor molly would likely lose just over half her tail.
As for the deaths, Morningstar had lost a life and Maplekit and Ebonywing had gone to join Starclan. "We're lucky we didn't lose anyone else," Shadedleaf shook her head, sorrow darkening in her gaze as she looked into the clearing where the clan was gathering to mourn Maplekit and Ebonywing. Cloudpool crouched next to her, one eye kept on Sedgetail, who'd suffered a broken leg. The silver tabby had fallen asleep with the help of a couple of poppy seeds he'd given her. "I know. If Ashpaw hadn't returned with the rest of the clan, I don't know what we would've done." He agreed quietly. "I can't believe they actually invaded the camp." The camp had always seemed so safe and impervious that the attack left him terrified.

One black molly was quieter than usual, her amber eyes grim as she stopped outside of Morningstar's den. "Morningstar? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Willowtail's nervous voice asked, poking her head inside the den. Woolyfur and Morningstar turned to look at her and the orange tabby leader gave a small nod, allowing the warrior to come inside. "What is it Willowtail?" He asked. Woolyfur narrowed his gaze, waiting calmly for her to speak. Suddenly nervous to be speaking to the highest cats in the clan, besides Shadedleaf and Cloudpool, Willowtail had to take a moment to soothe her nerves. "Well, about the badgers.. we scented them while we were on patrol, Silvernose, Ferretclaw, and I." She told them. "We tried to follow the scent trail to see if we could find their dens but we lost it." Willowtail confessed. "If the badgers are trying to make their home on our territory, we'll need to drive them out." Woolyfur said, eyes darkening. "We can't lose anyone else." "That's not all. I swear I could scent Leafclan all during patrol. It was almost as if they were with the badgers, driving them off. Silvernose thought she could smell them too but said it was their scent drifting across the territory." Willowtail said. Morningstar frowned, dismissing Willowtail with a flick of his tail. "Thank you Willowtail. A patrol will be sent out later to check it out but for now, we must mourn Ebonywing and Maplekit and wish them well on their journey to Starclan." As Willowtail and Woolyfur left to join their clanmates, understanding was beginning to dawn on him. Could Leafclan have had something to do with the attack?

[ hunting 1: Rowanfur, Spikebush, Mistfall, Lev
hunting 2: Shimmerpelt, Woolyfur, Tigerjaw, Emberslash
Patrol 1: Silvernose, Ferretclaw, Willowtail
training: all mentors/apprentices(Excluding Ashpaw)
Warriors: Ashpaw(strike)
herb hunting: n/a
moonpool: 3 days
prey consumed: 2 pigeon, 1 squirrel ]

Deaths from attack: Morningstar(1 life), Maplekit, Ebonywing Injuries from attack: Dappleleaf(Ravaged tail), Sedgetail(Broken leg), Hawkfeather(Blinded in left eye by scratch), Stormpaw(Torn ear), most cats have scratches,

      Morningstar | 92 moons| Tom | X
      Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 6/9

      Woolyfur | 72 moons | Tom | X

      Medicine Cats:
      Shadedleaf | 82 moons | Molly | X
      Cloudpool | 36 moons | Tom | X

      Rowanfur | 88 moons | Molly | X
      Silvernose | 75 moons | Molly | X
      Shimmerpelt | 67 moons | Molly | X
      Ebonywing | 48 moons | Molly | X
      Ferretclaw | 48 moons | Tom | X
      Juniperfoot | 44 | Molly | X
      Chiveclaw | 44 moons | Tom | X
      Pigeonflight | 43 moons | Tom | X
      Hawkfeather | 41 moons | Tom | X
      Mottledshade | 39 | Molly | X
      Spikebush | 39 | molly | X
      Sedgetail | 38 | Molly | X
      Harespring | 38 | Tom |X
      Burrwhisker | 36 | Tom | X
      Cloudmask | 31 | molly | X
      Dappleleaf | 31 moons | Molly | X
      Thymepool | 26 moons | Molly| X
      Pinetail | 25 | molly | X
      Emberslash | 24 moons | Tom | X
      Sunstripe | 24 moons | Tom |X
      Lev | 21 | tom | X
      Minkear | 17 | molly | X
      Mistfall 16 moons | Molly | X
      Tigerjaw 15 moons | Tom | X
      Willowtail | 15 moons | Molly | X

      Ashpaw | 14 moons | Tom | X
      Duskpaw | 11 moons | Tom | X
      Poppypaw | 11 moons | Molly | X
      Stormpaw | 11 moons | Tom | X
      Spottedpaw | 9 | molly | X
      Mintpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X

      Lilystem | 37 moons | Molly | X
      Larkfeather | 31 moons | Molly | X


      Laurelkit | 1 | molly | X
      Toadkit | 1 | tom | X
      Alderkit | 1 | tom | X
      Splashkit | 1 | molly | X
      Maplekit | 1 | tom | X
      Wildkit | 1 | tom | X
      Pepperkit | 1 | molly | X
      Robinkit | 1 | molly | X

      Rippleshade | 140 moons | Tom | X
        Ally Clans:
        Beechclan | Hazilnut
        Ravenclan | turtle
        Brookclan | purrfect.
        Ivyclan | Savannah the Caracal
        Swiftclan | Phina Wolf

        Medicine Store
        Catmint (2)| Best remedy for greencough. Also used
        for whitecough
        Cobwebs (5)| Soaks up and stops bleeding. Binds broken
        Marigold (1)| Stops infection and bleeding. Used for
        inflammation of stiff joints
        Tansy (3)| cures coughs, wounds, poisons, soothes
        throats, prevents greencough
        Stinging nettle (2)| Induces vomiting, brings down
        swelling, can be mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones,
        helps with wounds, fights infection
        Ragweed (1) Gives a cat extra strength and energy.
        Rush (1) Helps to hold broken bones in place.
        Broom (1) Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
        Dandelion (2) Soothes and heals beestings and leaves
        act as a painkiller.
        Raspberry Leaves (2) Eases pain and stops bleeding
        during kitting
        Chervil (1) For infected wounds and bellyache. Can
        be used during kitting
        Sticks (1) Distracts from pain, holds broken bones in
        Thyme (2) Calms nervousness and anxiety, helps cats
        in shock
        Burdock Root (2) Lessens & heals the pain of infected
        rat bites, prevents infection of rat bites
        Willow Leaves (1) Stops vomiting
        Alder Bark (2) Eases toothaches
        Borage Leaves (1) Produces more and better milk.
        Also brings down fevers.
        Snakeroot (1) Heals poison
        Celandine (3) Soothes damaged eyes
        Poppy Seeds (1) Helps a cat sleep, Soothes shock,
        distress, pain
        Coltsfoot (2) Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as
        well as cracked or sore pads
        Chamomile (2) Strengthens the heart and soothes
        the mind
        Comfrey Root (1) Repairs broken bones and soothes
        wounds. Also used for wrenched claws, itching, inflammation
        of stiff joints, can be used for burns
        Parsley (1) Stops a queen's milk and cures bellyache
        Oak leaves (1) stops infection from setting in
        Rosemary (1) Hides the scent of death
        Sorrel (1) Traveling herb, can build up appetite
        Watermint (1) Soothes bellyache
        Dock (1) Soothes scratches and sore pads
        Wild Garlic (1) Prevents infection, especially with rat
        Goatweed (1) Eases anxiety and grief
        Daisy (1) Eases the pain of aching joints
        Goldenrod (1) Heals wounds
        Feverfew (1) Reduces body temperature in cats with
        fever or chills. Heals aches and pains, especially good for
        Burnet (2) Said to help minor bleeding on twolegs.
        Keeps a cats strength up
        Honey (1) Soothes infections, smoke-damaged or sore
        throats, coughs, gives a cat energy, helps cats swallow other
        Horsetail (1) Treats infections and stops bleeding
        Lungwort (1) Cures yellowcough.
        Tormentil (1) Root helps all wounds and cures poisons
        Blackberry leaves (1) Eases the swelling of bee stings
        Willow Bark (1) Eases pain
        Wintergreen (1) Treats wounds and some poisons

        Fresh-Kill Pile:
        Minnows | x4 | 1 servings
        Small Fish | x5| 2 servings
        Big Fish | x4 | 3 serving
        Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
        Pigeon| x4 | 3 servings
        Frogs | x3 | 1 servings
        Thrush | x5 | 3 servings
        Mice | x1 | 1 servings
        Vole | x7 | 1 servings
        Caveclan uses 8 servings per post.

        Pigeonflight | Ashpaw | 4 | Running, Tracking, Swimming, Hunting
        Ebonywing | Duskpaw | 4 | Swimming, Hunting, Climbing, Battle
        Dappleleaf | Poppypaw | 3 | Hunting, Battle, Climbed
        Hawkfeather | Stormpaw | 3 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing
        Thymepool | Mintpaw | 2 | Hunting, Battle
        Sunstripe | Spottedpaw | 0 |

        All Caveclan apprentices will learn: Swimming, Battle, Hunting, and climbing. All other training is secondary(e.g tracking, running.)

        Deceased Cats:
        Fireface X| 36 | Drowning
        Deerpelt X| 140 | Drowning
        Gingerface X| 18 | Killed by Shrikepaw of Aspenclan

        Shimmerpelt + unknown sire = Sedgetail and Harespring
        Woolyfur + Silvernose = Gingerface and Thymepool
        Rowanfur + Morningstar = Sunstripe and Emberslash
        Ferretclaw + Ebonywing = Willowpaw and Tigerpaw
        Mottledshade + Pigeonflight = Stormpaw and Poppypaw
        Harespring + Juniperfoot
        Chiveclaw + Lilystem= Laurelkit, Toadkit, Alderkit, Splashkit
        Larkfeather + unknown sire= Maplekit, Wildkit, Pepperkit, Robinkit

        Cats from other clans:
        Silvershade + Badgerclaw(Thicketclan)= Beetlepaw, Specklepaw(Swallowclan), Mintpaw
        Addercloud + Badgertail(Tumbleclan)= Smokefur(Streamclan), Burrwhisker, Dustclaw, Mudkit
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby vampiress_fox » Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:40 am

Where you leave the past behind you.
Number of Cats: Sixty-Eight | Males - 35 | Females - 33
Month: Fourty
Next Moonpool visit: Now
Next Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Next Med Cat Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC

not really in the mood to write out anything, since i need to catch up on so much. PICTURE TIME!

[Spiderkit, Whitekit, Hawkkit, Eaglekit become apprentices; Harmonyheart, Magpie, Tux, Velvetrabbit will train them respectfully]
[Dawnpaw, Duskpaw, and Tigerpaw become warriors; Dawncloud, Duskwatcher, and Tigerthorn]

[Blackberry and Ashleaf - herb hunting]
[Brindlethorn, Morningleaf, Foxpoppy - boarder patrol]
[Redwing, Blackmouth, Ripplestorm - boarder patrol]
[Hollowheart, Quailfoot, Birchfeather - boarder patrol]
[Blueriver, Liondawn, Brightmoon - boarder patrol]
[Willowbolt, Trash, Whispersnow, Yangfur, Serena, Dawncloud - hunting patrol]
[Jayleap, Flintshade, Cloudscent, Stormcloud, Bleakpelt, Duskwatcher - hunting patrol]
[Fluffyfire, Blossomsong, Mudstrike, Frostedmuzzle, Firefang, Tigerthorn - hunting patrol]
[Jinxstar/Cranepaw, Yinpelt/Cougarpaw, Leopardclaw/Hazelpaw, Barkclaw/Dirtpaw, Frecklesnow/Owlpaw, Cherrywisp/Lemonpaw, Firesoul/Patchpaw, Windstorm/Tawnypaw, Icestripe/Frostpaw, Snowbird/Pigeonpaw, Harmoneyheart/Spiderpaw, Magpie/Whitepaw, Tux/Hawkpaw, Velvetrabbit/Eaglepaw - training]
[Skydapple and Cheetoh - basic camp maintenance]
[Tanagerpelt - watching Swallowkit, Maplekit, Snowkit]
[Mulberry - watching Nightkit]

          Jinxstar | 77 moons | Male | X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Willowbolt | 57 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Blackberry | 59 moons | Female | X
          Ashleaf | 31 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:

          (72-95) Senior Warriors:

          (12/18-71) Warriors:
          Trash | 70 moons | Male | X
          Skydapple | 67 moons | Female | X
          Yangfur | 67 moons | Male | X
          Yinpelt | 67 moons | Male | X
          Brindlethorn | 58 moons | Male | X
          Velvetrabbit | 55 moons | Female | X
          Blackmouth | 53 moons | Female | X
          Foxpoppy | 50 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Jayleap | 49 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Flintshade | 49 moons | Male| X
          Cloudscent | 48 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Leopardclaw| 48 moons | Male | X
          Whispersnow | 44 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Redwing | 44 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Barkclaw | 43 moons | Male | X
          Tux | 42 moons | Male | X
          Birchfeather | 39 moons| Male | X
          Bleakpelt | 35 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Frostedmuzzle | 35 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Fluffyfire | 33 moons | Female | X
          Firefang | 32 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Frecklesnow | 31 moons | Female | X
          Stormcloud | 31 moons | Male | X
          Cherrywisp |31 moons |Female | X
          Hollowheart | 26 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Blossomsong | 25 moons | Female | X
          Blueriver | 25 moons | Male | X
          Quailfoot | 25 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Ripplestorm | 24 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Magpie | 22 moons | Female | X
          Morningleaf | 21 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Mudstrike | 20 moons | Female | X
          Firesoul | 17 moons | Female | X
          Windstorm | 17 moons | Male | X
          Harmonyheart | 17 moons | Female | X
          Icestripe | 17 moons | Male | X
          Snowbird | 17 moons | Male | X
          Serena | 15 moons | Female | X
          Brightmoon | 15 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Liondawn | 12 moons | Male | X
          Dawncloud | 12 moons | Female | X
          Duskwatcher | 12 moons | Female | X
          Tigerthorn | 12 moons | Male | X

          (6-11/17) Apprentices:
          Pigeonpaw | 10 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Cranepaw | 10 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Frostpaw | 8 moons | Male | X Original Reference
          Hazelpaw | 7 moons | Female | X
          Dirtpaw | 7 moons | Male | X
          Owlpaw | 7 moons | Male | X
          Lemonpaw | 7 moons | Female | X
          Cougarpaw | 7 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Patchpaw | 7 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Tawnypaw | 7 moons | Female | X Original Reference
          Spiderpaw | 6 moons | Male | X
          Whitepaw | 6 moons | Female | X
          Hawkpaw | 6 moons | Female | X
          Eaglepaw | 6 moons | Male | X

          (18-71) Queens:
          Tanagerpelt | 39 moons | Female | X
          Mulberry | 58 moons | Female | X Original Reference

          (0-5) Kits:
          Nightkit | 4 moons | Male | X
          Snowkit | 3 moons | Female | X
          Swallowkit | 3 moons | Male | X
          Maplekit | 3 moons | Male | X

          (96-120) Elders:
          Cheetoh | 75 moons | Tom |X

    IMPORTANT SKILLS: Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Climbing, Swimming
    OTHER SKILLS: Simple Healing, any "Advanced" of the skills above
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. | Learned:
    Jinxstar | Cranepaw | 4 | Learned: Hunting, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Icestripe | Frostpaw | 2 | Learned: Battle, Climbing
    Snowbird | Pigeonpaw | 3 | Learned: Hunting, Battle, Climbing
    Yinpelt | Cougarpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Leopardclaw | Hazelpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Barkclaw | Dirtpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Frecklesnow | Owlpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Cherrywisp | Lemonpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Firesoul | Patchpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Windstorm | Tawnypaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Harmonyheart | Spiderpaw | 0 | Learned:
    Magpie | Whitepaw | 0 | Learned:
    Tux | Hawkpaw | 0 | Learned:
    Velvetrabbit | Eaglepaw | 0 | Learned:

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt
    Birchfeather and Mulberry
    Velvetrabbit and Rowanpelt of Pineclan
    Tux and Wildpoppy of Echoclan
    Tux and Dandelionbloom of Beechclan
    Tux and Owldust of Briarclan (deceased)

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple are parents to Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Frecklesnow, Harmonyheart, Snowbird, and Icestripe
    Blackmouth is mother to Hollowheart
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt are parents to Blossomsong and Blueriver
    Blackberry and Mulberry are sisters
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt are parents to Firesoul, Windstorm, Duskwatcher, Dawncloud, Swalloweye, Maplefang, Snowfire,
    Elmkit (deceased), and Oriolekit (deceased)

    Skydapple, Yangfur, and Yinpelt are siblings
    Yangfur and Yinpelt are uncles to Frecklesnow, Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Harmonyheart, Icestripe, and Snowbird
    Velvetrabbit is the mother to Hazelflower, Lemontail, Owlclaw, Dirtheart, and Cougarfang
    Birchfeather and Mulberry are the parents to Wispkit, Eagleclaw, Hawkfeather
    Blackberry is the aunt to Wispkit, Eagleclaw, Hawkfeather
    Velvetrabbit is adopted mother to Craneheart
    Bleakpelt and Craneheart are siblings
    Trash is father to Brindlethorn
    Tux is father to Spidertail, Whiteleg, Nightclaw / Owlkit and Lambkit of Briarclan / Dust of the Briar of Hyenaclan / Bristlekit and Talonkit (deceased) of Echoclan
    Mulberry is foster mother to Spidertail, Whiteleg, Nightclaw
    Trash is grandfather to Frecklesnow, Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Harmonyheart, Icestripe, and Snowbird
    Frostedmuzzle if the mother of Patchpaw and Tawnypaw

    Bleakpelt of Tumbleclan
    Firefang of Tumbleclan
    Craneheart of Tumbleclan
    Morningleaf of Thicketclan (former Medicine Cat)
    Foxpoppy of Thicketclan
    Jayleap of Thicketclan
    Whispersnow of Lunarclan (former Leader)
    Cloudscent of Lunarclaw (former Medicine Cat)
    Mudstrike of Lunarclan
    Quailfoot of Fickleclan
    Frostpaw of Fickleclan
    Pigeonpaw of Fickleclan
    Redwing of Ivyclan (former Deputy)
    Ripplestorm of Ivyclan
    Brightmoon of Ivyclan
    Frostedmuzzle of Ivyclan
    Patchpaw of Ivyclan
    Tawnypaw of Ivyclan

    Medicine Store
    Medicinal Herb, Poison, Usage, Effect, Treatment
    [x1]Alder Bark | For tooth pain. Eases tooth aches
    [x1]Beech Leaves | Used to carry herbs.
    [x1]Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    [x2]Blackberry Leaves | These leaves are chewed into a pulp. Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    [x4]Borage Leaves | It is chewed and eaten. It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.
    [x1]Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    [x1]Burdock Root | The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    [x1]Burnet | A traveling herb. Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Catchweed | The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    [x8]Catmint/Catnip | Eaten Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
    [x1]Celandine | Juice is trickled into the eye. Soothes damaged eyes.
    [x1]Chamomile | Eaten Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
    [x0]Chervil | Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    [x1]Chickweed | Eaten, such as catmint/catnip. Treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred.
    [x1]Cob Nuts | Made into ointments, tempting prey out of their burrows in the winter
    [x1]Cobwebs | Press over wound. To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    [x1]Coltsfoot | Leaves chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    [x1]Comfrey Root | Roots are chewed into a poultice. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    [x1]Daisy Leaf | Chewed into a paste. Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a traveling herb.
    [x2]Dandelion | The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings. Leaves can be chewed. Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    [x1]Dock | Chewed up and applied to scratches. Similar to sorrel. Also can be put in one's nest during sleep. Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.
    [x1]Fennel | Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps pain in the hips.
    [x1]Feverfew | Eaten. Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    [x1]Goatweed | Given daily. Eases anxiety and grief.
    [x1]Goldenrod | Chewed into a poultice. Good for healing wounds.
    [x1]Hawkweed | Like Catmint/Catnip but not as strong.
    [x1]Heather Nectar | Included in herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
    [x1]Honey | Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    [x1]Horsetail | Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    [x1]Ivy Leaf | To store herbs
    [x1]Juniper Berries | Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    [x1]Lamb's Ear | Gives a cat strength.
    [x2]Lavender | Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly. Or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills. Also a herb used to hide the scent of death.
    [x1]Lungwort | Eaten Cures yellowcough.
    [x0]Mallow Leaves | Eaten Soothes bellyache.
    [x1]Marigold | Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    [x1]Mint | Rubbed on a dead body. Hides the scent of death.
    [x1]Mouse Bile | The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt. The ticks fall off.
    [x1]Oak Leaf | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
    [x1]Parsley | Eaten Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.
    [x1]Poppy Seeds | Chewed on. They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    [x1]Ragwort Leaves | Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Ragweed | Thought to give cats extra strength. Like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    [x2]Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting. Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
    [x1]Rosemary | Put on the pelt of a dead cat to prepare for burial. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Rush | Used to bind broken bones. Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs.
    [x1]Snakeroot | Thought to be applied to wounds. Thought to heal poison, especially snake bites.
    [x2]Sorrel | Eaten Traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
    [x2]Stick | Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal. Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    [x1]Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    [x0]Sweet-Sedge | One must swallow the sap. Eases infection.
    [x2]Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    [x1]Tormentil | Chewed and put on the wound. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    [x2]Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    [x0]Traveling Herbs | sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Eaten Used to give a cat more energy and strength, and it keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time.
    [x1]Watermint | It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    [x1]Wild Garlic | One must roll in it. Prevents infection, especially rat bites.
    [x1]Willow Bark | Eases Pain
    [x1]Willow Leaves | Eaten Stops vomiting.
    [x0]Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    [x1]Yarrow | Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    [x0]Deathberries | Yarrow Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry. Kills a cat within minutes when consumed.
    [x0]Foxglove Seeds | They are used to treat the heart They can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
    [x0]Holly Berries | Similar to Deathberries, though not as severe; they are still a danger to kits.
    [x0]Deadly Nightshade | To kill a cat who cannot be saved quickly. Poisonous.
    [x0]Water Hemlock | Yarrow Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.

    Fresh Kill Pile (11 servings)
    Clan consumes 11 servings: 2 grouse, 2 sandpiper, 1 sparrow
    3 serving Snake x3
    1 serving Frog x0
    2 serving Lizard x3
    1 serving Bat x3
    1 serving *Greyling x0
    2 servings *Brook Trout x2
    3 servings *Perch x0
    1 serving *Sunfish x3
    1 serving *Bluegill x3
    2 servings *Bass x3
    2 servings *Pickerel x2
    1 serving *Sparrow x2
    1 serving *Finch x2
    3 servings *Grouse x0
    2 serving *Sandpiper x2
    2 serving *Thrush x2
    2 serving *Blackbird x2
    2 serving *Crow x2
    3 servings *Raven x2
    Ground Mammals
    1 serving Chipmunk x3
    1 serving Mice x7
    3 servings Rabbit x2
    2 servings Squirrel x2
    1 serving Vole x2

    Northern Mountain | Skullclan | Heda
    Southern River | Beechclan | hazilnut
    Eastern Swamp | Clan | User
    Western Pine Forest | Pineclan | voidgear.

    Ally Clans:
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Pineclan | voidgear.
    Witherclan | seedcakes

    Enemy Clans
    Reedclan | Areater

    Deceased Cats:
    Oriolekit | Stillborn | X
    Elmkit | Stillborn | X
    Wispkit | Dog Attack | X Original Reference

    Clan Tradition:
    When an apprentice is ready to become a warrior, they shall make a one week trip to visit Tori and Anna, a raccoon and magpie respectively, that shall make their Clan Collar. If they succeed then they shall be welcomed back to the clan as a full warrior, if they do not then they will have to train for an additional moon before they are able to try again.
Last edited by vampiress_fox on Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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02 / tideclan

Postby utena » Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:18 am


    c l a nxs i z ex/x3xxs e r v i n g sx/x2xxm o o n p o o lx/xavaliable
    a r c h i v ext h r e a dx/xx
      The medicine cat wandered into camp the very morning after Stonestar had visited the Moonpool. The leader was both shocked and relieved by the suddenness of his appearance, sending a silent prayer of thanks up to the barely-light sky. The newcomer seemed rather in a daze, apparently having dreamt of Tideclan for the past moon, but never knowing if those dreams had any meaning. It was obvious that he was a talented healer, self-taught as he wandered the coastline as a loner: he had been carrying with him several herbs, wrapped neatly in a dry, broad leaf. He seemed tired, so Stonestar didn't pester him with too many questions, though she was burning to know why Starclan contacted him long before she had asked for a healer. And why, the leader thought, Did they not send you sooner?

      Shrugging off these bitter thoughts, Stonestar called a quick meeting up on the windowsill of the abandoned twoleg nest. The loner, Moth, was welcomed in as Mothfur. Despite her initial reaction, she was also relieved by this sending. Mothfur confirmed that Starclan was there for her when she seeked their help, and for that, she was ever grateful. Stonestar watched with a weary pride as her lone warrior, Ravenfeather, chanted the name of their newest member.

    servingsx/x this is the last post tideclan is able to go on without eating
    huntingx/x stonestar and ravenfeather hunt

            l e a d e r
            xxstonestar / 30 / ♀ / stern / x
            xxlives / 9/9

            d e p u t y
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            m e d i c i n exc a t
            xxmothfur / 42 / β™‚ / inventive / x

            w a r r i o r s
            xxravenfeather / 33 / β™‚ / reserved / x

            a p p r e n t i c e s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            q u e e n s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            k i t s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            e l d e r s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x
      a l l yxc l a n s
      xxclan / username

      e n e m yxc l a n s
      xxclan / username

      b o r d e r s
      xxnorth / shellclan / meadow
      xxeast / fogclan / aureate
      xxwest / the sea

      m e d i c i n exs t o r e
      unique herb list & uses x
      xx cobweb x1
      xx oceanspray x1
      xx poppy x1
      xx skunk cabbage x1
      xx witch hazel x1

      f r e s h - k i l lxp i l e
      xxmouse x0 / 1 serving
      xxshrew x0 / 1 serving
      xxfish x1 / 2 servings
      xxshellfish x0 / 2 servings
      xxplover x0 / 3 servings
      xxgull x0 / 3 servings

      m e n t o r s
      xxmentor / apprentice / #
      xx↳ skills

      d e c e a s e dxc a t s
      xxname / cause of death

      f a m i l y
      xxname and name / kits
Last edited by utena on Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:57 pm

Number of Cats: 35
Kits Due In: N/A
Next Moonpool Visit: 08/20/2017

That day, about half of the clan stayed back, both for protection and for rest. Crowcloud and Dustleaf were talking and sorting herbs in their den, Mila and Palefur guarded the entrance, and Egretstep, Fleckstorm, and Scorchkit rested. The little kit had adjusted fairly well to the clan and had become extremely attached to Fleckstorm and her kits, whom he called his "siblings." The whole clan doted him, including Fleckstorm's other kits, which some of the older cats thought extremely amusing. Acornstream and his three warrior kits were lying and chatting in a patch of sun near the entrance, backing up Mila and Palefur, while Aspentail, Cherryclaw, and Falconflower were reminiscing about their lives in Asterclan close to the warriors' den. Finally, Grayfur had taken Fleckstorm's birth-kits and was telling them stories in the elders' den. Though she had run out of stories a long time ago, the kits had been fascinated and even the apprentices and young warriors had come to listen to how each story changed. Some of the warriors even joked that these stories would become the first legends in the clan.

The day wore on, some cats changing guard, some waking up from their naps, and others going to rest. Everything was well in Forestclan.

Honeystar made her way through the territory carefully. While the river's swelling had gone down by a lot, the rains were only just letting up and she wanted to be careful around the muddy banks. As she headed towards the Moonpool, she heard the roaring of the river nearby and decided to take a look. She padded towards it, feeling surprise when she realized how high it still was. The water was splashing the sides of the banks and she thought that she could see fish swimming downstream. She put her paw into the water to test it, but lost her balance and fell in instead.

The river took Honeystar downstream, forcing her head underwater too many times for her to count. After a time, she simply lost count--as well as her consciousness. The next thing she knew, she had wound up somewhere close to Caveclan's border, waterlogged and exhausted. Instinctively she knew that she had lost a life during her unexpected trip. She closed her eyes in pain and disgust. How could she have been so stupid as to lose her balance? She should have known better. Surprisingly, there was the scent of badger nearby and she shivered, not just from the cold. She hadn't known that the badgers had stuck around... But if Caveclan needed their help, she'd gladly provide some.

Honeystar sighed and looked north. The path to the Moonpool would take longer but thankfully, not too much time seemed to have passed. After shaking her fur dry, she started walking, this time making sure to keep clear of the river and its dangers. She would make sure that until the water levels had fallen to its normal size, no one--not apprentices or warriors--would go near the river to ensure their safety.

The newleaf had brought the clan more members and almost more food than they could store. Birchnose hoped that this greenleaf would be much the same. She flicked her ears to clear herself of all thought but those of locating prey. They were on a hunting patrol, not a border patrol. Out of the corner of her eyes, she thought that she could see Briarwhisker staring intently at a hole nearby. Had she found a burrow of some sort? It seemed likely. Nour was nowhere to be seen but Birchnose knew that he would likely bring back more prey than they could hold. They might have to enlist the help of the border patrol if they passed by. She remembered the first that that he had done so, when the whole clan had been bemused at his success. He had simply flicked his tail and told them that he had always been a good hunter. While he had refused to take on a clan name, a few of the younger cats had started calling him "Creamwhisker" as a light-hearted joke. Nour hadn't seemed to mind and even responded to the name.

There was a chirp and Birchnose's head shot up, ears moving to catch the sound. She looked up and saw the robin before shaking her head. It was too high; she'd look for other prey.

Alderclaw looked at Dawnstorm and Snowfoot with amusement. They were all walking along the Flameclan border and nothing too interesting seemed to be happening at the moment--other than Dawnstorm and Snowfoot's "private" conversation. Alderclaw snorted with quiet laughter as he heard Snowfoot whispering about how proud she was of Tippaw, who had become far more social as an apprentice. However she was right, he conceded, as he remembered Tippaw as the kit who always hung back and preferred to be alone or with her siblings than with the warriors--even the younger ones.

Alderclaw turned away to look around the territory. He narrowed his eyes, taking pleasure in the cool breeze. This patrol seemed like it would be uneventful and he was glad.

Forestclan consumes 7 servings (two hares, one mouse)
Honeystar goes to the Moonpool and asks for any cat from here
Birchnose, Briarwhisker, and Nour go hunting
Alderclaw, Dawnstorm, and Snowfoot go on a patrol (if cats are found, they come from here)
Hillpaw trains (climbing)
Bramblingpaw, Brightpaw, Patchpaw, and Tippaw train (fighting or climbing)
Honeystar loses one life from (x)

    Honeystar | 45 moons | Molly | X
    Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Birchnose | 40 moons | Molly | X

    Medicine Cats:
    Crowcloud | 44 moons | Tom | X
    Dustleaf | 17 moons | Molly | X

    Acornstream | 41 moons | Tom | X
    Adderstream | 17 moons | Tom | X
    Alderclaw | 42 moons | Tom | X | f. Streamclan
    Applenose | 25 moons | Tom | X
    Ashstripe | 36 moons | Tom | X | f. Tumbleclan
    Aspentail | 27 moons | Tom | X | f. Asterclan
    Barleystream | 17 moons | Molly | X
    Boulderpelt | 17 moons | Molly | X
    Briarwhisker | 37 moons | Molly | X
    Cherryclaw | 25 moons | Molly | X | f. Aspenclan
    Daisywhisker | 36 moons | Tom | X
    Dawnstorm | 36 moons | Tom | X
    Duckpelt | 43 moons | Molly | X
    Egretstep | 31 moons | Tom | X
    Falconflower | 41 moons | Molly | X | f. Aspenclan
    Mila | 23 moons | Molly | X
    Nour | 26 moons | Tom | X | f. Thicketclan
    Oakheart | 34 moons | Tom | X | f. Wishclan
    Palefur | 33 moons | Tom | X
    Snowfoot | 34 moons | Molly | X

    Bramblingpaw | 7 moons | Molly | X
    Brightpaw | 7 moons | Tom | X
    Hillpaw | 8 moons | Molly | X | f. Obsidianclan
    Patchpaw | 7 moons | Tom | X
    Tippaw | 7 moons | Molly | X

    Fleckstorm | 27 moons | Molly | X

    Gannetkit | 4 moons | Molly | X
    Kestrelkit | 4 moons | Molly | X
    Scorchkit | 3 moons | Tom | X | f. Wrenclan
    Smokekit | 4 moons | Molly | X

    Grayfur | Molly | 116 moons | X | blind
    Ally Clans:
    Caveclan | tauriel.
    Dawnclan | stranger danger
    Swallowclan | Arya22
    Thicketclan | Emberwisp

    Enemy Clans

    North | Mapleclan
    Northeast | Frostclan
    East | Flameclan
    Southeast | Leafclan
    South | Caveclan
    Southwest | Gustclan
    West | Verglasclan

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark | x1
    Blackberry leaves | x1
    Broom | x1
    Catmint | x2
    Cobweb | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Comfrey root | x2
    Dried oak leaf | x2
    Fennel | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Honey | x1
    Horsetail | x1
    Juniper berries | x1
    Lamb's ear | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Poppy seeds | x3
    Raspberry leaves | x1
    Sorrel | x1
    Stinging nettle | x2
    Sweet sedge | x1
    Tansy | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    Bird | x3 | 3 servings
    Fish (large) | x8 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
    Shrew | x3 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Stoat | x2 | 2 servings

    Mentors and Apprentices
    Applenose | Tippaw | 1 | hunting
    Ashstripe | Bramblingpaw | 1 | hunting
    Daisywhisker | Brightpaw | 1 | hunting
    Duckpelt | Patchpaw | 1 | hunting
    Oakheart | Hillpaw | 2 | fighting, climbing

    Deceased Cats
    Minkstar | Tom | f. Cherryclan | old age

    Fleckstorm --><-- Applenose
    Birchnose <3 Alderclaw
    Duckpelt <3 Acornstream
    Snowfoot <3 Dawnstorm

    ??? + ??? = Daisywhisker, Dawnstorm
    Duckpelt + Acornstream = Adderstream, Barleystream, Boulderpelt,
    Snowfoot + Dawnstorm = Bramblingpaw, Brightpaw, Patchpaw,
    Fleckstorm + ??? = Gannetkit, Kestrelkit, Smokekit
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lameloserlexi » Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:19 pm

Number of Cats: 24 [ 12 males ] [ 12 females ]

    Arrow looked at the many young cats standing before her. She had thought long about who should mentor who, she had very few options of who, considering many were quite young themselves and there weren't that many warriors. 'I was starting to think that there are more kits than warriors, but there will be soon.' She thought, debating on getting pregnant herself while there will be plenty of guardian ship in the clan. 'But do I still want him as the father?' She questioned herself, almost hissing.
    "I bet mom got me the best mentor, she likes me most after all!" Newt bragged, flicking his tail around with a smug grin.
    Boar and Hawk already were over it, but Flint and Dust seemed ready to argue. Leaf intently watched, smiling to herself as she seemed on the verge of laughter. 'Leaf? Favorite child right now?' The leader thought to herself, smiling as well.
    "You can't be sure, Blue's already taken by Light!" Dust rebutted, the whole group glancing at the deputy, who in turn seemed quite confused. However, the blue tom didn't question and simply ignored them.
    "Yeah? Well I don't need him as a mentor, I want Smoke, he looks goooooood." Flint admired, dreamy-eyed. 'Note, keep her and Smoke away from each other.' She scorned, glaring at the tom from across camp.
    Finally, she was done with the kit talk, and the soon-to-be warriors were as well by their disturbed glances.
    "Dust, Boar, Newt, Flint, Hawk, and Leaf. My own kits, who will represent myself and Bone as they go through their training and apprenticeship. I wish you well for your training, as the whole clan does as well." She announced.
    "Boar, for your confidence and outgoing attitude, I will bring some logic to you with Smoke. I hope he will be able to guide you in intelligence and bring you humility." She told her son as he came to touch noses with her and Smoke.
    "Flint, for your challenging behavior and willingness to argue, I have Goose for you, who will be there to argue right back and even show you failure." Touching noses, then sitting and facing the clan.
    "Leaf; You may be introverted and unknowingly naive, but you will have Oat to help and bring out your inner warrior who can turn you into a fierce fighter."
    "Newt, you're egotistical, brutish, and you talk completely out of turn in front of higher ranks." She paused for a moment, glaring at her son. "However, I have the perfect mentor for you; Ash, who will easily see your misgivings and fix them."
    "Dust! With your fears and mistakes, you will have Crow to critic and correct you." Her voice was quite harsh, making Dust flinch as they touched noses. Sadly, the name shouting was skipped for the large group of new apprentices.
    Finally, Arrow finished with Hawk, the blind little she-cat. "Hawk, sadly passion for fighting and hunting isn't enough for you. For your disability, you will be forced to learn the ways of healing with Milk to one day take her place." The she-cat slowly and carefully made her way up, the sadness showing as she touched noses with both Arrow and Milk.

    She turned her attention to the three older she-cats.
    "May we all rejoice as we have three new eligible warriors; Treasure, Ivy, and Sparrow. All three are skillful fighters and hunters who will serve Hyenaclan well, along with me as the leader." She announced.
    "Treasure bellow the Water, for your hidden sassy attitude despite your kind looks. Ivy the Sharp Thorn, for your choice of fight over flight. Then finally, Sparrow, the clan's first apprentice over all. You are Sparrow the Quick Claws, for quickly learning before you were even old enough to be considered a warrior!" She praised.
    "Treasure! Sparrow! Ivy!" The clan shouted.
    "Meeting is through, get to work!" She yowled over the shouts of the cats!
[ Light, Newt, Leaf, Dust, Flint, Boar, Blue, Crow, Smoke, Ash, Goose, and Oat go training: Fishing ]
[ Blue, Light, Sparrow, Newt, Ivy, and Bone go hunting ]
[ Crow, Boar, Flint, Pongo, Oat, Treasure go on a border patrol ]
[ Milk and Hawk goes herb-hunting ]
[ Newt, Leaf, Flint, Dust, and Boar become apprentices ]
[ Treasure, Ivy, and Sparrow become warriors ]
[ Hyenaclan ate five servings of hare ]


    Arrow the Beast Master | Twenty-seven | Female | X
    Blue the Great Mind | Thirty-one | Male | X
    Milk the Life Giver | Twenty-two | Female | X
    Hawk | Six | Female | X * blind
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Bone with Many Scars | Thirty | Male | X
    Crow the Monster Teaser | Thirty-four | Male | X
    Goose of the Old Aspen | Sixteen | Male | X
    Oat coming from Rocks | Twenty-five | Male | X
    Smoke that Covers the Moon | Seventeen | Male | X
    Ash with Never-ending Burns | Seventeen | Female | X
    Sparrow with Quick Claws | Twelve | Female | X
    Ivy the Sharp Thorn | Thirteen | Female | X
    Treasure bellow the Water | Twelve | Female | X
    Pongo In Silver Pond | Fifteen | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Light | Nine | Female | X
    Dust | Six | Male | X
    Boar | Six | Male | X
    Newt | Six | Male | X
    Flint | Six | Female | X
    Leaf | Six | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Magick with Fish Gills | Twenty-three | Female | X
    Scales the Swift Legs | Twenty-one | Female | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Trout | Two | Female | X
    Murdoch | Two | Male | X
    Sunshine | Two | Female | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Mate β™₯ Mate | Ex-mate ✘ Ex-mate
    Parent β™₯/✘ Parent = Sibling - Sibling + Foster Sibling
    Mentor β†’ Apprentice
    Clan Cat (Original Clan)

    Arrow β™₯ Bone = Boar - Hawk - Newt - Flint + Dust + Leaf + Light
    Magick β™₯ Crow = Trout - Murdoch - Sunshine
    Scales β™₯ Oat
    Oat (Obsidianclan) | Goose, Treasure, Leaf (Aspenclan)
    Light, Ivy (Blueclan) | Dust (Briarclan) | Smoke, Ash (Lunarclan)
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
North | Iceclan | reygankiwi
North East | Lostclan | Miss Universe
East | Twoleg Place
South East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
South West | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username
North West | Clan Name | Username
Medicine Store
Burdock Root x 1
Burnet x 1
Catmint x 1
Celandine x 1
Chamomile x 1
Cobwebs x 1
Comfrey x 1
Daisy Leaves x 1
Feverfew x 1
Goldenrod x 1
Lavender x 1
Mallow x 1
Mint x 1
Poppy Seeds x 1
Ragwort Leaves x 1
Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frogs | 3 servings
Squirrel | 9 servings
Hare | 1 servings
Ravens | 9 servings
Blue Gill | 8 servings
Crows | 9 servings
Blue | Light | 3 | Battle, Climbing, Hunting
Crow | Dust | 0 | Moves
Smoke | Boar | 0 | Moves
Ash | Newt | 0 | Moves
Goose | Flint | 0 | Moves
Oat | Leaf | 0 | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | 0 | Moves
Deceased and Exiled Cats:
Cat Info | Cause of Death/Reason
Cat Info | Cause of Death/Reason
Last edited by lameloserlexi on Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Dinolil1 » Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:44 pm

Justice will come on swift wings, none shall ever escape
Number of Cats: 11 | Males: 6 | Females:5

The sun was setting, casting a fiery glow over the moor and turning the distant tree-line into a line of disfigured shadows. The grey tom sighed miserably, his mind abuzz with strange and mystical voices; Stonenose could never get a moment’s break from the drone, it trailed after him ceaselessly like a swarm of hornets chased a thief relentlessly.
He didn’t care for Sagestar or the rest of Tumbleclan; Ravenflower, whom had given him a rabbit at noon, was the only exception to this rule. She wasn’t haunting his mind and frazzling his thoughts like they were. β€˜β€™You look stressed.’’ Came a sigh, the owner of the voice approaching him quietly.

β€˜β€™I’m fine.’’ Stonenose blurted shyly, turning pointedly away from Dawnpool to stare at a particularly interesting looking cloud. He hoped that Dawnpool would leave him alone but alas, the wily deputy was having none of that. β€˜β€™Unless that’s an omen, you better address me out of respect.’’ Dawnpool murmured, her voice calm and her eyes even more so. She has the eyes of an adder; cold, sly, greedy. The medicine cat noted, flicking his ears uncomfortably. β€˜β€™Sorry, Dawnpool’ I’m just distracted.’’

Dawnpool smiled coolly, sitting down beside him. β€˜β€™It’s okay.’’ She murmured, staring at a puffy grey cloud that scudded slowly across the sky. The deputy didn’t look weary; she’d just had a busy day convincing Fritilllarystar that the dogs weren’t going to eat her, that the forest border was sealed off and introducing a new cat to their ranks. But she looked perfectly fine and unruffled; as though nothing had happened at all! Meanwhile Stonenose just had to go out and gather some dandelions; he’d return bone-worn and exhausted as though he’d gone 20 moons without rest.

It was infuriating really, the way that Dawnpool walked with ease and as though she owned place. Stonenose had been in camp far longer and he still walked around nervously, worried that someone would attack him out of the blue for simply treading on their tail. Eyeing the pretty deputy, he wondered if cats could really be born like that. All perfect, gorgeous and as though the world fit into place simply for them. β€˜β€™Why did you join Moorclan?’’ The grey tom inquired, his amber eyes thoughtful and curious; but with no ill intent.

Dawnpool had been so in thought that she almost didn’t register Stonenose’s question. Turning to him, she sighed softly. β€˜β€™I was told to join; my mother wanted me to be safe.’’ Dawnpool gave no further explanation and Stonenose didn’t pry any further much to her relief. He was a curious tom, shying away from talking to others save for Ravenflower and Smallpaw; but Dawnpool saw no danger nor maliciousness in him, in fact she saw nothing but mediocrity. When I become leader, the first thing I’ll do is get a proper medicine cat. Dawnpool concluded in her head, but she knew such thinking was only wishful. Fritillarystar was a smart cat; she’d not just die easily, Dawnpool would have to bide her time.

Both weren’t aware of a large cat watching them from the doorway, eyes glowing dimly in the fading light. He cared for neither of them; Dawnpool had not noticed him at all, no matter how much he tried to catch her attention and Stonenose quite frankly bored him. With a heavy sigh and a grunt, the large tom sneaked back into camp and went back to bed undetected. I’m sorry, but I’ll do this later the bulky warrior thought, curling up in his hay-lined nest. You better replied a snarl.

β€˜β€™Aww, thanks Ravenflower.’’ She grinned at the polite molly dropped a squirrel at her ginger and white paws. Robinstorm had been travelling for a long time and she’d hardly bothered to hunt along the way and was more than grateful for the prey. β€˜β€™You’re very welcome.’’ Replied Ravenflower, dipping her head politely. The black and white molly was slowly settling into Moorclan, although she’d still wake up some nights yowling in fear and still shuddered whenever Sagestar was mentioned. Nettlefang, whom had been observing the two finally spoke up. β€˜β€™You two are both welcome; you’re cats of Moorclan, my comrades.’’ The silver tom murmured ruefully. β€˜β€™Even if I don’t know either of you; I’d protect you to my last breath.’’ That statement was true, but it wasn’t because he cared for either of them. It bothered him endlessly that Fritillarystar didn’t trust him and he figured that a heroic deed of some sort was guaranteed to put him on her good side. And what better way than saving your comrades from peril? β€˜β€™But for now it’s night-time.’’ And with that, they all went to bed.

Fritillarystar went to visit Starclan while her clan slept - What do they give her in return?

    Fritillarystar | 50 | Female | X
    Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Dawnpool | 49 | Female | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Stonenose | 41 | Male |X

    Snailstep | 45 | Male |X
    Bramblefur | 32 | Male |X
    Nightclaw | 46 | Female | X
    Nettlefang | 45 | Male |X
    Braircloud | 45 | Male |X
    Ravenflower | 62 | Female | X
    Robinstorm | 36 | Female | X

    Ternpaw | 8 | Male | X
    Smallpaw | 8 | Female | X




    Blueclan - MissUniverse - ''They're young at their roots just like us, but they'll prove good.''
    Beechclan - Hazilnut - ''They're huge, but they're cunning and wily.''
    Tempestclan - IC - ''They offered us their paw first, they seem wise enough.''

    Northwest: Echoclan

    Medicine Store:
    Catnip - Cures GreenCough - 1
    Comfrey Root - Cures burns, eases swelling, itching, stiffness and wounds - 1
    Goatweed - Eases anxiety and grief - 1
    Goldenrod - Heals wounds - 1
    Lamb's ear - Gives strength - 1
    Poppy Seeds - Brings rest - 0

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
    Vole | x2 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Kite | x2 | 2 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 2 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings


    Smallpaw | Stonenose | 3 | Hunting, Fighting, Climbing
    Ternpaw | Fritillarystar | 3 | Healing w/ Herbs, Herb recognition, Climbing

    Deceased Cats:


I believe that you are purrfect!

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Arya22 » Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:34 pm

Number of Cats: 25
(12 Mollies 13 Toms)

"Go play, I'm busy." Honeyear told Firepaw in a bored voice, looking around. Where by Starclan was Hopstripe? She should have been here before him. Just then, he saw her patrol rush back to camp, most running and out of breath. "Spiderrstarr!" Brambleburr called. She was the only one not out of breath, and Honeyear couldn't help but admire her once more. The leader was not back yet, so it was Honeyear that stepped forward. "what's wrong?" he asked. "two-legs! Not far from our territory." Hopstripe gasped out. Honeyear frowned. This was not good, no, not good... Hopefully they wouldn't interfere with his plans. "alright..." he wasn't exactly sure what to do next. "thank you for telling us. I'll tell Spiderstar as soon as he's back." Honeyear turned around and frowned. What on earth was Ravenfeather doing here? "Ravenfeather, I'm still the deputy-" "I'll remind you that tomorrow, my kits will become apprentices. I will take my deputy duties on again." Ravenfeather cut him off. Honeyear scowled and turned away, annoyed. Fuzzykit and Ferretkit were out of the nursery, and while Ferretkit stayed close to his mother Fuzzykit was exploring a little. She stumbled up to Hopstripe and smiled at her. "Hello!" Hopstripe didn't seem to notice her and looked at Ravenfeather. "Thank you..." she wasn't quite sure what to do, so she left in the direction of Honeyear. They still had their training session today. Fuzzykit frowned. "hey!" she exclaimed, unhappy to have been ignored. When there was no response, she stomped back to her mother.

Hopstripe reached Honeyear, running a little. "oh, you're here. Good." Honeyear looked back at her. Hopstripe hesitated. "you know, tomorrow she won't bother you anymore." Honeyear shook his head. "no, we will wait another moon." he spoke. Hopstripe blinked. "but why? She'll never expect it to happen so soon. In a moon she'll be more-" "Quiet! I said it would be in a moon, something tells me we should wait." Honeyear cut her off harshly. Hopstripe drew back. "alright, Honeyear." she murmured. She had learned to not contradict him, now. Honeyear smiled. "good." he nodded. "now, we have a little longer to train. Show me how you're going to do it again." he nodded towards a tree they often used for training. Hopstripe smiled, glad to do training again. She enjoyed that. "alright!" she exclaimed, and started on it.

It was now that Spiderstar came back to camp, followed by Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw. The two apprentices looked excited, and very worried. Spiderstar jumped into the high rock, and looked around for a second, pride swelling his chest. His clan. "may all cats able to catch their own prey gather beneath this rock!" he yowled loudly. Cats soon began to stream in and sit down in front of him, surrounding the three apprentices. Honeyear and Hopstripe were a little late, but Spiderstar didn't think much of it. Fauna had left her den and even Ravenfeather and her kits were there. "today, something very important is happening for three of our clanmates." he started. "Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw have trained with us for many moons, and have taken their assessment today." he smiled proudly. "Sandpaw, please step forward." the yellow pelted apprentice did so, swallowing nervously. Behind him, his parents waited expectantly, proud of their son. "your mentor has told me you excel in all abilities, hunting, climbing, fighting etc. So I have decided, and Starclan has approved my choice, that your warrior name will be Sandpelt." Sandpelt smiled proudly, as did his parents behind. "next, Beetlepaw please step forward." Beetlepaw was naturally quite shy, and now his sister needed to literally push him forward for him to advance. "Beetlepaw, your mentor has told me about your speed at running, and how you seem to fly. Thus, your warrior name shall be Beetlewing." Specklepaw smiled, happy for her brother. They had gone so far together! "next, Specklepaw." Spiderstar called. "during your training, your mentor praised you to me about your fierceness, your ability at fighting and your sharp fangs." Specklepaw looked at Moonshadow, surprised. Did the quiet and fierce warrior really think so highly of her? "I think that the warrior name Specklefang will fit you well." Spiderstar finished off. "congratulations, Specklefang, Beetlewing and Sandpelt." he smiled at the three young warriors. "Specklefang, Beetlewing, Sandpelt! Specklefang, Beetlewing, Sandpelt!" cats yowled the newly made warriors names into the darkening sky.

~the next day~

"I'm going to become an apprentice today!!" Fuzzykit yowled, jumping up and down in the nursery. Ferretkit, her brother, groaned. "Fuzzykit please. It's still too early..." he mumbled, turning around. Ravenfeather stood up, having been woken by Fuzzykit too. She yawned. "finally back to my duties today." she smiled, then left the nursery den for what she felt like the last time. She did not know, but it was truly going to be the last time. "come on kits, let's go eat something."
Ferretkit nodded. "alright!" he agreed. Fuzzykit was a little more reticent, but she followed anyway. After having eaten a little, the three saw Leafstrike arrive. "hello!" he greeted his kits while purring at his mate. "you'll become apprentices today..." he smiled as Fuzzykit jumped up excitedly. "yes!!" Ferretkit smiled shyly but didn't talk. Leafstrike turned to Ravenfeather. "and you're back to your deputy duties. It's nice to see you back." he purred. Ravenfeather smiled back. "I'm glad to be back." around them, the camp was slowly waking and cats left their dens. Finally, Spiderstar jumped on the high rock. "may all cays able to catch their own prey gather beneath this rock!" he yowled.

Cats now flocked to the center of camp, Fuzzykit right in the front. It didn't take long for the twenty-odd cats to be assembled and Spiderstar started talking. "two of our kits have recently turned six moons, old enough to be made apprentices." he looked around for a second. "Ferretkit, please step forward." the shy kit did so. "Ferretkit, from now on your name will be Ferretpaw, and your apprentice will be Barleystorm." Ferretpaw nodded, smiling a little. "Fuzzykit, now please step forward." Fuzzykit jumped closer, looking up expectantly. "Fuzzykit, from now on your name will be Fuzzypaw, and your mentor will be Smokewhisker." Fuzzypaw grinned. "Fuzzypaw, Ferretpaw!" cats cheered for the young apprentices. When everyone had calmed down, Spiderstar started talking again. "on the same occasion, Ravenfeather will come back as a deputy today." Spiderstar smiled at the black cat, who smiled back. Honeyear, in a corner, scowled discreetly. "now, Ravenfeather, please give out patrols!" Spiderstar called, jumping down. Ravenfeather came forward. It felt great to be back. "the mentors and apprentices, I'm sure you'll be happy to train. but make sure to stay close to camp, two-legs were spotted yesterday." she warned the mentors. "Hopstripe, Specklefang, Beetlewing and Sandpelt, you should hunt while there is still so much prey around." the four young warriors nodded. "Leafstrike, Barkknot, Mikestep and me can go on another hunting patrol." Leafstrike smiled. "I will take Brambleburr with me on a patrol, we need to see if the two-legs are gone." Spiderstar spoke up. Ravenfeather nodded. "Moonshadow and Freckleface, please go on another patrol, and check if there are no two-legs anywhere else." the two warriors nodded. Ravenfeather looked around. "is that everyone?" since no-one spoke up, she nodded. "then let's get started!"

(Fuzzykit became Fuzzypaw, Smokewhisker's apprentice!
Ferretkit became Ferretpaw, Barleystorm's apprentice!
Honeyear and Firepaw training (climbing)
Sycamorewhisker and Pebblepaw training (swimming)
Fawnthroat and Ashpaw looking for herbs
Smokewhisker and Fuzzypaw training (hunting)
Barleystorm and Ferretpaw training (hunting)
Ravenfeather, Barkknot, Leafstrike and Mikestep hunting patrol
Hopstripe, Specklefang, Beetlewing and Sandpelt hunting patrol
Spiderstar and Brambleburr patrolling (checking if the two-legs are gone)
Moonshadow and Freckleface patrolling)

          Spiderstar | 70 moons | Male | X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Ravenfeather | 57 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Fawnthroat | 73 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat apprentice:
          Ashpaw | 10 moons | Female | X

          Leafstrike | 58 moons | Male | X
          Moonshadow | 52 moons | Female | X
          Smokewhisker | 34 moons | Male | X
          Honeyear | 52 moons | Male | X
          Barkknot | 54 moons | Male | X
          Mikestep | 21 moons | Male | X
          Freckleface | 44 moons | Male | X
          Hopstripe | 21 moons| Female | X
          Barleystorm | 44 moons | Female | X
          Sycamorewhisker | 47 moons | Male | X
          Brambleburr| 47 moons | Female | X
          Beetlewing | 13 moons | Male | X
          Specklefang | 13 moons | Female | X
          Sandpelt | 17 moons | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Pebblepaw | 9 moons | Male | X
          Firepaw | 8 moons | Male | X
          Ferretpaw | 6 moons | Male | X
          Fuzzypaw | 6 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wheatfur | 55 moons | Female | X
          Whisperleap | 20 moons | Female | X (giving birth in my next post)
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Fauna | 174 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Mapleclan | purrfect
    Lotusclan | wolfie
    Quarzclan | Sunnymcsun
    Blueclan | miss universe
    Boulderclan | shasta blue
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage leaves | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. | x1
    Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.| x2
    Cobwebs | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.| x1
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.| x0
    Poppy seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.| x1
    Alder bark | cures toothache. | x1
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death. | x2
    Hawkweed | Like catmint, can be used for greencough| x1
    Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place. | x1
    Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. | x1
    Dandelion | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads. | x0
    Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting. | x0
    Thyme | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.| x1
    Dock | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.| x1
    Lungwort | Cures yellowcough. | x1
    Name | Effect | x?

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    (5 servings per post)
    Mice | x4 | 4 servings
    Vole | x2 | 2 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 0 servings
    Big fish | x0 | 0 servings
    Bird | x2 | 6 servings (most used up)
    Rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
    Total: 10 servings left over/ 2 posts

    Sycamorewhisker| Pebblepaw| 4: fighting, hunting, climbing, swimming
    Fawnthroat| Ashpaw| 3: Finding plants in the forest, Plants against illnesses, Plants against wounds
    Honeyear | Firepaw | 3: Fighting, hunting, climbing
    Smokewhisker | Fuzzypaw | 1: climbing
    Barleystorm | Ferretpaw | 1: climbing
    Mentor | Apprentice | no. of training sessions: which training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cat age at death | Cause of Death | [url=link]X[/url]

    Leafstrike and Ravenfeather
    Barkknot and Wheatfur
    Barleystorm and Sycamorewhisker
    Whisperleap and Mikestep
    Name and Name

    Honeyear -> Brambleburr
    Name ->/<-> Name

    Wheatfur+???= Firekit
    Silvershade+Badgerclaw (Both Thicketclan)= Beetlepaw, Specklepaw
    Ravenfeather+Leafstrike= Ferretkit, Fuzzykit
    Fawnthroat+Brackenheart (Waveclan)= Freckleface
    Barleystorm+Sycamorewhisker= Sandpaw
Bookworm | she/her | bi & demisexual
I am Arya22 and I'm a female who likes reading
Pm me to chat about anything at all!
Signature coded by Amburned. Thank you!!
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