Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Dinolil1 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:28 pm

Justice will come on swift wings, none shall ever escape
Number of Cats: 9 | Males: 5 | Females: 4

She stood in the ruins of Tumbleclan's former camp, jaws agape in horror. All around her lay the bodies of her decaying clan-mates; their eyes sightless and staring into the cloudy sky. ''S-sagestar? Greynose? Russetleaf?'' Ravenflower murmured, searching the bleak battlefield for any sign of life. By her white paws lay Addercloud's corpse, torn ragged and eyes that once shined with the kindness of the world now ice cold; it broke her heart to see her dead. ''Oh, Addercloud...sweet Addercloud.'' She sighed, voice laced with despair and heart brought to the brink of breaking.

''I'm too late.'' Ravenflower sighed, bowing her head in shame. While she'd been off having happy times with her beloved Littleglow, her clan had suffered and died. ''Oh starclan, forgive me for my crimes.'' She breathed shakily, backing away from the dead camp. There was nothing left for her here; nothing but more ruin.

Dawn squinted in the drizzle, watching a miserable cat walking along a grassy ridge. She frowned thoughtfully, pondering the cause of this cat’s depressed stupor. Striding elegantly down the hillside, Dawn bounded up to the sad stranger; she didn’t even look up as she approached. ‘’Why so miserable?’’ Dawn murmured, her voice as smooth as honey.

Ravenflower pricked her ears at the question, turning slowly to face the stranger. Before her stood the most beautiful cat she’d ever seen; even more beautiful than Swanfoot, which was saying something. ‘’I-I just saw my comrades dead, please excuse me if I don’t feel like talking.’’ She murmured, staring calmly at her. Dawn stifled a shocked gasp, eyes widening slightly. ‘’I see; well, you have my sympathy.’’

That smile was fake, Ravenflower knew that all too well. She didn’t care smack about her comrades; much less pitied her. Dipping her head politely, Ravenflower figured it was her turn to ask a question. ‘’Who are you may I ask?’’

‘’I am Dawn; daughter of Honey and Lightning.’’ She replied with a touch of pride. Flicking her ears calmly, Dawn eyed the miserable cat for a few moments before continuing. ‘’I’m looking for a clan; they’re supposed to dwell somewhere here.’’

That piqued her interest and Ravenflower couldn’t help but brighten up. A new clan meant a fresh start; maybe she could learn to forgive herself and pay for her crimes there! ‘’I don’t know about any such clan; but may I come along with you?’’

They’d not been walking for long when all of a sudden a fierce yowl split the rainy silence. ‘’Halt!’’ cried Bramblefur, stepping forward to meet them. Behind him trailed Braircloud, staring at Ravenflower as though he recognised her. With a flick of his tail, the former leader interrupted Bramblefur. ‘’R-ravenflower of Tumbleclan I believe?’ The tabby narrowed his eyes in concentration.

The black and white molly was surprised to see Brairstar there, the last time she’d seen him was at a gathering atop the leader’s rock. ‘’Yes, I am indeed Ravenflower; You are Brairstar correct?’’ She inquired, eyes flickering from Bramblefur to Braircloud.

‘’He was Brairstar; except he’s Braircloud now.’’ Bramblefur informed, still cautious as ever. ‘’The leader of this clan is Fritillarystar; and honestly she’s really tense so I’d say it’s in your best interests to be on your way as soon as possible.’’

Dawn let out a light chuckle, rolling her eyes and striding towards the two quietly. She knew that she was beautiful and she’d be damned if she couldn’t use it to her advantage. Body swaying, eyes half-lidded and tail curled high above her head; Dawn sighed softly. ‘’Oh but we’re searching for your clan, will you two darlings be so kind as to guide us there?’’

If she hadn’t been gobsmacked by Dawn’s beauty before, she was now. Ravenflower was subconsciously aware of her jaw dropping as Dawn used her guile and charm to get the better of the two toms. It was almost disgusting the way Dawn just so flippantly assumed that they’d fall heads over heels in love for her. But Dawn was beautiful and her charms worked, the two toms finally resigning and leading the way.

‘’She’s pretty and I’m not even into mollies.’’ Grumbled Bramblefur, whispering into his friend’s ear. Braircloud gave no reply except for an amused twinkle of his bright green eyes. Dawn and Ravenflower trailed closely behind, their paws travelling lightly over the tangled grass.

‘’Swanstar lied, you need to apologize to Nightclaw.’’ Sagestar hissed, his voice grim. The ashy-grey tom had walked with Fritillarystar in her sleep for a long time, his despair growing with every word Fritillarystar had uttered of her meeting with Swanstar. ‘’I’m sorry, Sagestar.’’ The tortoiseshell sighed, shaking her head. ‘’I will promptly talk to Nightclaw, thank you for your guidance.’’ And with those words still hanging heavy in the air, Fritillarystar woke up and the first thing she saw was the most beautiful cat sitting before her.

‘’Uh…h-hello.’’ Fritillarystar mumbled, forgetting how to talk for a split second. Nearby she could hear the snickering of Ternpaw, mocking her for her bashfulness. Getting slowly to her paws, Fritillarystar stared at the beautiful stranger for a moment longer before turning to a black and white molly that stood nearby. Before she could inquire who the two were, the tuxedo molly cut across her. ‘’I’m Ravenflower of Tumbleclan and this is Dawn.’’

Dawn smiled softly at Fritillarystar and the tortoiseshell could’ve sworn that the newcomer had winked at her. ‘’T-tumbleclan did you say?’’ Fritillarystar replied, urging her eyes to stop staring at Dawn. ‘’Did you know Sagestar then?’’ She murmured.

Ravenflower nodded. ‘’I was very close to him and I request a chance to start a new life in your clan.’’ She smiled politely at Fritillarystar, dipping her head very respectfully. ‘’I was the former medicine cat of Tumbleclan but I’ve trained as a warrior.’’

‘’Very well, if Sagestar trusted you, I can trust you.’’ She smiled, turning to Dawn. ‘’And as for you?’’ The lilac loner didn’t say anything at first, curling her tail around her dainty paws. ‘’My mother told me to seek the clan in the hills, I suspect she was talking about you.’’ She murmured. ‘’I too request a chance in your clan, ma’am.’’

Fritillarystar saw no reason to argue, all her vicious suspicion of others fading like dew in the bright sunlight. She smiled and dubbing the two members of Moorclan, the house was filled with cries of their names; Ravenflower and Dawnpool! They were so loud that their chants reached Starclan.

‘’This is terrible.’’ Sagestar groaned, looking down at Fritillarystar from where he walked. The wolf-grey tom scarcely noticed Russetleaf sitting down next to him, sympathy in her leaf-green eyes. ‘’Sagestar, don’t beat yourself up; you’ve done all you can.’’

‘’And that wasn’t enough.’’ He growled under his breath, tail lashing to and fro. ‘’Swanstar has communicated with Fritillarystar!’’ Russetleaf sighed. ‘’Once, only once.’’ She soothed, casting a wistful look at her old mentor. ‘’And besides we need to focus on the rest of the clan too; you’ve not let any of the other watchers talk to their respective cats.’’

The old leader said nothing, squeezing his star-blind eyes shut. Russetleaf was right; Sagestar simply didn’t want to acknowledge that fact, he’d made enough mistakes and even now they haunted him.

Fritillarystar had been lounging about in the sun when Dawnpool approached her, eyes soft and round with want. ‘’Fritillarystar; Ternpaw keeps talking about his mother being a deputy.’’ She murmured, voice just as lilting as ever. Ears pricked, Fritillarystar pulled herself upright. ‘’Huh, Deputies…haven’t gotten around to that unfortunately.’’
It was true, she’d never even considered that she might need someone to help her. Ever since Nettlefang had joined, Fritillarystar’s mind had been frazzled and all over the place. ‘’Well, I was considering Nightclaw; sadly I don’t think it’s the time for that.’’

If Fritillarystar hadn’t turned away, she may’ve noticed the gleam of greedy ambition in Dawnpool’s eyes. ‘’W-well, I could help…take a load off your shoulders, Fritillarystar.’’ The lilac warrior purred, padding up to her. She rested her tail on Fritillarystar’s tail cheekily, still smiling at her leader. ‘’I-if you want to.’’

Oh starclan, she wanted to make Dawnpool leader there and now. She looked so innocent and charming, unaware of all the stress that had formed in the pit of her stomach. Fritillarystar sighed, tempted to just rest her head against Dawnpool’s chest, despite the knowledge that her crush was entirely superficial. But oh starclan, was she beautiful! ‘’If you really think you can handle it Dawnpool, I couldn’t care less.’’ She sighed sleepily.

‘’Oh thank you Fritillarystar, thank you very much indeed.’’ Dawnpool purred, turning away and striding towards the house. ‘’Thank you a million times over.’’

Ternpaw & Smallpaw go training with Fritillarystar & Stonenose
Dawnpool gathers a patrol, taking Bramblefur, Braircloud and Ravenflower
Nettlefang and Nightclaw look out for dangers such as dogs and twolegs.

    Fritillarystar | 49 | Female | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★

    Dawnpool | 48 | Female | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Stonenose | 40 | Male |X

    Snailstep | 44 | Male |X
    Bramblefur | 31 | Male |X
    Nightclaw | 45 | Female | X
    Nettlefang | 44 | Male |X
    Braircloud | 44 | Male |X
    Ravenflower | 61 | Female | X

    Ternpaw | 7 | Male | X
    Smallpaw | 7 | Female | X




    Blueclan - MissUniverse - ''They're young at their roots just like us, but they'll prove good.''
    Beechclan - Hazilnut - ''They're huge, but they're cunning and wily.''
    Tempestclan - IC - ''They offered us their paw first, they seem wise enough.''

    Northwest: Echoclan

    Medicine Store:
    Catnip - Cures GreenCough - 1
    Comfrey Root - Cures burns, eases swelling, itching, stiffness and wounds - 1
    Goatweed - Eases anxiety and grief - 1
    Goldenrod - Heals wounds - 1
    Lamb's ear - Gives strength - 1
    Poppy Seeds - Brings rest - 0

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
    Vole | x2 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Kite | x2 | 2 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 2 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings


    Smallpaw | Stonenose | 2 | Hunting, Fighting
    Ternpaw | Fritillarystar | 2 | Healing w/ Herbs, Herb recognition,

    Deceased Cats:

Last edited by Dinolil1 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

I believe that you are purrfect!

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sedgeclan 11.

Postby whatswrongwithangela » Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:02 am



number of cats: 29 / 6 servings
gender status: 14 males ;; 15 females
next moonpool visit: right now


willowstar woke up to a great morning in the clan. most of the clan was already
awake because fluffyberry was starting her kitting. brackenheart and rosepaw took care of that
though. willowstar hoped everything turned out okay. currently crowfur was showing his kits,
dewkit, snakekit, olivekit, wavekit and snailkit the hunting crouch with stormdapple nearby and
still in the nursery, sleeping while the kitting process was going on was cranberrybreeze and her
six kits, kiwikit, honeykit, mothkit, oakkit, pinekit and sparrowkit. foggypaw and whitepaw were
showing off there new moves to eachother while burnetpaw was telling the new apprentice,
hazelpaw how fun living in a clan is. and lastly brightflower was setting up patrols since maple-
whisker was helping his mate in the nursery. she was with the other warriors. "lets have all
the mentors train the apprentices today. as i think foggypaw and whitepaw are almost done their
six moons of training. after that wildstorm, you and crowfur with assess burnetpaw during her half
way hunting task."
she quickly decided. me and finchcloud can go on a border patrol.
and uh is it fine, duckwater, if you go hunting on your own?"
. "sure, brightflower" duck-
water told her. in a short time all the patrols left as well as the mentors and apprentices. bumbletail
went tocollect herbs and after he left willowstar went to the moonpool. once she made it to the pool
cave, she closed her eyes and said, "starclan, i wish for you to give me a warrior to defend my clan"
she said before lapping up some of the water and falling into a deep sleep and waking up in a dream.


the clan consumes a rabbit and a robin ( six servings )
fluffyberry is kitting ( small litter, only two kits survive )
burnetpaw does her halfway hunting task
all the apprentices train seperately with their mentors
bumbletail goes herb hunting ( looking for cobwebs and marigold )
brightflower takes finchcloud on a border patrol
duckwater goes on a hunting patrol alone
willowstar goes to the moonpool ( requests another warrior )

aging all of my cats up two moons since i forgot to age them last time!
but the cats i got last post are only aging by the normal one moon.

          Willowstar | 41 | F | X
          ↪ a small white and tabby she-cat
          with green eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Maplewhisker | 49 | M | X
          ↪ a longhaired cream tom with green eyes

          Medicine Cats:
          Brackenheart | 36 | F | X
          ↪ a small calico she-cat with green eyes
          Bumbletail | 34 | M | X
          ↪ a light brown tabby with amberish eyes
          Rosepaw | 15 | F | X
          ↪ a small white she-cat with green eyes

          Hawknose | 39 | M | X
          ↪ a dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
          Eaglestorm | 43 | M | X
          ↪ a large light ginger tabby tom
          with amber eyes
          Crowfur | 44 | M | X
          ↪ a black tom with a white chest
          and amber eyes
          Brightflower | 37 | F | X
          ↪ a white she-cat with ginger patches
          and amber eyes
          Wildstorm | 50 | F | X
          ↪ a gingerish and dark gray she-cat
          Finchcloud | 28 | F | X
          ↪ a pretty ragdoll she-cat with green eyes
          Duckwater | 34 | M | X
          ↪ a blue-gray tom with green eyes

          Whitepaw | 10 | M | X
          ↪ a small and shy snow white tom
          with blue eyes
          Foggypaw | 10 | M | X
          ↪ an energetic and confident gray tom
          with blue eyes
          Burnetpaw | 10 | F | X
          ↪ a reddish-brown she-cat with green eyes
          Hazelpaw | 9 | M | X
          ↪ a gingerish brownish tom with green eyes

          Cranberrybreeze | 48 | F | X
          ↪ a longhaired tortoiseshell with
          leaf green eyes
          Stormdapple | 48 | F | X
          ↪ a longhaired black she-cat with a
          white chest and paws and one amber
          eye and the other is green
          Fluffyberry | 34 | F | X
          ↪ a mute longhaired cream she-cat

          Dewkit | 4 | M | X
          ↪ a black tom with a white chest
          and green eyes
          Snakekit | 4 | M | X
          ↪ a white and black patched tom
          with amber eyes
          Wavekit | 4 | F | X
          ↪ a black she-kit with wave blue eyes
          Olivekit | 4 | M | X
          ↪ a black and white patched tom
          with green eyes
          Snailkit | 4 | F | X
          ↪ a black she-kit with a white chest and
          paws and green eyes
          Kiwikit | Newborn | F | X
          ↪ a ginger tabby with a white chest and
          paws and green eyes
          Honeykit | Newborn | F | X
          ↪ a white she-cat with a ginger tail
          Mothkit | Newborn | F | X
          ↪ a white she-cat with black patches
          Oakkit | Newborn | M | X
          ↪ a tortoiseshell tom with green eyes
          Pinekit | Newborn | M | X
          ↪ a tortoiseshell tom with green eyes
          Sparrowkit | Newborn | M | X
          ↪ a bright ginger tabby tom

          Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    mapleclan | purrfect.
    caveclan | tauriel.

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | SootClan | Catskitten
    East | SageClan | Kaden
    South | RoseClan | ..cosmos..
    West | LunarClan | Bumbletear

    Medicine Store
    Catmint x1 | Remedy for greencough
    and whitecough

    Cobwebs x1 | Stops bleeding wounds

    Horsetail x1 | Treats infections

    Marigold x1 | Treats infections and
    inflamation of stiff joints

    Borage Leaves x1 | Helps queens produce more milk

    Chervil x1 | Leaves cure infected wounds, and chewing
    roots helps bellyache

    Wintergreen x1 | Treats wounds and some poisons

    Yarrow x1 | Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat
    vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and
    help heal cracked pads

    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches

    Oak Leaves x1 | Stops infection from setting in

    Mallow Leaveses x2 | Soothes bellyache

    Fennel x1 | Helps pain in the hips

    Juniper Berries x2 | Helps ease stomach aches

    Lungwort x2 | Cures yellowcough

    Tormetil x1 | Its root is good for treating all wounds
    and extracting poison

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Shrew | x2 | 1 serving
    Robin | x1 | 3 servings
    Thrush | x1 | 3 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Frog | x0 | 1 servings

    Eaglestorm | Whitepaw | 4 | Half Task; Yes
    - battle . yes
    - hunting . yes
    - advanced battle . no
    - swimming . no
    - stealth . yes
    - speed . yes

    Crowfur | Foggypaw | 4 | Half Task; Yes
    - battle . yes
    - hunting . yes
    - advanced battle . no
    - swimming . yes
    - stealth . yes
    - speed . no

    Wildstorm | Burnetpaw | 3 | Half Task; No
    - battle . yes
    - hunting . yes
    - advanced battle . no
    - swimming . no
    - stealth . yes
    - speed . no

    Hawknose | Hazelpaw | 0 | Half Task; No
    - battle . no
    - hunting . no
    - advanced battle . no
    - swimming . no
    - stealth . no
    - speed . no

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    stormdapple and crowfur | dewkit, snakekit, wavekit,
    olivekit and snailkit

    maplewhisker and fluffyberry | coming soon

    cranberrybreeze and rogue | kiwikit, honeykit, mothkit,
    oakkit, pinekit and sparrowkit
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Arya22 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:33 am

Number of Cats: 25
(12 Mollies 13 Toms)

Mikestep padded back into camp, and quickly went to the medicine den. In the morning Whisperleap hadn't been feeling very well, and had been dispensed from her warrior duties that day. So Mikestep was worried. Inside, he found Fawnthroat and Ashpaw talking together. "Fawnthroat?" Mikestep asked as he came in. "where is Whisperleap?" he looked around. No, she wasn't there. Fawnthroat smiled, a twinkle in her eyes. "in the nursery." she told him. Mikestep opened his mouth in shock, then smiled and hurried out of the medicine den, towards the nursery. Fawnthroat smiled sadly as she watched him hurry off. She had never known that... Her mate had been exiled as soon as the clan had found out. Mikestep quickly entered the nursery. "Whisperleap?" he asked softly. Whisperleap walked up to him, purring. "so, you know?" she asked quietly. Mikestep nuzzled her. "yes, I do..." he murmured. "well, it seems like the nursery will never be empty." Mikestep jumped. He had forgotten Ravenfeather was there! Fuzzykit and Ferretkit were in a corner, playing quietly. Ravenfeather laughed a little at his surprised look. "don't worry, I won't disturb the two of you. I'm just happy... In a moon, I will leave here to take on my deputy duties again. I was worried Wheatfur would be alone." Ravenfeather smiled. "it's nice to see the clan grow." Mikestep and Whisperleap looked at each other, smiling. It was true...

"so, how was your first training session?" Pebblepaw asked his brother. They had been training not too far from each other and we're now walking not far from each other, back to camp. Firepaw jumped in the air excitedly. "awesome! Honeyear is really nice and trains me well." then he seemed a little puzzled. "although for some reason he told me fighting was the most important skill a warrior could learn. I thought it was hunting, to feed the clan?" Pebblepaw shrugged. "I don't know, really." he admitted. "I guess it's pretty important too, to fight badgers and foxes." then he looked behind him. Their mentors were walking side by side. "how about... A race to camp?" he asked with a smile. Firepaw already started to race off. "hey, not fair!" Pebblepaw exclaimed, running after him. Thanks to him being older and thus have longer legs, he slowly caught up. Honeyear smiled as he watched his apprentice race off. Firepaw was a confident and ambitious cat, he would go far. As long as he received the right tuition. He thought about Ravenfeather. He'd need to talk to Hopstripe as soon as they arrived back in camp, there wasn't much time left. She probably only needed a little training... Although, after more than six moons spent with kits, Ravenfeather wouldn't be the sharpest fighter.

Firepaw and Pebblepaw burst into camp, Pebblepaw only a fraction of a second before his brother. "I won!" he exclaimed, looking back at his brother- and crashed into something big and fluffy and soft. "Hey! Carreful!" Pebblepaw quickly backed off, stammering his apologies. "I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to, I-" he broke off at a playful cuff from his brother. "Nothing happened." Brambleburr smiled. "it was not yourr fault." Pebblepaw sighed in relief. Brambleburr was a very nice cat, she did not often get angry- and she was quite playful. "sorry again!" he exclaimed, then rushed off. Brambleburr laughed as Firepaw hurried after Pebblepaw. They were very cute. It was just then that Honeyear and Sycamorewhisker came into the camp, walking side by side. "where did my apprentice rush off?" Sycamorewhisker asked curiously. Brambleburr laughed. "after saying sorrry many times, he rrushed to the nurrserry I think." Sycamorewhisker blinked. "what did he do?" Brambleburr shook her head. "oh, nothing. Just had fun and slipped a little." Sycamorewhisker sighed. "I hope he didn't do anything." he mumbled, then went to look for Barleystorm. Honeyear stayed behind with Brambleburr. "my apprentice is with Pebblepaw?" Brambleburr nodded. "yes, Firrepaw too." Honeyear was once more struck at how nice her voice sounded. "well, thank you." he smiled. He wanted to start a conversation, learn more about her... "so, how did you find this clan?" he finally asked. "I used to live farr away..." Brambleburr's face saddened a little. "and one day I got a drream, frrom a cat in a starrry sky. He told me I needed to trravel farr, to find the clan of the swallows." she knew she had missed out a lot of things... But she did not feel like saying any more. Honeyear nodded silently, seeing he had struck a painful spot for her. They stayed in silence for a moment, until Brambleburr shook her head. "I'm sorrry. I must go now." she spoke quietly. Then she padded off. Honeyear sighed. He had messed it up. He saw that Hopstripe's patrol gad cone back abs he slink away, looking for the young molly.

After his patrol had come back, Leafstrike put the prey he had caught and on the freshkill pile, then walked to the nursery. "Ravenfeather?" he asked softly as he came in. "here." Ravenfeather said to him quietly. Leafstrike walked to her. Suddenly he was attacked by a fuzzy black ball. "Daddy!" Leafstrike fell over, laughing. "Fuzzykit." he smiled and playfully pushed her off. Ravenfeather smiled. "they were waiting for you. They will become apprentices in only a moon, after all." Leafstrike smiled. Then he remembered why he had come and his smile faded a little. "Fuzzykit, Ferretkit, could you please go play somewhere else? I need to talk to your mother." Ravenfeather's smile faded a little at her mates serious tone. Fuzzykit pouted. "but dad!" "go on. We'll play later." Ravenfeather told her. Fuzzykit huffed and followed her quiet brother to a corner. When they were gone, Ravenfeather turned to Leafstrike. "what's wrong?" Leafstrike sighed. "I don't know, it might be just my imagination... But Spiderstar trusts Honeyear more now, I'm sure you heard that Firekit- well, Firepaw, became his apprentice." Ravenfeather nodded, not understanding yet what he meant. "in a moon, you'll go back to your deputy duties. I doubt Honeyear would leave his just like that... He enjoys it too much." Ravenfeather smiled and nuzzled Leafstrike. "what happened to my courageous and optimistic warrior? I'm sure it'll be fine, what exactly can he do?" Leafstrike sighed. "but you never know, he-" "don't worry. I'll be fine." Ravenfeather assured him firmly. Leafstrike nodded. "alright then." he wasn't really happy, but knew Ravenfeather was stubborn. "now..." he stood and walked towards Fuzzykit. "did I hear anyone wanted to play?"

Honeyear slunk away from his listening hole to the nursery. "so you are worried about something? Ha!" Honeyear laughed to himself. "you're right, actually. You are very smart. Not that it's going to help you much..." Honeyear smiled as he left camp in direction of a small clearing where he would meet Hopstripe. He had told her to wait there. Today was the time to tell her... After some training. He soon reached the meeting place, where Hopstripe was already waiting for him. "hello!" Hopstripe greeted him with a smile. She was puzzled as to why he had asked her to come, but was always happy to see him. "hello." Honeyear greeted her. "I've asked you to come because I'm curious on your battleskills..." Hopstripe smiled. If it was only that, she would blow him away. She was a great fighter, for her age. "and I also will have a question... After the training." Hopstripe blinked, hoping it was nothing too hard. But she nodded anyway. "alright, shall we start then?" Honeyear asked, and Hopstripe nodded excitedly. "yes!" They trained for some time, Honeyear more and more impressed by her skills. He had truly made the right choice in choosing her... At last he sat down and looked at her. "Hopstripe? I think you're ready for the question." he sounded serious. Hopstripe, curious, sat in front of him.

As Honeyear told her what he wanted to say, Hopstripe's eyes widened. But her voice did not waver as she told him her answer.


~the next day~

As dawn crept over the camp, cats rose and left their dens. Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw were up early. Beetlepaw had barely been able to sleep, he was so worried about it. Specklepaw walked up to him. "hey, it's gonna be alright, you know." Beetlepaw sighed. "I guess... But you're so much better than me at fighting!" Specklepaw shrugged. "you're much better than me at hunting. I'm sure we'll all be fine." Beetlepaw smiled a little, thankful for his sisters enthusiasm and optimism. "thanks." he smiled at her. Specklepaw laughed and cuffed him playfully. "no problem." she realized they had become a lot closer ever since they had lost their clan. At least that was a good thing about it... At last, Spiderstar jumped onto the high rock and looked around the camp. "may all cats able to catch their own prey gather beneath this rock!" he called. Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw advanced nervously, knowing that it would start soon. "today, three of our apprentices will take their assessment, to see if they can become warriors. Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw." many cats whispered encouraging words to them. Barleystorm and Sycamorewhisker looked very proud of their kit. "after patrols are handed out, you three will come with me. I will explain the assessment to you. Your mentors will watch you." Spiderstar said before jumping down. "Honeyear, please hand out patrols!" he called.

Honeyear stepped forward. "Leafstrike, Smokewhisker, Barleystorm and Mikestep, hunting patrol. Hopstripe, Barkknot and Brambleburr, patrol please." he looked around. "oh, and mentors train your apprentices." that was it, isn't it? "does everyone know what they need to do? Then go!" he jumped down. Cats got into their groups and began leaving camp. Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw walked to Spiderstar, who went to yell them about the assessment.

(Specklepaw, Beetlepaw and Sandpaw taking their assessment!
Spiderstar going to the moonpool because he thinks the apprentices are ready to become warriors. (Specklefang, Beetlewing and Sandpelt)
Honeyear and Firepaw training (hunting)
Sycamorewhisker and Pebblepaw training (climbing)
Fawnthroat and Ashpaw training (plants against wounds)
Leafstrike, Smokewhisker, Barleystorm and Mikestep hunting
Hopstripe, Barkknot and Brambleburr patrolling)

          Spiderstar | 69 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Ravenfeather | 56 moons | Female | X
          Step in deputy:
          Honeyear | 51 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Fawnthroat | 72 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat apprentice:
          Ashpaw | 9 moons | Female | X

          Leafstrike | 57 moons | Male | X
          Moonshadow | 51 moons | Female | X
          Smokewhisker | 33 moons | Male | X
          Honeyear | 51 moons | Male | X
          Barkknot | 53 moons | Male | X
          Mikestep | 20 moons | Male | X
          Freckleface | 43 moons | Male | X
          Hopstripe | 20 moons| Female | X
          Barleystorm | 43 moons | Female | X
          Sycamorewhisker | 46 moons | Male | X
          Brambleburr| 46 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Beetlepaw | 12 moons | Male | X
          Specklepaw | 12 moons | Female | X
          Sandpaw | 16 moons | Male | X
          Pebblepaw | 8 moons | Male | X
          Firepaw | 7 moons | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wheatfur | 54 moons | Female | X
          Ravenfeather | 56 moons | Female | X
          Whisperleap | 19 moons | Female | X (giving birth in my next next post)
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Ferretkit | 5 moons | Male | X
          Fuzzykit | 5 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Fauna | 173 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Mapleclan | purrfect
    Lotusclan | wolfie
    Quarzclan | Sunnymcsun
    Blueclan | miss universe
    Boulderclan | shasta blue
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage leaves | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. | x1
    Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.| x2
    Cobwebs | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.| x1
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.| x0
    Poppy seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.| x1
    Alder bark | cures toothache. | x1
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death. | x2
    Hawkweed | Like catmint, can be used for greencough| x1
    Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place. | x1
    Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. | x1
    Dandelion | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads. | x0
    Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting. | x0
    Thyme | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.| x1
    Dock | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.| x1
    Lungwort | Cures yellowcough. | x1
    Name | Effect | x?

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    (5 servings per post)
    Mice | x4 | 4 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Small fish | x1 | 2 servings (used up)
    Big fish | x1 | 3 servings (used up)
    Bird | x2 | 6 servings
    Rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
    Total: 14 servings left over/ 2 posts

    Moonshadow | Specklepaw | 5: hunting, fighting, climbing, endurance, sneaking TAKING ASSESSMENT
    Barkknot| Beetlepaw | 5: hunting, fighting, climbing, endurance, sneaking TAKING ASSESSMENT
    Freckleface | Sandpaw | 4: climbing, fighting, hunting, endurance TAKING ASSESSMENT
    Sycamorewhisker| Pebblepaw| 3: fighting, hunting, climbing
    Fawnthroat| Ashpaw| 3: Finding plants in the forest, Plants against illnesses, Plants against wounds
    Honeyear | Firepaw | 2: Fighting, hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | no. of training sessions: which training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Leafstrike and Ravenfeather
    Barkknot and Wheatfur
    Barleystorm and Sycamorewhisker
    Whisperleap and Mikestep
    Name and Name

    Honeyear -> Brambleburr
    Name ->/<-> Name

    Wheatfur+???= Firekit
    Silvershade+Badgerclaw (Both Thicketclan)= Beetlepaw, Specklepaw
    Ravenfeather+Leafstrike= Ferretkit, Fuzzykit
    Fawnthroat+Brackenheart (Waveclan)= Freckleface
    Barleystorm+Sycamorewhisker= Sandpaw
Last edited by Arya22 on Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby rainbowcatfish8888 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:54 am

Number of Cats: 16
Archive Thread

"Take that!" Batkit yowled, striking Newtkit on the shoulder with her paw. "Hey!" Newtkit shouted, dodging another blow from his sister. He leaped onto her back, pushing Batkit to the ground. "I win!" Newtkit declared triumphantly. "Get off me, you big furball!" Batkit's words were muffled, due to the fact that her muzzle was pressed into the ground. Newtkit rolled off his sister, who got to her paws and began grooming the dirt out of her fur. "You may have won that round, but I'm still a better warrior than you," Batkit told her brother, who pouted in response. "No you're not!" He argued. "Yes I am," Batkit leaped onto her brother, this time pinning him to the ground. "Ha! Take that!" she shouted. Lavendernose, who had been talking to Brightsky outside the entrance to the nursery, padded up to her kits. "Are you two playing nicely?" she asked. "Of course we are!" Newtkit meowed. "Okay. Remember, I see everything," Lavendernose warned, before turning back to talk to Brightsky again. "I bet she doesn't actually see everything," Batkit remarked. "Of course she sees everything! Remember that time you tried to sneak out of the nursery in the middle of the night? She totally caught you," Newtkit chuckled at the memory. "Yea, well, that was just one time!" Batkit replied indignantly.

Lynxpaw stood at the fresh kill pile, looking at each piece of prey until he finally decided on a vole. He brought his meal over to a comfortable patch of grass and began to eat. But the apprentice had to keep himself from groaning when he saw his mentor padding toward him. Great, I bet he has some chore for me, Lynxpaw thought irritably. "Good morning, Lynxpaw!" Buzzardflight greeted his apprentice, his voice uncharacteristically cheerful. "Good morning," Lynxpaw replied, aware that something was up. "That vole looks... tasty!" Buzzardflight said, his voice still oddly cheerful. Lynxpaw just stared at him in confusion. "Mouse dung, I stink at this. Forget the small talk. You're coming with me to the moonpool," Buzzardflight informed his apprentice, dropping the enthusiastic demeanor. Lynxpaw was filled with a rush of glee. Buzzardflight hadn't told him directly, but there was a very high change that this meant Lynxpaw was going to become a full medicine cat. "When are we leaving?" he asked, trying to act collected around his mentor. "Now, I guess. Ivystar already knows we're leaving, so we can just go," Buzzardflight replied. Lynxpaw looked down at his vole, suddenly realizing something. "I'm not supposed to eat before meeting StarClan, am I," he said, suddenly worried. What if they reject me? Buzzardflight shrugged. "It's not a big deal. I'm not really sure who made up that rule anyway. You might as well finish it, though, no use in wasting food," he said. Feeling uplifted once again, Lynxpaw continued to eat.

"So Brightsky, you're a young, pretty cat. Why don't you have a mate yet? I bet there are several toms in this Clan that have a thing for you," Lavendernose asked, her tone teasing. "That's not true," Brightsky replied, embarrassed. Lavendernose laughed, to Brightsky's surprise. "Come on. Have you seen the way Appleclaw looks at you? He totally likes you," the queen insisted. Brightsky considered her words, but said nothing. "And Sunshadow. He totally likes you too. He's just too nervous to tell you!" Lavendernose added. Brightsky looked around the camp until she saw Sunshadow, who was talking to Whitewhisker near the fresh-kill pile. "I don't think they like me as more than a friend," Brightsky said, but she didn't believe her own words. "I can tell you don't believe that," Lavendernose replied, as if she had read her mind. "Alright fine, you're probably right. I'm going to tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone. Promise?" Brightsky suddenly realized what she had just told the queen she was going to do. Did she really want to spill out the contents of her heart to this cat? "Of course! I'd never tell a soul. Promise," Lavendernose replied. "Okay, well..." Brightsky hesitated, her voice a soft whisper. "I kinda like Sunshadow," she admitted. Lavendernose gasped. "You need to go talk to him!" she insisted. But Brightsky shook her head. "We could never be mates, Lavendernose. It would be too awkward if Appleclaw likes me, too. I don't want to lose him as a friend," Brightsky replied. "If Appleclaw is truly your friend, then he would understand," Lavendernose pointed out. "Now go!" Brightsky sighed. "All right, all right, fine," she grumbled, padding over to Sunshadow. "Hey," she greeted him, feeling suddenly awkward. What's wrong with me? I'm the most extroverted cat in the clan, I should have no trouble talking to my friend, she thought. "W-what's up?" Sunshadow stuttered. "Can, uh, can we talk? Like, alone?" Brightsky asked. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Get it together. Sunshadow's yellow eyes widened in surprise. "Uh, sure." Her heart still pounding, Brightsky headed toward the camp entrance. She didn't look behind her, but she could hear Sunshadow's pawsteps behind her. After a while of walking in silence, Sunshadow finally spoke up. "Uh, I think we're far enough away from c-camp," he pointed out. Brightsky was well aware of this, she had simply been stalling for time. She turned around to face him. "Right, yeah. Listen, Sunshadow, there's something I want to tell you," Brightsky's heart was threatening to burst out of her chest. She closed her eyes. "I like you, Sunshadow," she said after a pause, very quietly. She was afraid to open her eyes, but she did. Sunshadow was staring at her, his face unreadable. But he suddenly leaped forward, closing the distance between them. "I like you too," he said, his stutter mysteriously gone, and a vicious undertone to his voice that made the fur on Brightsky's neck prickle. "Sunshadow..." she began, but she was silenced by a surge of agony, and the world twisted into darkness.

[hunting patrol: Ivystar, Whitewhisker, Pepperfrost]
[looking for herbs: Buzzardflight, Lynxpaw]
[Training: Brightsky, Appleclaw, Coaldust, Shadepaw, Finchpaw, Cloudpaw]

[the clan ate 1 bird and the remains of a rabbit]

          Ivystar | 53 moons | female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★

          Whitewhisker | 46 moons | male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Buzzardflight| 71 moons | male | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Lynxpaw| 18 moons | male | X

          Brightsky| 37 moons | female| X
          Appleclaw | 35 moons | male | X
          Sunshadow| 43 moons | male | X
          Coaldust| 54 moons | male | X
          Pepperfrost | 17 moons | female | X

          Cloudpaw | 7 moons | male | X
          Finchpaw | 7 moons | female | X
          Shadepaw | 9 moons | female | X

          Lavendernose | 23 moons | female | X

          Newtkit | 2 moons | male | X
          Batkit | 2 moons | female | X

          Aspentail | 89 moons | female | X[
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | PineClan | solgaleo.
    East | RippleClan | artemis
    South | HowlingClan | ✘ Fear of Reality
    West | TumbleClan | dinolil1

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | used to treat greencough | X2
    Feverfew | lowers fever, heals aches and pains| X1
    Horsetail | treats infection and stops bleeding | X1
    Tansy | cures coughs | X1
    Lavender | cures fever and chills | X1
    Borage | helps queens produce milk | X1
    Thyme | helps cats in shock | X2
    Juniper Berries | helps troubled breathing | X1
    Parsley | stops queens from producing milk | X1
    Marigold | treats infection and stops bleeding | X1
    Hawkweed | same purpose as catmint, but not as strong | X1
    Heather Nectar | sweetens herb mixtures | X1
    Ivy Leaf | stores other herbs | X1
    Dock | soothes sore pads | X1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x2 | 2 servings
    Vole | x2 | 2 servings
    Ermine | x0 | 0 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 4 servings
    Bird | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

    Whitewhisker | Pepperfrost | hunting, fighting, climbing, tracking
    Appleclaw | Finchpaw | None
    Brightsky | Cloudpaw | None
    Coaldust | Shadepaw | None

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Ivystar + Whitewhisker | Cloudpaw, Finchpaw
    Lavendernose + ?? | Newtkit, Batkit
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01 / tideclan

Postby utena » Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:59 am


    c l a nxs i z ex/x2xxs e r v i n g sx/x2xxm o o n p o o lx/xaug 8
    a r c h i v ext h r e a dx/xx
      Stonestar gazed wearily up at the crescent moon, wondering if her distant ancestors were truly looking after her. The former loner hadn't heard from Starclan since she had received her nine lives—that was a over moon ago, and it was a terribly long time for one so young and tasked with such a daunting mission. She felt utterly lost; and that had been, most recently, translating into frustration.

      The only other cat that called Tideclan home tolerated Stonestar's silent, subtle aggression. Ravenfeather preferred the mutual quiet, and he knew that his leader's lack of patience was not something to take personally. His leader. Ravenfeather suppressed a dry laugh as he padded through the blackberry brambles, now bearing the ripe fruit that he knew would attract prey. How quickly clans can rise and fall. Just some several moons ago, he had led Ivyclan in a time of simple prosperity. Now, it all merely felt like an odd dream.

      Ravenfeather didn't dare telling Stonestar of his origins—and he didn't even know exactly why he had been keeping it a secret, though he mostly chalked it up to wanted to start anew. There was something so freeing about being a stranger, a foreigner in an unknown land. He had initially tried to live on his own as a loner—picking from twoleg scraps and sleeping wherever he could—but there was an undeniable need for community and stability in his life, and so he had quickly joined the first clan he stumbled across. Ever since then, a whole moon ago, Ravenfeather was still the latest recruit. He actually didn't mind this, though he did hope that his new home would begin to flourish soon. Pace slowing, the warrior began to walk with more deliberate, trained steps, sensing the presence of unsuspecting prey.

      Knowing that her sole warrior was not far from camp, Stonestar finally pried her eyes away from the low-hanging moon, and set off to speak with her star-pelted ancestors. She had already mentioned her plans to Ravenfeather earlier that day, and trusted the warrior with keeping camp safe. He was a very private tom, and even though they had spent a whole moon as each other's only clanmates, the leader barely knew anything about him. Still, she knew that he was reliable, and they both shared a sort of quiet intelligence that formed into mutual respect. Stonestar knew that her sole warrior was true to his word.

      Moving at a brisk pace, the leader managed to reach her destination at daybreak. As the night sky was gradually washed in soft hues of pink and cream, Stonestar dipped her head and drank from the clear waters of the Moonpool, where she had only been to once before. I need spiritual guidance, she thought, as drowsiness began to set in. I need someone who's closer to Starclan than I. Closing her eyes, the leader allowed herself to finally succumb to sleep, after many restless nights of pacing and shifting back at camp.
    m o o n p o o lx/x stonestar asks starclan for a medicine cat
    h u n t i n gx/x ravenfeather hunts

            l e a d e r
            xxstonestar / 29 / ♀ / stern / x
            xxlives / 9/9

            d e p u t y
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            m e d i c i n exc a t
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            w a r r i o r s
            xxravenfeather / 32 / ♂ / reserved / x

            a p p r e n t i c e s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            q u e e n s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            k i t s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x

            e l d e r s
            xxname / age / ♀♂ / x
      a l l yxc l a n s
      xxclan / username

      e n e m yxc l a n s
      xxclan / username

      b o r d e r s
      xxnorth / clan / username
      xxeast / clan / username
      xxsouth / clan / username
      xxwest / clan / username

      m e d i c i n exs t o r e
      xxherb x0 / usage

      f r e s h - k i l lxp i l e
      xxmouse x0 / 1 serving
      xxshrew x0 / 1 serving
      xxfish x0 / 2 servings
      xxshellfish x0 / 2 servings
      xxplover x0 / 3 servings
      xxgull x0 / 3 servings

      m e n t o r s
      xxmentor / apprentice / #
      xx↳ skills

      d e c e a s e dxc a t s
      xxname / cause of death

      f a m i l y
      xxname and name / kits
Last edited by utena on Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:36 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Briarclan [20]

Postby amethyst14 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:04 pm

Number of Cats: 32(6 Servings)
Toms: 17 Mollies: 15
Next Moonstone Visit: August 1, 2017
"Tigerpaw, I know you are still a little to young but I have nothing more to teach you. So tomorrow once Ryepaw gets back from his trial you will be going to do yours." Cloudstar meowed to his apprentice with a very excited deputy father sitting not to far away. Tigerpaw looked like she was a kit again as Cloudstar began to tell her what she would be doing "You will be sitting in the whisper tree for seven days and seven nights, you are not allowed to leave the tree, no matter what or you will fail. On the morning of the eighth day you will come down and hunt for an Ermine. They are sacred to the clan and this is the only time you are allowed to catch one. They are like miniature cats that eat our prey among other things and their pelts change with the seasons. Ermine are what the Starclan cats catch and one day while coming to visit us the Ermine escaped into our world." Cloudstar explained briefly. "Now go and prepare for tomorrow, you will leave right in the morning." Cloudstar bossed in his usual tone, happy to see that Tigerpaw went to do just as he said before looking at Bouldershade.

"I am so proud of that little fur ball." Bouldershade meowed to the leader as he watched her "It seems like just yesterday she was crying in my den about a silly matter." he chuckled.

"She was a quick learner as well and so eager, it was easy." Cloudstar commented "I think we both are proud of her. What about Fawnwillow?" The white tom asked.

"Of course she is proud, Fawnwillow is just getting ready to have our second litter of kits so she hasn't had much time to talk with Tigerpaw. Not to mention Lambkit has been giving her a hard time as well. Owlkit is probably easy to handle, she loves Archpool and he doesn't seem to mind her being around anyways." The deputy thought out loud.

"Of course he doesn't, Archpool believes that Starclan has chosen her to be the next medicine cat for the clan. Though she needs to go through warrior training first and then she can start her other training." Cloudstar meowed in a matter of fact tone.

"It suits her I think, she is so jumpy and far to shy. I got her and Mutepaw mixed up once and Fawnwillow just about had my throat." The tom chuckled. "Speaking of kits...isn't it about time for you to think about taking a mate?"

"Are you kidding? So many kits have been born since I have lead Briarclan and all the ceremonies. There is no time for me to take a mate and have kits. I am fine watching the kits now as they grow up, knowing that I helped secure a bright future for most of them." Cloudstar meowed with pride as he looked around the camp. It was full of life and he could even spot a few new budding romances, that meant more kits. "I will focus on leading, I seem to be doing it the right way anyways." The leader ended the conversation and Bouldershade didn't push the matter any further.

"Nice work Sagestorm, and thank you for volunteering to take Owlkit as an apprentice the other night. I know Archpool is far to busy to train her the warrior ways, but I am more than sure that you can handle it." Cloudstar complimented. It wasn't very often that Cloudstar did that and it just proved that Sagestorm was getting close to the leader.

"Anything to help out my clan." Sagestorm purred "If you don't mind though I will be heading out to train my new apprentice. I want to evaluate how she learns so I can better teach her of course." he smiled with a hint of malice that Cloudstar completely missed.

"Of course! I wish you luck, and I hope she is not difficult to teach. I fear that her shyness will get in the way." The leader voiced his concern.

"Don't worry about that, I have lots of patience and I am sure she will get it." Sagestorm lied smoothly.

"Oh Lichenfern!" Oriolefeather called out in the center of camp, quiet loudly too. The grey and white tom was hiding from her in the warriors den and he didn't bother to get up, knowing she would come to get him anyways. "There you are!" Oriolefeather meowed, waking up the whole den.

"What is it Oriolefeather?" Lichenfern sighed as he looked at the molly.

"I want to go on a walk with you, so get up and accompany me will ya? A strong and handsome tom like you by my side is just what I need." The calico purred as she nudged him to his paws and pushed him out of the den. Though she was no where near as strong to do all that but Lichenfern has grown fond of the molly's flirty-ness and went along with her.

"I am sure you don't really need me to come along as you are capable of holding your own." Lichefern yawned as he started to walk next to her. He already learned there was no point in arguing with this stubborn molly.

"You are absoultly right but I also don't want to go on my own." Oriolefeather admitted.

"What? You scared or something?" he teased.

The molly shoved him lightly and chuckled "Not anymore." Lichenfern rolled his eyes at that and just walked while she did the normal talking about small things.

Lyrasong had been grooming Berrypaw in camp, sharing what was left of a fish as they relaxed for the day. "Do you remember the stories they use to tell us about the cats in the skies? How a group of cats up there are consultations and that is how we got our names once we were born? Do you think that they were wrong and were speaking of clans?" Berrypaw asked her mother.

"Of course, I heard them all my life and I heard them again when you two were old enough to listen to them. I can see where you think that but I don't really know." Lyrasong meowed in her air-brained way. She had never given it much thought, in fact she hasn't even thought about her old 'clan' and doesn't plan on starting now. Briarclan was far better to her and her kits than Constellation was and she had no plans to leave anytime soon.

"I don't miss it. I think they were wrong and the groups of stars are clans that have been diminished and await their return." Berrypaw meowed matter-of-factly. "I bet when a star falls that is when a clan is reborn and a new leader has been given their lives, like how Cloudstar did. Resinmoon even says that his old clan was like that and that when they fell many stars joined the sky that night." she added.

"Is that so?" Lyrasong asked in an uncaring tone, she has already spaced out but Berrypaw was use to this and just continued to chat and state false facts to her mother.

[Ceremony Owlkit-Owlpaw, Lambkit-Lambpaw]
[Apprentice Trial Tigerpaw, Ryepaw and Aspenpaw do the trial.
(Tigerpaw and Ryepaw pass but Aspenpaw fails.)
[Apprentice Training Berrypaw, Dipperpaw, Finchpaw and Starlingpaw train for the fishing skill.
Quailpaw, Mutepaw, Owlpaw and Lambpaw train for the hunting skill.
[Border Patrol Bouldershade, Waspfur, Lizardstream, Coppereyes, Badgerfall, Mudpuddle patrol the forest.]
[Kitting Archpool helps Fawnwillow give birth.]
[Camp Guard Bouldershade, Coppereyes and Badgerfall.]
[Prey Eaten 1 Ermine(2 servings) 2 Small Fish (4 servings)


        THE CLAN
        Cloudstar | 49 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆

        Bouldershade | 48 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat:
        Archpool | 67 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat Apprentice:
        Owlpaw will become the victim after
        she goes through apprentice training.

        Oriolefeather | 53 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Coppereyes | 43 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lyrasong | 43 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Waspfur | 43 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Dawnflower | 42 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lizardstream | 42 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Sagestorm | 42 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lichenfern | 40 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Badgerfall | 37 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Foxclaw | 30 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rabbitheart | 29 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Patchpelt | 24 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Brambletuft | 20 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Willowdusk | 20 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Mudpuddle | 19 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Russetmist | 19 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Aspenpaw | 12 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Ryepaw | 12 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Tigerpaw | 11 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Berrypaw | 9 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Dipperpaw | 9 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Finchpaw | 9 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Quailpaw | 9 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Starlingpaw | 9 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Mutepaw | 7 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lambpaw | 6 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Owlpaw | 6 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        [Now]Fawnwillow | 36 Moons | Molly | 🍁


        Resinmoon | 103 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Mice | x2 | 1 servings
        Water Vole | x2 | 1 servings
        Rabbit | x5 | 2 servings
        Quail | x5 | 3 servings
        Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings
        Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
        Total | 15 | 31 servings


        Blizzardsong | Exiled and killed
        Owldust | Complications after kitting
        Whitekit | Stillborn
        Quailkit | Weak after birth

        Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
        ↪Tigerpaw, Incoming
        Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
        ↪Ryepaw, Aspenpaw, Whitekit, Quailkit
        Owldust and Tux(Jinxclan)
        ↪Owlkit, Lambkit, Dust of the Briar(Hyenaclan),
        Spiderkit(Jinxclan), Whitekit(Jinxclan)

        Waspfur and Lizardstream
        Squirrelpaw(Hopeclan), Russetpaw(Deathclan),
        Sorrelpaw(Gorseclan), Darkpaw(Verglasclan)

        Coppereyes and Badgerfall
    Ally Clans:
    Hickoryclan | sstormling

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Hickoryclan | sstormling
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Sageclan | kaden.
    West | Gorseclan | Emberwisp


    0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
    0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
    1|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
    0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
    0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
    0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
    1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
    1|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
    0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
    1|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
    0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
    1|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
    0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
    1|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
    1|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
    0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
    0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
    1|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
    1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
    1|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
    1|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
    0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
    0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
    0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
    0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
    2|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
    0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
    0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
    1|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
    1|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
    1|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
    and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

    1|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
    0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
    0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
    0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
    0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
    0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
    0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
    2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    2|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
    1|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
    1|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
    0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
    0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
    1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
    0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
    1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    0|Tyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
    0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
    0|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
    0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
    0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
    0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
    1|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

    Oriolefeather | Ryepaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting,Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Foxclaw | Aspenpaw | 4 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Cloudstar | Tigerpaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking,Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Dawnflower | Berrypaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Waspfur | Dipperpaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Coppereyes | Finchpaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Bouldershade | Quailpaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Badgerfall | Starlingpaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Lizardstream | Mutepaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Sagestorm | Owlpaw | 0 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Rabbitheart | Lambpaw | 0 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
Last edited by amethyst14 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby *~GECKO~* » Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:07 pm

Number of Cats:1

My cat is going on a patrol.

          Name Oakstar| Age 16 moons| Gender F | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby krazykitty00 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:41 pm

Weather: Green-leaf has brought a heat like no other. It's not unbearable but cats are urged to be careful, especially those with longer fur. In greater news, prey has been growing in abundance. Catch some before the snow clouds roll in.


Mika. wrote:

After Flamestorm had her two healthy kits. Stomeheart came back with some Catmint as well as Celandine. So now Emberstar is a little bit fixed up, so we have to wait until it kicks in. Blazeclaw and Flamestorm are with where new kits sleeping in the med den for some rest as Emberstar and Ravenclaw walked out of the leaderden and walked there ways.


Blazeclaw awoke as he saw his kits and his mate. He have a lick onto Flamestorms cheek and walked out seeing Emberstar walking.
"Emberstar!?" He said walking his was over as Emberstar looked over and smiled. "Yes, Blazeclaw?" She said in a sweet voice of hers. "Is it okay that i can take the week off?" As Blazeclaw asked flicking her tail up into the air making the end go to one side as she nodded. "Thank you." Blazeclaw walked off into the med den back with his new born kits and his mate.

Emberstar sighed and thought "Why not me?" she said in her head as she walked off into the woods going to the moonpool too see what warrior she can get. On her way she got some food for the clan as she knew the food pile was full or something like that she thought.


Nightcry looked up unto the sky as he heard something behind him. He didn't think of it too much, so he ignored. Then something attacked him but it was small. Wavepaw. "Naahh!" As wavepaw played with nightcry as nightcry played back pining down into the ground, "I win!" He said lifting his paw up from wavepaw as he got up and giggled. "aww, I wish i was more stronger." he said sitting down onto the ground putting his ears down as Nightcry laughed a little, "I can train you more. If you like?" Nightcry looked at him as he ears popped up truning around as he walked beside him, going off training him.


Sometime went pass as Smokeheart and Mossmoon were talking. They were talking about the river next the the clan that on one talks about that much. Then Steamheart joined in. "If that river get more high, We have to move. Don't we?" As Mossmoon asked Smokeheart shook her head, "We don't know but it never happen." As steamheart and moosmoon nodded. "If so." Steamheart added.

{Emberstar has gone to the moonpool and asked for a brave warrior .}
{Wavepaw and Nightcry gone training.}


Emberstar was woken up by the brightness of the sun pouring into the cave of the moonpool. It hit her face and beckoned her from her dreamy state into awareness of reality. She yawned, her maw opening widely, before snapping her jaws shut. She always enjoyed the refreshing feeling of waking up by the moonpool. She looked down into the crystal pool, remembering the beauty it held when the moon shone perfectly on it. She smiled softly and purred. A presence appeared beside her and another cat's reflection appeared in the water. "Might I ask what's on your mind?" The cat beside her spoke softly. "Nothing really. Just reminiscing." She sighed calmly,dipping her paw in the pool for a moment before shaking it off and looking to the cat beside her. "You must be my new warrior." She smiled kindly. "Ashland will be happy to have you." "And I will be happy to join you there. Starclan has told me of your growing greatness." The warrior grinned. Emberstar was happy to have Starclan speak so highly of her clan. She'd make sure she didn't disappoint."

Starclan has sent you a warrior
While training, Wavepaw learned the Battle skill


hiraeth. wrote:
── O C E A N C L A N ──


    ravenstar watched, whiskers twitching with amusement, as his deputy slipped into the tide pool. lionfang had been attempting to catch a blenny which had been trapped once the tide had retreated, but clearly wasn't as adept a fisher as ravenstar. the warmth of the sun would dry him quickly, but ravenstar would rather not risk him catching a cold so soon, and they didn't even have a medicine cat yet. "Why don't you try your luck up by the trees today, okay? I'll try exploring our northwest border and see if I can find anything interesting." lionfang, slightly irritated after falling into the cold water, simply shot his leader a small, playful glare, before huffing and hauling himself out of the pool.

    it had been nearly a moon since lionfang had arrived in oceanclan via a dream from starclan, and while it took a little while to grow accustomed to the salty breeze and the sound of the waves crashing against the crags, he finally felt as though he had found home. he wasn't the best fisher; growing up in a tree-dwelling clan meant he preferred to hunt in the forest, but he was a quick learner and had already mastered the art of swimming. ravenstar couldn't have asked for a better deputy; hard working, confident, and charismatic, lionfang would make a wonderful leader should anything ever happen to him.

    [ border patrol: ravenstar explores the northwest border ]
    [ hunting patrol: lionfang hunts in the maple forest ]

Ravenstar sighed, lightly chuckling to himself as he still remembered Lionfang's.... failure at attempting to fish earlier. He was a good tom, and an even better deputy and Ravenstar found himself thanking Starclan for his new companion every night before he slept. The leader hopped over onto a ledge of the mountain, getting a better view of the border he was patrolling. Climbing wasn't his best trait like his deputy who was more of a squirrel than a lion, ironically, but he was skilled and careful enough not to fall off the various rocks that adorned the mountain. "Hey you!" Came another cat's voice. Ravenstar looked up to a ledge a bit higher up than he was but not too far. From there, a cat was laying down, looking down at him calmly, tail swaying over the edge lazily. "You don't smell like a mountain kind of cat. Watcha doin' over here?" Their voice was both curious and uncaring somehow, and held a twinge of mischief. Though the mischief came more from the eyes as they smirked down at him. But Ravenstar returned their words coolly. "I'm not a mouthing cat, you're a right. Though you don't look that way yourself. So maybe I should ask you the same thing." "Oh! A feisty tom you are. How cute. Ah, but you caught me. I just happened to be wanderin'. And came across you and your funny lookin' way of climbing and just had to tease ya." The cat chuckled, getting up from their ledge to hop down a few more. The tom simply raised his brow as he watched them come down slowly. "I see. Well you are in Oceanclan territory you know." Ravenstar stated making the cat laugh a bit louder than their original soft giggles. "Is that so? Well what are you gonna do about that Sea breeze? You gonna kick me out? I'm a fighter you know." They purred just as they sat on the same ledge Ravenstar resided on. The leader simply grinned. "I could but that would be a waste wouldn't it. Why don't you join me and my clan. Then there would be no reason to kick you out. Now would there?" He matched their mischievous glint with a mocking purr of his own. Their eyes locked in a battle of will and dominance. Fortunately, Raven was a tom of many talents. The cat looked away sharply before hopping down the mountain. As they leapt, they spoke simultaneously. "You've got you self away deal Sea Breeze. But only because I got nothin' better to do. Now let's go." Ravenstar laughed to himself, shaking his head slowly as he began his descent down. 'Looks like I've found someone just as interesting as Lionfang' He thought to himself before leading the way for the new cat back to camp.

While on patrol, Ravenstar found a warrior
While hunting Lionfang caught 2 birds


Peachycupcake525 wrote:
Alexys took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Shadetuft!" she called out to the young tom. He paused and glanced back at her.

"What?" Shadetuft called back, in an irritated tone. Hearing him just made Alexys more annoyed. Though normally calm, there was something about Shadetuft that just made Alexys want to erupt and burn Shadetuft until he wasn't even ashes anymore.

"I've told you and told you that you can't run off like that! It''s your first day, and already you can't do anything right!"

"Well, maybe if somebody had tried to teach me what to do instead of expecting me to instinctively know exactly what to do and then yelling when I mess up, we would be done already!" He walked off without her, his grey form receding into the distance.

Alexys took more deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. She had tried to teach him! She had told him everything to do, but he hadn't listened! Was it really her fault that she got annoyed because of that? Fuming, she walked after Shadetuft. He was going to need a bit of training to be able to help rather than hinder, Alexys was sure. She only hoped that the duty would not be given to her. She didn't want to spend a heartbeat longer than she needed to with him.

Almost as soon as Powderstar returned from her hunting patrol with Troutgrass, Alexys hunted her down to suggest that Shadetuft be trained a bit. Powderstar had agreed with her, but as Alexys had feared, the leader had assigned her that task. She was not looking forward to it.

[Powderstar and Troutgrass hunt]
[Shadetuft and Alexys patrol]
[Strawberryfall looks for herbs]
[Powderstar requests a medicine cat apprentice]
[Ate 1 bluegill sunfish]

"No no- gah! You can't do that Shadetuft." Alexys groaned, watching the idiotic tom as he began to climb a newborn tree. Newborn as in it wasn't as tall as its ancestors surrounding it and extremely flimsy. It was already bending at the weight of the tom. All this to catch a bird currently sitting upon on of the tree's branches, staring at him. Alexys oddly enough felt as if she could understand what the bird was thinking at this moment: this cat was an idiot. "We're supposed to be on patrol anyway. Get off the tree." Alexys tried to plead with him, though it was pretty clear her words were going in one ear and out the other. "Just because we're patrolling, doesn't mean we can't stop for a light snack. Watch, you'll wish you joined me and did a little hunting for yourself." Shadetuft snickered, making Alexys scoff. "Fine. Have it your way. Just hurry up..." Shadetuft was back to ignoring her, going back to his task at hand, holding the tree down and using one paw as a hold on the ground. But the instant he lifted his paw from the ground, the young tree snapped back in place, sending the tom flying. His collided into another, larger tree and slid down to the forest for, staring up at the sky in a dizzy stupor. "My my, would you look at that. Looks like the only regretting is you." The she-cat laughed at Shadetuft, making the tom growl in embarrassment. "Oh shut up.." He mumbled.
Suddenly a young face appeared above him looking at him with big eyes. "Gee mister. That looked really painful." The cat mewed. Shadetuft looked up confused. "And who are you?" He asked, though Alexys didn't give the little cat a chance to answer. "Nevermind him darling. That tom seems to believe he can fly." "But cats can't fly right?" "Exactly sweetheart. But Shadetuft is going to have to learn that the hard way. You see, he's incredibly dense." Alexys smirked at the tom still upside down from his failed hunt. "Hey! Am not!" He growled in response but was pleasantly ignored. "Anyway, what are you doing out her alone?" "I caught a squirrel because I was hungry." The little cat piped up, showing off the limp animal that was sitting by their side. "Oh my. How amazing. You're a much better hunter than a certain tom cat I know." The molly could practically feel Shadetuft glare now. "How about you come with me to my clan. We can teach you a lot of things there. And you'd grow into an even stronger hunter~" "Really!? Thanks miss! I'd love to!" Alexys smiled and led the way for the little kitten, after telling the to grab their squirrel first. "Oh, what about him? Is he part of the clan thing?" "Sad but yes. I'd advice you stay away from him.
Don't want him corrupting you with daftness." "HEY!" "I kid Shadetuft. I kid."

Starclan has granted you a medicine cat apprentice!
While on patrol, your cats found an apprentice.
While hunting, your cats caught 1 Yellow Perch
While herb hunting, Strawberryfall found Thyme and Ivy Leaves


WildKiwi wrote:
Silver Clan
(Sorry I don't feel like writing. All that happens is Deerstar and Hawkwing go hunting,
Fernfoot looks for herbs, and they eat a squirrel)

"You're really good at this." Deerstar complimented Hawkwing as he successfully caught another piece of prey. Her deputy smiled and bowed his head in thanks. "I enjoy it a lot. The rush of adrenaline always reminds me of the first time I went hunting with my mother." Hawkwing purred as he placed the fresh kill down for a moment. "Is that so. Hunting is quite sentimental for you huh? That's nice. Was your first hunting experience as successful as this?" Deerstar asked curiously, making the tome laugh. Oh goodness no! I tripped over my own paws every time it's gave chase, haha. It got so bad that my mother had to secretly kill a mouse for me and hide it for me to catch, just so I wouldn't be depressed about it." Deerstar soon joined him in his laughter, imagining a young Hawkwing proudly parading around with his catch that didn't run when he pounced on them. "Oh my, that's funny. I suppose practice made perfect for you yes?" "Mhm." "Well that's just wonderful." They continued to laugh before their attention was grabbed by the rustling of the bushes.
The sound soon revealed to be Strawberryfall, herbs in her mouth and an excited look in her eyes. She placed the herbs down before looking between the two cats. "I'm so glad I found you two. You won't believe what I found!" She purred before sowing them the fluffy flower that she held securely with her tail. "It's called a Dandelion. A friend and I use to find these all the time. It's said that if you make a wish and then blow, your wish will come true." The medicine molly said happily. "We should try it." Deerstar offered which seemed to make Strawberryfall happy. "Sounds like it could be interesting." Hawkwing nodded. "Cool. Alright. Close your eyes and tell the dandelion your wish." Strawberryfall instructed to which they all followed. Deerstar went first. "I wish for the prosperity of Silverclan." Followed by Strawberryfall. "I too pray for Silverclan's health and prosperity." And then Hawkwing. "Ha. I wish the same. For Silverclan to grow strong." And with that, Strawberryfall blew the fuzzy flower and sent it's seeds flying. The three watched in awe as they flew in the breeze and out of sight before smiling at one another and beginning their way back to camp. And in this moment, Deerstar couldn't have been happier with the friends she had received.

While hunting, your cats caught a rabbit and a shrew
While herb hunting, Strawberryfall found Dandelion and Tansy


crutchie_ wrote:
Number of Cats: 05

"Thank Starclan for new-leaf!" Honeygaze muttered in exasperation as she placed the cobwebs over the newest Hollowclan member's shoulder. The wound was deep and when Greycloud and Wolfstar had brought her in, she was almost certain that the cat was on her way to Starclan.. The she-cat hissed in pain at the feeling and her amber eyes shot open to glare at the exhausted medicine cat. She didn't say anything to Honeygaze, just glared at her. Honeygaze snorted, turning around to inspect her herb store. "You shouldn't look at me that way, stranger." She said, turning to look over her shoulder at her. "I'm just trying to help. Also, I haven't heard a thank you yet for saving your life."

The stranger flinched at her biting tone and sighed, flattening her ears. "Thank you." Her voice was quiet and raspy from exhaustion and shock. Her eyes lifted as Honeygaze turned around again. "My name is Squirrelleap. I guess I hadn't told you my name yet either."

Honeygaze's eyes softened and she shook her head. "No need to apologize. I'm sorry for snapping at you a moment ago," she sighed, "I've had a lot on my mind lately."

- · -

Wolfstar sat outside his den, looking anxiously at the medicine cat den. It had been some time since the warrior, now known as Squirrelleap had been brought back from the dead by Honeygaze. Wolfstar was greatful to have her in his clan for situations such as this. He looked over to where Greycloud was grooming himself. The vines that served as the entrance to the medicine cat den rustled and Wolfstar ripped his gaze from his deputy and narrowed his eyes in curiosity when he saw Lynxclaw slip out. The tabby tom, he'd noticed, had been hanging around Honeygaze and the medicine den for most of the day the last few moons. Something akin to suspicion gripped Wolfstar's mind. No. The leader thought, shaking that out of his head. Lynxclaw knew the code. "Lynxclaw!" He called.

Lynxclaw looked up at the leader with wide emerald eyes and stopped walking, straightening himself up. There was something in his face that made Wolfstar a little nervous. "Hello, Wolfstar." He meowed in his usual stiffness, swishing his tail behind him.
"Lynxclaw. How is Squirrelleap doing?"
"She is healing quickly...Honeygaze asked me to go get some herbs for her."
Wolfstar nodded thoughtfully. "That's kind of you." He meowed, watching Lynxclaw closely. The two toms looked at each other for a few tense seconds before Lynxclaw muttered a quick goodbye to Wolfstar and padded out of the camp with Wolfstar staring out after him.

[Wolfstar patrols the East border.]
[Greycloud hunts.]
[Lynxclaw collects herbs for Honeygaze ;)))]
[Honeygaze uses cobwebs for Squirrelleap]

Lynxclaw sighed once he was out of the camp. Wolfstar's gaze still lingered in his mind and it made him shiver. It was clear the leader had his suspicions and it worried the warrior. Sure he kinda, maybe, possibly, might have a slight, tiny, little tiny thing for Honeygaze but that to have Wolfstar pick it up so fast was frightening... Again, he sighed as he threw that matter aside for a moment and began to focus on his original objective. In no way was he an expert on herbs, nor did he know exactly what he was looking for, but he was eager to help out and was sure he'd find something or the other eventually. Well he was wrong. He spent a while staring at tree leaves and bushes, wondering if they were herbs. This was harder than he thought and Lynxclaw found himself feeling mass amounts of respect for the molly who was able to do this. Along his search for herbs, he came across a bush of flowers. Their scent was amazing, enchanting even, and it was exceptionally pretty. Immediately he thought of Honeygaze and thought it'd be nice to give it to her. He picked one of the gorgeous flowers, careful of the bush's thorns before happily taking it back to her alongside the herbs he managed to find.

While on patrol, Wolfstar found a warrior
While hunting, Greycloud caught 1 Vole
While searching for herbs, Lynxclaw found Goldenrod and a rose for Honeygaze


Starwindrider wrote:
Number of Cats:1

Goldenstar regards her new warrior, Stormfrost. Only 27 moons, he was like her younger brother, maybe the age to be her kit. He had a good personality and was proving to be a good companion.
"I hope leaf-bare ends soon," she meowed to Stormfrost. He nodded in agreement, and suggested, "Why don't we go hunting? We should get more prey in the fresh-kill pile." "Sure, let's go now!" replied Goldenstar.

Goldenstar and Smokefrost go hunting!

Smokefrost stayed low the ground, ears flat and tail on the ground to avoid detection from his target. The wind was blowing his way thus keeping his scent hidden from them. He had the perfect position. All he needed to do was pounce. He took one step... two steps forward and with a mighty push off the ground, he pounced. But his target turned swiftly, stepped out of the way before turning to pin him on the ground instead. "Your steps make too much noise did you know?" Goldenstar chuckled as she looked down at the tom who tried to catch her. "Aw did they? Darn." Smokefrost chuckled, swatting at her playfully until she let him go. He was certainly like a brother or child she's always wanted, especially considering his playful attitude he liked to show her. "But you're a good hunter Smokefrost. Just not in hunting other cats." They laughed, both agreeing with that statement. "Then why don't we get back to hunting?" Smokefrost offered before they both continued on their way.

While hunting, your cats caught 1 Rabbit and 2 birds


Griffingirl4everx3 wrote:
Number of Cats: 2

when the two cats returned to camp, they sat down to talk. Muddystar telling him about the newly formed clan. She then gives him the warrior name shrewwhisker. The nest day, they both leave camp. Shrewwhisker stops after a bit to hunt while muddystar continues walking to patrol the border

{{muddystar goes on a border patrol}}
{{shrewwhisker goes hunting}}
{{tunnelclan eats two servings of squirrel}}

Muddystar sighed, taking a rest from the heat of green-leaf under the shade of a tree. She tried looking at the sky but it was too bright for even that. She sighed deeply. Her clan was still small and the camp felt so empty even with her new edition of Shrewwhisker. She wondered if her clan would ever grow, but she had no doubt in Starclan and that they'd help her. Just as that thought slipped her mind, a paw tapped her on the shoulder, jolting her out of her green-leaf thoughts. Mind if I joined you in the shade?" The cat before her asked shyly. Muddystar nodded politely and shuffled over to allow them space. She didn't mind at this moment that a stranger was on her clan's territory for she knew green-leaf was one of the most testing seasons to travel. So she'd allow it for now. "It sure is hot isn't it?" The cat asked, striking up conversation. "It is indeed." "Thanks for allowing me to rest. You seemed so welcoming as did the shade." They laughed bashfully. "I've been on my paws all day so it's good to finally stop." Muddystar turned her head their way curiously. "Why have you been on the go for so long?" The cat grinned. "I'm looking for a clan. I've heard so many stories about them and I feel as if I was destined to join. And thus I set out to find one. Ah, but it's harder than I thought." The cat's excitement died down to disappointment. Muddystar couldn't help but chuckle. "Well why don't I take you to one?" "You know where I can find one? You'd really take me?" "But of course. I should hope to know where my own clan is. What leader would I be if I didn't?" The cat beside her seemed to light up, happy and excited. "Why don't we go now?" She offered them. Once again their excitement died as they laid flatly on the forest floor. "Can we rest a bit more?" Muddystar laughed. "Of course."

While on patrol, Muddystar found a warrior
While hunting, Shrewwhisker caught 1 Rabbit and 1 Vole


BrightDays wrote:

Number of Cats: 13/Serving size 3
Next moonpool visit: Today
Next Kitting: N/A

Deerstar glanced up, knowing she was asking a lot of StarClan. "I came with 3 ceremonies and a request for another Queen," she meowed, "I thank you for allowing SnowClan so much already and giving us what we need, even though we are still little compared to some others, but we are growing each and everyday," she meowed,as she fell asleep.

Moonpool: Deerstar promoting Marigoldkit to Marigoldpaw, Beekit to Beepaw, and giving Blizzardpaw his full name: Blizzardspirit , also requesting a Queen
Hunting Patrol: Shadedfrost,Ramclaw
Border Patrol:Softheart,Frostedleaf (looking for Jaykit of Aspenclan)
Herb Hunting: Blizzardpaw,Hailwish
Training: Sedgepaw trains with Ocrafur
Marigoldpaw trains with Foxstrike
Beepaw trains with Powderbreeze

The Clan ate a Bird using 3 servings

"Ah, how it feels so great to be out of the nursery and on my paws again." Softheart purred to Frostedleaf as she took the newly released queen out of camp. After Deerstar had returned from the moonpool and promoted her kits to apprentices, the leader had instructed Frostedleaf to show Softheart around SnowClan territory so she could start her days as a warrior without problems of location. "Don't get me wrong, those days with my kits were the best moons of my life. But it's a handful sometimes and it's awful being coped up for too long." "I know just what you mean." Frostedleaf purred politely glad to see Softheart as happy as ever, even though she was in tears when her kits where given mentors. Suddenly, Softheart stopped, catching Frostedleaf off guard. "What's wrong?" The calico asked, watching the other molly's ears swivel atop her head. "Do you hear that?" "Hear what?" Frostedleaf asked, now listening and a bit frightful of what was being heard. But she didn't hear anything. "There it is again!" Softheart said in a gasp, head turning to where she believed it was coming from. But still, Frostedleaf was unsure. "Are you sure you're not hearing things Softheart?" The molly looked at her, a determined look in her eyes. "I was a mother for 6 moons. I'd know the sound of a kit anywhere." And with that, Softheart took off. Frostedleaf was so confused but she had no choice but to follow the orange molly. As they ran, the sound finally rung in her eyes. It was indeed a kit. But where? Softheart seemed to know the answer as she stopped to uncover the little shivering fur ball from the snow that seemed to never leave their territory. "What is as kit doing out here alone? Where's it's mother?" Frostedleaf asked worriedly, looking around frantically as Softheart licked the young kit to warm it up. "Those are questions for later." "Y-You're right. We need to get them to Hailwish fast!" Softheart nodded in agreement before grabbing the kit by their scruff around green following Frostedleaf in a dash back to camp.

Starclan has granted you a queen. She will be due in two moons.
Starclan has accepted your proposal for promotions.
Congratulations. Beekit is now Beepaw, Marigoldkit is now Marigoldpaw. And Hailwish has taken Blizzardpaw to the moonpool to receive his full name, Blizzardspirit.
Softheart and Frostedleaf has successfully found Jaykit, but they're freezing and sick. Give them warmth and Lavender.
While hunting your cats caught 1 Ermine
While herb hunting, Hailwish and Blizzardspirit found Poppy Seeds, Rosemary, and Feverfew
While training your apprentices learned new skills!
{Marigoldpaw > Hunting, Beepaw > Climbing


MintTipp wrote:
Number of Cats:1

My cat is going on a patrol.

It was quiet. Hot, but quiet. And the young leader likes that. She walked gracefully through her forest of oaks, listening to the hurried songs of the wind and the crunching of twigs and leaves under her paws. It made for a nice song, and Oakstar found herself purring along. It was nice, and she had Starclan to thank for leading her here. She could already imagine the silence disappearing, fill in with the family she planned to grow as leader of the clan. Her clan family. Not blood related but by hearts. Oh she couldn't wait~ "Hey! You there!" And just like that the silence was shattered. Oakstar looked behind her to a cat who didn't look too happy. "Who me?" "Yes you. There's no one else here. Sheesh. Come lend me a paw would ya?" The cat said before looking down and shuffling something at their paws. Oakstar didn't like this cat's attitude but she would have felt guilty if she didn't help, so she strode over. "What do you need?" "Help. Carrying these to a safer place." The cat stated while pointing to the piles of green at their feet. "What are they?" "Herbs obviously. Now you going to help me or what?" They said with a roll of their eyes. That was where Oakstar choose to draw the line. "I have no reason to help such a crude cat who can't even show the proper amount of respect. If you want help go find it elsewhere. And off my territory." She hissed before turning to walk away. "Wait! I'm sorry." The cat quickly said, causing Oakstar to pause and turn back. "Go on." The leader encouraged, making the cat sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm just really tired and need some rest. I've been chasing these herbs all day in this heat because the wind constantly blows them away away nd I'm just stressed.. your help would be greatly appreciated." Oakstar smiled and turned back. "Apology accepted. Heat can make us do crazy things." She smiled kindly. "You said you needed a safe place right? Then why not my camp? I know just the den you can store your herbs." The cat thanked her before instructing her to grab a pile and lead the way.

While on patrol, Oakstar found a medicine cat. You may choose five herbs from here to start your storage.

Your leader is too young. Please age them up a bit :)

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Starwindrider » Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:11 pm

Number of Cats:2

Stormfrost and Goldenstar push through the bushes encircling their small camp, carrying their prey. Smokefrost sets the prey down and begins to wash himself. "I'm going to see StarClan to ask for a medicine cat," Goldenstar told her warrior. "No problem, I'll go on patrol then," Smokefrost replied.

Goldenstar goes to ask StarClan for a medicine cat!
Smokefrost goes on patrol!

          GOLDENSTAR | 51 MOONS | FEMALE | 🐈
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Stormfrost | 28 MOONS | MALE | 🐈
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Bird | x2 | 6 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 |  0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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RodrigoClan ~ Introduction Post

Postby Dysautonomia » Thu Aug 03, 2017 1:34 am

My clan is called the RodrigoClan. Their territory can be found in an expansive valley within a large mountain range. There is a lush forest to the north and you will find the most clan deep within. Nearly all clan socialization takes place in a clearing filled with wildflowers. Running nearly through the center of this clearing is a small stream, and a large pile of rocks from a landslide long ago. While serene, it is obvious this location was selected as a means of protecting the clan from intruders.

Warriors and Hunters patrol the the heavy forest surrounding the clearing, protecting the rest of the clan who don’t often venture far out of their humble oasis. The RodrigoClan believe in the 3 S’s: stability, seclusion, and self sufficiency. They are naturally suspicious of outsiders and are extremely loyal to one another, however, they are always willing to assist other clans as long as it brings no harm to the clan as a whole.

While the RodrigoClan relies on their fierce warriors for protection, they are not known for their aggressive nature. A notable trait of the RodrigoClan is that they all, regardless of rank, adhere to a strict ethical code. One important law they follow requires all members of the clan to be kind to all outsiders who they encounter until provoked. The clan does not make enemies easily as they believe it is far more fruitful to be kind to others - however - when they sense danger, the RodrigoClan warriors will fight to the death to protect their interests. With that in mind, the RodrigoClan is hesitant to create allies with other clans, as they worry their trust will be betrayed.


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repair what you



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