Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

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tallears (3)

Postby crash the mode » Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:17 am

too close
───────────── desertclan warrior ─────────────
where hunting patrol · with scorchfur, bramblepool, brittlepaw

        indentThe trek through the desert to the ground squirrel tunnels was arduous, more so than usual with Brittlepaw's poor handling of herself. The apprentice was either trailing or stumbling, and with her mentor at her side it meant the entire patrol slowed lest it be divided. Tallears followed Scorchfur closely as he'd been directed, keeping an ear out for the scuffling of prey claws or predatory birds. There was little noise outside of their own pawsteps and the-- again --labored breathing of Brittlepaw. He was inclined to tell Bramblepool to take better care of his apprentice, but opted to stay silent. Mind his own business.

        indentThe patrol passed under the shade of sparse trees and Tallers was grateful for the reprieve from the glaring heat of the sun. The dry rustling of the foliage, at least, masked the sounds he'd been dealing with on the way over.

        indentTallears had his attention on the ground squirrel tunnels before he was asked, and his ears twitched with his focus. By rights, the others would have been able to hear the small hearts beating were the squirrels not driven underground by the heat. "There are a few burrowing, there and there." Tallears flicked his tail in three directions, each a spot where he could hear claws underground, and moved forward to another. "Here."
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby CoolComrade » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:29 pm

| molly | 36 | warrior | tags: vixenpaw
Mangledfoot stayed a few tail-lengths back as Vixenpaw bounced ahead, watching the young cat check the air for prey-scents. It had only been two moons, and her apprentice was showing great improvement. Even if she was an excitable cat, it didn't hinder her ability to learn. If anything, it helped. And besides, unlike the apprentice Mangledfoot thought she was going to get, Vixenpaw looked right past Mangledfoot's deformity, despite its obviousness.
Mangledfoot must have noticed the mouse the same time as Vixenpaw, and she smiled with approval at the apprentice's skills.
"Go right ahead," she said, nodding politely. A mouse for a mouse, she thought, trying not to laugh at herself. Probably exactly what Vixenpaw was thinking too. "Don't get too far ahead of me," she added after a moment's thought. She was hoping her apprentice wouldn't go too far, since Mangledfoot's paw had been hurting since she got up. She would have to have Softberry give her something for it later.
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby Winstalgia » Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:31 am

<Apprentice> <She-cat> <Location; Camp> <8 moons> <Tagged; Shrewpaw>

Vixenpaw nodded, her eyes sparking with excitement. She had never thought of Mangledfoot as a mentor. In fact, her and the shecat never seemed to talk. But she also was impressed by Mangledfoots hunting skills and fighting. Her injured paw made Vixenpaw at first think that she wouldn't be able to learn as much as Shrewpaw or others. But she was extremely wrong and her assigned mentor was, in Vixenpaws eyes, the best warrior in the clan. Dropping into a crouch, Vixenpaw didn't realize she needed work on that.
She stalked forward silently, the sun on her back. Pushing off with her back legs she thrust herself forward and Landed on the mouse.
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby CoolComrade » Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:05 am

| molly | 36 | warrior | tags: vixenpaw
"Very good!" Mangledfoot called, quickly catching up with Vixenpaw. "Your crouch needs some work, though. You almost lost your element of surprise there." She quickly went into a mode of analysis. "You were good at the start, but you became sloppy later on," she began. "Sand gives under your paws. You need to make sure you let your paws sink, and not try to pull out. Sudden movements like that could have led the mouse to notice you." She took a deep breath, resuming a more relaxed and friendly demeanor. "All in all, I'd say you caught yourself a fine mouse."
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby Winstalgia » Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:54 am

<Apprentice> <She-cat> <Location; Camp> <8 moons> <Tagged; Shrewpaw>

Vixenpaw briskly nodded yet despite all the criticism managed to stay in a Jovial mood. "Alright. Can we hunt some more?
I think we should work on my crouch then and I'll try to do what you said, Mangledfoot."
the she-cat mewed. After all, mentors were there to train you; Criticism and correcting the younger cats like her; it was her job. Vixenpaw shouldn't be scowling about this so she tried to hold a normal expression for her. Which was wide eyes; enthusiastic eyes; Not a scowl upon her face but she also wasn't purring or smiling.
She flicked her ear.
"When can we learn to fight?" She asked, head tilting slightly. She knew hunting was great but she had also been eager to learn to fight and defend as well.

{OOC; I'm on computer but having moments of interruption with internet and all.
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby Arkinhallow » Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:39 pm

      i. molly ii. 18 moons iii. warrior iv. crush v. prophecy: water

    Watergaze stretched her forelegs, her paws pushing the sand into tiny dunes. She'd watched Scorpionstar as he addressed the clan, noting how unsure of himself he seemed. Frowning, she rose again to a sitting position. From where she was under a particularly large and leafy plant, she was sheltered from the sun and could watch most of the clan activity. She felt sure that after Coyotestar's death, they would need a strong leader to keep the clan's spirits up; but Scorpionstar was very clearly struggling to adapt to his new role. The tip of the light she-cat's tail twitched, betraying her annoyance and misgivings. She knew it was still early days for Scorpionstar, but it seemed this was also the most critical time for Scorpionstar to make a good impression, and so far he was failing in Watergaze's eyes.

    He'd neglected to choose a deputy before moonhigh, and that didn't sit well with her. She didn't particularly care one way or the other whether it was against Starclan's will - it was more that she knew a deputy would be needed to keep the clan running smoothly and help Scorpionstar as leader, and it appeared he needed the assistance. She wondered why he hesitated to choose one; leaders needed to make decisions, not deliberate over them for days. She shook her head grumpily. Perhaps she was being too harsh, but she was really beginning to doubt whether Scorpionstar was a good fit for the role of clan leader.

      vi. tags: open. vii. mentions: Scorpionstar

      i. tom ii. 18 moons iii. warrior iv. crush: larkthroat v. other: will die of sickness

    Daisytail had been sitting at the very front of the group of cats listening to Scorpionstar, and he was disappointed to find he was not going on any patrols today. He still felt like an apprentice sometimes, with the amount of energy he often found he had. But no, he was a warrior now. And that meant controlling himself. He fought the tingle of annoyance that being left task-less had caused. So what? he thought. That just means I get the day to myself. If I'm lucky I'll get sent on patrol later but if not... well, I'll just have to find something to help with around here instead. Daisytail scanned the camp, deciding what he would spend his morning doing. It seemed that most cats were occupied either heading out on patrol or chatting with others.

    It was with a relieved grin that he spotted Dustfall, who was watching the proceedings on his own. Daisytail strode over, a little too quickly to be casual. "
    Hey, Dustfall!" he mewed in greeting as he neared the older warrior. He liked Dustfall, though they hadn't spoken much before. "No patrol for you either, huh? I suppose staying in camp is alright, but I'd much rather be out doing something, you know?" he said, rambling slightly.

      vi. tags: Dustfall vii. mentions: Scorpionstar
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby CoolComrade » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:28 am

| molly | 36 | warrior | tags: vixenpaw
Mangledfoot was proud of how well Vixenpaw took her criticism. Mangledfoot could have ended up with a much less flexible apprentice. "See if you can scent anything out," she said, giving her permission for Vixenpaw to run ahead. "We can practice fighting tomorrow, but right now you need to hunt." She tried not to sound too amused, but the face her apprentice was making almost made her laugh. Vixenpaw's eyes were wider than the open sky, but the rest of her expression was blank and stiff. "Don't get too far away from me," she added. Mangledfoot resisted the urge to stretch her paw. She should be able to last just a little longer.
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Re: Desertclan - An Warriors RP - OPEN!

Postby Winstalgia » Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:29 am

Sahrotaar wrote:
<Apprentice> <She-cat> <Location; Camp> <8 moons> <Tagged; Shrewpaw>

She nodded. oh, alright. I assume fighting can wait. she shrugged. Then she bounced off to an area with some vegetation.
Vixenpaw wanted to please Mangledfoot grately so she would try her best. The shecat crouched low,making sure to balance properly on the sandy ground. She tried to remember what her mentor said and did so. I can do this... she whispered to herself. Vixenpaw, at times, could be a very patient cat. After a few minutes (seemingly long though to her) a very fat mouse skittered out across the terrain stopping to pick up something in the ground. She hesitated and inched forward.
The mouse scurried off at her quick movement. Panicking, vixenpaw sprinted forward and landed a killing blow on it.

<Warrior> <Tom> <Location; Camp> <28 Moons> <Tagged; open>

Dustfall was about to leave when Daisytail approchaed. He curtly nodded, his tail curling around his backlegs and he fell into a laying down position. nope. But I dont mind. I'm fine with sitting around or doing something. he mewed, licking his maw. sleep well? dustfall was decent with casual talk but his chatting skills needed some work here and there.
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