(✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // open!

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(✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // open!

Postby space. » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:51 am

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(✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby space. » Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:57 am

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(✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby space. » Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:34 pm

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(✧❛ post one

Postby space. » Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:55 am

⏤⏤⏤⏤Q U I N N⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤
“i'll be your blank canvas.”

      ( age ) seventeen ( sexuality ) pansexual ( gender ) male ( location ) dorm - walking around ( role ) artist ( tags ) none

    arriving at the school was a dream come true for the young artist. he had applied when he was younger, but could never get in for his freshmen, or sophmore, or junior years, as the spots filled up too quickly and he always had put his application in the mail too late. now, he had managed to get in, and he was beyond ecstatic. however, leaving his parents had been rough (he was the last one at home, all his siblings were away at college) he was glad to actually get away to pursue his dream, which his dad had called a waste of time in the past. he could prove himself now, prove that art wasn't just a waste of time, but something he could actually pursue.

    the dorms were a strange luxury to him. quentin had expected just some bunk beds, a small 'kitchen' area, and white cinder block walls, but instead, he was greeted with something that actually looked amazing. the beds were still bunk, but the walls were painted a nice, dark blue/grey color. each room seemed to have at least two windows, and the bathroom at least had a double vanity. there was also a small living room area, already with a couch, and a small flatscreen tv. the kitchen was still small, just with a mini fridge, a microwave, and three cupboards. small, but the space was well used.

    quinn located his name written on a small post it note on one of the bedroom doors. he was to share a room with someone named leo. the brunette shuffled inside, before gently putting his bags in the corner by the small desk in the room. hopefully this 'leo' dude wouldn't mind if he took the bottom bunk, but, before the other kid arrived, he decided to put his stuff away quickly so he could walk around a familiarize himself with the new school.

    quickly putting his belongings in a dresser, quinn made his way to the elevators and eventually out of the dorm buildings and back into the cool air of the oncoming fall season. he wished he had brought a longer shirt, maybe a flannel, as it was just a bit too cool to be outside in just a t-shirt. quentin watched cars roll in to drop more and more kids off, some looking completely lost and others looking as if they were reuniting with best friends before going to their dorms. quinn smiled, deciding to just sit down and maybe sketch one of the beautiful trees surrounding the school, obviously to color later.
    // this was longer than I wanted it to be oops

⏤⏤⏤⏤A T H E N A⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤
“some people aren't true.”

      ( age ) seventeen ( sexuality ) pansexual ( gender ) female ( location ) dorm - walking around ( role ) writer ( tags ) none

    athena was bursting with excitement at the prospect of attending william-ansel. her parents had encouraged her to apply, her mother having attended the school when she was a freshman and a sophmore, but ultimately dropping out junior year. this was her chance to shine. she could get better with writing, and maybe actually pursue it, as before she was accepted, she was hesitant to do so.

    athena was happy to be greeted with the warm atmosphere of the dorm room. the walls were a light, dullish green that was actually an enjoyable color, which was different from the other snippets of color she had seen from cracked doors. she gently shut the door behind herself, realizing she was the first inhabitant of this specific dorm to arrive. it was a rather small, but still pretty dorm, and the girl quickly rushed to find her room, which she apparently would be sharing with a girl named Chandra. she quickly moved to snatch the top bunk, and put her smaller bag up on top before the other girl would arrive.

    athena put her things away quickly, then grabbed her notebook and pens before heading out the door and into the chilly air. more kids were constantly streaming in, some uniting with their best friends, and others looking nervously exciting like she had been just moments ago. now, she was more just excited. some seemed to have too much things with them, others too little, but she wasn't one to just stand and watch the different kids come in. nope, she was going to go find herself a spot to relax and maybe write. that'd be fun.

    athena settled down under a tree with nearly all it's leaves a bright orange, even though it was still early autumn. she put her notebook in her lap, and clipped all three of her pens on the front cover of it. she decided to just look around, watch the occasional leaf flutter from a tree, before finally opening her notebook and scribbling some words down.

⏤⏤⏤⏤S A M U E L⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤
“don't belong to no one.”

      ( age ) eighteen ( sexuality ) bisexual ( gender ) male ( location ) dorm - walking around ( role ) photographer ( tags ) none

    with a small yawn, sam ran his fingers through his freshly dyed beach blonde hair before hopping out of his jeep to grab his things. this was exciting. new school, to focus exclusively on things he actually wanted to do, rather then back at his old school where he didn't even have a choice in electives. sam grabbed his camera first, checking to see if it had gotten damaged during the drive and was relieved to find it wasn't. he slipped the strap around his neck, before grabbing the rest of his luggage then rushing up into the dorm building.

    he found his room easily, and was actually surprised at the interior. it wasn't plain and boring, it was decently pretty and cozy. the were a dark blue grey, and the small living area had a grey couch. it was great, better than his room back at home. it was also a lot cozier than his parents more modern, sharp house back in atlanta.

    samuel found his room, and put his things down on his bed and plopping down on it for a moment. it was comfortable, thank god, and he wanted nothing more than to just curl around his things and take a power nap, as the drive from Atlanta to New York had been long. however, sam decided against that, and just decided to put his stuff away and walk around so he could at least get famiiar with everything before school started. he took a bit of time to neatly put his things away, before grabbing his camera and hopping out of the dorm and walking briskly to the exit.

    sam hadn't really thought of taking pictures, but seeing the natural scenery around the school surly changed his mind. he took a few pictures of a half green, half orangy red tree, before settling down at a bench. he flipped through the pictures on his camera, trying to internally remind himself to swap out the memory card and look through all the other ones he had so he could eventually organize the pictures onto different things.

⏤⏤⏤⏤S U M M E R⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤
“we're all dreamers.”

      ( age ) seventeen ( sexuality ) pansexual ( gender ) female ( location ) dorm - walking around ( role ) musician ( tags ) here

    going to william-ansel had been a dream of hers since she was young, and it was finally happening. summer was finally going to be attending her dream highschool for something she loved; music. though she hadn't been able to take her piano for obvious reasons, she'd be their with a keyboard, and a violin which she had managed to pick up rather quickly.

    getting through the door with all her things seemed to be a small challenge. the door was small, and she had three bags and a keyboard (she wasn't about to make two trips). she found her room quickly and put her things away as fast as she could without making everything messy, before returning out to the main area to look at everything the dorm room had. it was small, of course, but the space was well used, and at least they had a sort of kitchen, though she wished she had brought a coffee machine, since this room lacked one and she wasn't about to buy coffee from some cafe every single day. she didn't have the money to do that,
    so she was mainly going to rely on the cafeteria to fuel her coffee needs.

    summer went back into the room she shared with a girl named chanel, who didn't look like arrived yet. she put her backpack on top of the dresser, and spread her blanket out on the bottom bunk then turned back and exited the dorm. best to get familiar with everything before school started, so she wouldn't get completely lost tomorrow morning.

    summer tucked a piece of her long hair behind her ear, looking around at everyone arriving at the school. she picked out few teachers, and wondered if they lived on campus or just came to introduce themselves to everyone today. summer wasn't going to do that today she could meet her teachers tomorrow. for now, she just wanted to relax, and chill out as long as possible, as though she did like it inside, she liked the natural scenery that surrounded the entire school. it was rather pretty, and bound to get even prettier with the onset of fall, her favorite season, ironically. summer settled down against the trunk of a tree, one that was far away from the still heavy accumulation of students making their way to the dorm building.
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Re: (✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby rookfern » Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:34 am

⋄ sparrow
age; eighteen | gender; female | role; artist | location; dorm | tags; --

    sparrow greeted the fresh air with a deep inhale, giving a long stretch after being stuck inside her car for hours. before her stretched the wondrous william-ansel academy; she was excited to attend, just as any other student might be, but part of her worried - would she make new friends? would she get lost? what about her friends back home...? she shook away the anxious thoughts as she gathered her things from the trunk and trekked her way to the dorm.

    the journey was a little difficult, as she kept dropping things along the way, but it was well worth the effort. she could help but drop her jaw at the sight of the room; it was everything she had hoped it would be. she appeared to be the first one there, for the room was completely quiet. after setting her stuff down in a somewhat-neat heap, she pottered around, curiously examining the walls, the bedrooms, and the kitchen.

⋄ niko
age; eighteen | gender; male | role; writer | location; dorm | tags; quinn
    niko couldn't keep the grin off his face as he made his way to his dorm room. his eyes roved everywhere, wide, as they took in as many details as they could. he was ecstatic, finally able to attend the william-ansel academy; it had been his dream since he had first heard of it. he finally arrived at his room and gave the door a sharp knock as he entered.

    "hellooo! anyone home -- besides me?" he kept his grin, though it turned a little cheeky. best way to make a first impression was to be funny - at least, that was what his mother told him.
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Re: (✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby love.pigs » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:28 am

Carley Lea

Carley sighed in the front seat of her car. Well, here goes nothing. She thought. She grabbed her big duffle bag and her two smaller bags and approached her new dorm. Dorm 2 it said written in big letters on the front. She opened the door to see she wasn't the first one. "Hello..." Carley said shyly, she hoped she would've been the first one. "What's your name?" She asked approaching her new dorm mate.
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Re: (✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby juicebox! » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:42 am

austen oliver jacobs
18 // bi // singer // dorm 1 // niko //
    austen glanced around, looking at the paper where the dorms were listed. he would be in number one with three other boys. he didn't quite know how to react. he shifted the backpack on his shoulders and picked up his suitcase, heading off to dorm one. he hoped they weren't neat freaks. austen was not the neatest guy in the world. he began running through all the things that could go wrong. when he reached the dorm, he was set on the fact that they would probably hate him and he would be kicked out. he ended his thoughts when he saw another boy, entering the dorm. he raised an eyebrow in confusion. he walked in behind the boy, "are you always gonna make that type of entrance?" austen said, walking past the boy and looking around. he walked over to the room he was assigned to, room two. he walked in and tossed his bags onto the bottom bunk. there is no way he was gonna choose top bunk, he was a big baby when it came to heights. even if it was just slightly off the ground, he could go into a full blown panic attack. he glanced around, thinking about what to do now. he thought about unpacking but he was quite too lazy to do so.
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Re: (✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby Consulting_Angel » Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:34 am

Ashton Webber
Dancer|Dorm 3
Tagged: Open
Ashton spent a few minutes just staring up at the school, in a slight daze, as if he couldn't quite believe that he was really here for real. He had been most surprised when he got accepted - he didn't think that he would be one of the students chosen out of all the other applications. It felt almost like a dream... all he needed was an adoring crowd watching, following him. That was most unlikely to happen in real life, so it's kind of how he knew and was certain that this was definitely not a dream. He sighed, contently, then he started walking, dragging along a large suitcase and carrying two rucksacks. Yes, he absolutely needed everything that he had packed.

Once he got inside, he checked to find out which dorm he would be in, then he started making his way over to his dorm. It seemed that he was the first one to arrive. He wandered into the room that he had been assigned to in the dorm, and he tried to make a decision between whether he wanted to top or bottom bunk. Deciding that he preferred the top bunk, he started to unpack. Finally, after doing so, Ashton left the dorm, wanting to go and explore some more. He practically bounded outside, only just avoiding colliding with students several times, and he looked around, practically bouncing on his toes. It was a little breezy, but not enough - in his opinion - to warrant wearing the black, grey and white checked flannel shirt that he had tied around his waist.
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Re: (✧❛ william-ansel academy of excellence // need guys!

Postby querencia » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:02 pm


(17 ⋅ female ⋅ bi ⋅ singer ⋅ feeling; amazed ⋅ location; outside dorm 1 ⋅ tagged; open!)

    the moment chandra had found out she'd been accepted into william-ansel, well, it had been a moment of confusion and wonder. it was supposed to be a surprise, her parents had signed her up partly as a secret present when she'd been sixteen and partly due to their worrying over what she'd due while they were away overseas again. she didn't mind, definitely not! william-ansel was an incredible school! it was just.. chandra didn't really feel as if she belonged. she didn't have the same passion as everyone else.

    chandra gripped her bag tighter, hand on the strap across her shoulder, the other across the bag itself. she wasn't nervous but it was more of a feeling of anticipation that made her hesitate outside of the dorm area. she always thought things out to be so much more than they ever were, only to disappoint herself. with a deep breath, she headed in, and much to her amazement, she had imagined it perfectly.

    chandra hurried to her dorm, rolling a single suitcase behind her and the duffel on her shoulder. it took a moment to figure out where she was actually going, the small crack in her phone making the digital map harder to read than it already was, then after a quick check of which dorm she was in, she squeezed inside. it wasn't hard to actually find dorm 1 and the girl decided to pick a top bunk as her own. she was 'one of those,' a friend of hers had once said, always daring life to bring her back to earth. in this case gravity bring her to the floor.

    after chandra had chucked her suitcase and bag onto the top bunk, she headed outside since it appeared there was no one in her dorm yet. she hummed the song 'feeling good' and decided to walk around and explore the area. she wasn't sure what to do otherwise.


(18 ⋅ male ⋅ gay ⋅ photographer ⋅ feeling; distracted⋅ location; outside dorm 1 ⋅ tagged; open!)

    honestly, the only word that could describe leo right now was ecstatic. he had always been a dreamer, but this dream? the one of getting into any art school, let alone william-ansel? it was crazy, mind-bending! absolutely insane. he'd sent that application in on a whim after a particularly tiring sleepless night without much thought. but here he was! a chance to work on his art without having to loose the nights he could actually be sleeping.

    leo closed the book he'd been reading as the bus stopped outside the school. it was good, amazing even, recommended by a follower of his blog, but even books had to wait at times. he slung his bags over his shoulder and headed to his dorm building, already having memorized his building and dorm number. ya, it had been a long night of excitement and no sleep as he daydreamed about the school. or would it be night-dream? just dreaming?

    leo ended up outside of the building, bags and suitcase spread around him on the ground while he knelt a few feet away, peering into his camera, distracted by the way the trees, just beginning to lose their leaves. how the patterns it made on the ground were just shapes but transformed inside his mind into art.
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ryan ross • one

Postby ryan! » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:06 pm

    xxxxxname george ryan ross
    xxxxxage 18
    xxxxxgender male (bi)
    xxxxxlocation the park, his room
    xxxxxtagged samuel, open
    xxxxxrole musician

    └────────────┘ Ryan needed some time to himself, and he knew he would never get that with everyone moving in, so he stopped at the park first. Yeah, it's kind of odd, to see a kid with a guitar sitting on a bench in the park, but hey he had to play somewhere. A gust of wind swept through the air and through the pocket of air under his scarf, making him shiver, the cold running up the hairs of his neck.

    The guitar gave a sweet melody to the song he was working on at the moment, an original. It was called Camisado, about his father. The chords were quick and sharp and he was working on a picking rendition of it now, making it softer and more pleasing to the ear.
    Although he wasn't at home anymore and did not have his dogs or his parents around, he felt more free. Though he missed them dearly, now he wouldn't have his parents barging in on him playing and his dogs waking him up at six in the morning. He still loved them, though.
    What he wore included a scarf, a black vest, a green striped shirt, and tight pants held together with a thick leather brown belt.

    Leaving the park, he packed up his guitar into the case covered in stickers and headed to their dorms, wherever they were. He knew he was rooming with Samuel, Nikola, and a dude named Mustang. Which, he had to admit was pretty cool.
    Parking and pulling his stuff out of the trunk wasn't much of a hassle, just the many trips it took to get his three guitars and piano up was infuriating. His favorite thing was a single trip.

    But when he was done setting his stuff up in the place he'd claimed he took the liberty to walk around the campus a bit, get a feel of things. Though getting lost was not in his schedule, he sure did and couldn't find his way back, winding himself further away from his dorm, twisting down walkways he didn't know lead him in the total opposite direction and when he finally found someone that could possibly help him, he realized there was a nice camera around his neck. Maybe he was one of the other guys that was going to live in the same room as him? There was camera stuff in there, well, at least he'd assumed it was camera stuff.
    "hi, uh, hello." Ryan struggles out, tapping the man on his shoulder. When Ryan had his attention, he spoke "I uh, my name's Ryan Ross I..I'm kind of lost do you think you could help me find my way back to the dorms? I live in dorm two I really don't know..." he trailed off when he got a good look of this guy's face. I mean.. wow talk about a beautiful cliche. Ryan wouldn't mind if this guy was his roommate. Not at all...
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