| ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN | ☾ |

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

deputy? (pm to be added!)

♔ tigerfall
♔ adderstrike
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Wisteria's Forms

Postby #WisteriaMoon » Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:23 pm


current name. Briarstar
past name[s]. Briarbreeze, Briarpaw, Briarkit
future name[s]. None
gender. She-cat
age. Forty-two moons

previous ranking[s]. Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, Deputy
current ranking. Leader of MoonClan
sexuality. Demi-heterosexual
love. None
family. Ripplestream, Reedkit, Salmonkit, Swiftriver

Briarstar is a tall brown tabby she-cat with bright amber eyes. She is lithe, making for a quick runner.

Briarstar is able to understand other's with ease and has no issue when it comes to socializing. She is more of a listener than a talker, though. She is loyal to the Clan and respects those who earn her trust; which is difficult to do despite herself being trustworthy. She has a tendency to become nervous easily and often is. Not to the point where she would shout "Rogues are attacking the camp!", but more of a subtle way. Always is she worrying over if she'll disappoint others or make a mistake somehow. The idea of failing in the wrong run to become the best leader she can be fears Briarstar, and although others don't care as much about whether or not she succeeds in her ambitions she often feels that is the case. Due to this, she feels she is under pressure to bring out the best in herself every day, which sometimes makes her exhausted at the end. Every choice she makes is thought through so carefully that others might become impatient. Even simple choices, such as whether to hunt at one side of the territory or the other. She has the fear of not pleasing herself and others to the point where she has to look over every decision and make sure it would work out for everyone. Another fear of hers is upsetting others, and although she does do it, the thought of it really upsets Briarstar more than she upsets the other cats. She has the best intentions for her clan-mates, even to those who have done her wrong in the past. Speaking of, Briarstar is very forgiving but she won't forget. Prone to getting jealous quickly, she finds it difficult not to snap at a few others from time to time. She especially despises those who brag and are so proud of themselves. At times it seems Briarstar is both the best and the worst. She can be loving and caring, but also possessive of others and jealous. It really depends on the atmosphere around her and the day. When it comes to first impressions, Briarstar is aloof and doesn't give off much about herself. She prefers to remain a mystery to others, not because she think it will draw attention; the opposite, but because she doesn't like strangers. She doesn't want to talk about anything personal, and when she does, it's only because she truly is loyal and trusts you completely. Her choices can't easily be changed once made; some may call this stubbornness.

Born into the Clan to a mother by the name of Ripplestream, she had two other siblings. Briarstar was the oldest of the siblings. Her other siblings were Reedkit and Salmonkit, both named from their father after the river since it was connected to Ripplestream's name. Her father's name was Swiftriver, and Briarstar didn't really know him all that much because at as an apprentice he was exiled from the Clan. He murdered both of his other two kits; Reedkit and Salmonkit after Ripplestream told him that she couldn't spend time with him because her kits needed her attention. Swiftriver was insane in the head, no joke about it, and the Clan had always suspected it but couldn't know for certain until that day. Swiftriver promised to get his revenge on the Clan, and by that he meant Ripplestream. A few moons later, Briarstar's mother was found dead on the thunderpath, discovered by Briarstar herself. On the other side of the thunderpath was her father, before he ran off into the woods. She has never seen or heard from him since, and any mention of his name still shocks her to the core. After all, he was her father and had completely betrayed her by murdering off the rest of her family. She had to train as an apprentice, while dealing with many deaths of her family which was tough on her. Due to all of this grief, her mentor allowed her to take two month off of training, and she became a warrior at fourteen moons old. She was given the suffix breeze because she was an extremely fast runner who enjoyed to feel the breeze in her fur. She fell in love with the deputy of the Clan, but before they had the chance to get to know each other any longer he was made into leader. His name was Sparrowstar, and although they were secret mates for awhile, they were never able to have kits. So when Sparrowstar's final life came to an end, Briarstar was grieving the most out of them all. She then took on the role of leader and is leader of MoonClan to this day.

She has all of her nine lives, as she recently has been appointed leader.

How to win her heart: She loves to solve any old mystery. Usually, she can figure out almost everything about a cat in a moment. If you want her to notice you, don't let her in on every fact about you. However, she needs to know reasons behind your every move (she's suspicious of others) so it would be a wise idea to open up to her about your motives. She is interested in some cat who will leave her something to imagine. Again, don't come off too strong by asking her personal questions. Briarstar might seem confident and laid-back, but she can easily get jealous so you need to show her your loyalty. Briarstar is interested in a tom who is confident and in control.


current name. Badgerfrost
past name[s]. Badgerpaw, Badgerkit
future name[s]. None
gender. Tom
age. Thirty moons

previous ranking[s]. Apprentice, kit
current ranking. Warrior
sexuality. Homosexual
love. None
family. Dawnbreeze (now a kittypet)

Badgerfrost is a mottled black and white tom with pale yellow eyes.

Badgerfrost is kind-hearted and modest, though he does suffer from a low self-esteem. He is understanding of others the majority of the time and is compassionate. Toward his loved ones, he is very protective and affectionate as well as easy-going. He tends to go with the flow and do things without a detailed plan, and he likes others to do the same. He hates taking the blame for anything, and in fact, he will often not admit when he is wrong. Sometimes he will put all of the blame on others. He is very patient, loving, but sometimes has his mood swings. He will randomly disappear for a bit and return when the time is right, especially if someone hurt his feelings. Speaking of, he is extremely sensitive but hates to admit it due to his hatred of feeling weak. He is emotional and can easily get hurt, though he is forgiving. Badgerfrost has a strong intuitive and can usually tell when others are feeling upset. When it comes to others, he is always willing to help out, but with his own problems he doesn't seek help and just thinks they will disappear on their own. He can easily get stressed out, especially when he is under pressure, and he hates that. He has a positive outlook on life and is extremely loyal to those he cares about.

Badgerfrost was born into the Clan to a mother by the name of Dawnbreeze. He didn't have any siblings, and his father was always unknown. His mother wouldn't even admit to who it was and kept it hidden from her own son and the Clan. The Clan respected this, and most assumed it was another warrior by the name of Ravenwing, though it wasn't. Dawnbreeze and Ravenwing were close friends ever since a young age, so when she told him that she fell in love with a kittypet and was expecting kits, he took cover for her and they acted as mates toward each other from time to time. Eventually, Ravenwing did grow to have a strong crush on Dawnbreeze, and when she figured this out she feared that when she rejected him she would tell the rest of the Clan her secret. Due to this, she ran away and left Badgerfrost to remain in the Clan. She became a kittypet, and Badgerfrost hasn't heard from her since. Although, right before she left, she told her son that she would eventually return with her father once she found him. It has been many moons since and he has given up on hope. Ravenwing passed away from greencough a few moons ago, and that was when Badgerfrost set out to twolegplace in search of his mother. Unfortunately, he had no luck and was captured by twolegs. So he spent a total of four moons living as a kittypet until he finally escaped. The rest of the Clan was shocked to see him return and had still remained searching for their lost warrior. Badgerfrost told the rest of the Clan that the twolegs captured him while he was running from a loose dog in the forest, and they believed him with no further questions. As a kit, Badgerfrost was very lonely due to the fact that he didn't have any siblings. Because of this, even nowadays he is a bit more aloof than he could wish for. Others don't see him as a very sociable, or likable for that matter, but he doesn't give a care in the world and enjoys his independence as well as freedom. As for when Dawnbreeze left to become a kittypet, Badgerfrost had to cover up for her this time, and told the Clan that she drowned in the river and he couldn't find her body. He hopes to find her someday, somewhere, in twolegplace. But at the same time, he doesn't wish to ever return to that dreadful place.

He despises kittypets and strongly disapproves of them ever since his mother proved her disloyalty by becoming one herself.

How to win his heart: First of all he is homosexual... and no other cat knows of this so most assume he just isn't interested. He is attracted to those who are controlling and would be taking the lead in their relationship. Due to his fear of being rejected, most others have to make the first move. He looks for some one who is as excellent of a listener as he is and someone who is more decisive than him (he's very indecisive). When he is in a relationship, he is pretty tolerant of others and flexible. Not only that, but he is very loyal and will also be his mate's best friend / lover. He falls quickly in love and out of love. Every time he has a crush on some cat he believes that they are usually his soul mate.


current name. Icepaw
past name[s]. Artemis, Icekit
future name[s]. Icestream
gender. She-cat
age. Ten moons

previous ranking[s]. Rogue, kit
current ranking. Apprentice
sexuality. Pansexual
love. None
family. Whisper, Lunar

Icepaw is a pure white she-cat with amber eyes.

She is cold-hearted and ruthless, not willing to spare others feelings. Icepaw will say what is on her mind without a moment's hesitation. Others see this as being brutally honest, but she only relies on her mind rather than her heart because that's how she was raised to be. In fact, at times it seems Icepaw is without a heart to begin with. She doesn't take others into consideration at all and could easily be seen as both selfish and uncaring. In all, it seems she doesn't have nearly as many positive traits as she does negative. She prefers to use her claws and teeth rather than her words. Icepaw has an eye for details and often sees more than others might, but in return she doesn't show much of herself and remains a mysterious to many.

Born as a rogue, it is no surprise that she often wishes she didn't join the Clan. The only reason she remains in the Clan is to survive, seeing as there isn't any other territory to live in and the MoonClan cats would only attack. She doesn't like to call other cats her "clan-mates" and more prefers the term "mouse-brains". Needless to say, she doesn't have friends; only enemies. Her mother was yet another rogue by the name of Whisper and her father abandoned her as a young kit, which is probably where she gets her cold-heart from. She had one other sibling, named Lunar, who she had to survive with when her mother passed from an unknown disease. Her sibling didn't make it either and it was then that she discovered the Clan. Fortunately for her, she was able to choose her own name, and decided on Icepaw. Since her heart was as cold as ice.

How to win her heart: You can't. Well, actually... she does have feelings, though they aren't always on the surface. Even if it may seem she is without love, there is a way to win her heart. Or ways, at that. Be direct and get to the point. Se likes it when others are straight-forward and honest, even if it is to the point of being blunt. She likes interesting people who are smart. Confidence is key when dealing with her love life. Any cat that has a deep passion and is enthusiastic will attract her. If you allow her to be the leader that's something she enjoys. As for physical appearance, Icepaw enjoys those who are physically fit and able to take care of themselves.


current name. Slatestride
past name[s]. Slatepaw, Slatekit, Slate
future name[s]. None
gender. She-cat
age. Twenty-three moons

previous ranking[s]. Apprentice, Kit
current ranking. Warrior
sexuality. Heterosexual
love. None
family. Storm, Tawnyfur, Cloudkit

Slatestride is a mottled black and white she-cat with yellow eyes.

Slatestride is blunt and honest to a fault, not willing to spare others feelings. What others see as being plain straight-forward, she sees as real talk and honesty. She'll say it how it is, there's no stopping her from speaking her mind. Slatestride is optimistic about both the present and the future. She loves going on adventures and discovering new places as well as new cats. Staying in one place for too long doesn't really fancy her all that much. She has a positive outlook on life and simply enjoys it. When it comes to her social status, she is quite friendly and approachable. She is brave and bold, willing to take risks just for the fun and thrill of it. Slatestride isn't that difficult to figure out, in fact she is quite simple and will be honest with anyone. When it comes to her romantic life, she often doesn't fall for anyone unless they share the same views as she does. Often she ends up with others who are not right for her. Slatestride despises responsibility and often depends on others, though she is quite the free spirit herself and enjoys having her freedom. She isn't afraid to question authority if it means standing up for what she believes in, even if it is alone. She loves to be in control of her own life which is one reason why she remains a loner.

Slatestride was born into the Clan to a mother by the name of Tawnyfur. Her father was always unknown, and most of the others assumed she was half-kittypet. She had one other sibling; Cloudkit, who was a white tom with blue eyes and was indeed blind. Her brother and herself were such an easy target compared to the other kits. They never included her in any other activity or spoke to her for that matter, unless it was taunting. What only made matters worse is that Tawnyfur didn't bother to stand up for her kits and only encouraged the behavior from others. Tawnyfur felt that her kits were a mistake and didn't have any problem telling them that. Which might be one of the reasons Slatestride isn't afraid to speak her mind to this day. She felt unwanted, so she often went on little adventures by herself out in the middle of the night. After all, Slatestride was always one to want to live her life on the edge with a lot of excitement. One night, she traveled far out of reach of the territory until she came across a loner who looked similar to her. She decided to push that little detail aside, and he welcomed her into his den because it was storming outside. The loner, by the name of Storm, asked her to tell him why she was alone in the forest at night. After all, she had only been eight moons at the time. She told him that her mother Tawnyfur didn't want her and neither did the rest of the Clan. Storm then admitted to being her father, and they lived together until recently, when he passed away from greencough. It was then that she joined the Clan once more.

She is one of the prophecy cats destined to go on the journey.

How to win her heart: Be direct and get to the point. She likes others who are honest and aren't afraid to speak their mind. Slatestride is attracted to those who sharethe same views in life as her. She likes others who are very optimistic, like her, and have positive outlooks on their life. She values those who are intelligent. She doesn't like having any restrictions and values her personal freedom as well as her independence. If you are too clingy, she won't feel the need to talk to you any longer and will instantly move on. She prefers to connect through communication rather than emotionally. She despises when others are too sensitive.


current name. Pineblaze (sitting) Lakeswirl (standing)
past name[s]. Pinepaw, PinekitxxLakepaw, Lakekit
future name[s]. None
gender. Both toms
age. Both thirty-four moons

previous ranking[s]. Apprentice, kit
current ranking. Both warriors
sexuality. Both heterosexual
love. None
family. Brookclaw (now a kittypet)

Pineblaze is a brown tom with pale yellow eyes. Lakeswirl is a white tom with gray markings with amber eyes.

Pineblaze's personality: He is very direct and doesn't like playing games, more so having a discussion and communicating that way rather than emotionally. At times he can become emotionally detached, but it is usually just him not expressing himself as clearly. He is social, for the most part, without even trying. When in a group, he is a natural born leader who has a gift of taking advantage of social interactions and opportunities. He strongly dislikes living by a theme and prefers to live life on the edge; always coming up with new ideas because he is quite original. Pineblaze has trouble expressing his own feelings, as said before. He also is insensitive to others feelings and is extremely blunt. He is impatient for his own sake, because he doesn't like to slow down for others. When it comes to making decisions, it isn't all that difficult for him. No, he leaps into decisions without a second thought and often takes risks multiple times a day. In the process he will most likely ignore the consequences of his own actions as well as rules/regulations.

Lakeswirl's personality: It is very difficult for anyone to make him upset or angered, but when he is he doesn't show it easily since he doesn't express emotions. He doesn't trust others easily, and when he does he always gives his trust to the wrong cat. When it comes to strangers, Lakeswirl is very hesitant and cautious of them. He tends to stick to himself, though he wouldn't consider himself anti-social. He does socialize fairly often, but only with those he knows well. Usually, someone else has to make the first move to talk to him. At first he might appear shy and vulnerable, but it is actually quite the opposite. Aside from social interactions, he is a trustworthy individual who is hard-working, responsible, strong-willed, and voices his opinion often. He has all the qualities of being a leader, although he isn't very controlling or demanding. However, when it comes to Clan duties, he might sometimes be a little stern and critical, even. He has high self-confidence, is optimistic, and energetic. Sometimes he is blunt to a fault and doesn't realize that others have emotions, but usually he has the best intentions which others often don't realize. Lakeswirl has his moments where he will randomly snap at you and can appear moody or distant half of the time. He is bold and will never turn down a challenge, unless of course it is outrageously dangerous and could harm himself or others. Lakeswirl is a bit of a flirt, but only with a few chosen ones. He has many ambitions and strives toward meeting them every day. He is also patient and reliable. If he says he'll do something, mark his words, he will.

Pineblaze and Lakeswirl were born to a she-cat by the name of Brookclaw. Unfortunately, Brookclaw left the Clan while Pineblaze and Lakeswirl were apprentices to become a kittypet. Of course, both of them disapproved strongly, which just gave them more reason to loathe kittypets. Other than that their history isn't anything real special, besides the fact that their father is unknown. They don't know, nor does anyone else in the Clan, but their father is also a kittypet and their mother (Brookclaw) ran off to join him. Lakeswirl, as an apprentice, was often bullied by the others for not having good skills in either hunting or fighting. From the start he knew he would never compare to his brother, Pineblaze. He gave up trying, eventually, and felt as if he was a disappointment to the Clan. The feeling of not being accepted as much as his brother only grew worse when Pineblaze became a warrior and Lakepaw was left behind to remain an apprentice. Eventually, though, Lakeswirl had a long discussion with his former mentor who persuaded Lakeswirl to be the brave and noble warrior he is to this day. He no longer compares himself to his brother, let alone anyone, and because of this is more pleased than ever before.

Both of their breeds are Abyssinian.


current name. Cougarpaw
past name[s]. Cougarkit
future name[s]. Cougarclaw
gender. Tom
age. Eight moons

previous ranking[s]. Kit
current ranking. Apprentice
sexuality. Heterosexual
love. None
family. ...

Cougarpaw is a brown Bengal tom with amber eyes.

:Not many others actually know of his true self, or his true personality, if you will. For instance, most assume he is just the one loner who doesn't give a care in the world what others think of him. But it's the opposite. He cares about others judgement and always feels the need to be the best that she can be. Although his father and him had a strong bond, it was obvious he never accepted him for who he was. All he wants is to be accepted and feel as though he actually belongs in the Clan. However, he doesn't show this. He doesn't open up to others easily and is very secretive with his feelings, let alone pretty much everything. Sometimes he will be rather manipulative and lie just for the fun of it. He imagines it as playing mind games. No harm is done, however, it has caused him pain in the past. Speaking of, Cougarpaw absolutely dreads thinking of the past but rather the future instead. He focuses so much on what might happen that his imagination and dreams often get the best of him. Therefore, his expectations are never met. Which is why he is very critical of everyone and everything. However, although he is very critical of others, he is more critical of himself than anyone else. He is his own worst weapon. Another reason he can be quite critical is due to his attention to details. He often cannot realize the bigger picture and instead stops to smell the roses. In other words he is patient and caring, but at the same time doesn't spare others feelings. He will tell you it how it is and can be a bit insensitive at times. He is very sensitive. Say one wrong thing and you will make him run away and probably never see or hear from him again. His personality might be all over the place, but this is because no one knows who he really is. Not even himself.

As a kit, Cougarpaw was quite lonely. This is because he was without any siblings, unlike the other kits in the nursery. Due to this, he felt he couldn't get out of his comfort zone as easily to socialize with the others. To this day, he remains a tad bit on the not-so-social side, but he definitely is improving. His father was a brave warrior who lost his life to a fox attack one day while Cougarpaw was in camp. It happened recently, too, so he isn't exactly over his death. Around a moon or so ago, his father told him his last words. However, Cougarpaw was as clueless as he was that they would never see each other again. When he discovered his death, he was absolutely heartbroken, seeing as they had a close bond. After all, his father was all that he had since his mother died while giving birth to him. The last words that he had said to him was that he shouldn't of done what he had done. Just before his death, he had accidentally lead a fox into the territory by exploring beyond the borders. He still hasn't forgiven herself for his death, and continues to blame himself for everything that happened. As for his mother who died at her birth, she was sick and frail throughout the entire time she was expecting, which was why Cougarpaw didn't end up with any siblings. It was a miracle that he had made it to begin with, everyone would tell him, but he felt it was a curse instead. Without any family left in the Clan, he feels more lonely and lost than ever before.
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby scarecrowz » Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:22 am


current name. Tigerfall
past name[s]. Tigerkit, Tigerpaw
future name[s]. None
gender. Tom
age. 33 moons old

previous ranking[s]. kit, apprentice
current ranking. Warrior
sexuality. Straight (only likes opposite gender)
love. None
family. Brambledusk, mother Eaglefoot, father

Tigerfall is a slightly-fluffy brown tabby tom with black markings on his back, and cream around his neck with deep green eyes.

Tigerfall is a very hard-working tom, who wont stop till he gets his task done, he isn't very fond of enemies on their territory, thinking of them as brainless cats, and often will chase them away if he sees them. Other than that he is quite friendly to most of his clan-mates unless in a bad mood

Tigerfall was born near the end of new-leaf, being born the only kit in his litter, his mother and father both loved him. But as a kit he was a bit shy, and without siblings, he had nobody to play with but his mother, and sometimes if his father wasn't busy training his apprentice, his father. That was his entire kithood really, after becoming an apprentice he slowly opened up more to the Clan, and soon formed into a hard-working cat, he did like to talk to the other apprentices of how great his mentor was, but otherwise kept quiet. He loved training with his mentor, and going out into the forest, his mother was very proud of him, though his father wanted him to stay in camp more, though it was hard cause of Tigerfall asking his mentor to do extra hunting, or fighting with the other apprentices. A moon before his Warrior Ceremony his mother, Brambledusk was found dead from a dog-attack after hunting, After her burial it seemed that Eaglefoot had changed, he became more cruel, and bossy, and rather be alone more than anything else in the world, Eaglefoot didn't go on any patrols, and only hunted by himself, Whenever Tigerfall would try to cheer up his father, only to be hissed at, and told to run off if he knew what was good for him. Even at Tigerfall's Warrior Ceremony his father didn't come out from the den, he just watched from inside, not even cheering him on. Recently (2 moons ago) Eaglefoot had a heart attack from being pressured into becoming an elder, though Tigerfall is still sad about it, he hides his sadness by doing his job for his clan.

How to win his heart: Tigerfall doesn't like cats who try to impress him that much, he rathers not for a cat who would try to impress him, as he thinks that's like begging. He rathers a she-cat who treats him like any cat in the clan, and in return he will treat her just the same, but with more affection, and rather he gets to know a cat for at least 2 moons before he decides whether he wants to be mates or not, so just treat him like a normal clan-mate, and respect his ways is all.


current name. Snowtail
past name[s]. Snowkit, Snowpaw
future name[s]. none
gender. She-Cat
age. 34 moons old

previous ranking[s]. kit, apprentice
current ranking. warrior
sexuality. Bisexual (likes both genders)
love. None
family. Whiteheart, mother Cloudcall, father Lily, Sister

Snowtail is a fluffy white she-cat with amber eyes, and a small scar across her belly

Snowtail is a very gentle, and caring she-cat, though don't let that fool you, whenever she is angry she can be the most violent she-cat you've ever met. She will try to help any cat in need, whether a clan-mate, a rogue, or even a loner. But if her clan is attacked she can be a bit of a beserker in battle, who wont stop fighting till the enemy backs down, but other than that she is gentle, caring, and quiet.

Snowtail was born just a moon after leaf-bare had ended, though whenever she was born, her mother Whiteheart could not take care of her, or her sister, Gingerspeck, So the 2 were taken care of by another queen named Poppyflower, who had lost her only kitten to a hawk before Snowtail and Gingerspeck were even born. though Poppyflower was a very kind she-cat, who loved the 2 greatly as if they were part of her family, Snowtail and Gingerspeck always would be sad they couldn't hang out with their real mother because she had to stay in the medicine cat's den till she had gained her strength, though they could still see their father, Cloudcall, a white tom with ginger paws, and tip of tail, Snowtail had gotten her fluffy white fur from her mother. the 2 kits thought they would see their mother again, but they could never see Whiteheart till they became apprentices, but then they were too busy training with their mentors to ever pay a visit to Whiteheart, and when they could Whiteheart would be hunting, so they never really got to know Whiteheart as much as they got to know their father, Cloudcall. Though they knew Whiteheart loved them, as she was at their Apprentice, and Warrior ceremony, Snowtail would sometimes have dreams of what Whiteheart was like. Whenever Snowtail was 20 moons, her mother had been found dead on the Thunderpath, This had hurt Snowtail and Gingerspeck greatly, though Snowtail managed to stay together, this had broken both Gingerspeck and her father, Cloudcall, and the 2 both agreed they should live in Twolegplace, where their hearts could no longer be broken, Snowtail tried to persuade them out of it, telling both of them that Whiteheart would watch them from Starclan, where she could eat as much prey as she wanted there and be happy, but it wasn't enough to keep them from running away, Snowtail only visited once, when she was 22 moons old, after she finally had found the den that Gingerspeck was in, her sister was renamed Lily, and had a pink collar, whenever Snowtail asked about Cloudcall she was told that they came across a badger, and though Lily tried to save Cloudcall whenever he was bleeding, she couldn't help him. Snowtail was enraged from her sister, and the 2 had gotten into a fight, Snowtail had one, since Lily had nearly forgotten how to fight and had sent Lily running off, but she had never gotten rid of the scar on her belly, and still hopes Cloudcall made it to Starclan, even though he changed his life to be a Kittypet.

one of the 7 cats from the prophecy
how to win her heart: Snowtail likes gentle cats, rather than loud and careless ones, and if she feels safe around a cat that seems friendly, and yet still a fighter, she will probably become mates with them if she has known them for at least a moon
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby #WisteriaMoon » Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:04 am

(@_Ravenfeather_, accepted and added to the front! c:)
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby ease » Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:17 am


current name. bluemoon
past name[s]. bluekit, bluepaw
future name[s]. none
gender. she-cat
age. twenty moons

previous ranking[s]. kit, apprentice
current ranking. warrior
sexuality. heterosexual
love. none
family. silentsky, pantherstrike

bluemoon is a small grayish-blue she-cat with yellow eyes.

she has a lot of self-control and thinks before she speaks. she's very responsible and will get the job done quick and effeciently without arguing or complaining. she's cynical towards others and always suspects the worst in everyone's intentions. she's unforgiving and will hold a grudge for a long amount of time. she's passionate, extremely generous, balanced, trusting in the ones that are close to her, cheerful, has a great sense of humor, and kind. she's often stubborn, self-centered, lazy, and so honest that she comes off as blunt at times. she'll say anything no matter what. she speaks her mind.

bluemoon was born into moonclan to a mother by the name of silentsky. silentsky gave birth to four beautiful/handsome kits, but three of them died at birth. she named the one that survived bluekit, and eventually bluekit grew to become bluemoon. her mother became ill by an unknown disease when bluekit was five moons old. silentsky was moved to the medicine cat den and they told her that it was unlikely she would make it. bluekit was devastated and grieved for many moons, especially after her mother passed. her father didn't support her through it either, which only made the situation worse. as an apprentice, her father requested for him to be bluepaw's mentor. bluepaw hated her father, or she just didn't really like him all that much. the leader accepted the request. whenever bluepaw came back to camp with scratches and wounds on her pelt, she would be forced to lie and say that the thorns scraped her pelt, she fell, or something such as that. her father always trained with unsheathed claws and he would claw her as punishment if she messed up. she was threatened though so she was unable to share this with anyone. she received a dream from her mother telling her that she needed to stand up for what was right and what she believed in. bluepaw did so and told the leader. the leader didn't believe her, and her father figured out. pantherstrike planted a paw onto bluepaw's throat, growling. "any last words?" he hissed. a warrior by the name of honeywhisper fortunately spotted the two and pushed pantherstrike off, over into the water. pantherstrike was never seen since. bluepaw was made into a warrior a moon late because she fell out of a tree and injured her left hind leg.

her father is still alive, though she doesn't know of it.


current name. panther
past name[s]. pantherkit, pantherpaw, pantherfrost
future name[s]. none, perhaps pantherstar someday
gender. tom
age. forty-four moons

previous ranking[s]. kit, apprentice, warrior
current ranking. rogue
sexuality. heterosexual
love. none
family. bluemoon is his daughter

panther is a jet black tom with pale yellow eyes.

he doesn't care about anyone but himself. he loves the feeling of others suffering. he is the type that goes for revenge. panther doesn't stop until he gets what he desires. if any cat comes between his ambitions, they probably would of wished they hadn't. he's the type of cat that might leave you with nightmares, just being in his very presence. any negative quality? yes, that could describe him. he is without a single ounce of good in his heart, if he even has one, that is.

he doesn't talk about his past to any cat, for it is filled with misery. it might explain why he is how he is to this day, but then again, not even a past such as himself's could change a cat that much. it all started when he was a kit. he was born as a rogue, so he was brought up to despise clan cats, and oh how he did. his mother was vicious, not giving into panther's pleads for peace. all she wanted was to attack the clan cats, for some reason that panther did not know of, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. she trained panther to be a brutal attacker and before he knew it, he was following her pawprints without further questioning. one day, his mother told her how he didn't have what it took to be a proper rogue, or a clan cat for that matter. it was a large insult on his part, considering his hatred toward the clan. so his mother abandoned him just at the age of seven moons. he lived in moonclan's territory by himself for another moon. not knowing how to hunt, he slowly was starving himself. it was then that a clan cat by the name of silentpaw took him in after discovering his state. they became instant friends, okay, it actually took several moons... but it felt strange to him because he didn't think he'd ever have a friend. when it was time for them to become warriors, they discovered their feelings for each other. after silentsky's death, it took a large toll on his personality. after all, he was without a mother, and he had depended on silentsky to stay strong. he took it out on bluemoon and in return was exiled from the clan. now, he's out for revenge against all of moonclan.

he won't ever fall in love, ever again. he believes no one can replace silentsky. however, he is open for others to have a crush on him.


current name. bearstride
past name[s]. bearkit, bearpaw
future name[s]. none
gender. tom
age. thirty-eight moons

previous ranking[s]. kit, apprentice
current ranking. warrior
sexuality. aromantic
love. none
family. ...

bearstride is a light sand-colored tom with white and brown markings and bright amber eyes.

he is extremely absent-minded, and because of this he often lets down others. he is not able to swim very well and is rather lanky in figure. at times, bearstride can be a bit self-righteous. also, he loves to run away from his problems instead of actually trying to solve them. the idea of doing so frightens him out of his pelt. one thing he enjoys doing more than anything in the world is telling stories, even if they aren't true half of the time. although he isn't good at solving his own problems, he is good at solving puzzles and mysteries in general. his hearing is slightly damaged. bearstride is excellent when it comes to outsmarting his enemies in battle.

nothing too interesting. he was born into moonclan to a mother by the name of comfreyflower. later on in life, his mother passed away from old age. during her expecting time, she was slowly dying and it was a surprise she was able to make it to have her one kit; bearkit. she would of had more kits, but they died at the birth. his father was another warrior by the name of alderstorm who passed away while his mother was expecting. both of his parents now hunt in starclan together, and bearstride is now a warrior in the clan.


current name. iris
past name[s]. none
future name[s]. irisflower (?)
gender. she-cat
age. twenty-seven moons

previous ranking[s]. none
current ranking. kittypet
sexuality. bisexual
love. none
family. unknown kittypets

iris is a light gray she-cat with amber eyes.

she is good at withstanding hot weather despite her pelt, considering her twolegs keep her inside of a warm cabin. iris loves to complain about pretty much everything. if she doesn't get what she wants; she'll complain. she's used to being spoiled and getting her way. she expects perfection from everything, including the smallest of details, so if you want to get on her good side just don't be so easy to criticize. iris is particularly arrogant and vain, your typical kittypet, really. she adores kits and is surprisingly good at climbing.

iris was born into another twoleg's nest, along with the rest of her kin. although, she never did get the opportunity to meet them as they were adopted earlier on. however, she remained with her mother in the twoleg nest because she was the runt. no other twoleg wanted her. eventually, she ran away and another twoleg discovered her and brought her into their home. now, she lives with them.

she is unable to have kits after going to the cutter (vet in cat language) though she wishes to have some of her own someday.


current name. lioncloud
past name[s]. lionkit, lionpaw
future name[s]. none
gender. she-cat
age. thirty-eight moons

previous ranking[s]. kit, apprentice, warrior
current ranking. queen
sexuality. heterosexual
love. none
family. ...

lioncloud resembles a lion in her appearance. she is a long-furred ginger she-cat with pale green eyes.

family is very important to her as well as serving her clan. she is very hard-working, passionate, welcoming to all as well as friendly, simple (there isn't much of a mystery to her, really), kind, helpful to those who need it, and balanced. lioncloud often is one to come to for advice though she isn't one to ask others for it. she doesn't like to have any conflict and will avoid it at all costs. she has a tendency to enjoy a challenge or a little competition, sometimes getting far carried away. she is sensitive and can connect emotionally to others with ease. lioncloud is over protective over her loved ones.

lioncloud has lived her life surrounded by loved ones, and therefore, is instantly protective over them. she was brought into the clan by her mother named dunlinflower and her father by the name of beeclaw. both adored lioncloud since she was the only kit in the litter. though, later on in life, both of them were captured by twolegs and passed away. in return, her heart was torn, but it slowly wasn't any longer when she met her mate. she then had his kits and is now expecting a litter of her own.

anyone want to make her mate? also... she will be having five kits. i will be playing one of them, the rest are open for grabs.
below is the information. PM me if you want to reserve one of the kits please!

bumblekit (to be bumblestream, tom) - played by blue moon,

there won't be the classic "runt of the litter", please, or anything along the lines of cliche.
keep in mind that the cats must resemble their mother/father. for instance, bumblekit is going to be a ginger tom.
do not ask to be more than one kit, unless no one else wants to play one.
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby ArtisticUmbreon » Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:45 am

Mark! :3
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby Stray Kids » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:07 am


current name. Boulderstorm
past name[s]. Boulderpaw, Boulderkit
future name[s]. None
gender. Tom
age. Thirty-two Moons

previous ranking[s]. Apprentice, Kit
current ranking. Warrior
sexuality. Heterosexual
love. None
family. Blueface

Boulderstorm is a large Grey and white tom with black stripes.

Boulderstorm is a strong and smart cat, he tends to usually stay to himself so no one really knows his true self. But when he does open up he can be seen as fierce... But loyal. Due to his size and attitude he can be intimidating to others, Boulderstorm isn't someone you would want to cross, he also tends to disobey orders when he thinks they aren't up to his standards.

Boulderstorm was the largest out of the litter and also the strongest. His mother who is now deceased, Blueface, favored Boulderstorm, she thought he would be a great warrior therefore giving him all the attention which in turn made his litter-mates dislike him. Because of the lack of friends growing up it took a toll on his personality making him a loner. He had only one friend in the past, back when he was just a kit: Acornfur. Who is no longer with us, leaving Boulderstorm alone once again.


current name. Sorrelheart
past name[s]. Sorrelpaw, Sorrelkit
future name[s]. None
gender. She-cat
age. twenty moons

previous ranking[s]. Apprentice, Kit
current ranking. Warrior
sexuality. Heterosexual
love. None
family. Dappletail

Sorrelheart is a Tortoiseshell she-cat with one blue eye and one green eye.

Sorrelheart is a shy but friendly she-cat, she gets along with almost everyone. She rarely likes to fight but she will if she needs to. She is loyal to her clan and to her friends. She loves to hunt and even play when she isn't out on border patrol or a hunting patrol, sometimes she is seen acting like a kit due to her light-hearted personality and love for everything around her.

Sorrelheart was the only kit to survive during leaf-bare, she was born on a cold and snowy night. Making it hard for her siblings to stay warm and for their tiny bodies to fight off greencough. From then on Sorrelhearts mother Dappletail, was never the same. She cared for Sorrelheart but the love a mother should have for her kit was never truly there.


current name. Crowstream
past name[s]. Crowpaw, Crowkit
future name[s]. ...
gender. Tom
age. Twenty-three Moons

previous ranking[s]. Apprentice, Kit
current ranking. Warrior
sexuality. Homosexual
love. ...
family. ...

Crowstream is a sleek black and white tom with yellow eyes.

Crowstream loves to be around others, he sometimes acts like he's better than others but deep down he knows he isn't. He puts up a front so that others don't see how much he's hurting on the inside. He wishes he was as confident as he acts and as good as he makes himself out to be. He only wants to be friends with everyone but sometimes his personality tends to push others away.

Crowstream was the only boy of three sisters, they all grew up together through training to becoming warriors but then greencough came and took two of his sisters away leaving Crowstream and Nightfur alone with just their mother and father. Later on Nightfur was attacked by a badger while out on a border patrol. That was Crowstreams last straw he distanced himself from the clan but over time he realized he needed his clan more than anything.
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby #WisteriaMoon » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:06 am

( @Tyler Jøseph, accepted! we still need high-ranks, prophecy cats, and a few more members before starting. )
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby ArtisticUmbreon » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:10 am


Wildfire ...
Wildkit - Wildpaw ...
N/A ...
She-cat. ...
20 moons. ...

Kit - Apprentice ...
Warrior ...
Straight ...
Open ...
Dapplepaw (Living younger sister)
Cherryblossom (Mother)
Pineneedle (Father)
Marble (Sister loner)

Black and ginger she-cat with brilliant orange eyes.

Wildfire is a spunky cat and can be aggressive. Her temper is short sometimes and is very adventurous. She's stubborn and doesn't express her feelings around other cats often.

Wildfire was born on a sunny morning in leaf-fall.
Her parents had one other kit named Marblekit. The sisters trained together and did everything together. Her sister had met a tom and decided to leave her clan for him. Wildfire was upset and started having nightmares. She became depressed that she started training in he Dark Forest. She stopped after they started killing other cats in their dreams.


Dappleleaf ...
Dapplekit - Dapplepaw ...
N/A ...
She-paw ...
10 moons. ...

Kit ...
Medicine cat. ...
Straight. ...
Open (Forbidden but eh XD) ...
Wildfire (Living older sister)
Cherryblossom (Mother)
Pineneedle (Father)
Marble (Sister loner)

Beautiful calico she-cat with green eyes.

Dappleleaf is a forgetful Molly. Her memory isn't so well when it comes to new things, but her memory for herbs and remedies are amazing. It seemed like Starclan blessed her. She's shy but fun loving. She loves her work and doesn't give up easily. On the inside all she wants is love but hides it.

She is Cherry X Pines second litter. She had no siblings and she was born small. Her parents thought she wouldn't make it and gave her to the medicine cat. They would come in to feed but never spent time with her. Instead of becoming wicked and evil from lack of parent love she was kind and selfless. She loves to take care of others but tends to stay to herself now and then.


Tornadowind ...
Tornadokit - Tornadopaw ...
N/A ...
Tom ...
35 moons ...

Kit - Apprentice ...
Warrior ...
Straight ...
No love interest ...
Stoneberry (Mother)
Leapfoot (Father)
Stormwind (Brother)

Grey and tan tom with green eyes

Tornadowind is a stubborn yet gentle cat. He is strong headed and joyful to be around. He's selfless and is very wise.

Tornadowind was a apprentice that looked up to his higher rank and trained hard. He stuck around his mentor and the other apprentice because his parents disliked his trying to be better than other cats. Though he never gave up he was amazed when Briarstar became leader.
He always looked up to her and sometimes can be seen taking leads.


Sandpaw ...
Sandkit ...
Sandstone ...
Tom ...
13 moons ...

Kit ...
Apprentice ...
Gay ...
Open ...
Deertail (Mother)
Lightningrunner (Father)

Tan tabby tom with light blue eyes

Sandpaw is the Ravenpaw of Moonclan. He's very shy and anxious. He can be skittish and sometimes seen backing down from fights.

Sandpaws life began to when he was a kit. He can't remember his sister's death but he remembers his parents grieving. This little kit snuck out of the camp and was best up by some rogues, thus making him skittish and afraid of his own shadow. He always thinks somethings watching him. He was badly injured and almost bled to death.
Last edited by ArtisticUmbreon on Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:02 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: | ☾ | ━━ ❝. MOONCLAN | ☾ | ━ An Endless Eclipse: OPEN |

Postby cardboardteeth » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:17 am

[ ooc;; hopefully these are acceptable!
all of them are open for potential romance except Milky, Dustmuzzle, and Ham ; )

I'll be a little more hesitant for Stumpyflower but.. just lmk if you're interested in any of my chars c: ]


on the outside;;

Molly, Stumpykit, StumpypawStumpyflower


fur color;;
brown, darker brown, grayish, white, orange

digging deeper;;

Stumpyflower is a sweet but sometimes snappy little she-cat. She does not take no for an answer when cats refuse her help; she DOES know what is best and it frustrates her that cats don't listen.

none [maybe up for forbidden romance? feel free to have your cat crush on her. we'll see what happens]

medicine cat

Stumpyflower was born a purebred munchkin kitten. Her mother, named Sweetpea, was living peacefully with them until the twolegs came to take them away. All of them but Stumpyflower, then named Molly, were taken, and Sweetpea made a quick decision to take her last kit to the Clan. Soon, Sweetpea died of greencough and Stumpyflower knew she was meant to be a medicine cat.

20 moons


on the outside;;

Cloudedkit, CloudedpawCloudedeye


fur color;;

digging deeper;;

Cloudedeye is a sweet and compassionate she-cat who dislikes fighting, but will try her hardest if necessary.


queen [permanent, but no kittens.. yet]

Cloudedkit was born into a litter of two kits. She was born without any eyes, and her mother chose the name Clouded- for when she became a warrior - to the mother, Cloudedkit was a disgrace and deserved a foul name. Her mother despised Cloudedeye and neglected her, making her wait to have milk or prey. She was malnourished for a good moon of her life before her father finally decided to take her away and give her to another queen. Cloudedeye's new mother was good and loving, and now Cloudedeye wants to become like her adopted mother once was.

15 moons


on the outside;;

Ham Foldsworth [commonly called Ham]


fur color;;
.. nO HAIR

digging deeper;;

Ham thinks of himself very highly, because he knows he's darn beautiful, but he likes other cats. Just thinks he's a lot better than them.



adopted from a shelter.

two weeks. bottle-fed.


on the outside;;



fur color;;
.. nO HAIR

digging deeper;;

Milky is a nervous, timid little tom.



adopted from a shelter with his brother, Ham.

two weeks. bottle-fed.


on the outside;;



fur color;;
white, orange, black

digging deeper;;

Smallthrush is an extremely passionate, driven she-cat with a real want to succeed.


warrior [wishes to be a queen]

normal clan life and birth.

13 moons


on the outside;;

Dustkit, Dustpaw Dustmuzzle


fur color;;
white, brown, dark brown

digging deeper;;

Dustmuzzle is a optimistic, friendly tom who enjoys hunting and learning more. He knows that, though already he is smart, there is always more to learn, especially from more experienced warriors.



normal clan life. born into a litter of three, he was the favorite, but none of that shows now. He is respectful and considerate of the cats around him.

35 moons
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