( ✗ - SALEM REBORN open

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( ✗ - post eight

Postby I'm done delete me. » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:38 pm

        xxxxxxxx age: three || scent: lavender || crush: -- || tags: two-face || pack: salem ||
        rank: patroller

        as she slipped away from two-face with her emotions still clouding her, she remained looking at the ground as she walked. she wanted to take her anger out on something or even someone. but, she knew that wasn't her and that she needed to calm down. she took a deep breath and released it, however that didn't help very much as she really needed to take her mind off it. then she came to a halt, hearing a familiar voice a voice she would never forget. although, she thought it might be her mind playing tricks on her but she hadn't seen him for months. the young fae looked around until she spotted the black brute, a smile appears upon her maw as she made a small yip sound as she was delighted to see the wolf. she ran over to him and nuzzled into his chest, she forgot about everything when they last saw each other when he had called her 'cruel' she was too over whelmed to have him back in her life once again. until she backed as she needed to talk to him, well rant more like it "where the fudge have you been?! don't you ever go off without telling where you are going again you stupid brute! do you know how hard it's been for me without having you around! it wasn't nice! i swear if you do this again i will tie you to me so never leave me again you dumb wolf! she spoke out to finally get out her rage but this one had been building up for months, she had missed this wolf and didn't want him to leave her again even know he wasn't her mate in the first place but still her first love. -little short haha-
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( ✗ - VAMON ;; post two

Postby leila; » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:14 am

╔════════ ● ☾ ● ════════╗
    name;; vamon
    age;; six years
    rank;; fighter
    scent;; pine and jasmine
    tags;; mazikeen
    notes;; gonna take me
    awhile to find my groove
╚════════ ● ☾ ● ════════╝
        vamon tensed. a million thoughts ran through his head, many of them resulting in him being alone again. that was the last thing he wanted. if maze rejected him, then how could he even begin to hope the rest of the pack would welcome him back. almost all of his worries melted away when she smiled and ran up to him. the ice in his spine, however, lingered. he tried to tune out its chanting. he realized now that the damage caused by weeks of constant danger posed by loners wasn't going to simply be wiped away by one kind face. it seemed to him that he had another mountain to conquer before things can truly go back to normal.

        he sat back on his haunches as he listened to maze's lecture. it was touching, especially considering the pack they were in. he dipped his head in apology. "i'm sorry maze. i didn't mean to worry you." he sat up straight, ears twitching. "concerning where i've been, well, that's a long story. a storm blew in while i was hunting down a loner and washed away any scents or trail leading back here." he paused. "and i don't exactly have the best sense of direction so i, um, kind of got lost." it was humiliating to say it out loud. it sounded ridiculous, but he struggled out on his own. he was used to everyone being at each other's throats here, but out there was different. there was no one out there to trust except yourself. in salem you at least had one wolf to count on. it was fact he would never take for granted again. her last statement finally clicked in is brain. a smirk played across his muzzle. "why? did you miss me?"
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( ✗ - post nine

Postby I'm done delete me. » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:36 am

        xxxxxxxx age: three || scent: lavender || crush: -- || tags: vamon || pack: salem ||
        rank: patroller

        the young female listened to what the brute had to say, finally she knew where he had wandered off to and that it wasn't his fault, his intentions wasn't to leave which she thought he had done and just left her in this awful pack. with a huff she dipped her head "sounds reasonable" she said to the brute before looking away from him "stupid brute" she muttered under her breath. this pack wasn't the same without him, she felt unsafe without him being here. the fae perked up, lifting her head as he spoke once again this time asking her a question that was unexpected to her. she tried to get her thoughts together to make a sentence. "no of course not!" she lied it was very unconvincing since she had hesitated for a few minutes. at that point she turned her back to him, hoping he believed her lie. of course she had missed him, she couldn't stop thinking about him and she tried to move on but he was always on her mind. no one could replace vamon not even dracul. she hoped he wouldn't find out about the incident today although it wasn't big but she didn't know how vamon would feel about that one. she hoped that he wouldn't know that she did try to move on. - on my phone I don't know how long this is -
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( ✗ - VAMON ;; post three

Postby leila; » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:10 am

╔════════ ● ☾ ● ════════╗
    name;; vamon
    age;; six years
    rank;; fighter
    scent;; pine and jasmine
    tags;; mazikeen
    notes;; gonna take me
    awhile to find my groove
╚════════ ● ☾ ● ════════╝
        a laugh escaped the brute. he had missed this. it had been quite a while since he last enjoyed anyone's company. his only friends out there had been the ravens. they were the ones who told him where to find food when things got rough. in return, he always made sure to leave a small potion of whatever he managed to take down himself for the ravens. they had left him once he was within a day's journey of salem. actual conversation and banter was refreshing. he decided to milk it a bit. "that's a shame, because i missed you." it was the truth, no matter how much he liked to deny it. a kind smile and a gentle soul can go a long way and do a lot of good. apparently he was one of the few here who knew that. he paused before changing the subject. "how have things been around here? is everyone just as blood thirsty as when i left?" his toned was playful, but his question unsettled him. he was truly a member of the demons, but once in a while, he wondered if this was the company he really wanted to associate himself with. those thought were always pushed to the edge of his mind before they can begin to take root. thoughts are harmless until they start to stick. after that, they become dangerous in this pack. he just got back, he'd like to keep it that way for now.
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Postby dakotaawolven » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:49 pm

beta . female . seven years . tagged: alusia, azazel, lilith


      indentRaziel stood and let a low growl escape her throat as Azazel got in her face. She simply glared at him, and didn't even flinch as he attempted to embarrass her. Stupid ignorant whelp, she thought to herself. The Beta refused to appear affected by the Hellhound's aggression. In truth, she really was not affected, but there may have been a few who would think she was. Azazel listened to no one, not even the Alpha, but she wasn't going to announce that to the entire world. "Akela is my brother, you idiot." She rolled her eyes as he laughed. Idiot. "You think I'm going to let him talk to me? Trust me, he's too afraid of losing me again. And as for you, darling," And, there he went spouting information the other side of the war did not need to know. Her eyes burned as she shook her head and chuckled darkly. "You know, whelp , for one so supportive of this war and wanting the Demons to win, you seem to hand out information to the enemy that could give them an advantage. I honestly didn't think you were that stupid. You did want to win, didn't you, you insolent whelp?" She gave him a pointed look and shook her head in disappointment. On a normal basis, Raz couldn't care less about Azazel. The only few wolves she did care about were Alusia and Blakely. Everyone else didn't really matter to her. The Beta, while holding a high rank, wasn't really much of a pack wolf. Then, suddenly something caught her attention. In her anger and aggression towards Azazel, she hadn't noticed Lilith and hadn't realized she had left Alusia unguarded.
      indent"Alusia!!" Raziel howled as she saw Lilith lunge at the weaker fea. She felt as if she were on fire as she spun away from Azazel. Lilith was lunging at Alusia and Raziel simply saw red. "LILITH! Don't you dare you fox-hearted scum!" The Beta snarled and her eyes blazed as her body left the ground in a murderous lunge. Time seemed to stop as the scarred black fea flew through the air and landed on Lilith. Her fangs shredded the first thing they found -which ironically happened to be the fea's ear- and then sunk into the flesh of the the other fea's shoulder. Lilith had been going after Alusia, and there was no way Raziel could let that happen.
      indentSuddenly Raziel was somewhere else entirely. A different place and a different time, and something similar was happening. She recalled the way she acquired her tell-tale torn ear and the fight between her and Dianobi, and the way that had ended. The black she-wolf was in a pure, murderous rage, and there was nothing stopping her advance on her opponent. Then, she was back in the current place and time and she was ripping into Lilith's flesh in rage. Blood stained the forest floor.

fighter . male . five years . tagged: cypher



guard . male . six years . tagged: calypso


      indentStill a little shocked at the fact that the beautiful blue she-wolf beside him shared his feelings, Gabriel was silent. He simply grinned, staring at Calypso in complete contentment and joy. He had only experienced love once before, and it had not ended well for him. But, from the moment he had seen Cali, he had known she was perfect. And after having spent more time with her, he had fallen so deeply in love, he couldn't keep it to himself anymore. The creamy colored brute shifted closer to Calypso and when she put her head on his paws, he rested his head over her back in almost a protective way and sighed in contentment. Finally, he really had something to treasure; someone to keep his mind off the ridiculous war going on. In truth, there was a lot more he wanted to say, but for now, he was content to lay with her in silence, reveling in the peace and happiness they were currently sharing.

fighter . female . six years . tagged: seraph


      indentThe large, white she-wolf was laying beneath a tall pine tree, eyes closed, but all of her other senses very aware. She was enjoying being away from the drama that was the fight between Pangaea and Salem on the borders. After a little while, she caught the sound of paws on the dirt and lifted her head, turning and gazing in the direction of the sound. Then, she watched as Seraph appeared. When he asked to talk, she nodded and cocked her head slightly. "Hey, Seraph, Hun. Yeah, of course, what did you want to talk about?" she asked him, making eye contact and giving him a soft look. She knew about Seraph and his past, and how his father was a Salem wolf.
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( ✗ - post ten

Postby I'm done delete me. » Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:56 am

        xxxxxxxx age: three || scent: lavender || crush: -- || tags: vamon || pack: salem ||
        rank: patroller

        he missed me? wow he missed me... she thought, she was quite surprised by his words but it made her body tingle as if he actually cared about her, someone actually care about her. it felt good to know someone actually cared that they missed her. the fae turned to the brute once again, she looked into his eyes seeing it was the truth "maybe I missed you a little..." she told him, she felt bad for telling him she didn't miss him. the fae circled him taking in the smells that was left on his body making sure he hadn't been with another fae on his lost trail. she couldn't smell any fae on him which reassured her "yes they are... just as blood thirsty demons... no change there. and there really hasn't been anything new. maybe new members and all but still same old pack..." she told him little sadness in her voice she didn't want to be in this pack, and she didn't know whether he knew that already. "yeah everything has been alright" she added not knowing where to go from there. maze huffed and looked at the brute "so what's next? I'm guessing you'll have to go to the alpha to announce your return..." she asked hoping the alpha would be alright with his return, she didn't know whether he would be technically a loner now since he had been missing and maybe the alpha thought he may of escaped the pack or whatever. she hoped they would accept him into the pack once again as it hadn't been the same without him and well if he wasn't accepted that she didn't know what would happen. in fact maze was a little scared of him going to the alpha just encase he does react violently towards him. her ears were pinned back against her skull as she looked at the brute winding what would happen to him. - mobile phone post -
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Re: ( ✗ - SALEM REBORN open

Postby KarmaComesAround » Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:25 pm

➳The Shadow Killer

Name: Storm
Sex: Male
Age: SIx Years
Rank: Assassin
Voice: Michael Potok
Status: Open
Note: Reposting because he's still open

As the situation at camp continued to deteriorate, Storm felt that he could no longer take the atmosphere any more and went on a short hunting break. He returned to the camp shortly, eating the one fox he had managed to catch before returning. Given the current circumstances he was quite frustrated with the alpha's decision to enforce a no-killing rule. It just did not make sense to the warrior of a wolf, just how was this to benefit them? They were getting killed disgracefully by the guardians regardless...it made his blood boil.

Pondering this, he began to pace while restlessly flicking his tail. It appeared that he did not even realize that he was doing it. If it were up to him he'd bring the battle to those entitled pathetic excuses for wolves and end the war once and for all. At least as an assassin he would be able to take out a considerable amount of their forces, if only given the chance. A small part of him wondered if his son was taking part in killing his packmates, or if he felt too self-righteous to take the lives of others.

☯ The White Knight

Name: Seraph
Sex: Male
Age: Two years
Rank: Fighter
Voice: Steven Yeun
Tags: Hannah

An outsider watching the two wolves from afar would assume they were truly mother and son, both of them being white wolves and seeing that Hannah was quite the mother figure. Her warm gaze in of itself was already quite soothing for the young wolf, and the tension in his shoulders eased a bit as he looked into her eyes with a more genuine, albeit smaller, smile. He sighed softly, just the thought of his worries bearing down on him. Still with a sheepish smile he looked to Hannah.

"I know it's not a very good topic but...I have concerns about this war. I don't want to have to take another wolf's life, even if they're a Salem wolf. But even as I say that, wolves from both packs are dying everyday. And knowing how the Salem wolves are...they don't have a problem with senseless killing- and some of our own don't either- but I do. I don't want to be like that...I don't want to become like them."
He didn't say it directly, but if someone read into his feelings they would be able to tell he was also worried about turning into his father. He never really talked about him, nor did he ever speak of the fact that his father was a Salem wolf, but the thoughts always were there in the back of his mind.

Formally known as Darkside101. Bullies drove me from this site a long time ago, and then I got busy with life. Now I'm back.
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{ ۞ ─ 8

Postby royalty. » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:24 am

Lilith's reply is in two Face's spot. I can't copy and paste things for some reason.

    indentationThankfully, Glitch broke the silence this time. "Has Akela come up with a plan yet? A way to fight Pangaea without the lose of a Demon?" Adryan simply shrugged in reply. "I don't know, to be honest. I'm sure he's discussing it with someone in this very moment." Or at least she hoped so. She was soon planning to take matters into her paws and without caring what her father thought of it. The war was getting too violent, and especially with Akela's rules, it could get dangerous for both sides. Pangaea could quickly fight back, taking their numbers to their advantage and attacking them maybe when they least expected it. Or, wolves in Salem would whisper about, and some of them could even plot to overthrow Akela of his position and take over.

    Adryan saw another assassin, one she didn't care for, and invited him over. "Storm, come here." She wanted there to be two other wolves besides Thanatos and Glitch to remove all sorts of awkward silence. [ wb sorry ]

[ voice of scarlett johansson ] [ scent: mint&cranberry ] [ assassin ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : glitch, thanatos, , storm ] [ mentions : akela ] [ location : camp ]

    indentation"I'm not backing down." Oh, it was cute, really. Little tiny fae wants to act all big and bad for the monsta'. As the fae lunged at him, clearly timing her attack when he was laughing and stupidly thinking it'd work, Azazel swiftly turned around and spread out his arms, allowing the fae's small body to clash against is. Her small claws sliced across his face, before she quickly moved to pointlessly bite his neck. She quickly made use of her hind legs by slashing at his sides, although the attacks merely touched against his flesh and her body was more so dangling in the air because of his massive size standing at full height, leaving the smaller female unable to properly touch the ground at hers. It was as if she had realized this, quickly dropping to the ground and dispensing of the rest of her energy to yet again scratch at her face and against his sides. Finally, the fae seemed exasperated and stepped back.The attacks so far did no real damage nor did he really feel anything, and it seemed there was nothing more to come.

    Azazel, however, did nothing- at least for a few seconds. After the silence had ended, he simply laughed before slamming his paws into her chest and forcing her body into the nearby tree trunk, which was both thick and hard with small branches poking out sharply, hoping that one of them would pierce her badly enough for her to be badly injured. He looked to Kaliska, smiling. But he broke from his thoughts when Raziel spoke. "You know, whelp, for one so supportive of this war and wanting the Demons to win, you seem to hand out information to the enemy that could give them an advantage. I honestly didn't think you were that stupid. You did want to win, didn't you, you insolent whelp?" Azazel laughed. "Who cares if they know I'm Akela's brother? They all heard of me being ripped to shreds by him and now miraculously I'm alive- I'd say that terrify them at the least." He heard Raziel start to yell at Lilith but didn't jump to defend his friend. Instead, he looked back to Kaliska.

    "You seem to blame all the deaths in your pack on just the war between us, but it seems that perhaps we are not totally to blame. Perhaps the problem can be found in your own ranks..."
    Azazel nodded, putting on a sarcastic face and pretending as if he was thinking. Yes, yes, it might seem so- Of course, you freaken idiot. We kill our own, yours and loners all the time. It doesn't matter much, anyway. When we kill our ranks it's almost always the weaker ones- they wouldn't be a use to us anyways, so why keep them? That's what I was thinking when I first arrived to Salem- I killed off twelve wolves for the fun of it. Luckily they were weaker ones and mostly patrollers. Azazel cleared his throats. "Blah, blah, blah. It's Salem, of course we're a problem." He quickly grinned, tilting his head to the side and smiling at her. "Speaking of problems... why don't we start one?"

    And this time his attack was focused on her as he lunged at her, throwing his paws against her face and pushing it to the side to bite her neck and throw her to the ground, all in one swift move. He simply clawed down her neck, careful not to touch any vital arteries because he wanted her to truly feel the pain, to trigger something in her that would affect everything. He jumped back quickly after, hoping it would trigger something in her. "Come on," he urged, spitting out her own blood in her face, grinning with it still in his teeth. "Do something about it, or I'll be heading through your camp and to your pretty alpha."

[ voice of jensen ackles ] [ scent: balsam&amber ] [ fighter ] [ brute ] [ five and a half years ] [ tags : raziel, kaliska, + ] [ mentions : lilith, raziel ] [ location : pangaea camp ]

    indentationAnastasia began to talk again. "We are going to take you to our packs healer. They will patch you right up. Im sure Kanti wouldn't mind you staying and resting. She might even offer you a rank to stay in the pack. The more numbers we can add to our pack the better. If Kanti; our alpha says you can stay, ill offer you a spot in den to rest." All Silver did was nod quickly, showing Talisa that he would help as well. [ wb, juliette didn't reply ]

[ voice of jared padalecki ] [ scent: amber&hazel ] [ guard ] [ brute ] [ six years ] [ tags : talisa ] [ mentions : xx ] [ location : xx ]

    TWO - FACE
    indentationMazikeen seemed to think of something to say before quickly replying, "It doesn't really concern you, so I would rather not speak about it." Then, the Oh-So-Mighty-Vamon seemed to butt in and of course, Mazikeen was swept away by the brute. Two-Face waited until Mazikeen left and sighed, almost feeling defeated as he turned around and walked away. He had planned to go back to the small fight, however he wanted to get a drink first. But as he dipped his head down to the river, preparing to lap up the water, he looked at his own reflection. The whole left side of his face, all scarred and ugly. It was practically a beige-red colour, the bear claw scars and burn marks making him look more mutilated than he actually was. In anger, he took his paw and bashed it into the water, cutting the pad on a sharp rock, before walking away and to the scene.

    He saw the fight between Lilith and Raziel just in time. "Alusia!" She exclaimed, before screaming at the fae and charging towards her attacker. ""LILITH! Don't you dare you fox-hearted scum!" And in a flash of black and white, Raziel clawed Lilith in a blur of pure anger and rage. Lilith cried out, surprised by the attack and returning back vicious hits, but something turned the Beta blind by utter rage and Lilith couldn't keep up. "Stop! Stop, I get it!" Lilith welped, angrily trying to fight back but was held down by Raziel's weight. Soon enough, there was blood splattering everywhere, but Raziel didn't stop. "Raziel!" Two-Face barked, running towards the pair and slamming his paws into her side, knocking her off. "You have gone way too far. In a war of such importance, you have turned against one of your own and one of Akela's most trusted and closest allys. He will find out about this, and he will not be pleased to say the least. In this moment, you are no worse than Azazel." He growled, standing tall and looking downwards at the fae he knocked down. He looked to Alusia, who hid behind a bush shuddering. Two-Face laughed, yet his face was still angered and serious. "You even frightened the very fae you vowed to protect. Well done."

[ voice of hugh jackman ] [ scent: amber&mint ] [ guard ] [ brute ] [ seven years ] [ tags : raziel ] [ mentions : alusia ] [ location : salem ]
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Postby haru ; » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:40 pm


    ── THE HAWK ──

      "I only wish you meant that in a good way," she murmured, glancing over her shoulder at the carcass at the foot of the tree, still bleeding out its insides. Though Victorie had gotten her fair share of admirers herself, her sister Valkyrie was always the more sought after one, the more precious one. Victorie, however, had never exactly been called beautiful before. Valkyrie was the apple of her parents' eyes. Her heart warmed at the little nickname, but it all quickly faded away like snow beneath the blazing sun. "Getting away?" she turned one incredulous eye towards Dracul's towering form. "Not everything here might be my cup of tea, but I am loyal to Salem. I was born here, and Akela had always been a father figure to me after my own cast me aside. Adryan and I literally grew up together, and she is my best friend. Besides..." her melodious voice adopted a more playful lilt to it. "Who's going to feed the pack and take care of the loners once I'm gone?" The Lead Huntress smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I have to ask however, if you are serious about leaving Salem?"

      Victorie let out a small, quiet laugh. Maybe a little upset as well, but it was well-disguised. If Dracul left the pack, that would mean one less wolf she was close to. She loved Alusia, Adryan and Aerix especially like sisters, but Dracul... He was simply different. It didn't feel right without him. The lithe she-wolf shook her head once, bringing her nose down to the slightly moist ground to check for scents. Adryan's... Azazel's... Lilith's... Alusia's... Raziel's... How many were out there? And the Pangaea Beta too. She and Dracul had to be near the borders.

      Her blood ran cold. "Time for the meet and greet."


        gender; fae xranking; lead huntress of salem xvoice; think angelina jolie xscent; jasmines and sandalwood xlocation; salem camp xtagged; dracul, the others
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Re: ( ✗ - SALEM REBORN open

Postby KarmaComesAround » Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:10 pm

➳The Shadow Killer

Name: Storm
Sex: Male
Age: SIx Years
Rank: Assassin
Voice: Michael Potok
Tags: Adryan, Glitch, Thanatos

Storm stopped his pacing and perked his ears when he heard someone calling for him, breaking him away from his thoughts. As he turned to face the source of the request he soon realized it was Adryan calling him. Although he wasn't one keen on following orders, he had respect for Adryan and had little problem with taking orders from her. Anyone else, aside from Akela, was an entirely different story. Storm would most likely snap at anyone else who tried to act like they were better than him or order him around.

He soon slowly made his way to the small group of wolves that had gathered. He recognized Glitch and Thanatos, and nodded slightly in greeting to the three wolves. "What's going on, what did you call me here for? I hope to tell me that I have permission to kill Pangaea wolves." He tried his best not to seem agitated, although even if he came off as aggressive he didn't really quite care of what others thought of him. After all, most in the pack knew of his son, who was the son of a Pangaea wolf and his only surviving kin. Those who paid closer attention to Storm would also know that he despises his son and most likely would kill him if given the chance. It's rumored that he killed his own mate and their pups, only Seraph being spared, but no-one knows for sure.

Formally known as Darkside101. Bullies drove me from this site a long time ago, and then I got busy with life. Now I'm back.
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