VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Strudel » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:41 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; Strudel
{words or art}

    I don't think any ghost has ever expected to wake up dead.

    I mean, does anyone expect to wake up when they think they're dying? Even if they died suddenly, who would expect to see themselves as they float in the air?

    I can tell you, I certainly didn't expect to wake up that morning, only to find my mourning children and friend as they cried for my loss. I thought there was something more, I thought I would wake up in some type of heaven or hell. I suppose some do, some viscets must wake up elsewhere because there aren't many ghosts floating around. I suppose I was just one of the unlucky ones that had some kind of unresolved issues or unfinished business left behind.

    Regardless, as much of a surprise as that had been, I'll admit I was far more surprised when, years later, I woke up as something other than a ghost.
    Now let me explain a little.

    First of all, in all the years I had been a specter, I had never once slept. Ghosts can't sleep. Trust me, I've tried far more times than I'm quite willing to admit. Waking up at all was a new and unfamiliar feeling at this point. Secondly... I was breathing. I think it's pretty obvious, but I'll say it to make this clear-- ghosts do not breath. Ghost have no lungs or other organs to speak of. Honestly, I'm not sure how we are even able to talk? Then again, no one can really hear us either so maybe we just think we're talking? Ah, either way, that's not the point.

    The point is that for the first time in years I; woke up, took a breath, and stood on my own two legs with muscle and bone.
    I was alive.
    Alive and terrified.

    When this summer started, I certainly didn't expect something like this. My summer, I thought, was going to consist of watching my children grow and prosper during another summer without me. I never expected even another moment with breath in my lungs or the wind in my mane. I couldn't explain it, I wouldn't have known where to start ever.

    I didn't think much on it then, though, I simply started running through the grass. I was going to take advantage of this, I didn't know what it was or how long it would last. I felt the cool, dew-covered blades as I ran across the field. Every blade ticked and caressed my paws as I rushed across the green expanse. Before I know it, I was stopping to catch my breath on the other side.

    I took in the scents of the summer-- my favorite season. It had always been my favorite season since I was a child. Even now, after being unable to enjoy it's full glory for so long, I still loved it. Maybe I even loved it more now that I could smell the summer breeze. And-- the ocean. In the distance I could smell the warm salt water.

    I almost ran for the sea next when I realized there was somewhere far more important to go first.

    It was time I saw my family again. Or, really, to let them see me. I had been watching over them for years, but now they would be able to see me once more. I was flesh, and blood, and bone. I was tangible. I could hold them, speak to them, be seen by them. Those thoughts carried me as I ran the opposite direction of the sea. I was going to see my family again, I could hardly believe it. It wasn't just a miracle, it was so beyond that.

    I saw Riptide first, hunting in the woods. He seemed even larger and stronger now that I wasn't watching him while I floated above. I could practically see his muscles rippling as he was about to pounce on his prey. He saw me coming, and he stopped what he was doing. From the way he was looking at me, you would have thought he was looking at a ghost. Then again, I guess technically I was still a ghost, even if I was alive again.

    "Irissa." I could barely hear my brother's words as he spoke. It had been so long since I heard my name, I had almost forgotten what it sounded like on the lips of another. "Could that really be you?"

    I smiled to my brother as I bounded the rest of the way to him, he prey was long gone.

    "Yes." I spoke softly in response "It's me. I don't know how, but--" before I could even finish, I was wrapped into a hug.

    "They told me you were dead." Riptide whispered, as if afraid I'd disappear if he spoke any louder.

    "I was." I responded.

    "But how then-?" his question was a good one, I didn't have a real answer for it.

    "I don't know." what else was I to say to him? For all I knew, this could be one last hoorah before I disappeared into a void.
    I really hoped not.

    Riptide held me against him for ages. He was so much larger than the last time we had embraced, he hadn't even been an adult quite yet. It was right before the war, when he was taken to fight. I had despised that embrace then-- he had been so small and frail and I hadn't wanted to let him go. I hadn't had a choice. Now, I didn't want to let him go for other reasons.

    "I'm so sorry Riptide." I told him, my voice meek "I didn't want to leave you at all, but I especially didn't want to leave you to care for my girls all alone."

    Riptide separated from me, still grasping my shoulders. "Never apologize sister." he responded "I love your girls as my own." and I knew what he said was true, I had seen it over the years.

    Riptide told me many things about my girls, many things I didn't know. In the end, as much as it hurt me, I chose against going to see my beautiful girls in person. We didn't know how long this would last, and we didn't want to hurt them by forcing them to lose me twice. My heart twisted in my chest as I said a goodbye to my brother. It was starting to grow dark, and I didn't know if I would ever see him like this again. I thought, perhaps, if I woke up tomorrow like this again I would go straight to their den but... something told me that wouldn't happen. Somehow I knew it wasn't permanent.

    I walked to the beach, about to settle for the night, when I familiar figure approached me.

    "Gustav?" I questioned as the large viscet drew near. He was larger than he had been too, and he seemed like a different person as he approached me cautiously.

    "Riptide told me you were here." Gustav responded in a quiet whisper "I had to see for myself."

    Gustav had been in love with me before I died-- a fact I hadn't known until after my death. Surely he didn't feel the same though, after all these years?
    That's what I told myself at least as I wrapped my frame around his. He had been like a little brother to me. And when I had passed on, he had cared for my girls until my brother arrived home. I would always be grateful to him for that.

    I think Gustav sensed that I needed someone beside me. We laid curled up together on the beach for hours while we switched between talking and silence. He looked out on the sea with me until we both finally fell asleep to the quiet sounds of the ocean and eachother's breathing.

    He would wake up alone. At least, he would think so. I would know better as I watched him from my place in the sky. My time was up, again. I was ok with that, I had borrowed a day somehow and I was grateful for just those small moments-- that chance to say goodbye that I had never had before.


    "So why did we do this?" Tyramet asked, looking curiously to his brother who was beside him. Somehow, he wasn't shivering. Tyr never did understand why his sunny brother didn't seem bothered by the unlivable cold in his realm.

    "Don't you see it?" Apollo asked as they both looked through the icy pool and into the mortal realm. "It was to help all of them, in some way. Riptide finally got his chance to say goodbye to his sister-- to hold her one more time. He could never come to terms with it, until now. Thank you."

    Apollo smiled to Tyramet, who had granted his request without even questioning him beforehand.

    Tyr smiled back to Apollo "This was all certainly unexpected, but you're welcome, brother."



Irissa | Riptide | Gustav | Apollo | Tyramet

Gustav owned by Mint Chip | Tyramet owned by james. | Irissa, Apollo, and Riptide owned by me
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Mint Chip » Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:25 am

    Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

    username; Mint Chip
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    Viscets featured are Aileen & Auria (both belong to me)
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby FluffyBirdie » Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:45 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; FluffyBirdie

    The clanging of bells alerted Vesper, and he glanced around the corner, a smile creeping onto his face. Summer was finally approaching, and with the first day of summer comes the parade made by the local lord of the area. Vesper's smile widened. And with the local lord comes an unguarded palace. Unguarded was a loose way of putting it, since he knew full well just how many guards can be assigned to protect a palace, but with the lord out parading, at least a third of the guards would be away. He slipped off, the wide cape hiding his features. He could never wear his colourful outfit again, though he still kept it in his bag since it held countless memories of his past life of a merchant. It was too precious to throw. He approached the palace, looking up at its features and noting the guards. Each palace had its own special layout, which was why stealing from lords was and would always be a risky idea. But risk being Vesper’s middle name, he continued, going over his plan for the hundredth time. He planned to steal the lord’s fancy jewels, and doing that meant he needed quite a complex plan. Good thing he had one. He went straight up to the guards standing next to the entrance, knowing that though they were prepared for anything, they would be less prepared for a direct confrontation. “I’m looking for Angelica.” He said bluntly. “Can you tell her I’m waiting?” The guards glanced at each other, before at him, suspicious.
    “Sorry sir, but we need you to take off that cape, and also state your name and position.” One guard said, stepping forward. “I’m sure you know we have a criminal on the loose.”
    “Of course.” Vesper moved to take off his cape, and just as he did, a large explosion sounded behind him, and he bolted, scaling the wall and swinging himself over it before the guards even realized what had happened. He knew a giant cloud of smoke would be bellowing right about now, though no one would be hurt. He knew quite a lot of people in the kingdom, and plus, he didn’t want another charge to be placed on his head. Thievery and betrayal was enough for him. He raced through the palace, knowing the guards would be tightening their grip on him and counting on it. Everyone assumed he was going to the most guarded place in this vast palace, so he was going to do the opposite. He went straight to the servants’ quarters, not needing a map to do it. No matter how fancy and unique the layout, the servants’ quarters and passageways were always the same: out of sight. He slipped through a small door, dimly lit with torches, and followed it, guessing where to turn. He would end up at where the servants’ slept eventually, and used this chance to get a grasp of the palace’s layout. He found the servants’ quarters, and rummaged through the clothes, finding one that fitted him. He found a secluded area and changed there, cheerful of how the clothes completely covered his distinguishing markings. He rubbed dust and dirt into the visible markings and over his face as well, before stuffing his old clothes into his bag. He backtracked, going to the kitchen and stealing a pot. Throwing flour over his clothes, and dumping his bag inside the pot, he carried it through the passageways, knowing servants carrying something, anything, pretty much blended into the background.
    “Hey, I haven’t seen you around.” A voice said from behind, and he glanced back, surprised, before smiling, relieved.
    “Oh, yeah, I’m new. Dad…couldn’t pay the debts, and I’m going to be working here for a while.” Vesper lied, remembering one story a servant told him before, at another palace. “The chef told me to take this to the dining room, though I think I lost the exit to it a while back. Mind…?”
    “No problem!” The young viscet said, gesturing for him to follow. “You went the completely wrong way; I think you turned right instead of left at the kitchens.” She said, laughing. “Up ahead at the next door is the dining area.”
    “Thanks.” Vesper said gratefully, dipping his head. “By the way, is there any places I shouldn’t go? I’ve heard there’s severe punishments for servants who accidently wandered there…”
    She nodded, sighing. “Don’t go anywhere near the guest and the lord’s quarters, and keep your distance from the treasury and throne room. Only high-ranking servants can enter, and I assume you’re not one of them.” She added, pointing out the directions. “This place is nice, if you follow the rules. Sorry…I don’t know your name?”
    “Oh, it’s Ehvan.” He replied, memorizing where the treasury was. “Yours?”
    “Lika. Well Ehvan, I’ve got to go, work calls me.” Lika said, seeing someone behind them waving. “I think you should go report yourself to the head servant and get a tag, else you’d be treated as suspicious and taken to jail. Servants aren’t as accepting as me, sometimes. Hope you adjust to life here.” She added, and only then did Vesper notice a small, silver plate pinned to her clothes. She left and disappeared through the door before he could say anything, and frowned. He wanted to look for a place to lay low, since his plan consisted of him staying in the palace until the guards were confused about where he went and loosened the security, but with this new information about reporting to the head servant and getting a pin threw that out the window and into a storm. There was no way he would be able to hide long enough here, not with the servants checking everyone for a tag.
    He could almost see his plans waving goodbye.
    Shaking off his gloomy thoughts, he improvised. Well, if he couldn’t hide, that was good anyway. After all, if he waited too long, the lord and his guards would come back, and make stealing the jewels that much harder. He continued towards the dining room, hoping it would take him closer to the treasury, and opened the door, seeing no one inside. He hurried through, checking the large entrance the lord and whoever was eating with him went through. He opened it, looked around for guards, and left the dining room, not really caring if the door was left open. There was no time to waste. Vesper hurried towards the treasury, knowing the guards would be crawling all over the place, and feeling frustrated that he couldn’t do anything about it. He opened the pot and took his bag, before throwing it as hard as he could towards the direction of the treasury. It made a satisfying ‘clang’ as it bounced off the floor, and he took this chance to run towards it, and then past it. There was always more than one way out of a treasury, that he knew.
    Those jewels were his.
    [ 1168 / 1500 ]

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Vesper (owned by me)
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby lex » Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:20 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; commandant
wc; 348

Winston slammed the door shut behind him and looked around frantically. Briefly, he looked around, his hat falling over his eyes for a moment before he managed to push it up. He yanked a wooden chair out from his desk and wedged it beneath the doorknob of the door. A thud sounded on the other side, and then a screeching that sounded like claws on chalkboard -- or worse, even. His cape whirled about him as he looked frantically through the books in the shelves of his study, eyeing each title of the hardcover books.

He yanked a leather bound, reddish journal and flinched as he heard another screech. What a mistake he had made, but he had to right it, and he was sure he had something to help him do so. He flipped through the pages, breathing quickly and shallowly, eyes speeding down each page and symbol. He had just been trying to experiment! It had been a harmless experiment, and then he had heard far more unsavoury noises. A feeling of dread had overtaken him, and then he had heard the creature's - or whatever it was' - scream. A scream that made his blood run cold, and he sprinted off within seconds.

Light shined through the bottom of the door, and smoke filled his nostrils. Finally, his eyes fell on the symbol he was searching so frantically for. In that moment, the door burst open, and he whipped around, holding the book up. Its contents flared in the golden lamplight, and then glowed in bright, harmful sunlight. Winston shouted, not in a common tongue, with harsh sounds and syllables, and then the scream came again. The smell of smoke filled the room even further and Winston fell the scorch of sunlight against his fur. And then, nothing.

He panted heavily and he dropped. "Oh... elemental. I didn't mean.." He was wordless. Why had he tried to use that spell, especially now - the summer solstice?

Well... it didn't matter now.

"No more experimenting... for now," he muttered, before closing the book with a sigh.
Last edited by lex on Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
just kidding im back a little
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Macyduke » Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:12 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)
username; Macyduke

"Look both ways before crossing the street." His father told him, and he did. All four sides of the interception, from what he could see, were clear. "We all good?" The bright yellow cet asked his son. Oren nodded.
"Alright then lets go." He said taking the head, tugging his son onto the pavement. Oren hopped off the curb eager to catch up with the cet he saw so little of.
"Can we get mint chip ice-cream?" he asked as the ice-cream parlor came into view.
"No, but we can get anything but mint chip ice-cream." The taller cet replied. Oren shoved his dad towards the street playfully, before running ahead so as to avoid being shoved himself. His father caught up to him easily, catching him buy the shoulder and pulling him back towards him. He pushed his son to towards the ground, causing him to have to stumble forward to avoid falling, before Oren could catch himself he was graded roughly by the shoulder once more.
"Didn't you mother tell you not to play in the street?" He asked sternly. Oren grabbed onto his tail sheepishly.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"Here," The yellow cet's eyes wandered away from him, and without looking he handed him some money. "Go buy us some ice-cream." He turned Oren away from him, ruffling his mane as he did so before wandering off towards a bright green viscet he'd never seen before. When he hesitated, his father gave him a light push towards the store. "Go on."
When he exited the store he found himself alone. Without guidance, or someone to take the second cone from him. He pulled out a chair by one of the tables outside the shop, careful so as not to spill, though apparently not careful enough to avoid dropping one of the scoops on his shirt. Unsure of whether to attempt to eat the spilt frozen treat first or to let it soak into his shirt while he did what he could to keep the other two from dripping. Unable to fight the inventible, Oren ended up with ice-cream running down his arms, and for the day, ruined his clothing. While sitting outside the store, the old male who ran it came out with a rag to help clean him up. He chatted with the shop keeper for awhile.
"Where's your parents little one?" He'd asked.
"My moms at home." Oren answered softly. Although disappointed in his father's disappearance, he still had faith in his return, maybe with a gift? "My dad's around here somewhere."
"You don't know?"
"No sir."
"Does he wander often?" The older get asked. Oren looked away from him, out to the street, obviously uncountable with answering the prying male. The other tapped his fingers against the table, contemplating what to do to raise the lost viscetling's spirits. Before he could say another word, his young companion spotted a familiar face. There across the street, a ways down the block stood a yellow viscet with dark stripes running through his fur, his back was to Oren, obviously oblivious of the fact that he'd forgotten that he'd brought his son with him on his expedient out of the house.
"Dad!" Oren squeaked, hoping down from his chair. Clearing his throat, he dashed towards him. "Dad!" He hollered. His dad started to turn, surprised to hear his son's voice. A sudden force pulled him backwards towards the store, taking the ground out from under his feet, he fell back on his tail.
"Holly crap that kid almost got squished." He heard someone nearly yell.
"Are you alright son?" The store owner asked. Unable answer Oren shook his head, stunned. Tears welded in his eyes, the reality of the blur he'd seen while falling back on his tail. He'd assumed it was the speed in which he was pulled back, messing with his head, but now realized it'd been a black truck speeding by. The pooled tears spilt down his face as he chocked back sobs. "Be a man" he remembered his father saying. "Some chicks may dig sensitive guys, but they absolutely do not enjoy being around ugly cryers."
"You want me to call your mom?" asked the man.
Oren nodded in response as his dad turned away from him, his arm around his new companion's shoulders, headed the other way. Unknown to him at the time, this would be the last time he'd see anything of him until his mother filed for their third divorce. A decree which sent his father running back to them, promising never to leave them again, this time without the decency to wait a few months before continuing his relationship with the set he'd left his son at the ice-cream store for.
"There are two stars in the sky, and they're both planes."

Really though, just *Incoherent screaming*
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby _Alex_ » Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:32 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; _Alex_
{words or art}

    This close to the equator, the summer sun was intolerably bright. Shining down without mercy and threatening to cook anyone who dared to stay outside for longer than just a few moments. Not for the first time, Tania was glad that she was a ghost, free from the burden of hot flesh and fur. Her partner on today's mission however, was not so lucky.

    "Slow down will you?" Scipio panted out from behind her, breathing rough and labored. No doubt from the heavy satchel of different weapons and pieces of armor he was carrying in addition to the island heat.

    "I don't want to miss the ship." She replied, turning to look back as she waited for him to catch up. "Macre said we were setting sail at exactly half four. And it's nearly past that based on the sun."

    The ship had docked at the largest port on the largest island in this chain for a quick supply run. They weren't known in these parts, having never really plundered or stolen from ships that frequented these waters. But that wouldn't keep them safe for more than a few hours. Wanted or not, dangerous or friendly, the island wasn't too keen on harboring pirates on it's shores. And so they had been sent off in pairs to gather up the required materials. Weapons and tools and seasonings and everything they needed but didn't often come across at sea.

    "They won't leave without us." Scipio said confidently, finally catching up to her side. "And besides, I doubt Socrates and Avente will beat us back to the ship. I saw them arguing in the market about whether to buy lamb or goat meat."

    Tania huffed, that sounded about right. Avente had yet to lose all of the habits and attitude that came with growing up royal. But still, that had been nearly an hour ago. Most all of which had been spent with Scipio testing the balance of every blade the blacksmith had to offer. "You better hope they haven't left already."

    Some thirty minutes or so later, they finally made it to the harbor. And at once, Tania could tell that Scipio had indeed been wrong. There were hundreds of ships in the harbor. But not a single one was the large black sailed galleon that they called home. And looking past the port and towards the sea didn't reveal any her either.



    "I thought you said we would make it back to the ship in time."

    "...I may have...maybe... possibly... been wrong about that."

    Tania spun around then, a growl rippling through her throat and teeth bared. It was easy for her to lunge forward and sink her teeth into the other's leg. Or attempt to at least; falling forward into the sand when she simply passed through the other. There were times she really hated being a ghost.

    "Trying to kill me won't get us anywhere." Scipio noted, holding back a laugh at her misfortune. "Especially considering we're both already dead."

    "No." Tania agreed. "But it will save Macre the trouble for when we get back to the ship. IF we get back to the ship."

    Scipio froze at that. As if realizing there was a chance that they would never make it back onboard the ship. "We have to make it back to the ship. We can't survive out here otherwise."

    "I know that." Tania said, pawing uselessly at the grass. "But how? There's no telling how far out to sea they are by now."

    The pair was silent for a few moments. Thinking. Trying to think of some way that they could be reunited with their family. Suddenly, Scipio's face brightened. As if he had remembered something important.

    "Avente said he wanted to viscet the port on the other side of the island. I overheard him talking to Macre this morning." Scipio said, replying to Tania's inquisitive look.

    "But Macre said we were heading straight to the Northern Pass after this." Tania said, well aware of the ship's intended route.

    Scipio shook his head. "Yes. But when have you known Macre to pass on doing something harmless that Avente wishes?"

    "Never." Tania muttered, pathways lighting up in her brain. "So that means, all we have to do is make it across the island to the next port."

    Scipio grinned, all sharp teeth. "Exactly."

    "But how? We can't catch a ride with one of the supply wagons. I'll fall right through the floor boards and your sure to terrify the horses." Tania asked, lost.

    "We'll just have to walk." Scipio replied, just a tad dismayed.

    "That'll take a week at least." Tania complained.

    "Just be glad we can't die."


    Socrates moved quickly through the ships cargo hold, ducking beneath hanging ropes and stepping over piles of supplies. The light down here was virtually non existent, the one lantern at the entrance nowhere near bright enough to illuminate the whole space, but he could still see well enough. Well enough at least, to fully realize that the two youngest pirates weren't hiding down here.

    He had hoped they were, having already checked every other inch of the ship. They weren't anywhere in sight. And neither had they been for the last three days. In fact, the last time he had seen them had been in the market on the last island they stopped at. It was with that thought that a light went off inside his head.

    Before he knew what he was doing, he was racing back up the ladder to the deck. Claws digging into the wood as he moved as fast as he physically could, ignoring the confused looks from the other crew members. As soon as he reached the large oak door that was the entrance to Macre's quarters, he was bursting inside, not bothering to knock like he normally would.

    Panting, he looked his captain straight in the eyes, ignoring the rage building in them.

    "I think we left Tania and Scipio at port."


    "I swear to Ugin that I am going to find a way to kill you again." Tania growled out, eyes staring daggers into Scipio's side.

    "Your going to kill me???" Scipio grumbled, "At least you don't have to carry this giant sack full of heavy weapons and armor."

    "Oh I'm sorry." Tania snapped back, "Last time I checked, I offered to help carry it and you denied the help."

    "Yeah, well, maybe I would have taken you up on your offer if you weren't, I don't know, an intangible ghost."

    "At least I'm not the real life equivalent of a zombie."

    "If your smart, you'll shut up before I make you."

    "Why should I? It's your fault we're in this mess to begin with." Tania mocked, eyes sharp and teeth sharper. She was beyond bitter at this point. They had been stranded on the island for all of a week, and for nearly every minute of that time they had been walking. She hadn't known that she could feel tired and sore anymore, and yet she was. And they still hadn't reached the nearest port.

    She yelped as Scipio barreled through her, teeth bared and chest rumbling with a growl. She turned around, ready to fight back, only to find him sprawled on his belly, starring at the ground in front of him. "What, you finally decided to give up?" she questioned, moving to stand in front of him.

    "No." he muttered, still staring at the ground. "I swear I saw a snowflake."

    "A snowflake?" Tania snorted. "Are you going insane. It's summer. In the middle of the tropics. You're insane if you think there was a snowflake."

    Scipio ignored her, leaping to his feet as a breeze suddenly blew in from the towards the sea. "It's cold! Like ice! Can't you feel it?"

    "Scipio. I'm a ghost. I can't feel things." Tania replied blandly, not at all falling for his antics. Knowing him, it was most likely a joke.

    Within seconds, Scipio was running forward, paws sticking in the sand. "Snow! It's snowing! C'mon Tania!"

    Shaking her head, Tania followed reluctantly. At least until the flakes started falling from the sky with alarming frequency. It was then that the pieces in her head clicked. It had to be the ship! Avente was no doubt the one behind the sudden winter storm in the middle of summer.

    Together, the two of them raced towards the beach. After being stranded ashore for a week, they were desperate to return to their ship, their crew, their family. As soon as they reached the water, they started smiling. They could see the ship on the horizon, the dark sails and demonic figurehead recognizable even from a distance. And coming towards them, with a steady and sure speed, was a rowboat. A rowboat with their captain at the helm.

    They turned towards each other and started cheering. At last, they had been found. And soon, they would be home, aboard the ship.

    featuring: tania and scipio with avente, macre, and socrates. ugin mentioned with permission from james.


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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Softballpup12 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:50 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; Softballpup12
{words or art}
Thalia went to Hawaii, hoping to have a relaxing vacation, but instead encountered her greatest fear, frogs. I mean, come on! Who could have known that the little creeps had infested the most beautiful place on the planet?

Tany was having a ton of fun off the coast of Australia in the great reef. He found sharks, fish, turtles... What he didn't expect was to be spending the next month in the hospital because he'd been electrocuted by an eel.
Amazing Art by Sixbane ^^^^^


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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby corgiboy » Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:01 pm

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)


The heat blasted on the old kings face and he made a hiss quickly returning his head back inside and grumbling over his breath.
"come on papa you gotta stop being such a grump butt!" A little voice called from outside opening the door and glaring at him who was now turning his back and shaking his head.
"Please dad" His sons voice called to him again but he completely ignored him. " I prefer to be in the dark its were i have been for all these years why should I come out now?" he scuffed at the young viscet whos orange mane was shining in the sun. the little vicling was trying to think of a reason but was only able to come up with one "it'll be fun?" the pink viscet laughed from inside his red eyes closing from laughing so hard.
Its going to take a lot more then that to get me out!" he said now walking away the young viscling now running up behind him and nipping at his ankles to get him to stop. "please dad I wanna spend my first summer with you..." He said in a begging ton but his father ignored him and kept walking. "october can you stop bugging me already , you can go by yourself." He looked to the doorway that was left open where sunlight was peering in.
"you can eather stay inside or you can go outside make some friends, or some enemies i really don't care just leave me alone I have work to do anyways."
"you always have work!" the young viscet cried and valentine pushed him over with his tail and rolled his eyes now pushing his along back to the door.
"Make a desition already" he said now leaving the young viscet by the door way to think. His father was always like this never wanting to really do anything but stay in the castle all day and not wanting to do anything with him. now it was summer,it was beautiful out and he didn't even feel good enough to go out because his dad was telling him he had to do it all by
himself.The young viscet was scared he didnt want to do anything like this by himself, the world was a scary place . He geussed this was the only way he would be able to do something rather then sit in the dark castle all day and listen to
his father skibble on letters or complain about work or talk to the other grown viscets and humans about grown viscet and human stuff.
He took a few steps outside but then retreated back inside when he heard the tweeting of a bird. He signed "theirs nothing to be scared of its a beauiful sunny day what possibly could go wrong? " he said to himself starting to hum a light tune as he walked outside and looked around. The sky was blue and the flowers were blossoming everywhere. It looked like a paradise to him and he loved it. He now found himself running out into the field of flowers and throw some bushes not noticing that he was going past the castle walls.
He played in the grass all day and met a snake which he played with too as well as a few other visclings that were in town. It was starting to get dark but october didn't seem to be paying attention as the visclings were being called over by their mothers to go indoors before it got to late. they said their goodbyes and october continued to play in the grass till it got even more dark now thinking that he should get heading back home "I really should get home.." he said to himself happily with his tough hanging out of his mouth he was tired. It was dark and he was alone he didn't know were he was ether.
he looked around terrified now and jumping at even the slightest sounds ... tonight was go to be a very long night from what he could tell. The young viscling for hours looked for his way back crying out calls of help yet no one could hear him and he didnt know were to even find any one because it was so dark.
He found himself curling up in a small ball and weeping to himself before falling asleep.
He was awoken we he felt like he was being picked up off the ground by an unknown force , though instead of feeling threatening a warm familiar smell filled his nose.
"dad?" he said sleepy looking up to his dad humans form.
" you had me worried sick young one I sent so many out to find you after you disappeared this afternoon" This was one of the first times he ever saw his dad so worried.
" I wont do it again" october said quietly and his dad petted his head
"more like i wont leave you alone again."
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Mint Chip » Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:02 pm

gonna give 15 extra minutes to make any last minute edits. and then this is closed for judging c:
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby booklover789 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:14 pm

Aaaaaah, please say there's enough time! I've been running around all day getting other stuff done and forgot to post this!

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; booklover789

Ayra dashed about, wondering where on earth her bathing suit was. She was supposed to go out with Arwin and her new sibling tonight, and she couldn't find the swimming suit anywhere! When she finally found it she sighed in relief and counted her blessings. She then made sure she had enough water and food for the day at the beach and raced off to Arwin's house.

Arwin lived in a cave adjacent to Ayra, so the walk wasn't long. When she reached the opening, she yelled through it, "ARWIN! GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE- oh, hello." She lowered her volume when he popped his head around the corner. "Just a s-s-s-second, Ayra! I'm trying to g-g-g-get the suitcase to close."
"Need some help?"
"Y-Y-Y-Yeah." He sheepishly nodded.
She jumped to the back of the cave and peered around the corner, suddenly seeing the backpack with its contents strewn about haphazardly. She sighed. "I'll sit on it, and you close it."
He nodded, fumbling with the locks.
It wouldn't close, no matter how much they pushed and shoved their way into it.

Three hours of reorganizing and sorting through junk later, they FINALLY were able to close the luggage. With a grin of success, Arwin hugged his best friend. "C'mon! We can g-g-g-go now, Ayra."
She sighed. "No, it's too late. We can't just leave will be nightfall by the time we get there. It's too late, Arwin. It's just...too late."
He sat down beside her, his tail drooping dejectedly. "S-S-S-Sorry. I didn't mean to -"
"You didn't do anything," she said with a smile. "Besides, it's probably for the best. My new sibling was going to join us, and I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet, so...that sort of puts a damper on things. Plus, it's my parents, and we both know how I really don't get along with them very would have been awkward, trying to introduce you to them, as well."
He nodded. "I guess so."
A silence passed between them. With a sudden leap, Arwin glanced over at Ayra. "Well, it's almost d-d-d-dark. You wanna look at the stars?"
Ayra smiled. "Sure. Why not?"

While the day started out sour, it ended pretty well, Ayra thought with a smile, laying beside her best friend on the grassy knoll outside of the cave system as they stared up at the stars.
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