Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepting!)

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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby dead_yes » Mon May 08, 2017 2:27 pm

Maria she shifted back in her seat once P.B. transformed noticing the other bot which she noticed P.B. seemed to be hostile to making her slightly more on edge but she calmed down upon seeing another human and meltdown in the same area but she still felt the tension even though P.B. was back to his previous form although she notice his doors was lock but she assumed it was for safety reasons for her which eased her even more
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby O.G. » Thu May 11, 2017 1:19 pm

(( Haze will hate it. XD ))

There was a creeping feeling of disappointment which sank deep into the innermost parts of Whiteout the very moment the hulking blue Autobot transformed before him, eyes blazing the most unexpected color of red. In the quiet of his lap, he inconspicuously attempted to prepare his weaponry system, with limited results, and he couldn't help but think that he was missing something. He reflected back on his life and considered it fulfilling. He had spent his first years as a nameless drone, and then he had broken away and begun his real life, one of black markets, espionage and thieving, and eventually assassinations. He had travelled entire galaxies, learned over a million languages and cultures, collected countless souvenirs yet...forget that this death was going to be humiliating, there was a hole somewhere that he couldn't see so much as he could feel. A familiar presence, lost; his most wonderful moments, shattered. His desire was strong to chase after the mystery. It had everything to do with that blue Veyron femme, everything to do with the strange flashbacks he was trying to deny. He wasn't much one for wondering about the afterlife, but he wondered if, there, all of his unsatisfying secrets would be revealed and haunt him forever. Not good last thoughts, he supposed. So he thought of high grade, gambling, and femmes instead.

However, he stopped mid-thought as he saw Kat leap from where he had expected her to remain hidden. He didn't reach out to save her. In fact, for a fraction of a moment, he considered using the unexpected distraction to Pacific Breakdown as the perfect opportunity for a sloppy escape (a personal tour guide wasn't worth his life, after all). However, he hesitated that fraction of a second long enough to realize that the wrecker was calming down. In fact, his eyes literally changed colors and his expression dropped. Whiteout decided he would likely live if he stayed, and, curious enough to take the risk, he made not a twitch to run or fly. He took in the scene as a whole--Kat's puffed chest, Pacific Breakdown's amusement, Meltdown's obvious, silent communication with his partner. Whiteout didn't have to time to tap in on the frequency in his state, but he was content enough to watch until, at last, Pacific Breakdown folded himself back up to his harmless vehicle mode, where his windows revealed a female human inside. He grinned wryly. "See? No need to fight. We have a soft spot for the same things." He gestured down to Kat, who he nodded in thanks toward. His grin extended to her shortly. "I'm just glad you didn't tell him to pick on someone his own size," he joked before balancing his gaze between his more precarious company.

"It's actually pretty convenient you showed up, Two Ton. As it turns out, I was just about to repay your partner for his repair job with a few secrets about the Decepticons, which, contrary to popular belief among your paranoid Autobot kind, I never had a willing affiliation with." A tiny fraction of his perpetual annoyance at such a fact slipped out into his tone and flashed across his cool optics. "I'll even answer a few of your questions if you want. I think that's a fair trade for my life," he resigned, feeling generous with his newfound freedom from what had seemed to be his eternal Decepticon bondage. He'd sell them out for nothing more than a pat on the back and a congratulation, though he decided not to mention that. He'd like to milk his opportunities for everything he could get, though, for these two, he figured he owed them a few answers for their kindness, if it could really be called that.

He relaxed back into the rock he was propped against, looking expectantly from minion to truck. "So, who wants to go first?" He glanced down to Kat then, who looked a little woozy from her daring act of heroism. He smirked faintly. "And I'll try to squeeze in a bit of background where I can," he promised, reassuring her that he hadn't forgotten.

Shockwave waited and received a satisfactory reply from Nightshade. Even if he had not been looking for an opportunity to work privately with Arachnid, he would have appreciated her agreement. The last thing he would want would be a small army of Autobots ransacking his best stronghold on the planet. He would likely not escape such a siege.

He turned back around to face the main computer system in time for Nightshade to pause and address him. He inclined his helm to look at her, hesitated, and then bowed his helm without a word. She was gone before he could complete the gesture, and Pharma was hot on her trail. As the lab's automatic security system locked the several stages of entrance, Shockwave could not help but to hesitate and to ponder what Nightshade thought of him. Clearly, she was suspicious, though it was next to impossible for her to understand his treacherous intent. Perhaps she had a mere inkling, though he had learned that inklings could grow into suspicions, and suspicions to convictions. They were dangerous in the sparks of volatile bots like Nightshade, and he would make careful note of that. Perhaps he should spend some of his time pondering how he might gain her trust. After all, he had remained loyal to Megatron until the end. If he could convince her of a parallel loyalty, perhaps he could manage a safer situation for himself.

Waiting until the energy signals of both Nightshade and Pharma were distant on the radar, Shockwave kept it in his periphery as he turned to a secondary monitor and browsed its files for the synthetic energon formula. He found it effortlessly and isolated it before pasting it onto his lab's secure transmission board. Manipulating a few cloaking encryptions for good measure, Shockwave sent it directly to the computer of the lab Arachnid had overrun. He immediately erased all evidence of the message, encryptions, and destroyed the deletion files. He then went about his next order of business--to sever all remote and direct connections between this lab's computer and all of the others. The last thing he needed was Nightshade transporting critical information from his yet secret labs and eliminating his chances of a clean takeover.

The process was quick, efficient, and thorough. Soon enough, his mainframe and its offshoots in the lab were entirely isolated, his most precious secrets being left at no risk at being siphoned from the lab. He manipulated the evidence of this task as well, though did not outright delete it. Nightshade was clearly no fool, not completely. Few would accept that his labs were never interconnected. He made sure that his severing of their ties was placed in his computer's history several years prior to now and would pass it off as a precaution he had made shortly after the war to ensure that no Autobot could get their hands on any critical information with any ease.

His dirty work done, Shockwave kept an eye on the radar and the activity on it as Nightshade and Pharma reached the Deception ship and decided to do what he had stated he would. After all, the task would be a much greater hassle with a small army crammed inside of his lab, and he wanted Nightshade to rely on him for his precision and efficiency in his work. He would have the lab up and running at full functionality before Nightshade returned, he would make sure of it.

Hijack followed his queen, eyes scanning across the desert landscape below. Its lifeless quality made the lone Autobot traveling the wilderness' empty roads all the more conspicuous. Hijack could sense that this was the one Arachnid wanted him to attack and so immediately surveyed the area. He noticed a gorge the Autobot would likely take cover in just as Arachnid gave him and the others her official orders. He replied through their comm. link with an affirmative tone before, understanding that Arachnid had put him in control of the accompanying soldiers, silently directing them to follow as he diverged from his motionless queen. By then, as Arachnid urged them on, the Autobot had spotted him and his two soldiers and began blasting at them haphazardly. He dodged the hasty shots with precision, circling around he top of the gorge like a vulture, scanning for access points and structural vulnerabilities. He soon found the vulnerability he was looking for.

He sent a silent transmission for his following soldiers to fly low in the gorge and push the Autobot back to a specific coordinate. Their hulking forms were soon diving into the depths, the deafening droning of their sleek wings reverberating up from the winding canyon. This took the heat off of Hijack as he veered out of sight of the Autobot below, speeding to a point beyond the coordinates he had indicated. He perched himself on an overlooking precipice, wings folded precisely atop his back, unseen eyes watching intently as the unwitting Autobot asked closer and closer to a fractured formation jutting out precariously from the wall of the gorge. Once the Autobot was beneath it, Hijack ordered the soldiers to pull straight up. They did so, and as they did, the Autobot's fire followed them exactly. Except his echoing blast could not follow them as they parted, and it struck the weakened formation above him and sent it crumbling. The boulders were too close to the ground to escape, though the Autobot tried. His right leg was soon crushed beneath a rock twice his size. Hijack ordered the soldiers to seize the Autobot from the front. The sounds of crossfire intensified, the gorge flashed with colors like a strobe light. The battle was too loud for the Autobot to hear as Hijack gently uplifted from his vantage point and swooped down into the canyon. As the soldiers converged upon the doomed Autobot, Hijack struck him from behind with the force of a small asteroid. The Autobot had no time to react but to yell out as the claws of his insectile feet sank beneath his plating and his abdomen arched and plunged its stinger forcefully beneath his heavily enforced spinal plating, where he released his incurable virus directly into processor's main energy conduit.

The takeover was immediate. Hijack could feel every cog, every wire in the Autobot as if it were his own. He could see as clearly into his victim's spark as he could his own, and his processor became flooded with the rush of the Autobot's final thoughts, all of which were coldly terminated and replaced. It was parasitism in its most pure form.

Hijack ordered the soldiers to stop in their assault immediately, filtering in a large amount of air as he felt the mind and the spark of his victim so easily submit to him. The feeling of symbiosis was intoxicating; everything was as it should be once more. Though Hijack had not lost sight of his mission or his intentions. He lifted his head up to peer into the glaring sky and up at his observing queen. The combined strength of the soldiers was enough to roll the boulder off of his victim's leg, and once it was, Hijack commanded to bot to rise and to kneel before his new queen. Hijack performed to same gesture.

Shatter had never led an army before, not alone, not without Jetstream. Was she frightened? Not really. Lonely? Extremely. The Decepticons were not a special type as a whole, and she did not prefer the mundane, the raucous for the sake of being raucous, the violent for the sake of violence. Of course, she could take solitude in those remaining Decepticons from the beginning of the war who had a real reason to be a part of the cause, the ones with some semblance of character. No such bots were on her cramped little ship, so far as she could surmise through the chaos of forcing a small army of belligerent Decepticons to bend to her will. Jetstream had been her last link to a spark with any uniqueness or any significant depth. She longed for his familiar presence now as she sat, isolated, in the cockpit of the autopilot ship. He was always stimulating company. She was eager for him to find her again.

As she sat, legs crossed, leaned over with her elbow resting on the control board and her chin in her hand, eyes staring lie a listless cat over the face of the fast approaching Earth, she ruminated over the unspoken tragedy of her situation. Surrounded by hundreds yet still perfectly alone. Perhaps it would suffice to settle for the averageness which she was surrounded by. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to make a temporary friend or two before Nightshade was actually found, though what was the definition of a friend truly? She could have pondered a question like that for hours, but, as it turned out, she had no such chance before she was sent leaping up out of her seat like a startled cat and shrieked at the sudden explosion, the sudden grating, the sudden screeching that pounded and scrapped into the very deepest part of her rattled core at an incoming decrypted message. Bullet. Crashing back down the the ground, now standing, she gripped the edge of the control board like a feral beast, seething as she cursed him at top volume. She overlooked the significance of the message and dug deep into her petty self. She flung herself furiously over to a particular section of the control board and accessed Earth's Data Net, flying through its tiny storage capacity and, as quick as lightning, selected a source of Earth music entitled, "The Four seasons: Spring" by a human musician designated Vivaldi. She connected the source to the ships loudspeakers and cranked it up full volume. The music sounded quite contradictory to what the bane of her existence had chosen to blow her audial receptors with, and, if she had to make an instantaneous guess, it was much more cultured--like her, in essence (if she really wanted to compare herself to a world of fleshy insects, though she refused to be so closed minded as to assume Earthlings insignificant).

"How about that, you little cretin?" she sneered to herself. Every moment of every cycle she wondered why she had ever been so presumptuous as to make Bullet, the most obnoxious being in the galaxy, her temporary second in command she would never know...Though it probably had something to do with the fact that he could subdue their passengers without the use of force. Hoping to the heavens her rebuttal was effective, Shatter climbed down from her petty high horse and decided to focus on the important matter, which all of the sudden caused her to gasp as she realized truly what Bullet had sent her. She rushed to another part of the control board to tap into the message frequency herself, and she did so just in time to receive rendezvous coordinates by Nightshade herself. Relief flooded her systems as sweetly as high grade. She redirected her ship's course to the prided coordinates and, with some subconscious regret, terminated the music she played over the intercom. She replaced it with her voice. "Decepticons, prepare for a landing on Earth! We have found Nightshade!" Primus was looking out for her; she wouldn't have to spend another Primus forsaken moment crammed in a ship with that insufferable Bullet. She would be purging her processor of the sounds of his blasting music for weeks.
Mods, please don't ban us! Me and Chibby-dono are siblings and we sometimes trade unfairly.

Formerly called I-am-CC.
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby Senrage » Mon May 15, 2017 8:06 pm

my servos whirr and click rotating in different ways, the clicking echoing off the cave wall as i watch for a moment
as lector attempts to dig her way out of the collapsed cave entrance only too have more dirt and more boulders fall from above undoing the work she had completed moment by moment-......huff... -I make a motion of exhaling exasperated before standing, small streams of sand and dust falling from the plates in my armor where I had been kneeling- ...... theres more to just blind revenge then what it seems.- stones cracking and machinery scraping as i begin to walk- you would leave a part of your family alone doing something similar to what was done. -i speak stepping up to the femme gripping her shoulder gentle but firm. in such a way that brings pause to the femme's movements- right after hope had once more been restored to her that she could see her captain again. shes to be left in the dark....only this time. alone.-i pause examining lectors reaction-......I know your spark burns with its shattered fragments once more scattered , raw with rage and sorrow. it is a thing time and patience must temper... {not a strong point of velocitronians" I think to my self amused without displaying it upon my features} lest it simply hurt your self and those you care for.

-I pause for a moment as i receive a transmission my eyes narrowing slightly-....your assassin seems to be in the care of your rather...multi sparked friend... going now would only give him a means to escape.... perhaps leaving another carcass of a friend behind in his rush to flee...-i pull lect from the wall turning her to face me- besides.... hes done just the same as you. he does not remember, he had those memories wiped and locked away... -i pause staring at the femme a vicious and bloothirsty darkness suddenly flashing and reflecting through my are not alone in desires for vengence, have no confusions on this. i have just as many reasons as you to take that assassin down, hell i could even get paid to do it.....-the darkness fades back being forced to the back of my mind- the only reason i haven't is because we have another pressing matter of which i wish to show you. -releasing my grip on the shoulder i leave the femme leaning against the wall- come.... i will show you exactly what would be more pressing then my revenge even when i had it in ..... a moments grasp....-a final shard of ice falls from within my forearm plating after i finish speaking. the spike of ice falling and sticking into the earth as if a dagger. its sound punctuating the end of my statement as i watch the femme while taking a step back onto the barren dusty floor-

-collecting the now assembled micro arsenal into their proper slots and launchers - right then....-i transform into my alternate form a old beaten up mustang equipped for war, revving the engines my tires grip the loose parts and bolts scattering then as they find grip, propelling me forward and right through a wall to the north where this mysterious decepticon signal seems to originate from, after several miles of travel through streets and allies which had transitioned into barren wastes and rocky mountain paths, following one particularly unused and decrepit path i come upon what also seems lie a meteor crater within a secluded basin it seems a formation of stone had jutted into the area from an earthquake effectively encapsulating the signal in layers of stone- huh.. explains why no one found it before the rocks had dampend the signal.....-i pause engine idling for a moment looking around the cliff sides- this is.... ferrite? or at least its ore form..... -i comment on the type of stone shifting from my alt form- hmmm... i could make loads of things with a load of ore like this! -i seem very pleased with myself totally off track for a moment before another weak ping of the signal pulse happens snapping me back to the take at hand- oh yeah. forgot about that. -i comment before looking at the encased area- looks like a massive crack allowed the signal to sneak through,, oh well luckily its ferite! -i immediately let loose a swarm of nanites which begin to completely disassemble the stone and iron deposits making quick work of the cluster of stone a small section of a escape or landing pod appears at first before the entire cryo chamber is exposed- huh been here awhile much? -i muse the signal now blasting at full strength now that its freed from its constraints- o fer cybertron's sake shut it! -i hit the defrost sequence button in annoyance just to get the signal to shut up- ah that's better.. -content-
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby KiraTamaru » Tue May 16, 2017 8:55 pm

Pacific let out a grumble of a response that he and Whiteout were to share any aspect of what could be seen as liked interests. He did, however, listen intently. He would allow Meltdown to take the lead. He wasn't much interested, not that he didn't care, but rather, he still didn't trust Whiteout. How much of what this 'con would say was truth, and which was lie? Though he certainly seemed grateful enough to still be alive, that was worth something, he was sure. So he stayed idle in his vehicle mode, saying through his radio for Maria only. "You've no need to be on edge, even if he is highly dangerous in a normal state, he can't do much in his current condition." he said as he continued to watch Whiteout.

Meltdown, after looking in at Maria for a moment, looked back to Whiteout and gave a light nod, his tail flicking lightly. He had already presented the questions he wanted to know earlier. It was a pain to create transmissions, but he compiled another for Whiteout to answer. He took into consideration the lack of knowledge that Kat had, and worked in the following questions for Whiteout to sift through; what is your purpose on earth? Do you still feel aligned with the decepticon cause? For now he kept it to those simple questions, though he had so very many questions, those were the ones that seemed important to the here and now. He sent the transmission, relaxing contently on P.B's hood, though ensuring that Maria could see out past him if she so wished. He did, however, watch curiously as the other human moved toward the injured former con. He knew that he at least seemed friendly enough toward this human, but couldn't help but be curious as to his general reaction to her, and thusly watched his every move. Not so much with suspension, but curiosity.

Kat smiled lightly at the joke that Whiteout had made. She supposed those would have indeed been a bad choice in words. She took a deep breath in before relaxing, and finally walked over and sat beside him, with her back to the rock. Looking back at the situation, she wondered how ridiculous she looked, a tiny human going up against a giant robot. One that seemed to make even her friend nervous. Though she did notice that there was another human inside this robot, now that he was in his truck form. She gave a small wave to the girl, wondering how she had managed to get involved in this giant mess that seemed to be life now. Not that she was complaining, she did, after all, have a perfectly good chance to simply turn her back on it, to just go to her junk shed and pretend it all had never happened. Yet here she was, waiting to hear about all that was in the past, his past at that. Though with this many robot's around, she couldn't help but notice the symbols on them. The blue truck and the cat robot had a red symbol, where as Whiteout had a purple one. She tilted her head, figuring that was the cause of the tension. She wondered what they meant, but held back her questions for now, as it seemed the cat robot was sending Whiteout some sort of silent message, as he seemed to have done before.

Lector clenched her fist as Concussion tried to soothe her, wanting to snap at him that it wasn't just blind revenge, it was revenge that she felt he had coming.. Though her words were cut short as he gripped her shoulder, making her pause for a moment. She did have her former medic back, it was, something. Though it hardly made up for her entire planet, it was still, something. She glared at him as he spoke of patience, something that no Velocitronian really had much of. Time was best spent doing what you needed, and quickly. She paused further at the mention of a multi-sparked friend, and wondered if he spoke of the large blue wrercker that had so temporarily teamed up with her. She blinked, at the fact that Whiteout's memories, too, were gone. No wonder he hadn't attacked her, or shown any sign of knowing her.. Idiot. What an idiot he was! Why should he be allowed to forget when she no longer had that luxury?! She hardly noticed the look that passed through Concussion's optic's, Rather, she grew impatient that he felt something else called for her attention, so soon after getting her own memories back. What use were her memories when he simply wanted to whisk her away to show her something else? She was thoroughly annoyed at being so cooped up in this damn earth cave. She didn't want to humor him, she didn't want to spend another moment here, where she couldn't even get the satisfaction of driving fast. The lack of movement bothering her the most as she began to follow, if only so that she could move. Holding still for too long bothered her. "If I humor you and look into your pressing matter, will you then allow me out of this damned cave?" She grumbled unhappily, her spark still throbbing with pain, making her unnaturally irritable.

Arachnid watched the whole charade from a distance, intrigued at how smoothly it all went down. Autobot's were so easy to corral, it almost took the fun of hunting them away. Even still, as she watched Hijack take over the Autobot, she couldn't help but smile to herself as she landed, transforming back to her bipedal bot form "Very good Hijack. You have served your queen well." she said in almost a purr as she walked over to the two that bowed before her, looking approvingly at the Autobot, feeling her control over him, through Hijack. She gave a curt nod "Do you have access to this 'bot's memories? To the information that they held before you took over?" She asked as she watched the two of them. Being able to take over a 'bot was one thing, but to have all their information was a luxury she would surely enjoy having for her own. If that were to be the case, she could take over Shockwave, without fear of losing any of his precious data that she may need.

Nightshade soon transformed and landed near the location that she had sent to the ship. She suspected it to be hers, and awaited to see if it really was her army long due to her. She made sure that her own location was hidden from view, just on the off chance that the vessel had been taken over by Autobot's. If it was, she would have the drop of them. She kept in mind that she alone couldn't take on a small army, but with the element of surprise, she could surely sabotage the ship on which they road. Her and Pharma both could do even more damage, if the 'con with her could be trusted. She glanced to him, signalling him to stay hidden from view as she watched for the ship.

Bullet burst into laughter as he heard the screeching that he knew he had caused, and was not surprised at all at the retaliation. About time he got her to pay attention to music! Even if it was a rather boring choice in music. He hooted and laughed in his amusement at the way that he so easily managed to get under her plating. As soon as he got himself together, he stood up right and turned his own music off before walking to the control room. He could hear her as she gasped, finally paying attention to what he had sent her. As he heard her move around, he stepped into the doorway just as the music was shut off, a wide grin on his face. "Aww, how come you never look this excited whenever I come around~?" He asked in a teasing tone, he knew exactly the reason. "How long until we reach the coordinates?" He asked, not really caring much for the when's or the why's. He more so was interested in simply making small talk with her, knowing that his just being around for too long seemed to get under her plating. And with his earlier message, she would be sure to be in a good mood to see him. He had to admit, he never really had this much fun when with the Autobot's, but then, he didn't spite the Autobot's like he did the Decepticon's, not that he would ever let anybody on this ship know that little fact.

Twinstrike leaped up at the sudden music that played, probably in retaliation to Bullet's ruckus. She had transformed into her bipedal form in her shock, and blinked as she looked around a bit to see if anybody had seen her jump scare. Satisfied that nobody had, she calmed down. Flux speaking up in her mind "Wow, Bullet must really have annoyed Shatter to get such a response. What an idiot he is!" before Vortex replied "What a strange hobby to pick up." Twinstrike shook her head, before hearing news that they had finally found Nightshade. Her sparks lept a bit, as she couldn't help but wonder if their creator would be with Nightshade. Even if not, they knew that their creator had served under Megatron, so news of his daughter was enough to get her rather excited. Enough so that she didn't feel much like idling any longer, and took a walk down the hallways. She passed the control room, and caught a snip of what sounded like Bullet continuing to harass Shatter. How he was still alive was beyond her, with how often he seemed to push his luck with Shatter's patience.
What can I say, I love the merc with the mouth, and I love transformers~
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Fangirl, out~
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby O.G. » Sun May 21, 2017 9:40 am

(( Hey guys, just letting you know my wifi's out. I have no clue when it will be back on, but I might not be able to even start responding again for a few days. I'll be back once the wifi is! Sorry about the inconvenience. ))

Whiteout smirked faintly at Pacific Breakdown's grumble of a response to his observation of their shared interest, not that he really gave the lumbering wrecker the kind of credit to assume his interest for foreign lifeforms was as deep as his own. His smirk almost became a laugh when it seemed the the Autobot was so begrudging of the insignia on his chassis that he wouldn't even talk. Ridiculous. The Autobots were nothing more than a fanciful group of tantrum-throwing sparkling all looking to play superhero. He supposed they were a rather fitting adversary to the Decepticons, who were basically the same, only they wanted to play super villain. This was why he hated large factions; this was why he worked alone.

He turned the brunt of his attention to Meltdown where idled comfortably on Pacific Breakdown's hood, receiving his transmissions smoothly. Stupid questions to ask, he though. Especially the second one. How many times did he have to say he was not a Decepticon for others to believe it? He decidedly refrained from commenting on his opinion over Meltdown's interrogative skills. He had a feeling, however, he might need to voluntarily sprinkle in a few important tidbits if he truly wanted on the good side of this dynamic duo. He was feeling rather fickle at the moment, and he wasn't sure how much he wanted their favor. The cat he liked; the big blue guy not so much.

"What is my purpose on Earth?" An echo to give Kat some context. "Well, I was never required by Megatron to come to Earth while the war was being waged here so, when it ended I thought I'd seize my chance to visit this lucky little rock. I am a mech of travel, after all." This was the simple answer. He figured, during the course of his answer to the second question, he would try to explain a little to Kat. "And do I still feel aligned with the Decepticon cause?" He looked down to Kat first, motioning for her to look at the insignias on the two Autobots and then to look at his own. "You see, back on our planet --Cybertron--, there was this big underground uprising against this sort of oppressive caste system that kept the high class high and the low class low. This gladiator who called himself Megatron started it all, and, long story short, he befriended a mech who stole his glory by becoming a Prime, Optimus Prime to be exact--which is a big deal. They both had opposing views as to eradicate the caste system and ended up pitted in a war against one another, which eventually killed our planet. Megatron then went scouring the galaxy, more or less, for an alternate world to overtake, which incidentally was Earth, but he surrendered to Optimus Prime so, don't be too scared. Oh, and Megatron called his faction the Decepticons," Whiteout motioned to his insignia for her to make the connection, "and Optimus Prime called his followers Autobots." He motioned to Pacific Breakdown and Meltdown. Then, feeling his brief history of the last few millennia sufficed, he looked back up to Meltdown, though he fully anticipated that Kat would continue listening.

"Anyway, as I have repeatedly told you, my spark isn't in the Decepticon cause. I was forced into their ranks against my will, and now that their leadership and ranks are shattered I intend to return to a life of freedom, and, no, I won't join you Autobots, thanks for asking." He flashed a bit of a bitter grin, hoping to save himself that stupid appeal half of the Autobots he'd ever met had come to him with. "Come on. Those were the boring questions. I'm here all day gentlemen; don't be shy." He quirked a more typical, cocky grin and shifted his gaze between the two bots before him.

Hijack listened as his queen landed before him and his latest victim, his wings giving that signature shudder when she praised him for his work. After a moment, he lifted his head to look up at his queen, though remained kneeling. He hesitated upon her question, seeing it as difficult to fully answer. "...Yes," he answered at last, but shook his head. "Dangerous," he added, "Roles can...reverse." It was the one risk to overtaking the mins of others. If every part of their spark and mind was not irradiated instantly, if one were to entertain the idea of exploring the others mind for any length of time, they became susceptible to kickback. If the victim was a fighter, it was possible that they seize control of their attacker's mind. He had seen it happen in others like him, others that were more curious of their prey than he knew to be.

Shatter grated her teeth when she heard the tell-tale stride of Bullet's. It wasn't so different than everyone else's but she had a certain affinity for learning the sounds of those she hated the most. "Don't play stupid, Bullet," she snapped. Then, she suddenly paused and produced a thoughtful hum. "Well, unless it's not an act." She smirked at her own joke despite her edginess. She never knew when Bullet might start blaring his insufferable music again; he seemed to do so at the most inappropriate times. She did settle down slightly when Bullet asked a question resembling some form of slight intelligence. She sat back down in her pilot's seat, lounging not too unlike an annoyed but lazy cat. "An hour. Tops. And you'd best be on your best behavior in front of our new leader. One wrong move and I will personally see to it that you die. I will not be made to look a fool." She glared at him fiercely as she said this. The inevitable had nearly been lost in this war, and she was not about to lose its favor by being made to look like an imbecile. She had plans, and Bullet's shenanigans were not a part of them. In fact, she was suspicious of the bombastic little toad, though she would only mention them to Nightshade when the time was right and if this daughter of Megatron would even prove to be legitimate.

An hour came and went, and Shatter spent every moment of it anxiously. The ship had entered Earth's atmosphere minutes ago and it was now barreling towards the coordinates Nightshade had provided. Shatter was concentrating heavily, gauging distance and velocity. As a flyer herself, she was an expert at making judgements in the air so, she knew precisely when to kill the secondary and then primary thrusters in favor of the landing ones. With precision she landed the warcraft to the sandy desert, and as she did there was no mistaking Nightshade's energy signature on the radar, as well as the old Decepticon Pharma's. Giving Bullet a threatening glance so that he might not do anything too stupid, she activated the ship's intercom again. "We have landed at the coordinates Nightshade had provided. Everyone remain on the ship until otherwise prompted," she instructed curtly, signing off as quickly as she had signed on. She swiveled to face Bullet sharply, motioning with her cleanly filed digits for him to accompany her. "Come on, Base Drop. Just remember what I said about making me look a fool." She would have much preferred to leave hi behind, but she had made him her second in command and had decided it would be unprofessional to bring him, no matter how she despised his presence. Without another word, Shatter activated the ship's exit shaft. When both she and Bullet had stepped onto it, the hydraulic lift lowered them out from the bottom of the ship and to the ground. Shatter was the first off, her eyes cutting immediately in the direction the ship had detected Decepticon energy signals.

Haze came to slowly, processor whirring groggily back to life, joints aching where they were slowly freed from their cryogenic tomb. All at once he fell forward when the ice broke away, colliding to the ground with a mighty rumble. He caught himself on his hands and knees, groaning. He remembered his situation slowly. His hidden lab had been compromised, his orders had been to stand his ground and secure his work at all costs. His team and soldiers alike had been scrambling, overwhelmed. He had been sprinting though the chaos, relaying split second orders and fighting his way desperately through the havoc to save his precious data. His second in command had sprung on him, pushing him into the cyro-pod and launching him into space...Now he had landed. He was free. But by whose hand?

Haze performed a self-evaluation, his systems still groggy, before daring to activate his echo-location device, implanted securely within his processor. He immediately discovered a looming figure and shot up to his knees to face the stranger. All recognition scanners placed him as an Autobot ally. He reached back and yanked the machine gun from his back, a deafening whir emanating from it as its barrel began to spin at a blurring speed. He trained it at the figure which echoed back to him, climbing to his feet.

"You Autobots don't know when to keep to your own business," he chastised, his finger twitching above the trigger. "Though in this case...I must thank you. Your faction will not." He open fired. It was not like him to pay back apparent acts of mercy with violence. He was an eye for an eye sort of mech, but this was a different situation. He was confused, disorientated. He had no clue where he was, if there were any Decepticons to rendezvous with. He was weak, and he could not allow enemies to live so long as he was.
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby Senrage » Mon May 22, 2017 4:54 pm

-i mediately I raise my arm as the spray of bullets scream and blast into - I just built this arm dangit! -i state annoyed as bullets dent richochet and crack through the armor plating into the it swarms of Nanites erupting from the holes as something additional launches through the Nanites smoke right underneath hazes legs- you damn brat you need to be far more careful who you point your gun at... - there's now sufficient nanite density in the air to suspend and dissolve all rounds coming from hazes gun right before an extremely high pitched scream erupts directly below haze as the object launched before powers up. In a mere second. The squeal completely scrambles the echo location right before a massive magnetic drag Yanks not only the rifle out of hazes hands but a majority of the armor plating from the bottom half of his limbs are completely stripped along with several connectors to joints and otherwise-.........
-lowering my now heavy shredded arm scraps of metal falling out along with a green glowing energon Infused fluid. All the while my identification signal changes-....... I'm no autobot you ungrateful brat. I'm... More. -the signal starts changing extremely rapidly mixed together decepticon, autobot. Organic. Non organic dozens of different identification markers flood the signal lines even several well known markers of bots decepticon and other wise even some you've known who had ether been Kia or went missing-........ I suppose ignorance is bliss.. -my demeanor cold and calculating as the Nanites swarm around haze several dozen scanning others burrowing into the canisters and energon lines-.... Hoh.. you carry some interesting in stuff there. A chemist by trade?

I start on my way down into the depths of the cave the radiating glow of my servos providing just enough light in the gloom for night vision to work-....... I'll make this quick.
As I know velocitronians arnt known for patience. Let alone sitting still. -i smirk amused- remember the energon from above? The one that briefly reactivated and recharged? The energon formations on this planet are.... For lack of a better word. Growing. -i pause for a moment to push my shoulder against a large boulder the groan of metal is heard momentarily before I push the stone aside revealing some form of machinery that's been... Infested with some sort of organic material.- Something ether has awakened. Or we have a visitor. Whichever it is... It's trouble. -i step into the tunnel a distinct squishing sound of something organic being crushed- the reason I say that is as such.. -i lead deeper I to the complex halting near some massive pillar which looks uneven in texture. The mystery is short lived as I expose the object it's a massive pillar of parts and bones. Cybertronian, human and dozens. Perhaps hundreds of other races- has an appetite. Unfortunately or fortunately it also seems to have a secretion which both energizes depleted energon or even over charges it causing it to grow. -i pause tracing along a mandible of a rather massive creature- The bad news of that is this planet is now turning into a pressure cooker.
All that energy is literally cooking the planet... From the inside out. Hence. Slightly more pressing. -i state turning to look at lector my eyes glowing golden in the dark-
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby Neon sparks » Wed May 24, 2017 10:53 am

pharma landed just behind her, transforming a bit in the air and landing on his peds with a thud, kicking up dust. "so this is the place... where is everybot" he stayed where he was a good pace behind the larger femme
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby Senrage » Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:10 am

( hmm... Wonder where Kira has run off to)
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby KiraTamaru » Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:56 pm

(Sorry for the delay! Had to get my stuff together~ xD))

Meltdown listened, and nodded lightly as he received his answers, finding that the history was a bit skewed in favor of Megatron, There were a few more questions he had, and he compiled them as such. "When and how did you decide to use liquid nitrogen as your weapon of choice? How is it that the decepticon's imprisoned you, rather than killing you off? What is the last bit of intel you have on decepticon whereabouts?" and thusly sent off that message. He always made sure to send it to both Whiteout and PB, not wanting to keep the lumbering bot out of his transmissions. As usual, the big bot kept silent during all of this. Even when among comrades, the big guy was always on the silent side of the conversation.

Kat listened on baited breath, taking in all the information as best she could. She had suspected that these robots were man made, not.. Aliens. Though it made much more sense that they were as such. She watched and listened to all the interactions with open curiosity, She wanted to know what their planet was like, and how they were made. Were they born, similar to humans? Or were they made? She bit back her questions though, knowing that it was Meltdown's turn to ask questions. With luck, she would have a chance later on to ask Whiteout. For now she would listen to the answers he gave to the seemingly silent cat robot. Err.. Autobot in this case.

Lector begrudginly followed along, nearly taking the lead several times in her haste, but managing to hold back enough for him to explain what was happening. She heard him, sure, but it wasn't the focus. She even hardly noticed when something organic crunched beneath his feet. She looked up in slight horror as she realized what was happening, the memories of Whiteout suddenly at the back of her mind as she took in all this new information. "What... What is going on..? What is this.. Thing going to do to this planet...?" She asked Concussion.

Arachnid took in the information, nodding as she considered the consequences of the role reversal. "I see.. We must return to base, and find out if that bumbling scientist has made good on his word." She said as she leaped up and transformed, taking off without waiting for her followers as she headed back to her new base, transforming again once she was inside, moving to check the monitors, finding happily that he had indeed followed through. She would have the formula ready for Hijack immediately, she was, after all, not one to wait.

Nightshade was satisfied to see that the ship indeed was a vessel that belonged to the Decepticon's, and regally stepped forward to appraise the leaders of the ship. She vaguely recognized the both of them. She walked forward to greet them, a small smirk on her face. "Ahh, Shatter, and Bullet, if I remember correctly." She said as she appraised the both of them. She knew Bullet well as a spy. For this, she was always wary of him, though she had only read up on him. The same had gone toward Shatter, as she had never formally met either of them. "Good of you two to join my ranks here on this desolated planet." She said "How much of the decepticon Army do you have on this ship?" She asked, getting right to the point, never much one to bother with small talk.

Bullet couldn't help but try and put on an innocent look, as if he would never do anything to make her look a fool. Low enough that only Shatter would hear him, he replied "You do enough to make yourself a fool without my help." Before straightening up as Nightshade approached them. He would let Shatter talk for the both of them, being second in command, he didn't feel the need to talk out of place, not in front of somecon as high up as Nightshade. Even he knew better than to talk back or make jokes in this situation, not to her. He valued his spark too much to try and get away with any backhanded comments. So he stood straight and listened to the interactions between the both of them.

Twinstrike changed back into her vehicle mode, waiting patiently after getting the command to wait "Do you think that the rest of the decepticon resistance is here?" asked Flux, one particular con in mind "I do so hope so, though we shouldn't get our hopes too high." replied Shatter. So there they sat, quietly waiting further orders, making small talk with only themselves. Outwardly, Twinstrike was silent, just sitting there.
What can I say, I love the merc with the mouth, and I love transformers~
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Re: Transformers Post Prime Rp! Renewed!(Open/Always Accepti

Postby Neon sparks » Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:11 am

pharma watched quietly as the others spoke, taking note on who was bullet and who was shatter as he had never personally met or known ether of them. he didn't bother with introductions however as nightshade had already gone into conversation with the two and it would likely be painful to interrupt her.
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