✧✦A Glass Half Full✦✧ (DNP)

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Growing Up - Glass' Timeline

Postby Yugi » Thu May 18, 2017 4:23 pm

Age 0 - 7 wrote:Glass was born in Washington to two very caring parents. He was their only child, despite that they always talked about having more to increase their family's size. Even when he was born, his family has always struggled financially; they could never really afford items of leisure, regardless if they wanted to purchase them anyways. Because of this, Glass never really had the chance to experience life like many other children his age, but he never minded it. Just because his family couldn't afford expensive toys or gadgets, it didn't mean that he still couldn't have fun as a child.

Instead of begging for his parents to purchase him items, he would find use in various objects that he found around him. Even if its use didn't seem practical right away, he continued on with it as best as he could until his idea came to life. Long pieces of string would become elaborate kites that flew low to the ground, random twigs that he would collect off the ground would become various magical animals desperate for a home, and water bottles would instead be massive aquariums teeming with life. His imagination allowed him to soar socially, as the other children would want to play with the things he created as well. Even if he was still teased every once in a while by others, he didn't mind it at all. He would never let anyone else restrict his creativity for any reason, especially since it brought both him and the others who he cherished large smiles that would constantly decorate their faces.

Glass spent seven years of his youth growing up in Washington, in which he made many close relationships with other kids, including neighbors and other fellow classmates. A lot of friends were in a similar predicament as his family was, at least in terms of money. They looked up to Glass as a way to have fun with barely anything, and they appreciated him for his kind efforts. Before they met Glass, quite a few of them were jealous of other kids, causing some of them to lash out in impractical ways. With Glass' creativity and help, they learned the error of their ways and started to find more productive activities to vent out their negative emotions. All of his friends depended on him, as he always knew what to do or say in a situation.

Ages 8-12 wrote:When his closest friends all learned about how he was moving away from Washington, it was obvious that every single one of them would be pained to know that there was no way to help Glass out. The young viscet was disappointed that he couldn't stay with his friends, and his friends were equally hurt to know that he was leaving so soon. They wanted to find a way to go with Glass, or at least offer him a way to stay in Washington. They were all completely heartbroken when he said his final goodbyes, hoping that they would all be able to stay in contact some way or another.

He moved to San Francisco when turned eight, as his parents couldn't afford to continue paying their apartment's rent. His parents had their work hours cut severely, causing them to lose more money than they were making. Even if they attempted to find a house to purchase, they wouldn't have been able to due to their severe lack of money; the money that they had stored and kept safe over the years had to be spent on the final rent that was due and other various bills. Hoping to be able to live a better life, they urgently called their nearest relatives to ask if they could find a place to stay. They weren't able to find any relatives who had the space to give to them in Washington, but a relative in San Francisco called them quickly to invite them over. The relative promised Glass' family that they could stay for as long as they needed to. While the move to a different state was big and scary to him and his family, they ultimately took their relative's offer, as they knew that there was nothing else for them to try to do. They had already exhausted all of their options, and they couldn't afford to stay in Washington any longer. They quit their jobs, packed everything they could possibly get into their car, and left with Glass, heading straight to California.

On their way there, Glass was eerily quiet. Despite the fact that he was pretty timid as a kid, he always found something to talk about, especially when it came to his parents or friends. His mother was very concerned, even as her husband tried to relieve her worries. She tried to tell her son that she didn't want for them to move, especially as far as they were doing right now, but with each word that came from her mouth, Glass ignored each and every single one of them. It was as if she was attempting to talk to a brick wall; even when she tried to use both his real name and nickname, nothing would catch his attention. The car ride to San Francisco was unnerving to his whole family, and it was clear that none of them wanted to experience it.

When they finally arrived in San Francisco, everyone was exhausted. Glass was still acting different; he wasn't the sweet, caring, polite child that his parents were used to. Even when his relative offered him help to bring in his luggage, he snapped at them before running off to hide in their house. His mother ran in after him, searching the large house to find and try to comfort her son. It was no use, however; after finding him, he exploded into a tantrum and falsely blamed her for everything. This is when he got up from his hiding spot and ran out of the door, far away from the house, and getting lost in the process.

This is when he meets Beat, who would become one of his very first friend in San Francisco. Beat is able to encourage Glass to change his behavior, even just a little bit. Without her words of encouragement, Glass is pretty sure that he wouldn't have been able to go back home and apologize to his parents for how he acted. Glass clung to Beat over the many years he grew up in California, as she was the only one he truly trusted, at least until he was able to be introduced to other people. Even when he began school in San Francisco, he struggled with trusting other people; he was much too nervous to exit his newly made shell. He had shut himself off for too long, afraid that he wouldn't be able to make new relationships. Beat hated seeing Glass so afraid and upset, that she went out of her way to introduce him to her other closest friend, Yosuke. Despite Glass and Yosuke not sharing common interests, the three were able to successfully become a closely knitted group of friends right off the bat. This inspired the young Glass to attend school proudly, as well as being opened to new people.

Age 13 wrote:Beat's encouragement overall helped him befriend Barrett. While their initial relationship wasn't the absolute best, Glass wouldn't want to give up meeting the blue haired viscet at all. They bonded after an elaborate prank backfired on Glass; Barrett was supposed to be the victim of his little stunt, but he ended up severely miscalculating. Even after Barrett learned that he was the one who was supposed to originally be made fun of, he still extended a helping hand to Glass. He defended the younger boy, even putting him in the middle of insults and mockery, as he hated seeing other people get picked on relentlessly. With Barrett's lessons, Glass was able to learn to become a better person; from there on out, he swore that he would only use his creative, thrifty ways to help others instead of doing harm.

Ages 14 - 16 wrote:During this period of time, Glass had dedicated his life to bettering himself. With the help of his friends, Glass learned how to overcome most of his impatient, rude ways. He was feeling like his normal self again; all of the resentment that he felt towards his parents as a child had completely dissipated by now, and he was overjoyed to do so. He appreciated the fact that his parents still cared for him, despite how cruel he was to them before, especially during the beginning of their new life in San Francisco. Glass, even though he struggled with school, was also able to learn how to buckle down and study hard. He would often go to Barrett and Yosuke for tutoring or studying, as they both understood the lessons more than he did. Both of their explanations, tips, and overall aid allowed Glass to pass his classes with B's and A's, which was quite the difference to his usual D+'s and C-'s.

Beat was also there for emotional support when he absolutely needed it. Regardless of what he was upset about, she was always there to help him through hard times with her usual cheery ways. While the two were super close even before entering high school with each other, they both felt as if their relationship grew much more now. They hung out on a daily basis, either by themselves or with an addition of Yosuke and Barrett. She also allowed Glass to have his much needed escapes from time to time, in which they typically pulled dangerous stunts on their rollerblades without the other two viscets knowing, as they knew that they would throw a fit if they heard about it.

Age 17 wrote:When Barrett graduated from their high school, he had also met the rest of Glass' younger friends. He asked Yosuke to make a promise to him to watch over Glass while he's gone. At first, the group of three didn't understand what he meant by "gone," as Barrett refused to explain it any further. He just simply requested that Yosuke made sure that Glass wouldn't get into any trouble, and that the boy, while older than the other two, really needed a mentor to exist in his life. It was only a little bit later on that year that Barrett would inform Glass and the others that he had joined the Peace Corps, which was the reason behind his temporary leave. He had left for training, which made it difficult for him to call his closest friends, and especially to get into contact with Glass.

Age 18 wrote:After Glass was able to successfully graduate from high school, Barrett was allowed to call and travel freely as he was no longer buried with various training duties. When he called up the younger viscet for the first time in a year, he brought exciting news; one, that he was returning back home, and two, that he wanted to introduce Glass to one of his closest friends. This was where Glass had the opportunity to meet the tall, lanky viscet, Keaton. Although the gap between their ages was pretty alarming to Glass, especially seeing that he couldn't believe the white haired viscet could be that much older than he was, the two were able to begin a successful friendship between each other. Keaton wasn't as strict as Barrett was towards him, so he appreciated that fact quite a bit. With Keaton's tips, Glass was in the process of learning how to think positively one hundred percent of the time.

Glass focused on relaxing and enjoying his time during this year; he had no real plans of going to college as he and his family couldn't afford to send him there. Glass also offered to work various side jobs in the meantime, which were all provided to him through the use of his friend's help. He would often do small things, like mowing other people's lawns, caring for their pets, baby sitting, and so on, allowing him to make pocket change to help his family with. He never really enjoyed these odd jobs, but he did it anyways as a way to keep himself busy and his family happy. He hoped that, one day, he would be able to find a job he truly was passionate about.

Age 19 wrote:Barrett returned back to San Francisco on a monthly basis; he would always return on the first Saturday of every month to meet up with Glass and his other close friends. After Glass had turned 19, Barrett visited him shortly after in the following month with exciting news: he wanted Glass to join him and Keaton in the Peace Corps. Of course, the young viscet was absolutely excited to join an organization who shared similar interests in him, and he immediately answered yes without putting much thought into it. Barrett promptly returned back to the Peace Corp's home base to relay the news to it's chief. Within a few following months, Barrett was able to fully volunteer Glass; both him and Keaton were given permission to join the Peace Corps and travel to their mother base.

Glass took his time to say his temporary good byes to Yosuke and Beat. Yosuke took it well; in fact, he was pleased to hear that Glass was able to pursue something that he was interested in. He disliked seeing Glass look so bored with what he was invested in currently, so Yosuke was completely supportive of his decision. Beat, on the other hand, took it a little bit more hard. As much as she wanted to be supportive of Glass for following his dreams, she was worried about his well being. She knew that the Peace Corps had the potential to be dangerous; they all knew. The news reported updates on them constantly on the television and paper, telling stories about how they placed their lives on the line to save various towns and cities from being destroyed, or how they were attacked by groups that were against their ideas. Regardless of how Beat's personal views aligned with the Peace Corps, she didn't feel that placing herself in extreme danger like that would be an excellent one. In the end, however, Beat allowed Glass to go and volunteer for the corps, as long as he promised her that he would be safe.

Glass and Keaton joined each other to board one of the many Peace Corp's ships scheduled to head to the organization's mother base. This would be the last time they both would be in San Francisco two years straight.

Ages 19-21 wrote:Glass spent about two years in the Peace Corps. During the first few months of his time there, he spent a majority of his time training on their mother base alongside the chief, Camira. He met many new people and created various bonds with the other volunteer soldiers on the base as well. While this period of his life was interesting, fresh, and completely different to him, and he thoroughly enjoyed experiencing it, he did struggle quite a bit. His fear of enclosed spaces that was prominent when he was a very young child had came back out of nowhere to haunt him again.

After he was able to complete his training with the other volunteers, they were regularly put out on missions across the world. This continued on for the rest of his stay at the Peace Corp's base; a majority of the missions him and his squad were put onto involved rescuing people from natural disasters, helping distribute necessities, and running temporary shelters for those without homes. Very rarely did his missions include actual fighting, at least not until the very end of his stay.

In one of his final missions, the Peace Corps sent him and multiple units to look and rescue an important political figure who was apparently stranded in the desert. This was the only mission that Camira warned the squads being deployed that they might have to use their equipment to ensure the safe return for all of the units. Little did they know, the mission was actually a set up done by a conflicting organization that wanted to rid of the Peace Corps fully. On this mission, not only did Glass become critically injured, but he also was forced to live his nightmares.

In the end, Scylla, one of Camira's closest allies, swooped in to save him and the rest of the units stranded in the deadly desert. This was a sign to Glass that he still wasn't prepared for joining the Peace Corps; he was completely terrified from the whole experience. This is when he asked Keaton if he could request time away from the Peace Corps to travel back home. Thankfully, Camira allowed the two to return back to San Francisco as soon as they pleased. Once both of them were completely healed from their mission prior, they boarded one of the Peace Corp's ship and promptly traveled back to California.

Age 21 wrote:Glass, now back home, began to search for jobs that could support him. This is where Beat helped him get into the landscaping business with her mother. He was also able to rent out an apartment for him to live in for the time being, at least until he was able to find permanent housing. He was able to still live with his parents and relative, but he felt that having time away to focus on himself would be best. At this age, Glass also realized his feelings for Beat; they both found that they shared a mutual romantic interest in each other.

Glass had refocused himself once again; he wanted to continue on improving himself like usual. This time, he wanted to pursue activities that he was passionate about, as well as to learn how to keep his nightmares and fears under control. He also wanted to keep himself open to new relationships, as he enjoyed meeting new people in the Peace Corps. He wants to return to the organization one day since he truly did like his time there for the most part, as he's fully allowed to do so, but he fears that he still isn't prepared to be a soldier of peace for them.

For now, however, he plans on enjoying life and finding various ways to help other people around him without needing to volunteer for the peaceful organization.
Last edited by Yugi on Sun May 28, 2017 3:44 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Current Status

Postby Yugi » Thu May 18, 2017 4:24 pm

Glass today is still a friendly, gentle, and creative soul who has a mischievous, fun-loving side still attached to him. He has learned a lot about himself during the years he had grown in San Francisco and on the Peace Corp's home base. He has, however, changed dramatically in certain aspects of his character and personality, such as being more understanding to others, becoming slightly jaded to the realities of life, or getting himself into the habit of doing a specific action everyday. However, none of these have impacted him negatively in terms of his positive view on living and life.

He believes that he's excelling pretty well in life; while he may not be the richest individual with the fanciest gadgets and attire, he's thankful to have his own apartment, a job and hobbies he's passionate about, and friends that love him for who he is. He is also overjoyed with his romantic relationship with his girlfriend, Beat, seeing that he feels completely comfortable around her at all times. He doesn't feel like he could ask for anything more, seeing that he has everything that he ever wanted out of life.

His apartment, although small in size, is still quite homely. It's big enough for him to comfortably invite guests over temporarily, including a few for sleep overs. The community pool at his apartment is also wonderful to him as well, seeing that it provides him a quick and easy way to exercise throughout the day. Barely any of his neighbors uses the pool as they prefer to go to the nearby ocean, so it's also a good place to throw small parties at. In addition to his neighbors, they're also quite swell; his neighbors are quite the friendly bunch. The rent he has to pay is fine with him as well, seeing that it's a bit on the cheaper side. He was both surprised and thankful to see that his parents were completely fine with giving him enough money and aid to ensure he could rent out the apartment himself. To thank them, he invites them over on a weekly basis to enjoy a home cooked meal altogether; while he's not the best cook, he enjoys cooking with other people, especially his family.

His job is outstanding to him; he never truly thought he'd be interested in landscaping or gardening, but he thoroughly enjoys it so much to a point where he continues to do so in his spare time. His job also gives him enough pay to ensure that he can live in his apartment without starving or missing bills, which he is completely thankful for. Even though he could always use some spare cash, especially to donate to his friends or to give back to his family, he doesn't complain. As long as he can make enough, he'll be content at where he is. It's also extraordinary to Glass to see his own projects come to reality; while he's not much of a narcissist, he enjoys taking walks to finished landscaping projects that he worked on to enjoy looking at them. He's constantly proud of what he and the rest of the landscaping team is able to do, so it only feels right to enjoy it with everyone else. Working alongside Beat's mother is also entertaining; the two of them get along well, and their ideas always seem to be able to successfully build off one another.

He's still close to many of his old friends, with the exception of the ones he had made back in Washington; everyone he used to know had moved on with their lives, and Glass is surprisingly fine with it. While he still cherished his relationships with his buddies back in his birth state, he understands that people can change, and he's truthfully okay with that. He'd rather focus on the present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. A majority of the relationships he made in San Francisco is still with him today. He likes to visit his friends on a regular basis, often scheduling weekly or monthly meet ups with a few of them. Their relationships have only gotten stronger over the years, even with how much has changed around them all.
Last edited by Yugi on Sun May 28, 2017 3:44 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Glass' House

Postby Yugi » Thu May 18, 2017 4:24 pm

From this point on, you will be touring Glass' apartment home. You will be given the option to make your own decisions to visit different places within his apartment, or you can simply scroll all the way through. There's no specific order to this tour, and you may go and return to other places within this section of the form as you please.

Do note that there is an ending for his tour, which can be accessed at two specific rooms. It can also be achieved by scrolling through the tour instead of manually selecting the locations you'd like to go. These points can be easily found at the bottom of each post, alongside the links to other rooms; all you have to do is look for the "End" location.
Last edited by Yugi on Wed May 31, 2017 7:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Glass' House - Entrance

Postby Yugi » Sun May 28, 2017 3:44 pm

As you walked down the empty streets early on in the morning, you felt the cool ocean breeze drift by you. Walking up hill was one of the many difficult aspects of exploring San Francisco, but you didn't mind the long trek it took you to reach your friend's house. It had been years since you last saw the all too familiar viscet; walking up and down a few hills would be nothing compared to how you would feel when you finally got to see him. Besides, the weather was surprisingly nice for a day in San Francsico; there was barely any fog obscuring your view, allowing you to easily see and feel the warm sun on your body and clothes.

You kept on checking your cell phone to make sure that you were heading towards the right location. Your GPS system notified you that you were indeed very close to arriving to your friend's apartment. You walked a few more steps before fully arriving at a closed black gate in front of you. This was definitely the apartments he was living in. A little bit clueless on how to actually get the gate opened, you open up your contacts list to call your friend, asking if he could meet you outside and help yourself in. He was prompt at answering your call, and even quicker to race down the stairs to help open the locked gate door. He wore a big, eager smile on his face; he certainly hasn't changed one bit since you last saw him.

"Sorry about that; I forgot about the gate. But, uh, come on in! I hope your long walk didn't tire you out all that much! I'm excited to give you the full tour of my new apartment," Glass said to you as he locked the gate behind the both of you. In front of you was a medium sized, clean pool, which sat in the center of the apartment complex. There were a few toys scattered about the sides of the pool, specifically foam pool noodles and colorful boogie boards, probably belonging to the few children that inhabited some of the rooms in the complex.

When Glass was finished with the gate, he tapped your shoulder to get your attention before heading up to his apartment's door. You followed him up the single flight of stairs, continuing to chase after him around the balcony-like walkway. His movements were limber and quick, and due to how tired you were from your walk here, you could barely keep up with him, truthfully. But you didn't worry, as he was easy to spot and keep track of; he patiently waited by his door, which was numbered 238 in bold, black letters. Surrounding his front door were potted plants that nicely framed the entrance way, as well as a dark colored door mat that featured garden designs.

When you finally caught up with him, he opened his door wide for you, allowing you to enter first. You were quite surprised to see how nice the apartment actually was; you didn't expect it to be as big, and you definitely didn't expect it to be as clean. You always thought that Glass was kind of a disorganized person who didn't mind messes.

"You're free to set your stuff down on the couch to the left, alright? Don't worry about making a mess or anything. Oh, and before I forget, could you also take off your shoes and place them in the corner here? I don't want any dirt to be tracked into the house as I recently just cleaned," Glass said in his usual cheerful voice. You nodded, allowing yourself to fully enter the building as he closed the door behind you. He headed off to the right, into the kitchen area of the apartment building. You slipped off your shoes, placing them down onto a fairly empty metal rack; there was only two other pairs of shoes sitting on it. You also removed your jacket, placing it on the nearby coat hanger.

Perhaps you spoke a little bit too soon on the clean part; after standing in the middle part of the home, you saw that his couch was a tad bit messy. It certainly wasn't as messy as you still pictured him being, but it was also completely far from being perfectly clean. You picked up and scooted over gardening magazines, drawings, and various pieces of clothing on the couch before placing down your bag.

While standing at the kitchen sink, Glass shot you yet another warm smile. "Just let me know when you're ready to start the tour, alright? I'm making lunch for the both of us, but I'm perfectly ready when you are." You shot a smile back at him, nodding your head.

Where do you want to explore first?
Living Room
Kitchen And Dining Area
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Glass' House - Living Room

Postby Yugi » Sun May 28, 2017 4:04 pm

You decided to get a tour of the living room. You looked at the small section of the house closely to see what he had stored here, as you were quite interested in seeing how he had organized it. You were surprised to see how much furniture he was able to bring into this area to give it a homely feel, as it was quite small for a living room. But, as you continued to think, it made plenty of sense; he was the only person living here, after all, so he didn't require all that much space.

There was a nice sitting area for him and others to relax on; the couch was indeed soft and looked fairly new, despite having so much clutter stacked on top of it. Magazines, art pieces given to him by friends, and various articles of clothing, primarily neutral colored scarves and socks, were jumbled all over the comfy chair. The couch wasn't anything fancy. It was just a simple chair used for basic sitting; it didn't have features that allowed the bottom cushion to be kicked out to use as a leg rest, and the backs of the couch couldn't lean back, seeing that they were fully pressed against the wall nearby.

In front of the couch was a long, low coffee table; it too was decorated with similar clutter on the couch, although it was more like only just gardening magazines. There were newspaper clippings stored here; they appeared to be coupons that would provide discounts on gardening equipment, specifically gardening tools and soil.

There is also a small bookcase leaning against the wall, holding numerous movies of differing genres inside it. They didn't look like they were used all that much by Glass himself, as there were quite a few movies collecting dust on their covers. Other various areas were decorated with fake plants, which helped liven up the room a little bit. A single, tall lamp also sat in the corner, which was currently not being used.

On the wall in front of the couch and table sat an old, large television. It certainly wasn't hi-tech either, nor did it look like it was used all that much. When Glass noticed that you were staring at his TV, he approached you. He looked a bit embarrassed, seeing that he was nervously rubbing the back of his right shoulder.

"Ah, yeah, it was a gift from my parents. I feel bad for not using it all that much, but they insisted as they were getting a new TV themselves. I only keep it so my other friends can use it to hook up their game consoles to play when they come over. I don't even have cable, honestly, as it costs too much," he said, chuckling to himself. "There's a few movies that I have that we can watch though, if you're interested in doing so, of course. I don't have anything new necessarily, but I do have a few classics."

You nodded in response to him. Watching movies late at night with good pals always was a fun idea, and it would be a nice change of pace for both of you, seeing how busy you both have been these past few years. It was always a good idea to take it easy, especially seeing that the two of you finally got the chance to catch up with each other. Perhaps you will take him up on the offer later that day.

There was nothing more to see here, and there was nothing of particular interest. You had no questions about the room, so you decided it would be best to continue on with the tour.

That was all for this section of the house. Which room should you explore next?
Kitchen And Dining Area
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Glass' House - Kitchen + Dining Area

Postby Yugi » Tue May 30, 2017 8:41 am

You decided to tour the kitchen and dining area. This section of the house was a bit bigger than the living room, allowing for more items to be placed here. The kitchen and dining area weren't separated by a wall; the floor, however, signified the difference between the two rooms. The kitchen had black and white linoleum tiles lining the floor, allowing for messes to be easily cleaned up with a rag or mop. The dining room, on the other hand, had a shiny faux wood flooring; the wood appeared to be that of a birch tree, giving the room a light and airy feel to it. It complimented the cream colored walls fairly well too. At the end of the kitchen area sat a large kitchen island, which also help separated the two rooms further. The kitchen island had a nice, large sink that allowed for easy dish washing, as well as a smaller stove on one side. The other half of the island was just plain granite, allowing for people to easily eat on the dining room's side.

Looking closely now, you opted to explore the kitchen first. There were obvious signs of cooking going on, lining up with Glass' plans of cooking both of you lunch. He stood there, setting up bowls before giving you another warm smile. The kitchen area was indeed smaller than the dining room, but it was still spacious enough to guarantee that those who were cooking wouldn't catch themselves on the rounded corners of counter tops too easily. Black cabinets with doors made up of glass lined the top of the kitchen; he didn't have much stored in them, but you could still get peeks of dishes, bowls, and glassware in a few of the cabinets. A majority of them were empty, however. He didn't own anything fancy; they were just simple, modern dishes and glasses that he could easily use and wash when needed. Below the cabinets sat a white refrigerator, a stove top, an oven, and plenty of counter top space.

The refrigerator looked very old and well used; it was clear that it was a gift from his parents, as it still held a crumpled paper note on the side of it. The note included hopeful messages to Glass, as well as wishing him the best of luck in the apartment. Scribbled underneath his parent's writing were dates and times Glass had added himself, with the words "family get-together dates" labeled above it. You asked Glass if it was okay for you to look inside his fridge, and he happily allowed you to do so. He also offered you drinks and snacks from the fridge, if you wanted them.

You opened up the fridge's smaller top door, which kept all of the frozen foods he had purchased. Frozen vegetables and fruits made up the majority of what was inside the freezer, but you could also easily pinpoint other various snacks and deserts. Bundles of sweet, fruity Otter Pops sat in a neat corner near the top of the fridge; there were more purple colored pops than any other however, reminding you of his extreme dislike for grape flavored sweets. Frozen pizzas, chicken nuggets, and hamburger patties could also be spotted in the bunch.

You proceed to open the larger bottom door of the fridge after closing the top one. In this section, you saw fresh food and leftovers being stored here. Fresh fruits and vegetables sat in their own compartments, being completely separated from recently bought store meats. There were also colorful storage containers made of plastic filled with last night's dinner. This section of the fridge was a little more empty than the above section, but it did appear that he was cooking and eating enough. On the side of the refrigerator's door, you observed different kinds of condiments, dressings, sauces, and drinks resting there, ready to be used. The drinks ranged from apple flavored sodas, juice boxes, milk, and bottled water. Feeling a little bit parched yourself, you grabbed a plastic water bottle to drink from before closing the fridge fully.

You turned your attention to the stove top and oven. There wasn't all that much special about them; it looked as if the apartment already came with these two appliances. On the stove, there was two pots of boiling water; it appeared that he was making something with noodles and broth. On the counter top next to it was a wooden cutting board with a bunch of colorful ingredients on it. On closer inspection, you were able to make out all of the ingredients: white and pink fishcake, sliced boiled eggs, bean sprouts, seaweed, and chopped green onion were ready to be added.

The rest of the counter top didn't have anything of interest on it either; a wooden knife holder with knives, a plastic container filled with chopsticks, two loaves of French bread, and a microwave filled in the rest of the space. The drawers below the counter contained various utensils for both eating and cooking. The cabinets, on the other hand, were stocked with more food. One cabinet in particular held sugars and white rice, while a few others held snacks, primarily chips. There weren't that many sweet things to be found in his kitchen.

Once you were done exploring the kitchen, you shuffled over to the dining room. The wooden table that sat in the middle was rounded and covered with a washable square-cut black cloth to protect it from spills. Other than that, there wasn't much on top of the table. There were also five metal fold out chairs surrounding the table neatly, all of them being covered with a detachable cushion to make sitting on them more comfortable. Two more unused folding chairs were leaning against the wall as well. You decided to sit in one of the chairs at the table.

Fake plants, primarily flowers and trees, added color and accents in the corners along the wall. On the wall were multiple small picture frames, all holding photos filled with memories that Glass cherished. Most of them contained photos of him and his parents; a majority of them looked to be fairly recent. There were a handful of photos featuring Glass in his Peace Corp uniform with his group of close friends. There were a few Peace Corp photos that stood out to you though. One of them featured Glass and two other male viscets, while the other displayed him with a female viscet with super long hair and not in uniform.

Glass came over with a hot bowl of ramen in his glove covered hands. He placed one bowl down near you before racing over to get the other, which he placed on his side of the table.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting all that long," he said. "Feel free to eat up, alright? This ramen recipe was given to me by my father, so I do hope it tastes alright. Everything is fresh as I picked it up yesterday morning."

You thanked him for the meal, beginning to eat your share. It was a little bit too hot, so you had to take your time cooling down the noodles, broth, and fish cake. This gave you an opportunity to ask him about the photos on the wall.

"Ah, yeah, they are pretty recent, aren't they? My parents didn't want me to take any of the photos in their scrap book, so we went ahead and took some pictures together so I could use them to decorate the walls," Glass stated, chuckling at how funny it must have sounded. "The Peace Corp photos are a little bit older, of course. The huge group photo was given to me by one of my friends that I made there; she took so many to ensure that all of us would be able to have one to keep on our walls at the base. They're a great bunch of people, and I honestly hope that I can see them again sometime soon." He took a brief moment to eat some of his lunch while it was still fairly hot.

"The photo with me and two other guys was one that the chief of the Peace Corp took herself. The taller man with blue hair is Barrett; he personally asked Camira to take a few photos of us when I arrived to their base. The other guy is Keaton, who worked as a medic for the corps. That's the only photograph where we all had our eyes opened and none of us had a dorky face on; Barrett kept on accidentally blinking when the chief finally took the photos, and my smile went all weird since we had to all hold it for such a long while," he said, taking another break to eat more of his food. "The other picture is of me and a solider named Scylla. Apparently her and Camira are really close; Scylla isn't actually an official soldier necessarily, but Camira cherishes her efforts that she allows her to stay. A lot of the soldiers on base are terrified of her though. I would try to explain, but I don't think you'd believe me."

You decided it was best to not try to press him for information, even though you fully trusted Glass to speak the truth at all times. Besides, you were feeling fairly hungry at the moment, and the freshly prepared ramen was definitely calling your name. It was cooled off enough now, allowing you to dig right in and enjoy all of the flavors the dish had to bring. Even though you knew Glass to be a pretty mediocre chef when it came down to him creating his own recipes, he wasn't all that shabby in following instructions. You thanked Glass for the delicious meal as he began cleaning up the table, heading back into the kitchen.

With a full stomach, you decided that it was time to do something else, as there was nothing more here.

That was all for this section of the house. Which room should you explore next?
Living Room
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Glass' House - Bedroom

Postby Yugi » Tue May 30, 2017 1:59 pm

You decided to tour Glass' bedroom. The two of you walked through the hallway near the end of the apartment building, past a closed door that you assumed to be his bathroom on the left, and headed straight into his room on the right. His sleeping quarters was surprisingly spacious, especially for an apartment. Even with all of the stuff he had stored here, there was still plenty of space to walk around.

The bedroom consisted primarily of one medium sized bed, a door to his closet, a desk area, and an area dedicated to his pet bird. Glass didn't have any other clothing storage spaces other than the built in closet, which made sense as he didn't wear that many different outfits.

Seeing so many different areas of the room to explore, you began to ponder which area you would like to check out first.
Glass' Bed
Glass' Closet
Glass' Desk Area
Glass' Pet

Or, perhaps you would like to go back and tour the other areas instead?
Living Room
Kitchen And Dining Area
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Bedroom - Glass' Bed

Postby Yugi » Wed May 31, 2017 7:34 am

You decided to take a closer look at Glass' bed.

His bed was a comfortable size to fit Glass perfectly. It was just a regular bed with a simple black wooden frame accenting it; there wasn't anything fancy with the bed as a whole. Three large white pillows sat at the top of the bed, leaning against the frame. A comfy looking gray comforter covered most of the bed; it was neatly placed on top of the rest of his sheets instead of messily sprawled on it. You were surprised to see that Glass would actually be the type of person to make his bed, but, then again, perhaps he only did it to prepare for your visit.

There were also a few various things laying on top of his bed. A total of three plush creatures sat nearby the pristine pillows, all snuggling up with each other. One of them resembled Glass' pet bird; it was a light gray, yellow, and white with pink cheeks, all while having a simple blue ribbon tied around its neck. The ribbon had a note attached to it, featuring a heart drawing next to the name "Beat." Another one looked to be like a gray bird-like creature, but with the body and hind legs of a horse. It was certainly something that you haven't seen before, except in books and movies about mythological beings. This one had writing on the tag, reading "Barrett." The third plush was a bright yellow with a white stomach; it had black and green accents on it's face. It looked like a character from a popular game, but you couldn't quite place it. Like the first plush, it had a note attached to a ribbon around its neck. The note for this one read "Happy Birthday! - Yosuke."

The bedside cabinet had a few items of interest on top of it as well. Glass' white phone was laying on top of it to be charged by the nearby charging station plugged in below. A small, modern-styled lamp also sat next to it; it was currently off as there was no use for it right now. A book with a pen sitting ontop of it was also placed nearby the table lamp, with the words "Dream Journal" written on it in Glass' handwriting.

You decided that was all for Glass' sleeping area. Where do you want to explore now?
Glass' Closet
Glass' Desk Area
Glass' Pet

Or, perhaps you would like to go back and tour the other areas instead?
Living Room
Kitchen And Dining Area
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:01 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Bedroom - Glass' Closet

Postby Yugi » Wed May 31, 2017 8:01 am

You decided to take a closer inspection at Glass' closet.

Glass gave you the okay to go through his closet and the stuff inside of it. The doors that lead to the small storage space were able to slide open with ease. Inside the closet were clothes hangers, clothes, boxes, a large mirror, magazines, and shoes. There wasn't all that much stored in his closet, so it looked fairly clean. There was so much space inside of it that you could easily walk in to it without having to remove items. You were a bit shocked to see that he didn't store any other spare stuff in his closet, aside from the magazines and boxes, as you kind of thought he would of. It was clear to see that Glass wasn't a collector of any kind, and that he made sure to use everything he could get his hands on while either throwing out or donating the items he couldn't use.

You decided to examine his clothes first. He had a bunch of spare clothes hangers stored on the right side of his closet; they were made out of sturdy wire, and looked as if they were made by his own hands. A few of the hangers were colorful, covered in a plastic coating with only the ends having the wire they were made out of showing; a majority of them were silver or copper in color, however. There were a few clothes hangers in use, of course, holding his favorite shirts, sweaters, pants, and scarves. They too were made out of different colors and types of wire.

"Yeah," he began to speak to you, "those hangers are ones that I made myself. I didn't want to take any of my parents, as they needed all of them for their own clothes, and I didn't want to spend money on purchasing them, so I opted to find spare wire that was thrown out to craft them myself. They work just as fine as any other store bought clothes hanger, but they're a lot cheaper as the materials I needed for them were basically free."

His shoes sat in their original shoe boxes on the bottom of the floor, all neatly placed next to each other. This ensured that, if he ever wanted to store them, he could do so easily without them making a mess on the carpet. Black boots, sporty tennis shoes, flip flops, rollerblades, and fancy loafers lined the floor against the closet's wall. There were no spare shoes, aside from the ones that Glass kept near his front door. Glass' tennis shoes looked like they were worn the most, as they were dirty with mud and dust. He was quite the active fellow, so it made sense that they would be. The black loafers appeared to be the ones he wore the least, as they didn't have any scruff markings on them, nor did they look worn down in the slightest.

"I don't really have too big of a need for those loafers as I don't particularly enjoy going out to fancy events that require a specific style of dress. They were a gift from my friend, Barrett, as he wanted me to attend our friend's wedding with him; when I told him that I didn't have anything to wear, he rushed me out shopping immediately to quickly pick up some nice clothes. In the end, he had me borrow one of his old suits to make things easier and cheaper," Glass said. "The rollerblades were also a gift; Beat always purchases me rollerblades when I need new ones as I didn't really have the money to afford them when we first met. I can afford them now, of course, but she insists that she gets them for me instead. We both donate the old ones to various drives for kids to have though."

Your gaze turned towards the mirror on the back wall of the closest. It was a long, slender mirror that touched the top of the ceiling and the carpet, allowing for those looking in it to see their whole outfit. It lacked a frame, so it looked pretty delicate to the touch, but as it was firmly mounted to the wall, there wasn't that big of a worry of it crashing down and breaking. The mirror looked spotless; there were no smudges or finger prints on the mirror, and the pane of reflective glass had no cracks in it. The reflection it gave was perfect.

On the far right side of the closet, below the spare hangers, you could see closed boxes and magazines being stored here. The magazines were of various kinds; they were primarily gardening magazines, but there was also ones based around video games scattered among the mass. It struck you as peculiar, as you knew that Glass was never one to own frivolous items like games; everything that he owned had a use to him either one way or another. The game magazines looked really used, however, as their pages were slightly crumbled and water logged. They were obviously old copies, but you still wondered why he would own them; perhaps he was close to people who had an interest in video games, and he wanted to try to fit in with them as well? You recalled him having a girlfriend, but he never mentioned if she liked video games or not.

"The gaming magazines?" Glass asked when you mentioned the mass produced journals. "Those are a gift from my buddy Yosuke. I thoroughly enjoy conversing with him, and I really want to be able to relate back to what he likes as a way to thank him for all of his help. He gave me those old magazines for free since they didn't completely sell over at his shop. I'm still not too big on games, but they're nice to read through from time to time."

You gently moved over the magazines as best as you could to the floor before opening the box. Inside it was gardening tools that were perfectly clean, although they did show a little bit of wear and tear on them. Gardening gloves, trowels, hand forks, pruners, gardening scissors, spritzer bottle, and a plastic watering can were neatly packed into it. The other closed box was completely empty however.

You decided that was all for Glass' closet, so you went ahead and cleaned it up to make it look as nice as when you originally entered it. Where do you want to explore now?
Glass' Bed
Glass' Desk Area
Glass' Pet

Or, perhaps you would like to go back and tour the other areas instead?
Living Room
Kitchen And Dining Area
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Bedroom - Glass' Desk

Postby Yugi » Wed May 31, 2017 1:52 pm

You decided to take a closer inspection at Glass' desk.

The desk was the same black color as Glass' bed frame. It was quite simple and sleek as well, having no additional features on it. Nothing could be stored as there were no drawers or cabinets, but it was practical and good enough for Glass' standards. On top of it sat various electronic devices that he had own: a laptop, an iPod, and a portable game console.

"You're definitely free to look through all of those," Glass said, as he was signing into his laptop. "I hope you don't mind if I just stay here next to you though. I do trust you with going through my stuff; I just want to show you some specific things on them though, at least when you get around to them."

You nodded, letting him know that you were fine with it as well. It had been a while since you two have caught up, so you were excited to be told about his current history.

You decided to focus your time on the iPod first, as the laptop was still starting up. You removed the device from it's charging stand, which was also a makeshift radio. His iPod was pretty old; it had scruff marks all along the metallic blue cover, and the screen was cracked in a few areas. It still worked perfectly fine, however. After disengaging the lock, you were able to wake the electronic device up and scroll through the data on it. Unfortunately, there wasn't all that much on it, as Glass didn't have that many albums downloaded on the item; there was a single playlist labeled "Favorites" for you to access, only having a total of four songs in it.

Love Deterrence (Acoustic) - Akihiro Honda
The Shard - Solar Fields
Two Door Cinema Club - Sleep Alone
Got Well Soon - Breton

"Yeah, sorry about that," he began, looking away from his laptop. "I honestly don't listen to music all that much since I prefer going outside than staying in. When I have difficulty sleeping, I'll listen to those songs on that playlist; they typically help me fall asleep with ease. Usually, I'm out by the time one of the songs plays halfway through."

You put the iPod back into the charging stand and engaged the lock for him before moving onto the game station next to it. It was a small, purple Gameboy Advance SP. It looked like it was in pristine condition, as if it was just recently purchased by Glass. You gently tugged out the game cartridge that was sitting inside it; it was a copy of Pokemon Sapphire.

"My friend let me borrow this since he really wanted me to get into this series called Pokemon. He's a really avid fan of the game; quite honestly, I'm struggling with sitting down and trying to complete it. I'm not used to sitting still for long periods of time, but since this game console is portable, I can play it in my spare time after exercising," Glass said simply. "Apparently we can play the game together though. He told me that, if I could create a team strong enough to beat the game, he wants to try to battle on it. If I win, he says he'll help me buy some new gardening supplies, so I'm completely up to the challenge."

You slid the game back into its slot and placed the Gameboy back down. Glass was done with starting up his laptop, so he let you take his chair. Even if you wanted to explore the internet, you unfortunately couldn't as the WiFi went out.

"It happens a bit here. I think it's because the router that I have is pretty old, but I don't really mind as I don't really go on it all that often."

Looking at his laptop's desktop, there wasn't all that much on it. The only items of interest were two photo-based folders, a document labeled "Recipes," another document called "Wishlist," and a third document titled "Important Dates." Other than that, it was pretty bare, just like most of Glass' house.

You decided to open the folders with photos first. You clicked the one labeled "Landscaping Designs;" it was filled with multiple images of scanned sketches that he did for his job. The sketches themselves were pretty simplistic in terms of shapes, but they were very colorful. Glass had used colored pencils to add eye catching visuals to his mock-ups, allowing for his clients and fellow workers to easily visualize what he's going for. A majority of the sketches were from a bird's eye point of view, but there were a few detailed pieces scattered here and there depending if he wanted to add emphasis on how a certain part looked like. They all looked really nicely done, and you wondered if Glass would be up to showing you some of his company's finished work one day.

The other photo-based folder was labeled "Important Moments." Instead of designs, this one was filled with actual photography taken by another person. Glass was in every single photo listed here; each photo had a short description for its title to help those that were looking at it remember when and where it was taken. There were a few additional embedded folders in this main one: Peace Corp, Family, and Friends.

The Peace Corp folder was easy to guess; it was just pictures of Glass and his buddies during the time he left San Francisco. A majority of the photos in this folder depicted him to be fairly aloof. He wore a look of concern and fear, only smiling like his usual self when he wasn't in candid photos. Looking through the photos, you remembered when Glass would call you from time to time. He spoke of mainly worry, as he was suffering from terrible nightmares throughout his time there. After he was injured on duty, you never got a phone call back from him, at least not until he was fully dispatched from the base's medical area. However, he no longer talked about nightmares when he finally called you; it was him just letting you, and all of his other friends, know that he was safe. He hadn't called you again until recently to invite you over to his new apartment. Looking at the photos and their dates, you realize that there was only one picture taken after he was sent out on that one fateful mission; the picture was the same one on the wall that you saw in his dining room. You could recognize it from miles away, as the long haired, feminine figure was easy to pinpoint. But, why would he put this one on his wall when he could be seen in pain?

"I do agree that it's a bit odd for me to choose that picture out of the rest of them. The picture does serve as a great reminder to me for what had happened though, and I don't want to forget about it at all. I don't want to forget the relationships that I made throughout my time at the corps, nor the obstacles I had to overcome. It was honestly one of the hardest moments I've experienced, but I'm still glad that I went through it," Glass stated simply. "I guess that's why I like that picture of Scylla and me so much. She inspires me so much too, since she's been through so much growing up as well. Seeing how strong she stays even during hard times is miraculous to me."

You decided that it was time to move onto the folder filled with family photos now. There weren't that many pictures in here, especially not when compared to the Peace Corp folder, but you were excited to see photos of a younger Glass. There were pictures of him with his parents when he was still in Washington, which was a time that you yourself didn't experience with him, as you met him when he moved to San Francisco. A majority of the photos looked fairly recent however, with a bunch of them being dated after returning back to California.

You moved onto the folder with pictures of Glass and his friends. Unfamiliar faces of friendly children his age could be seen huddled up close to him; it looked like they were taken while he was still in Washington, as there were no people or areas that you could easily recognize. A majority of the Washington based photos looked to be taken at his elementary school too, probably by either his teachers, his own parents, or his friends' parents. There were also plenty of photos of him hanging out with his friends here in San Francisco, primarily of his closest friends Beat and Yosuke. These photographs also looked like they were taken during his time at school. As you scrolled past by them, you could see Glass age over the period of time they were taken. Most of the photos stored in the folder were taken when he was younger, definitely before the time he left San Francsico to join the corps.

That was all for the folders. You decided to move onto the word documents now.

You selected the "Recipes" document; inside it were multiple pages of written instructions on how to cook various foods. There were about ten recipes listed in that file in total, all ranging from traditional Japanese udon to Cuban dulce de leche. There was a good variety here, and they all looked mouth watering delicious.

"All of those recipes were given to me by my parents. If I ever want to make something other than those ten food items there, I just search them up online. The Japanese recipes were given to me by my dad, since he knows how much I really like noodle and rice based dishes. The Cuban sweets were provided by my mom, since she figured that I would have a hankering for them once in a while; she did throw in a few actual savory recipes for me to use though," Glass said, scrolling through the word document for you. "I do miss their cooking, but it's nice to try my hand at them. They don't taste as good, admittedly, but it'll do for me, at least until my parents come over to visit. They always bring dishes over for me to have."

You moved on to the "Wishlist" document; inside it was a list of various items that Glass had typed up for himself. It included mainly just necessities for living, like clothing, toiletries, kitchen utensils, and more. There were a few items listed outside the main list that were written underneath a heading labeled "Wants." This list mainly featured items that were related to gardening, such as gloves, pots, and seeds, but it also featured various other tiny luxuries. Candles, fake plants, and other small room decorations were included in the list.

"This is just something I forward everyone when my birthday or Christmas rolls around. I typically don't want much, and I'm fine with not receiving anything for those special occasions, especially seeing that I'd rather just hang out with friends and family. All of my friends suggests that I do send them a wishlist of some sorts, though, so I just typed that up for ease of access," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

You were able to finally open up the "Important Dates" document. Like the previous documents, there was a list, but this one included dates, times, locations, and other details. A bulk of the meetings listed were located as his house, usually a lunch or dinner gathering with friends and family. Glass was pretty busy with keeping up his relationships; every month had at least two different meetings with the people he cared dearly about. The busiest month for him would definitely be December, which made sense as there's a lot of celebration going on for him, his family, and his close friends. That month had a total of six different gatherings scattered around in that 31 day period.

"I enjoy meeting up with everyone often," he stated, "so I don't mind how busy my months can get. It's a lot of fun to visit and catch up, especially during the holidays."

You decided that was all for Glass' desk; you closed out of everything you had opened, and allowed Glass to turn off his laptop. Where do you want to explore now?
Glass' Bed
Glass' Closet
Glass' Pet

Or, perhaps you would like to go back and tour the other areas instead?
Living Room
Kitchen And Dining Area
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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