Rigel -Viscet form

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Rigel -Viscet form

Postby BananaSocks » Thu May 25, 2017 9:09 pm


Username; BananaSocks
Name; Rigel (or Riggie)
Gender; Male
Gender For Breeding Purposes; Male

Rigel was named after the super-giant star in the Orion Constellation which is the most important star when travelling the ocean. Just like his name, Rigel feels right at home when at sea. He seems to feel calm whenever he's around a body of water. This is not very surprising as Rigel literally grew up right at sea. He was raised in a town located right right beside the sea and his spent most of his childhood playing and exploring that area. In fact, Rigel seems to have an amazing talent when it comes to sea navigation or any other water-related activities. Rigel was born being very adventurous and unafraid to take risks. He loves trying out new things and when he's passionate about something, he would not waste any chance to pursue it.

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Hobbies & Pranks

Postby BananaSocks » Fri May 26, 2017 12:59 am


Rigel in fact has many hobbies. Most of his hobbies include researching up on marine life, surfing, exploring the coastlines, feeding and building bigger and better aquariums for his fishes at home. He also loves joking with his friends, stargazing, swimming, skydiving and working at the aquarium.

But of all his hobbies, Rigel loves to scuba dive. The feeling of the cold water touching his fur and skin, the magical feeling of swimming through clear waters and colourful corals makes Rigel love scuba diving so much. He enjoys everything from the sail across the ocean to the perfect diving spot, to wearing that tight but familiar suit, to that dive into the unknown waters. Sure snorkelling is fun too but Rigel prefers scuba diving as he can stay under for a much longer time as well as explore the deeper parts of the coral reef and the sea bed. The feeling of swimming through the water, surrounded by corals of different shapes and colours, fishes big and small swimming around you and the quietness of the sea with its vibrant life is what pulls Rigel into the sea. He loves the ability to touch everything instead of having to look behind from a glass wall like in the aquarium as well as being able to swim along side fishes. He feels serene around the corals and simply loves the adrenaline from swimming with and approaching sharks as sharks are his favourite animals no matter how fearsome they are. He brights up when he sees marine animals in their natural habitat. Rigel was trained on how to scuba dive when he was younger and now he scuba dives every week if possible. Being a volunteer in a marine life rescue team, he often goes out diving for injured animals caught in nets. He buys his own equipment too and often shows the latest pair of goggle and flippers that he bought. He still snorkels occasionally when he's tight on time but scuba diving is still his favourite way to spend his time.



"I'm going back to my dorm see you later Archer!"

Rigel turned the door knob and as the door flew open, he felt a sudden gush of water. Rigel immediately squeezed his eyes shut. He felt the water hit against him like a wall, the cold water drenching his fur. Rigel finally gasped for breath, blinking the water away from his eyes, coughing as water dribbled out of his mouth, the taste of salt and fish in his mouth. Rigel eyed his room. It had been flooded with sea water. Waist deep water rose above his bed, only the top half of his desk and shelf had been sparred. Rigel widened his eyes in even more disbelief as he sees a few small fishes swimming around the furniture. His eyes landed on a note right on top of his desk, "Ha! Joke's on you Riggie! -Archer"

Archer had really outdone himself this time with the sea water and the fishes. Rigel figured it was going to take a ton of time to clear this up. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but to grin at his friend's efforts, "Well you got me this time Archer... Let the prank war begin!"


When it comes to planning, Rigel does everything down to the detail, especially when it comes to his pranks. Archer put in a lot of effort into his prank this time, it wasn't easy to carry that many gallons of water into his room after all. He had to up his game if he were to protect his reputation as the class clown. Rigel walked down the aisle of the second hand furniture shop, a bag with a light bulb, tape and chains in one hand. He knew this prank had to be spectacular and show stopping that Archer wouldn't even see it coming. He recalled Halloween a few years ago when Archer got so scared at a haunted house attraction that he has never dared to approach one of them ever since. Rigel chuckled to himself, that was exactly what he was going to do.

He came across a metal table and chair. Rigel nodded to himself, all it needed now was some brown paint to make it seem rusty. He stopped by the aisle for paints and got himself a few buckets of cheap paint. He smiled to himself, "Now to catch Archer before he wakes up!"


Archer's dorm was conveniently next to his which made everything a whole lot easier especially since he had to carry a lot of stuff. Rigel lightly pushed the door of his dorm room open. Light from the small crack of the open door landed on Archer's face as he was snoring away peacefully on his bed. Archer's mouth seemed to be gaped wide open, drooling on his pillow as he quietly mumbled to himself, consumed by his sleep. It was to Rigel's advantage that Archer was a very deep sleeper.

Quietly, Rigel crept into his room, first removing every piece of furniture except for his bed. Rigel then lifted the metal table and chair ever so silently so as to not disturb Archer even though knowing Archer could even sleep through a hurricane if he were given a chance. He placed a row of plastic toy knives on the table which Rigel specially painted to look bloody and realistic and turned to replace the light in the room with one of those dimly lit ones. To add a touch of terror, Rigel took some reddish brown paint and splattered them over the walls (over some cheap wall paper of course, it is rather expensive to repaint the walls of the dorm) and floor and scattered some plastic wrap, rope and brown stained cloth on the floor. As for the finishing touch, Rigel took out the chains. He had to suppress his laughter as he imagined the fear on Archer's face when he wakes up the next day. This was probably the best prank he had pulled yet.


Archer slowly blinked his eyes open and yawned. His eyes were still blurry from just waking up. "Ugh... how long have I slept for?" His arms and legs felt really achy, not to mention that ache at the back of his neck. Archer tried to sit up but he was confined inside his blanket, something heavy on his torso, arms and legs was weighing him down. He tried to wiggle himself out but he was trapped. Fidgeting, he tried to loosen the blanket but he couldn't. "What is going on?!" He shook his head and saw a bunch of trains tied around his blanket, locking him down to his bed. Archer felt his pulse rising as he struggled in his blanket.

And then the lights flickered.

Archer stopped fidgeting and scanned his dimly lit room. Except it didn't look like his room. All the furniture he was used to seeing whenever he wakes up was all gone and replaced by a rusty metal table and chair. "What on earth is going on?" He thought to himself. It seems as though the only thing familiar was the bed that he was lying on right now and the mattress and blanket itself was stained with brown and red. Red. The blankets were stained with blood.

"Breathe Archer... Breathe... this is all just a dream... or more like a nightmare..."

Archer's breath hitched as his attention landed on the row of sharp butcher knives on the metal table opposite to his bed. They were sharp and fresh blood dripped off them, pooling onto the table and dripping down on the floor. "This can't be happening..." Archer noticed that the wallpaper had been peeling off too coupled with some more blood splatters. He tossed and struggled trying to untangle himself from the chains and the blanket, "Help!"

The lights flickered yet again, and by now Archer's heart was bursting out of his chest, his breath irregular as his eyes dilated around. Archer lifted his head up to see a message written in blood on the ceiling, "We've got you". Archer's eyes bulged out as he let out a high pitched scream, tearing through the room. The flickering lights suddenly stopped as the room went back to its regular lighting. A laugh then sounded from outside, sputtering like an old faucet. Rigel suddenly burst through the room, clutching his stomach as he fell on his knees laughing.

"Oh my gosh Rigel what the heck!"

"Ha! Jokes on you!"
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Personality, Likes & Dislikes

Postby BananaSocks » Sun May 28, 2017 1:52 am


Everyone knows that Rigel is very adventurous. He was not afraid of stepping outside his comfort zone, trying out new things or taking risks no matter how dangerous it could be and he loved the thrill of it. When Rigel was younger, he used to set out sailing to search for new islands around the coastline. Rigel's favourite sport is scuba diving ad he's never afraid of approaching sharks. It's his love for adrenaline that feeds to his fearlessness. Rigel has gone skydiving a couple of times as well bungee jumping, bodyboarding, paragliding and rock climbing. His fearlessness lets him to be not afraid of failure and he would try and try again despite the many times he had fallen down. Rigel never lets his failures define him. But he is quite stubborn and when others ask him to be careful, he wouldn't listen and sometimes would get hurt. It's a good thing he hasn't had any major injuries just yet. Rigel is also a very passionate viscet. When he loves something, he wouldn't miss any opportunity to pursue it and to make it his goal in life to make achieve it. And Rigel loves marine life. His whole life probably revolves around anything water-related or involving marine biology. Rigel made it a point to read up about marine biology everyday and he even interns at the Marine Aquarium. But his passions often lead to him neglecting spending time with his friends and family sometimes. However, his passion also comes with his passionate hatred for things. Rigel especially hates poachers and people who litter. Because of this is rather impulsive and whenever he reads an article or sees a person littering, he would immediately flare up. He even got into a long argument with someone for throwing an empty bottle into the sea once. To his friends, Rigel is pretty friendly. His outgoing and very open-minded personality make him quite well received by many. He loves to talk and would not stop talking at times. Rigel especially loves to talk about his interests which makes him a bit annoying at times. Rigel also has the reputation of being class clown. Puns and jokes are what he is known for. Despite his love for laughs, he always makes sure no one gets hurt during one of his pranks whether its putting an airhorn on someone's seat or scaring the living daylights out of his friends. He is also a rather understanding and sympathetic viscet as well and if you are feeling down, he would always lend a listening ear to you. His ability to empathise others really well adds to his love for conserving marine life.


Water, Scuba Diving, Surfing, Marine Biology, Chemistry, Blue Sharks, Sea Turtles, Caps, Sunglasses, Coconuts, Ice Cream, Video Games (Halo and The Last Guardian), Lord of the Rings, Conventions, Politics, Posters

Seafood, Poachers, Litter-bugs, Strawberries, Boring jobs, Insensitive people, Being left out of conversations, Physics, getting sick, over-played songs

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Postby BananaSocks » Sun May 28, 2017 3:44 am



Intern at Marine Aquarium
Rigel has been interning at the Marine Aquarium under his college for the past 2 years and is now a senior there. Under the guidance of the Marine Aquarium's senior Marine Biologist, Rigel along with the other students were taught on Biology, Chemistry, Marine Biology as well as Marine life conservation in a 3 year long course in which he boards at the Marine Aquarium's hostel. Rigel loves interning there as he gets a taste of what a Marine Biologist does on a day-to-day basis. He enjoys the hands on experiences a lot. Especially since the Marine aquarium was one of his favourite places to visit when he was younger, it was simply amazing to get to see it again many years later except with the knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes. Rigel enjoys every moment of it, from the Biology lectures to helping the keepers feed the fishes, to tending to sick or injured marine animals at the rehabilitation centre. To Rigel, interning there was probably one of his best decisions yet and he looks forward to the day he can work there professionally.

Volunteer at the Marine Rescue
Under the Marine Aquarium, Rigel is also a volunteer at the Marine Rescue unit. Rigel finds it a once in a lifetime experience to be able to swim out to sea searching for injured animals. It is definitely an eye-opening experience for him as he not only gets to swim out into the ocean but as well as approach the animals, but use the skills he learnt while interning to help those animals. Despite the occasional disappointment of not being able to save an animal's life, he finds it very rewarding.


Marine Biologist
Becoming a Marine Biologist has been Rigel's dream for the longest time. His passion for Marine life and its conversation simply can't be put into words. Rigel really wants to make a difference to the environment especially since all life started from the ocean. He is fascinated by fishes and marine mammals and plants alike, their elusiveness fascinates him. Rigel awes at the large diversity of living creatures under water, how they live together. And it's not only how interesting they are, Rigel was born to live in the water. He feels at home and the calmest when in or near a body of water and the feeling of fishes swimming around him or playing with the dolphins can't compare to anything else. When he enters the water, he feels like a whole new different person, as if he entered a different world altogether. The fishes around him feed his body with energy and he feels invigorated. Rigel is especially passionate to saving these oceans and it particularly angers him when he hears of an oil spill or another finning incident. The ocean used to mean a lot to him and his father too as they shared a lot of memories there together. That is why he wants to become a Marine Biologist, not just because he is especially gifted in Chemistry and Biology, but he is fascinated by its ecology and its wonderfulness, and wants to protect it with all his heart and because he knows his father would have wanted those seas to be protected too.

Environmental Lawyer
If Rigel were to ever not become a Marine Biologist (although he believes that he definitely will), he would chose to be an Environmental Lawyer. Rigel has been told many times, by his parents his friends that he is very empathetic. Rigel feels that becoming a lawyer will be a great way to build on his ability to empathise with others well. Especially since he is so passionate about the environment, becoming a Environmental lawyer will be able to build on both his ability to empathise as well as his love to protecting the environment. Rigel has also been known to be able to hold hour long arguments even for the smallest of things like littering (and he usually wins). Which is why is Rigel were not a Marine Biologist, becoming an Environmental Lawyer would be a good fit for him.

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Postby BananaSocks » Sun May 28, 2017 4:00 am


Rigel and his family are quite close-knit. It was his family that first got him to love the sea. Rigel's father, being a sailor, spent a lot of time out at sea and would sometimes bring Rigel along as well, that was how his love for the sea first started. Rigel's first time sailing a boat was with his father and he learnt it within one day. Rigel's family were originally not seafood-free. With his father being a sailor, he would catch some fish home for the family to feast on but despite Rigel's hatred towards seafood, he still understands that his family revolves around it especially for a living so he doesn't mind as long as they don't waste anything that they've caught. Rigel's family have been a large pillar of support for him and they were the ones to encouraged him to take up that internship at the Marine Aquarium. Despite Rigel sometimes forgetting to spend time with his family due to school or work, he still loves them a lot and makes sure that they know how much he appreciates their love and support.

Of his family, Rigel is probably the closest to his father. Rigel and his Dad share a lot of moments together and shared a lot of interests with his father. His father was not just his family, he was also Rigel's mentor and best friend and loved joking with him as well as guided Rigel a lot through the years. Rigel admires his father a lot and was absolutely crushed when his father died due to a violent storm out at sea when he was out one day working on a cargo ship. Rigel believes that the reason why he is currently here now excelling and doing what he loves is because of his father. Rigel makes sure that everything he does, he does with a lot effort put in as well as enjoying everypart of it because he knows thats what his Dad would have wanted him to do.

Archer is Rigel's best friend. They both intern together at the Marine Aquarium and are volunteers at the Marine Rescue. Rigel met Archer through the internship as they were both paired up as buddies for a research project. Rigel and Archer share mostly the same interest although Archer doesn't seem to like going out and doing sports much. He much rather play his playstation in his dorm room. Both Archer and Rigel go to video game conventions as well as binge watch movies together. Wherever Rigel is, Archer shouldn't be too far behind, unless Rigel is doing one of those water sports again. They are always joking together and prank wars are always what they were known for. Archer and Rigel seem to share a bond no one else understands. Whether it is inside jokes, geek talk or ridiculous pranks or their loud jamming to music, no one can tear them apart. They even have matching shark onesies.

Perhaps Rigel's only non-viscet friendship is with Hudson. Hudson is Rigel's terrapin who is 19 years old as of now. Rigel had Hudson for the past 5 years and terrapins like Hudson can probably live for another 11 years. Rigel talks to Hudson everyday. Whether its sharing about his day or telling a lame joke, Hudson is the only one who would sit there quietly while listening to Rigel talk. Hudson acts like a best friend or a brother for Rigel. Hudson is always around for him and if you ask Rigel, he would tell you that, "He is the only one who truly understands me." Rigel puts in a lot of effort into taking care of Hudson. He would wash and shine his shell, feed it vitamins and supplements along with the best brand of terrapin food. He built Hudson his own enclosure complete with a tanning spot and a pond with fishes. He would talk to it and even bring him to conventions sometimes. And Rigel wouldn't trade Hudson for anything.

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Accessories and Music

Postby BananaSocks » Sun May 28, 2017 3:59 pm


Marine Aquarium cap
Marine Aquarium hoodie
Sunglasses (when out)
Vegetable leather necklace with pony beads (gift from his Father when he was younger)
Shark Onesie (sometimes when at parties or with Archer)


Rigel seems to have a rather odd taste when it comes to music. It includes a mix of pop, indie pop, alternative rock, indie folk as well as song tracks from video games

Rigel's Spotify Playlist
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Room Tour

Postby BananaSocks » Sun May 28, 2017 7:56 pm


Rigel's room is pretty big for a dorm. Having living there are the past two years, he has accumulated a fair bit of stuff. When entering the room, you'll notice his desk and bed straight away as there is only one room and another bathroom. His room is right next to Archer's so you can sometimes hear Archer screaming next door.

You enter the room to see Rigel's twin-sized bed right in the corner of the room. Rigel usually spends most of his time on his bed. He loves reading and studying on his bed as it provides him comfort.

-Blue coloured bed sheets + shark printed pillow
-Red Headphones sprawled over his blanket
-Apple Macbook left on mattress
-Marine Aquarium Lanyard and Cap hung on Bed's headboard
-The Last Guardian Poster over his bed

You see Rigel's desk on the other side of the room. Rigel doesn't use his desk much and only uses it to keep some of his stuff and only uses it when studying for a big test.

-Black Swivel chair + unclean T-shirt worn 2 days ago
-Wooden Desk + Biology and Chemistry textbook + Half-filled notebook with notes from lectures + Marine Aquarium Map and Feeding Hours + a few pens + blue table lamp
-A drawer with a stack of papers
-Another drawer with player cards + small figurines and merchandise
- Save the sharks poster above desk + Timetable

Mini Fridge
Next to his desk you see a mini fridge. Rigel stores his energy drinks and snacks inside whenever he's feeling hungry in the dead of the night

-cans of soda + energy drinks
-a tub of chocolate ice cream
-chocolate bars
-microwavable pizza

Bean Bags
Next to his bed Rigel has two bean bags, one for him and the other for Archer when he comes over to play video games or to watch movies. Usually, Rigel lies on both bean bags, sprawled out listening to music as he reads.

-Two game controllers
-A box of Popcorn
-A stack of Rigel's Video Games (beside the beanbags)
-Lord of the Rings: The two towers

Every dorm room has a 40-inch Tv. Rigel usually uses his to watch movies or play video games when he's free. He would sometimes turn the Tv on to watch the news as well.

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Bonus Short Story 1

Postby BananaSocks » Mon May 29, 2017 5:07 am

Bonus Short Story 1


(Rigel's point of view, 10 years ago when he was younger)

Sun shone on the waves, causing them to sparkle like jewels as they lapped against the shore. It was low-tide and you could hear the sound of seagulls as they gathered around the beach, hunting for small critters that have just emerged. The glow of the morning sand touched the sand, making them seem even more golden than before. I sat on the dock, my feet touching the water as I gently kicked at the crystal clear waters. Some small fish had swum up to pick at my toes and I giggled at the tickling sensation. Dad was untying the fishing nets and the ropes back on his fishing boat.

"Hey son! Looks like we've got some good weather for fishing, ya wanna come with me? It's about time I teach ya how to handle Azurine here," He pats the hull of the boat. "She's gonna be yours one day ya know?" I shook my head lightly and gave a lopsided smile. "I'll probably get us lost or worst sink the boat," I joked.

"Naw don't be such a downer come on! Hop right in!" Dad guided me to the boat's steering wheel. Taking my paws he placed them on the steering wheels and grabbing my hands, he guided me from behind, "Ready? Set her off!" He grabbed a lever and the boat started moving forward. The engine made a sort of calming humming sound. I could see the sea ahead of us, the sun lightly touching the calm waves and a few distant islands ahead. I looked behind me at Dad and grinned. Dad grinned back and nudged his nose behind my ear, encouraging me to continue forward. Taking the wheel I turned it slightly to the right. Dad had taken me fishing with him a few times before so I knew where his favourite fishing spot was. I was starting to like driving the boat. The feeling as the boat rocked lightly on the waves, the sea breeze blowing through my fur and the smell of salt in the air. After a few minutes, I felt Dad slowly let go of my hands. I looked back at him hesitantly. Dad simply just raised a thumbs up and smiled. One thing I knew, Dad believed in me. Turning my attention back in front of me, I grasped the steering wheel a little tighter, keeping my focus on what was in front of me. I made sure we didn't crash into any rocks or missed any turns.

Another few minutes later and we still haven't reached our destination. We had been going in circles. I was bummed, "Dad I can't do this." Dad rested his paw on my shoulder, squeezing it, "You know what it is son? You gotta relax. You seem to have a great sense of direction and skill when it comes to handling Azurine- she is a tough one. But what is skill if you don't enjoy it? Feel the wind as his blows through your fur, let the waves carry you across the sea. Feel. You can do it."

Giving a firm nod, I got back to the steering wheel, this time letting all my senses consume me as I drive Azurine across the waters. I saw the radiating colours of the sunrise, I felt the cool welcoming touches of the breeze, I felt the waves dancing below us, I hear the beautiful medley of sea-birds chirping, the hum of the boat engine and the waves crashing against the side of the boat and soon after, we reached the Dad's fishing spot.

I sat at the top of the boat, threading bits of rocks into leftover string from the ropes, kicking my legs back and forth, humming my favourite song, and seagulls squawked at a distance. Dad sat on a foldable chair, playing his harmonica as he waited for the fish to take the bait. The sun had risen, the once pale orange sky was now a pale sky blue, fluffy clouds dotted the sky. I spotted a sea eagle, it had seemingly caught a large juicy fish. And not far from our boat, a pod of dolphins played, riding the waves and chirping and chattering away. One of them leaped out of the water, causing a splash. Both Dad and I smiled. We then sat in silence, enjoying the view.

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Re: Bonus Short Story 2

Postby BananaSocks » Mon May 29, 2017 5:54 am

Bonus Short Story 2


(Rigel's point of view, 5 years ago)

I hugged my shark printed pillow tightly with one paw against my chest and grasped the leather necklace around my neck with the other. I could hear sobbing in the room next to mine. Mom tries to put on a brave face in front of Sis and I but I know however much she tried, she still couldn't hide the pain fully. I buried my snout into my pillow, suppressing my tears. It was hard. Dad was such a big part of my life.

Everyday he would wake me up before the sun even rose, lifting my blanket off and saying, "Wake up son! Let's go chase the sunrise!" No more of that. Just waking up after the sun had risen with the beeping of the alarm clock. He would place his sailor's hat on top of my head and say, "Aye Matey!" No more of that. Just my regular old head. He would come back home, his chest puffed out and his snout up high and he raises a net full of fish, "Dinner!" No more of that. Just going to the market and getting some cod. No more fishing trips or racing boats or exploring islands and coastlines or splashing in the water, collecting seashells, chasing seagulls. No more fun times together. No more memories. No more Dad. Dad was in the sky now.

"I wonder if you'll see Rigel while you're up there, he's supposed to be pretty big," I tried to joke about how he named me after the super-giant star. A tear ran down my face and I sniffled, hiding my nose deeper into the pillow. I remember the day he told me about how he chose my name.

We sitting on his fishing boat, staring up at the starry night sky and I wondered, "Dad? Why did you name me Rigel?" Dad smiled and pointed to the sky, "See that bright star up there in the Orion constellation? That's the star Rigel, I named you after that star." "You see that day our boat had gotten lost out at sea. I had lost the map and I had no idea how to get home. Rigel was very useful to me. All I did was follow the star and I got home." I looked at him and Dad looked back at me. " I named you Rigel because I hope that one day you'll be guided to make good decisions and like how I followed the star I hope you would follow the star of your dreams, pursue what you love and never give up on it. One day that star will guide you somewhere and hopefully that somewhere is your heart." I smiled Dad was insightful and deep like that. He always gave the best life lessons. But Dad wasn't here anymore.

Tears came streaming down my face as I finally let myself cry. It was an ugly cry, but of course every tear was made out of love for Dad. I still couldn't believe he was gone. Like he was here the day before and the next day he suddenly seized to be around. Dad had been the guiding star in my life and with him gone, I didn't know what to do for once, I felt powerless.

I stared out the window of my room. In the dark night sky I spotted Rigel, the very star that Dad and I were talking about a few years ago. I wiped a tear away from my eye. It was one of my favourite memories. I felt the cool breeze of the sea as Rigel twinkled. I knew at that moment, Dad must have been watching me. "Dad?" I whispered in a shaky voice. As another breeze came blowing past my fur, I imagined Dad's warm arms, enclosing me in a warm embrace. I heard the sound of the wind whistling through the palm trees outside and I swore I heard Dad's deep voice saying, "Let the stars guide you son, you'll be fine without me." I whimpered slightly as another stream of tears came flowing down my face, "I love you too Dad. I love you too..."

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Bonus Short Story 3

Postby BananaSocks » Mon May 29, 2017 3:05 pm

Bonus Short Story 3


(Rigel's point of view, 2 years ago)

It was bustling with activity. You could hear the viscetlings squealing with excitement as their parents led them towards the entrance. I stood at the entrance, wearing a cap to shield me from the sun. I glanced at the building. It was pretty huge. It was mainly made out of turquoise green glass which shimmered under the sun's rays. Right at the entrance stood a dolphin fountain. The dolphins were carved out of rock and water spurted out of its blowhole. I gulped. It was my first day of internship at the Marine Aquarium and I didn't know what to expect from it. I turned to face Mom and Sis who had come along with me to send me off. I gave a nervous grin. Mom laughed and pulled my cap down such that it covered my eyes, I chuckled. Mom said,"You'll be fine dear. Have fun! Dad would be proud of you."

Lifting up the cap I smiled, "Thanks Mom. Alright I kinda have to go now to bye Mom bye Sis. Mom, I'll call you later at the dorm. Bye!" Puffing out my chest, I took my first step into the Marine Aquarium. The last time I had been here was 6 years ago with Dad so it brought back many good memories.

"Hey you there! Yes you!" I turned around to see a viscet wearing a Marine Aquarium shirt cap and lanyard. "You must be one of the new interns!" She stretched out a paw for me to shake. "I'm Catrina, one of the seniors here. Register is just there at the manta ray exhibit. Oh and Welcome to the Marine Aquarium!"

I smiled and walked towards the direction of the Manta Ray exhibit. "Hey junior! Welcome to the Marine Aquarium! Just sign your name here and get ready for the tour!" I stood back and sighed as I stared up at the glass wall, a mini coral reef was built in the middle of the humungous tank, complete with seaweed and anemones. Fishes swam around hiding in corals while the larger manta rays were eating from feeding time. I grinned, this was going to be exciting.

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