Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create a Clan - Gustclan - 17

Postby Chamrosh » Mon May 22, 2017 10:13 am

Number of Cats: 13 (2 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 3
Visit to Moonpool: 25th May (7 days)

Heronstar woke to a tom sitting very neatly, tail curled perfectly around his paws, looking at her, and spending just a little too long making eye contact with her.
“Hello. You’re Heronstar?” The tom pronounced all his consonants very precisely. Heronstar couldn’t help but mentally compare that to Boulderdash. Certainly, they’d be strange next to each other.
He flicked his tail just a smidgen, and settled back into his perfect posture. “I’m Bugleclaw.” He didn’t feel the need to clarify that he was sent from Starclan; to him that was obvious, and luckily that was to the leader, too. She hoped his seeming perfectionism fitted into how he performed his duties, and a careful –claw should be pretty helpful to the clan as a whole.
Argusheart knew she liked the new tom from as soon as he came back with Heronstar. He seemed to be pretty confident in himself and his abilities (without becoming arrogant), and to be far more determined than many of the others. He was also pretty attractive.
She wasn’t ashamed to start flirting with him very soon after first seeing him. He rarely really responded to them, only with friendliness to her.
Several nights after his arrival, Argusheart asked if he wanted to be her mate, trying a half-joking tone so she could brush it off if he said no. To her surprise, he asked if they weren’t already mates- he’d thought they had been for a few days.
“The new tom seems rather strange, non?” Pearstone sat on the top of the remainder of the two-leg wall, out at the snow beyond. His white pelt meant that all that could be clearly seen of him was his tail against the brick work, his pink nose, and his bright blue eyes.
“Yeah. Real strange. Never saw a cat that would respond well to such rubbish flirting before.” Osierfang jumped up on the wall next to him, looking minute, almost like an apprentice, in comparison. Being short-furred and generally small did that. She supressed a shiver at the cold.
Pearstone had to pause for a long time. “That was not what I meant, but that is another point.” Pearstone didn’t sound certain of that second clause. He turned his head to study the younger cat, and work out if that was her only impression of what was strange. Maybe it was best he not say anything more, yet. That didn’t sit well with him. Talking was a talent, if he wanted to act on it. “Well, it is good to have another warrior, regardless of our impressions.”
“Taking it you don’t like him then, Poirroche.”
Pearstone suppressed his surprise at the way she chose to address him, but then she’d probably just got used enough to it to now how to say his name the way he did. “Non, I will wait to pass judgement. It is not fair to judge before the warrior has attacked.”
Osierfang looked at him in bafflement, wondering what sort of idiom that was. But it seemed a wise thought. “Fine.” She took in a deep breath, and sighed, definitely not hiding a shiver. “I’ll trust you on that.”
Argusheart stared at the snow as it continued to fall past the strange vertical ice the two-legs had left for their camp. She watched as flake after flake continued to pile up on the rocky clearing below. She thought about how tall Shellpaw was. No way would he be able to get very far through the snow, with its quickly developing depth, especially if it started to deepen. Ideally, due to this, they would be doing their training inside camp, but with how much of a fuss Nettlekit seemed to make about Shellpaw whenever they were close to each other, that didn’t seem like a good idea.
It was a shame it had gotten so cold so quickly. She’d wanted to teach Shellpaw swimming- when the water was as cold as it could be before the flooding of New-leaf. The new warriors would really need to be learning to swim as early as possible so that Gustclan could cope with the inevitable flooding, when it came. That and, if they only ever swum in warm water, then, when it got cold, they’d panic and drown.
But the stream was bound to be frozen over, and going all the way to the lake would probably leave them stranded. No, they’d have to train around camp. It was upsetting her whole schedule, this snow.
Well, it would be, if it weren’t for Bugleclaw.
Heronstar was about to head off to the Moonpool when she had a moment of (what she thought to be) brilliance. She trotted over to her mate, where he stood, guarding the entrance to camp.
“While I’m at the Moonpool, can you take a group out of whoever’s willing- whether that’s a patrol or hunting- and assess them for how helpful they might be while I’m preoccupied.”
Chubtail smiled at that. “You mean pre-occupied with kits.” He was pleased that she was already making sure the details were planned for this far in advance. “I think hunting may be better. I doubt anything will be attacking that isn’t blatantly obvious in this snow. We can see if there’s any unfrozen sections of water for fishing.”
Heronstar smiled and nodded in recognition of the good idea. “Wish me well, then.” She rubbed her side against her mate’s as she set off.
Heronstar brought her nose down to touch the Moonpool, and started to speak as soon as her eyes opened to Starclan. “Greetings! Leader’s don’t normally have kits, because of it taking up their time, but I think I have an alternate solution. I hope that when the time comes to trust someone with picking up anything that Chubtail and I cannot then manage, that you can give me guidance on whom to choose.” It was only then that Heronstar really stopped for a proper breath. She’d been so worried about that, that she wasn’t sure how to continue now, really.
“I request a cat, and trust Starclan’s judgement over what rank would be most helpful to Gustclan, and would be helped most by Gustclan.”

[Bugleclaw joins Gustclan]
[Argusheart and Bugleclaw become mates (no kits yet)]
[Myrtleclaw and Droserapaw, and Argusheart and Shellpaw train near camp]
[Boulderdash and Harriepelt stay in camp with the kits, Sparrowkit and Nettlekit]
[Argusheart and Buglestorm stay to guard camp]
[Chubtail, Pearstone and Osierfang go out hunting]
[Heronstone requests any rank of cat from the moonpool]
[Gustclan consumes a big fish – 3 portions]

    Heronstar | 54 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
    ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

    Chubtail | 50 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes
    ** Carries point

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    Harrierpelt | 29 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

    Warriors: (4)
    Myrtleclaw | 41 | Male
    ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
    Argusheart | 46 | Female
    ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
    Pearstone “Poirroche” | 28 | Male
    ↪Long-furred white tom with slightly grey tail and green eyes
    Osierfang | 16 | Female
    ↪Gold-brown tabby molly with green e yes
    Bugleclaw | 47 | Male
    ↪Large, long-furred black tom with hazel eyes
    Name | Age | Gender

    Apprentices: (2)
    Shellpaw | 8 | Male
    ↪ White tom with grey point and blue eyes
    Droserapaw | 8 | Male
    ↪ Tabby brownish-red tom with blue eyes
    ** Carries point
    Name | Age | Gender

    Queens: (1)
    Boulderdash | 45 | Female | ••
    ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
    ↪Scar on shoulder and chipped ear
    Name | Age | Gender | •

    Kits: (2)
    Sparrowkit | 2 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby newborn molly kit with soon-hazel eyes
    Nettlekit | 2 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby newborn molly kit with blue eyes
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North East | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
    North West | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
    East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    South | Road | Wrenclan | Raven Walker
    West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk
    Burdock Root (2) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain)
    Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough
    Cobweb (1) | Slow bleeding. Binds broken bones.
    Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
    Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
    stiffness. Helps burns.
    Daisy Leaf (1) | Eases aching joints, travelling herb
    Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
    and pains, esp. headaches.
    Goldenrod (1) | Helps heal wounds
    Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
    and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
    Lungwort (2) | Cures yellowcough
    Ragwort (1) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength
    Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
    Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats
    Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x2 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x2 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Hares | x2 | 3 servings
    Total | 14 | 4 moons’ worth

    All: Climb, Fish and/or Hunt
    Warrior: Fight, Track
    Med Cat: Herb Identification, Heal, Stealth
    +Detective: Observe, Investigate, Stealth
    +Deputy, from Leader (they’re learned in 3 moons):
    Diplomacy, Orate, Stategise
    Optional skills (2(+)): Advance skill (above), Agility,
    Basic Heal (warrior), Diplomacy,
    Fight, Fish, Herb identification, Hunt, Interpret Prophecy,
    Investigate, Observe, Orate, Stealth, Strategise, Swim, Track

    Myrtleclaw | Droserapaw | 1
    Fight, Track,
    Argusheart | Shellpaw | 1
    Hunt, Track,
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Elmkitfang | Died shortly after birth
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Heronstar and ChubtailShellpaw and Droserapaw;
    Boulderdash and Harrierpelt [Myrtleclaw] ★
    Elmkit, Sparrowkit and Nettlekit
    Name and Name | Kits

Last edited by Chamrosh on Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby røsebud » Mon May 22, 2017 12:32 pm

Number of Cats: 25
14 | 11
Next Moonpool Visit: March 21
Prey Eaten: 5 servings- 1 robin, 1 fish

Stormriver stood just outside the nursery, trying to muster up his confidence. After taking one more deep breath, he stepped inside. Asterflame's face lit up when she saw him, and she rose eagerly to her paws. "Hi, Asterflame," the tom mewed shakily, clearing his throat. "I was wondering if you would maybe like to go for a walk with me?" he asked. The queen's heart leapt, but she couldn't help but glance back at the sleeping kits. "Oh... I would love to, but..." Guilt wrenched at her heart. "That's okay," Stormriver mewed quickly, giving Asterflame a bashful smile. "Asterflame, from the moment I met you, I knew you were something special," he began. The queen sat down as the tom spoke. Her tail curled around her paws, but the tip twitched eagerly. "And as the moons have gone by, I've gotten to know you better, and..." As Stormriver's voice faltered, Asterflame moved closer to him, allowing her fur to brush gently against his. The subtle gesture gave him a new surge of confidence. "I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. Asterflame... will you be my mate?" The queen stood at once, stretching up to gingerly lick his cheek. "Of course," she purred softly as a blissful smile stretched across her maw. It was a quiet proposal — nothing big or flashy — but for the two of them, it couldn't have been more perfect. Sweetkit's eyes blinked open drearily. "Hi momma," she squeaked. "What's goin' on?" Asterflame tore her gaze away from Stormriver's eyes, giving her daughter a gentle lick on the head. "Well, Stormriver's going to be your papa now," she explained simply. "I thought he was already our papa," Leafkit interjected, his words punctuated by a yawn. Asterflame smiled warmly at the awakening kits, her happiness only growing as she saw that Stormriver's expression echoed her own. Sweetkit's eyelids began to droop once more with fatigue, the lure of sleep pulling her back in. Just as quickly as she had awakened, the young tortoiseshell curled merrily around her new father's leg and slipped into a tranquil sleep.

Swiftfern paused at the edge of the camp. With leafbare creeping up behind the clan, this may be the last chance she got to see Brambletooth until new leaf. The pale she-cat peered around briefly before slipping through a hole in the barrier. As she padded through the forest, an uneasy feeling tingled in the air. Retaining her confidence, Swiftfern strode on, her ears pricked for a sign of her mate. At last, she saw a flash of ginger fur. A smile broke across her face. "Brambletooth?" she called softly, not wanting to disturb the quiet. "I knew it!" Sparkfur snapped, leaping out at his mother. Swiftfern's claws extended defensively before she realized that it was her son. "Sparkfur, please calm down," she urged gently, but the words fell on deaf ears. "You traitor," he spat. "Meeting secretly with a murderer... How long has this been happening? What have you told him?" Swiftfern was taken aback. "First of all, why in StarClan do you feel that it's suddenly acceptable, for you, my son, to speak to me like this?" she asked carefully, measuring each word. "Don't call me son," Sparkfur hissed bluntly. "And second, I am not a traitor, and neither was your father. He's never done anything wrong. What could possibly make you think that he's responsible for what happened?" Swiftfern paused, trying to gauge the ginger tabby's reaction, but he remained stoic. "And how can you argue that I'm a traitor when you're my son?" she continued. "I am not your son," Sparkfur snapped, refusing to look Swiftfern in the eye. "Excuse me?" The ginger tabby clenched his teeth. "You're a traitor and a liar. You mean nothing to me," he hissed. The words were like a fatal blow. Tears prickled in Swiftfern's eyes, and she feverishly blinked them away. "If that's how you feel, then fine," she whispered. Her voice wavered precariously. Half to herself, she muttered, "I just can't comprehend why my own son would—" "Call me son one more time," Sparkfur snarled. Silence hung in the air like a thick fog. After several treacherous moments passed, Swiftfern at last spoke. "So now what?" she murmured. "You'll run back to camp and report me to Tanglestep. He'll get me exiled — or worse — and you'll never see me again. Is that what you wanted? Because if so, I'll spare you the trouble and leave now." Sparkfur, for once, didn't retaliate. He only stared at the ground, his expression of fury dissolving with each passing second. "I thought so," Swiftfern whispered before spinning on her heel and returning to camp.

Pebblepaw padded happily through the forest, taking in all of the sights and smells. It was his last hunting mission as an apprentice, and soon he and Goosepaw would be warriors. He couldn't wait to join Sparkfur in the warrior den. Listening carefully, Pebblepaw noticed the gentle sound of the river. As he padded toward it, he picked up some scents that weren't prey. The apprentice dropped into a low crouch, creeping forward until he spotted Tanglestep. The tabby warrior was standing over something, and it was only when Pebblepaw raised his head that he saw Brambletooth. His heart pounded in his ears. Silence as the night, Pebblepaw moved to crouch behind a bush. He was just able to make out the desperate words of the former deputy. "Please, Tanglestep," he heard Brambletooth beg. "You know I haven't done anything wrong. I'm already exiled." Pebblepaw's eyes widened. Brambletooth claimed to be innocent, yet many of the cats in AspenClan were adamant that he was a killer. The corners of Tanglestep's mouth curved upwards in a sinister grin. "Of course you haven't," he purred almost inaudibly, drawing out each syllable, "But you know what I've done in the past. What makes you think that I'll take pity on a blabbering idiot like yourself? Soon enough, you'll be just another dead body." The words echoed in Pebblepaw's ears. He felt unsteady on his paws, as if he might tumble over at any moment. What I've done... just another dead body... Brambletooth wasn't the mystery killer. Tanglestep was. Brambletooth's eyes were wide with terror as he scrambled to stand. Tanglestep pushed him back down with ease. "You were a useless deputy. I intend to change things. But I can't do this with you still alive," Tanglestep hissed. In one swift movement, he was standing in the river, pinning Brambletooth beneath the surface. Struck by paralyzing fear, Pebblepaw watched in silence as the former deputy thrashed in the water. As time dragged on, his moments became more frail and futile until, at last, he went still. Tanglestep watched with a satisfied smile as the current snatched up Brambletooth's limp form and carried him far from the site. Finding that he was able to move again, Pebblepaw began to creep backward. In his state of shock, he unwittingly stepped on a twig that snapped easily. Tanglestep whirled around at once, his amber eyes narrowing as he spotted the gray apprentice. "Great StarClan," he muttered in irritation. It happened quickly — Pebblepaw scrambled to run, tripping over his own paws in his panic. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and for a fleeting moment, he thought that just maybe he might outrun the deputy. The scrawny apprentice cast a glance behind his shoulder, and was startled at how close Tanglestep was. The alarm caused him to lose his footing and tumble painfully to the ground. Pebblepaw had barely opened his mouth to beg for his life when Tanglestep lashed out his claws, swiftly scoring them across the apprentice's throat. It took only a moment for the life to flicker from his eyes. Pebblepaw's body went limp, and the deputy padded away without a trace.
Becoming Mates (no kits): Asterflame and Stormriver
Killing Brambletooth and Pebblepaw: Tanglestep
Herb Collecting: Poppypaw
Moonpool: queen
Becoming a Warrior: Goosepaw (Goosewing)
Training: all apprentices
Border Patrol: Sagestorm, Cloudmask, Mottledpaw
Hunting: Turtlecreek, Pinetail, Minkear, Birdbrook, Ivypaw, Littlepaw

          Robinstar | 70 moons | she-cat |
          Lives: ★★★★★★✩✩✩

          Tanglestep | 39 moons | tom |

          Medicine Cat:
          Sootpelt | 61 moons | tom |

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Poppypaw | 8 moons | she-cat |

          Swiftfern | 48 moons | she-cat |
          Sagestorm | 37 moons | tom |
          Cloudmask | 31 moons | she-cat |
          Stormriver | 28 moons | tom |
          Turtlecreek | 26 moons | she-cat |
          Pinetail | 25 moons | she-cat |
          Rabbitheart | 24 moons | tom |
          Cherryclaw | 22 moons | she-cat |
          Minkear | 17 moons | tom |
          Birdbrook | 15 moons | she-cat |
          Sparkfur | 15 moons | tom |

          Goosepaw | 12 moons | tom | right
          Mottledpaw | 10 moons | she-cat |
          Ivypaw | 8 moons | she-cat |
          Littlepaw | 7 moons | tom |

          Asterflame | 31 moons | she-cat |

          Jaykit | 3 moons | tom |
          Sweetkit | 2 moons | she-cat |
          Leafkit | 2 moons | tom |
          Avenkit | 1 moon | she-cat |
          Rosekit | 2 moons | she-cat |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✽[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✽[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Iceclan | Bumbletear
    Birchclan | .galaxy.
    Reedclan | Areater
    Beechclan | hazilnut

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark [x2] | toothaches
    Blackberry leaves [x1] | bee stings
    Broom [x1]| wounds and broken legs
    Catmint [x1]| greencough
    Celandine [x1] | damaged eyes
    Coltsfoot [x1] | breathing or kitten-cough; cracked
    or sore pads
    Comfrey root [x1] | broken bones, wounds, burns,
    wrenched claws, stiff joints, stiffness on wrenched
    Dock [x1] | scratches and sore paws
    Goatweed [x1] | anxiety and grief
    Goldenrod [x2] | heals wounds
    Honey [x1] | infections or coughing, smoke-damaged
    or sore throats, gives energy
    Hawkweed [x1] | like catmint
    Lavender [x1] | fever & chills; hides scent of death
    Marigold [x1] | infection; bleeding; inflammation of
    Poppy seeds [x1] | help with sleep or shock, distress,
    or pain; not for nursing queens
    Ragweed [x1] | extra strength and energy
    Snakeroot [x1] | used to counter poison
    Stinging nettle [x1] | can induce vomiting, bring
    down swelling, help with wounds, fight infection, heal
    broken bones when mixed with comfrey
    Watermint [x1] | bellyaches
    Wintergreen [x1] | wounds and some poisons
    Yarrow [x1] | extracts toxins from wounds; makes a cat
    vomit up poison; used to heal cracked pads

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    28 Total Servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
    Vole | x1 | 1 serving
    Fish | x2 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Hare | x3 | 3 servings
    Robin | x3 | 3 servings

    Rabbitheart | Goosepaw | 4
    1. hunting
    2. tracking
    3. running
    4. climbing
    Stormriver | Mottledpaw | 3
    1. tracking
    2. swimming
    3. running
    Minkear | Ivypaw | 1
    1. running
    Birdbrook | Littlepaw | 1
    1. climbing
    Sootpelt | Poppypaw

    Deceased Cats:
    Cricketleap | throat clawed by Tanglestep
    Speckledpaw | fed deathberries by Tanglestep
    Shrikepaw | killed in battle
    Brambletooth | drowned by Tanglestep
    Pebblepaw | throat clawed by Tanglestep

    Brambletooth and Swiftfern | Birdbrook, Sparkfur
    Tanglestep and Cloudmask | Ivypaw, Poppypaw
    Sootpelt and Rippleberry (BirchClan) | Goosepaw,
      Pebblepaw, Fennelshade (BirchClan),
      Ripplepaw (BirchClan), Crowpool (BirchClan)
    Unknown and Unknown | Cloudmask, Asterflame
    Asterflame and Stormriver | Sweetkit, Leafkit, Avenkit, Rosekit
    rose • she/her • student • passions include writing and oreos
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hickoryclan (006)

Postby sunfool » Mon May 22, 2017 12:57 pm

total cats: six
two she-cats, four toms
2 needed servings

moonpool visit: May 28

    ixxxxtThe skies are cloudy.

    ixxxxtMosspelt was running; running to get something, but he didn't know what he was searching so hard for. He was out of breath and tired. He could see a whole large group of cats in front of him, in Hickoryclan's camp. This was clearly the future. The camp was larger and there was a fresh-kill pile that was bigger than Mosspelt had ever seen. The problem was; someone was missing.

    ixxxxtThe storm is near.

    ixxxxtThe black and white tom didn't care about the cats. His heart was set on something. He was searching for something to save a dear friend. What was he getting? He didn't know. Who was he getting it for? He didn't know. All of it was on the tip of the young medicine cat's tongue.

    ixxxxtTake shelter or the mountains will swallow you whole.

    ixxxxtNow the mountains were rumbling, physically shaking! All he could hear was squealing. It was a bunch of kits; he needed borage leaves! Who was kitting? So many questions were flying in the tom's head. He could now see a cat in the distance, with a familiar build he had seen before. It was --

    ixxxxt"Mosspelt!" a she-cat yelled. It was Poppystar. The tom jumped up, alert but still tired from his crazy dream. Poppystar laughed and motioned the young cat to follow her. "We have a busy day. I will be appointing our deputy!" the she-cat exclaimed. "Alright, alright -- I'm up," he replied. Mosspelt followed after her, he was quite excited too. He just needed to warn her about his dream... later of course. She was racing to the Wind's Tree, her tail hitting the ground in excitement, and at this point he didn't really want to ruin her happy mood. It wasn't too important anyways, he was speculating that it was about Bumblebelly's kitting and Poppystar being under too much pressure. Maybe I should get extra herbs. The medicine cat needed to anyways and it would assure his conscience.

    ixxxxt"Hickoryclan! I call for an important clan gathering!" The word important grabbed the clan's attention, of course most of the cats knew what was to happen. The whole clan has been talking about it for awhile; the deputy. The clan has thrived without a deputy but it needed one and the day had finally came. "Ashenstorm, please make your way to the Wind's Tree," she yelled to the tom. He made his way to her swiftly, with his head held high for the whole clan to see. They both exchanged smiles. "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Hickoryclan is Ashenstorm," she yelled once again. The now deputy dipped his head to show respect to his leader and licked her shoulder.

    ixxxxt"Thank you."


    ixxxxt"I knew you were going to become deputy. You're lucky I'm a queen or a might of beat you," Bumblebelly purred to her mate. He pawed at her paws playfully, "you wish!" He joked. Bumblebelly was already a moon into holding their kits and Ashenstorm couldn't stop thinking about it. He worried about it more than Bumblebelly herself.

    ixxxxt"Do you need anything? Prey, water --"

    ixxxxt"No I don't!"

    ixxxxt"Well I could get Honeypaw to fetch you something."

    ixxxxt"Maybe you should train the tom instead," the queen spat.

    ixxxxtAshenstorm was guilty for that. He has barely even trained the tom, all he has done is send him on silly errands. Well, maybe today was the day because Honeypaw was already running up to his mentor in delight. "Congrats Ash!" he yelled to his mentor. The deputy laughed and rolled his eyes playfully. He liked to put on a show of hating when a cat calls him Ash, but he actually enjoyed it. It was probably because his mate and Honeypaw love to call him that every and he has just gotten used to it. "thanks Honeypaw, want to begin training today?"


    ixxxxtSoftstep was making his way to the medicine cat who was sorting through his herbs anxiously. The warrior noticed that he looked worn out and tired. "Need any help? I was going to go on a border patrol but I have a little time before I go," the white tom offered. Mosspelt shook his but gave him a small nod in gratitude. "Thanks for the offer but I was just about to head out to gather some herbs,"

    ixxxxt"It's truly no problem! Remember to tell me if you ever need any help!"

    ixxxxt"Haha- alright,"

    ixxxxtThen Softstep ran off before the medicine cat could do anything else. Mosspelt couldn't help it but let out a small chuckle. The warrior was always running from place to place offering help, he was a friendly tom but couldn't handle the responsibilities of taking care of the whole clan responsibly. But it didn't seem like Softstep was bothered by not getting the rank of deputy. That's good. The medicine cat set out to the forest to look for more herbs. Maybe this would solve his worrying about his odd dream.


    ixxxxtPoppystar was heading to the forest to do a small lone hunt. Her bones ached but she couldn't go to sleep, she might as well do this to tire her out. This is what Mosspelt had told her over and over. She moved her lithe body swiftly through the thick trees; searching for any movement. The she-cat heard rustling a couple tail-lengths away. She pounced on in a quick manner, but the bird-shaped animal flew away. She squinted her eyes trying to get a better view of it. It was a crow? There have never been any crows on Hickoryclan's territory. The leader turned her head to the sun, her vision became blurry and she collapsed to the floor, unaware of anything around her.
( Ashenstorm was appointed deputy! )
( @near mountains Ashenstorm and Honeypaw are training )
( @meadow Softstep searches for stray cats to recruit )
( @forest Mosspelt searches for herbs )
( @forest Poppystar hunts but passes out from exhaustion )

          Leader: 1
          Poppystar // thirty-one moons // she-cat // motherly

          Deputy: 1
          Ashenstorm // twenty-nine moons // tom // private

          Medicine Cat: 1
          Mosspelt // seventeen moons // tom // snarky

          Warriors: 1
          Softstep // thirty-one moons // tom // quirky
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          Apprentices: 1
          Honeypaw // six moons // tom // arrogant
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          Queens: 1
          Bumblebelly // twenty-six moons // she-cat // high-spirited
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
      Ally Clans:
      Briarclan // amethyst14
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername

      Enemy Clans:
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername

      North // none (mountains)
      East // Roseclan (forest) // .Cronus.
      South // Briarclan (meadows) // amethyst14
      West // Fallclan (river) // Tomato Sauce

      Medicine Store
      Alder bark // x0 // toothaches
      Bindweed // x0 // keeps broken legs in place
      Blackberry leaves // x0 // bee stings
      Borage Leaves // x0 // produces milk, lowers fevers
      Broom // x0 // poultices for broken legs, wounds
      Burdock root // x0 // infection
      Burnet // x0 // boosts strength
      Catmint // x1 // greencough, whitecough
      Celandine // x0 // soothes damaged eyes
      Comfrey root // x1 // broken bones, wounds, wrenched
      claws, itching, inflammation, stiff joints, stiffness, burns
      Goldenrod // x0 // wounds
      Hawkweed // x0 // like catmint, but not as strong
      Heather nectar // x0 // swallowing easier, sweetens
      Honey // x0 // infections, sore throats, swallowing
      easier, coughing, energy
      Horsetail // x0 // infections, bleeding
      Juniper berries // x1 // bellyaches, strength, breathing,
      calming to cats
      Lamb's Ear // x0 // strength
      Marigold // x0 // infection, bleeding
      Mouse bile // x0 // ticks
      Nettle leaves // x0 // poultice for wounds
      Poppy seeds // x1 // sleep, shock, pain
      Ragwort leaves // x0 // aching joints
      Raspberry leaves // x0 // pain, bleeding
      Rosemary // x0 // hides the scent of death
      Snakeroot // x0 // heals poison
      Stinging nettle // x1 // vomiting, swelling, mix with
      comfrey to heal broken bones, wounds, chewing helps
      Sweet-sedge // x0 // infections
      Thyme // x0 // treats shock
      Wild garlic // x0 // infections (especially rat bites)
      Willow bark // x0 // pain, inflammation, diarrhea, fevers
      Yarrow // x0 // poison from wounds, vomit toxins,
      cracked pads

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Water shrew // x0 // 1 serving
      Rabbit // x1 // 2 servings
      Squirrel // x0 // 2 servings
      Small fish // x0 // 1-2 servings
      Hare // x0 // 3 servings
      Thrush // x0 // 3 servings
      Total // 2 servings

      Ashenstorm // Honeypaw // -
      Mentor // Apprentice // No. of training sessions // Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name // Cause of Death
      Cat Name // Cause of Death

      Ashenstorm and Bumblebelly
      Name and Name
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create a clan - V.3

Postby requiem, » Tue May 23, 2017 12:32 am

leaf-bare is now here! a blanket of snow has fallen on your territory and most of the prey and herbs are gone.
kittings will be especially harder and a cat could catch a cold if they go on patrol too much.

[ sorry for the short sentences, i'm currently very busy and i decided to quickly post this to let you guys work on your replies. ]


brindlethorn heard a small chirp and got into a hunting stance. she wasn't letting that finch get away.

[ brindlethorn caught a finch! ]
[ sparrowstar found a warrior! ]
[ gingerpaw and twigpaw learned how to climb! ]



"are you silverstar?" the silver tabby turned to see a molly with a round belly smiling at her. "i was told to come to eclipseclan to have my kits."

[ starclan sent you a queen! she is due in two moons. ]
[ whitebark found catmint! ]
[ firecatcher didn't find anything. ]
[ your cats caught a hare! ]



brackenheart quickly jumped out of the twoleg garden. even though she hated those places, catmint was rarely found in the wild.

[ brackenheart found catmint! ]
[ your cats caught a robin! ]
[ your patrol passed uneventfully. ]
[ starclan sent you a medicine cat apprentice! ]


gretstar and sootshade came back from their hunting session to find a siamese walking in their camp. was this the cat starclan sent them?

[ your cats caught a fish! ]
[ starclan sent you a medicine cat! choose five herbs from here to start your collection. ]


swanfoot was chasing a mouse when she fell nose to nose with a familiar face. "well, well, who do we have here..." she smirked.

[ your first patrol caught a rabbit! ]
[ your second patrol caught a squirrel! ]
[ your third patrol caught a crow! ]
[ swanfoot found an old friend! ]


the hunting patrols walked proudly in to camp. the swallowclan cats had caught quite a lot of prey for leaf-bare.

[ your cats caught a mouse, rabbit and a thrush! ]
[ fawnthroat found hawkweed! ]



luckypaw walked back into camp, staring intensely at the ground. it was clear he had failed his warrior test.

[ flaxenheart didn't find anything interesting. ]
[ your cats caught a frog and a pheasant! ]
[ silkpaw learned the fighting skill! ]
[ poppythorn found chervil! ]
[ starclan sent you a queen! she is due in two moons. ]
[ featherwhisker is expecting kits! she is due in two moons. ]
[ luckypaw failed his warrior test! he will have to try again in a moon. ]



the newly named goosewing grinned widely as his clan chanted his new name. he was finally a warrior!

[ brambletooth and pebblepaw have joined starclan. ]
[ poppypaw found dandelion! ]
[ starclan sent you a queen! ]
[ goosepaw earned his warrior name, goosewing! ]
[ the apprentices learned the fighting skill! ]
[ your patrol found the bodies of brambletooth and pebblepaw. ]
[ your cats caught a vole, a mouse and a fish! ]


[ orchardclan, eclipseclan, sedgeclan, rainclan, tumbleclan, swallowclan, blazeclan and aspenclan are in this post! ]

[ beechclan, caveclan and scorchclan, your replies are here! ]

[ thicketclan, scorchclan and fernclan, your replies are here! ]

[ lotusclan, your reply is here! ]

[ crowclan and summitclan your replies are here! ]

[ strikeclan your reply is here! ]
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clan replies / 029.

Postby deimido » Tue May 23, 2017 3:27 am

- Weather Report -
Current Season: Newleaf.
Newleaf has begun! The sun is beginning to melt the snow leaf over from leaf-bare, making the ground very wet and cold under paw. Herbs will be easier to find now, and prey shouldn't be too hard to catch as the warmth is coaxing them out of their dens.

RuneClan's reply is here. | ReedClan and AsterClan's replies are here. | SlipClan's reply is here. | BirchClan and ShadeClan's replies are here. | WishClan and StoneClan's replies are here. | RippleClan's reply is here. | SorrelClan's reply is here. | ThornClan's reply is here. | WrenClan and FlowClan's replies are here. | QuartzClan's reply is here.

StreamClan | I'm Joy wrote:StreamClan

[Pixiestar goes to the moonpool]
[Minnowleap goes hunting.]

StarClan has given you an apprentice.

While hunting, Minnowleap caught one fish.

JinxClan | vampiress_fox wrote:JINXCLAN

[Birchfeather and Mulberry become mates, they want to wait on kits]
[Velvetrabbit and Rowanpelt of Pineclan become mates, Velvetrabbit wants kits now]
[Herb Hunting, Searching for Catmint - Blackberry and Ashleaf]
[Searching for the Apprentice - Skydapple, Blueriver, Yangfur]
[Boarder Patrol - Jinxstar and Leopardclaw]
[Boarder Patrol - Yinpelt and Hollowheart]
[Hunting Patrol - Magpie, Velvetrabbit, Frecklesnow, Barkclaw]
[Hunting Patrol - Brindlethorn, Blackmouth, Flintshade, Blossomsong]
[Training - Stormcloud/Firepaw, Tux/Windpaw, Willowbolt/Harmonypaw, Birchfeather/Icepaw, Mulberry/Snowpaw]
[Watching Dawnkit and Duskkit - Tanagerpelt]

Birchfeather and Mulberry are now mates!

Velvetrabbit is expecting kits! They will be born in two moons.

While herb hunting, Blackberry and Ashleaf found x3 catmint.

Your patrol found the apprentice, they have wrenched their claw and will need x1 comfrey root to recover.

Your two border patrols were uneventful.

Your first hunting patrol caught x2 lizards, your second caught x1 snake and x1 frog.

Firepaw learned climbing, Windpaw learned endurance, Harmonypaw learned battle, Icepaw learned climbing, and Snowpaw learned speed.

SilentClan | rainbowcatfish8888 wrote:Image

[hunting patrol: Ivystar, Whitewhisker, Pepperfrost]
[looking for herbs: Buzzardflight, Lynxpaw]
[border patrol: Brightsky, Appleclaw, Coaldust, Shadepaw, Finchpaw, Cloudpaw]

[the clan ate 2 ermines]

Your hunting patrol caught x2 mice.

Your medicine cats found x1 ivy leaf and x1 dock.

Your border patrol found an elder who wishes to join SilentClan.

FallClan | Tomato Sauce wrote:𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚗

Duskstar goes hunting in the south border!
Creeksong goes herb hunting in the west border!

Duckstar caught x1 crow.

Creeksong gathered x1 dried oak leaves.
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frostclan 03

Postby ossa di cervo » Tue May 23, 2017 8:05 am

Number of Cats: two (2) ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀
next moonstone visit thursday, may twenty-fifth

Swiftleap had been sleeping soundly but the grumbling of his stomach woke him. Grumbling, the tom got to his feet and stretched, his back arching smoothly. His long claws scrapped against the cave's hard floor and he split his jaws in a wide yawn and he found his eyes instinctively searching for Snowstar. Within the two moons since he'd arrived they'd decided where he should sleep and where her own den would be as well divvying up the big cave for a rather large cave. His grin falter slightly - it was still only he and Snowstar, would they ever truly have a full clan?

Swiftleap shook his fur out - he had to put his full trust in Starclan, they knew what they were doing. The tom trotted toward the fresh-kill pile, if you could call it that, and pulled the one and only rabbit out of it. Guilt tore at his belly; what if more cats came and they were hungry but he'd eaten their only prey this morning?

"Care if I join?"

Snowstar's soft purr made Swiftleap jump, "Of course not." he replied, scooting around the rabbit to allow her room to join him.

Swiftleap wasn't sure why but he enjoyed Snowstar's company - a lot. He wiggled closer to the she-cat until their fur was brushing and continued eating in silence. Snowstar simply chuckled lightly and turned to Swiftleap, running her tongue across his ear. Swiftleap felt his blood rush to his face and ears but he refused to make it visible or say a thing.


Once the two had finished the rabbit they sat and groomed for several long moments before Swiftleap spoke up, "I'm going to go hunting again today. Maybe I'll find someone to join us..." he trailed off at the thought, trying not to get to hopeful.

Snowstar nodded lightly, gaze traveling to the cave entrance, "I'll go on a light patrol and see what I can find."

Swiftleap instantly felt nervous about Snowstar going off on her own but swallowed the feeling. She was his leader she could handle herself.. right?

The two stood and walked to the cave entrance, fur brushing again. They paused as they viewed outside, snow wasn't falling but it sure wasn't melting which was good enough. They said their quick farewells, agreed to be back before the sun began to set and set off toward their own personal missions of the day.

frostclan consumes one rabbit
swiftleap goes hunting
snowstar goes on a short patrol

          Snowstar | thirty-four moons | she-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Swiftleap | twenty-nine moons | tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Forestclan | simonpet
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    field mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    fish | x0 | 2 servings
    lemming | x0 | 1 servings
    grouse | x0 | 3 servings
    duck | x0 | 3 servings
    rabbit | x0 | 2 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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ossa di cervo
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby vampiress_fox » Tue May 23, 2017 9:27 am

Where you leave the past behind you.
Number of Cats: Thirty-One | Males - 15 | Females - 16
Month: Thirty-Three
Next Moonpool visit: May 28
Next Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Next Med Cat Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC

Skydapple and Yangfur supported the limping apprentice between the two of them while Blueriver went ahead to find Blackberry. Just as the young warrior reached the camp entrance, Blackberry and Ashleaf came around a bush.

"Blackberry, we found the apprentice. She has injured her claw and will need your help." He reported as he looked around for Jinxstar to make his report to.

"Thank you, Blueriver. I think that Jinxstar is still out on his patrol, so you might have to wait a bit before you can talk to him." Blackberry said, since Ashleaf had his mouth full of herbs.

Ashleaf led the way, with Blackberry following, to the medicine den. Blackberry decided to let Ashleaf heal the apprentice, while she sorted herbs. She made a note of how old she was starting to feel. This past leaf-bare was harder on her then any that she remembered previously, and she was starting to think that she might need to release more of her duties to Ashleaf. She was not sure if it was time for him to take his own apprentice, but she would need to start letting him take more responsibility around the den and with the clan.

Skydapple and Yangfur carefully led the apprentice into the medicine den, The white she-cat was limping rather badly. Ashleaf gestured to the bed of moss that he had made and waited for her to take her seat. She did, her eyes looking like she was about to start wailing. He braced himself for the kittenish response to come from her.

Skydapple and Yangfur gave him a sympathetic smile before making a hasty exit from the den. Blueriver waited patiently at his father's den for Jinxstar to return from his patrol.

"Is this going to hurt?" The white apprentice asked in a small voice.

"It might sting slightly, but it will not be bad or for very long." Blueriver said, as reassuringly as possible.

He set to work with the comfry root, listening to what the apprentice had to say.

"I used to be a house-cat, but my people abandoned me on the side of a road.
I was almost ran over several times.
" She said in a whiny tone, "I was very scared, then when I hurt my paw I thought for sure I was destined to die in the woods, all alone,
without my mommy. My mommy called me Serena, after her mother.

Blueriver was listening, finally finishing with the herb, "My name is Blueriver, and my mentor is Blackberry. You are safe with us, now. I am sure that Jinxstar will have no problems with you joining the clan."

"Joining the -- AAAAAHHHHHHH" Serena had started her question, but soon started yowling like she was dying when Blueriver barely touched her paw.

Blueriver jumped back in surprise, while Blackberry came pelting out of the herb store.

"Why did you do that?!" Serena wailed, tears streaming from her eyes and her look hostile at Blueriver.

"I barely even touched you!" Blueriver growled back, glaring just as hard.

Blackberry could tell by the young cat that she had not been on her own for very long, and that she was used to being pampered. She just smiled and walked away, while Blueriver gave her furtive and angry glances at her obviously ignoring the situation. He hated when she did this to him.

"Just hold still and calm down, it will be over before you know it." He said in a restrained tone, trying to sound comforting.

"No! You hurt me, don't touch me!" She wailed again.

"You have two choices right now, either let me help you or die a horrible and painful death from infection!" He growled again as he loomed over the young she-cat.

He knew that he was suppose to be gentle, but at times he thought that being more firm was better.

Serena whimpered, shrinking back in the nest, but obeyed this time. Blueriver took her paw again, listening to her muffled cries as she kept her mouth closed. Once he put the herb on her claw, though, she was quiet no longer. She started to wail a storm, screaming about how it hurt and stung and burned, playing it beyond what it was. He knew that this she-cat was going to be a problem, and he did not want to deal with her.

By this time, though, the rest of the clan had returned; and were looking at each other when they heard the noise from the medicine den. Jinxstar pushed his way to the front of the gathering and found his son waiting for him.

"What is going on?" He asked with fear as he looked towards the medicine den.

Blueriver explained what was happening, and Jinxstar took a deep breath. He waited for the young cat to come out of the den before looking around at his cats.

"Serena, how are you feeling?" He asked her in a gentle tone.

"I most certainly could be quiet a bit better, that is for sure!" She snarled, "If this is how you treat the cats in your group then I want none of it, you hear?!"

Jinxstar took a deep breath, "Serena, this is not something that we like doing.
Tending to your wounds so that you do not get sick is something that needs to be done. I would like it if you stayed with us and joined us. You would certainly live longer with us then out there on your own, and you would be able to have the friendship of many other cats to help you as well.

Serena thought for a moment, "Alright, fine, I will join."

Jinxstar smiled and looked among his cats, "Blackmouth, would you do the honors of being a mentor for Serena here?"

Blackmouth was frowning hard as she walked forward to Jinxstar's side, "Of course,
Jinxstar, I would be honored.
" she said in a sickeningly sweet tone.

"Serena, from this day forward you will be known as --" Jinxstar began, but was cut off by the young cat.

"No! My name is Serena, that is what my mother gave me after my grandmother,
you will not change it! Never, ever, ever will any cat change it!
" The young apprentice started to wail.

"Alright, alright!" Jinxstar called to try to silence her, "I am sorry for presuming such a thing, Serena. Please forgive me. Serena, you are recognized as a full apprentice of Jinxclan, Blackmouth will teach you everything that she knows. I look forward to watching you frow in the ways of the warrior code and will take great honor in one day naming a full warrior of Jinxclan."

The rest of the clan chanted Serena's name, Blackmouth looking down at her and already formulating plans in her head.

Jinxstar decided that it would be best for everyone to go to bed at this point. Things had been very hectic today.


"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath The Perch for a clan meeting!" Jinxstar yowled as he looked at the clan that was just starting to wake for the morning, "There has been many things happening with the clan recently, we have had new arrivals both in the form of healthy kits and new cats to join the clan. We have also had new familys lay their foundations to get start, congratulations to Mulberry and Birchfeather." Jinxstar said with a nod to the happy couple, "But now that we have rejoined the forest, we will need to start making it obvious that we are still strong and able to defend ourselves and our territory, there has been shifts in the leadership of many of the clans, most of the cats are now strangers to me, so I do not know what will happen in the coming moons. It does not matter what type of patrol you are on, if you come across one of our boarders, leave fresh scent marks so that other clans know we are still strong."

With that finishing sentance, Jinxstar gave out assignments for the day and started on his way to the Moonpool.

Velvetrabbit took the opportunity to leave camp and try to figure out how she was going to explain her litter to the clan. She did not know of anyone in the clan that would be willing to help her, let alone pretend to be the father of her kits for her. She walked through the forest, mumbling to herself out loud, believing she was alone.

"Oh, dear Starclan, what am I going to do?" She said a quiet prayer as she sat in the shade of a bush, "I can never tell the clan about Rowanpelt, they would banish me if they knew she was my mate. How can you be so cruel as to put my true love into another clan?
Now, on top of it all, you give me his kittens to try to explain to the clan.

Velvetrabbit sat, glaring at the sky, thinking hard about what to do. She did not hear the sounds in the tree not far from her, nor did she smell Yinpelt sitting up there and listening to her every word.

"I could always help you with that." He hissed as he slithered out of the tree and stalked across the ground towards her.

Velvetrabbit jumped quickly, fluffing up her fur in fright, as she saw that Yinpelt was there. He must have heard what I said! What am I going to do now? she thought as she watched him.

"Help me with what?" She asked, trying to play stupid even though her voice cracked as she spoke.

"Help you with your problem, of course." He purred as she circled her, "After all, I am sure that Jinxstar would love to know about your betrayal to the clan and the warrior code."

"No..." Velvetrabbit said quietly, the wind practically knocked out of her.

"Oh, yes, yes indeed." Yinpelt said as she loomed over her, "But, there is another option."

Velvetrabbit felt like she was going to faint, not only did Yinpelt know about her secret, but now he was going to try to blackmail her with it.

"I will pose as the father of the kits, and you will help us with anything that we tell you to." Yinpelt said with an evil smirk.

"Who is 'Us'?" Velvetrabbit asked, finally finding her voice again.

"Oh, don't worry about that, you will find out who they are soon enough." Yinpelt said as his eyes glimmered.

He walked over to Velvetrabbit and wrapped his tail around her. She resisted the urge to retch as she felt her pelt crawl unpleasently.

"This is what you will do, got it?" Yinpelt said as he looked at her, "You will act like my mate, you will pretend to be madly in love with me and do anything that I tell you to. You will keep your trap shut about all of this, and anything else that you might find out from this moment on. The kits will be named by me, and me only. They are never to know who their real father is, he is never to know about this, and you will never see him again.
If you break any of these rules, then I will kill Rowanpelt and the kits, right in front of your eyes.

Yinpelt was glaring harshly down at her, his teeth bared and his tone menacing. All Velevtrabbit could do to keep from dying right then and there was to nod. She had to keep her family and Rowanpelt safe, at all costs.

"Good, now, come back to camp with me. I think that it is time to tell the clan about our budding family, am I right, My Sweet?" Yinpelt said with a malicious grin.

Velvetrabbit followed him meekly, staring at her paws and her tail dragging behind her in defeat.

"Oh, two more things, from this point on, you will stay in camp in the nursery,
and you had better perk up, because if you don't then I will kill the first one to be born. Make it believable, got it?
" He snarled at her as he led the way to camp.

Velvetrabbit took a deep breath and kept pace with him, plastering a fake smile on her face and letting her tail twine with his. Her entire body wanted to rip his pelt from his lithe frame, but she knew that she was no match for him, she had to protect her kits.

Blackmouth led the way to a quiet part of the forest to train her new apprentice. She was limping behind her and mewling like a spoiled kit.

"Do not worry, it is not much farther." Blackmouth cooed to her, "After seeing how you were treated last night, I have decided to skip training today.
Instead we are going to find a nice sunny place to lay and I am going to tell you a story.

"Oh, really? I love stories!" Serena piped up, starting prance faster next to Blackmouth, "What kind of story is it?"

"This is a very special and secret story. The only one who will know about it is you,
and you cannot tell anyone else. No one else will believe you, and there is a chance that some will hurt you again because of you knowing it.
" Blackmouth said in a stern tone, "I am going to tell you this because I trust you and believe in you more then anyone else. I see things in you that remind me of when I was about your age. I can see your full potential, and the rest just think you are a silly kit."

Serena seemed to deflate slightly, "If they will hurt me, why are you telling me?" She asked meekly.

"Because you are safe with me. I will never let anything happen to you." Blackmouth said as she settled into a sunny spot, "This will do nicely, I am gogin to tell you the truth about how Jinxclan was founded. It was not always called Jinxclan, it was originally called Blackclan, and I was the one that founded it. When I was a younger cat, I founded a great clan, many strong and noble cats were in it. But then one day, while we were suffering from a very harsh leafbare and a very dry newleaf, there was a group of rogues that invaded. Many of the clan were weak from the terrible conditions, and the rogues had an easy time of taking over. The evil cats were led by Jinxstar, and they killed the weakest of us first, the kits and queens and elders.
They had attacked at night and by the time that the rest of the clan was able to get up, we were too late. Jinxstar, known as Jinx at the time, killed most of them, but Yinpelt, Flintshade, my daughter Hollowheart, and I were able to survive. We have been biding our time ever since, gathering new forces and planning to tkae back my precious clan and territory from that evil cat that now leads. You are going to be my greatest asset in this, Serena. You are young and new enough that I can keep you from the evil corruption that he would inflict on you, I can keep you safe from the dangers that lurk in the clan.

Serena was watching her with wide eyes, fear and excitement evident in them, "I would be honored to help you right the wrong that was brought upon you. I thank you for helping me when I need you."

Serena dove into the chest of Blackmouth, purring like a kitten that had been reunited with her mother. Blackmouth was smiling, surprised that her plan had worked better then what she thought. She would have to inform Yinpelt, Flintshade, and Hollowheart about this so that they would be able to help her keep the kit, and possibly Tux, on their side. She needed to make plans on dealing with him. Maybe when she got back to camp, after informing the others, she would pull him aside and tell him too. He seemed dense enough to buy it, especially if she were bale to throw her good old charm into it. This plan was coming together better then she thought it would. Very soon, after the warrior ceremony of Serena, she would launch her attack.

Jinxstar walked through the narrow pass, his paws feeling chilly on the still slightly slippery stone. He laid at the edge of the Moonpool, gently lapped the water, and closed his eyes. He opened to find himself in a beautiful clearing filled with wildflowers. He looked around to see if there were any other cats with him. He had yet to be greeted by a warrior of Starclan, but that did not bother him. He spoke proudly as he addressed the empty clearing.

"Starclan, I thank you greatly with honoring our clan with a new warrior, and with honoring us with a new apprentice as well. You are being very gracious to us after we have been gong so long, and I thank you greatly for that. I have come to you again to ask for another warrior, with one litter already with us and another litter soon to be on the way, we will need more paws to help with the increase of mouths to feed and apprentices to train. Please hear my call, and I thank you again for all that you have given to us." Jinxstar finished with a bow and closed his eyes again.

When he opened them this next time, he stood and stretched, shivering from the still cold stone. He trotted quickly back to camp, hoping that all was still well with his clan. He kept his eyes, ears, and nose open for any new scents or sounds along the way.

[Now that newleaf is here, Birchfeather and Mulberry decide to have kits, Jinxstar will take over training Snowpaw]
[Jinxstar visits the Moonpool - asking for a Warrior]
[Herb Hunting - Blackberry and Ashleaf]
[Training - Stormcloud/Firepaw, Tux/Windpaw and Snowpaw, Willowbolt/Harmonypaw and Icepaw, Blackmouth/Serena]
[Watching Dawnkit and Duskkit - Tanagerpelt]
[Boarder Patrol - Mulberry and Birchfeather]
[Boarder Patrol - Blossomsong and Magpie]
[Hunting Patrol - Hollowheart, Leopardclaw, Skydapple, Flintshade]
Hunting Patrol - Frecklesnow, Barkclaw, Blueriver, Yangfur, Brindlethorn]
[Velvetrabbit seeking solitude, Yinpelt following]

          Jinxstar | 68 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Willowbolt | 48 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Blackberry | 50 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Ashleaf | 22 moons | Male | X

          (48-71) Senior Warriors:
          Skydapple | 58 moons | Female | X
          Yangfur | 58 moons | Male | X
          Yinpelt | 58 moons | Male | X
          Brindlethorn | 49 moons | Male | X
          Mulberry | 49 moons | Female | X

          (12-47) Warriors:
          Barkclaw | 34 moons | Male | X
          Flintshade | 40 moons | Male| X
          Blackmouth | 44 moons | Female | X
          Birchfeather | 30 moons| Male | X
          Leopardclaw| 39 moons | Male | X
          Frecklesnow | 22 moons | Female | X
          Stormcloud | 22 moons | Male | X
          Tux | 34 moons | Male | X
          Hollowheart | 18 moons | Female | X original reference
          Blossomsong | 16 moons | Female | X
          Blueriver | 16 moons | Male | X
          Magpie | 13 moons | Female | X

          (6-12/16) Apprentices:
          Firepaw | 10 moons | Female | X
          Windpaw | 10 moons | Male | X
          Harmonypaw | 8 moons | Female | X
          Icepaw | 8 moons | Male | X
          Snowpaw | 8 moons | Male | X
          Serena | 6 moons | Female | X

          (18-71) Queens:
          Tanagerpelt | 30 moons | Female | X
          Velvetrabbit | 46 moons | Female | X

          (0-5) Kits:
          Dawnkit | Female | 3 moon | X
          Duskkit | Female | 3 moon | X

          (72-108) Elders:
          Name | Age | Gender |
          Name | Age | Gender |

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. | Learned:
    Blackberry | Ashleaf
    Stormcloud | Firepaw | 2 | Learned: Hunting, Climbing
    Tux | Windpaw | 2 | Learned: Hunting, Endurance
    Willowbolt | Harmonypaw | 2 | Learned: Hunting, Battle
    Birchfeather | Icepaw | 2 | Learned: Hunting, Climbing
    Jinxstar | Snowpaw | 2 | Learned: Hunting, Speed
    Blackmouth | Serena | 0 | Learned:

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt
    Birchfeather and Mulberry
    Velvetrabbit and Rowanpelt of Pineclan

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple are parents to Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Frecklesnow, Harmonyheart, Snowbird, and Icestripe
    Blackmouth is mother to Hollowheart
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt are parents to Blossomsong and Blueriver
    Blackberry and Mulberry are sisters
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt are parents to Firesoul and Windstorm
    Skydapple, Yangfur, and Yinpelt are siblings
    Yangfur and Yinpelt are uncles to Frecklesnow, Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Harmonyheart, Icestripe, and Snowbird
    Velvetrabbit is the mother to ???
    Birchfeather and Mulberry are the parents to ???
    Blackberry is the aunt to ???

    Medicine Store
    Medicinal Herb, Poison, Usage, Effect, Treatment
    [x1]Alder Bark | For tooth pain. Eases tooth aches
    [x1]Beech Leaves | Used to carry herbs.
    [x1]Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    [x2]Blackberry Leaves | These leaves are chewed into a pulp. Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    [x2]Borage Leaves | It is chewed and eaten. It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.
    [x1]Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    [x1]Burdock Root | The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    [x1]Burnet | A traveling herb. Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Catchweed | The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    [x8]Catmint/Catnip | Eaten Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
    [x1]Celandine | Juice is trickled into the eye. Soothes damaged eyes.
    [x1]Chamomile | Eaten Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
    [x0]Chervil | Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    [x0]Chickweed | Eaten, such as catmint/catnip. Treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred.
    [x0]Cob Nuts | Made into ointments.
    [x1]Cobwebs | Press over wound. To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    [x0]Coltsfoot | Leaves chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    [x1]Comfrey Root | Roots are chewed into a poultice. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    [x0]Daisy Leaf | Chewed into a paste. Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a traveling herb.
    [x2]Dandelion | The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings. Leaves can be chewed. Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    [x1]Dock | Chewed up and applied to scratches. Similar to sorrel. Also can be put in one's nest during sleep. Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.
    [x1]Fennel | Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps pain in the hips.
    [x1]Feverfew | Eaten. Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    [x0]Goatweed | Given daily. Eases anxiety and grief.
    [x1]Goldenrod | Chewed into a poultice. Good for healing wounds.
    [x0]Hawkweed | Like Catmint/Catnip but not as strong.
    [x0]Heather Nectar | Included in herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
    [x0]Honey | Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    [x0]Horsetail | Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    [x0]Ivy Leaf | To store herbs
    [x1]Juniper Berries | Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    [x0]Lamb's Ear | Gives a cat strength.
    [x2]Lavender | Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly. Or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills. Also a herb used to hide the scent of death.
    [x1]Lungwort | Eaten Cures yellowcough.
    [x0]Mallow Leaves | Eaten Soothes bellyache.
    [x0]Marigold | Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    [x1]Mint | Rubbed on a dead body. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Mouse Bile | The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt. The ticks fall off.
    [x0]Oak Leaf | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
    [x0]Parsley | Eaten Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.
    [x1]Poppy Seeds | Chewed on. They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    [x1]Ragwort Leaves | Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Ragweed | Thought to give cats extra strength. Like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    [x2]Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting. Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
    [x0]Rosemary | Put on the pelt of a dead cat to prepare for burial. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Rush | Used to bind broken bones. Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs.
    [x0]Snakeroot | Thought to be applied to wounds. Thought to heal poison, especially snake bites.
    [x2]Sorrel | Eaten Traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
    [x1]Stick | Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal. Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    [x0]Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    [x0]Sweet-Sedge | One must swallow the sap. Eases infection.
    [x2]Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    [x0]Tormentil | Chewed and put on the wound. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    [x2]Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    [x0]Traveling Herbs | sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Eaten Used to give a cat more energy and strength, and it keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time.
    [x0]Watermint | It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    [x0]Wild Garlic | One must roll in it. Prevents infection, especially rat bites.
    [x0]Willow Bark | Eases Pain
    [x1]Willow Leaves | Eaten Stops vomiting.
    [x0]Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    [x1]Yarrow | Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    [x0]Deathberries | Yarrow Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry. Kills a cat within minutes when consumed.
    [x0]Foxglove Seeds | They are used to treat the heart They can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
    [x0]Holly Berries | Similar to Deathberries, though not as severe; they are still a danger to kits.
    [x0]Deadly Nightshade | To kill a cat who cannot be saved quickly. Poisonous.
    [x0]Water Hemlock | Yarrow Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.

    Fresh Kill Pile (6 servings)
    Clan consumes 6 servings: 2 rabbits
    3 serving Snakes x1
    1 serving Frogs x1
    1 serving Lizards x2
    1-3 servings Fish
    1 serving *Greyling x2
    2 servings *Brook Trout x0
    3 servings *White/Yellow Perch x0
    1 serving *Sunfish x0
    1 serving *Bluegill x0
    2 servings *Bass x0
    2 servings *Pickerel x0
    1 serving Bats x0
    3 serving *Sparrow x1
    3 serving *Finch x1
    3 servings *Grouse x1
    3 serving *Sandpiper x1
    3 serving *Thrush x2
    3 serving *Blackbird x2
    3 serving *Crow x1
    3 servings *Raven x1
    1 serving Chipmunks x1
    1 serving Mice x1
    3 servings Rabbit x2
    2 servings Squirrel x2
    1 serving Vole x1

    Northern Mountain | Skullclan | Heda
    Southern River | Beechclan | hazilnut
    Eastern Swamp | Thicketclan | Emberwisp
    Western Pine Forest | Pineclan | voidgear.

    Ally Clans:
    Thicketclan | Emberwisp
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Pineclan | voidgear.
    Witherclan | seedcakes

    Enemy Clans
    Reedclan | Areater
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Clan Tradition:
    When an apprentice is ready to become a warrior, they shall make a one week trip to visit Tori and Anna, a raccoon and magpie respectively, that shall make their Clan Collar. If they succeed then they shall be welcomed back to the clan as a full warrior, if they do not then they will have to train for an additional moon before they are able to try again.

Jinxstar: started at 36 (25)(6 mo jump: 26)(28)
Brindlethorn: 18 (24)(6 mo jump: 25)(27)
Blackberry: 20 (23)(6 mo jump: 24)(26)
Willowbolt: 18 (22)(6 mo jump: 23)(25)
Skydapple: 30 (21)(6 mo jump: 22)(24)
Barkclaw: 6 (20)(6 mo jump: 21)(23)
Tanagerpelt: 6 (19)(6 mo jump: 20)(22)
Velvetrabbit: 23 (15)(6 mo jump: 16)(18)
Stormcloud: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)(17)
Ashleaf: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)(17)
Frecklesnow: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)(17)
Flintshade: 20 (13)(6 mo jump: 14)(16)
Blackmouth: 24 (12)(6 mo jump: 13)(15)
Hollowheart: 0 (11)(6 mo jump: 12)(14)
Birchfeather: 12 (11)(6 mo jump: 12)(14)
Blueriver: 0 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)(12)
Blossomsong: 0 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)(12)
Leopardclaw: 23 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)(12)
Mulberry: 36 (7)(6 mo jump: 8)(10)
Yangfur: 47 (5)(6 mo jump: 6)(8)
Yinpelt: 48 (3)(6 mo jump: 4)(4)
Tux: 32 (6 mo jump: 1)(3)
Dawncloud: 0 (6 mo jump: 1)(3)
Duskwatcher: 0 (6 mo jump: 1)(3)
Magpie: 12 (2)
Serena: 6 (1)
Last edited by vampiress_fox on Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Heda's Clan Posts

Postby Heda » Tue May 23, 2017 11:19 am

Weather Report wrote:
      It is finally New-Leaf, the trees haven't started blooming yet and there is still snow on the ground although the air is starting to become warming and the snow is starting to melt! It is still chilli out there so be cautious as sickness can still arise. Prey is also still scarce but more and more is seen with everyday.

adiebaby11 wrote:Mousestar awoke to find snow drifting into his den. He went out into the clearing and narrowed his eyes at the pure white expanse of snow, only the sky was dark. Cinderpaw and Nightglow were easily visible with their dark fur and the red fur on Appleblaze’s face was like a flame against the snow and the three were standing beside The Hope Stone chatting.

“The leaf suddenly flew to the side but I was too quick for it! If it had of been a mouse or vole it would be lying in the fresh kill pile right now!” Cinderpaw boasted. “Mousestar said he would take me hunting so I can try out my skills on a real piece of prey!”

“That’s not going to happen, Cinderpaw. It’s too cold and I don’t want anyone getting sick until we find someone who knows about herbs.” Mousestar explained guiltily.

“But you said…” She whimpered, making him feel even guiltier.

“I could take her?” Nightglow offered quietly. Mousestar dipped his head thankfully and turned to Cinderpaw.

“Happy?” he asked his apprentice who shrugged, reluctant to admit she was content, though her eyes gleamed with excitement. “I didn’t get much sleep, can you go on a border patrol without me, Appleblaze?”

“Of course Mousestar.” The russet and white warrior got up and went to leave camp but came bounding back within moments. “The river’s frozen!”

“Well there’s nothing we can do about that, just jump over it because we don’t want anyone to fall in. Oh, Cinderpaw? If you don’t catch anything then don’t worry, there’s less prey around ‘cos it’s getting noticeably colder. It won’t have anything to do with you.” Everyone shared wary glances but then filed past and prepared for their duties. Mousestar looked up at the big dark clouds looming over-head. “And be back soon!” He called as the first bolt of lightning lit the sky followed by the roaring sound of thunder. Appleblaze, Nightglow and Cinderpaw leapt across the frozen river and went their separate ways. Appleblaze heading to the west border and the other two going in the opposite direction towards Snake Stones.

[PREY EATEN:] 1 small fish
[BORDER:] Appleblaze
[HUNTING:] Nightglow, Cinderpaw[/center]

      Appleblaze padded along the border the air was still cool but things were warming up in the territory which meant more food. Although it also meant that more food would attract potential predators, so Appleblaze was on high alert this fine morning just incase something arose that was rather unpleasant.
      "Hello there." Apple blaze whipped around as he saw the cat standing behind him. "How long have you been following me?" Apple blaze snapped. The cat tilted it's head and grinned. "Only for a little while now, I was curious." Apple blaze rolled his eyes and watched the new comer. "Well then! What do you want?" The cat had been looking over the clan territory and responded with out even glancing at Appleblaze. "I am looking for a clan to join. I am a healer. So if you would be willing to take one on I would be happy to join if you are apart of a clan?"

      [Appleblaze found a medicine cat. pick your five herbs here!]
      [Nightglow and Cinderpaw caught a snake.]

KittyRock8 wrote:
Hawkstar shivered in the cold. She was sheltered inside of a hollow log, a makeshift den. All she could hear were the howls of the wind thrashing wildly outside of the log. She sighed. She knew she'd better get to the Moonpool to request for more cats, but she sure didn't feel like it. Atleast it was warm-ish in the log because of her body heat. It would be warmer with another cat in here. She thought to herself. Hawkstar stood up, and stretched her legs. She padded over to the edge of the log and peeked out. It was worse than she'd thought. A high wind blew at her face, as well as snow. She shut her eyes, and ducked her head back in.Now it seems much more cozy in this log. Hawkstar shook her head. I have to get to the Moonpool! She gained her strength, and ran outside. The snow pushed against her pelt, but she did her best to ignore it. She half-opened her eyes, and ran heavily to the Moonpool. Her long fur slowed her down, though. Fox dung! Eventually she made it to the glassy water. It wasn't frozen, surprisingly. She spoke up to the stars, "StarClan, I ask for a wish. During these times of snow and leaf-bare, cats will get very sick very quickly. I would need a medicine cat to help my Clanmates, to heal and take care of them. I will need a medicine cat to guide me through troubles, so I am requesting for one." She paused, and then added, "Thank you." The light brown she-cat laid her head by the water, and took a icy sip. She closed her eyes, and dozed off.


(I added the types of fresh-kill for EmberClan)

      A loud huff would be heard as Hawkstar began to wait, a fluffy blue eyed cat was staring at her with an unamused look plastered on its small grey face. "It's been three hours. I have been sitting here for three hours well you just snooze away." The new comers tail would lash against the ground for a moment before a small smile came to the cats face. "I am only joking, I just arrived her a few minutes ago. Star clan sent me, I am your medicine cat. It is nice to meet you Hawkstar."

      [Starclan sent you a medicine cat. Pick your five herbs here.]

kirkwood gaps wrote:
Minnowstar nodded, calmly. On the inside, though, he was thrilled. His clan was growing every moon, and he felt happy that it was doing so well.
'Thank you, StarClan, for all of these wonderful cats.' He thought to himself.
"Keep up, sheep-bones! I'll be there before you even get to where I'm standing!" The striped she-cat giggled, standing near the moonpool's exit. Minnowstar could already tell that this cat was very excitable, and he was curious to see how good of a medicine cat she was. He looked up into the molly's eyes, they were a piercing orange, so bright he couldn't look away. "What did I just tell you? We mustn't just dilly-dally all day!" Minnow shook his head, waking from his day-dream.
"Oh- yes, alright," He climbed the rocky cave towards the silhouette of the medicine cat. "Wait — I forgot to ask — what's your name?"

One journey later...

Throughout the walk back to the camp, Minnowstar and the molly chatted. They talked about the future of the clan, herbs and other miscellaneous subjects. However, Minnow had learnt her name and a bit about her. She said her name was Tigertail, and she used to be in a clan until a rogue assassin killed the leader and the deputy, resulting in chaos. Tigertail had escaped, though, and was sent the message from StarClan that a new clan had awaited her — CraterClan.

When they got back, Heathersway was sleeping on the ice covering the Water Crater. Tigertail started to meow,
"That's dangerous, you kno-"
"I know," Heathersway interrupted, opening one of her eyelids to look at the new she-cat. "'re new the medicine-cat, I presume?"
"Yes, I am!" Tigertail mewed, smiling.
"Ugh," Heathersway thought as she rolled her eyes. She didn't feel the best today, and this new cat's overly cheery personality wasn't helping. Minnowstar butted in,
"Heathersway, meet Tigertail. Tigertail, meet Heathersway. Speaking of Heathersway, are you alright? You don't look the best," Minnow thought about the task he set her. "Wait, did you find any prey? Did you catch a cough?" He suddenly felt worried. Perhaps that was why? It would make a lot of sense.
"No, Minnow. I've just been feeling down. It's been really cold back at camp." Tiger was about to speak, but Minnowstar noticed and knew that it would only make Heather more annoyed. "Well, nevermind that. What did you catch? I mean- food, not 'catch' as in catch a cough-"
"I know what you mean, Minnow. And for the food, I was actually very lucky! No- insanely lucky. I caught two mice, which is definitely enough for us all to share. I mean- I don't think I'd catch two pieces of food normally, let alone in Leaf-Bare!" Although she seemed harsh just before, Heathersway had already began to act like her normal self. Minnowstar thought that 'storm' as a suffix might've suited her better, seeing as she can change attitudes in an instant. Minnow didn't want to upset Heather, though, and he doubted she would like a name based around her 'easily-frustrated-ness', and he wouldn't either.

One moon later...

Tigertail had already settled into the camp. Her first impression of Heather wasn't the best, but Tiger looked past it and focused on Heathersway's usual personality.

Minnow, though, was off to the moonpool again. He hadn't really thought about which rank he wanted the cat to be, so he just decided on warrior. He didn't want to ask for a deputy, and he probably never will, for that's a decision Minnow had to make on his own. He had to be the one who chose who would be the next leader. He wanted to choose a cat that he knew could handle a clan.

On the other paw, Heathersway and Tigertail were on hunting patrol. Heather knew that she wouldn't get that lucky again, but still had her hopes up.

{Clan consumed 2 servings}
{Minnowstar asks StarClan for a warrior}
{Heathersway and Tigertail go hunting}

      Heathersway was quietly stalking a rabbit which she was excited that she found in the first place. Walking carefully she lowered herself so she could chase it. She needed to get a head start on this thing so she could catch it. Taking off the animal heard her and took off. Heathersway pushed her paws hard into the ground to get more traction as she came closer to the animal with every powerful push of her legs. Grabbing the animal hard by the next she stumbled, the rabbit still firm in her jaws as she wasn't going to loose such a valuable catch. She came to a stop and pinned the scrambling animal to the ground before killing it.
      She walked with a proud strut as she approached Tigertail. Dropping the catch in front of her, she smiled. "Wheres your catch?" She questioned Tigertail with a smirk. Tigertail looked at her with an annoyed expression. "I didn't catch anything." The other she-cat mumbled. Heathersway hid her smirk and shrugged. "Maybe if you weren't so busy with herbs you would of caught yourself something." She said casually as she picked up her catch and started back to camp.

      [Heathersway caught a rabbit, Tigertail was unsuccessful.]
      [Starclan sent Minnowstar a warrior.]

amethyst14 wrote:

While patrolling the meadow borders Bouldershade had scented something strange. As he investigated the scent he saw the pile of fur being buried by the snow storm. He rushed over to see if the cat was okay and was happy to see a shivering molly "Can you walk?" he asked her. She nodded to him and stood up but shivered violently, causing her to stumble. "Good, follow me and we can get you to a warmer place." Bouldershade started to lead the way back. The molly hesitated slightly before looking back at the border but eventually followed the deputy back to camp.

Once they were back at camp Bouldershade took the molly to Archpool's den. He dipped inside first but the molly was right behind him. The deputy knew the den would be warm because Cloudstar was locked up inside until he was better. "Cloudstar, I found a cat at the border." he meowed before stepping aside so the large white tom could see her.

Cloudstar had been eating a herb that Archpool gave him before he saw the molly, his eyes grew wide "Zira!" The tom meowed with shock. This caused confused looks from both Bouldershade and Archpool so Cloudstar explained his past to them. Even mentioning that Zira was the only kit his mentor had and that they knew each other. "But did you get here?" he looked at the molly.

She was already curled up in a nest near the toms, she had stopped shivering now in the warm den. It took her a second to register what Cloudstar had asked "When you caused that fight I managed to escape. I have been living out in the wild for some time now.A few moons ago I met a tom and fell in love with him, we became mates and I am expecting his kits, his name is River. When the storm hit we got separated and I have been looking for him for weeks now." The name caused some shock from Bouldershade, River was the name of his brother. The tabby kept his mouth shut though, he didn't want to say anything he was not sure of. "Then he found me at your border. I didn't mean to trespass, it is just the snow made it so difficult."

"Why don't you stay? Maybe River will find you here." Cloudstar said, there was really no question in his voice, just the usual bossiness. It did not seem to phase Zira in the slightest bit, clearly she knew Cloudstar was this way. "I am Cloudstar now, leader of Briarclan." The fluffy white tom meowed with pride.

It has been a whole moon since Zira came to the clan, Cloudstar hadn't pushed her about joining the ranks and she didn't want to ask. The snow storm had seemed to get worse and hardly any cat left camp. The fresh kill pile was very low and there were days that the clan went without food. Even with prey so scarce Cloudstar made sure Zira ate first, even if it was just a scrawny mouse that had been caught.

Today however Cloudstar was going to go to Moonstone, he was better now and even felt stronger so the journey there would not be so harsh even with the storms. "I will be back." he meowed to the clan. Today he gave every cat a job as well "Bouldershade, you and Fawnwillow go hunt. May Starclan bless your attempts. Archpool, you do what ever medicine cats do. Owldust! You and Zira will patrol the meadow, maybe her mate will show up." Cloudstar meowed with strange optimism. The leader was pleased when every cat started their work without complaint, though Archpool glared at him before turning away.

While out hunting Bouldershade and Fawnwillow were quiet, though for different reasons. Bouldershade peered at the small lake and it was completely frozen, no point in looking for fish. He scented the air, hopefully water vole would be out and about though he doubted it still. He hadn't even noticed the nervous stares come from Fawnwillow as she struggled to talk to him.

"U-um Bouldershade?" Fawnwillow finally whispered, though it was clear that the tom had not heard her. "Bouldershade," she meowed a tad louder, determined to get his attention. When he looked at her with slight worry in his eyes she couldn't help but look at her paws and avoid is gaze "Sorry, I am fine, every thing is fine."

"What is it then Fawnwillow?" Bouldershade had moved towards her and licked her behind the ear for comfort.

"I-I was wondering if you would become my mate." The molly stuttered out, all the while looking at her paws.

"What?"The grey and white tabby tom had heard her but was in disbelief, did she really ask him that? He smiled and looked down at her as she looked at her paws and before she could repeat herself he started to purr "Of course I will." as he nuzzled her kindly. This made the molly happy and she purred as well.

[Border Patrol Owldust and Zira patrol the meadow.]
[Hunting Patrol Bouldershade and Fawnwillow hunt near the frozen small lake. (No fishes)]
[Herb Hunting Archpool is searching for herbs in the forest.]
[Becoming Mates Bouldershade and Fawnwillow become mates. Trying for kits.]
[Moonstone Cloudstar requesting a warrior, the warrior will be the queens lost mate and Bouldershade's brother.]
[Prey Eaten 1 Mouse(1 serving) and 1 Water Vole(1 serving)]
[Herb Used 1 Chickweed consumed by Cloudstar]


      Owldust and Zira walked threw the meadow, its flowers and grass still dead but if you looked closely you could see some things trying to grow among the melting snow. Zira huffed a little as this long walk was harder then she thought, although she supposed moving around was better then just sitting in the queens den. Although Zira heard something off to her right and when she went to look she slipped on a patch of melting ice and mud. Thankfully it wasn't that bad of a fall but her paw throbbed a bit. "Oh Zira are you ok!" Owlets exclaimed with much worry inlaced in her words. Zira nodded, "Yes I am fine, my paw hurts a little but I thought I heard some-" She was cut off by a familiar voice. "Zira, is that you?"
      [Owldust and Zira find a warrior on patrol, although Zira sprain her paw!]
      [Bouldershade and Fawnwillow catch a rabbit and quail.]
      [Archpool finds elder leaves and poppyseed.]
      [Bouldershade and Fawnwillow are expecting kits in two moons(two posts)!]

_Ravenfeather_ wrote:Duststar yawned awake the next day, rising to his paws and stretching his pelt. He wandered outside his Den and noticed Blossomdream crouched beside the Fresh-Kill pile eating the mouse he had caught the day before, "I'm going on a patrol!" He yowled to her. "Okay, I'll be here.." she meowed back. He wandered off to the border.

      Duststar was busy following the scent of a cat that had been passing through Pearlclan's territory. He was on high alert and his tail lashed as the scent became stronger. He stopped as he saw the cat in the distant. It was looking like it was searching for something. Almost hunting. "Hey!" Duststar called. The black and white cat looked up and then took off like a bullet. Duststar was at first surprised by the cats sudden take off but he was soon chasing after it. He took a different route as he was going to cut the cat off. He knew this territory far better then the stranger did and in minutes Duststar was colliding with the cat. They rolled for a few moments until Duststar pinned the cat. "What are you doing on my clan territory?"
      [Duststar came across a warrior on his border patrol.]

.Cronus. wrote:────────────────────────────────────────
Spiderstar watched from affair, he was close to Coastclan border. He was curious if he would spot any cats. It had been a few moons since he had seen Cricketstar, she had mentioned her alliances with Blazeclan and Skullclan which he commented he wanted to meet. She was hesitant about it but told him he may be able to attend a gathering with the three of them. He was sure it was going to be interesting.

He wasn't staying long as he wanted to ask Echoflame something, he was really head over heels for the she-cat and even though he didn't want to admit it in that fashion he truly was taking aback by her.

"Echoflame could you walk with me for a moment." The two set out and started a small walk towards the stream that passed through their territory. "So I have wanted to ask you something for a few days now." Echoflame grinned at Spiderstar and her tail flicked. "Go on." "Well I was wondering if you would be interested in being my mate. I feel we could accomplish a lot together. Your mind works just like mind, you have no mercy for the weak and you would never back down from a fight. I admire all those things about you." Echoflame laughed a little. "Some cats don't find my wickedness 'mate' material." Spiderstar stopped and watched the green eyed she-cat. "Well I do."

Swiftfoot rolled her eyes as she continued to clean out the den. She had gotten snow inside as she forgot to cover it with the rose bush again and this time Briarhawk was making her clean it up. He was being quite bossy and she knew he was deputy but she couldn't help but feel annoyed. "Not until it's all gone!" She almost growled as he called at her again and she huffed and dug the snow all out. "Well it's gone now!." "No it's not what's that!" She wanted to whip around and smack the cat but she knew that would get her killed and her sister warned her that this wasn't like her last clan. Which was fine but Echoflame seemed to like it too much and her and Spiderstar were so simliar it was scary. Echoflame had already killed their father and their brother which was a reason why they had left in the first place. She didn't think this was the best place for them as it fueled her sister on, fueled her on a path that Swiftfoot certainly was a little scared of.

(Spiderstar and Echoflame become mates.)
(Swiftfoot and Briarhawk go hunting)
(Thicketscar looks for herbs)


      Swiftfoot and Briarhawk hadn't talked for the whole hunting patrol and when he caught a mouse and she caught nothing as of yet she couldn't help but feel a little more annoyed. "You better catch something. Make up for what you did back at camp." Swiftfoot rolled her eyes. "Would you shut up already I am working on it, maybe if you weren't following me I could have a successful hunt!" Briarhawk stopped in slight shock but stopped and sat down. "Fine I will wait here, but hurry it up!" She padded off quickly into the woods, it wasn't long until she plopped a hare in front of the deputy and Briarhawk groaned a little. "Yay yay, your forgiven." She grinned with pride as she felt this was to show Briarhawk she was more then what he thought."
      [Spiderstar and Echoflame are expecting kits in two moons(two posts)]
      [Swiftfoot catches hare and Briarhawk catches a mouse.]
      [Thicketscar finds alder bark and burdock bark.]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby kiro,, » Tue May 23, 2017 3:12 pm

Number of Cats:5 (Male-2/Female-3)
Next Moonpool Visit: 29th May

On the way back to camp Appleblaze grew impatient. The she-cat kept pausing to pick leaves and as they pushed through the reeds that surrounded the camp, she plunged a paw into cobweb. Appleblaze purred as the stream came in sight. "The ice has melted!" he waded through the stream happily, the she-cat not far behind. Mousestar was no where in sight. The brown tom was asleep in his den, snoring loudly. "Mousestar!" Mousestar grumbled quietly as he emerged from the den.

"What is it Appleblaze?"

"The streams unfrozen and I found Hopeclan a medicine cat!" Mousestar instantly brightened at the fantastic news. The she-cat put down her bundle of herbs and stumbled forwards, the paw with the cobwebs keeping off the ground.

[color=#FF00FF]"It's nice to meet you, I'm Lily."
she smiled softly, her eyes shining.

"Would you be interested in changing your name? Just know I'm not forcing you to, Lily is a beautiful name." she was thoughtful for a moment.

"I'll keep my name. My mother gave me this name but..." she broke off sadly. Appleblaze nudged her.

"Don't think about that. Here, let me show you your den." she followed Appleblaze to a patch of bushes. There were a few shallow dips in the sandy earth and a small hollow that tunneled under a stone. "That's where you sleep," he motioned towards a dip that was further away then the others. "And that's where your herbs going." he left the den and came back with the herbs she had collected and placed then beneath the rock. Lily strung the cobwebs between two branches and went back out to the clearing. Nightglow and Cinderpaw were back from hunting and Cinderpaw was bragging about a snake she caught. As soon as she noticed Lily she bounced up and down curiously.

"Hi! I'm Cinderpaw! Who are you?"

"I'm Lily, the new med cat." she purred in amusement.

"So we have a med cat now?" Nightglow purred.

"We sure do! Now, I'm taking Cinderpaw for another training session. Can you organise the border and hunting between you and Appleblaze please?" the deputy nodded and ran to meet Appleblaze as he emerged from the med den. Lily walked up to Mousestar.

"I grabbed a few herbs on the way here but it's not enough to last so I'm going out again." he dipped his head and told Cinderpaw about the training session. She squeaked and sprinted out of camp.

"Race ya!" She kicked snow into his face as they ran through the forest and he slowed, shivering violently for the rest of the way.

[PREY EATEN:] 1 mouse and 1 vole
[TRAINING:] Mousestar ---> Cinderpaw
[BORDER:] Nightglow
[HUNTING:] Appleblaze

Mousestar | 62 | Tom |
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Nightglow | 51 | she |

Medicine Cat:
Lily | 24 | Gender |

Appleblaze | 22 | Tom |
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Cinderpaw | 9 | She |
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Obsidianclan | forgetful.
East | Foxclan | diamondfox
South | Sapphireclan | Shiraya
West | Mossclan | RebelliousWinter

Dock | x1
Catmint | x1
Cobweb | x1
Comfrey | x1
Poppy Seeds | x1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Birds | x0 | 3 servings
Fish | x0 | 2 servings
Voles | x0 | 1 servings
Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
Mice | x0 | 1 servings
Snakes | x1 | ? servings
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby winter solstice. » Tue May 23, 2017 8:53 pm

      (ooc; ooh, I found this through browsing writing forum and I think this is a great idea! Definitely would get me back to writing and back to the fandom nwn)

      My Clan name is SeaClan. The cats are known to be great swimmers, having learned to brave the treacherous waters of the sea they call home and give their Clan their name. They are as wild and energetic as the unpredictable sea, but they are also known to be fearless in battle, compassionate to those who seek shelter in the cliffs the Clan makes their home in, how ever long they intend to stay.

      SeaClan cats hunt fish and other seafood, as they are the most reliable source of prey. They don't have to go very far out either- the tide pools contain prey such as sea stars and sea urchins, and, while the sea is indeed the most-reasonable source of prey, the cats only use the place to strengthen their resolve and learn to swim as a mark of their fearlessness; therefore, a river that flows to the sea nearby is the place where SeaClan hunt. There is even a small copse of pines above, on the top of the cliff that they make their home, that provides the cats with the occasional crow or other forest prey animals, if the cats so desire.

      Some cats (kittypets, rogues, etc.) in the area tell of legends that SeaClan cats are part-fish, which stem from their prowess in swimming, while others tell of cats who can jump from their cliff homes to the churning waters below, only to surface quickly and make it to shore. While the two are merely legends, fictitious stories to scare young cats at night, they all are proof of the fearless reputation this Clan of water-loving cats have in the area.

      The cats of SeaClan make their camp in the caves that formed naturally in the cliffs that surround the sea.

    • A natural, but extremely narrow (barely enough for two full-grown warriors to squeeze past each other) walkway, known as the Sea Path, connects the high caves to the small, rocky shores below.
    • The camp itself consists of a series of large and small cave chambers, all connected by a series of tunnels known to the cats as the Cave Paths. The cave entrance is a large gaping hole in the side of the cliff that faces the sea. This opening is usually covered by dried seaweed that elders and apprentices collect that have washed up on shore, then dried on the top of the cliff. The entrance opens up to the large, central chamber of the cave system, simply known as The Camp. It is the center of activity in the Clan, with cats crowding the spacious chamber for sharing tongues, eating, making announcements, and other things you'd expect is normal for a Clan. The chamber connects the rest of the chambers together. Off to the very left, at the end of a short Cave Path that ends in a steep incline, lies the Leader's Chamber, where the Clan Leader sleeps. The Deputy's Chamber lies just to the right, connected to the camp by another short Cave Path, which ends in a gradual decline, which houses the deputy. Further to the right, after a long Cave Path that twists and turns for some time, lies the Warriors' Chamber, which houses the warriors, which make up the majority of the Clan. Connected to the Warriors' Chamber via a short Cave Path is the Apprentices' Chamber, where the apprentices stay. The central Cave Path, which is guarded by three cats at all times, is the Nursery Chamber, or simply the Nursery, where queens and their kits stay, protected by the rest of the Clan. The Cave Path to the right of the Nursery leads to a fork, where one path becomes two. Taking the left one leads to the top of the cliff, the entrance of which is cleverly situated in the middle of a dense group of bushes. The right one leads to the Dirtplace, another place on top of the cliff, but well away from the other exit, where cats make dirt. The rightmost chamber is known as the Elders' Chamber, reserved to the cats who receive the most respect from the rest of their Clanmates for their outstanding service to the Clan.
    • The Pine Grove is a small copse of pines growing on top of the cliffs, which provides SeaClan cats some prey that aren't fish or other seafood.
    • The Sky Pine is the tallest pine tree in the woods, which is rumored (but is not true) to house a pair of eagles that are a threat to the safety of SeaClan patrols who venture out to thte top of the cliff. Many an apprentice dare each other to climb to the topmost branches, where there is an abandoend nest of a bird of prey. The eagles make their nest elsewhere, but will be happy to hunt in the pine woods.
    • The River, located on the shores below, is where they catch fish and where younger cats learn to swim for the first time. There is a bend in the river that cats are forbidden to go, save for those who have become warriors recently, or for leaders and medicine cats, as it contains rough waters and sharp, jutting rocks in the river. Past this is where the ominous-sounding Dark Falls is located, cascading mighty torrents of water from above. The cave behind the Dark Falls is reached via the slippery Moon Path.
    • The cave is known as the Moonpool, where certain cats go to visit StarClan and receive advice, warning, and/or prophecies.
    • The Shore is where battle training and most of the non-camp activities are done. Reached by the aforementioned Sea Path from the camp, it is a rocky shore that changes size constantly, determined by the ebb and flow of the sea. It contains the Wave Pools, the tide pools that provide cats with (relatively) easy prey, and the Training Grounds, where SeaClan cats train.

      (I think I may have gone overboard >_> got caught up XD hope this is okay? Also, please let me know if I should include Clan traditions and the like?)
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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