✩ - starstruck ))

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✩ - starstruck ))

Postby rocketstarletta! » Wed May 17, 2017 10:49 am

        ────────────── - starstruck )) --
        - welcome to new york!..
        here's the forms & discussion for starstruck! feel free to submit a form! or talk about anything here! I do
        n't mind! feel free to send a pm for a reserve, if you'd like! and relations charts are not mandatory, but i
        f you'd like to make one, feel free to do so! c:
        ────────────── - starstruck )) --
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✩ - sena waverly hayes ))

Postby rocketstarletta! » Wed May 17, 2017 10:54 am

she kept
full name : sena waverly hayes n.na
me :
sinny, cina, sina, lee, waverly,
hayes gender : cis.female age : twe
nty years old sexuality : heterosexua
l-romantic crush : none at the mome
nt, pm if interested! zodiac sign : sa
gittarius zodiac - dec. 21st role : th
e bubbly actress, likes acting in thea
tre anytime! hair & eyes : blond
e hair & ocean blue eyes, has very
long hair, about a little below mi
d-back length. siblings : river lo
ndon hayes is her older brother.


sena is a bubby girl with a good sense of humor, she does care if you ju
dge her for that. She is very adventurous & loves to travel! sena is also
a hopeless romantic, & is an extrovert. she is a very happy person & m
ay tend to smile or giggle at anything. she also has a older brother, riv
er & they are very close. but sena is a very easy person to talk to. she
is very kind and warm-hearted person, & never wants to exclude anyo
ne. she is the kinda person to start up a conversation. she is also loyal
& protective to anyone she is closest to & can easily get jealous. sena
also takes theatre because she dreams of becoming a actress one day.
sena also sees the good in others, and wants to be friends with everyo
ne! most people say she is really annoying but, she just is very bubbly
and is very social! sena is also very excitable about everything! she j
ust is always excited about the littlest things.
( her dreams big,

⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
worries small.
theme song :: stay in the dark - the band perry
svc&vc :: kimberly perry & mandy moore
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✩ - river london hayes ))

Postby rocketstarletta! » Wed May 17, 2017 10:56 am

thee a
full name :: river london hayes n.n
ames ::
riv, rive, london, hayes gen
der ::
cis.male age :: twenty-one y
ears old sexuality :: heterosexual-r
omantic crush :: none at the mome
nt! dating :: none at the moment! z
odiac sign ::
pisces zodiac - march 1
9th role :: the star athlete, plays fie
ld and ice hockey. nationality :: hal
Irish half american, his sister is Irish
too! has a bit of a irish accent, but
you can hear more american. hair &
eyes ::
short dark brown hair & ocean
blue eyes siblings :: sena waverly ha
yes is his little sister
far better

thngs ahead than //

river is a very out going and likeable person just like his sister. h
e's always smiling and laughing. riv is a pretty happy person, he'
s a bit sarcastic and alway cracking jokes. He is can be very wit
ty at times and he an be pretty chill, it just depends on the per
son he is talking to. river can be very loyal and protective to an
yone he is closest too, he can also be very charming and charis
matic. but he can be also very stubborn at times, and he can a
lso speak his mind. he is also very honest and intelligant when
he wants to be, riv is very confident and optimistic. he is also
very athletic and is a jock, he plays field hockey and ice hockey.

leae bhind.
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(( -- i used to love you sober !!

Postby rogan » Wed May 17, 2017 11:57 am

┌──────────── i'm gonna let it go
name karolina michele talley
byname(s) karol, lina, miche
le, michael, talley
gender cis. female aaafff
age twenty years old
role the melodic musician
astrological sign taurus
birth date may fifteenth
theme song comeback
so hetero
crush lowkey river
dating nerp
married to no one
children none, no.

. xxxxxx. xxxxxx. xxxxxx.
xxxxxxxxlxxxwe gotta know! we gotta know!
karolina stands at 5'4"
and weighs 110 pounds.
her hair is waist length
and holds the color of
highlighted brown. she
has heterochromia- her
right eye is brown, and
her left eye is a baby bl
ue with hints of brown.
no matter the weather,
she can be found with a
sweater of some sort on
, as well as some sort of
hat. always wears conv
erse, no matter the wea
ther. vc&svc; tae dye !!
───── if you hold on
karol here is probably one
of the more bold and outg
oing females. she has nev
er really had troubles talk
ing to large crowds. beca
use she was open about p
ublic speaking, she can no
rmally openly sing to larg
e crowds. no promises ha.
it'll hurt your soul!
there are times where
she does get nervous,
and this is normally w
hen she's auditioning,
because who wouldn't
be nervous? anyway, s
he can be a bit clingy
as well, but she's reall
y just a nice girl, mai
nly protective, attent
ive, generous, courag
eous, and a bit clingy
, even a bit annoying a
t times . . . she's sorry.
that's why I'm learning how to
Last edited by rogan on Thu May 18, 2017 10:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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(( -- there goes my everything !!

Postby rogan » Wed May 17, 2017 11:58 am

┌──── my lack of
pompous - ish
name baylen payton gilinsky
bynames literally anything
gender cis. male
age twenty one
role rebel/bad boy (writes)
bday february thirteenth
astrological sign aquarius
theme the way i talk

sexuality heterosexual
crush tbd, pm me
dating nerp
married to no
children heck to the no
pets a border collie named alex,
and a siamese cat named mallo
ry. none other than his two part
ners in crime :3

he stands at five foot ten, and we
ighs one fifty three. his eyes hold
a green-brown color, while his ha
ir is a dirty blonde. he wears wha
tever he has in his closet tbh, and
has no tattoos/modifications :3
baylen is a real h
ell raiser, and wo
uld rather stay th
is way. not that h
e cares. bay here
is as care free as,
well, humanly po
ssible. he can als
o be rather comp
etitive, and reall
y doesn't give a c


there's nothing this man loves
more than causing trouble. th
ough he is destructive and rat
her unorganized, he can alwa
ys find what he's looking for..
most of the time. beneath his
bad boy exterior is a really bi
g teddy bear who just wants t
o be loved. his past had really
ruined all love from everyone,
no matter what the situation i
s. despite this, he is emotiona
l, and even though he may not
show them, they're always goi
ng to be there. and he just de
stroys a lot for attention tbh.
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✩ - the classic queen bee

Postby valkyrie, » Wed May 17, 2017 12:00 pm

A─────! ! !
venus hades
twenty-one / cisfemale
model / queen bee
██ ·
██ ·
██ ·
██ ·
██ ·

word word wo
word word wo
word word wo
word word wo
word word wo
word word wo

word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word

──── TO A ────
┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓

acts as if she's the prettiest
not shy at all
quick traits

┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word
word word word

Last edited by valkyrie, on Thu May 18, 2017 12:30 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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✩ - song bird

Postby valkyrie, » Wed May 17, 2017 12:01 pm

█ ▒ ·
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━━━━━━━━━ ╸♛
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❝ S O
01. marquesa dolce altoviti 02. m
ari or dolce 03. cisfemale 04. bis
exual 05. twenty 06. song birdie c:
07. italian 08. acts like a princ
ess 09. five feet tall and 123 lbs..
10. chocolate brown eyes and br
own hair 11. olive skin 12. born in
to high mafia family 13. sweet,
intelligent, caring, talented, manip

ulative, honest, good at keeping a secret. mari
is known to be a preppy type girl, but if you rea
lly know her, she actually a weirdo. she enjoys
playing video games and reading comics and
stuff. on certain days, mari can be stubborn &
rude, yet, she tries to keep a pretty face. towa
rds being a rich chick, mari enjoys spending m
oney on her friends, coco, and her self. she also
enjoys playing soccer and singing her heart out.
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Last edited by valkyrie, on Thu May 18, 2017 12:33 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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✩ - juliette evangeline hart ))

Postby rocketstarletta! » Wed May 17, 2017 12:23 pm


full name :: juliette evang
eline hart
nicknames :: prefers julie,
or jewel, gem, lee, etta, eva
ngeline, evie, ellie, elli, hart
age :: twenty years old
gender :: cis.female


smile -
change the
personality :: with julie being a vir
go, she is shy and tends to keep to
herself. she is practical, she is also
a bit timid too when it comes to m
eeting people aswell. but one you
get to know her she is pretty chill
and loyal to anyone she meets. ju
lie always talks softly when she sp
eaks, and she may not say much t
oo when you first meet her. she's a
lso a bit insecure she really worri
es about what others say about her.
julie loves animals and reading boo
ks. she is also very hardworking wh
date of birth & zodiac :: v
irgo - september 21
sexuality :: demi-heterose
crush :: none at the moment,
pm me if interested! c;
dating/boyfriend :: none at t
he moment, pm me if inter
ested! c;
role :: the film maker!
hair & eyes :: dirty blonde and
grey-ish, pale blue
siblings :: arthur henry hart

en it comes to film and she is also warm-hearing and caring to others, she may
help someone she doesn't know very well despite her shyness. jewel is also ver
y analytical. she also doesn't like asking for help or being put on the spot or b
eing center of attention. julie is also half german, half american.
world,but don't let the world -
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Re: ✩ - starstruck ))

Postby vi‎ ‎ » Wed May 17, 2017 1:20 pm


__________ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀsɪᴄs__________
name; carolyn anne spade
nickname(s); carol or just plain carolyn
gender; female
sexuality; bisexual
age; 20
bf; none. (pm me!)
dating; none (pm me!)

______ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋs______
hair; almost shoulder length (it's longer)
hair/eye color; brown and eyes are green and brown
carolyn used to live in the suburbs of new York, never
really stepping into the city part of it, but definitely h
as seen big buildings and cars before. it wasn't really n
ew to her. anyways, she is now a fashion designer and
is going onto college.this gal wears superstars everyday
and if not, she'll be wearing vans. you can almost always
see her wearing some kind of bow in her hair or have her
hair up. <3
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Postby rogan » Wed May 17, 2017 1:54 pm

      i'm proud to have my babe karolina done, and i know there isn't much personality, i just hope it's enough >.<
      @neb, hope it's okay i had her have a lowkey crush on river
      pm me if you want to have any relationships with her :3
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