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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby HorseyCollector1234 » Thu May 11, 2017 8:40 am

Why did you chose your username?: Because horse are my favourite animal and I knew that I would be collecting tons of them on CS.
Share a little something about yourself: Well, Blue is my favourite colour, I adore singing (in two choirs), I have a ragdoll cat named Nemo, I play the piano and the guitar and I love playing CS.
Why do you want an UR Tiger?: Because it is so cute!!!!
What are your plans?: For the pet? KEEP IT FOREVER AND EVER!!!
Do you play another game/deviantart?: Minecraft? does that count?
Other: Thank you so much for this opportunity! Have a nice day and good luck everyone :D
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby hookfang » Thu May 11, 2017 8:41 am

    Why did you chose your username?: hookfang is the name of one of the dragons in my favourite movie, how to train your dragon c:
    Share a little something about yourself: I'm an animator who loves animals and gardening!
    Why do you want an UR Tiger?: It will help me complete my collection!
    What are your plans?: I'll probably add them to my favourites group!
    Do you play another game/deviantart?: nope just this
    Other: thank you!! advertising in my sig! <3
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby Smaug The Dragon » Thu May 11, 2017 8:45 am

Why did you chose your username?: Because I believe that smaug is the BEST dragon! I love smaug SOOOOOOO much!!!
Share a little something about yourself:
Why do you want an UR Tiger?: Because it is one of the most rarest/ wanted pets in the game! It is also a HUGE dreamie of mine!
What are your plans?: Keep it. Give you ALL the recognition because you are an AMAZING person!!!
Do you play another game/deviantart?: I play animal jam. ^-^'
Other: I have a lot to say. I want to say how great you are, how amazing this is, but I can only put it into 2 words; Thank you.
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby .zombie » Thu May 11, 2017 8:50 am

Why did you chose your username?: my username is grr.!! because i like tigers!! and they make a grr sound i think?? ehe i dont know im tired
Share a little something about yourself: here are a few quirky facts about moi-
-i like mushrooms w gravy
-i hate socks
-i really like zombies
-i really like apocalyptic stuff
-i collect fuzzy blanket with any kinda designs on them!
-i lost my 3ds and im sad:(((
Why do you want an UR Tiger?: hm, well as you may tell by my profile, i love tigers and anything to do with tiger stripes!! the ur tiger has a very unique design and im hoping to obtain it someday.
What are your plans?: well ill be honest, id like to trade her off for fr gems or trade her off^^
Do you play another game/deviantart?: hm, i used to play webkinz if that counts ahah. i have a deviantart but i dont use it anymore mm.
Other: i followed you on deviantart [im kittys727, yes cringey name i know]. also thank you very much!
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby Starlight~ » Thu May 11, 2017 9:06 am

Why did you chose your username?: I chose the username Snowy Husky because huskies are my favorite animal by far!!! They are so majestic, beautiful, and really amazing animals. I also put snowy first because I see a ton of really cute huskies playing in the snow lol. Really cheesy I know, but I'm a cheesy person 😉😉😉😉
Share a little something about yourself: Well, I have a disease called scoliosis and I have to wear a back brace for about 23 hours a day. Scoliosis is where your spine is crooked and twisted. At first, I was really depressed and sad, but then I decided to do something about it. I got the idea to start a support group for girls just like me who have scoliosis! We bond over similarities with our brace and it's honestly an amazing feeling to know that someone truly understands you. I've had parents come up to me and said that their daughters life has been changed because of the group and the support I give. It's been a totally humbling experience that I've been able to impact so many girls!❤️❤️
Why do you want an UR Tiger?: I would absolutely LOVE a UR tiger because I al actually really new to chicken smoothie and would love to grow my collection a little more!!!! Also, the UR tiger is a dreamie of mine that I absolutely adore!!!💕💕
What are your plans?: I am going to definitely treasure her forever and NEVER EVER EVER trade her away. I am going to name her, dress her up, and she will make me smile whenever I'm feeling sad or have a bad day.
Do you play another game/deviantart?: I play animal jam occasionally, but that's about it!
Other: Thank you so much for doing this. It is so sweet and you are going to absolutely make someone SO HAPPY! Things like this really show the person you are, and I'd like to thank you 😊😊 Have a wonderful day and you are an AMAZING person.
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby Astrophei » Thu May 11, 2017 9:18 am

Why did you chose your username?: It's actually a shorter version of my real name and it's what everyone likes to call me!
Share a little something about yourself: I love Twenty One Pilots and music in general. I have two brothers and I'm the middle child. I love drawing, reading, and the color blue.
Why do you want an UR Tiger?: It's actually one of my major dreamies and would be amazing to accomplish it!! I love tigers and the colors are fascinating to look at.
What are your plans?: I will keep it and make sure to never trade them away! I don't trade gifts away so I'd definitely put them in a locked group and dress it up!!
Do you play another game/deviantart?: I play the Xbox, IT servers, and DeviantArt (I'm FallenHusky02!)
Other: Thank you for doing this! It's so nice to see you helping someone to achieve their dreamie/and or use it to get theirs! I'd be super thankful and glad if I got this cute lil' thing!
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby Niragi » Thu May 11, 2017 9:53 am




Why did you chose your username?
I actually didn't chose my username myself but rather my ex did, as our shipname was 'Skysa'. I still haven't found it in me to change it, as we may not be together anymore, but the memories still remain a part of me and always will.

About myself
I could now write here about how happy I am, but truthfully I am not. I simply don't feel good in my own skin but I'm trying my hardest to feel better everyday, it might be a long and difficult path but I'm sure I'll manage just fine.

On the other hand, I'm just your normal girl, who's obsessed with Korea and it's culture, aside from the music and dramas, and doesn't know what to do with her life. I'm about to finish school and everyone around me knows what they want to be, some want to study, others are going to marry, but me... I don't know. But that's alright, I'm still young, I don't need to know. I live everyday like it is and I will find my way. I hope to one day love in Korea and finally feel free, but until then I'll just keep hiding my real self behind an online profile and try to figure out what I truly want and who I really am.

Why do you want an UR Tiger?
"It's the rarest pet on the side."
"I love the design, tigers are my favourite pets!"
"It's my dreamie!"

All of these could be named, but it wouldn't be the truth as to why I want it. I mainly want it because it gives me hope, it's cute smile and the blue eyes remind me of the best friend I used to have, who always made me feel appreciated. Tigers are cute too, but I prefer panthers or snow leopards. Nonetheless it truly is one of the cutest pets on this site!

What are your plans?
I would most likely dress this cutie up and put her in a locked group, with the name "Lily" as she reminds me of a Tigerlily ^^

~~~ Items I'll use for the dressup ~~~


Do you play another game/deviantart?
I play some FR, Eldemore and Goatlings from time to time, but not as actively as CS. I'm also somewhat active on DeviantART ^-^

Thank you!
I truly appreciate your generosity and no matter if I win, for whatever reason, I just want to tell you that you are a really selfless and kind person.
Your art is adorable by the way and I'll definitely make sure to watch you on DeviantART, as well as put a link to your giveaway in my signature to give others a chance to win this adorable darling too!


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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby ImThatRogue » Thu May 11, 2017 10:10 am

Why did you chose your username?:
I've had this username for practically every game I've ever played since I was 8 years old or so, and I'm too lazy to come up with a new one and remember it, honestly.

Share a little something about yourself:
I was born with one leg longer than the other. I waddled around like a penguin before I got a leg brace to help my legs grow out to be the same length. I'm perfectly normal now.

Why do you want a UR Tiger?:
Like many others, I'm sure, the UR Tiger is one of my dreamies. I already own one myself, after trading away my beloved true-date Sunjewel for it. However, I'll be trading away my UR Tiger very soon for the largest chicken hoard on CS. Unfortunately, I currently don't have enough fodder to trade back up to another one. Tigers in general mean a lot to me. I'm a Chinese-American with pretty superstitious, religious parents (they're Buddhist). The tiger is my Chinese zodiac sign, so growing up I had a lot of tiger-themed things.

What are your plans?:
I plan on dressing it up exactly like how I've dressed up my UR Tiger now, since I'll be trading away my current one soon. He'll be dressed up as "Wild Tiger" aka "Kotetsu Kaburagi" from the anime/manga "Tiger and Bunny," and kept in my "Achieved Dreamies" folder forever.

Do you play another game/deviantart?:
I have a DeviantArt acount, but I've never really used it. Quite frankly, I've forgotten my username and password. Haha but I used to play a lot of different games for years before getting addicted to and dropping practically everything other than Chicken Smoothie. I played GaiaOnline, ourWorld, recolor.me, and more. I've also played Brave Frontier, which is an app, for years.

Thank you so much for hosting this incredibly generous giveaway! This truly is an astounding opportunity. The UR Tiger is one of the most coveted pets, if not the most coveted pet on Chicken Smoothie, and you're just giving it away like nothing. This is amazingly kind and generous of you. I cannot thank you enough for even letting us have this opportunity.





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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby Sammythecat » Thu May 11, 2017 10:34 am

Why did you chose your username?[b/]
I had signed up for chicken smoothie recently after I'm got my very first cat named Samantha. I was obsessed with her so I decided to name my account after her and never changed it!

[b]Share a little about yourself

I love animals and natures and really want to be a veterinarian when I'm older! I'm currently shadow weekly at my local vet office to get experience and it's so fun!

Why do you want the UR tiger?
Ever since I started its been my ultimate dreamie, much like almost everyone else. I've always admired it but never bothered to put it in my dreamie list because I never thought I'd have the chance of achieving it. Even playing for 4 years, I don't have even close enough to afford major underpay for it. Tigers are one of my top favorite animals to begin with, and I love it's design so much. I love the coloration and the multiple tails and everything. It's so beautiful and adorable at the same time.

What are your plans?
I will dress it up with all my nature and/or plushie items (because they are my favorite) and put it in a locked nft group. It would be my ultimate prized possession and probably would be in my signature forever. I'll name it something very well thought-out with a special, unique meaning.

Do you play any other games/Deviantart?
No, I don't play any other online games at the moment besides chicken smoothie. However I do plan to get into flight rising in the future, as it is so popular. I don't have a deviantart because as much as I love art, im not very good at it.

I can't thank you enough for doing this! You are one of the most kind and generous people on this site to give up a pet like the UR tiger for free! Even if I don't get it, thank you so so much for this outstanding opportunity! And good luck to everyone entering!
Pet's name: ~Sunset~
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Re: UR Tiger Dog ✮ ✮ July 1st

Postby NineTail » Thu May 11, 2017 10:56 am

Why did you chose your username?:Well, I chose my username because... its a long story. I really love the general, nine-tailed fox, the Japanese mythical creature, Kitsune! I love the nine-tailed fox, so I am now NineTail!!!! DREAM COME TRUE MY LIFEEEEEEE!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Share a little something about yourself:I love to make random friends on CS, and made lots of friends by sending them a random message! Then we start chatting. I really love to chat, so anyone who sees this, feel free to chat me! I am always willing to hold a conversation, even if you are quitting.
Why do you want an UR Tiger?: Well, UR dog is the top main list, I won't lie. But not only that, I really love the design! Also, my ultimate dreamie is either a UR tiger, or a sunjewel (because my friend drew me a sunjewel in fox form on my birthday and i fell in love). This is a great chance to achieve my dream that i know it won't be easy to achieve!
What are your plans?:I will probably put the UR tiger dog in my rares group where people can offer for him, but even if it is for now, I am not planning to give away the tiger dog. I will not trade away if I get him. And probably decorate him and name him something adorable! (he is absolutely adorable <33333) I am willing to put him on my sig if i get him! ^^
Do you play another game/deviantart?:I am planning to make a deviantart account, but haven't got the time. I also am really not good at drawing online, so had some problems. I probably will make one later, and yes, I do play other games!^^
Other:Thank you! This is really generous! My friend who played this gam for about 4 years said that she never saw someone open a raffle/giveaway for a sunjewel or the UR tiger dog! This is really going to be a big news for her, and I should tell her. I will be happy to put the banner in my sig, the banner looks nice. Pupzee made me a banner too for my (not really my friend's giveaway I am helping) giveaway! Thank you for doing this, good luck everyone, and have a good day!!!!!!!

The Kitsune Set is complete. Cheers
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