( ✗ - SALEM REBORN open

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( ✗ - five

Postby Durnehviir » Tue May 09, 2017 8:11 am

    [age: 5 years] [rank: delta] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: fire wood & rain] [crush: adryan]
    [mentions: adryan] [tags: adryan] [mood: indifferent]
      Once when the pair was out of sight from the other wolves, Glitch glanced over at Adryan and offered her a side grin. "I hope I didnt interrupt anything too important, but it seemed as if you could use a break from those... wolves." The brute chuckled softly as they continued to walk. "I could feel the aggression from all the way across the clearing. Quite impressive really, but I decided to 'save' the capable and strong Miss. Adryan." The males tail almost wagged, but it was short lived. He grinned at his joke, but he wasnt sure how the fae would take it, so his smile faded and he soon looked to the path ahead of them.

    [age: 6½ years] [rank: guard] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: apple & cinnamon] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 5 years] [rank: fighter] [pack: demons]
    [sex: fae] [scent: pine & vanilla] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: npc] [mood: lol]
      The large dark pelted fighter ran through the woods like a chicken with its head cut off. She ran like her life depended on it; though technically it didn't. Vex sprinted after a slick, slimy male outsider that she caught hunting on the demons territory. The brute was fast and it gave the Jikninki the jitters. Running through the woods got her blood pumping and made her exciting as the wind blew through her fur. With each stride, the fae was gaining on the brutes tale. She could see he was getting tired and he was rapidly panting. A grotesque grin formed on her maw before she lunged into the air and the two wolves tumbled on the ground. Fangs and claws were crazily going through the air as growls escaped from both of them. Vex landed on top of the male and pinned him down with ease. Despite knowing that what the rate did was agaisnt normal wolf laws, she gave him props for not whimpering. She would enjoy the fact that he would put up a fight.
      Vex stood on top of the male as the two of them gained their breath back. The small, slender male had a huge grin upon his maw which made Vex rather confused. "Oh you petty female. All excited that you caught some ol' tiny male that hasn't eaten in days. I hope you feel good about yourself you weak minded fae. If I was in my prime I'd rip you to spreads." Vex snapped her head in his direction and stared at him with wide eyes before spewing out a rumble of cackled laughter which easily set the male on edge. "Do you really think I give a damn on what you would've done. Clearly you're not capabale of doing pretty much anything which is why you're in the state that you're in. Maybe if you'd be in your prime you wouldn't be in this predicament." Her grin grew wild as she neared her jaws closer to his ear. The feelings of him squiring underneath of her made her chuckle. "You have no mind set on the price you will pay for hunting on demon territory. Sadly for you, you ran into one of the most.. wicked wolves that's part of this pack and I will gladly tear you to shreds. I take pride in my kills and you will be in a world of pain. Maybe if you don't piss me off, it will be quicker than my usual." Vex was basically a lose cannon when it came to wolves she didn't know, didn't care about or disliked. When she is around pack members, she is more... normal, but is still considered crazy. "You don't scare me. I've never seen you, nor do I even know your name, nor do I care to ask. You're probably to crazy stupid female that has no respect for pack laws and is babied by the rest of the pack." Vex snapped her jaws around her throat but didn't cut off his airway completely. She made him gasp for breathes that were just enough to keep him alive. Soon she slowly closed her canines around his jugular and could feel the warm crimson liquid seep into her mouth. His gasps before more frequent and more exaggerated. Soon the males body went limp and the Jikininki easily tossed the males body agaisnt a tree and heard satisfying snaps of his bones before she began to trot off back to camp.

    [age: 6½ years] [rank: fighter] [pack: demons]
    [sex: fae] [scent: pine & mint] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 5½ years] [rank: fighter] [pack: guardian]
    [sex: fae] [scent: lemon & pine] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 8½] [rank: guard] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: white wine] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 3 years] [rank: spy] [pack: guardians]
    [sex: fae] [scent: coffee & vanilla] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: gabriel] [mood: eh]
      When Gabriel spoke, she stopped licking and looked at the male; her eyes were solum. She flattened her ears slightly when he finished. Is it that noticeable? Calypso shrugged half heartedly as if pretending to be confused as to what he was saying, though she knew all too well. Gabriel laid his paws across her hers and that almost made her feel uncomfortable. She couldn't exercise her coping mechanism with the brutes legs there and it would probably make her jittery. The brute began to talk again and she peeled her eyes away from his paws and looked at his own. Why is he being so nice to me? Calypso couldn't quite understand why a male would want to have any relations with her- especially good ones. The brute confused her but she wouldn't question him- maybe. Her face remained neutral, though it could clearly show her sadness and hidden pain. You are one of the strongest in this pack. Her lips morphed into a frown as she repeated the words he has just spoken. "I wouldn't consider myself one of the strongest in the pack, and you shouldn't either. I can barely defended myself agaisnt outsiders, how am I supposed to defended myself agaisnt a demon? They're much larger and stronger than I am and can easily tear me to shreds. I don't consider myself very strong, I don't know why you do."
      She shook her head slightly as the male laid his head down on his own paws which were overtop her own. Calypso began to lick the upper half of her legs since her paws were being blocked. The fae watched as he looked at her; his eyes gleaming in the sun. Despite the sadness and anger she felt, she couldn't help but notice the tiny butterflies forming in her stomach. Pausing and curling her tongue back into her mouth she looked down at the male and her expression changed to one of confusion. "Why are you so nice to me?" It came out as a whisper as she stared at the male and waited for his responce.

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{ ۞ ─ 4

Postby royalty. » Wed May 10, 2017 8:49 am

    indentationAdryan growled at Dracul one last time, glancing ever so slightly at Rydic before she swiveled her ebony body the opposing direction and followed her brute friend out of sight, ignoring the urge to rip out Dracul's throat for growling at her. Who did he think he was, really? I'm no royalty, and I don't expect to be treated like one, She thought to herself as she padded against the soft grass. But please- how do people even look in my direction, let alone growl at me? Most of these wolves aren't Salem born, and pretty much everyone would love to stand up to me to boost their pathetic egos, but I swear if I hadn't promised my father about fighting and killing our own, I would, with no hesitation, rip out everyone's throat. But as the Banshee sat back and thought about it.. Screw that. Promises are for cowards. And that was how the slightest hint of attitude caused Dracul to end up on the killer's hit list.

    Adryan slowed down when Glitch stopped abruptly in front of her. She looked around, depicting whether or not this location was planned or it was just a random stop. She didn't really care and, instead of pondering over stupidity, she just watched as Glitch turned around to face her and speak. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything too important, but it seemed as if you could use a break from those... wolves. I could feel the aggression from all the way across the clearing." Adryan chortled, shaking her head and looking down. I'm too obvious. She thought as she looked back up at Glitch. "Quite impressive really, but I decided to 'save' the capable and strong Miss Adryan." Adryan gave a half-nod as she watched his tail flick, almost wagging. He wore a grin, clearly pleased with how his attempt at a joke played out, but the fae didn't smile much. The corners of her lips were tightened, trying to force a smile just to be nice but instead turning back neutral.

    Adryan let out a small breath, more so a heavy exhale than a sigh. "Sometimes these new bloods piss me off. They act all big to the crimson's faces in an attempt to add authority to their pathetic egos." She rolled her eyes. "I hate the fact I sound like an overreactive pup whining about bullcrap, but I just get so annoyed sometimes it's ridiculous." She shook her head slightly before shutting up for some time, realizing she did indeed sound like a pup. For what felt like hours later, she spoke up again. "Did you partake in any hunts today? Minimize the population of Pangaea?" A small grin formed on her face as she spoke of killing. This war didn't affect her at all. At all. She absolutely loved to fight and she wasn't afraid of death. She knew her friends wouldn't be dying anytime soon, either. They were all strong fighters and they weren't afraid of death. [removed]

[ voice of scarlett johansson ] [ scent: mint&cranberry ] [ assassin ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : glitch ] [ mentions : dracul ] [ location : camp ]

    indentationAkela stood still as Zavia chuckled at his comment, almost a slight annoyed look running over his expressions momentarily. "As you wish, Alpha." Came her reply, a phrase said to him multiple times a day, respect and appreciation of authority hidden behind the clenched maws of the wolves who spoke it to him. As Zavia listened to the pair in their conversation for a short time, her ears perked up when Blakely had mentioned the lack of herbs and wolves stealing from her. The Nightmare began to think, clearly deep in thought before she spoke. "I could go find the culprit if there is a scent to follow. And if the Alpha so desires." Akela turned his gaze from Blakely back to Zavia, a slightly negative expression on his face as he grunted. "No." He answered sternly, his voice with a slight edge of venom. "You won't be finding no one. You are to stay here, possibly do some guarding, and patrol a bit. We've already got six dead wolves in two hours, and if you go out that counts seven." He sounded a little too harsh, especially to one he called a friend, but this war had angered him severely. He stood in silence before rolling his eyes dramatically and shaking his head. "And wipe that stupid grin off your face. Quite frankly, I could care less about the deaths, but we are at war here and it's important that at these times we focus on more than just killing for fun." He cleared his throat, straightening his posture. "Zavia, go out and do some patrolling, possibly guarding. Stay tight to our borders, and do it for a couple hours at the least. No killing- I don't want the stench of blood on your fur when you come back later on in the day. When you're done, gather some items for den padding and put it in the healer's den, seeing as that area has been highly occupied as of late." When he was finished dishing out his commands, he sat up and walked away in a rush.

[ voice of idris elba] [ scent: metal&cedar ] [ alpha ] [ brute ] [ seven years ] [ tags : lilith, azazel, npcs ] [ mentions : katana ] [ location : camp ]

    indentationLilith stomped around the camp, infuriated by the fact a Salem wolf had been killed on her watch. It angered her entirely and made her feel so... so worthless. Yet again, Lilith, that fae was nothing else but a weak patroller. Plus, she renamed herself Miaka in an attempt to feel as much as respect as Zavia did when her name was Miaga. In the end, the fae was worthless, nothing more than a weak, lazy, copycat. Pangaea did you a favour. She was broken from her thoughts all of a sudden at the sound of a brute's voice.

    The pale fae turned her head when she heard footsteps approaching, instantly clearing her throat and flicking back her lush white pelt. "Hello, Lilith," The brute woofed to her, nodding his head in greeting. "Diablo," Lilith returned, smiling a flirtatious grin and nodding her head in reply. She decided to sit here for a moment and lowered her rump to the ground. "This war is loathsome. There is no way Pangaea would be winning this," Lilith couldn't help but nod her head rapidly. "I agree entirely. Pangaea has no advantage against us besides our numbers. Plus, the Guardians are filled with hunters, not fighters. Even if it was twenty of them against three of us they wouldn't stand a chance." She laughed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "And that stupid guard Katana- oh, I want to rip open her throat so bad. She's been the one killing off our wolves and-" Lilith stopped for a moment, thinking. "Although, she is a pretty good fighter and was indeed Pangaea's first assassin before they turned the ranks to spies. Maybe she just chose the wrong pack and needs a little convincing." Lilith smirked.

[ voice of margo robbie ] [ scent: mint&roses ] [ beta ] [ fae ] [ five years ] [ tags : diablo ] [ mentions : zavia, katana ] [ location : woods-camp ]

    indentation"Good morning, sleepyhead."

    Ruby twirled her body around, the variations of browns in her pelts glistening in the morning sun. She smirked, the corners of her mouth turning upwards in a sly fashion. She watched as the figure of a familiar fae approached her, wearing a friendly smile as she neared Ruby. "Lehkuna, Lehkuna," She greeted, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth playfully. "Such a strange face in these areas, hmm?" She added, a playful tone in her voice. "Where have you been as of late? Exploring the beautiful, bloodstained fields of our rivals?" She joked, her tongue poking out from between clenched, grinning teeth. She hadn't seen the fae in forever, she couldn't help but prod at her as to why she hadn't been around that much lately. [ writer's block, I apologize. hopefully next post i have more to write about ]

[ voice of genevieve cortese ] [ scent: lavender&rain ] [ loner ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : lehkuna ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : outlands ]

    LOKI -
    indentationLoki had wandered out of his den, still bored from his earlier hunt. I want to guard. Or fight. Or even patrol far past our regular routes. I need some excitement and being a hunter I for sure won't get that. Kanti wouldn't allow anyone but fighters and guards out, and spies, of course, get to do whatever they please. Loki sighed but was quickly interrupted from his thoughts when a wolf bumped into him. "Ah, sorry Loki, I didn't see you there." Goliath quickly said, before looking around her. Loki smiled, nodding a quick greeting. "It's okay," he replied, looking her up and down, taking in her beauty. He smiled a genuine smile, clearing his throat as he wished to be around the female for at least a little longer. "How has it been with you? You know, ever since this war began." [ gah, wb again, so sorry ]

[ voice of robert downey jr ] [ scent: pine] [ hunter ] [ brute ] [ six years ] [ tags : goliath ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : woods ]
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( ✗ - iolani three ★ lehkuna two

Postby kartharon » Wed May 10, 2017 12:12 pm

    iolani, the vengeful ! !

      iolani did not laugh at cicero rather she just allowed a brief smile to cross her face before it faded again. although her visit had been brief, she found herself struggling to maintain contact with the wolves and keep up the playful banter. her heart longed for the forest again. no amount of time spent within the trees would quench her thirst for freedom and the wild. it was untamable.

      she noticed her paws twitching, as if they were attempting to hold themselves back, and she decided that she should go before her body took control. she glanced at the three and said quickly, "i'm going to the woods if anyone wants to join me. i checked the borders this morning but i think it'd be good to give them another once over." it would seem strange that she smelled fresh of the forest and was immediately returning, but it was impossible for her to resist going back. and although speaking with her packmates was difficult over long periods of time, she didn't want to close herself off completely. she doubted anyone would want to go with her anyways so she probably had nothing to worry about.

      iolani rose and pulled herself into a stretch that extended from the tips of her toes, down the length of her tail, all the way to the top of her nose. as she relaxed her body she shook out her snow white fur and looked over the three wolves around her. her gaze settled on cicero first, her eyes raking over his yellowish coat and noting the black patch above his nose, a trait she had overlooked before. she knew that her staring was most likely noticeable but he was one of the few wolves she could find herself talking to without trouble. after everything that had occurred in her life it was hard not to fear a connection with packmates. so she valued those that she found herself trusting as they meant more to her than they would ever realize.

        fighter for the guardians | forty-nine moons | female | pangea camp | smells of grapefruit
        tagged; kalani, kanti, cicero | mentioned; none


    lehkuna the loner !!

      a grin crossed her face as lehkuna's name slipped out of ruby's mouth in a teasing manner. at the inquisition of her location, she merely chuckled and shook her head, glancing over at the fae. now wouldn't you like to know? she bared her teeth playfully while revealing blood-stained fangs but then hid them and continued. "I know that last time they almost got me, but I swear I was so close to getting inside their camp I could almost taste it." it was safe to say that around 75% of her words and stories were exaggerations, as she had merely stepped over the border of salem territory and had come nowhere close to the pack's camp. it was mostly fear that had stopped her from continuing but she knew that someday she would have the courage to delve deeper into the demon pack's forest.

      her tone dropped and took on one more serious however as she recalled the events that had happened while she was exploring. "the war is growing near. I saw one too many dead wolves. from both packs. it isn't my fight, but I want to help the wolves of pangea. they've never been a threat to outlanders and it's the least I can do." her voice was pained and she struggled to find the right words to complete the thought. it was irrational to think that she, a salem outcast, could join the pangea pack. they would only think of her as a spy.

      the harsh memories of her time spent in salem struck her heart like the claws of a badger. pain ricocheted throughout her body with each recollection. how many wolves had she killed while within their borders? how many members had she watched fall while she stood by in obediance out of fear for her own life? that was the difference between herself and the packmates she left behind: fear. they were able to control theirs or have none at all. lehkuna was forced to submission by fear and that is why she had never fit in properly. that's why she left.

        outlander | twenty-eight moons | female | outlands | smells of sweet pine
        tagged; ruby | mentioned; none
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Postby haru ; » Wed May 10, 2017 8:37 pm


    ── THE HAWK ──

      Victorie's eyebrow raised slightly in mild amusement as she regarded Dracul's dark, handsome profile, the tip of her tail flicking over his shoulder not coquettishly, but rather humorously. Did he misjudge her tension earlier before he made his presence known? Of course, he wasn't going to eat her. That was the least of her worries, in all honestly, because the Lead Huntress could very well take care of herself. She only had no patience for the Loners that stole, or more like attempted to steal her kills. To add insult to injury, the raging war that spiraled out of control between the opposing packs had certainly set her on edge. At this rate, soon a full fledged war would break out with savage killings from dawn till dusk, littering the lands with broken bodies. There was no telling when a Guardian might just lunge at her from nowhere with claws unsheathed, jaws aimed for her heart, though Victorie doubted they would be able to inflict any significant damage upon her. The white and silver female shifted her weight slightly, her body otherwise remaining positively poised and upright. "Don't you speak too soon, Dracul," she whispered, the corners of her maw quirking up ever so slightly in a ghost of a smile. Dracul was one of the only wolves in Salem whom she could speak to normally and almost... Casually. The others were so caught up with the bloody war they grew more and more unstable by the hour, losing their soul even more so among the heaps of ivory bones of their fallen enemies.

      Another familiar scent washed over Victorie. This time however, she turned around unflinchingly, ears pricked up as Aerix came into view. "Aerix," she greeted rather cordially. "Indeed, this war is the most meaningless thing in history. Who ruddy started it in the first place?" The slender fae felt her paws twitch in mounting irritation as she gazed far out in the direction of the frenzied barks and snarls, the fur at the back of her neck rising dangerously once again. Victorie shook her head once to rid of her anger, subconsciously clenching her claws. She forced herself to look back up at Dracul and Aerix, not willing to let this conversation turn into a heated rant about what hollow heads the Guardians and Salem wolves were in like, though her ears did press a little backwards to her skull. As Aerix turned heel to leave, she acknowledged her with a dip of her elegantly curved head, before returning full attention to Dracul. "What brings you here to this part of Salem? Nearly everyone is so insanely caught up with all the Guardian drama at camp. Someone has Akela fuming." At this, Victorie huffed once. "As if it weren't enough for Loners to come and pick off Salem's prey, some absolutely hare-brained Salem wolves decided to add fuel to the fire by killing off Guardians for mere amusement."

      Victorie snapped her maw shut then, her piercing gaze wandering to the Loner's dead body for a split-second.


        gender; fae xranking; lead huntress of salem xvoice; think angelina jolie xscent; jasmines and sandalwood xlocation; salem camp xtagged; aerix,
        dracul, mazikeen
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( ✗ - 𝑫𝑰𝑨𝑩𝑳𝑶 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑺𝑶𝑳 --- vi.

Postby we leaving » Thu May 11, 2017 8:40 am

DIABLO―――❝ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ❞
⚜ brute // 5½ // assassin // salem // tags -- lilith ✘✘ // mentions -- ✘✘ // scent -- gasoline, oil, and dirt
[ in salem camp rn ]

diablo rolled his eyes quickly at the fae's flirtatious grin, but grunted in agreement at her words. "I sometimes think about assassinating katana." the brute slightly growled at that name. katana. the name makes it sound like she's more powerful than ever. "yes, I suppose she is a pretty good fighter," diablo thought before a split second before speaking again. "and the problem about this war is we're outnumbered, and we have less wolves." then he felt like going to pangaea killing off every one of them. "and it's like we're losing wolves every minute."

[ very major wb!! ]
Last edited by we leaving on Fri May 19, 2017 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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( ✗ - Unbroken Silence ) Five

Postby .KeithKogane » Thu May 11, 2017 8:50 am

...[☁] Kanti
...Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ | Pᴀɴɢᴀᴇᴀ Aʟᴘʜᴀ | Fᴏᴜʀ

...ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ| Talk/Sing
...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| Cicero/Kalani/Iolani
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Camp

Despite the sad news about he loss of young life, her subordinates looked like they were doing a good job at looking on the bright side. Of course by picking on the trickster hunter, yet it was all in good fun. Kanti's eyes rolled at the sight of Cicero winking, trying to lay down his 'charm' on any of the females in front of him. Even if it was serious, it'd take a little to win this stubborn alpha over. instead the wolf just smiled and swatted the brute lightly with Howe tail before turning her attention toward Iolani. "Becareful out there! Salem wolves often forget where they live!" Her voice called out to the fighter who bounded away back into the forest. It was an attempt at a joke, but it really did hold some truth to it. They don't need anymore dead bodies to bury later on tonight, enough blood had been shed.
Her emerald gaze watched he female pad off before turning her head to look back at the other two before her. She was unsure what other information Kalani might have as well as Cicero wanting company. Instead a soft sigh escaped her lips, turning her head again to look at the forest. "This needs to end..." (WB)

...[☽] Dʀᴀᴄᴜʟ
...Mᴀʟᴇ | Sᴀʟᴇᴍ Fɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ | Fɪᴠᴇ & Hᴀʟғ

...ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ| Talk
...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| Victorie/Aerix
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Forest

Being in a pack was quite different than wandering as a loner. Being in a bloodthirsty pack set on war was definitely another. There weren't many 'sane' wolves in camp anymore, all slowly succumbing to the bloodlust and thirst for death. Dracul just happened to be one of the wolves who were left. He wanted nothing to do with the war other than for it to be over. Yet he fought along side his packmates, usually to the death. Hypocritical once thought about about it, but the Pangaea wolves weren't all that innocent either. Some were just as crazy as them. Quite scary.
Being the antisocial and more or so quiet one of the pack, there wasn't many to converse with who weren't set on blood. Thankfully the lead hunteress seemed to understand what that's like; creating somewhat of a bond between the two.Though at the sight of Victorie easing up to her full height and a mischievous glint in her eyes, another smirk rounded up at the corner of his lips. Rather than say anything, his body dropped into a low hunch and stalked closer to the female. His lips drew back in a menacing snarl, yet no noise slipped out. He was as quiet night, where nothing moved but the wind. The brute leaped forward, just throwing his wait around as he knocked into the side of the female before bouncing back to where he was standing, listening to the two females talk. He didn't throw all of his weight, but it should be enough to make her stumble over her own paws.

Dracul awaited for the female to conpose herself after she spoke directly to him, shaking out his own fur and lifting his head up. "You just answered your own question sweetheart," he grunted, flicking his ear out of irritation,"Not my fault, not my problem. I'm not in the mood to deal with crazy bloodlust talk or a pissed Akela." And that was very much true. The brute was basically ever around when the alpha lost his marbles over something ridiculous his subordinates did. Sure he was considered to be on his good side since he rarely pissed off the other brute, yet he didn't ever want to be around him willingly. His golden gaze drifted off from the female to the dead loner who bled out into the forest floor. He pretty much deserved it, stealing another's kill. Doesn't matter from which pack; he probably would have been dealt with the exact same.
"I don't expect you'd like to venture back, walk with me?" Dracul suggested, sniffing the air and internally groaning at the large stench of blood. It gets old real fast; all of the crazy and death tolls. Because he's the biggest, he's often stuck with carrying multiple of his packmates deceased pelts. Meaning he's often stuck with smelling like death for weeks on end. Quite disgusting.
Though the scent of another pack wolf was definitely a lot closer along with the feeling of a pair of eyes on him. His head dropped to look at the lead huntress, slightly confused before turning his head to look around them. At first she was completely hard to notice with her dark brown pelt, but the crunching of leaves brought to his attention that she was really there. Yet she wasn't walking straight toward them, but just along side them in the opposite direction. "And where are you going Mazikeen?" Dracul questioned, flicking his tail while raising an eyebrow. By the sound of her walking, he could tell that she was dragging her paws. But for what? Was she waiting for them to notice her or something? That couldn't possibly be it, she maybe was just trying to figure out where everyone was. She is a patroller after all.
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Postby dakotaawolven » Thu May 11, 2017 8:58 am

beta . female . seven years . tagged: alusia, hannah


      indentRaziel chuckled at the excitement Alusia showed at Raziel helping her. When she was around this she-wolf was the only time Raz felt at peace with herself. No one knew that of course. But If one caught a glimpse of the scarred black she-wolf when around Alusia without Raz noticing, they would find a completely other side of her. She was soft with the patroller; kind and happy around her.
      indentRaziel watched as Alusia wandered ahead. Raz could see she was happy with doing this and seemed to go off in her own little world. The Beta smiled and followed at a distance, taking her time as long as Alusia was still in her sights. Then a scent caught her attention, causing her hackles to go up. Pangaea. The Demon Beta growled softly as she sped up, watching as Alusia bumped into a creamy she-wolf. Raziel remembered that her name was Hannah, not that she really cared. The creamy wolf was baring her teeth and seemed to be saying something threatening. She Bolted up beside Alusia, lips peeled back in a snarl. The scarred fea stepped in front of Alusia and growled. "Leave her alone, Hannah." Raziel's voice came out hard and cold, dripping venom and her fiery amber eyes were blazing. Raziel bared her fangs and Hannah did it right back. "Get off Pangaea territory you Salem scum!" Raziel snapped at the Pangaea fea and then turned back to Alusia momentarily. Her voice softened as she spoke to her packmate. "Go back to camp, Lu. I'll get the herbs for Blake. Don't worry about it. I'll see you later, alright?" she nodded back toward the way they had come. Raz also used a nickname she often used with the fea as a term of endearment. Alusia was the only wolf Raziel ever used such terms with.
      indentWith that, the Beta turned back to Hannah and snarled. Hannah snarled back and Raziel prepared to lunge. She wanted to rip this she-wolf apart for threatening Alusia. At this point, Raziel didn't even care that they were on Pangaea soil. Her Alpha's words rang in her mind about not killing unless absolutely necessary, but in her mind, this would be perfectyl necessary.

fighter . male . five years . tagged: cypher


      indentThe dark, reddish brown brute grinned in return to Cyphers comment of corruption. "Oh, I'm pretty far gone, I don't know if you could corrupt me any further. You're welcome to try," if he were a feline, his words would have come out a sickly sweet purr. He grinned in a feral manner, rolling to further expose his belly, taunting his companion with a mocking look in his eyes. He always enjoyed being around Cypher. She was so fun to play around with. Whatever he gave, she gave right back. It was balanced quite perfectly, in Balthazar's mind. The fighter brute glanced at her and then closed his eyes. "Scared, Cy?" he asked in the sickly sweet voice, chortening her name to try to get a rise out of her. He did it all the time, in truth, but he often used it to get her to attack him when he was bored and wanting her to play. Hi eyes stayed closed as he waited, his ears swiveled in her direction to listen for any movement.

      (wb sorry)

guard . male . six years . tagged: calypso


      indentThe soft-hearted brute looked at his companion as she spoke. "I wouldn't consider myself one of the strongest in the pack, and you shouldn't either. I can barely defended myself agaisnt outsiders, how am I supposed to defended myself agaisnt a demon? They're much larger and stronger than I am and can easily tear me to shreds. I don't consider myself very strong, I don't know why you do." She thinks she isn't strong? That's silly, he thought to himself. Gabriel knew she was a humble fea, but he hoped that was all. He didn't want her to doubt herself or anything like that. He nudged her gently. "Don't sell yourself short, Love. You are strong. I've seen it. Time and time again, Cal. I say you're strong because it is the honest truth, Love," Gabriel licked one of Calypso's paws softly and glanced up at her, as his head was slightly below hers.
      indentSuddenly, Gabriel saw Calypso's demeanor change. "Why are you so nice to me?" Gabriel had to take a moment as he heard his companion's small whisper. What does she mean by that? he wondered. Did she really not notice what I've been doing all this time? the brute cocked his head to the side slightly and lay his head sideways on his paws. "What do mean, Love? Why wouldn't I be nice to you?" he smiled and lifted his head to lick her cheek. "I like you," his voice was soft and sweet as he put his head back down and glanced up at her, waiting for her reaction. Would she understand what he meant, or would she not realize the extent of his feelings?

fighter . female . six years . tagged: alusia, raziel


      indentThe cream-colored fighter was wandering in her Pangaea territory as she had nothing better to do currently. She had killed another Salem wolf that morning and she was still licking the blood from her muzzle. While she was a Pangaea wolf and was known for being the "mom", she was still a very skilled killer. That was why she was placed in a fighter rank. Hannah had no problem taking a life if it was to protect her pack. In fact, she enjoys it.
      indent The Grigori was following a scent of a Demon wolf when suddenly, it walked right into her! On Pangaea territory no less. Taking a slight step back, Hannah snarled. "What are doing on this side of the border, little Oracle?" Hannah growled, her voice sharp and snarky. Hannah never bothered to remember actual names of the Demons, but she knew all of their alias'. The she-wolf in front of her stuttered and looked extremely timid and Hannah had to wonder how she was a Demon and how she wasn't dead yet. Oh, I can fix that, she thought silently, baring her fangs.
      indentSuddenly a dark figure was upon them. Hannah recognized the Demon Beta, known as the Executioner. One of the few wolves she was truly afraid of, though she would never show it. She snarled at the fea as she stepped up in front of the other. "Leave her alone, Hannah," Hannah was surprised to hear her name come from the scarred Demon. It spooked her a bit, but she growled in reply anyways, her hackles up. "Get off Pangaea territory you Salem scum!" her fangs glinted in the light as she snapped at the Executioner, but Hannah knew if she was forced to fight the Demon Beta, she would lose.
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( ✗ - post three

Postby I'm done delete me. » Thu May 11, 2017 9:39 am

        xxxxxxxx age: three || scent: lavender || crush: dracul || tags: victorie & dracul || pack: salem ||
        rank: patroller

        this was a bad idea mazikeen! she thought to herself as she argued with herself in her head, she stopped herself at one point and looked back to where she had been looking at him. but, it was to late to go back she would look stupid if she did, she looked back at the two wolves that seemed to be talking to each other. it seemed like they hadn't noticed her yet come on maze you'll regret it otherwise, your not backing down now with a low growl she continued to walk past the two hoping she wouldn't be attacked by the hunter and fighter. she didn't know what will happen, she didn't know whether they'll see her or not, she pinned back her ears and carried on walking until she caught dracul asking victorie to come back with him. she huffed as she looked at the two to hear what she had to say.
        xxxxxxxxxxx she was somewhat jealous but suggestion that dracul had made to victorie, maze wished she was in her position right now. however, does that mean he had a crush on the hunter? her head was now puzzled by the thought. it wasn't obvious but he might do. it made her heart sink and a slight whimper escaped through her maw. until she heard her name called she snapped out of it. she lifted her head to the voice she knew was dracul, her heart began to race once again. the sound of his voice made her melt oh my god, he knows my name! he knows my name! she didn't think that he would even know her but somehow he did. on the inside she was jumping with joy but she couldn't exactly express that feeling in front of the two. answer him now maze or your going to seem stupid her eyes focused on the black wolf mixed with white, his golden eyes felt as if they were looking into her soul. she gathered her words "i'm just searching the area, you know making sure the territory is safe" she told him, she remained where she was as she didn't want to come any closer just encase he didn't want her to.
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( ✗ - six

Postby Durnehviir » Thu May 11, 2017 9:49 am

    [age: 5 years] [rank: delta] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: fire wood & rain] [crush: adryan]
    [mentions: adryan] [tags: adryan] [mood: indifferent]
      The dark male listened to Adryan. Her typical neutral self has returned, though it confused the brute on what she was feeling, but he could only read her expressions so deeply. "Sometimes these new bloods piss me off. They act all big to the crimson's faces in an attempt to add authority to their pathetic egos. I hate the fact I sound like an overreactive pup whining about bullcrap, but I just get so annoyed sometimes it's ridiculous." Glitch nodded before shaking his head. "I do agree with you. The new bloods are rather annoying but if they weren't as capable as they are they would just be more bodies for Pangea to throw at us. They're definitely not as strong as the wolves that are originally from Salem, but at least they're strong enough to fight against the pathetic pack called the Angels." The Savage turned and looked at Adryan as he walked. "I wouldn't necessarily say you sound like a whining pup- because you dont. Its just you speaking your mind, which is also the truth. They are very annoying and have stupid, pathetic egos and wouldn't last five minutes against a Crimson face in a fight. Someone needs to show them that they're not as strong as they think they are." His voice was rather calm, but there was definitely an edge to his words. He knew exactly what Adryan was talking about and the wolves were started to get really cocky, and beginning to piss off the original Salem wolves. The females next words caught him more off guard than he expected.
      "Did you partake in any hunts today? Minimize the population of Pangaea?" Glitch furrowed his brow and frowned. "Sadly, no I did not. Ive been stuck at camp for the past few days. There's been too much going on and I dont think Akela would want me just roaming around and bossing wolves around like I normally do. He wants certain things done and I wont go anywhere or do anything unless he addresses me to do so. I dont want another incident where my rank is torn from me and im placed as an omega." Glitch shrugged slightly before returning his expression to neutral.

    [age: 6½ years] [rank: guard] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: apple & cinnamon] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 5 years] [rank: fighter] [pack: demons]
    [sex: fae] [scent: pine & vanilla] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: npc] [mood: lol]
      The large dark pelted fighter ran through the woods like a chicken with its head cut off. She ran like her life depended on it; though technically it didn't. Vex sprinted after a slick, slimy male outsider that she caught hunting on the demons territory. The brute was fast and it gave the Jikninki the jitters. Running through the woods got her blood pumping and made her exciting as the wind blew through her fur. With each stride, the fae was gaining on the brutes tale. She could see he was getting tired and he was rapidly panting. A grotesque grin formed on her maw before she lunged into the air and the two wolves tumbled on the ground. Fangs and claws were crazily going through the air as growls escaped from both of them. Vex landed on top of the male and pinned him down with ease. Despite knowing that what the rate did was agaisnt normal wolf laws, she gave him props for not whimpering. She would enjoy the fact that he would put up a fight.
      Vex stood on top of the male as the two of them gained their breath back. The small, slender male had a huge grin upon his maw which made Vex rather confused. "Oh you petty female. All excited that you caught some ol' tiny male that hasn't eaten in days. I hope you feel good about yourself you weak minded fae. If I was in my prime I'd rip you to spreads." Vex snapped her head in his direction and stared at him with wide eyes before spewing out a rumble of cackled laughter which easily set the male on edge. "Do you really think I give a damn on what you would've done. Clearly you're not capabale of doing pretty much anything which is why you're in the state that you're in. Maybe if you'd be in your prime you wouldn't be in this predicament." Her grin grew wild as she neared her jaws closer to his ear. The feelings of him squiring underneath of her made her chuckle. "You have no mind set on the price you will pay for hunting on demon territory. Sadly for you, you ran into one of the most.. wicked wolves that's part of this pack and I will gladly tear you to shreds. I take pride in my kills and you will be in a world of pain. Maybe if you don't piss me off, it will be quicker than my usual." Vex was basically a lose cannon when it came to wolves she didn't know, didn't care about or disliked. When she is around pack members, she is more... normal, but is still considered crazy. "You don't scare me. I've never seen you, nor do I even know your name, nor do I care to ask. You're probably to crazy stupid female that has no respect for pack laws and is babied by the rest of the pack." Vex snapped her jaws around her throat but didn't cut off his airway completely. She made him gasp for breathes that were just enough to keep him alive. Soon she slowly closed her canines around his jugular and could feel the warm crimson liquid seep into her mouth. His gasps before more frequent and more exaggerated. Soon the males body went limp and the Jikininki easily tossed the males body agaisnt a tree and heard satisfying snaps of his bones before she began to trot off back to camp.

    [age: 6½ years] [rank: fighter] [pack: demons]
    [sex: fae] [scent: pine & mint] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 5½ years] [rank: fighter] [pack: guardian]
    [sex: fae] [scent: lemon & pine] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 8½] [rank: guard] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: white wine] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 3 years] [rank: spy] [pack: guardians]
    [sex: fae] [scent: coffee & vanilla] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: gabriel] [mood: eh]
      "Don't sell yourself short, Love. You are strong. I've seen it. Time and time again, Cal. I say you're strong because it is the honest truth, Love," The females ears flicked as if she were confused, though she ignored it and accepted the males constant compliments on her strength, though she still didn't understand why he thought the way that he did. She let out a small sigh, but his next words left her speechless. "I like you," He definitely doesnt mean he has romantic feelings towards me. He is just being nice and saying that he likes me as a friend. No wolf likes me more than just a friend. A lot of the times I dont even think I have friends. Calypso's ears fell to her cranium, but no words left her maw. It seemed as if her stomach was in her throat and she didnt really know how to respond. "I didn't think I had any friends. The blue fae perked up slightly. She was a little happier knowing that the brute was indeed her friend. Calypso didnt want to think that the brutes words were for more romantic reasons. She wasnt sure if she felt the same, though maybe she did.
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ηιgнтмαяєѕ αη∂ ѕнα∂σωѕ яιѕє---004

Postby MickeyRose » Thu May 11, 2017 11:04 am

XXXXXX avia- ❝ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇ❞ ✘
    "And wipe that stupid grin off your face. Quite frankly, I could care less about the deaths, but we are at war here and it's important that at these times we focus on more than just killing for fun." Grin? GRIN? How her blood boiled. The fae hadn't even so much as curved an edge of her mouth, and here he was, speaking condescending. She wanted to spit aggravated words back, tell him off...but sadly, her honor was higher than that, and all she could compose herself to do was reply through her teeth. "Yes, Alpha." She didn't know what had gotten into him here lately, perhaps the war was wearing down on the Ghost, causing him to haunt himself. Infuriated, the fae walked off, almost ran, in her anger. How dare he speak like that? She had done him no wrong. Hell she wasn't even being that violent. All the Nightmare had offered was to assist the healer, not play any games. Biting back her fury, and suppressing the inner psycho, she walked to the edge of the border and sat, daring any of those Pangaea wolves to step near her.
[Fae] [Assassin] [Salem] [4.5 years] [Voice of Cote De Pablo] [Scent: Roses and Rain] [Tags: Akela, Blakely] [Mentions: ---] [Location: Salem/Borders]

XXXXXX ydic- ❝ᴛʜᴇ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ❞ ✦
    Deciding he still wanted his head upon his shoulders before this night's end, the brute left the scene. Knowing Adryan's anger could be the reason he found an early grave. Silently moving away, he decided he'd better find some use somewhere else. He eventually came upon a pack hunter, one he had rarely spoken to, and approached respectfully. "Hello, Baston." Rydic bowed his head in kind greeting.

    {WB for him sorry...}
[Brute] [Fighter] [Salem] [4.5 years] [Voice of Arnold Vosloo] [Scent: Lavender and Rain] [Tags: Adryan, Baston] [Mentions: ---] [Location:Salem]
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