✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby Roseshine12 » Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:35 pm

31M | She-cat | Medicine Cat | Ashclan (Formerly: Irisclan) | No Crush | Scent: Herbs/Blood | Tagged: Stagpaw, Tornface, Dovepaw, Crowjaw

Cherryflower smiled as Stagpaw ran off to get Tornface some water, dipping her head in a 'see you soon' before looking back at Tornface. She waited for her to finish chewing up the flower for now as she checked the she-cat over for any injuries or burns. She wanted to make absolute certain that she would make the trek. "I can't say that. Only Crowjaw can," she told her gently as she nosed her belly, checking to make sure the kits seemed okay. They did, thankfully, but the stress would probably make her birth them early. When, she wasn't sure, but it was a definite soon if she kept pushing herself. Just then, as if on queue, Crowjaw had appeared to answer Tornface's question. She turned and looked at the Deputy. "If we keep pushing her, she's bound to have the kits early. With the stress of his death, the rogues, and the fire and running from it, she already has a good chance of having them early," she warned the Deputy.

She then looked back at Stagpaw as he returned and she reached down and licked the top of his head in thanks. "Now go and get some water for yourself, Stagpaw. Also, if you happen to possibly catch a scent of vole or mouse at the riverside, please catch it and bring it to Tornface," she told the apprentice, knowing he wanted to make himself useful. She could do that by asking him to hunt by the river where he could still be seen by the clan. She then turned and looked at Dovepaw as she spoke before smiling. "Of course. If you can help find a mouse or vole near the river with Stagpaw, that would be a help. And get some water for yourself as well... eat this before you go though," she told the apprentice, rolling a huckleberry to her just like with Stagpaw but also including a yellow puffball of a flower for her cough. She was certain if anyone was feeling the rogues' intense training regiments, it would be the apprentices. It was why huckleberry was one of the things she gathered.
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Cloudstep - four

Postby Saxhleel » Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:20 am


    Warrior| With Clan| Tagged; Cherryflower, Stagpaw, Dovepaw, Crowjaw.

      Once the hunting party had left Cloudstep turned his attention to checking over others before returning to the group surrounding Cherryflower. He left the remaining flowers next to her scarce herb pile, not wanting to waste the but not interrupting the group. He listened to the medicines cats instructions for the apprentices, Stagpaw seemed to have been of help to her in his absence, he would give him some recognition for doing so when they'd settled later on. His green gaze turned onto Crowjaw, their deputy, his refined features seemed relaxed, or perhaps relieved was a a better word for it, they'd managed to come out the other side and perhaps the deputy hoped, as Cloudstep did himself, that now the clan would be able to move on and start returning to normal life.

      Clearing his throat, both of its raspy tickle and to announce his presence he spoke, looking mostly up at the taller Black Tom. "A small hunting party has already left," He informted him, "Im sure once those who are in need of it have eaten things will seem a little brighter and we can try to move on to some place safer before dark." He meowed respectfully, not wanting to seem as though he was imposing. He was glad Crowjaw was here, had made it out with them. Someone to look to, to govern the clan in these next few days could only be a good thing in his mind.

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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby adohi » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:27 am

d o v e p a w apprentice | 11 moons | feeling; calm | tags; cherryflower, stagpaw

Dovepaw dipped her head in appreciation to the medicine cat as she rolled a berry and a small, fluffy flower towards her. the grey she-cat leaned down and chewed the bitter herbs. they tasted awful, and her muzzle wrinkled back in revolt. not soon after she had consumed the medicine, she began to feel perkier, and her throat less scratchy. dovepaw was eager to get out and go hunting. it was one of her favorite things to do. she listened carefully to cherryflower's instructions and then turned to stagpaw, who had already begun to stride away from the small group of cats that had gathered to chat. "hey, stagpaw. wait up! cherryflower told me that i could come hunt with you," dovepaw called to the tabby tom.
dovepaw enjoyed his company and training with him. he was clumsy, like herself, and that made her feel a bit less awkward. dovepaw was glad that the medicine cat had suggested that she go with him other than another apprentice. she liked everyone, but stagpaw was kind to everyone and she enjoyed having conversations with him. additionally, stagpaw was fast and muscular, which made him a great hunter, and dovepaw loved to hunt.
eager to begin the hunt, dovepaw quickened her pace to catch up with the long-legged apprentice and get going.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby c a l a m i t y » Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:30 am

// Tornface
|29 moons//She-cat//Queen| Scent; Mint grass, smoke | Tags; Cherryflower, Cloudstep, Crowjaw

    The blind cat listened to the eager sounding voices, Cherryflower's becoming he only one speaking again after a little while, Stagpaw obviously eager to find something to kill. As something touched her belly, she flinched a little, before realising that it was just their medicine cat again, investigating the state of the kits. At this point, she had heard the faint sound of yet more paws on the grass, her ears swiveling in attempt to find out who this was. The voice gave it away.

    Tornface was relieved that she now had some form of water source by her, and when Crowjaw appeared in good timing, he answered her question. He seemed set in his opinion, and Cherryflower seemed to side with him, too. "Mouse-dung." Tornface gave back to the both of them. "If I wanted to sit still all day, I wouldn't be asking. I'll be fine, as long as someone I can follow easily is nearby." She wasn't exactly sure if she was looking at either of them, or more of to the side, but it was the best she'd do for now. "As long as I'm not keeling over." She added, chuckling, a slight flick of her tail showing a mild amusement. In her head, everything was trying to keep her calm. She didn't need the kits to come early, let alone be reminded of what the clan had been through recently. She needed this break more than she made out. The decaying leaf smell of Cloudstep still lingered and he then anounced himself, Tornface laying back down properly, having taken a drink, or what she could of one, enjoying the sun on her darker pelt.
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✦ ❝following our dreams!❞ Wish/Faith

Postby ataraxic_gone » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:14 pm

      -The Adventurous | 7m, Female, Outsider | Scent; Dust and Daisies | Tagged; Firefly-
    Wish's tail bristled as Firefly joined them, an unconscious reaction to someone she found pleasant to be around. "Do you think two-legs started it?" she asked, head tilted. Did two-legs even reach this far into the woods? She had seen them as a young kit back home but it was a fair distance from here to there, several weeks journey.

    "Well it was a large fire!" Wish chided, "Who's to say what could of happened, who could of been hurt!" Despite the slight tone, Wish remained friendly in disposition. Faith seemed to want to say something but bit his tongue and instead stood up placing his words else where, "We were heading up stream next." He informed, walking off. "Oh good idea Faith!" Wish cooed, "We should talk and walk, adventure waits for no kit!"

    [I have terrible writers block rn]
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby starshine, » Mon May 01, 2017 2:05 pm

    F A W N P A W ( female - 12 moons - scent;; honey and marigold - apprentice - tags; crowjaw,
    cherryflower, stagpaw, cloudstep, and dovepaw
      Fawnpaw nustled her head into her paws, her ears pinned and her eyes alert. She let her tail sweep the grassy floor and rustle up the leaves, stirring the prey and rousing them from their sleep. She needed to catch something, her clan depended on the warriors and apprentices to catch food for them, especially Tornface she thought, having her kits coming and day now. Fawnpaw crept forward sniffing the wind, the air still tainted with smoke. Luckily she glanced around, and caught a small squirrel in the bush only a foxlength away. Fawnpaw smiled deviously and crept forward some more, careful to put her paws only on grass. She lept, her body pushing her weight forward as she landed on the prey with grace and agility, grabbing the squirrel in her jaws and ending it with a swift bite.
      The she-cat grabbed it and leaped away, padding back home triumphantly. She spotted Tornface, Crowjaw, Cloudstep, and Cherryflower near the spot she was exiting, she padded towards the queen and carefully laid down the squirrel, "I brought this in case your were hungry Tornface." She said. Fawnpaw had always admired the queen, and she loved to be around her. She realized that Tornface had just asked the other two apprentices to go get her some prey and she looked down at her paws, slightly embarrassed to be showing off her newly caught prey.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby sunfool » Thu May 04, 2017 3:24 pm

      warrior • she-cat • thirty-three moons • scent: burnt oak • tags: Leopardstream, Shiloh, Cricketpaw

      xxxxxThistlerunner staid in her position, her eyes narrowed at the new outsider. She waited for Leopardstream to mislead the cat away, she wanted to help but it was her main duty to take care of apprentice. She turned her head to the she-cat, "we're in new territory so we don't know what's ahead." She said sorrowfully. She wasn't going to lie to her apprentice but she certainly wasn't going to blurt out the truth. "We should've kept closer watch," she mumbled shaking her head disappointingly. Her body was still stiff, waiting for Leopardstream to come back.

      xxxxx"Let's walk a bit," she clipped; motioning her thin tail for Cricketpaw to follow. Thistlerunner remained silent, she was afraid if she spoke a word it would leak fear into the apprentice. Her pace remained slow and calm. "We can't stray too far.. I'm sure Leopardstream is safe, he's quite the fighter," she assured, letting out a soft purr of amusement. They were being cautious, but it was their right to, they would probably stay this way for awhile and maybe even forever. Too many thoughts were clouding Thistlerunner's head. She blanked out on their small walk, it was hard to focus it when a storm was rumbling in your mind.

      outsider (just realized i put apprentice this whole time haha) • tom • ten moons • scent: fresh mud • tags: Wish, Faith

      xxxxxFirefly grinned at the two siblings, his walk bouncy and perky. "I hope not," the tom exclaimed. He let out a brief sigh, he was frightened by the thought of twolegs. A fear he'd rather not talk about with others. "It must of been disastrous!" he cried. A small chuckle let loose from his mouth, it was soft as if it was filled with a small bit of heartache. "It burned the whole forest down; yet it was so beautiful when you could see the flames at night," the tom marvelled. It was a sensitive topic to talk about but the view of the fire dancing against the night sky was a sight to see.

      xxxxxHe liked story-telling, more of just talking and talking with friends. Firefly can listen but he'd much rather barge in with a memory from the past. He started to talk about an older cat he had met from the past, he said he was a warrior from a clan that decided to leave once his mate had passed. His name was Bristleclaw, but the neighborhood cats nicknamed him Crow for his pitch black pelt. The senior tom took Firefly under his wing and trained him to be the silly and talkative cat he was now. Still keeping in touch with hunting and fighting, of course. "He left one morning, don't know why but I'm pretty sure he was off to start another adventure," Firefly murmured. Leaving the story with a sad yet opening note.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby royal! » Sat May 06, 2017 4:23 pm

        apprenticexxxxtomxxxx11 moonsxxxxfeeling energeticxxxxtagged cherryflower, dovepaw, tornface (mentioned)

        "Okay Cherryflower," he mumbled, nodding his head to the busy medicine cat. The fluffy tom was already strolling towards the river; quite a distance away. He felt as if his energy was come back to him every step he took. It must of been that berry he had ate before, maybe the sour and disgusting taste was worth it. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, it was soft and friendly. Dovepaw, a friendly apprentice who Stagpaw could most relate to. He liked her company since she wasn't the one to chat all the time. He enjoyed a silent walk. "Oh- - hello Dovepaw," he greeted his fellow apprentice. He slowed down his steady pace, without even noticing. It was a small reaction when he was around cats he enjoyed the company of. The over-powering and muscular tom would stutter or take his normal fast pace steadier. "Cherryflower told me we will be hunting for Tornface," he hummed. The tom continued, slightly slurring his words, "I hope we can catch a bit extra to help feed the clan." There was already a hunting patrol out but the clan could eat anything a cat could get. Stagpaw also loved to hunt, especially when he caught something good and got to bring it to the clan.

        deputyxxxxtomxxxx40 moonsxxxxfeeling fairly positive, cheerfulxxxxtagged tornface, cherryflower (mentioned)

        Crowjaw turned to the medicine cat, nodding his head at her statement. "I hope we have the right herbs for her kitting. If we don't I could send a small patrol to search for them," he responded. The lean tom looked around, trying to spot warriors who could go on a quick search. A grey tom seemed to be approaching him and Cherryflower. "A hunting patrol? Good, we do need the prey," the tom stated. There was also two apprentices up, that would give the clan a small pile of prey. He stood up, wanting to move his body into a pace back and forth. It what cause a scene of worry, of course. Crow gave a small stretch and sat back down. His pelt felt antsy and shaky, so much was on the young deputy's mind. "That will be our only choice. Maybe when the clan is traveling together we could search for herbs then," he stressed. The deputy gave an appreciative nod to Cloudstep. He was already acting as a great help to Ashclan. Everyone of his clanmates were doing anything they could too. If the clan were to stand up from its fall everyone must have their eyes wide open and the clan was already doing an excellent job.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby Roseshine12 » Sun May 07, 2017 3:02 am

31M | She-cat | Medicine Cat | Ashclan (Formerly: Irisclan) | No Crush | Scent: Herbs/Blood | Tagged: Tornface, Crowjaw, Cloudstep, Fawnpaw

Cherryflower looked over at Cloudstep and nodded in agreement. "Once she's been fed and has rested, she should be safe to move to some shelter if it's not too far," she told them. She then looked back at Tornface and twitched her whiskers into a smile. "I'm certain, Tornface, but once you've eaten, take a nap. We'll wake you when Crowjaw decides to move," she reassured. She knew the queen herself knew she needed it, she just didn't want the clan to worry over her. But that was okay. As long as she allowed Cherryflower to, she didn't mind it at all. It was her job to care for her even though the medicine cat seemed to be just doing this automatically, like she was doing a daily routine more than she was actually here. The love and worry for her clanmates was real but she still seemed off in a way.

She was surprised when she heard the dragging of prey after having sent off Stagpaw and Dovepaw. She looked over to it, expecting to see them but instead it was Fawnpaw. She twitched her whiskers brightly at the apprentice and nuzzled Fawnpaw in thanks. "Thank you for helping but remember, you're not a warrior just yet, Fawnpaw. You still need to be where we can see you," she scolded gently but licked the top of her head. "But great catch. It should feed Tornface well. At the very least what Stagpaw and Dovepaw catch can feed the apprentices," she calmed the she-cat down from her embarrassment. At least they wouldn't be hunting in vain. The clan would need plenty of food after what the rogues did to them and how much they had ran since. The clan would be quite hungry.

She then turned her attention to Crowpaw when he said about the herbs for kitting and she perked her ears up in worry. She had almost forgotten about that! How could she have forgotten that?! "Well, I did see some borage plants lying around in this field to help her produce milk with all of the stress but I'm afraid I haven't found any raspberry leaves which would ease the kitting. The bushes were likely all burned down in the fire. We'd have to go and look for them in the wooded area over there," she informed, pointing with her tail to the forest in the distance from them with a sad look. "We would have no choice but to look for them while we're traveling but I don't think we'll find any before tomorrow at least," she meowed sadly. Of course, they also grew on the mountains but she doubted they would be heading that far... not that Tornface's pregnancy would last that far.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby adohi » Sun May 07, 2017 10:47 am

d o v e p a w apprentice | 11 moons | feeling; delighted | tags; stagpaw

The light grey she-cat flicked her tail delightedly as stagpaw slowed down his pace to stroll into the forest with her. she felt strength coming back to her, starting as a tingling in her paws, then coursing through her whole body. "hey! feeling any better?" dovepaw asked as she tilted her chin up to glance at her large apprentice friend who strode beside her.
their mission was to hunt for tornface so that she was strong enough for the birth of her kits if she had them early, which cherryflower believed was very likely. dovepaw kept all of her clanmates in mind as she thought of hunting.
"i think that we should try for some extra prey while we're hunting so that everyone else can work on building their strength back up... we need it if we're going to keep moving. is that okay with you?" the apprentice questioned, her blue eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement.
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