The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:07 am

The Beast Within

Your life was falling apart, and nothing seemed to go your way. With no family growing up, you didn't even have realtives to take you in when it all came crashing down. You thought you were done for, cast out from society with no hope of returning. But then he appeared.

"I can give you what you want, power to free yourself from the suffocating world around you. I can make you free. Oh don't worry, I don't require anything from you, you have nothing to give, after all. All I require is your trust in me. Now, do we have a deal?"

On that fatal night five months ago, when a strange purple moon glowed in the sky, a man offered you a deal. Seeking any chance to escape the poor life that you had been given, you accepted. His words held true, and the next morning you found yourself with incredible new powers that seemed impossible. It seemed like a dream come true, but... something was wrong. You could feel it inside you, that suffocating presence of something wrong, deep in your soul. It clawed at you from the inside, never letting up, always trying to get a foothold. Soon this whole deal seemed like a terrible mistake, and you feared for what would become of you if this monster inside you would ever take hold. Something had to be done.

At first you thought that you could find the man that did this, get him to take away the powers that you'd been given, and hopefully remove the thing inside you as well. But you could never find him, he seemed to have vanished of the face of the earth just like how he appeared on that night. It seemed as though you were stuck like this forever, with the choice of giving in to your fate, or continuing your search. And with the moon glowing that same purple every full moon, and the beast seemingly getting stronger with each coming one, it doesn't look like you have much time left to choose.

Plot Summary
Your character was giving powers by a strange man, these can be any number of different powers you can think of. From elemental manipulation, flight, telekinesis, anything you can think off you can probably have as a power, as long as it isn't completely overpowered. You can even have more than one, as long as the powers relate to each other in some way. This all takes place in London, where you found yourself struggling to get by for whatever reason you can come up with, and after gaining your powers you may well still be worse off, thats all up to how you decide to use your new powers, for better or for worse.

But the important part would have to be the 'beast' inside you. It isn't an actual beast, more so your powers taking over if your mind is too weak to defend itself. When this happens, you have a black out, and normally go on a frenzy of anger, causing destruction however you can with your powers, and, if your unlucky, you might even end up killing someone. These blackouts are more likely one the nights of the full moon whenever the beast is strongest, so you better make sure you're able to put up a mental fight when that time comes.

The ultimate goal of this would have to eventually track down the one that gave you your powers in the first place and get him to remove them. Well, that is if you even want to get rid of them, that is. You might not care if a few people get hurt every once and a while, or you might believe that the benefits out way the risks. In the end, it's really up you how this all plays out, so lets see if we can't make this interesting.
Last edited by Wolfan Terror on Fri May 05, 2017 7:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:08 am


    - Follow all of CS rules
    - Post all character forms in the discussion thread.
    - No character is perfect and they always have flaws, so please don't roleplay them that way. This means no Mary Sues are aloud and there is no question about this.
    - Godmodding is also not allowed for obvious reasons. Nobody is invincible, and in the case of this roleplay this also means mentally as well. No character is unaffected by the curse of their powers, so matter how mentally strong they may be.
    - Please try to write at least four or more sentences if you can. I understand writer's block, but if it's any lower it can be hard for those interacting with your character to respond.
    - Keep everything to a PG-13 level, this includes violence and romance. Fad to black if necessary, and no overly detailed fights and injuries.
    - You can have as many characters as you want, however I except you to be able to handle them, don't get in over your head with more than twenty.
    - If you have an idea for a character that is in cahoots with the mystery man, then please pm me able it. It could make the roleplay a lot more interesting.
    - Please try to post at least once every two weeks so that this roleplay doesn't die. I will remove you for being inactive if it has past that point and you haven't given me a good reason for your absence.
    - Always be friendly to everyone involved in this roleplay, and always include them if they are feeling ignored.
    - Most importantly, let's all have fun with this thing, alright? ^.^
Last edited by Wolfan Terror on Thu May 11, 2017 9:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:08 am


        Name / Age / Gender / Powers / Played by
        Axel Rinder / 450 / Male / Immortality, Telepathy, Gifting powers / Wolfan Terror
        Skye Donner / 21 / Female / Wind Manipulation, Flight / Wolfan Terror
        Connor Stone / 19 / Male / Shapeshifting, Animal Communicaton / Wolfan Terror
        Jessie Rose Ramos / 20 / Female / Kitsune Shapeshifting / Spiritstar3
        Geda Hiromi / 18 / Male / Invisibility / Spirtstar3
        Cyrill Rousseau / 21 / Male / Insect Control / MacabreSmile
        Emilia Stein / 18 / Female / Crystal Generation / MacabreSmile
        Shoki Kusabane / 18 / Male / Probability / KZpectrum
        Ryide Kusabane / 17 / Female / Arcane Brush / KZpectrum
        Kyoichi Agumine / 19 / Male / Bird Control, Minor Storm Control / Spirtstar3
        Tia Serenity / 21 / Female / 'Kira' / Spiritstar3
        Austin Y. Hurricane / 28 / Male / Necromancy, Alchemy / Perri
        Leeo or Andromeda / 18 / Male / Human Shapeshifting (Is a cat) / Spirtstar3
        Aito Watanbe / 16 / Male / None / Killua Godspeed <3
        Kotaro Watanabe / 16 / Male / Electricity Control, Weapon Shapeshifting / Killua Godspeed <3
        Kokyu / Male / 17 / Male / Ghost Powers / cocogerber13
        Jasmine Church / 25 / Female / Sensory Control / Wolfan Terror
        Koiza Tsuaki / 19 / Male / Dream Demon / KZpectrum
        Yashamaru / Unknown (Looks in their 20s) / Non-Binary / Floating, Eerie Singing / Spiritstar3
        Negi Mesumu / 16 / Female / Marksmanship, Kiss of Death / Spiritstar3
        Shion Amelia Hiribe / 18 / Female / Force Field, Teleportation, Lightening Control / Spiritstar3
        Heidi / 17 / Female / Invisible Copies / cocogerber13
        Kysma Izamoto / 17 / Male / Power Manipulation / KZpectrum
        Tsuaka Kunoha / 18 / Male / Kotonoha Sensu / KZpectrum
        Jenny / 21 / Female / Material and DNA Absorption / Fizzy-Pop
        Arthur Valdez / 18 / Male / Doppelgänger / cocogerber13
        Matthew Grace / 18 / Male / 'Water Bender' / Spiritstar3
        Zack Moore / 17 / Male / Fire Manipulation / Wolfan Terror
        Kao Bright Prairie / 16 / Female / Fire Manipulation / project Eden
        Eden Quinn Prairie / 16 / Female / Cat Shapeshifting / project Eden
        Fumio Cherie / 17 / Female / Plant Manipulation / Spiritstar3
        Henry Moore / 17 / Male / Gun Summoning, Accuracy, Fire Manipulation (When Zach's around) / Spiritstar3
        Senn Tristan / 16 / Male / Sensory Deprivation / Spiritstar3
        Kuvast Hamra / 19 / Male / Geokinesis / roguegem
        Grace Brown / 13 / Female / Fox Shapeshifting / project Eden
        Gweneth Cardiff / 15 / Female / Shapeshifting, Illusion Manipulation
        Nagisa / 19 / Male / Dragon Shapeshifting / cocogerber13
        Lucifer Eden / 21 / Male / Flight, Human-Bird Hybrid Shapeshifting / munchqueen
        Lucky / 21 / Male / Mental Materialisation / Origami XD
        Farkas Linn / 23 / Male / Inugami Shapeshifting / Spiritstar3
        Zakon Nox / 18 / Male / Demon Canine Shapeshfting, (Hell)fire Manipulation / God of Mischief
        Romeo Heathcliff / 21 / Male / Time Manipulation / .Canada
        Raize Thanatros / 444 / Male / Nullifying Powers, Immortality / God of Mischief
Last edited by Wolfan Terror on Fri May 12, 2017 7:45 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Moon Phases and Seasons

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:08 am


        Moon Phase

        [ ] New Moon
        [ ] Waxing Crescent
        [x] First Quarter
        [ ] Waxing Gibbous
        [ ] Full Moon
        [ ] Waning Gibbous
        [ ] Third Quarter
        [ ] Waning Crescent


        [ ] Spring
        [x] Summer
        [ ] Autumn
        [ ] Winter
Last edited by Wolfan Terror on Mon May 15, 2017 11:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:05 am

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Re: The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:09 pm

Good night, sweet Braveheart, we will miss you and never forget you. Fri. Apr. 8 2016
Julius went missing September 19 2022, assumed to have passed away.
My sweet angel, Storm, you were a birthday gift to me. Now, you return to heaven today- October 16 (2023)
-Canines, Cats, Horses, Tolters, SCS babs, Rukami, RWBW, Sprigons, Teacats
You are eternally screwed once Castiel turns his big blue puppy eyes on you...


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Re: The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:48 pm

bump! ^.^
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Re: The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby Wolfan Terror » Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:37 am

bump ^.^
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Re: The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby Wolfan Terror » Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:59 am

Skye Donner | Female | 21 | Heterosexual | Wind Manipulation | Tag: Open
Skye woke up late in the morning, got dressed, had breakfast and went out. It was annoying how nowadays she never had time for herself, she had to constantly 'work' to get enough money to get by and keep the ramshackle apartment she rented. At one point she contemplated going to her parents and begging them to take her back, but that idea had quickly been turned down. She wasn't going to stoop that low. They'd made their choice, they didn't want her, and she didn't want them. She was walking down the street now, trying to find the perfect suckle to get talking and swipe the change off of.

Connor Stone | Male | 19 | Homosexual | Shapeshifting | Tag: Open
The morning had seemed quite peaceful today, no hoards of people clambering to work or school, just a nice, calm Sunday morning. It gave him time to think of how, well, how to get his next meal. Any money he had he'd already spent, so really any food he got was from generous passersby. Of course, not in his human form though. People these days weren't that nice, he knew for certain. He watched from the alleyway, before changing into a scruffy looking husky. Connor then sat there in the alleyway, his snot just poking out as he whimpered loudly, putting on the saddest face he could, ears drooping.
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Re: The Beast Within - Powers RP - OPEN

Postby MacabreSmile » Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:10 am

Cyrill Rosseau.21.Bug Hermit

Cyrill has only been in this area for a few days now. His bag is slung over one shoulder as he strolls through a park. It's surprisingly empty at the moment, mostly shadows and trees, which he walks close to, close enough to keep most of himself hidden, though most of his body is concealed by a mass of moths. White, brown, and grey, various sizes and species of moths fluttering around him. They cling to his hair and press against the trees around him, flitting back and forth, almost like they're taking inventory of his surroundings. He stops at the edge of the trees and disperses most of the moths, sending them out into the open air in a slowly disintegrating mass, leaving behind a choice few moths on his person.
With a dim smile, the hermit settles on the ground, humming to himself as he gives a few of his moths free will, and they decide to stay with him regardless, landing on his hands and flitting off, crawling daintily up his arms. He finds this to be adorable.

Emilia Stein.18.Crystal Model

Emilia was not in the mood. She'd left the manor this morning in hopes of finding some amusement for herself, but so far she'd gone to seven stores and not bought a single thing. Not that she's really a shop for a hobby kind of person, but she recognises she has considerable disposable income from her modeling career, and typically people use such money in exchange for goods and services. Which make them happy. Not working for her. She huffs and stops in front of a nameless office building, leaning against the wall and pulling out her phone so she can look up a map of the area. There has to be something to do with her time.
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