CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:57 pm

When did you join CS?
On a Monday of June 15th, 2015 at 11:43 <3

What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?:
Well, I have quite a lot, to be honest with you. Ah, I remember my first achievement of my first successful oekaki, and then things started to improve from that <3

Another great moment is when I met these amazing friends. I have so many, I won't be able to post them all, but they all know who all they are!~

One last great moment is when I discovered on how mods can help you when you need it, and they don't get angry at you when you are confused on certain steps that they have given you. I just love what the mods have done for the last couple of years, and I really appreciate it!

Favorite pets?:
This boy I believe my first Uncommon <3

I have many more, but that's the only pet that would win my heart <3

Favorite thing to do on CS?:
I love making art on this site. It helps me calm down and focus. I also love roleplaying with friends and making new friends!~

What's your biggest CS regret?:
Making Oekaki and traded away one of my best dressups </3

Have you got any advice or tips for new players?:
Never give up on making oekaki and don't be afraid to ask questions to the mods or other players when you need help <3
Sig is a wip <3
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby Shian » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:59 pm

When did you join CS? October 08
What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?: The big ticket events. Like the DIY cake contest, the CS store and the SmoothieCon.
Favorite pets?:
Still these two. Always these two.
Favorite thing to do on CS?: Help out. Share knowledge and CS history.
What's your biggest CS regret?: I kinda wish I had more friends. Not many players around I started with that still play.
Have you got any advice or tips for new players?: Haha, I have a few. This site is worth it if you stick with it. Whatever you're stuck on, just relax. You'll get there eventually. :)
Come buy old rare pets in bulk for gems!
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby sky dancer. » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:01 pm

      When did you join CS? november of 2013
      What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?: ive made a lot of friends, even one of my best friends. as well discovered my passion for writing.
      Favorite pets?: Image
      i love tess pets, so this is def my favorite. c:
      Favorite thing to do on CS?: definitely roleplaying, i can make so many friends and characters with it
      What's your biggest CS regret?: being an immature brat in my olden days
      Have you got any advice or tips for new players?: advice for new comers ;
      dont steal coding first of all. it may be hard at first, but play with it and you'll be amazing!
      be nice to others, no one knows you, or your past mistakes. you are you and can make new friends who won't judge you.
      lastly, have fun here. with whatever you're here for, roleplaying, the art, the pets, whatever it is . have fun with it!
      in an orderly manner of course. c;
Last edited by sky dancer. on Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby Shinryu » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:01 pm

When did you join CS? September 17th, 2008 for the forum account, but my first pet was adopted on August 26th

What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?:
I find it hard to pick a few specific moments. I think... I'd say the same as I did the last time I filled out this questionnaire: Getting my PM from Tess about being accepted as a GH. I was so incredibly happy, giddy, and proud! Still am, as a matter of fact.
It means so much to me to be on the team, and giving back to the site that's been my internet home for so many years.
For the longest time, I never even considered I could have a position here, as I never had the confidence to believe I stood a chance.
Then I applied together with my friend Iri, and when it turned out we both got accepted... just wow, that was an amazing feeling.

Favorite pets?:
Still my fave pet overall!
But since this is the CS birthday, how about one from each year? c:
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 above, 2016, 2017

Favorite thing to do on CS?:
I love posting and reading along on the event/monthly discussion threads. I always enjoy seeing the community come together to discuss the pets/items, joke around, and most importantly: deprive ourselves of sleep together.
So many humorous moments in CS history came from the discussion threads, and I've had the fortune of being around for a lot of them! My favourite event was the Slumber Party in 2013.

What's your biggest CS regret?:
Being a bratty teenager who wasn't always nice to people. But I'm not sure if that counts as a CS regret or if it's too general, haha.
Maybe I'd mention the time I traded a CE Galaxy for a Blue Panda Rat back in 2008. The rat was still up for adoption back then and I didn't realize it was an outcome of a newborn I already adopted, so I traded my Galaxy to get one. Years later the CEG is a very popular main list pet, and the rat isn't even on the advent list. Newbie mistake, but I do wish I hadn't blindly accepted that trade.

Have you got any advice or tips for new players?:
I want you to know that you never have to be afraid of reaching out to the team or experienced users for help if you feel like you need it. Don't be shy about asking questions. Even if it turns out the answer was easily accessible, even if it's a small thing, please don't feel like you aren't allowed to ask.
CS has such a big, welcoming community that's willing to help anyone, and we'll gladly get you started with answers and advice on anything you need to know.
We know how difficult it can be to figure out stuff like trade values or how to find your way around the different threads and boards. So if we can make it easier for new players we'll try out best.
You're worth our time.

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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby Pinkapillar » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:01 pm

    When did you join CS?
    Although I originally had an account in 2010, I didn't start playing super seriously until I got this account in 2012!
    What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?:
    Oh god....getting some of my dreamies, discovering character collecting, roleplaying.
    Favorite pets?:
    Just check out the Showcase
    Favorite thing to do on CS?:
    Nowadays? The CAAA probably. I still collect pets tho
    What's your biggest CS regret?:
    hmmm...OH I once got scammed of a UR ice kitty. That kinda blew
    Have you got any advice or tips for new players?:
    Watch out during December 18th...those scammers are tricky. SO yeah, don't accept trades until you get a second opinion.
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby sun » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:02 pm

    when did you join cs?
    december 18th, 2009! there is no other website - that is still up and running - i've been this long on :')

    what are some of the best moments you've had on cs so far?
    i've met some really amazing people... you know who you are, and i love you.
    there's also the rp aspect, as without cs i probably wouldn't gotten onto english literature hahah.
    oh yes and all the events too. they are way too glorious to be left unmentioned ;p

    favorite pets?
    i love a lot of pets for one reason or another, but the sunback has always been my fave. still, sadly, don't own a one yet.

    favorite thing to do on cs?
    things such as collecting pets, trading, roleplaying have always been there for me.
    i also occasionally fool around the oekaki boards and try to draw something but uh oh...

    what's your biggest cs regret?
    trading my ur cat away without knowing that it was special! i could've gotten something awesome with it ;n;

    have you got any advice or tips for new players?
    there are no such things as "stupid questions"!
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby HeavenSingForMe » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:04 pm

When did you join CS? February 10, 2017!
What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?: Oh, i don't have many! but the most awesome one i got right now is someone who gifted me 451 items!
Favorite pets?: If you're talking about rare ones... it would be the pink sorbet!
But if you're talking about my own pets/normal pets, it would be my baby girl, Mistress Viper and the totoro pony!
Image Image
Favorite thing to do on CS?: Gift people and trade!
What's your biggest CS regret?: When i traded away my tokens too soon... at least i got some C$, so it was worth it 8D
Have you got any advice or tips for new players?: HAVE THE MOST FUN AS YOU CAN! Enjoy the game and ignore the bad people. There are no such thing as "bad" or "idiot" questions!

oh, and you can say "ass" on chicken smoothie. you just can't use it to offend people. ;>
come see my dressups!

    heaven ☾ she/her ☾ cis

    i love trades! please send me them!!
    but read my rules first

    if you need any help or just want to chat, pm me!
    im always open to talk about stuff, especially animal jam
    or my little pony ♡♡

    x x x
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby auddite » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:15 pm

When did you join CS? Monday June 15, 2015
What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?: Gifting and getting my dream pets.
Favorite pets?: UR Zonkey.
Favorite thing to do on CS?: Trade!
What's your biggest CS regret?: I was new to CS and didn't play to often and didn't know my rarities. Got a Zonkey and traded it away VERY unfairly.
Have you got any advice or tips for new players?: Pay attention to dates, demand, rarities! Use the "Is This a Fair Trade?" forum.
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby burt curtis » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:16 pm

When did you join CS? 2016
What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?: when someone gifted me their slumber party 2013 dog! <33
Favorite pets?: slumber party 2013 dog set, hamsters, dogs
Favorite thing to do on CS?: pound
What's your biggest CS regret?: i dont know
Have you got any advice or tips for new players?: well, look up what trades are fair or not, so you dont get scammed or something!
woah okay... chargin up supreme dominance for ya
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Re: CS is now 9 years old! Members Quiz inside!

Postby iHolli » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:19 pm

When did you join CS?
I joined on November 30, 2011.
What are some of the best moments you've had on CS so far?:
I've had a lot of "best moments"! Some of the character competitions I've won would be considered best moments, and just some moments interacting with others, and RPs :>
Favorite pets?:
I have a specific group of top favorites here! But my absolute favorite is Beanie;;
Pet's name: βɛαиιɛ ♥

I'm very attached to her for various sentimental reasons, she's the one pet I could never trade away ;u;
Favorite thing to do on CS?:
Stalk forums, adopt characters, draw with Oekaki
What's your biggest CS regret?:
Trading my Blue Rose. I was massively underpaid but too new to know the difference unu
Have you got any advice or tips for new players?:
> Seek advice on trades--until you get a feel for how rarities work, get a second opinion on your trades so you don't end up giving away something special.
> Don't be afraid of the forums! People here are pretty great :>
> Have fun! <3

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