Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: [☾] rippleclan [14]

Postby Tsukỉ » Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:49 am


rippleclan is a reputable group of cats who thrive
in the lakeside territory. their first leader was na
med ripplestar, who set up their clan camp in the
middle of a lake: where a flourishing island stood
proud. after a horrific earthquake countless moon
s ago, the island broke up and the cats moved to,
the outer shores of the lake. they are usually non,
hostile and pacifist cats who have strong morals a
nd strict laws: those who don't follow the laws wil
l be met with steel claws. their territory expands
to the forest which they call the 'Willows" for the
overabundance of willow trees in the area. other t
hing include their lush overgrowth of berries and h
erbs. they are very medicinal and medicine cats h
old more power than in a typical clan as they are t
her only ones who can identify the rare berries wh
ich grow frequently in their territory. rippleclan!!!

number of cats // 14

thing wrote:Cloudydusk felt at home here. He was scorn-faced and handsome, the tom was. He was standing in the shadows while looking at the light. He was, alas, a warrior of the newly founded RippleClan. There was a time when he was quite the stranger to these Clans- even loathing them- however, it appeared that there was something quite different about him than there was before. The fact he was tolerating the Clan.. and the fact he had joined. Cloudydusk adjusted his gaze over camp, and his 'mentor'; who seemed to have had familiarity with. Rhubarbwhistle was assigned to be his show-and-tell buddy for the day. "Ah, yes.. Rhubarbwhistle, could you mind showing me what's going on with those lot?" he pointed strangely towards Slateslide and Pertelswoop, a questioning glance given, then shared. "I'm even more unsure than you might be..." Rhubarbwhistle's pretty annoyed deadpanning was a screech within the harmony. He wasn't used to getting half-heartedly answered, poorly thought-out answers. Especially since Cloudydusk was the son of a traitor, harboring a neighbouring pack's spy.. and ended up becoming hostage for his group until his father paid the price by being sent off to the front lines of battle.

He never made it back.

He looked back at the molly, a questioning glare replacing the warm stance. Something about her was regal. Something about her face was comforting, yet it was quite.. quite.. evil. Not the bloodthirst that was plastered all over the faces of war-torn rouges whom only wished to tear the enemies, but the seductive type of evil in which no cat could escape. A good type that only the rivals of his own pack had. Their group.. wasn't as vicious, but reminded him of RippleClan. Strict morals were in place and all the things he'd done were measured and criticized. He'd been.. acquainted, momentairly, after all. Speaking of the devil, Rhubarbwhistle asked the mental question- "Say, haven't I seen you before..?" The brown female retorted, quite a nuance in her voice. A bedazzled Cloudydusk tilted his head, a catastrophic look of devastation. He did recognize this cat. It wasn't just familiarity. Rhubarbwhistle must've been part of the rivaling pack, after all..?

Ah. Of course. "High Princess R-?" A paw landed on his face. It was a swift kick, a dashing embrace. Rhubarbwhistle grew a scarlet shade, of anger and both embarrassment. She nodded. "It's not like anyone would recognize you." he rambled. She began flushing a brighter shade. "W-wait. Aren't you.. that.. that guy?" she began to whisper, after tackling the tom over to the side and dragging him out.


Meanwhile, Slateslide was watching, a somewhat jealous look on his face. "What's that fool doing with Rhubarbwhistle?" he spoke, each cruel word the same icy tones as before. Harrowbranch looked in discomfort. "Pretty sure there's nothing going on between them." he answered, licking his paw.

Harrowbranch had confessed, surely. The thing was that he was interrupted rudely by Pertelswoop's father-like figure, Oakhollow. Basically had to drag Slateslide over about the foxes and how terrible they were, and how the foxes were actually going to attack them if he didn't. So Harrowbranch was relieved at the fact that his confession to him was interupted; but he wasn't going after Pertelswoop either. He'd decided. Unless the molly had the courage to go ask him herself, he would never really respond at all to her 'so-called advances.' She was cute as a cherub, sure, but it wasn't really his type. A saggy-eyed Harrowbranch contemplated intoxicating himself with delirious amounts of catnip to fix this 'type-problem' and maybe get along even more than they did before (since in his right mind, he would never make the stupid mistake of accepting her.), but the now clearly awake one digressed and decided not to go with the suggestion. Something so sad.. and pathetic was un-Harrowbranch-like, sadly. A prickle of thwarting jealousy was given to where the pair disappeared through the bushes, unknowing of the context. Were they already trying to make romance bloom? Cloudydusk had barely been here since a moon ago, when he and the others discovered him.

But it might be just a misunderstanding, after all. Harrowbranch took his eyes off the tom and closed them instead. "Most certainly, there's nothing between them."


Hazelwish felt like there must've been something else to this mess- the lovestruck, soft-hearted she-cat with the four kits by her side- well, they were almost full-grown by this time. Four moons old, the kittens were quite the bulk of the Clan. She wasn't satisfied with how Sedgekit was too quiet and Hootkit was too much of a pushover. She didn't like how Hickorykit bullied his siblings and how Eelkit was interruptive. She was stressed out as a mother, of course, but she wasn't as distressed as Beetlestar was. The she-cat who tried to tear apart her mateship was now.. now very vunerable. She could, of course, tear through her and crown her own consort as the new leader of RippleClan, but that was much too vile of a future to see. After all, Beetlestar is a wonderful leader. Stubborn, bashful and shy, yes, but it wasn't unlike what she'd done before, herself. She was a good arc to have in this unstable cavern, a temporary stick that held up the ceiling. As much as she'd hated to mention it, she'd forgiven her leader completely by now. The moons of hate would have to stop. Even Oakhollow insisted that she should be forgiven.. and StarClan, should be, as well. Wasn't it them that covered the moon when she tried to rebel? She couldn't blame StarClan forever, either..

"Well isn't that just great. More to the left, Avalanchepaw..!" What was the less-than-level-headed apprentice doing here, one would question? But as much as it made Hazelwish snicker with childlike glee, she could never say it in front of her face. Basically, since Oakhollow was her mentor, it was quite the luxury of using Avalanchepaw as a worker. It was easy to subdue her fire, as Hazelwish had always been quite dominant with her peers. Perhaps not that dominant as she wished, but her thoughts projected quite easily. "I don't know what exactly I gain from this.. Is Oakhollow sure that I'll get skillfull once I learn how to pick ticks?" Puh. Of course. All cats learned how to pick ticks. It was first-aid before asking the medicine cat, typically. "Yes, obviously. Ticks are common ailments that are caused from Lyme's. Moreover, they are damaging to your health as it is a bloodsucker. A brief breath later, she continued.

.. I can be a good medicine cat too, can't I? Here, pass over some moss. That's the best we have right now.. compared to mouse bile, of course..." She hated that she was getting anywhere with this dastardly job, and she hated being forced to be the medicine cat. But she had a keen eye for knowledge, a thirst that wasn't going to be quenched any time soon..! "And why does a youthful cat such as yourself have ticks in the first place, Hazelwish?" to put it bluntly, it was more of an insult than a compliment coming from the young cat. But she was getting there.

A flicker of unpaled annoyance spread through her face like wildfire. Somecat really wanted to have some fun today, didn't she- yes, yes she did, indeed.


"I-I think you're more into this than I have been, so.. Beetlestar. How do you deal with ignorance?" A queer comment from such an accepted member of the community. After these moons of being with them, why had Pertelswoop, of all people, decided to suggest that she wasn't fitting in? "Y, you, and ignorance? I'd take that with a pinch of doubt.
But I'll hear you out, whatever the problem may be
." Beetlestar titled her head, some kind of odd sense of motherly protectiveness washing over this small cat. Was it because she used to be a kittypet and was clumsy in fights or hunts?

No, could it be, romance? "I don't think I'm even as good as Avalanchepaw." she admitted. All the notions about romance nonsense were dispelled immediately. This wasn't going to be a sappy talk that wasn't worth her time- not that nothing that came out of the petite molly's mouth was all that worth listening to. No offense, but she was a cheeky talker and wanted nothing more than her ramblings of love. "I was a kittypet before, you know." she seemed disgruntled and she spoke, as if the words were more than a slur; a curse. "I don't think you're being ignored, frankly." Beetlestar laughed to her dismay. The smaller female looked in disgust at herself. "But I feel as if I'm not truly part of you all. I don't think i deserve something like that.."

"You do, and that's all you need to know."

[Yep, as much as Hazelwish is growing fond, this is more like a over-time-fondness than a full commitment. She's warming up to the idea but someone's free to snatch it from her as she's only as good as a first-moon Medicine Cat Apprentice who managed to memorize one or two herbs.]


actions // oak, avalanche - extreme training / beetle, any avalible to split hunting/border patrol / hazel - herb //


    Beetlestar | 58 moons | female | X | #80BF80
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Oakhollow | 38 moons | Male | X | #808040

    Slateslide | 44 moons | Male | X | #404080
    Pertelswoop | 20 moons | Female | X | #804000
    Harrowbranch | 26 moons | Male | X | #BFBFBF
    Rhubarbwhistle | 33 moons | Female | X #008040
    Cloudydusk | 27 moons | Male | X

    Hazelwish | 42 moons | Female | X #40FFBF

    Avalanchepaw | 12 moons | Female | X #bab194

    Sedgekit | 4 moons | Female | X #8080BF
    Hootkit | 4 moons | Male | X #FFBFBF
    Eelkit | 4 moons | Female | X #BF40BF
    Hickorykit | 4 moons | Male | X #aab3c1

    Smokekite | 71 moons | Male | X #4080BF
Link to Archive
Includes all relationships for text(ed) posts. Updated frequently

SwallowClan - Arya22
BirchClan - .galaxy.

Bordering Clans
South -
Southeast -
Southwest -
North -
Northeast - ThicketClan
Northwest - AspenClan
West - SilentClan
East -

Apprentice Skills

Oakhollow mentors Avalancepaw
Hunting - [ 0 ]
Swimming - [ 0 ]
Fighting - [ 0 ]

Name // Rarity // Servings // Stock

Current Population's Needs - 3(?) Servings Each Post.
Last Eaten - 0 moon(s) ago
Female - Male Ratio 7 : 6 [13]

Minnow Very Common 1 Serving(s) 0x
Trout Uncommon due to calm waters 2 Serving(s) 0x
Small Catfish Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
Big Catfish Rare 4 Serving(s) 0x
Salmon Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
Water Fowl Varying / Serving(s) 0x
  • Duck Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
  • Swans Rare 5 Serving(s) - Can injure cat, requires 3 to catch 0x
  • Goose Uncommon 2 Serving(s) 0x
  • Crane Rare 6 Serving(s) - Can kill cat, requires 5 to catch 0x

herbs found in rippleclan // storage wrote: Name // Use // Cure // Rarity // Amt.

Borage LeavesIncreases milk in queens. Brings down fevers. Common - 0x
Betony Used to treat everything from migraines and neuralgia to open wounds and concussions. Rare - 0x
Burdock RootApplied to bites. Cures infections. Rare - 0x
BurnetIt is used for keeping up strength, but it is a travelling herb. Rare - 0x
CatmintRemedy for greencough. Uncommon - 0x
Cayenne PepperPrevent blood clots and stimulate production of saliva. Improves digestion Very Rare - 0x
ChervilApplied to wounds. It’s leaves cure infections, it’s roots help bellyaches. Common - 0x
ChickweedHelps treat whitecough Uncommon - 0x
CobwebsStops bleeding. - Very Common - 0x
CobnutsThey are used to create pastes, which are helpful when applying many herbs. - Very Common - 0x
ColtsfootHelps shortness of breath. Very Common - 0x
ComfreySooths wounds. Mends broken bones. - Common -0x
DockSoothes scratches. Leaves make fur slippery. - Uncommon - 0x
Dried Oak LeafStops infections. Uncommon - 0x
FeverfewCools down body temperatures for cats who have fevers or chills. Very Common - 0x
GoldenrodApplied to wounds. Rare - 0x
HoneySoothes throats. Rare - 0x
HorsetailTreats infected wounds. Very Common - 0x
Juniper BerriesSoothes bellyaches. Helps with troubles breathing. Very Common - 0x
LavenderCure’s fevers. Common - 0x
Lotus FlowerCures insomnia and haemorrhage and haemotemesis. Common - 0x
MarigoldStops infections. Common - 0x
Mouse BileUsed to remove ticks. Common - 0x
Poppy SeedsSoothes shock, distress, and eases pain. DO NOT FEED TO KITS. Unommon - 0x
Stinging NettleDispels poison. Brings down swelling. Rare - 0x
TansyCures cough. Uncommon - 0x
Tea TreeCures dandruff. Uncommon - 0x
ThymeCalms anxiety and frayed nerves. Common - 0x
WatermintHelps bellyache. Very Common - 0x
Wild garlicPrevents infections. Very Rare - 0x
YarrowApplied to wounds. Prevents infections. Expels poison. If swallowed, will make a cat vomit. Common - 0x
Adder BarrackHelps toothache. Common - 0x
AlfalfaPrevents tooth decay. Rare - 0x
Aloe VeraTreats burns and skin problems. Common - 0x
Blessed ThistleStrengthens heart & lungs; Increases circulation. Common - 0x
Bramble TwigsHelps to sleep. Uncommon - 0x
Broom Malice PoulticesApply to open wounds. Rare - 0x
CelandineStrengthens weak eyes. Very Common - 0x
ChamomileGives physical strength. Very Common - 0x
EchinaciaEases infection. Common - 0x
FernsUsed to clean out wounds. Common - 0x
GingerUsed for asthma and coughs. Uncommon - 0x
Hawthorne berriesTreats heart burns and indigestion. Rare - 0x
HuckleberryRelives muscle pain. Common - 0x
IvyCalms down body. Common - 0x
Daisy leavesSoothes aching joints. Common - 0x
Dandelion leavesCalms a cat of nervous breakdown or shock. Common - 0x
GoosegrassAlso stops bleeding. Very Common - 0x
ParsleyStops the initial flow of milk in nursing queens. Rare - 0x
Raspberry leavesEases pain during a queen’s kitting. Rare - 0x
StickSupresses pain during kittings or cats with painful injuries. It's literally everywhere - 1x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POISONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name // Effect // Cure // Rarity // Amt.

DaturaThe delirium-inducing properties are similar to the toxic makeup of Nightshade and the effects are closely related. Extreme confusion, hallucinations, hysteria, and death are all symptoms of Datura poisoning. Rare - 0x - 4x Lotus Flowers (Tannic Acid) - 1/4 chance of working / 1x Yarrow with 1/5 chance of working
Yew Berries (Deathberries)A type of poisonous fruit that can kill a cat in seconds. Deathberries come from the dark-leaved yew bush and can be characterized by their bright red color. The berry is edible, but the seed is not. Rare - 0x - 1x Yarrow with a 1/4 chance of working
Amaryllis/Belladonna LilyVomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, anorexia, tremors. Rarity - 0x - 1x Charcoal with 1/2 chance of working


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name is
Tsuki or
I like ma
-king sig
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby web. » Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:55 am

Number of Cats: 4
Next Moonpool visit: Today

The white medicine cat sat quietly in camp, his ears perked. The tom had only been in the clan for a moon, yet he felt right at home. As he yawned, he noticed the deputy and only warrior making their way out of camp.
"Where are you two headed?" He mewed, a small smirk on his face. WhiteWillow gave him a purr, yet RussetStripe's tail lashed. "I was taking Russet out hunting. We are still running tragically low on prey." WhiteWillow dipped her head to the older tom, and he purred back. RussetStripe let out a forced purr out of respect. "We would like to head out." With that, he turned, his tail flicking in FrozenDew's face. WhiteWillow sighed, following RussetStripe with a shy smile.
FrozenDew was not upset by the tom's disrespect, he was understanding. It was probably awkward that Russet was the only one who wasn't in a point of power in the clan.

Amberstar padded through the brush, making her way towards the cave where the Moonpool was located. She yawned, noticing the few visible stars in the sky. She had asked FrozenDew to escort her most of the way, but let him adventure part of the territory for herbs. As she padded through the cave, she heard a light rain start falling. Looking up through the hole in the ceiling of the cave, she saw drops of water falling into the Moonpool. Strangely enough, there were no clouds covering the stars that were appearing. She layed in the rain, feeling it slowly soak her fur.
"Starclan.." She mewed, her eyes locked on the pool.
"Grace us with something you believe we need." She touched her nose to the pool, letting her muscles relax until she fell into a slumber.

[WhiteWillow and RussetStripe go hunting]
[Amberstar goes to the Moonpool]
[FrozenDew looks for herbs]

The Clan ate 1 Vole

          Amberstar | 43 moons | She | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          WhiteWillow | 25 Moons | She | X

          Medicine Cat:
          FrozenDew | 56 Moons | Tom | X

          RussetStripe | 27 Moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | x1 | Best remedy for Greencough and Whitecough
    Chervil | x1 |For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively.
    Dock | x1 | Soothes scracthes, sore pads, and wounds.
    Goldenrod | x1 | Good for healing wounds.
    Horsetail | x1 | Soothes infections, and helps stop bleeding.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrel| x0 | 2 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by web. on Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Witherclan

Postby eltonn » Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:02 pm

Number of Cats: too many o3o


    Ally Clans: 6
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Echoclan | Katrione
    Soulclan | krazykitty00
    Snowclan | BrightDays
    Howlingclan | Fear of Reality
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox

    Enemy Clans 2
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1
    Reedclan | Areater

    Medicine Store + nettle
    x2 Cobwebs | Heavy Bleeding
    Catmint | Chest Infection
    x3 Marigold | Infection
    x2 Coltsfoot | Coughs
    x2 Honey | Sore Throat, Coughing, Sweetens Bitter Herbs
    Watermint | Bellyaches
    Parsley | Dries Milk
    Mouse Bile | Ticks
    Alder Bark | Tooth pain
    Blackberry Leaves | Beestings
    Bindweed | Broken Bones
    Feverfew | Fevers, aches, headaches
    Lavender | Fever & Chills
    x2 Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes
    Chickweed | Greencough
    Yarrow | Recover from poison, cracked pads
    Comfry | Broken Bones
    Fennel | Hip pain
    Catchweed | Keeps poultices on

    Smudgepaw | Badgerfang | 4 | Hunting, Battle, Swimming, Climbing
    Eaglepaw | Ravencoat | 4 | Battle, Climbing, Swimming, Hunting
    Keypaw | Fluffyberry | 4 | Climbing, Swimming, Hunting, Battle
    Smokeypaw | Duskpaws | 1 | Climbing

    Deceased Cats:
    Asphodelkit | Kittencough
    Eelface | Old Age
    Woodpelt | Battle
    Goldenpelt | Rescue Mission
    Marblefur | Hunters
    Minkslide | Flood

    Fadedstar and Aldershine
    --> Rabbitwish, Cloudbelly, Stripeclaw, Smoothpetal, Cottonbush
    Ravencoat and Doveheart
    --> Minnowsplash, Mistshade, Hawthorneclaw
    Cootfeather and Stripeclaw
    --> Ravenpaw
    Jackaldust and ???
    --> Goldenpelt, Minkslide, Fluffyberry
    Stormwind and Badgerfang
    --> Duskpaws
    Mallowgaze and Marblefur
    --> Avaricefang, Asceticslash, Blissheart
    Rabbitwish and Sunnyflower of Echoclan.
    --> Pidgeonnose, Witheredstalk, Sparkkit
    Mistshade and X Bramblehope of Stormclan.
    --> Eaglepaw, Adopted Keypaw
    Tumblenight and ???
    --> Smudgepaw, Orangeroot, Sproutkit, Ternkit
    Hawthorneclaw and Goldenpelt
    --> Smokeypaw, Asphodelkit
    Twiggy and Stryker
    --> Tigerkit , Mikekit

Rabbitwish twitched his nose, staring through slitted eyes at his mentor from behind her back. It's her fault Sunnyflower thinks you've betrayed her. She's been breaking the code, stealing herbs. It doesn't matter that it's her sister- the clan comes... He blinked. The clan comes first. I'm such a hypocrite. Rabbitwish looked at his paws, with small holly berries scattered around on the floor. He was supposed to be sorting them. Suddenly, the tom stood up, causing the berries to roll across the floor. "I'm going out- Smoothpetal, can you tend to these for me? Thanks!" With a flick of his tail, Rabbitwish exited camp quickly, his nose pointed upwards. Clan comes first. Dawnglow shouldn't have to break the code to help her sister. So I'll make her sister clan.


Smoothpetal stared at the berries that Rabbitwish had allowed to roll across the dusty floor. She scraped them into a pile quietly, listening to the sounds of the den. It was quiet, except for a gentle lapping noise. Stiffening, Smoothpetal lifted her head, spotting the lame apprentice- who should have gotten his name by now- drawing his tongue over Smudgepaw's ears. The two were purring. Smoothpetal's mind immediately centered on replacing the two dark cats with the colors of her and a very specific tom that she was not supposed to think about. No. Witherclan's youngest medicine cat twitched her head to the side, her hackles raising. He is just a friend of mine. Stop it, Smoothpetal. You know he would never think of you that way. "Could you please do that somewhere else?" She mewed, a bit harsher than she had intended, at Smudgepaw and Ravenpaw. The black tom paused, his icy gaze settling on the brown shecat's rigid form. "Only if you say 'please,'" Ravenpaw chuckled, standing slowly and limping out of the den. He paused at the entrance, waiting for Smudgepaw to follow, and with a light sigh, the apprentice did. Smoothpetal heard their paw steps retreating from camp, and she closed her eyes. She couldn't rid herself of the image of her and Webwing curled next to each other like the young Witherclan couple. What is happening to you, Smoothpetal...?

The clan ate 1 rat and 2 magpies.

Rabbitwish left to find Midday, Dawnglow's expecting sister, and ask her to join the clan.
[this is in place of my moonpool visit, so just treat it as a moonpool visit to find a queen]

Mikekit --> Mikepaw
Tigerkit --> Tigerpaw
Smudgepaw --> Smudgeleaf

Training: Smokeypaw

Border Patrols: Blitzflare, Eaglepaw, Stormwind, Keypaw, Fadedstar, Fluffyberry

Stryker, Badgerfang, Cloudbelly, Minnowsplash, Orangeroot, Hawthorneclaw
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[pineclan.] [41.]

Postby deimido » Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:03 pm

"From the tiny seeds we sow, we grow!"
Number of Cats: 23 | Toms: 11 | Mollies: 12
Next Moonpool Visit: 4/10/17.
Next Border Patrol: 2:03 PM. [MST]
Next Kittings: Wasptail, one more post. / Skunknose, one more post.

Minkcloud and the unnamed kit were resting on a moss nest inside the medicine cat's den, the brown molly didn't even dare to take her eyes off the tiny tortoiseshell for even a moment, almost as she was afraid that the kitten would be swept off by another current again. Her mate, Comfreyfang, laid beside her. The gray tabby gave Minkcloud a warm lick on the cheek before directing her steely blue eyes towards Weaselstorm - who was having a hard time examining the kit with these two protective mollies in the way. Shadepaw blinked owlishly at their patient, noting how awfully little she seemed compared to how the kits of PineClan were. She wondered what kind of upbringing she had before she was found and taken here. The apprentice's attention was now on Comfreyfang, who demanded an answer from her mentor regarding the kit's health.

"Well? How is she?" The warrior asked, her frown deepened as she noticed the small and exasperated huff that left Weaselstorm and the way he resisted to roll his eyes before answering. "I don't know, hard to tell what's wrong when she's swallowed up by brown fur." He answered sharply, not missing the way Comfreyfang let out a silent hiss while Minkcloud blinked apologetically before gently moving away from the kitten and towards the farthest corner of the den, beckoning for her mate to join her and smiling as she complied. Weaselstorm nodded in thanks before staring at the kit, now alone in the moss nest and laying on her side. He looked at Shadepaw in a way that she knew meant he wanted her to examine their patient by herself, as he believed the best way for her to learn was by doing things herself.

Shadepaw gulped before making her way to sit besides the brown-and-white tom, her eyes searching the tiny kit's sleeping body before nosing her chest, flinching back the moment she could feel her ribs so easily. There was no way this kitten was healthy, not when she was literally bone-thin. Shadepaw hesitated and stared up at her mentor with sad eyes to see if maybe he might be willing to continue. Weaselstorm blinked slowly in response, which slightly comforted the molly, and then he moved in to finish the job. He pried the kit's mouth open as gently as he could with his fore paw, trying to judge how old she was by looking at her teeth, which was a hard feat when it was so easy for her to wake up. Shadepaw stared at the scene intently, trying to commit this to memory in case she had to the same thing by herself one day.

The medicine cat pulled back with a grimace on his face, making a shiver go down Shadepaw's spine upon seeing her mentor wear such a heavy expression. Comfreyfang noticed this change too, jumping up to her paws while ignoring her mate's protest before padding up to Weaselstorm. Shadepaw almost questioned why she was so protective of the kit, but then she remembered hearing stories about how the stocky feline held a fondness for any kitten, a fondness that was first introduced when she found Fawnfur out in the forest when the queen was only two moons old. "I know that look on your face, something's wrong, isn't it?" She meowed to Weaselstorm, her mew was stern, but it also held some anxiety to it as well.

"She's a moon old. She's supposed to be a lot bigger then she is now." He replied, making all cats in the room freeze. They had seen kits younger then the one before them scamper around camp with overwhelming energy, their stomachs were plump and their coats were shining with health and clean as they'd ever be. This kitten looked like she was ready to greet StarClan. Comfreyfang blinked, her mouth agape as she struggled to find any words to say before sighing and moving to lay besides the kitten like Minkcloud had done earlier, her eyes brimming with sympathy. Minkcloud hesitated before speaking to the medicine cat, her yellow eyes staring at the floor. "Is... is there anything you can do for her?" She asked, the question catching her mate's attention as well as both mollies stared at the medicine cat expectantly.

Weaselstorm shook his head, "She's too small to eat any herbs without some major side effects, so that's a no." he stared at the kit before continuing, trying to jog memories of his kithood back when he lived on his lonesome. He too had been as thin as the tortoiseshell was now, and it was only thanks to a molly he thought of as his mother that he managed to survive. "Just feed her, but not too much, or she'll get sick." he replied, pleased that both mollies seemed to agree with his answer. "And take her to the nursery, she'll be safer there." He said, dismissing them with a wave of his tail. He watched silently as Comfreyfang gently took the kit by the scruff, pausing the moment she heard a squeak come from come from her.

The kitten blearily opened her eyes, which immediately snapped wide open as she was aware of her alien surroundings, she squirmed as hard as she could from her hold to the point where Comfryfang had to set her down again. The tortoiseshell fluffed out of her fur and her bright eyes were wide in fear as she stared at all the unfamiliar cats around her, Minkcloud was the first to react. "Calm down, little one. You're safe here, we helped you." The motherly cat mewed softly, her yellow eyes warm as they could be. Her nurturing effect easily made the kit taken to her, and a significant change could be seen as the fur along her back went down and she sat on the floor, shyly staring at her paws. "H-hi." She practically squeaked out, a chuckle leaving both Comfreyfang and Minkcloud. Weaselstorm gestured with a nod of his head for he and Shadepaw to leave while so the three mollies could be acquainted with each other comfortably.

Shadepaw followed him out of the den, gazing back curiously at the scene behind her, they seemed so relaxed already. It was almost like they were a family. "Will the kitten be okay?" She asked her mentor, sighing in relief as he nodded. "Yeah, she'll be fine." He calmly answered, staring at them out of the corner of his eye. "She's been given some pretty good mothers."


It was now evening when the storm had gotten worse, thunder was as loud as earthquakes and the rain pounded against one so hard it actually stung. Mintstar hissed curses under her breath, surely rain as hard as this had to be a bad omen of some kind. And it just had to fall this hard on her grandniece's apprentice ceremony today too. She could see Acornkit bickering with Juniperpaw now from inside the apprentice's den, and with a smile Mintstar was glad that at least those two remained the same despite the heavy weather, the young cats had remained as both friends and enemies over the moons they had been raised together, though their arguing and playfighting was never done with ill intent. Juniperpaw threw his head back in laughter while Acornpaw pouted and playfully swatted him against the ear.

'I forgot how juvenile apprentices can be.' The PineClan thought, the thought warmed her. They were still so young to enjoy their innocence for a few moons more, and Mintstar almost envied them. For at least they weren't saddled with the task of having so many cats' well being and safety on their shoulders. Life seemed so much more difficult as she became leader, she began to slowly understand why Shadowstar's entire mindset had changed for the worse after spending so many moons in charge. And yet... Mintstar truly wouldn't change where her life ended up for the world. She was blessed with a loving mate, and her family was still ever growing with Acornkit becoming an apprentice and with Skunknose's second litter of kits on the way. Life had gotten hard, but she couldn't deny that she was happy despite how strenuous things could be at times.

What dragged her out of her thoughts were the worried mews of Laurelcloud and Magpiewhisker from outside her den, Mintstar rose to her paws and strode outside, squinting against the rain. Laurelcloud stared at Magpiewhisker to see if maybe he wanted to speak, but the black-and-white tom shook his head to say 'no'. The white molly cleared her throat before speaking. "Mintstar, the water's getting real bad. I think we're gonna have to move." She mewed with such authority that it impressed Mintstar, she had quite the voice for being their youngest warrior. However, her idea was absolutely absurd. Surely the water would never reach PineClan! They were far enough for the largest stream and the land around them was flat enough, wasn't it?

"It's probably better that if we do, there's a lot of wells around here, and with enough water they could all overflow." Magpiewhisker added, which Mintstar admitted made enough sense. However, it wasn't like her Clan had anywhere safe to move, she imagined Shadowstar never stopped to think about the threat of flooding when she first found PineClan's camp to consider a safe zone somewhere. And it wasn't like she could send out a patrol to scout for one either, it was far too risky. A loud and obviously fake cough got her attention, frowning as she made out the sodden form of Larkclaw approaching. His dark brown pelt was drenched the point where it appeared black. "Couldn't help but eavesdrop on you guys, and I think I know where we can hide~" He mewed. "Before I joined your merry little band, I made my dwelling in a cave close by here. It's a wonder you guys haven't seen it, actually."

Mintstar wasn't so sure she could truly trust Larkclaw even though she was the one to convince Shadowstar to let the former rogue join. He was too sneaky for his own good and he played by his own rules, thinking mostly of himself rather then the Clan. The way he spoke could often be interpreted as subtle mockery towards his Clanmates, and judging by how Lizardstripe's hackles raised every time the pushy tom approached them. It was clear the two had known each other well before they joined the Clan, and it wasn't a very good meeting. However, this was her only lead at getting PineClan to safety. She would have to question him more about this. "Are you sure about that?" She asked coolly, making Larkclaw give out a mock gasp. "What? You don't trust me? One of your loyal warriors? I'm pretty sure that's a sin."

Larkclaw chuckled, the sound fading one he knew none of the other cats would join in. He smirked at Laurelcloud, who had been staring at him a little oddly, snorting when she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm not lying. I'm a jerk, sure, I'll admit that. But at least I have the common decency to respect queens." He responded, making Mintstar perk her ears in what the queens had to do with this. "I'm pretty sure you're more satisfied with living queens more then dead ones." The leader winced, he had a point. If the flooding did reach camp, there was no hope that Wasptail and Skunknose could escape unscathed. She thought more on the matter for a while before deciding that was best for the two queens and the rest of her Clan to shelter where Larkclaw suggested. "You'll lead us there, won't you? I'll reward you with anything." She meowed, making the tom laugh again. "Allow me to sleep in for a whole moon and we're golden."


And so after Mintstar relayed her plan to all the Clan, she set off to the cave Larkclaw had talked about and walked by his side. Rowanpelt and Shrikeface were walking alongside their mates Wasptail and Skunknose, the queens looking a little tired given they weren't used to walking after resting in the nursery for so long. All the apprentices trailed on the sidelines besides their mentors, all cats holding prey in their jaws. And Acornpaw held a look of pride after receiving her apprentice name. Though finding a mentor for her would be withheld under the threat of flooding had past, but it seemed like her grandniece didn't mind either way. She focused on every bit of sound around her, swiveling her eyes to hear what was going on from behind, catching a tiny bit of her nephews conversation with each other. "I really need to tell you something." She heard Aspenheart meow, making Mintstar surprised with how vulnerable and nervous he sounded. Aspenheart was a prideful warrior, she never imagined he'd ever show weakness. Not even to his own brother.

Perhaps she'd attempt to ask him what was wrong later, though she already knew he'd ignore her anyway. He never liked her, and given how she ignored him growing up, she could see why. Lizardstripe and Laurelcloud were silent as they held the fattest mice they could salvage from the fresh-kill pile, while Comfreyfang and Minkcloud gently explained what was happening to their kitten - who was now known as Maplekit. She was thankful that everyone seemed calm, it was only Weaselstorm who disagreed with everything and Mintstar sensed he wanted to argue, but he wasn't able to given he leaf-wrapped bundle of herbs he currently carried in his jaws. Shadepaw held a bundle of her own, the medicine cat apprentice had been silent ever since they left, probably because she disagreed with leaving too.

Once Mintstar was done checking on everyone, she focused on Larkclaw, who had a tiny skip in his step as he lead everyone to his former hideout. The tom suddenly paused, throwing off Mintstar as she wondered what the holdup was. "There's someone out here." He whispered, at first she was ready to tell him it was probably a fleeing mouse until she too scented the whiff of another Clan, one she hadn't smelled in a long time: FlurryClan. She gasped as she saw her former apprentice, Lizardstripe, swiftly rush past her and towards the direction of the scent. The tom was beyond elated as he recognized who wore the achingly familiar scent. Knowing it could be the one and only molly who held his affections for many moons, they had agreed to stop visiting each other due to concerns of being caught by either of their Clans, but he was never able to forgot her. Rosemask was a cat he could never forget.

The gray-and-white cat laughed excitedly as she rushed towards the tom and nuzzled in his wet fur, a wide smile on her face as she relaxed against him, happy that she was able to be this close to him again. Lizardstripe purred loudly, his green eyes shining with love for the FlurryClan cat before his expression turned into confusion. "Don't get me wrong, it's amazing to see you again, really. My heart's beating faster then a rabbit hop but... I thought we weren't going to see each other again?" He meowed, ignoring the curious mews coming from his Clanmates. Rosemask purred briefly before letting out a sigh. "I really couldn't be away from you anymore, I had to do something about it. So I said my goodbyes, and my family told me to send you a message: take care of me, or else!" She replied, playfully imitating her father's voice before both lovers exchanged a laugh.

A loud meow from Mintstar made them stop, and the leader narrowed her eyes as she stared at Lizardstripe. "So this is who you sneaked off to see when you were an apprentice." She meowed pointedly, causing for the tabby tom to flatten his ears and stand protectively in front of Rosemask. "I know you're mad, Mintstar, but I love this cat with my life. If she can't join us, I'm leaving too." He meowed with a hiss, Rosemask gazed concerned at both Lizardstripe and Mintstar and stayed silent, praying to StarClan that the leader would be forgiving. After a while, Mintstar sighed, she needed warriors more then ever. And Lizardstripe was stubborn, there's no way he'd let her get away with rejecting Rosemask as one of their own. "Fine, she can stay. But your both going to have to prove your loyalty to me." She said, ignoring the urge to crack a smile as both cats exclaimed their thanks happily before frolicking like a pair of playing kits before joining the rest of the Clan.

"Mintstar! We're here!" Larkclaw exclaimed a little ways away from her, the cat immediately went to join him and her Clan, her eyes widening to see a gaping hole lodged in the center of a stone wall as she approached. It took a little climb for her cats to get inside, she watched as Rowanpelt assisted his mate Wasptail up and sighing in relief as Skunknose grabbed the ginger tabby's scruff to pull her up the rest of the way. She thanked the gray queen before the two vanished deeper in the cave. Larkclaw beckoned her over with a wave of his tail, the tom smirking pridefully as he watched the rest of his Clan jump in. "How's this for shelter! We got a cave big enough for all us 'Clanners and the water can't touch us. No need to thank me~" He said, not giving Mintstar the time to respond before he jumped in with the rest of his Clanmates.

Mintstar shook her head as she watched him leave with an appreciative smile, perhaps he did earn a moon's worth of sleeping in late for showing her Clan a grand hideout like this. However... this could never match up with their actual camp, which she hoped was going to survive in the rain and possible flooding. She shut her eyes, silently praying for StarClan and Shadowstar to watch over their camp. She stared up the dark sky above, squinting to shield her eyes from the ever falling rain. The clouds were so thick it was impossible to see the sky, was StarClan able to watch over them at all? Mintstar shuddered, she hoped her warrior ancestors were able to protect them. She huffed, perhaps sending out a patrol to scout the surrounding area would take her mind off things.

Actions wrote:> Apprentice Ceremony: Acornkit
> Border Patrol: Mintstar, Duckfoot, Fawnfur, Magpiewhisker
> Joining Clan: Rosemask of FlurryClan.
> Becoming Mates: Lizardstripe + Rosemask

I asked Katrione about it a while back, but it's alright for me to introduce Rosemask on my own as her former owner said I could take her. :0 And I hope it's alright that I had mentioned Acornkit got her apprentice name???

    Mintstar. | 60. | molly. |
    gray-and-white molly with hazel eyes.
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Rowanpelt. | 43. | tom. |
    russet-colored tom with yellow eyes.

    Medicine Cat:
    Weaselstorm. | 45. | tom. |
    brown-and-white tom with ice-blue eyes.

    Medicine Cat Apprentice:
    Shadepaw. | 12. | molly. |
    solid black molly with blue eyes.

    Duckfoot.| 61. | tom. |
    brown-and-white tabby tom with green eyes.
    Shrikeface. | 60. | tom. |
    gray-and-white tom with yellow eyes.
    Minkcloud. | 41. | molly. |
    chocolate tabby molly with yellow eyes.
    Comfreyfang. | 41. | molly. |
    gray-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes.
    Rosemask. | 32. | molly. |
    gray-and-white molly with hazel eyes.
    Lizardstripe. | 30. | tom. |
    brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    Larkclaw. | 30. | tom. |
    dark brown tabby tom with copper eyes.
    Magpiewhisker. | 29. | tom. |
    black-and-white tom with hazel eyes.
    Aspenheart. | 29. | tom. |
    gray tabby tom with green eyes.
    Fawnfur. | 28. | molly. |
    light brown molly with green eyes.
    Laurelcloud. | 18. | molly. |
    solid white molly with blue eyes.

    Ratpaw. | 12. | tom. |
    solid black tom with green eyes.
    Juniperpaw. | 7. | tom. |
    gray-and-white tom with green eyes.
    Egretpaw. | 7. | tom. |
    white tom with a gray patch on his head.
    Orchidpaw. | 7. | molly. |
    solid pale gray molly with blue eyes.
    Acornpaw. | 6. | molly. |
    brown-and-white molly.

    Skunknose. | 58. | molly. |
    gray-and-white molly with hazel eyes.
    Wasptail. | 48. | molly. |
    ginger tabby molly with yellow eyes.

    Maplekit. | 1. | molly. |
    tortoiseshell molly.

    Name | Age | Gender |
    Name | Age | Gender |

    Northern | BlazeClan (shimmerstream) | unaffiliated.
    Western | ReedClan (Areater) | unofficial enemies.
    Southern | SilentClan (rainbowcatfish8888) | unaffiliated.
    Eastern | JinxClan (vampiress_fox) | allies.
    Northwestern | StreamClan (justice'n'joy) | enemies.
    Northeastern | open | ----.
    Southeastern | MossClan (RebelliousWinter) | unaffiliated.
    Southwestern | open | ---.

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    [Clan can have five servings of prey at the moment.
    Clan will eat in two more posts.]
    wrens | 3 servings. [x2]
    thrushes | 3 servings. [x2]
    squirrels | 2 servings. [x3]
    rabbits | 2 servings. [x2]
    mice | 1 serving. [x6]
    voles | 1 serving. [x6]
    sparrows | 3 servings. [x2]

    Medicine Store:
    borage leaves | produces more milk, brings down fevers. [x1]
    broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. [x1]
    burdock root | heal & prevent infection of rat bites. [x1]
    catmint | white/green/blackcough. [x1]
    celandine | soothes damaged eyes. [x1]
    chamomile | traveling herb, strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. [x0]
    chervil | infected wounds and bellyache, can also be used during kitting. [x1]
    chickweed | for greencough. [x1]
    cobwebs | bleeding, broken bones. [x6]
    comfrey root | broken bones, wrenched claws, itching, inflammation. [x2]
    daisy leaves | traveling herb, also for aching joints. [x1]
    deathberries | used to kill other cats. [x1]
    dock | soothes scratches & sore pads. [x2]
    feverfew | for fevers, chills, aches, pain, & especially good for headaches. [x1]
    goldenrod | for healing wounds. [x1]
    honey | soothes infections & sore throats. [x2]
    horsetail | treats infections & stops infections. [x0]
    lavender | fever & chills. [x2]
    marigold | stops infection & bleeding, for inflammation of stiff joints. [x0]
    mouse bile | used to remove ticks. [x1]
    poppy seeds | brings sleep, eases distress & pain. [x2]
    snakeroot | thought to heal poison. [x1]
    sorrel | traveling herb, can also build up appetite. [x1]
    sticks | distracts cats from pain. [x1]
    stinging nettle | induces vomiting or brings down swelling. [x1]
    sweet-sedge | eases infection. [x1]
    tansy | cures coughs, as well as wounds and poisons. [x2]
    thyme | calms nervousness, anxiety, & cats who are in shock. [x1]
    watermint | for bellyaches. [x1]
    yarrow | extracts poison from wounds. [x1]

    Apprentice Training:
    Rowanpelt | Ratpaw | 2 | battle - climbing - x - x
    Magpiewhisker | Juniperpaw | 0 | x - x - x - x
    Aspenheart | Egretpaw | 0 | x - x - x - x
    Laurelcloud | Orchidpaw | 0 | x - x - x - x

    Mates + Families:
    Shrikeface and Skunknose | Magpiewhisker, Aspenheart, (expecting).
    Owlfur and Shadowstar | Molekit & Shadepaw.
    Magpiewhisker and Fawnfur | Acornkit.
    Duckfoot and Mintclaw.
    Comfreyfang and Minkcloud | Maplekit (adopted).
    Ramhorn (EchoClan) and Wasptail | (expecting).

    Deceased Cats:
    Molekit | 2. | weakness. | StarClan.
    Owlfur | 67. | fox attack. | StarClan.
    Shadowstar | 80. | deathberry-coated poppy seeds. | StarClan.
Last edited by deimido on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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clan replies / 019.

Postby deimido » Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:31 pm

Weather: Water levels are still high, but bearable. It's easy to walk safely now, but the fact that it rains almost daily keeps everyone on edge. A little comfort is that the rain happens to be small showers, but still. Nature can be fickle.

( @Luvdisc your reply is here! / @Areater, @hiraeth. - your replies are here! / @.Quill., your reply is here! / @.galaxy., @vampiress_fox, @perle - your replies are here! / @.mochi, @Stoneleaf - your replies are here! / @Sunnymcsun - your reply is here! / @cabookdo, @rainbowcatfish8888 - your replies are here!)

StreamClan | justice'n'joy wrote:
Number of Cats:37
Females: 21
Male: 20
Next Moonpool visit: 10/4/2017 (04/10/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

"What happened?" Ripplestar growled, seeing his deputy carry a black figure.
"I... we don't rightly know, the patrol and I." Gingerflash dipped his head, "We just heard a splash and she was in."
An old tom stepped forward. "Pixie only said she was getting a drink.." Flashtail's eyes were clouded with grief. "I should've stopped her. "
Featherstorm gave the ginger splashed elder a comforting lick. "There was no way for you to have known, or avoided, her fate." She soothed, "It was StarClan's will."
"StarClan's will my-" he was interrupted by mewls from the nursery. Tui's kits were here.

Bouncefire looked lovingly at his mate and kits. "This tom should be named Thornkit, for his thorn-prick claws."
Tui nodded. "Well then, this tom is Finchkit. Don't ask why but it suits him."
Bouncefire laughed before becoming serious once more.
Tui and Bouncefire named their third kit Pixiekit after her great grandmother.
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

Pixie has joined StarClan.

Your border patrol was uneventful, your hunting patrol caught three mice. Two posts remain until you feed your Clan.

Minkpaw and Tallpaw learn the climbing skill.

WrenClan | raven walker wrote:
Number of Cats: 1 F, 0 M

Days till next moonpool visit: 7

Standing as tall as she could, Pumastar gazed out from the entrance to camp with pride. Sure, there was a fair amount of floods damage, especially down in the lower parts of the territory, but it was hers, and she loved it. All this land, all this prey, everything she needed to build a strong, beautiful clan. And they would be Wrenclan.

"Dont get ahead of yourself!" She whispered out loud. She needed cats first. And today, she was going to get one. She wasn't sure if she should get a deputy or a medicine cat, and had been pondering it for some time. In the end, she decided a medicine cat would be better. They would guide her spiritually and since there weren't any other cats she wouldn't need help running the clan to begin with. Hurriedly, she made her way to the Moonpool to request.

(Pumastar asks for a medicine cat at the moonpool)

StarClan has given you a medicine cat! Pick five herbs from here to start your medicine store.

HollyClan | Tomato Sauce wrote:
Number of Cats: 2 [ 1♀,1♂ ]


Featherstar was now coming back from the Moonpool, her paws getting wet from the recent flood that passed. She had to be more careful, just in case the flood came back. Featherstar was looking out for the cat she wished for by Starclan but saw not one cat in sight. Every pawstep she took, the more impatient she got. She decided to close her gaze, taking in the smell of the flood. But then suddenly, she bumped into something large. She heard a hiss from the mysterious animal. Featherstar quickly opened her dull green eyes to see it was another cat, giving her the death glare.

`` Who are you?! `` The stranger growled as his claws unsheathed from his gray paws. Panic ran in Featherstar's veins as she saw the claws from the stranger. `` Are you another one of does clan cats?! Are you here to take me back to your clan and keep me there for another 20 moons?! `` The stranger growled once again at Featherstar before the she-cat even have time to talk. Featherstar gave a nervous glare as she spoke to the cat. `` I'm Featherstar, t-the leader of a new clan called Hollyclan. ``

`` I knew you were one of does dirty clan cats! `` The stranger hissed as he raised his paw,ready to give a huge scar to Featherstar. `` W-Wait, I promise i'm not going to take you by force! `` She yelled. `` How do I know you're not lying! `` The stranger hissed at the she-cat. `` Well, i'm the only cat in Hollyclan. I have no warriors,apprentices,or anyone to take you by force. `` She answered the stranger's question. The cat put his paw down but his claws were still unsheathed. `` Take me to your camp then. I want to see proof. `` Featherstar nodded as she lead the stranger back to her camp, keeping her reflexes high as if the stranger attacked.

During the whole trip, the stranger kept his death glare on her. He was ready to attack any cat she had, just in case she was lying to him. Soon, the two cats soon made it back to Hollyclan's camp, which was shining a bit from the sun hitting the water. The stranger looked over the camp and smelt the air a couple times to make sure there wasn't no cats hiding from him. To his surprise, he smelt no other scent besides Featherstar's but that didn't mean he trusted her. `` See? I have no other cats `` Featherstar meowed. The stranger looked at her with the same gaze.

`` Fine. I'll give your clan a chance but don't take that as me trusting you `` He meowed. Featherstar give a sigh of relief but it will take some time for him to trust her. Featherstar give the stranger the name ` Grayhawk ` and made him the deputy, since he was the only cat...well at least for now. He could get up and leave at anytime if he doesn't still trust her. Featherstar decided to go hunting for her fresh-kill pile. Grayhawk was going to stay back at camp, he still kept a look out for any of her warriors to try and attack him.

[ Featherstar goes hunting ]


Featherstar has caught one squirrel!

SorrelClan | SkyGold wrote:
Number of Cats: 9
Number of Servings: 3
Days until next moon pool visit: now

Ack! writers block, I might edit this later with something.
[Heronstream goes looking for herbs,
Willowflight and Kestreltalon go hunting,
Russetstar requests an apprentice.]

Heronstream has gathered goldenrod!

Your hunting patrol caught a rabbit.

StarClan has given you an apprentice.

RippleClan | ártémís wrote:
Cloudydusk felt at home here. He was scorn-faced and handsome, the tom was. He was standing in the shadows while looking at the light. He was, alas, a warrior of the newly founded RippleClan. There was a time when he was quite the stranger to these Clans- even loathing them- however, it appeared that there was something quite different about him than there was before. The fact he was tolerating the Clan.. and the fact he had joined. Cloudydusk adjusted his gaze over camp, and his 'mentor'; who seemed to have had familiarity with. Rhubarbwhistle was assigned to be his show-and-tell buddy for the day. "Ah, yes.. Rhubarbwhistle, could you mind showing me what's going on with those lot?" he pointed strangely towards Slateslide and Pertelswoop, a questioning glance given, then shared. "I'm even more unsure than you might be..." Rhubarbwhistle's pretty annoyed deadpanning was a screech within the harmony. He wasn't used to getting half-heartedly answered, poorly thought-out answers. Especially since Cloudydusk was the son of a traitor, harboring a neighboring pack's spy.. and ended up becoming hostage for his group until his father paid the price by being sent off to the front lines of battle.

He never made it back.

He looked back at the molly, a questioning glare replacing the warm stance. Something about her was regal. Something about her face was comforting, yet it was quite.. quite.. evil. Not the bloodthirst that was plastered all over the faces of war-torn rouges whom only wished to tear the enemies, but the seductive type of evil in which no cat could escape. A good type that only the rivals of his own pack had. Their group.. wasn't as vicious, but reminded him of RippleClan. Strict morals were in place and all the things he'd done were measured and criticized. He'd been.. acquainted, momentarily, after all. Speaking of the devil, Rhubarbwhistle asked the mental question- "Say, haven't I seen you before..?" The brown female retorted, quite a nuance in her voice. A bedazzled Cloudydusk tilted his head, a catastrophic look of devastation. He did recognize this cat. It wasn't just familiarity. Rhubarbwhistle must've been part of the rivaling pack, after all..?

Ah. Of course. "High Princess R-?" A paw landed on his face. It was a swift kick, a dashing embrace. Rhubarbwhistle grew a scarlet shade, of anger and both embarrassment. She nodded. "It's not like anyone would recognize you." he rambled. She began flushing a brighter shade. "W-wait. Aren't you.. that.. that guy?" she began to whisper, after tackling the tom over to the side and dragging him out.


Meanwhile, Slateslide was watching, a somewhat jealous look on his face. "What's that fool doing with Rhubarbwhistle?" he spoke, each cruel word the same icy tones as before. Harrowbranch looked in discomfort. "Pretty sure there's nothing going on between them." he answered, licking his paw.

Harrowbranch had confessed, surely. The thing was that he was interrupted rudely by Pertelswoop's father-like figure, Oakhollow. Basically had to drag Slateslide over about the foxes and how terrible they were, and how the foxes were actually going to attack them if he didn't. So Harrowbranch was relieved at the fact that his confession to him was interrupted; but he wasn't going after Pertelswoop either. He'd decided. Unless the molly had the courage to go ask him herself, he would never really respond at all to her 'so-called advances.' She was cute as a cherub, sure, but it wasn't really his type. A saggy-eyed Harrowbranch contemplated intoxicating himself with delirious amounts of catnip to fix this 'type-problem' and maybe get along even more than they did before (since in his right mind, he would never make the stupid mistake of accepting her.), but the now clearly awake one digressed and decided not to go with the suggestion. Something so sad.. and pathetic was un-Harrowbranch-like, sadly. A prickle of thwarting jealousy was given to where the pair disappeared through the bushes, unknowing of the context. Were they already trying to make romance bloom? Cloudydusk had barely been here since a moon ago, when he and the others discovered him.

But it might be just a misunderstanding, after all. Harrowbranch took his eyes off the tom and closed them instead. "Most certainly, there's nothing between them."


Hazelwish felt like there must've been something else to this mess- the lovestruck, soft-hearted she-cat with the four kits by her side- well, they were almost full-grown by this time. Four moons old, the kittens were quite the bulk of the Clan. She wasn't satisfied with how Sedgekit was too quiet and Hootkit was too much of a pushover. She didn't like how Hickorykit bullied his siblings and how Eelkit was interruptive. She was stressed out as a mother, of course, but she wasn't as distressed as Beetlestar was. The she-cat who tried to tear apart her mateship was now.. now very vulnerable. She could, of course, tear through her and crown her own consort as the new leader of RippleClan, but that was much too vile of a future to see. After all, Beetlestar is a wonderful leader. Stubborn, bashful and shy, yes, but it wasn't unlike what she'd done before, herself. She was a good arc to have in this unstable cavern, a temporary stick that held up the ceiling. As much as she'd hated to mention it, she'd forgiven her leader completely by now. The moons of hate would have to stop. Even Oakhollow insisted that she should be forgiven.. and StarClan, should be, as well. Wasn't it them that covered the moon when she tried to rebel? She couldn't blame StarClan forever, either..

"Well isn't that just great. More to the left, Avalanchepaw..!" What was the less-than-level-headed apprentice doing here, one would question? But as much as it made Hazelwish snicker with childlike glee, she could never say it in front of her face. Basically, since Oakhollow was her mentor, it was quite the luxury of using Avalanchepaw as a worker. It was easy to subdue her fire, as Hazelwish had always been quite dominant with her peers. Perhaps not that dominant as she wished, but her thoughts projected quite easily. "I don't know what exactly I gain from this.. Is Oakhollow sure that I'll get skillful once I learn how to pick ticks?" Puh. Of course. All cats learned how to pick ticks. It was first-aid before asking the medicine cat, typically. "Yes, obviously. Ticks are common ailments that are caused from Lyme's. Moreover, they are damaging to your health as it is a bloodsucker. A brief breath later, she continued.

.. I can be a good medicine cat too, can't I? Here, pass over some moss. That's the best we have right now.. compared to mouse bile, of course..." She hated that she was getting anywhere with this dastardly job, and she hated being forced to be the medicine cat. But she had a keen eye for knowledge, a thirst that wasn't going to be quenched any time soon..! "And why does a youthful cat such as yourself have ticks in the first place, Hazelwish?" to put it bluntly, it was more of an insult than a compliment coming from the young cat. But she was getting there.

A flicker of unpaled annoyance spread through her face like wildfire. Somecat really wanted to have some fun today, didn't she- yes, yes she did, indeed.


"I-I think you're more into this than I have been, so.. Beetlestar. How do you deal with ignorance?" A queer comment from such an accepted member of the community. After these moons of being with them, why had Pertelswoop, of all people, decided to suggest that she wasn't fitting in? "Y, you, and ignorance? I'd take that with a pinch of doubt.
But I'll hear you out, whatever the problem may be
." Beetlestar titled her head, some kind of odd sense of motherly protectiveness washing over this small cat. Was it because she used to be a kittypet and was clumsy in fights or hunts?

No, could it be, romance? "I don't think I'm even as good as Avalanchepaw." she admitted. All the notions about romance nonsense were dispelled immediately. This wasn't going to be a sappy talk that wasn't worth her time- not that nothing that came out of the petite molly's mouth was all that worth listening to. No offense, but she was a cheeky talker and wanted nothing more than her ramblings of love. "I was a kittypet before, you know." she seemed disgruntled and she spoke, as if the words were more than a slur; a curse. "I don't think you're being ignored, frankly." Beetlestar laughed to her dismay. The smaller female looked in disgust at herself. "But I feel as if I'm not truly part of you all. I don't think i deserve something like that.."

"You do, and that's all you need to know."

[Yep, as much as Hazelwish is growing fond, this is more like a over-time-fondness than a full commitment. She's warming up to the idea but someone's free to snatch it from her as she's only as good as a first-moon Medicine Cat Apprentice who managed to memorize one or two herbs.]


actions // oak, avalanche - extreme training / beetle, any available to split hunting/border patrol / hazel - herb //


{ ah, okay ! gotcha ^^ }

Avalanchepaw learned the hunting skill!

Your border patrol was uneventful / Your hunting patrol caught two salmons and a minnow!

Hazelwish gathered tansy!

ThornClan | N0VAHD wrote:
Number of Cats: 4
Next Moonpool visit: Today

The white medicine cat sat quietly in camp, his ears perked. The tom had only been in the clan for a moon, yet he felt right at home. As he yawned, he noticed the deputy and only warrior making their way out of camp.
"Where are you two headed?" He mewed, a small smirk on his face. WhiteWillow gave him a purr, yet RussetStripe's tail lashed. "I was taking Russet out hunting. We are still running tragically low on prey." WhiteWillow dipped her head to the older tom, and he purred back. RussetStripe let out a forced purr out of respect. "We would like to head out." With that, he turned, his tail flicking in FrozenDew's face. WhiteWillow sighed, following RussetStripe with a shy smile.
FrozenDew was not upset by the tom's disrespect, he was understanding. It was probably awkward that Russet was the only one who wasn't in a point of power in the clan.

Amberstar padded through the brush, making her way towards the cave where the Moonpool was located. She yawned, noticing the few visible stars in the sky. She had asked FrozenDew to escort her most of the way, but let him adventure part of the territory for herbs. As she padded through the cave, she heard a light rain start falling. Looking up through the hole in the ceiling of the cave, she saw drops of water falling into the Moonpool. Strangely enough, there were no clouds covering the stars that were appearing. She layed in the rain, feeling it slowly soak her fur.
"Starclan.." She mewed, her eyes locked on the pool.
"Grace us with something you believe we need." She touched her nose to the pool, letting her muscles relax until she fell into a slumber.

[WhiteWillow and RussetStripe go hunting]
[Amberstar goes to the Moonpool]
[FrozenDew looks for herbs]

The Clan ate 1 Vole

{ ooh i love your clan symbol & header! }

Your hunting patrol caught one rabbit!

StarClan has given you a warrior.

Frozendew has gathered thyme!
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-- [☂] tempestclan

Postby 䏠xote » Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:00 am

population - one tom | zero she-cats
next visit to moonpool - april 12, 2017 | 8:00am
next patrol - april 5, 2017 | 8:00pm

tempest breathed heavily as he reached the top of the hill, worn from his ascent after having marked and laid out his territory. he was exhausted, but triumph and exhilaration buzzed in his paws. today, he would officially become a clan leader. he had traveled all his life, drifting between kitty-pet neighborhoods and clan-filled terrain, learning what he could. he would stay, sometimes, but never for long--after all, he could feel the tug of starclan on his heart, leading him further north, until he'd finally reached his new and beloved home. he'd always been very sensitive to the clan in the sky, dreaming of him and the ancestors he had there, and it was that sensitivity that had allowed him to follow the tug of their guidance as he learned what it meant to be a clan cat.

now, he believed he was ready.

he had a suitable territory, a satisfactory name. he'd eaten the bounty of the land and had been satisfied by it. all that remained was to found his family, and to begin. the black tom wandered tiredly to the moonpool, and dropped down beside it, legs tucked underneath him. the water was clear, and shimmered with the light of the moon glimmering within it, dyed silver. being in this holy place, this sacred oasis, made tempest's fur stand on end in both awe, excitement, and dread. for a moment, he stared at his own rippling reflection, before leaning down, lapping a bit of the chilled liquid. it was frigid in his throat, and sent a shiver throughout his body, before his eyes finally closed.

when he opened them again, he was surrounded. familiar faces were all around him, looking down upon him, gazes judging yet compassionate. he felt like a kit again, staring up at the unfamiliar and wild, unreadable expressions of the clan that had taken him in. he desperately hope that starclan approved of his efforts and dreams as the first starry figure came forward, padding weightlessly and soundlessly to face the tom.

tempest recognized this cat--the first warrior he'd ever known. nettlestar had been the first warrior tempest had ever known, a brave and steadfast leader with a heart of gold. she was abrasive and offensive, pushing her clanmates and seeming too serious all the time. he'd been scared of her, at first, but had found that she was an effective and beloved cat, one that was dependable and unchanging. she'd been the first one to teach him what his dreams had meant, the first one to begin training him, the first one to help him on his journey.

"tempest. with this life, i give you wisdom." she meowed, her voice still low, still intimidating even after all this time. "those around you may attempt to discourage you, and the hardships you face will leave you desperate for answers. there will be times when you feel that any decision you make will bring destruction, and times when you may find it bothersome to dabble in affairs with others. i will tell you now that those times will come, and rip at your belly like sharpened claws, but they will not define you. use this life to follow your heart and follow your faith--do not let fear or uncertainty keep you from succeeding in your attempts to foster life within your clan. push aside the background noise to find the truth you seek, and back your choices with complete confidence. use this life to lead your clan upon the path of life and prosperity."

she touched her nose to his, and a roaring wave of pain surged through his body. heat filled him, burning him from the tip of his tail to his toes. it held firmly to the core of his being, a steadfast and unyielding sensation that made his heart pulse in his ears. finally, she pulled away, leaving the tom wide-eyed and gasping, bewildered. suddenly, he wasn't sure he would be able to stomach another nine of these.

little time was wasted, and nettlestar turned back to join the ranks of the stars, before a younger, small she-cat approached him. it took a minute for the black tom to recognize her, and a pang of sadness welled within him. she was a loner that he'd met once on the outskirts of kittypet territory. her twoleg had abandoned her, and she'd been struggling to raise three kits. he'd stayed with her a while and helped her hunt, and had always been surprised at how much she could bear. after all, even though she'd been thin and hungry and exhausted, she looked tirelessly for safe places to raise her kits, and for food to help her produce milk for them. when he'd left, her kits were almost old enough to eat solid food, and he thought she'd been doing well. if she was in the stars while this young, however...

"tempest." berry mewed quietly, her cream and ginger coat filled with its own constellation, shimmering.

"i thought you were going to be okay." the black tom murmured mournfully in response.

the she-cat only smiled at him.

"with this life, i give you protection. after you left, a stray dog tried to make a meal of my kits. i fought the beast bitterly, and drove him off, but when i realized that i was too injured to live much longer, i brought them to housefolk who would adopt them. i saw to the very end that they were cared for, even as i had to push away the pain of my wounds and drag my broken bones to do so. use this life to do the same for your clan; work for them tirelessly, fight for them bitterly, and love them whole-heartedly. there will be times of grief and sorrow, and times of hunger and chaos. you will be the foundation of your clan, and they will need you must never regret the choice you have made. do anything you must to protect your clan, for they will depend on you for their lives."

she touched her nose to his own, meeting his sad gaze, her own shining with compassion. a surge of energy flowed through him,
filling him, and he felt like his body was being bestowed the strength and fury of three mother lions, pulsing within his body and burning at his muscles and bones, creating an ache within his heart. finally, it, too, subsided, and the she-cat stepped back.

"wait, berry, i'm so--"

"you could not have changed the outcome even if you had been there, tempest. you were just a kit yourself." her eyes were soft,
glimmering with appreciation as she turned. "live the life i have given you well."

all the tom could do was nod, still reeling from the life, before he prepared himself for the next one. there were many cats he had known from many different places that greeted him: resilience, by a warrior who had had many personal tragedies and tests of character; humility, from a once proud and arrogant rogue who had suffered the consequences; faith, from a blind medicine cat he had met in the woods on his travels, the first to teach him the ways of starclan; judgement, from a leader who had made the difficult decision to relocate their clan rather than face an unnecessary and lethal battle; justice, from a queen who helped to displace a cruel and ruthless leader with her clanmates; and forgiveness, from an elderly kittypet that had known tempest and his mother, and had spent his days in regret for actions he had once taken.

finally, the last cat stepped forward.

a flood of emotions ripped through the tom, his eyes burning with tears as they threatened to swallow him, to drown him. he'd never expected to see his own dearest brother here in the place of the stars, and he couldn't decide if he was choking on grief or spilling over with joy. the other tom was smaller than him, more sleek, and his eyes shone like mirrors, reflecting the whirlwind inside of tempest's heart.

"brother." he greeted softly.

"sky." tempest sobbed in return.

gently, sky pressed his nose to his brother's, gaze soft and sympathetic. "with this life, i give you endurance. since the beginning,
you have been called by the stars to serve a purpose only you can. you have never strayed from the path that you felt with your heart was the right one to choose. in coming days, there will be cats who might try to dissuade you. there will be times where you feel ready to give up. there will be days when the burden becomes too painful to bear. endure it. use this life to endure any pain and suffering you are made to bear for your clan, and endure any grief and anguish this task will place upon you. never yearn to go back to our kittypet life. you are a warrior now, with the blood of our ancestors boiling in your veins." the younger, paler tom's eyes softened. "use my life so that you may lead a fulfilling and enriching life of your own, as the leader of this clan."

tempest closed his eyes as a surge of warmth poured into him. it was just as fierce as the ones before, but the pain it carried ached deep in his heart, as if he were feeling the grief of losing his brother, his littermates, his mother, all anew. tears spilled over, leaving trails in the fur of his muzzle as he bared his teeth, both comforted yet in agony over smaller tom that stood in front of him.

finally, sky stepped away, and pride shone in his eyes.

"i hail you by your new name, tempeststar. your old life is no more. you have now received the nine lives of a leader, and starclan grants you the guardianship of tempestclan. defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity. live each life given you well, dear brother."

"tempeststar! tempeststar! tempeststar!" cried the cats of the stars, and the black tom trembled as he watched them, feeling new and revitalized, fear and wonder and determination all warring for dominance in his soul. he was a leader now. the leader of tempestclan.

as sky began to walk back towards the ranks of starry felines, tempeststar called out to him.


the pale tom looked back at him, and was surprised to see determination burning in his brother's green eyes.

"wait for me here! when i'm done on this earth and i've earned it, i'll be back to tell you about all the things i've done and accomplished!" he swore. "so you just wait!"

sky smiled, happiness in his expression as he relaxed.

"i'll be waiting, tempeststar."

when tempeststar woke, it was morning. he opened his eyes, before shifting, getting to his paws, his body stiff and filled with the dull ache that was left from the pain of his nine lives, and assurance that what he'd seen had really happened. the tom looked down at his own reflection in the clear, still pool, and his eyes narrowed in thought, green optics distant. he was a leader now. he had a clan, and he had territory.

but he needed something else, too.

"starclan." he mewed softly. "i am hopeful for the future, and filled with confidence when i think for the future of my clan. i know not what awaits me. i am also fearful, and concerned for the future as i will pave a path that i have never experienced before. i ask you for a guide, a guardian to lead me along the path that you have set for me. starclan, please offer me a medicine cat, to guide and to watch over me, so that i may choose the right path."

with those words, the tom finally stood, before beginning his descent down the path back into the territory he had claimed for his clan.

[ tempeststar asks for a medicine cat ]


          tempeststar | thirty-nine moons | tom |
          lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          name | age | gender | ☁

          Medicine Cats:
          name | age | gender | ☁

          name | age | gender | ☁

          name | age | gender | ☁

          name | age | gender | ☁

          name | age | gender | ☁

          name | age | gender | ☁
    Ally Clans
    clan name | username

    Enemy Clans
    clan name | username

    north| crowclan | Soft Feather
    east | clan name | username
    west| clan name | username
    south| clan name | username

    Medicine Store
    herb | usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    carp [large] | x0 | 0 servings
    barbel [large] | x0 | 0 servings
    dace [small] | x0 | 0 servings
    minnow [small] | x0 | 0 servings
    mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    shrew | x0 | 0 servings

    mentor | apprentice | training sessions | moves

    Deceased Cats:
    cat name | cause of death

    parents | kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby killer romance. » Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:34 am

Number of Cats: 2 F, 0 M

Days till next moonpool visit: 6

Suddenly, Pumastar remembered that she didn't had any prey pile yet. They would need that if they didn't want to starve, so she set out on a patrol to hunt, leaving Brackenflower in the camp to sort her herbs.

(Pumastar goes on a hunting patrol alone)

          Pumastar | 29 moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Brackenflower | 33 moons | Female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username
    South-East | Forestclan | Simonpet

    Medicine Store
    Spider web x1 | To patch up wounds and stop bleeding.
    Catmint x1 | The bet cure for greencough​ and whitecough.
    Poppy seeds x1 | To ease pain and calm cats.
    Chervil x1 | To help infected would and bellyache. Sometimes helps kitting.
    Stinging nettle x1 | Induces vomiting, helps against swelling and can be used to fight infection. Helps heal bones when mixed with comfrey.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Birds | x0 | 1 servings
    Big Birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Shrews | x0 | 1 servings
    Fawns | x0 | 4 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by killer romance. on Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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create a clan - V.3

Postby requiem, » Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:39 am

the water has backed out and has returned to it's bed. the sky is cloudy with a small drizzle. new cats and prey will be easier to find on patrols.


↞ ¢яαzу ↠ wrote:
Silverstar charged into the flood, being swept off her feet. Slowly, she kicked her paws like a wild cat, this making her get somewhere. She looked behind her before huffing, slowly, she launched herself out of the water into a dry spot, were she slowly crept away to the Moonpool.As the she-cat came across the area, she noticed she was were she wanted to be, slowly, she stepped closer to the Moonpool before closing her eyes, "Right, I lost everything I had in a fire, so please, let me make my own clan and send over a deputy."

[At Moonpool - Silverstar - Requesting A Deputy]

starclan sent you a deputy! silverstar has lost a life.


dinolil1 lil wrote:
His last words baffled Tumbleclan momentarily before he resumed. ''We are to be moving, so get ready for we are following Russetleaf and won't leave her behind!'' Sagestar crowed loudly. Cheers followed, with only a few silent voices. Burrwhisker didn't want to go, as did Rosefur and Bleakpelt. Those were the ones leaving behind loved ones in other clans. Would they get to say their goodbyes? It was unlikely...

Palepaw and Volepaw are taken training.
Mudwhisker, Squirreltail and Rosefur go on patrol.

the apprentices learned the fighting skill!

your patrol found an apprentice!


hazilnut wrote:
"Sorrelstar! Sorrelstar!" Cougarpaw trotted forth from somewhere outside of the clearing, which, judging by Webwing's sharp intake of breath, she had not been supposed to leave. But the blind apprentice had a knack for not listening to her mentor despite her hearing being better than his. "What is it Cougarpaw?" "Some she-cat named Russet wants to see y-" Sorrelstar was on her paws at the mention of Russet and the stream of curses that were pouring her mouth made the normally calm leader appear unrecognizable. "She has nerve coming back here! Show me where she is! That little ungrateful murderer this time I will kill her!" "Will kill who?" A she-cat stepped forwards from behind Cougarpaw. A very pregnant, very much not Russetleaf she-cat. And behind her stood another cat, a young tom who was mostly occupied in eyeing the apprentice who had brought them there. "Oh." Suddenly Sorrelstar appeared very deflated and very tired. "You're Russet then?" The pregnant cat nodded. "Named for the color of my tuft, dreadfully uncreative, but I don't think I'm the Russet you seem so to regard so venomously." "No, you aren't." Sorrelstar's words felt flat to her ears, extremely unimpressive in light of this newcomer. "My nephew and I were searching for somewhere to stay. He was my mate's son and traveling with us but the river swallowed up my mate and he is no more." "Wait I thought he was your nephew." "He is the son of my sister and my mate," Russet explained, not seeing to notice the embarrassment she was causing her nephew, or step-son, or whatever he was by dumping their whole life story on some strangers. "You could stay with us!" Cougarpaw suggested, perhaps as a way to get Russet to shut up. "But you'd have to change your name." "Fine by me, just do pick something creative."

Becoming a warrior: Cougarpaw -> Cougarheart
Kitting (all kits should be stillborn): Cedarslash
Attempting to save prey pile: Momomoon and Frostsong

cougarpaw has earned her warrior name, cougarheart!

cedarslash gave birth to two stillborn kits.
[ kit one, kit two ]

your cats saved the prey pile! frostsong has caught whitecough and urgently needs treatment.


shimmerstream wrote:
Velvetcoat hadn't meant to come off as creepy. And he hadn't really meant to be going the exact same direction as Stormshadow on three different occasions. It was... well, he just wanted to talk to her. He was trying so hard to get to know the others. He didn't want to have to hang out with Ravinepaw all the time. Since he had volunteered to mentor Flaxenpaw, Soaringstar had felt it would be fair to give him the next apprentice. At first he had been honored... but Ravinepaw. It was too bad he and Falconswoop couldn't just switch apprentices. Velvetcoat liked Flaxenpaw, but he didn't want his only friend to be an apprentice, especially one who was always accompanied by Ravinepaw or Falconswoop. He didn't dislike Falconswoop, but like Soaringstar and Poppythorn, Velvetcoat felt enormously awkward around his authority figures. That just left Stormshadow. He'd been trying so hard to hold a conversation with her, but she didn't want anything to do with him. Just today he had accidentally ruined her hunt. It was hard not to run into each other with the territory so shrunken by the flood. She had snapped at him, calling him a creep and a clumsy doofus. He would give her a day to cool down, but he wasn't giving up on her yet.

[Hunting: Stormshadow]
[Training: Falconswoop-Flaxenpaw, Velvetcoat-Ravinepaw]
[Moonpool: Soaringstar requests a warrior]

your cat caught a frog swimming in the water around camp!

the apprentices learned the fighting skill!

starclan sent you a warrior!


tauriel. wrote:
Hawkfeather had adjusted to clan life well enough. He'd made friends with many of the clan but something about an older she-cat was curious to him. Shimmerpelt. The gray molly was all clan, but the way she held herself reminded him of the Tribe. Her scent was a bit similar as well. He remembered the tribe cats talking about two cats who'd gone missing when he was a kit. But this wasn't Shimmer of the Moon-lit Lake, was it? Her kits were around the right age but where was Shimmer's mate? When Shimmer had left the Tribe, she'd taken her mate, Heron Who Fishes at Night. The Shimmerpelt in Caveclan had no mate but all the other signs suggested she was from the Tribe. He wanted to ask her about it, but what if she really wasn't from the Tribe? Still mulling it over in his head, he headed over to the freshkill pile, searching through it for prey. Just as he decided on a mouse, Shimmerpelt was there, nosing through the pile for a frog. He stared at her a moment before blurting, "Are you from the Tribe?" Shimmerpelt froze for a moment, startled, before lifting her green eyes to look at Hawkfeather. "What would make you think I was a Tribe cat?" She asked after a moment of silence. Hawkfeather rattled off his suspicions of her being from the tribe, ending with, "You must be Shimmer but if you are, what happened to your mate?" Shimmerpelt's eyes had darkened with faint sorrow. "Your right. I am Shimmer. I joined Caveclan about a moon after Heron's death." Hawkfeather blinked sympathetically at her but continued to ask questions. "Did you remember me? I was only a kit when you left but you must've realized we were from the same Tribe. Why did you leave?" He asked, peppering the molly with his questions. "Slow down." Shimmerpelt murmured. "We left because we wanted to give our kits a better life. Even though Heron died, I've never regretted leaving. Sedgetail and Harespring are far better off in a clan where prey is plentiful. And of course I recognized you. Your one of Owl's kits. I adored her kits." Shimmerpelt was staring at Hawkfeather now, her eyes still sad. This was one of her nephews. How could she forget her own sister's kit? Hawkfeather's eyes were wide. The aunt who'd disappeared from the Tribe was in Caveclan as well as her two kits. His cousins. Sedgetail and Harespring were his cousins. "Mum misses you so much. She talked about you and Heron all the time." Hawkfeather was a bit in shock. Here was a part of his family who he'd thought were dead, was there in front of his eyes. "I miss her too, but this is my home now." Shimmerpelt murmured. "It's the best place for my kits and I too live. Caveclan's as much our family as the Tribe was." Hawkfeather gazed over to the spot where Sedgetail and Harespring were talking to Juniperfoot. "Do they know?" He asked, turning his amber gaze back to Shimmerpelt. "I was hoping they'd never have to know." Shimmerpelt confessed. "They'd already lost a father before ever meeting him. There was no sense telling them about an entire family they'd never meet." "Are you going to tell them?" Hawkfeather asked her. He couldn't believe his cousins had no idea that they had family other than their mother. It saddened him to realize that they could've grown up in the Tribe with an entire group of cousins but instead they had no idea that he and his siblings even existed. He could understand Shimmerpelt's reasoning for leaving, but they had a right to know about their family. Shimmerpelt hesitated, studying her kits uncertainly. "They have a right to know." Hawkfeather murmured. "They're my cousins." He murmured, more to himself than to Shimmerpelt. It seemed impossible to have cousins he didn't know since he'd been a kit. "I never meant to tell them anything. But now that you are here and possibly your sister, I think I need to tell them." She murmured. Hawkfeather glanced at his cousins, still stunned by their existence and everything he'd learned. "Do you want me to go with you?" He asked Shimmerpelt. The gray molly shook her head. "No. I have to tell them. I've kept them from knowing about the Tribe all this time and it's me who needs to tell them." She took a breath, worrying about their reactions to the news as she padded up to her kits. "Juniperfoot, can I borrow my kits for a moment?" She asked. Juniperfoot nodded, her joy at becoming mates with her love lighting up her entire being. "Mum guess what!?" Sedgetail opened her jaws to tell her about Harespring and Juniperfoot but Shimmerpelt stopped her. "There's something I need to tell you two...."

[mates(no kits)-Juniperfoot and Harespring]

juniperfoot and harespring are now mates!


littleswegbunny wrote:
Stormfrost shivered as the wind descended on him, and he looked towards the territory, which was covered with water. it won't be long until a flood.. the medicine cat decided. when Fernstar returns, I better tell him! he thought, gazing at the bleak gray clouds in the sky. He flicked his tail anxiously and prayed for the best...

[Snowdust goes hunting (can you let her catch something? I know it's going to flood, but uh still.)]

your cat caught a minnow swimming in the lake surrounding your camp.


sugar pixel . wrote:
"Now?" Acornkit asked. Stoatsock laughed. "No, there's still at least half a moon." These kits were taking absolutely FOREVER to grown up. She'd been waking up everyday, diligently checking on her two adopted siblings, and they were still the SLOWEST MOST BORINGEST THINGS EVER. While trying to play mossball with them, she accidentally hit Batkit in the head and was now prohibited from that until they were big enough. They barely talked! The tortoiseshell kitten bowed down to prod the sleeping Tortoisekit. Tortoisekit did nothing. Acornkit dramatically sighed and flopped down between the two kits. "I give up." However, Stoatsock knew that she would try again in a few minutes.
Lichenstar poked his head into the warriors den. "Everyone besides Rookpoint, the fresh-kill pile is getting low. We're hunting today."

{Shallotspeckle + Lynxeye + Lichenstar + Fawnstripe hunting}
{Rookpoint + Cottonpaw training in swimming}
{Smokeberry collecting herbs}

your cats caught a pair of mice in your camp!

cottonpaw learned the swimming skill!

smokeberry couldn't go herb hunting as you camp is surrounded by water.


Soft Feather wrote:
Jaystar's first step to raising a clan from nothing was nothing great. It was not a majestic riling speech to rouges and loners, nor was it a friendly chat with Starclan to grant him a prosperous group; no, it certainly was not. Jaystar prowled his new territory, hunting for prey. If he wanted more cats, he needed to show them that he himself was competent enough to sustain himself first. He needed a large pile of prey to show his worth to those nearby. "Two, three, four, five," Jaystar hummed. "Catch some prey to stay alive." And thus, he methodically worked, hunting for any scrap of food he could bring back without heading out too far.

|Jaystar hunts.|

jaystar caught a mouse and found a medicine cat! choose five herbs from here to start your collection.


ActualCannibalShia wrote:
risingstar pads out of her den and into the clan clearing flicking her tail at the empty dens. she walks outside to be greeted by the hot sun air making her scowl. she was to go to a fish spring to visit the moon pool asking for another cat. on her way there her sun decided to shine brighter which risingstar hissed at. upon entering the moon pool she shook herself from the sand before sitting in front of the pool dipping her nose in.

- risingstar asks for cat -

starclan sent you a medicine cat! choose five herbs from here to start your collection.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:55 am

Katrione wrote:


Many Voices Crying Out As One
Number of Cats: 38 (7 servings)

"Where's Sparkkit?!" Sunnyflower shrieked, bursting out of the nursery. Squirrelstar looked up in alarm at the noise of her daughter's cry. "Sparkkit! Honey! Where are you?!" The ginger queen shouted, dashing around the nursery as she tried to find her tiny daughter.

Witheredstalk poked her head out of the nursery, blinking sleep from her eyes. "Mom?" She mewed, hurrying over to join Sunnyflower. "Did Sparkkit leave the camp?"

"I don't know, Witheredstalk! If I knew that, I wouldn't be freaking out!" Sunnyflower snapped at her daughter. Witheredstalk winced, her ears flattening against her head as she slunk back out of her mother's way. Pigennose stood next to his sister, watching his mother worriedly.

"I'm right here!" A tiny voice chirped. Everyone in the clearing froze, looking around for the source of the nose. A tiny ginger head poked out of the elders den. "Momma! Stop yelling! Tigger's trying to tell me a story!" The heads of Squirrelstar's and Bayfur's litters poked out as well, annoyed looks on their faces.

{{Echoclan Consumed 4 Mice + 2 Squirrels}}
{{Birdsong; Kitting}}
{{Applefur, Mossvine, Petalbound + Barleyfur; Searching For The Apprentice}}
{{Hurricanepaw; Warrior- Hurricanejaw}}
{{Cloudypaw + Raggedtail; Training}}
{{Lizardstrike, Shadepool, Stagstep, Wildpoppy, Smokespeck + Hurricanepaw; Hunting}}

          Squirrelstar | 61 | Molly | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★

          Smokespeck | 63 | Tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Ramhorn | 41 | Tom | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Brindlecloud | 16 | Molly | X

          Applefur | 69 | Tom | X
          Mossvine | 61 | Molly | X
          Petalbound | 44 | Molly | X
          Barleyfur | 45 | Tom | X
          Lizardstrike | 40 | Tom | X
          Shadepool | 37 | Molly | X
          Blazefur | 35 | Tom | X
          Sunnyflower | 35 | Molly | X
          Redfeather | 38 | Tom | X
          Brightclover | 38 | Molly | X
          Stagstep | 31 | Tom | X
          Wildpoppy | 31 | Molly | X
          Birdsong | 28 | Molly | X
          Poppypounce | 32 | Molly | X
          Otterstream | 24 | Molly | X
          Bayfur | 22 | Molly | X
          Mossycreek | 22 | Molly | X
          Raggedtail | 20 | Tom | X
          Bloodyclaws | 61 | Tom | X
          Yewfrost | 16 | Tom | X
          Pigeonnose | 16 | Tom | X
          Witheredstalk | 16 | Molly | X
          Hemlockheart | 15 | Tom | X

          Hurricanepaw | 12 | Tom | X
          Cloudypaw | 9 | Molly | X

          Bayfur | 22 | Molly | X
          Squirrelstar | 61 | Molly | X
          Sunnyflower | 35 | Molly | X
          Birdsong | 28 | Molly | X
          Mossycreek | 22 | Molly | X

          Gorsekit | 5 | Molly | X
          Icekit | 5 | Tom | X
          Strawberrykit | 4 | Molly | X
          Beekit | 4 | Molly | X
          Wrenkit | 4 | Tom | X
          Acornkit | 4 | Tom | X
          Sparkkit | 2 | Molly | X

          Tigger | 148 | Tom | X
          Simon | 163 | Tom | X

          Ally Clans:
          Souclan | krazykitty00
          Beechclan | hazilnut
          Witherclan | seedcakes
          Obsidianclan | forgetful.
          Aspenclan | røsebud
          Ivyclan | Savannah-the-Caracal
          Asterclan | hiraeth.
          Leafclan | zephyrine

          Enemy Clans:
          Streamclan | justice'n'joy
          Clan Name | Username

          (N) | Floralclan | moons
          (E) | Sorrelclan | SkyGold
          (S) | Obsidianclan | forgetful.
          (W) | Skullclan | Heda
          (NW) | Clan | User
          (NE) | Clan | User
          (SW) | Clan | User
          (SE) | Witherclan | seedcakes

    Medicine Store:
    Catmint x2 | Greencough & Whitecough
    Chervil x2 | Infected Wounds & Bellyaches
    Cobwebs x1 | Soak Up & Stop Bleeding
    Burdock Root x2 | Lessens & Heals the
    Pain of Infected Rat Bites
    Comfrey Root x0 | Repairs Broken Bones & Soothes Wounds
    Tansy x2 | Cures Coughs, Wounds, Poisons & Soothes Throats
    Mallow Leaves x1 | Soothes Bellyaches
    Goldenrod x0 | Heals Wounds
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces Body Temperature For Cats With Fevers,
    Heals Aches & Pains
    Thyme x0 | Calms Nervousness, Anxiety, and Shock
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts Poison From Wounds
    Honey x2 | Soothes Infections, Helps Soothe Coughing
    Lungwort x2 | Cures Yellowcough
    Lamb's Ear x2 | Gives Strength
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases Toothaches
    Oak Leaves x1 | Stops Infection From Setting In
    Horsetail x0 | Treats Infected Wounds
    Broom x0 | Unknown Effect
    Rush x0 | Holds Broken Limbs in Place
    Watermint x1 | Eases Bellyache
    Tormentil x1 | Treating All Wounds &
    Extracting Poisons
    Dock x1 | Soothes Scratches + Soothes Sore Pads
    Blackberry Leaves x0 | Eases Swelling of Bee Stings
    Marigold x2 | Stops Infections, Bleeding, Helps With
    Inflammation + Stiff Joints
    Celandine x1 | Soothes Damaged Eyes
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases Breathing Or Kitten-Cough, Helps
    With Cracked Pads Or Sore Pads

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x2 | 1 servings
    Pigeon | x3 | 3 servings
    Vole | x4 | 1 servings
    Fish | x4 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x3 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings

    Shadepool | Hurricanepaw | 4 | Running, Fighting, Swimming, Climbing
    Raggedtail | Cloudypaw | 3 | Swimming, Climbing, Tracking

    Deceased Cats:
    Mottledkit | Tom | Kit | Stillborn | X
    Dapplewing | Tom | Medicine Cat | Slit Throat | X
    Rosie | Molly | Elder | Fox Attack | X

    Squirrelstar + Applefur: Sunnyflower, Blazefur, Otterstream,
    Mottledkit, Strawberrykit, Beekit, Wrenkit + Acornkit
    Mossvine + Smokespeck: Stagstep + Wildpoppy
    Mossvine + Dapplewing: Hurricanepaw
    Petalbound + Barleyfur: Mossycreek + Bayfur
    Shadepool + Lizardstrike: Yewfrost
    Sunnyflower + Rabbitwish of Witherclan: Pigeonnose, Witheredstalk + Sparkkit
    Brightclover + Redfeather: Raggedtail
    Bayfur + Stagstep: Gorsekit + Icekit
    Birdsong + Bloodyclaws; Expecting
    Mossycreek + Bloodyclaws; Expecting
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Ember! » Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:33 am

Number of Cats: 17

That day, Briarstar and Honeyfur's patrol returned with two new cats in tow. A young cat about the age of Russetpaw surveyed the camp with a thoughtful gaze, his tail twitching gently as he padded alongside Briarstar. The other was a pregnant, ruddy she-cat with bright amber eyes that flickered from cat to cat with interest, even pausing to send a flirtatious few winks to the tomcats. She was the first one to speak, her voice a sugary-sweet purr as she remarked, "Oh my, what a wonderful little place you have here! A little damp and muddy, but you've got some handsome residents.." Briarstar sent her a questioning glance, but she ignored it, slinking towards Sunpaw with a curious gleam to her eyes. "Ohoho, who could you be?" Sunpaw drew his lips back in the beginning of a snarl, but he was jabbed by Dapplewhisker, who gave him a knowing glare. Sunpaw let out a heavy breath and flatly meowed. "Sunpaw of Thicketclan." She let out another one of her lilting laughs, leaning forward to give him a quick sniff. "Well, I can see why they call you Sunpaw, because you're awfully hot-" She was interrupted by a brash shove and a nervous chuckle as Dapplewhisker threw herself in between the queen and her now fuming apprentice. "H-h-heeeyy.. you know what? Maybe you should go introduce youself to some other members of the clan.. Y'know, you have quite a few to still m-meet!" Mothflower still didn't look so convinced, but she dismissed them with a condescending sniff. "Hmph. I guess that'd be alright. Farewell then, my friends~" She pranced away, quickly finding another cat to shamelessly flirt with, leaving Sunpaw to catch his breath. He muttered, "Thanks Dapplewhisker, you're a lifesaver." and Dapplewhisker responding with a playful nudge, purring, "Aww, no problem man!" Meanwhile, Wolfpaw more cautiously approached a small group of younger cats, quietly mewing, "Hello? May I join you?" A spotted tom responded with a flick of his tail, and a loud meow. "Oh yah, that wouldn't be a problem! I'm Russetpaw, and these lovely ladies are Morningpaw, Specklekit, and Burnetpaw." Each cat addressed nodded and quietly mewed to greet him, except for the one called Burnetpaw, who pouted and shyly turned away. Wolfpaw tilted his head in confusion, and Russetpaw chuckled teasingly. "Oh come on Burnet. Why don't you say something to the new guy?" While normally, Wolfpaw would protest to being simply addressed to as 'the new guy', he couldn't take his eyes off Burnetpaw. Even as she grumbled and quickly trotted away, he felt his pelt warm pleasantly. "Heh, I'm surprised. Normally she's a real sweetie." Wolfpaw shuffled uncomfortably, his eyes staring dreamily off in the distance. "I'm sure of it."

Applepelt wasn't the toughest of warriors. He was still soft from his kittypet life, and he didn't feel like he fit in with the well-muscled, lean, and worn warriors. Even though he had lost a significant amount of his plushness, he still had the same round face, clumsy paws, and soft heart. He wasn't even all that good of a hunter or fighter. One place he felt at home was with the kits. He always seemed to have a knack for dealing with young ones, with his golden heart and nigh-eternal patience. Silvershade had some business to attend to with Briarstar, probably about the flooding that was currently threatening them on all sides, and had assigned him to watching her kits. And here they were, grappling in the dirt at his paws. Mintkit was covered in dust, irritation causing his fur to bristle as he glared up at his triumphant sister. Specklekit held her brother down with her forepaws, nipping his tail playfully with her teeth. Mothflower had originally tried flirting with him, but she eventually got bored and fell asleep. Beetlekit knawed part of a squirrel bone a little ways away, seemingly hesitant to join their quarrel. Applepelt slowly approaching the black and white kit, flashing him a friendly and knowing smile. "Hello Beetlekit! The small tom pushed the bone aside, stammering, "Oh! Hello Applepelt." He pushed the bone aside, bouncing over to the ginger tom in his own childish way. Another loud yelp from the wrestling kits prompted Beetlekit to mutter, "What should we do today?" Applepelt glanced around the nursery, looking for something to do. He quickly scraped together a mossball, tossing it swiftly up in the air. "Wanna play mossball?" Beetlekit glanced down at his paws, a dissapointed whimper escaping his mouth. "Aww, but we play that all the time! What about something like.. Apprentices! I can be the apprentice, and you can be the mentor!" Applepelt gave him a questioning look, nervously twitching his tail. If anything, he was the one who should be taught. "Well, I'm not sure I'm good at that." Beetlekit looked up at him with round, pleading eyes, quietly squeaking. "But puh-lease..?" His 'please' was long and drawn out, his tail waving charmingly behind him. Dear Starclan, this kit had the biggest puppy-dog eyes. With a sigh, he tapped Beetlekit's muzzle. "Fine. Beetlepaw!" Beetlekit lit up, hopping excitedly. "Yes, sir!"

too lazy to finish right now, I'll do it later ^^;

[Sunpaw becomes a warrior, and Morningpaw earns her full name. (Sunpaw > Sunfoot, Morningpaw > Morningleaf)]
[Briarstar, Badgerclaw, Applepelt, Foxpoppy, Wildstorm and Dapplewhisker go on a hunting patrol.]
[Honeyfur, Sunpaw, and Morningpaw go on a border patrol.]
[Russetpaw, Burnetpaw, and Wolfpaw train.]
The clan consumes four servings. A snake and a squirrel were eaten.

          Briarstar | 51 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Badgerclaw | 40 moons | Tom | X [STAND-IN]

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeyfur | 31 moons | She-cat | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Morningpaw | 13 moons | She-cat | X

          Dapplewhisker | 33 moons| She-cat | X
          Wildstorm | 46 moons | She-cat | X
          Applepelt | 18 moons | Tom | X
          Foxpoppy | 41 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Sunpaw| 13 moons | Tom | X
          Russetpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
          Burnetpaw | 7 moons | She-cat | X
          Wolfpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Silvershade | 43 moons | She-cat | X
          Mothflower | 22 moons | She-cat | X | Due in 2 moons
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Beetlekit | 4 moons | Tom | X
          Specklekit | 4 moons | She-cat | X
          Mintkit | 4 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox
    Strikeclan | sugar pixel .
    Lotusclan | ωolfie
    Flowerclan | Peachycupcake525
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Bordering Clans
    Obsidianclan | forgetful. | North
    Mossclan | RebelliousWinter | Northeast
    Howlingclan | ✘ Fear of Reality | East
    Clan | User | Southeast
    Skullclan | Heda | South
    Rippleclan | ártémís | Southwest
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox | West
    Flowerclan | Peachycupcake525 | Northwest

    Medicine Store
    Tansy x1 | Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Horsetail x1|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    Cobwebs x1 | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    Fennel x1 | Helps pain in the hips.
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    Watermint x1 | Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    Dandelion x1 | Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    Goatweed x1 | Eases anxiety and grief.
    Thyme x1 | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    Catmint x1 | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
    Juniper Berries x1 | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    Comfrey Root x1 | Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    Honey x1 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    Blackberry Leaves x1 | Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches.
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    Celandine x1 | Soothes damaged eyes.
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 |1 servings
    Snake | x1 | 1 |1-2 servings
    Lizard | x1 | 1 |1 servings
    Fish | x2 | 5 | 1-3 servings
    Toad | x1 | 1 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 4 |2 servings
    Total | x8 | 13

    Dapplewhisker | Sunpaw | 4 | climbing, hunting, running, fighting
    Badgerclaw | Russetpaw | 1 | swimming,
    Briarstar | Burnetpaw | 1| fighting,
    Foxpoppy | Wolfpaw | 0 | n/a
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    X - Mates | >< - Mutual Crush | > or < - One -way Crush | /symbol/ - Forbidden
    Silvershade x Badgerclaw
    Honeyfur > Dapplewhisker
    Burnetpaw >< Wolfpaw
    Name and Name


    Silvershade x Badgerclaw
    -Beetlekit, Specklekit, & Mintkit

    ??? x ???
    -Sunpaw & Morningpaw

    Name x Name

    Name x Name

(Hope you don't mind me throwing Dapplewhisker's age up a couple moons, she's supposed to be 2 moons older than Honeyfur and it somehow fell behind..)
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