a pack ⇆ DIVIDED ⇆ {Ver. 2}|| werewolf rp

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Kathrine {24}, Madison and Mackenze {13}, Jason {12}

Postby The Alpha » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:56 pm

➳ ♚ Kᴀᴛʜʀɪɴᴇ Rᴇʏɴᴀ Hᴀʀʟᴏᴡ ♚ ➳

╔═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╗
"And though she be but little,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 20 Years
Gender >> Female
Rank >> Alpha
Current Form >> Wolf/Human
Location >> Grace Pack House
On Reserve/Off Reserve
Feeling >> Concerned
Imprint >> James
Tags >> James, Aiyana, Mackenzie
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...she is fierce."
╚═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╝
The Alpha's attentin shot back to Aiyana as she spoke to her and James. The shock of what Madison had just done still swarmed in her brain, but she pushed it away and sighed, her expression calming into a relaxed look as she stepped forward to stand before Aiyana. It seemed that what had just transpired between her beast and Wylie she did not remember and Kathrine couldn't say she was all that surprised really. The beast was almost a sperate being inside most lycans, a being that took control and left nothing but confusion in its wake. This time was no different it seemed. With a respectful dip of her head, she replied, "It seems that a lot has happened in just a few short minutes here and that now we have a lot to discuss, however," She looked over at the cowering form of the grey wolf on the porch, knowing how distraught Mackenzie must feel right now, "I do not feel this is the time to do so. Instead, I think it best if my Beta and I took leave of you to sort things out. There is much to do when a new Alpha takes control after all." She lowered her voice so that only she could hear her and glanced at the young girl to indicate who she spoke of, "Plus I fear for Mackenzie's well being after losing her sister, so James and I shall take our leave to not cause further trouble." With that, she dipped her head again and turned back to her Beta and nudged him to indicate that she wished for him to follow before moving toward the trees and the path back home.


☵ Mᴀᴅɪsᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ Mᴀᴄᴋᴇɴᴢɪᴇ Sɴᴏᴡ ☵

╔═════════ ☵☵ ═════════╗
"The two best parts
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 17 years/17 years
Gender >> Female/Female
Rank >> Fighter/Omega
Imprint >> ~/~
Current Form >> Wolf/Human/Wolf/Human
Location >> Pack House
On Reserve/Off Reserve
On Reserve/Off Reserve
Feeling >> Distraught/Broken
Tags >> Wylie/Aiyana, Kathrine, James
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to an even better whole."
╚═════════ ☵☵ ═════════╝
The young grey she-wolf shook violently as she loked around herself. Normally, Mackenzie would look to her sister for support when she freaked out and found shelter in her sister's side. But there was only emptiness around her now, nothing but a empty space the surround her. Empty...and lonely. To think that just a few hours ago they were fighting over something her sister had said...and now she was gone. Gone...they were all...gone... With a heave of saddness and fear, Mackenzie crumpled to the floor, pulling herself together in a tight ball of limbs and fur, shaking like she was freezing with an expression of panc on her face. No words were processed through her brain, no thoughs made sense. There was only panic and loniless, feeling like she was entirely alone on the face of the Earth.

Her sister did not feel such things. Madison felt a panic, but not like her sister did. She felt a panic for the safety of Wylie, of her true Alpha. Her paws rushed over the ground, over fallen trees and roots as she followed his scent. He was injured and it was not hard to find the scent of his blood. It was growing stronger and before she knew it, she burst through the treeline and appeared at the edge of a small lake. Her emerald gaze soon found Wylie's blood stained white fur and sh smiled in great relief. She bounded over to his side, a sigh of relief escaping her lips, "Trafalgar! Thank goodness you are alright." She stopped before him, but she stood closer than she normally would have though she did not acknowledge this. No, she was too busy staring at him, a strong twinkle of restored hope and happiness in her eyes that she had found him and that he was alright, "Are you hurt very terribly? Is there a way I can help?"


☾ Jᴀsᴏɴ O· Rɪɴɴ ☾

╔═════════ ═════════╗
"Don't get used to me
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 20 Years
Gender >> Male
Species >> Human
Occupation >> Werewolf Hunter
Location >> The Forest
Feeling >> Curious
Tags >> None
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
because I'm not who I'm supposed to be."
╚═════════ ═════════╝
The young man studied the photos the game camera had sent him and it was quite certain to him that this was the one. Such an odd change in behavior though, bolting off of the reserve and into the forest. He wasn't alone though as aother smaler, grey wolf soon followed. Jason pondered this. Trouble in paradise perhaps? Either way, this was too good of an opprotunity to pass up. He sighed and looked to Bullet sitting loyally because him, "Well, let's go catch us a white wolf, eh buddy?"
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Re: a pack ⇆ DIVIDED ⇆ {Ver. 2}|| werewolf rp

Postby ShadowHunteress » Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:31 pm

James O'Reilly
Beta of Harlow Pack
25 ~ Katherine
By the Kramer house
With Katherine, Aiyana,
the twins
Feeling- Alert, wary
When Aiyana's beast finally went back, James' own relaxed and he felt himself get full control. He let Katherine speak, and when she left, he didn't hesitate a moment as he followed her. He knew how Aiyana was feeling, his beast had reigned for him for years, and he still did not remember all. It wasn't a good feeling though, and he was feeling a sickness to his stomach that he got when his beast lurked to close. Once they were back on Harlow territory he pressed his muzzle into Katherine's shoulder a moment, letting out a shaky exhale, "I have a lot to tell you." he said softly, "Before it's too late." he added with a murmur. He knew, he knew if he lost control he could do a lot of damage and he didn't want that to happen, so he wanted to make sure Katherine knew his past, and knew to eliminate him if it happened again.
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lucian [8] • sasha [15] • aiyana [15]

Postby azhefa. » Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:29 pm

luke 26 pureblood werewolf neutral loner imprinted to evangeline tags; evangeline, sasha

    he stands on the porch for several minutes, not really sure if he should just drop the bag and leave. before he can decide upon what to do, the soft sound of feet is heard. luke takes a few steps back just in case the person answering the door reacts badly to seeing a monstrous beast on their porch. lowering his head to appear less threatening, luke watches the door slowly swing open to allow a dark-haired young woman to peer outside. the woman was quite beautiful and had an interesting scent that mixed with the others that lingered in the house. as she speaks and looks rather blankly past his head, luke comes to realize this she-wolf was actually blind. how fascinating. luke gently sets the bag down on the porch before speaking, his voice gruff and clearly from a muzzle instead of a mouth,
    "i'm sorry to intrude, but i thought the boy may want his own things..." the sound of a door and the quiet patter of little feet can be heard somewhere above them. a soft whine followed by the hesitant thuds of feet on the stairs makes luke look past evangeline to the little figure walking around the living area, clearly searching for something. the little boy sniffles again and rubs his eyes before spotting evangeline in the door and the big black wolf standing on the porch.

    luke lowers his head to sasha and gives a light chuff, a sound he had made several times in the past whenever the pup spotted him in the weeks past. the sound makes sasha attempt to chuff back, but in his sleepy human state it sounded more like a light cough. luke's lips curl up in a kind of wolfish smile as the pup moves closer to where evangeline was standing, a blanket was wrapped around his small frame and dragged along the ground behind him. luke gives a sharp groan as his body morphs back to his human form, the large black beast turning into that of a tall muscular man with a mane of brown hair. his eyes were still red for a moment before fading to their natural green. luke's gaze was upon sasha as the pup leans tiredly against evangeline's leg, a smile tugging at the man's lips as he kneels to unzip the bag he had brought with him. when he takes out a well warn stuffed wolf, sasha's eyes light up with an intense joy. a light chuckle comes from the man as sasha squeals and drops the blanket to grab the wolf plushy, snuggling it furiously with his face in the soft fake fur. luke smile and speaks in their native russian, earning a surprised yet joyful smile from sasha,
    "i brought these from your den, toys and clothes." sasha was still clearly tired as he babbles back to luke in a mix of broken english and russian, but his meanings were clear, "you're very welcome, sasha." the pup giggles as luke speaks his name and turns to grab the blanket he dropped before going back over to evangeline to lean against her once more, the wolf plushy still clutched tightly to his chest.

    luke zips the bag back up before returning to his feet, brushing at the rather dirty and ripped jeans he was wearing. he wore no shoes and a thin black t-shirt that's seen better days as well as his old jeans that need a good wash. or a toss into a fire pit. he tucks a stray strand of long brown hair behind his ear before turning his emerald gaze upon evangeline, his smile still in place. his mouth opens to speak, wanting to mention the clothes and toys he had grabbed, but is sharply cut off by the incredible feeling that suddenly explodes through his very soul. his eyes had touched evangeline's clouded ones and the effect was immediate. even though she was blind, luke still imprinted upon her. his breathing became a bit rough as he tries to control the rioting of his emotions and mind. he never thought he'd find his imprint, not in a million years. but he has.

sasha 5 years pureblood werewolf harlow pup will be eva/luke's pup tags; evangeline, luke

    the pup sleeps rather peacefully while evangeline snoozes beside him, her comforting scent and warmth keeping the nightmares at bay. he stirs lightly as the sound of the doorbell is heard throughout the house, but settles a moment later. sasha barely felt the bed dip as evangeline leaves to check the front door, but it did make him stir once more. the absence of her warmth slowly draws the pup out of his slumber, making him whine a bit as he peeks open his eyes and sees the empty space beside him. he rubs his eyes as he sits up in the big bed, his acute hearing picking up the sound of evangeline's voice downstairs. sasha yawns and climbs down out of the bed, careful to keep from falling onto his backside. he pulls the blanket with him since he wanted the calming scents that clung to it and drapes it around himself as he leaves the room and heads down the stairs. his steps down the stairs were careful and slow going since he's not use to walking on them, his previous homes being only a single story. as he gets to the bottom of the stairs, sasha heads towards the sound of voices, his still blurry vision making him blink and rub his eyes. it took him a moment to find evangeline at the front door, and the big black wolf standing on the other side of it.

    surprisingly enough, the beast doesn't scare the pup at all, in fact the sight calms him a little. as luke chuffs at sasha in his usual greeting, sasha tries to respond in kind, but being both sleepy and in his human form, it sounds like a cough instead. the pup goes to evangeline's side and leans against her leg, drawn to her calming scent. he watches luke shift to his human form in a bit of awe before curiously watching as the man opens the bag on the porch. to his complete amazement, the man pulls out his much loved wolf plushy, a toy he's had since the day he was born. sasha's eyes light up with joy and he squeals as he drops his blanket to grab the plush from the man. he snuggles it to his chest tightly and buries his face in the fake fur like he use to do. his amazement didn't end there either. as luke speaks in his native russian, sasha happily beams back at him before babbling back in both broken english and bits of russian, much of which was indecipherable, but his graditude and intense joy was clear. sasha giggles as luke speaks his name and grabs his fallen blanket before returning to evangeline's side, the wolf plushy still clutched tight to his chest. now that he has his wolf, sleep will come much easier.

ana 25 bitten werewolf new kramer alpha pets; sebastian [imprint is set] tags; kathrine & others

    though she was surprised to see kathrine and james, ana remembers everything that had transpired between herself and wylie as well as madison's outburst. the only reason she was surprised to see kathrine and james was because her beast hadn't filtered the knowledge to her like everything else. ana was only partially aware of kathrine's words as the female speaks, the turmoil coming from mackenzie was drawing her attentions. the white she-wolf nods to kathrine,
    "we shall speak at a later date, a merge of the packs will soon be in order." ana ignores the ache in her leg as she stands and turns to approach mackenzie, dismissing kathrine as the other female turns to leave as well. the white female moves over to where the younger wolf was laying on the porch, her head low and gaze soft. she uses her new alpha powers to exude a calming aura in hopes to relax the tormented female, her chaotic emotions and thoughts slamming into ana's mental connection to the pack, "i'm still here, mackenzie, i won't leave you." her sky blue gaze was full of gentleness and concern for the young wolf's well-being. ana hopes mackenzie will accept her calming aura and relax, a chaotic mind wasn't good for such a young wolf. especially during the days of a full moon.
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⇆ T ⇆ {11}

Postby evixtus » Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:30 pm


wylie ✘ twenty-three
male ✘ loner
form ✘ wolf/human
on ✘ unknown
tags ✘ madison

    He lifted a burly forepaw, observing it with his crystalline eyes before padding it into the water, washing away the blood of Aiyana on his pelt. He was quick to realize that she was correct in what she had done. The pack would be better with her as an Alpha, and perhaps she'd be able to fix things between the two packs. Shifting his gaze towards the smaller wolf, his ear twitched and he sighed. "I'm fine." Wylie rose to his feet once more, quickly wading into the water until it rolled over his shoulders, his aching wounds soothing at the cooling touch of the liquid. "Madison." He said calmly, a tinge of cold added in. "Why did you follow me? Return to Aiyana and Mackenzie. You're not needed here." He shifted his weight and then turned away from her, trying to contain the anger boiling within him at himself. He didn't want to take it out on her, of all people. Besides, he didn't want her help.
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Kathrine {25}, Madison and Mackenze {14}

Postby The Alpha » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:53 am

➳ ♚ Kᴀᴛʜʀɪɴᴇ Rᴇʏɴᴀ Hᴀʀʟᴏᴡ ♚ ➳

╔═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╗
"And though she be but little,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 20 Years
Gender >> Female
Rank >> Alpha
Current Form >> Wolf/Human
Location >> The Forest
On Reserve/Off Reserve
Feeling >> Concerned
Imprint >> James
Tags >> James
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...she is fierce."
╚═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╝
She stopped at his words and gave him a concerned look. His expression and his tone of voice was grave and this made her feel concerned. Yet even as she looked at him, she could feel her eyes trying to slowly draw closed, her exhaution still pulling at her, begging for rest. Kathrine looked around them as the morning sun lit the forest around them through the tree branches, her eyes landing on a small earthen burrow made between a tree and a large rock. It looked like a good place to rest for a bit so she gestured for him to foloow her as she said softly, "Then tell me." She made herself comfortable in the small space, careful not to injury her shoulder again, while leaving enough room for him to lay beside her. She crossed her front paws and laid her head on them, her eyes meeting with James's to let him know she was listening, feeling the imprint's warmth as she did so. With a soft yawn, she responded once more, "What troubles your heart, James?"


☵ Mᴀᴅɪsᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ Mᴀᴄᴋᴇɴᴢɪᴇ Sɴᴏᴡ ☵

╔═════════ ☵☵ ═════════╗
"The two best parts
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 17 years/17 years
Gender >> Female/Female
Rank >> Fighter/Omega
Imprint >> ~/~
Current Form >> Wolf/Human/Wolf/Human
Location >> Pack House
On Reserve/Off Reserve
On Reserve/Off Reserve
Feeling >> Distraught/Broken
Tags >> Wylie/Aiyana
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to an even better whole."
╚═════════ ☵☵ ═════════╝
So lost was she that she had not even heard Aiyana approach until she heard her voice. the young wolf had jumped in place, the calming effect coming from her new Alpha having no effect over Mackenzie as she was blinded by fear. She quickly and violently shuffled back on her belly, the view before her blurry so that she couldn't see what was in front of her. She recognized no vocies, nor did she really understand what was said to her. Before she knew it, she was on her feet, pressed into the corner of the porch railing, looking ahead but seeing and hearing nothing. She remained like this for a few moments, her body shaking and quaking all the more until finally, her vision cleared a bit more. She finally recognized the white fur of the Beta - no the Alpha now - and her expression softened a bit out of its panicked state, "Aiyana...?" She sputtered, glanicing aorund her as she had before, "I-I don't know what to do anymore...I don't have anyone to guide me...I feel...I feel so alone..." She whined, her ears flat and her tail between her legs as she shook.

Instead of shrinking back in at his words, Madison glared at him, her hackles rising and her emotions starting to go crazy again, "Why? So I can sit around and follow the order of that pack stealer? So I can just forever be known as the trouble-making twin?" The gray female's tail lashed about as she growled sorrowfully, "It's bad enough that you imprinted on Ashlynn and now you're pushing me away again, the only one who seems to care that about you anymore!!" Her voice had gotten louder and louder the more she spoke, tears coming to her eyes as well. Once it was spoken, she turned away, the fact that she'd actually spoken the words out loud making her heart even more. She didn't know what else to say other than that, but she didn't make a move to leave either.
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Re: a pack ⇆ DIVIDED ⇆ {Ver. 2}|| werewolf rp

Postby ShadowHunteress » Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:51 am

James O'Reilly
Beta of Harlow Pack
25 ~ Katherine
In the Woods
With Katherine
Feeling- Tired, drained
James followed her, feeling her exhaustion mix with his own, he looked at her as he let her get comfortable in the burrow before he joined her, laying down carefully. A soft exhale escaped through his nose, "The reason I came here, was because of what I had done back home." he murmured softly, "When I was turned I was angry, as was my beast, and I let it have control." he murmured softly. "And I was like that for.. months? Years? I am not even sure, it was a horrid blur." Another sigh escaped him as his dark eyes looked at the soil instead of her, "I killed a lot of people, family, humans, anyone I got near." he said softly. "But then a pack stopped me, took me in, and helped me, but they regretted it in the end. I lost control after something foolish set me off, I killed over half the pack before they stopped me..." He closed his eyes and shuddered at the memory of waking up with teeth around his throat and the smell off blood and the taste cloying his sentences.

"I couldn't stay, I couldn't face it. So I came here, and this pack took me in." he said softly, "He helped me so much, train me, help me gain control, soothe my beast and my anger." he said softly as he finally looked at her with his dark eyes. He was full of guilt and pain as he remembered all the atrocities he had committed. and now he was finally spilling the truth to Katherine, and he wasn't sure how she would react to learning her beta had been a monster for years.
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Evangeline {15}

Postby xCatastrophex » Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:24 pm

Blind >> imprint. Luke >> form. human / wolf>>location. Harlow pack cabin >> tags. Luke


    The brown headed girl peered blankly past the figure before her, only turning her head towards him as he set what sounded like a satchel down on the porch. She leaned against the door, listening quietly as he explained why he was here. Eva nodded gently and gave a kind smile "Oh, that's very thoughtful of you. I'm sure it would make him feel safer with some of his own things.." she said softly, pausing for a moment. "I can't imag-" she was about to say something else, but her attention was momentarily pulled away from the newcomer as Sasha came into the living area, sniffling softly as he searched for her. As the boy came nearer, she heard the wolf before her give a gentle chuff in the little one's direction. It would seem these two knew each other already. Eva couldn't help but giggle a bit at Sasha's fatigue laidened chuff in response. It was quite cute. She lifted her hand and gently ran her hand over the boy's soft hair as he leaned against her leg, hugging it slightly as he would his mother's. It saddened Eva a little more. Her heart broke for the little boy, thiugh at the same time, she was relieved he was here. Safe.

    Evangeline's attention was returned to the stranger as a low groan broke the silence between the three of them, as the stranger began to shift back into his human form. It wasn't long before Sasha quickly removed himself from Eva's leg and began moving towards the stranger before them. Instinctively eva reached out nervously towards the boy, but after hearing his giggle, she relaxed a bit. She let another small smile pull at her cheeks as the two conversed in their native russian, though Sasha's was much more broken up than Luke's. But she knew it was because the boy was exhausted. When Sasha returned to her side, she felt the sot fabric of the stuffed animal through one of the holes in her jeans. It was quite apparent that it brightened his spirits a little. Maybe he'd be able to slee a lot more soundly now that he's gotten something familiar to him. She hoped so. He needed his rest, especially since they still had one more moon to go until they were in the clear for a while. however, Eva didn't want to think about that now. she'd deal with that when it came nearer.

    Evangeline ran a gentle hand through the little one's soft hair once more, before lifting her blank gaze towards the stranger once more. She must've unknowingly caught his gaze just right because a wave of emotion crashed into her like waves on the beach. Her breathing hitched slightly as she leaned back against the door, careful not to make Sasha loose his balance. She wasn't quite sure why, but there was an ever growing need to be close to the man before her. Like she needed him. She soon became aware that she had imprinted on him. She didn't think she'd ever imprint on someone else, but the universe had a funny way of showing Evangeline that it had other plans. Stunned, Eva ran a hand through her long brown hair, before finally breaking her silence "I-i'm so sorry. I-I-I didn't mean to..." she gasped, moving her hand in front of her mouth as she averted her eyes quickly, not sure of what else to do at this moment as this feeling was completely foreign to her. What have i done? she thought, kicking herself inwardly.

{ Sorry if my posts are still very scrambled. <.> but i believe this one is a little better c: }
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Kathrine {26}

Postby The Alpha » Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:07 pm

➳ ♚ Kᴀᴛʜʀɪɴᴇ Rᴇʏɴᴀ Hᴀʀʟᴏᴡ ♚ ➳

╔═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╗
"And though she be but little,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 20 Years
Gender >> Female
Rank >> Alpha
Current Form >> Wolf/Human
Location >> The Forest
On Reserve/Off Reserve
Feeling >> Concerned
Imprint >> James
Tags >> James
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...she is fierce."
╚═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╝
She listened intently to his words, her eyes trained on the ground in front of her. She suspected that he was expecting a reaction out of her, one of shock or pain, so she kept her face expressionless. Never before had she heard his history, not from himself or from another. She understood why he kept it secret. For her, it was simply to keep herself from trusting anyone easily and sharing her past was her way of thinking of trusting someone too much. But he, on the other hand, hid his past to hide the beast inside, to try and forget the monster that his wolf was and probably still was. Now it all made sense. The way he fought each full moon, the look in his wolf's eyes when he got too upset, the scars that adorned his body. As he finished speaking, Kathrine lifted her head though she kept her eyes trained ahead of her, the expression on her face still unreadable, "Thank you for telling me all of that, James. It is an honor to know all of your history now." Her voice was soft as she spoke and she looked to him then, her eyes firm in the words she was about to say, "So now that I know this, and we are imprinted on each other, then I wish for you to grant me another honor as well." Her expression grew serious and yet soft somehow at the same time, "Should you ever begin to lose control again, I want you to focus your anger on me and me alone. I will take your rage and I will not let you kill me. I will stop you each time it happens from now on. Please let me do this for you."
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Re: a pack ⇆ DIVIDED ⇆ {Ver. 2}|| werewolf rp

Postby ShadowHunteress » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:24 pm

James O'Reilly
Beta of Harlow Pack
25 ~ Katherine
In the Woods
With Katherine
Feeling- Tired, drained
As she refused to looked at him, it worried him, he sighed a little and nuzzled her lightly as she finally looked at him and spoke. "Katherine, I have not lost control in a few years, and this moon, is the anniversary of when I was turned, and it has been harder." he said softly. "But after what happened with the fight, I felt the wolf trying to take control, but I managed to keep him reined in." he said as he laid his muzzle by hers, "But if something happens, and I lose control, I will do as you ask, even if it pains me." he said as he shifted where he was laying so he was more curled around her. "I hope it never happens, but in the chance it does, I want you to kill me if there is a chance I could kill you, I can't live with anymore innocent blood on my muzzle." he murmured as he stayed around her. "Now I think it's time we sleep, because I am feeling past drained and it seems like we will have a busy night.' he said with a soft yawn. "Sleep well beautiful." he murmured as he kept around her protectively.
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Kathrine {27}

Postby The Alpha » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:01 pm

➳ ♚ Kᴀᴛʜʀɪɴᴇ Rᴇʏɴᴀ Hᴀʀʟᴏᴡ ♚ ➳

╔═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╗
"And though she be but little,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age >> 20 Years
Gender >> Female
Rank >> Alpha
Current Form >> Wolf/Human
Location >> The Forest
On Reserve/Off Reserve
Feeling >> Thoughtful, tired
Imprint >> James
Tags >> James
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...she is fierce."
╚═════════ ➳ ♚ ➳ ═════════╝
She snuggled into him, her wolf humming contently as she laid her head next to his and nuzzled close. Though her eyes were closed, she spoke quietly, "If it should ever come to the day that I should have to kill you, then I will allow you to strike me down at the same time. Now that I have finally found you, I will never be alone again, so whatever happens, I shall not live this life without you again..." There was a great weight on these words, but it was only truth that echoed through her words. She had already lost everyone else that she loved, so she would not let him, the one that held her to the earth now and the reason she woke up to breath in the morning. Now, she could find peace to sleep with his warmth beside her and she sighed softly as she began drifting off, a smile upon her features, "Same to you, dear one."
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