Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Arya22 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:24 am

Number of Cats: 5

When Spiderstar, Ravenfeather and Leafstrike padded back to camp after the gathering, Spiderstar could see something was up with the two. They seemed... Happier, and they kept looking at each other and smiling. Confused, Spiderstar looked at them. "are you going to tell me what is happening between the two of you?" he asked. Ravenfeather smiled, but it was Leafstrike that answered. "well... We're mates now." he looked at Ravenfeather, who nodded. Spiderstar stared at them. "You?..." he mumbled. "are mates." Ravenfeather confirmed. Spiderstar was dumbstruck. So surprised, he forgot to talk on the way back. As they neared the camp, he froze. "I forgot to do something!" he exclaimed, then ran off in the direction of the moonpool. Leafstrike and Ravenfeather looked at each other, then shrugged and kept walking. When they entered camp, they saw a cat standing there. It was white and brown, and smiled at them. "hello." the she cat said. "I am Fawnthroat." she smiled. Leafstrike looked at her curiously. "and why are you here?" he asked. "I am not quite sure, but I believe I am here to help you. I am a medicine cat." she added. Ravenfeather stepped forward. "we'll talk about it when Spiderstar comes back." she informed the she cat. Fawnthroat nodded and together they waited.
When Spiderstar came back, he was accompanied by a young black cat. As she looked at them, her emerald green eyes pierced them until Leafstrike was tempted to crouch down in fear. "this is Moonshadow." Spiderstar presented her, unaware of her effect. He looked at Fawnthroat. "and who is that?" he asked. "my name is Fawnthroat, I am the medicine cat. You are the leader?" Spiderstar nodded. After some more talk, in which Moonshadow did not participate at all, they each went their way to sleep.
~the next day~
As they ate the next day, Moonshadow didn't talk, but when she did it was not to say nice things. She seemed bent on being an outsider. When they were finished, Spiderstar jumped on the rock on shape of a birds head, then looked down. Now there were more cats, he needed to do this more formally. "Leafstrike and Ravenfeather, I would like you to go on a hunting patrol." the mates looked at each other and smiled. "Moonshadow and me can go on another." he added. Moonshadow barely responded. Then Spiderstar looked at Fawnthroat. "and you?" he asked her. "I'll go looking for herbs. There are some already, but I'll need more." she said. Spiderstar nodded. "alright, everyone go!"
(Spiderstar and Moonshadow hunting patrol.)
(Ravenfeather and Leafstrike hunting patrol.)
(Fawnthroat looking for herbs.)

          Spiderstar | 53 moons | male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Ravenfeather | 40 moons | female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Fawnthroat | 56 moons | female | X

          Leafstrike | 41 moons | male | X
          Moonshadow | 35 moons | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Brookclan | purrfect
    Lotusclan | wolfie
    Quarzclan | Sunnymcsun
    Blueclan | miss universe
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage leaves | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. | x1
    Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.| x1
    Cobwebs | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.| x1
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.| x1
    Poppy seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.| x1
    Herb | Usage| x

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 0 servings
    Big fish | x0 | 0 servings
    Bird | x1 | 3 servings (1 used up)
    Rabbit | x a little | 1 servings (used up)

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Leafstrike and Ravenfeather
    Name and Name
Bookworm | she/her | bi & demisexual
I am Arya22 and I'm a female who likes reading
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby tauriel. » Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:34 am

tauriel. wrote:
Number of Cats: 30
15 males : 15 females

          Morningstar | 84 moons| Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Woolyfur | 64 moons | Tom | X

          Medicine Cats:
          Shadedleaf | 74 moons | Molly | X
          Cloudpool | 28 moons | Tom | X

          Rowanfur | 80 moons | Molly | X
          Silvernose | 67 moons | Molly | X
          Shimmerpelt | 59 moons | Molly | X
          Ebonywing | 40 moons | Molly | X
          Ferretclaw | 40 moons | Tom | X
          Juniperfoot | 36| Molly | X
          Fireface | 36 | Tom | X
          Chiveclaw | 36 moons | Tom | X
          Pigeonflight | 34 moons | Tom | X
          Hawkfeather | 33 moons | Tom | X
          Sedgetail | 30 | Molly | X
          Harespring | 30 | Tom |X
          Lilystem | 29 moons | Molly | X
          Dappleleaf | 23 moons | Molly | X
          Gingerface | 18 moons | Tom | X
          Thymepool | 18 moons | Molly| X
          Emberslash | 16 moons | Tom | X
          Sunstripe | 16 moons | Tom |X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Mistpaw | 8 moons | Molly | X
          Tigerpaw | 7 moons | Tom | X
          Willowpaw | 7 moons | Molly | X
          Ashpaw | 6 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url]X[/url]

          Mottledshade | 31 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Poppykit | 3 moons | Molly | X
          Stormkit | 3 moons | Tom |X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Rippleshade | 132 moons | Tom | X
          Deerpelt | 140 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Beechclan | Hazilnut
    Ravenclan | turtle
    Brookclan | purrfect.
    Ivyclan | Savannah the Caracal
    Swiftclan | Phina Wolf
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint (2)| Best remedy for greencough. Also used for whitecough
    Cobwebs (5)| Soaks up and stops bleeding. Binds broken bones.
    Marigold (1)| Stops infection and bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints
    Tansy (3)| cures coughs, wounds, poisons, soothes throats, prevents greencough
    Stinging nettle (2)| Induces vomiting, brings down swelling, can be mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones, helps with wounds, fights infection
    Ragweed (1) Gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    Rush (1) Helps to hold broken bones in place.
    Broom (1) Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    Dandelion (2) Soothes and heals beestings and leaves act as a painkiller.
    Raspberry Leaves (2) Eases pain and stops bleeding during kitting
    Chervil (1) For infected wounds and bellyache. Can be used during kitting
    Sticks (1) Distracts from pain, holds broken bones in place
    Thyme (2) Calms nervousness and anxiety, helps cats in shock
    Burdock Root (2) Lessens & heals the pain of infected rat bites, prevents infection of rat bites
    Willow Leaves (1) Stops vomiting
    Alder Bark (2) Eases toothaches
    Borage Leaves (1) Produces more and better milk. Also brings down fevers.
    Snakeroot (1) Heals poison
    Celandine (3) Soothes damaged eyes
    Poppy Seeds (1) Helps a cat sleep, Soothes shock, distress, pain
    Coltsfoot (2) Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads
    Chamomile (2) Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind
    Comfrey Root (1) Repairs broken bones and soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws, itching, inflammation of stiff joints, can be used for burns
    Parsley (1) Stops a queen's milk and cures bellyache
    Oak leaves (1) stops infection from setting in
    Rosemary (1) Hides the scent of death
    Sorrel (1) Traveling herb, can build up appetite
    Watermint (1) Soothes bellyache
    Dock (1) Soothes scratches and sore pads
    Wild Garlic (1) Prevents infection, especially with rat bites
    Goatweed (1) Eases anxiety and grief
    Daisy (1) Eases the pain of aching joints
    Goldenrod (1) Heals wounds
    Feverfew (1) Reduces body temperature in cats with fever or chills. Heals aches and pains, especially good for headache.
    Burnet (2) Said to help minor bleeding on twolegs. Keeps a cats strength up
    Honey (1) Soothes infections, smoke-damaged or sore throats, coughs, gives a cat energy, helps cats swallow other concoctions
    Horsetail (1) Treats infections and stops bleeding
    Lungwort (1) Cures yellowcough.
    Tormentil (1) Root helps all wounds and cures poisons
    Blackberry leaves (1) Eases the swelling of bee stings

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnows | x3| 1 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x5 | 3 serving
    Squirrel | x6 | 2 servings
    Pigeon| x6 | 3 servings
    Frogs | x7 | 1 servings
    Thrush | x6 | 3 servings
    Mice | x4 | 1 servings
    Vole | x4 | 1 servings
    Caveclan uses 5 servings per post.

    Chiveclaw | Mistpaw | 2 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing
    Rowanfur | Tigerpaw | 1 | Battle, Climbing
    Sedgetail | Willowpaw | 1 | Battle, Climbing
    Pigeonflight | Ashpaw | 0 |
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Shimmerpelt + unknown sire=Sedgetail and Harespring
    Woolyfur + Silvernose= Gingerface and Thymepool
    Rowanfur + Morningstar= Sunstripe and Emberslash
    Ferretclaw + Ebonywing= Willowpaw and Tigerpaw
    Mottledshade + Pigeonflight= Stormkit and Poppykit
    Name and name

    [center]the flood

Since the clan had first noticed the river beginning to flood, the clan had burst into action. Cloudpool and Shadedleaf recruited all four apprentices to help them carry their herbs to the abandoned twoleg nest. In times of danger, the clan took shelter where the terrain was safe. With six cats helping to bring the herbs to safety, it didn't take long. Which was lucky because the water was to flood the camp. Morningstar ordered every cat out of camp and to get to the twoleg nest. "Wait! The elders!" Dappleleaf nudged Fireface and the two ran back to camp to escort Deerpelt and Rippleshade to safety. Dappleleaf and Rippleshade made it out quickly but inside the camp but Fireface was having some trouble with Deerpelt.
The water was rising quickly. Far too quickly for Fireface and Deerpelt. The old cat's joints were stiff and tired quickly. "Leave me here," She rasped. "No. I can't leave you here." Fireface said. "Just hold on. We'll get out of here soon." He assured her. The water was rising faster and faster, too fast for the pair to get out. "Mousedung!" Fireface cursed as he worked to bring Deerpelt to safety. "The waters risen too high and the currents working against us," Deerpelt shook her head. "Go Fireface! You won't survive if your trying to save me! I'm holding you back! Go!" Fireface protested, jaws parting to protest but then the water had risen too high. As the water rose over their heads, Fireface made one last effort to get Deerpelt to safety.
Outside the camp Juniperfoot and Harespring had escorted Rippleshade to the abandoned twoleg den with the rest of the clan. Dappleleaf and Morningstar were the only ones left waiting for Fireface and Deerpelt. "It's been too long, I'm going to go get them." Dappleleaf murmured anxiously. "No! The waters risen too high. You'll drown!" Morningstar held her back, his eyes grim. "If they were going to get out, they would've been safe by now." He murmured. Dappleleaf stared at the Caveclan's entrance, at the water still flowing in, pain flashing in her eyes. "N-No we can still save them!" Feebly she tried to approach the cave, witj Morningstar stopping her. "We're too late Dappleleaf." He murmured sadly. He nudged her back towards Caveclan's temporary camp, casting one sad glance towards the cave. The force of the water rushing in from the river must've been too strong for Fireface and Deerpelt to fight.

~~A few days after the flood ~~

The clan was still grieving the deaths of Fireface and Deerpelt and their camp was still flooded but they had made the twoleg nest as comfortable a camp as possible. Shadedleaf and Cloudpool had their herbs ready to take back to camp but they had a small freshkill pile arranged in a corner and Mottledshade, Rippleshade, and the kits were all comfortable and safe. Patrols went on as normal although Morningstar had given orders to avoid the southern half of the territory since it too had flooded.

[prey consumed- 2 mice and 2 voles]
[training- All apprentices and mentors]
[dead- Fireface and Deerpelt]
[hunting-Pigeonflight, Sedgetail, Ferretclaw, Thymepool, Emberslash]
[Moonpool visit- 6 days
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby stoneleaf » Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:28 pm

Number of Cats: OO2
Next Moonpool visit: monday
Clan servings: OO2

After meeting with his sister and viewing over her camp and meeting her warriors, Carpstar made his way back to his own Clan's camp. The scent of another cat was here, a scent he was not familiar with. He wasn't sure who it could have been, but there was a fish there waiting for him. Approaching it, he was stopped in his tracks at the sound of a voice. He looked behind his shoulder to find a she-cat coming into the camp. She nodded once in greeting before introducing herself. "Hello. I saw your camp, I could tell that there was recently some cat here, and there wasn't any other cat left. I figured this was the beginnings of a Clan, and I just thought I could help out so I caught a fish for you by the river." She gave him a little smile. "If you'd rather me leave, I can. If not, I can stick around for a while." She was ready to turn tail and leave, but Carpstar stopped her, resulting in her turning back. "Well," he began, smiling. "You know how to hunt, you know of the Clans. You could be my deputy! So far I'm a one-cat Clan. You can help me start it!" The she-cat brightened up, her eyes sparkling and tail raising. "I would love to! I've always wanted to be such a great rank!" Carpstar beckoned her over, inviting her to share the fish she'd just caught. "Afterwards, we'll hunt again, and then go to the moonpool, I'd like to ask StarClan for a medicine cat. If you'd like to come, you may." She smiled and nodded, eager to come along. The two got to know each other talking about themselves to make conversation. When they were done eating and talking, the two stood up and went hunting together. They would then discuss ranks and future plans together, and visit the Moonpool. So far, Carpstar was glad to have her as his deputy. He'd fully introduce her to his Clan when he took her to the moonpool. once they had finished hunting, they dropped off what they had and he took her to the moonpool, formally introducing her to the Clan as his deputy with her new name, Stonesong.

[●● Stonesong and Carpstar go hunting ●●]
[●● Carpstar goes to the Moonstone asking for med cat●●]
[●● Not sure if salmon is big or small fish, but I use two servings ●●]

{question, for when i ask for a warrior, is it possible that i could request
a certain picture of a cat? it would just be one time.}


          Carpstar | 62 moons | Male |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Stonesong | 30 moons | she-cat |

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Deceased Cats:
          Cat name | cause of death
          Cat name | cause of death
    Ally Clans:
    ReedClan | Areater
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Salmon | x1 | 2 or 3?? servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | # of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | # of training sessions | Moves

    Name and name | kits
    Name and name | kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby justice'n'joy » Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:31 pm

Number of Cats:37
Females: 21
Male: 20
Next Moonpool visit: 28/3/2017 (03/28/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

Bouncefire is grumpy at his mother for the names she has chosen for her kits. "Puppykit. Really?" He rolled his eyes before noticing Tui. She was having her kits! Dapplefeather was helping her even though she wasn't the medicine cat anymore. Then he realised something funny. Three generations of cats were in the nursery with kits. Well, after his were born..
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

          Ripplestar |79 moons | tom |protective|silver tabby with green eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Gingerflash|68 moons| male|loyal|white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes

          Medicine Cat:
          Flintberry |51 moons|female|shy|grey cat with green eyes
          Sockleaf|24 moons|tom|perfectionist|ginger tom with white paw

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Leafpaw|7 moons|female|hopeful |tabby and white cat

          Ashflower |77 moons | she-cat |wise|grey cat with amber eyes
          Emberflame|77 moons|tom|carefree|grey cat with blue eyes
          Dapplefeather |68 moons |anxious|female |tortoiseshell with blue eyes
          Tigerwing|66|tom|rude|dark brown tabby with a torn ear and amber eyes
          Mallowsplash|51 moons | tom|mischevious|black and white cat with green eyes
          Ambergaze |51 moons | female|helpful|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Brighteyes|50 moons|male| friendly |ginger cat with bright blue eyes
          Featherstorm|45 moons|she-kit|bossy|tortoiseshell wit h green eyes
          Cloverstep|45 moons|she-kit|goody-two-paws |white cat with ginger splashes and blue eyes
          Crowleap|38 moons| she-cat |mute|sleek black cat with amber eyes
          Mossflight|39 moons|tom|optimistic| tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Minnowleap|38 moons|tom|brave|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Pebblefrost|38 moons|tom|sweet | grey cat with green eyes
          Bigears|29 moons|tom|fast|gangly white cat with blue eyes and big ears.
          Honeyblossom|28 moons|she-cat|outgoing|bright ginger cat with grey eyes
          Aspenfire|26 moons|tom|nice|brown tabby with amber eyes
          Softslip|22 moons|she-cat|spoilt|fluffy white cat with blue-grey eyes
          Chirpfang|22 moons|tom|loud|fluffy ginger cat with blue eyes
          Lilyblaze|21 moons|female|shy|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Dovepounce|19 moons| female| honest| delicate silver tabby with blue eyes
          Tui|17 moons|female|Sassy |sleek black cat with white dash on chest
          Stormfrost|16 moons|female|speedy|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Cherryblossom|16 moons|female|funny|tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Bouncefire|16 moons|male|kind|brown tabby with grey eyes and missing hind leg
          Galebreeze |13 moons|she-cat|cunning|sleek black cat with blue eyes
          Rabbitclaw |13 moons|tom|sly|black and white cat with green eyes
          Toadheart|13 moons|she-cat|playful|brown tabby with green eyes
          Skipflower|13 moons|she-cat|jumpy|sleek pale ginger cat with green eyes
          Bucktooth|13 moons|tom|gentle|dark brown tabby with overbite and amber eyes
          Twoface |13 moons|tom|snobbish|fluffy black and white cat with ginger splash on face
          Splashpelt|13 moons|she-cat|kind|plump white cat with ginger splashes

          Tallpaw|8 moons|tom|helpful|ginger and white cat with long legs and blue eyes
          Minkkit|8 moons|she-cat|sensitive|deaf white cat with blue eyes

          Skyfrost|53 moons|she-cat|motherly|white cat with blue eyes
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Pinekit|5 moons|male|friendly|brown tabby with blue eyes
          Whisperkit|5 moons|She-kit|adventurous|fluffy tabby and white cat with hazel eyes
          Thistlekit|5 moons|she-kit|honest|tabby and white cat with brown eyes
          Tinykit|5 moons|tom|childish|white cat with blue eyes
          Spiritkit|5 moons|tom|funny|black tom with blue eyes
          Heatherkit|5 moons|she-kit|troublesome|calico with hazel eyes
          Magpiekit|5 moons|she-kit|helpful|totoiseshell with hazel eyes
          Jaykit|2 moons|female|funny|black cat with dash on chest
          Juniperkit|2 moons|tom|brash|black cat
          Icekit|2 moons|tom|jealous|black cat
          Hairykit|0 moons |tom|dreamy|fluffy black cat
          Shadowkit|0 moons|female|gloomy|black cat
          Puppykit|0 moons|male|greedy|fat brown tabby
          Soulkit|0 moons|female|energetic |brown tabby with big blue eyes

          Flashtail |122 moons | tom |funny|old white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes
          Pixie|116 moons|she-cat|wise|lithe old black cat with big blue eyes,
          Blacktail|101 moons|tom|moody|white cat with black stumpy tail
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    SageClan|north pine forest|Kaden|alliance
    TumbleClan|east pine forest|dinolil1|alliance
    EchoClan|west forest with gorge|Katrione|enemy
    FlurryClan|south forest with clearings|Nyeh Heh Heh!!|unknown
    CherryClan|southwest forest with streams|simonpet|unknown
    PineClan|northeast pine forest|void gear/solgaleo|enemy

    Medicine Store
    1x Mouse bile| gets rid of ticks
    1x Catmint | greencough
    1x Poppy seeds| sothes cats
    2x Stinging nettles |seeds help poisons, leaves stop swelling
    1x Tansy|cures coughs
    2x juniper berries|soothes belly-aches
    1x chamomile|soothes cats, is a good travelling herb
    1x yarrow leaves|made into a poultice for scratches, then put leaves in nest
    1x Feverfew| helps a cat with a fever
    1x borage| helps a queen
    1x sorrel | I'm not really sure

    Prey Pile
    Rabbit|2x|2 servings
    Vole|1x |1 serving
    Fish|2x|2 servings
    sparrow |2x |1 serving
    Squirrel |2x| 2 servings

    Gingerflash| Amberpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Spplashfur| Mallowpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Ripplestar|Featherpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting , speed
    Ravenstrike|Cloverpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting,
    Emberflame|Mosspaw|4 training lessons|battle, speed, stalking, hunting
    Mallowsplash|Minnowpaw|speed, stalking hunting, battle
    Ambergaze| Pebblepaw|speed, stalking, hunting, battle
    Pebblefrost|Honeypaw|1training lessons |battle, climbing, herb recognition

    Brighteyes|Softpaw|battle, tracking, hunting, advanced battle
    Cloverstep|Chirppaw|battle, climbing, hunting, advanced battle
    Gingerflash|Lilypaw|battle, swimming, hunting, advanced battle
    Ashflower|Dovepaw|battle, hunting, swimming, tracking
    Chirpfang|Stormkit|hunting,battle, advanced hunting
    Softslip|Cherrypaw|hunting,fighting, advanced hunting
    Aspenfire|Bouncepaw|hunting, fighting, advanced hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Maplekit|5 moons at death|would be 38 moons now|tom|follower|killed by dog|calico cat with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Splashfur|55 moons at death|would be 59 moons now|she-cat|kind|blood loss during kitting|plump white cat with ginger splashes|haunts the nursery
    Bramblekit|5 moons at death|would be 7 moons now| tom |loyal|kitten fever|fluffy brown tabby with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Ravenstrike|53 moons at death|would be 54 moons now |tom|strong| scruffy black cat with white dash on chest and a scarred muzzle|haunts the warriors den
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Ripplestar and Ashflower|\|Flintberry, Mallowsplash and Ambergaze, Minnowkit and Pebblekit
    Dapplefeather and Gingerflash|Featherstorm, Maplekit and Cloverstep
    Splashfur and Tigerwing
    Ambergaze and Brighteyes
    Mallowsplash and Appleblossom of FlurryClan|Skykit
Last edited by justice'n'joy on Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
NZ ~ any pronouns ~ August 4
Hello! I'm just a human living in New Zealand, but
I was born in Michigan, USA. I've loved warrior cats
for five years now. Glass Animals, Twenty One Pilots
and Two Door Cinema Club are my favourite bands.
Mostly online for CaC
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clan replies / 016.

Postby deimido » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:06 pm

( @Luvdisc your reply is here! / @Areater, @hiraeth. - your replies are here! / @.Quill., your reply is here! / @ártémís - your reply is here! / @Sunnymcsun, @.galaxy., @vampiress_fox, @perle, @SkyGold - your replies are here!)

FlowClan | catbookdo wrote:
Number of Cats: 3
Next Moonpool Visit: March 26th

Pebblestar had just returned from hunting, dropping the trout he caught, when Wrenfoot strode in, with another cat trailing behind her. She saw him, and quickly ran up to him."I found a cat, and he wants to join the Clan, Pebblestar." she told him."While on patrol." she added smugly.
Ignoring her last comment, he replied,"That's great. I'll teach him about how a Clan wor-"
"No, no, that's okay. Wrenfoot quickly said."I already taught him about all that stuff on the way here."
Pebblestar felt very disappointed. Telling other cats about how his Clan worked was one of the few moments when he was easily able to talk to others. He didn't want to lose this precious bonding time. He wanted to protest and tell the cat anyway, but he didn't want to go against Wrenfoot's word and start arguing with her. They already did that enough.That...that's okay."Pebblestar forced out. "What's his name?"
The cat that Wrenfoot found, who had previously just been hanging back, now sprinted up towards the two, landing in between them. He leaned slightly forward, and exchanged his green gaze between the two of them, before blurting out, "My name's Rook!" He practically screamed the three words out."I heard your entire conversation!" he added.
Rook scrambled back to the spot at which he formally stood. Pebblestar already felt nervous around this cat. He was very loud, and it seemed like he just blurted out whatever was on his mind."O...okay then."He directed his attention back to Wrenfoot."I'll give him a warrior name, then." He started towards the rock at the front of his den that he now used for meetings."Everyone old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the rock for a clan meeting." Wrenfoot padded towards the rock, using her tail to guide Rook. Once they both sat down, Pebblestar started. "Rook, do you promise to-" Pebblestar looked down. He had already lost Rook's attention. He was already moving his tail around, trying to catch it with his paws. Wrenfoot nudged the tom with her shoulders.
"What are you doing?" she hissed. "You're not a kit, are you?"
Rook turned around to look at her."Sorry." he said.
Pebblestar continued on with his speech, with Wrenfoot keeping an eye on Rook, making sure that he paid attention. Once he had reached the part where Rook had to say,'I do', Wrenfoot whispered in his ears, telling him what to say. Rook nodded, and shouted the words out as loud as he possibly could. Once Rook's voice had stopped echoing in his head, he finished his speech."Then Rook, from this day forth you will now be known as Rookpelt." He looked down, and saw Rookpelt's proud and smiling face. He looked as proud as a cat that had been in a clan their whole life. "Meeting dismissed." Pebblestar padded towards Rookpelt and Wrenfoot, who was congratulating the new warrior. Once he had heard Rookpelt's cry of, 'I'm hungry!', however, he padded towards the trout he caught, picking it up and bringing it towards the the warriors. He plopped it down, and immediately Rookpelt took a big bite in the fish. Wrenfoot and Pebblestar took smaller bites after him. In between bites, Rookpelt would talk about his experiences and stories he knew, and Wrenfoot would add on with her's. Pebblestar mostly kept quiet, not knowing what to say most of the time, but he still enjoyed the meal nevertheless.
It had been a while since Rookpelt had joined the clan, and he had adjusted well. His attention span had improved somewhat, and he had always joined Pebblestar on hunting patrols. Pebblestar had taught the tom how to fish after learning he didn't know how, and he was getting the hang of it. He had also learned of his huge appetite while hunting with him. Although he was tempted to eat his prey as soon as he caught, like he did when he was a loner, he held back and never did, but once he reached camp, no prey would be safe from him if his stomach was empty. He also enjoyed talking with Wrenfoot, and the she-cat frequently encouraged him to come on a border patrol with her, but he always refused, valuing food over his relationship with Wrenfoot.
While the two were at camp, Pebblestar had told Rookpelt that he had to go to the Moonpool. After explaining to the tom what that was, and telling him no, he couldn't come, too, Rookpelt had told him that he would continue hunting while he was gone, which was no surprise to the leader. The two padded out of camp together. Wrenfoot was already patrolling the border, and she hadn't hunted since her argument with Pebblestar before finding Rookpelt. While the two were padding the edge of the territory, Rookpelt had tried unsuccessfully to start a conversation until they reached part their border. The two toms started walking away from each other, Pebblestar towards the Moonpool, Rookpelt into the heart of their territory. Rookpelt had shouted bye to him, but Pebblestar didn't hear it. He was already thinking of the trip to the Moonpool, and how that would go, as he followed the path that he had taken once before towards the scared pool.

(The Clan eats the trout that Pebblestar caught.)
(Rookpelt goes hunting)
(Wrenfoot patrols the border)
(Pebblestar goes to the Moonpool and asks StarClan for a medicine cat.)

Rookpelt caught one squirrel!

Wrenfoot's border patrol was uneventful.

Pebblestar awoke shortly after making his request, the gray tabby leader immediately felt as if he wasn't alone, he observed his surroundings and focused his attention on a brown tabby with a white chest sitting at the entrance of the Moonpool - a bundle of herbs by their paws.
StarClan has given you a medicine cat! Pick five herbs from here to start with.

ThornClan | N0VAHD wrote:
T h o r n C l a n
Number of Cats: 1
Next Moonpool visit: March 26th


AmberStar carefully made her way down the cool rocky hill leading towards the mouth of a great cave. As she entered the gaping black hole she could see sparkles of blue and purple coming from ahead. As the stars began to appear in the sky, the she sat next to the Moonpool and looked up towards the sky.
"Starclan.." she began, taking a deep breath, "...Please bring me a cat who can hunt and protect my clan."
She dipped her head, crouching low towards the pool, and touched her nose to the surface. With that, she fell into a deep slumber, hoping that when she awoke she would have a new member of her clan.

[Amberstar went to the Moonpool]

The ThornClan leader wondered if StarClan decided not to heed her request after she woke up at the Moonpool alone, however, that thought was tossed to the wind as a ginger-and-white cat approached her saying that they were meant to find the ginger tabby leader.
StarClan has given you a warrior!

SilentClan | rainbowcatfish8888 wrote:
Number of Cats: 10

One Moon Ago:
Whitewhisker raced back into the camp, a squirrel dangling from his jaws. The other cats entered the camp behind him, panting with exhaustion. Buzzardflight padded out of the nursery, his eyes shining with pride and relief. "Come see," he meowed. Not bothering to wait for his clanmates, Whitewhisker bounced into the nursery, anticipation rising in his stomach. He let out a cry of joy when he saw Ivystar laying there, two beautiful kits suckling at her belly. "They're perfect!" the deputy purred, nuzzling each of them. Ivystar's eyes were glazed with fatigue, but they also shone with happiness. The rest of SilentClan entered the nursery, gasping as they saw the two new additions to the Clan. "They're so cute!" Brightsky squealed. "What are you going to name them?" Pepperpaw asked. Whitewhisker glanced at Ivystar, uncertain. "Finchkit," she murmered drowsily, resting her muzzle on the brown and white kit. "Okay," Whitewhisker meowed. He liked the name, it suited the kit nicely. "How about Cloudkit for the white one?" he suggested. Ivystar nodded. "Cloudkit," she repeated, sounding satisifed. "Those are such cute names! I love them so so very much!" Brightsky chirped, bouncing on her calico paws. Sunshadow nodded in agreement. "We brought you a squirrel," Appleclaw meowed, nudging the squirrel Whitewhisker had caught toward her. "Thank you," she replied, eagerly tearing into the fresh-kill. "While we're here, there's something I would like to do," Buzzardflight meowed. "Stumpy, come here." His eyes shining, Stumpy padded up next to his mentor. "Stumpy, you have expressed your interest in learning medicine and speaking with StarClan, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your medicine cat name, you will be known as Lynxpaw. I will be your mentor, and I promise to pass down everything I know to you," Buzzardflight declared. "Lynxpaw! Lynxpaw!" The Clan shouted. Lynxpaw stood tall in proud, puffing out his chest. "Thank you Buzzardflight! I promise I will try my very hardest," the young cat promised. Buzzardflight purred. "I know you will."

Present Day
"3, 2, 1, ready or not, here I come!" Cloudkit opened his eyes, scanning the camp for his sister. Hmm... maybe she's in the medicine den? Cloudkit raced over to the den as fast as his tiny paws could carry him. "Hey Lynxpaw, have you seen Finchkit?" he asked. Lynxpaw's eyes shone with amusement. "Finchkit? Why, I have no idea! Have you checked the warrior's den?" the medicine cat apprentice asked. Cloudkit frowned. "Mama says we can't go in there," the kit said. "Well, that sister of yours sure does like to break the rules! Maybe you can ask a warrior to go in with you," Lynxpaw suggested. Cloudkit instantly perked up. "Great idea! Thanks Lynxpaw!" the kit squeaked. Looking around the camp, he saw his father, Whitewhisker, standing by the fresh-kill pile. "Hey Whitewhisker!" Cloudkit shouted running over to his father. "Hello, Cloudkit!" the deputy greeted. "I was wondering if you could take me to the warrior's den. I think Finchkit is in there," the kit explained. Whitewhisker frowned. "Again? How many times have I told her that she isn't allowed to go in there?" Before Cloudkit could reply, he heard a yowl from up above. "I'm up here, mouse-brain!" Finchkit yelled. Spinning around, Cloudkit saw his sister perched on the branch of a towering pine tree. Whitewhisker's eyes widened in alarm. "Finchkit! Get down from there immediately!" Finchkit pouted, opening her jaws to object, when a gust of wind swept through the branches above. Finchkit screamed in alarm, her tiny paws grasping around the thin branch. "Cloudkit, go get Ivystar," Whitewhisker ordered. Cloudkit doubted that even Ivystar could get his sister down, but he went to get her anyway. He found his mother enjoying the sun outside of the nursery. "Mama! Finchkit's stuck in a tree!" the kit informed her. Ivystar sprang to her paws, clearly shocked. "What! Where is she?" the leader asked. "Follow me!" Cloudkit rushed toward base of the tree where Finchkit was swaying. "FINCHKIT! IF YOU DO NOT GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE RIGHT NOW I WILL DELAY YOUR APPRENTICE CEREMONY BY TWO WHOLE MOONS!" Ivystar yowled as loudly as possible. FInchkit's eyes widened. "No no no no! I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't delay my ceremony!" Finchkit sounded very distressed. "THEN GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE!" Ivystar replied. "I-I can't. I'm stuck!" Finchkit admitted, her voice beginning to tremble. Whitewhisker sighed. "Great StarClan, I'll go and get her," he said. The deputy quickly climbed the tree, but the branch Finchkit was standing on was very thin, and not likely to support Whitewhisker's weight. "The branch will fall if I step on it, Finchkit. I need you to come to me," he said, trying to sound gentle. Finchkit was trembling now, clearly regretting her decision to climb the tree in the first place. "I can't, I'll fall!" she squeaked. Praying to StarClan that the branch would hold, Whitewhisker set one paw on the branch, then another, then another, until all of his weight was on the thin branch. But then the branch let out a horrible cracking sound. "Finchkit!" Whitewhisker yowled, reaching out to grab his kit and leap back to safety. But he didn't have enough time. Whitewhisker only managed to leap back just in time as the branch snapped, sending his kit plummeting to the ground. "NO!" Ivystar screeched, her voice filled with panic. But all she could do was watch as her kit fell from branch to branch, before finally falling on to the ground. Claws of terror clamped around Cloudkit's heart as he saw the still body of his sister lying underneath the tree. "Cloudkit! Go get Buzzardflight and Lynxpaw!" Ivystar shouted, but the two medicine cats were already racing toward them. "She's alive, but her paw is sprained pretty badly and she's in shock. Luckily the branches broke her fall," Buzzardflight said, after examining the kit closely. Finchkit opened her eyes, and it broke Cloudkit's heart to see the pain in them. "Am I dead?" she croaked weakly. "No sweetheart, you're alive," Ivystar murmured. "Mama my paw hurts really bad," Finchkit said pitifully. "Lynxpaw, what do we use for cats in shock?" Buzzardflight quizzed his apprentice. "Poppy seeds," Lynxpaw replied. "But we don't have any poppy seeds." No poppy seeds? Does this mean Finchkit could die? Cloudkit worried. Buzzardflight nodded. "Correct. And what should we do for her paw?" he asked. "I don't think there's anything we can do, we have to let it heal with time. But we could use feverfew to help with the pain until we find poppy seeds," Lynxpaw suggested. "Very good. Whitewhisker, carry Finchkit to my den," Buzzardflight meowed. After Whitewhisker, Finchkit, Buzzardflight, and Lynxpaw left, it was just Cloudkit and Ivystar. "Finchkit is gonna be okay, right?" Cloudkit asked, his voice trembling with fear. Ivystar nodded. "She'll be just fine, dear," she assured him, but she sounded a little uncertain.

"I really hope FInchkit is okay! She's so young, the poor thing!" Brightsky fretted, pacing around the camp. Sunshadow nodded. "Y-yea. Me t-too," he agreed. Brightsky finally stopped pacing, and she sat down next to Sunshadow. "You know, I would really like to have kits of my own someday," Brightsky said. "Y-you would make a g-great mother," Sunshadow replied. And it was true. "Awwww, thank you!" Brightsky chirped. Sunshadow scooted closer to her, so their pelts were brushing. Suddenly, feeling a rush of ambition washed over Sunshadow and he curled his tail around her, pulling Brightsky closer to him. She tensed a little with surprise, but relaxed soon after and let out a small sigh. They sat in silence for a moment, until Appleclaw padded up to the two cats. "Hey Sunshadow, can we talk?" his gaze was dark, but his expression was otherwise unreadable. "S-sure," Sunshadow reluctantly got to his paws, officially ending his moment with Brightsky. "Follow me," Appleclaw began to pad out of camp, giving Sunshadow no choice but to follow. Once they were a good distance away from the camp, Appleclaw stopped and turned around. "Stay away from her," he hissed. Sunshadow's eyes widened in surprise. "W-what?" he stuttered, shocked by Appleclaw's change in demeanor. "Don't play dumb with me. You know what I'm talking about. She's mine, and I won't let you take her away from me," he warned. Stand up for yourself. You don't deserve this. A little voice in Sunshadow's head spoke up, encouraging him. Sunshadow growled, fluffing out his pelt to make him appear more powerful. "I can do what I want," he hissed back, his stutter suddenly gone. Before Appleclaw could reply, Sunshadow turned around and whisked back to camp. Brightsky was waiting by the entrance, her head tilted in confusion. "What was that all about?" she asked. "Oh, it was n-nothing," Sunshadow replied, brushing his tail across her back. "Now where were we?"
[hunting patrol: Brightsky, Appleclaw, Sunshadow]
[looking for herbs: Buzzardflight, Lynxpaw (looking for poppy seeds in particular)]
[training: Whitewhisker and Pepperpaw]

[the clan ate 3 servings of squirrel]

The tension between the two toms was unnoticeable to Brightsky, who was oblivious to the angry stare Appleclaw directed Sunshadow for being so close to the she-cat who was meant to be his.
Your hunting patrol caught two ermines!

Buzzardflight and Lynxpaw gathered poppy seeds!

Pepperpaw learned the climbing skill!

WishClan | .mochi wrote:
Number of Cats: three
Next Moonpool Visit: march twentieth

bramblefur stalked through the forest, silent as a feather falling. the scent of vole filled his nose, and he followed the trail. a twig snapped nearby and he spotted the small rodent running across the leafy forest floor. the tom was so concentrated, he unknowingly crossed the border. about to leap on the vole, he went into a crouch and all of a sudden he was pinned by a new cat.

to be roleplayed....

[ bramblefur has found littledawn [a mossclan warrior] by the northwest border! ]
[ the clan consumes 2 servings of squirrel. ]
[ amberstar is hunting on the east border. ]


Amberstar caught one pigeon!

StoneClan | Stoneleaf wrote:
Number of Cats: OO2
Next Moonpool visit: monday
Clan servings: OO2

After meeting with his sister and viewing over her camp and meeting her warriors, Carpstar made his way back to his own Clan's camp. The scent of another cat was here, a scent he was not familiar with. He wasn't sure who it could have been, but there was a fish there waiting for him. Approaching it, he was stopped in his tracks at the sound of a voice. He looked behind his shoulder to find a she-cat coming into the camp. She nodded once in greeting before introducing herself. "Hello. I saw your camp, I could tell that there was recently some cat here, and there wasn't any other cat left. I figured this was the beginnings of a Clan, and I just thought I could help out so I caught a fish for you by the river." She gave him a little smile. "If you'd rather me leave, I can. If not, I can stick around for a while." She was ready to turn tail and leave, but Carpstar stopped her, resulting in her turning back. "Well," he began, smiling. "You know how to hunt, you know of the Clans. You could be my deputy! So far I'm a one-cat Clan. You can help me start it!" The she-cat brightened up, her eyes sparkling and tail raising. "I would love to! I've always wanted to be such a great rank!" Carpstar beckoned her over, inviting her to share the fish she'd just caught. "Afterwards, we'll hunt again, and then go to the moonpool, I'd like to ask StarClan for a medicine cat. If you'd like to come, you may." She smiled and nodded, eager to come along. The two got to know each other talking about themselves to make conversation. When they were done eating and talking, the two stood up and went hunting together. They would then discuss ranks and future plans together, and visit the Moonpool. So far, Carpstar was glad to have her as his deputy. He'd fully introduce her to his Clan when he took her to the moonpool. once they had finished hunting, they dropped off what they had and he took her to the moonpool, formally introducing her to the Clan as his deputy with her new name, Stonesong.

[●● Stonesong and Carpstar go hunting ●●]
[●● Carpstar goes to the Moonstone asking for med cat●●]
[●● Not sure if salmon is big or small fish, but I use two servings ●●]

{question, for when i ask for a warrior, is it possible that i could request
a certain picture of a cat? it would just be one time.}


{ aaah yeah that's fine! ^^ as for salmon, i'd say its two servings. }

Your hunting patrol caught one water vole!

StarClan has given you a medicine cat! Pick five herbs from here to start with.

StreamClan | justice'n'joy wrote:
Number of Cats:30
Females: 18
Male: 18
Next Moonpool visit: 28/3/2017 (03/28/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

"I love you."
"But nobody loves me! I have a stump!"
"Well, it appears that I already do."
"Will you be my mate?"
"No, but will you be my mate?"
"Of course!"
Bouncefire and Tui were on a border patrol when the sleek black cat started this conversation. They arrived home with loud purrs as they told everyone the great news.

"Minkkit, I know you won't hear me but your mentor shall be Crowleap." Ripplestar meowed, "I know she is your mother but she will teach you well. In return, Tallpaw's mentor shall be Pebblefrost." He looked fondly at his grandchildren.

Ripplestar requests a medicine cat apprentice.
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

Tui is expecting kits! They will be due in two moons/posts.

StarClan has given you a medicine cat apprentice.

Minkpaw and Tallpaw learned the swimming skill.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby ☆ѕтαяяу ѕкιєѕ☆ » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:16 am

Number of Cats: 10

Okay I have time but I don't if that makes sense ???

[Rosetail and Amberpelt on border patrol
Turtlefur and Poppyflight hunt
Nightfeather is gathering herbs
Snowheart trains with Flarepaw
The Clan consumes one squirrel and one shrew.]

          Talonstar | 38 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Snowheart | 35 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Nightfeather | 31 moons | Female | X

          Turtlefur | 45 moons | Female | X
          Amberpelt | 64 moons | Male | X
          Rosetail | 18 moons | Female | X
          Poppyflight | 24 moons | Female | X

          Flarepaw | 10 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Mottledlight | 41 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Firekit | 1 moons | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    SwallowClan | Arya22
    BlueClan | miss universe
    SorrelClan | Skygold[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | HowlingClan | ✘ Fear of Reality
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | SorrelClan | SkyGold
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint (1x) | Cures greencough
    Cobwebs (1x) | Stops bleeding, keeps poultices in place, etc.
    Marigold (1x) |
    Tansy (1x) |
    Feverfew (1x) |
    Wintergreen (1x) |
    Alder bark (1x) |
    Borage (1x) |
    Sorrel (1x) |

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Voles | x1 | 1 servings
    Shrews | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings

    Snowheart | Flarepaw | 2 | Fighting, Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Mottledlight and unknown | Firekit
    Name and Name | Kits
Proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I will gladly answer any questions you have!

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── OBSIDIANCLAN ── [ 022 ]

Postby direwolf. » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:25 am


number of cats: 024 [ ♂ 13 / ♀ 11 ]
next patrol: 03/22/17 - 06:25 am
next moonpool visit: 03/24/17 - 01:39 pm


    tigerpaw sat silently beside his mentor as he watched his siblings become warriors while he remained an apprentice. his fear of water made him not want to return to the stream but, if he did not return, he would never become a warrior. dropping his gaze to his paws, he tried to fight back the angry tears that formed. blossomstep frowned as she watched her apprentice. it was clear that he was upset that he was not becoming a warrior while his siblings did. she felt that she had failed him. from this day on, she would do her best to help her apprentice not become so afraid of water. once the ceremony was over, she joined the rest of the warriors on a hunting patrol.

    upon finding the sickly kit, oatcatcher grabbed her carefully by her scruff and rushed back to obsidianclan with hopes that palenose could heal her. he felt exhausted by the time he arrived, but he pushed on to the medicine den. carefully, he set the kit in front of palenose. "i found.. her.. while i was.. patrolling. can you.. help her?" he questioned, panting quietly as he gazed worriedly down at the weak kit. he did not worry about being unable to find her a queen so she could nurse since crowfall was expecting another litter of kits. he hoped that the queen would not mind caring for one extra kit. palenose gave a nod of his head and turned away to find some feverfew for the kit. as soon as he gave the kitten the feverfew, hawkeye burst in to announce that crowfall was kitting. i really need an apprentice. the medicine cat thought with a sigh before rushing out to help crowfall. he had given instructions to oatcatcher to watch over the kit and keep her warm while he helped crowfall.

    nodding in understanding, oatcatcher curled up around the small kit and watched her as she slept peacefully. lifting his head, he noticed hopstripe enter the den. he tilted his ears back, clearly embarrassed that he was found. "i saw you running back into camp, and i was wondering if you were- oh! is that a kit?" the she-cat's eyes lit up, and she wandered a bit closer to oatcatcher and the small kit. "oh, she's adorable! have you named her?" she inquired, sitting down on her haunches and focusing her attention on the tom. "i was thinking.. hillkit." he responded, hoping that the name for the kit fit her. "that's a wonderful name!" oatcatcher smiled softly and sighed in relief.

    "this is crowfall's second pregnancy. she should be fine, hawkeye." bristleclaw reassured, gazing over at the nervous tom who was walking beside him and the other felines on the hunt. "i know, i know.. i'll make sure to find something perfect to bring back for crowfall. she's going to need plenty of food." he spoke before stepping ahead and searching for some prey. blossomstep smiled, watching hawkeye rush forward to search for prey for his mate. she immediately thought of bleakpelt, and she shook her head in embarrassment. as she grew, she found herself liking bleakpelt more and more. "thinking of someone?" freckleheart's voice interrupted her thoughts. "maybe.." she responded shyly, giving a flick of her tail. she knew that, if she and bleakpelt became mates, their relationship would be complicated - very complicated.

    while on the patrol, flintburr casted glances over to silvermoon who was keeping an eye out for any predator or another cat. finally, he cleared his throat to speak to her. "silvermoon, can i talk to you for a moment?" he spoke, watching as the she-cat turned her head and gave him a curious look before nodding in agreement. "we'll be back." he told hopstripe and leapardtalon who shared a knowing look and chuckled to themselves. wandering away from the other two, he turned to silvermoon. "silvermoon, i want to spend the rest of my life protecting you. ever since i arrived here, i've seen how troubled you have been, and i want to be there for you.. always. will you be my mate?" he inquired, taking in a deep breath and holding it as he waited for the she-cat's reaction. silvermoon's eyes widened in surprise before pausing for a moment. "of course." she spoke, carefully stepping forward to nuzzle him. relieved, flintburr smiled and nuzzled her.

[ patrol: flintburr, silvermoon, hopstripe, leopardtalon // herb hunting: ---
hunting: bristleclaw, blossomstep, freckleheart, hawkeye
training: --- // kitting: crowfall // mates: flintburr, silvermoon
apprentice ceremony: buzzardkit ➙ buzzardpaw, ravenkit ➙ravenpaw
warrior ceremony: duskpaw ➙ duskfall, bramblepaw ➙ bramblestrike, smokepaw ➙ smokestorm, newtpaw ➙ newtcall
palenose gives feverfew to hillkit - also helps crowfall with birthing.
the clan consumes 3 servings of duck and 2 serving of rabbit


      chestnutstar | 66 moons | female |
      lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      bristleclaw | 60 moons | male |

      medicine cat:
      palenose | 56 moons | male |

      medicine cat apprentice:
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      hawkeye | 51 moons | male |
      crowfall | 57 moons | female |
      cloudwatcher | 36 moons | female |
      snowmouse | 36 moons | female |
      blossomstep | 24 moons | female |
      freckleheart | 21 moons | male |
      silvermoon | 34 moons | female |
      flintburr | 51 moons | male |
      oatcatcher | 18 moons | male |
      leopardtalon | 27 moons | male |
      emberlegs | 36 moons | female |
      hopstripe | 14 moons | female |
      duckwing | 39 moons | male |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      duskpaw | 12 moons | male |
      tigerpaw | 12 moons | male |
      bramblepaw | 12 moons | female |
      smokepaw | 12 moons | male |
      newtpaw | 12 moons | male |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      crowfall | 58 moons | female |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      buzzardkit | 6 moons | female |
      ravenkit | 6 moons | male |
      hillkit | 2 moons | female |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      ally clans:
      echoclan | katrione
      petalclan | shooting star,
      asterclan | hiraeth.
      brookclan | purrfect.
      swiftclan | phina wolf
      ivyclan | savannah-the-caracal

      enemy clans:
      streamclan | justice 'n' joy
      tumbleclan | dinolil1

      mountains (n) | echoclan | katrione
      river (e) | swiftclan | phina wolf
      dense forest (s) | thicketclan | emberwisp
      grassy plains (w) | ivyclan | savannah

      medicine store:
      alder bark [1]
      eases tooth aches.
      catmint [3]
      best remedy for the deadly greencough, which
      kits and elders usually catch in the season of l
      eaf-bare. can also be used for whitecough.
      chamomile [2]
      strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. a
      lso given to traveling cats for strength.
      cobwebs [1]
      to soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. it
      may also be used to bind broken bones.
      coltsfoot [1]
      eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cr
      acked or sore pads.
      dock [1]
      soothes scratches, though can sting when bei
      ng applied. soothes sore pads. if placed in ne
      sts, it can ease the pain of wounds.
      fennel [2]
      helps pain in the hips.
      feverfew [0]
      reduces body temperature for cats with fever
      or chills. also heals aches and pains, especial
      ly good for headaches.
      goldenrod [1]
      good for healing wounds.
      heather nectar [1]
      makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtur
      es - included in herbal mixtures.
      parsley [1]
      stops a queen from producing milk if her kits
      die, don't need milk anymore, or are producin
      g too much milk. also used to cure bellyache.
      raspberry leaves [1]
      could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
      sorrel [1]
      traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
      stick [1]
      distracts cats from pain. recommended for q
      ueens giving birth.
      thyme [1]
      calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are
      in shock (can be chewed on).
      wintergreen [1]
      treats wounds and some poisons.
      yarrow [1]
      extracts poison from wounds. will make a cat
      vomit up toxins. the ointment will soften and
      help heal cracked pads.
      herb [0]

      fresh-kill pile: (5 servings)
      duck = 3 servings [ 0 ]
      small fish = 2 servings [ 0 ]
      big fish = 3 servings [ 8 ]
      black squirrel = 2 servings [ 4 ]
      crow = 3 servings [ 3 ]
      rabbit = 2 servings [ 0 ]
      water shrew = 1 serving [ 0 ]

      hawkeye ↝ duskpaw | 04
      ↳ hunt, fight, swim, climb
      blossomstep ↝ tigerpaw | 03
      ↳ hunt, fight, climb, move
      freckleheart ↝ bramblepaw | 04
      ↳ hunt, fight, swim, climb
      flintburr ↝ smokepaw | 04
      ↳ hunt, fight, swim, climb
      silvermoon ↝ newtpaw | 04
      ↳ hunt, fight, swim, climb
      mentor ↝ apprentice | 00
      ↳ move, move, move, move

      deceased cats:
      softleap, tinysnout ✘ stillborn
      cat name ✘ cause of death

      chestnutstar and bristleclaw
      ↳ duskfall, tigertooth, bramblestrike, smokestorm
      bella/silvermoon and unknown
      softleap, tinysnout
      hawkeye and crowfall
      ↳ buzzardflight, ravenwing
      ↳ now!
      leo and shimmerpool
      ↳ leopardtalon, newtcall
      freckleheart and sweetpaw [ swiftclan ]
      ↳ offspring
      flintburr and silvermoon
      ↳ offspring
      name and name
      ↳ offspring

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create a clan - mapleclan

Postby requiem, » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:29 am

number of cats: one.
next moonpool visit;; the 25th of march.


briarleap woke up as sunshine crept into her den. the deputy walked out of the tree's roots and stretched. with a quick glance around camp, the she-cat her leader wasn't up yet, but someone else was. a cat the size of an apprentice with long black fur was patiently waiting in the middle of camp. being the curios cat that she was, briarleap decided to talk to the cat herself. "hello, who are you and what are you doing here?" the black cat's pale gaze turned to the deputy. "hello. i heard a clan was living here and decided to investigate. perhaps i came too early for your leader?" the cat meowed, looking up at the sleeping foxstar. "foxstar! we have a visitor!" called briarleap, making her leader jump and nearly fall off his branch. "never do that again!" the ginger tom scowled, earning a mocking grin from his deputy.


"they called you 'tiny'?" foxstar asked, a slight frown on his face. the black cat simply shrugged. "the rogue group i was part of were always bullying me. they stopped on the day i showed them how sharp were my claws." the tom didn't know what to say back, so silence settled down between the three cats. foxstar spoke up once they reached the northern border. "go to the brook to fish, i'll see if there's any other cats around. a medicine cat would be a good addition to mapleclan." briarleap simply nodded and headed towards the brook, but the new warrior took a moment to follow the she-cat.

"better save up on your lives, foxstar, for they'll soon fly away..."

[ tradition : littlestep ]
[ hunting : briarleap, littlestep ]
[ looking for a medicine cat : foxstar ]

    leader :
    foxstar | 21 moons | male | determined | x
    lives : 9/9

    deputy :
    briarleap | 20 moons | female | curious | x

    medicine cat :
    name | age | gender | trait | x

    warriors : [one]
    littlestep | 18 moons | female | loner | x
    name | age | gender | trait | x

    apprentices : [number]
    name | age | gender | trait | x
    name | age | gender | trait | x

    queens : [number]
    name | age | gender | trait | x
    name | age | gender | trait | x

    kits : [number]
    name | age | gender | trait | x
    name | age | gender | trait | x

    elders : [number]
    name | age | gender | trait | x
    name | age | gender | trait | x

    ally clans :
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    bordering clans :
    north // the brook // roseclan
    south // the clearing // clan
    west // maple tree forest // clan
    east // something // caveclan

    medicine store : [ number of herbs ]
    herb name | use [ number ]

    fresh-kill pile : [2 per day]
    mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    stoat | x0 | 2 servings
    salmon | x0 | 2 servings
    hare | x1/3 | 3 servings
    sparrows | x2 | 3 servings
    prey eaten today | 2/3 of a hare

    mentorships :
    mentor ➻ apprentice
    one : skill | two : skill | three : skill

    deceased cats :
    name | age | gender | cause of death | x

    kinships :
    name + name = name, name
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Ember! » Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:17 am

Number of Cats: 15

Honeyfur barged back into camp with a the limp body of a scrawny kit clasped in her jaws. She threw her down onto the sandy floor of the camp, crouching down beside her with a tired wheeze. The camp began to bustle from the alarming sounds, everyone watching the newcomer with wide eyes. "Oh my Starclan! What happened to you?" Morningpaw scrambled over with her soft fur ruffled she examined the ruddy she-cat at her paws. Her fur was soaking wet with muddy water, flattening her fur against her bony frame. A ragged, red collar clung loosely around her neck. Honeyfur quickly caught her breath, ordering, "Poor kit got caught in a flood. Help me warm her up." The medicine cats got to work licking her fur the wrong way, as Briarstar padded out of his den with his fur bristling nervously. He snarled, "A flood?" and his tail lashed nervously behind him. Honeyfur let out a sigh, lifting her head to explain. "The swamp has flooded. Even the bridges are half a tail-length under." She gently poked the unconscious she-cat with her paw. "I was about to return when I heard this kit wailing for help. The scrappy thing still had enough wits to lift herself onto a floating branch so she didn't drown. Luckily, she didn't fall off." She then got back to work, meowing between strokes, "But she's completely exhausted and icy cold. Must've been in the water for a long time." Briarstar sniffed her over carefully, bellowing an order as she did so. "Nobody leaves the clan alone, everyone stays away from the swamp until further notice. Now give them their space."

Cerise woke up with a gasp, her paws flailing around in the air. She couldn't fall off, she must hold on! "Help! H-he-h-help! He-" She paused as she realized she was no longer adrift in the water. Instead, she was laying on a comfortable heap of moss. She nervously glanced around, weakly shuffling her paws under herself as she prepared to flee. Suddenly she heard faint pawsteps. "Hello?" "Oh, you're awake!" A short calico with sweet-smelling fur peeked out from around a corner, a happy grin plastered on her face. "You were out for quite a while. I'm Morningpaw." Cerise cowered submissively, stammering, "Where a-a-am-am I-I?" Morningpaw eyed her curiously, yet calmly explained, "You're in Thicketclan's medicine cat den. What's your name?" The ruddy she-cat sent her yellow gaze to the ground, watching her claws flex in and out of the dirt as she thought carefully. These cats were strangers, but they weren't tormenting her like Crimson and Cardinal.. Oh, anyone would be better than them. She decided to spill her identity. "It's Cer-r-r-rise, but everyone just calls me St-Stutter." Morningpaw tilted her head in confusion, mixed with disbelief. "Stutter? That's an awfully mean nickname.." Cerise dejectedly muttered, "Well that's kind of the point." Morningpaw cast her a apologetic, almost pitying look, and padded over to comfortingly nuzzle her. It didn't make Cerise feel any better, and she pawed the ground miserably. "I think we'll be giving you a new name." The two young she-cats whipped their heads around to see the speaker. A large and intimidating brown tabby tom loomed over them, but a small smile crossed his muzzle. Cerise still had to suppress a gulp as he approached. "Oh Briarstar, welcome! What brings you here?" Briarstar quickly glanced at their newcomer. "I came to check up on you. You were washed up on our territory yesterday. We're a clan. We support and defend eachother in our little community, and I'm wondering if you'd like to join as an apprentice." Join them? These were complete strangers, but where else did she have to go? Crimson had said that she was just a weak runt, and she would definitely die out on her own. The thought sent shivers up her spine. Cerise shakily stood up, weakly smiling. "I'll try m-m-my best sir."

Mintkit shuffled out from beside his mother, sliding out from beside Specklekit. The silver tabby twitched his nose as he snuck out of the nursery, ears swiveling as he searched to make sure the coast was clear. 'Good.' He smirked, padding forward on tiny kitten paws. Normally, a kit would sneak out to explore the unknown, but Mintkit wasn't like that. He slipped into a dark hole and took a deep breath.
"Good afternoon!" "Hi Mintie!" "Welcome back."
Mintkit beamed at his idols, his tail rippling happily behind him. Everytime he managed to get away from Specklekit's incessant annoying, and Silvershade's motherly watch, he would slip into the medicine cat den. The smell of herbs drifted all around him, and he couldn't help but smile. "What do you want to do?" Mintkit felt his eyes flicker across the herbs hidden in nooks in the dirt, smiling as he remembered some of them. Yarrow, Tansy, Chamomile, they all called to him. "Learn!" Morningpaw purred happily, pulling out a leaf with tiny seeds nestled inside, gently explaining, "Now these are-" "Mintkit!" Silvershade came crashing down into the medicine cat den, Specklekit and Beetlekit at her heels. "I'd thought you'd escaped!" Mintkit pawed the ground, feeling slightly guilty. "Ma, I was just training to be a medicine cat apprentice.." Specklekit yelped in a bewildered tone, "Ewww, he wants to play with yucky herbs." Silvershade shushed Specklekit, giving Mintkit a sympathetic smile. She meowed, "Erm, I understand that, but there's one problem." Mintkit frowned, his tail flicking nervously behind him. "What do you mean mama?" Silvershade took a deep breath, and explained. "Morningpaw.. Is the medicine cat apprentice. There can only be one at a time." Mintkit looked up at her in despair, slowly backing up. "N-no.. Ma, I want to! Learning herbs in fun, a-and Morningpaw is nice and-" "I'll make sure you get a great mentor. I promise, being a warrior is fun. You just need to get used to it." "But, mama. I don't wanna fight and hunt.. I wanna talk to Starclan and heal all my friends! I wont let you down..""I know Mintkit. I'm.. just, sorry."

foxpoppy notices honeyfur's jealousy, wildstorm's notices honeyfur being creepy, foxpoppy pleased with rising tensions im too lazy and I have to work on art please forgive me <3

[Wildstorm, Dapplewhisker, Foxpoppy, Applepelt, Badgerclaw, and Russetpaw go on a hunting patrol.]
[Honeyfur and Briarstar patrol the borders.]
[Sunpaw and Burnetpaw train.]
[Briarstar asks Starclan for a queen.]
1x Burnet were used to heal Burnetpaw. (Ironic, eh?)
The clan consumes four servings. A carp and a lizard were eaten.

          Briarstar | 50 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Badgerclaw | 39 moons | Tom | X [STAND-IN]

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeyfur | 30 moons | She-cat | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Morningpaw | 12 moons | She-cat | X

          Dapplewhisker | 30 moons| She-cat | X
          Wildstorm | 45 moons | She-cat | X
          Applepelt | 17 moons | Tom | X
          Foxpoppy | 40 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Sunpaw| 12 moons | Tom | X
          Russetpaw | 7 moons | Tom | X
          Burnetpaw | 6 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Silvershade | 42 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Beetlekit | 3 moons | Tom | X
          Specklekit | 3 moons | She-cat | X
          Mintkit | 3 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox
    Strikeclan | sugar pixel .
    Lotusclan | ωolfie
    Flowerclan | Peachycupcake525
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Bordering Clans
    Obsidianclan | forgetful. | North
    Mossclan | RebelliousWinter | Northeast
    Howlingclan | ✘ Fear of Reality | East
    Clan | User | Southeast
    Skullclan | Heda | South
    Rippleclan | ártémís | Southwest
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox | West
    Flowerclan | Peachycupcake525 | Northwest

    Medicine Store
    Tansy x1 | Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Horsetail x1|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    Cobwebs x1 | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    Fennel x1 | Helps pain in the hips.
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    Watermint x1 | Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    Dandelion x1 | Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    Goatweed x1 | Eases anxiety and grief.
    Thyme x1 | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    Catmint x1 | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
    Juniper Berries x1 | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    Comfrey Root x1 | Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    Honey x1 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    Burnet x1 | Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.
    Blackberry Leaves x1 | Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches.
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    Celandine x1 | Soothes damaged eyes.
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 |1 servings
    Snake | x2 | 3 |1-2 servings
    Lizard | x1 | 1 |1 servings
    Fish | x1 | 3 | 1-3 servings
    Toad | x0 | 0 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 4 |2 servings
    Total | x7 | 12

    Dapplewhisker | Sunpaw | 3 | climbing, hunting, running
    Badgerclaw | Russetpaw | 1 | swimming,
    Briarstar | Burnetpaw | 0 | n/a
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    X - Mates | >< - Mutual Crush | > or < - One -way Crush | /symbol/ - Forbidden
    Silvershade x Badgerclaw
    Honeyfur > Dapplewhisker
    Name and Name


    Silvershade x Badgerclaw
    -Beetlekit, Specklekit, & Mintkit

    ??? x ???
    -Sunpaw & Morningpaw

    Name x Name

    Name x Name
yo, it's ember! i'm here with a reminder that y'all are radical!! B)

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// make that warrior cat! (my forum game!!) // a document full of cat pictures!! feel free to use for roleplays and the like. c: // cac, a forum game that's near and dear to my heart. check it out if you like writing and warrior cats! //
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby web. » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:28 pm

T h o r n C l a n
Number of Cats: 2
Next Moonpool visit: March 26th


Amberstar awoke from her nap, glancing out of her hollowed thorn bush. She rose from her nest, and stalked outside to find her new deputy, WhiteWillow, sitting peacefully in the center of camp. As Amberstar approached her deputy, the other she purred and warmly looked her way.
"Good morning Amberstar!" Amberstar gave a shy smile to the other she, and sat down.
"Good morning," She responded, "Any plans for today?". The deputy looked down at her paws in thought, before looking back up at her leader. "I was thinking that I could go and hunt, Amber." Her tail curled and her ear flicked a fly away. "If that is alright with you." Amberstar nodded, getting to her paws. "I will walk with you, and patrol the west border. I will possibly hunt too, if I run across anything." There was a purr in her voice, and the two shes walked out of camp together.

[Amberstar patrols the West Border]
[WhiteWillow hunts for prey]

          Amberstar | 41 moons | She | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          WhiteWillow | 23 Moons | She | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrel| x0 | 2 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
nathan | he/him | asd | queer | adult ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
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