Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby dematrug » Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:44 pm

Dear M,

I like you ok?
I've liked you forever now. But i no longer have the chance to tell you since i moved. I know you don't like me, but, i had to get this off my chest. I don't know why i like you, i just do. Maybe it's because you remind me of Him.

Dear H,

You've gotten my mind of Him and M. It's pretty nice. Wish i would stop being a wuss and tell you before its too late.

P.S. I like your purple hair, its really cute. ^-^
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby IQuit;; » Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:48 pm

dear __,
hi you're one of my best friends and i think you're really cool and i want you to think i'm cool too.
i just really really want your approval.
i've quit cs.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby ethernautics » Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:34 pm

dear h,
yes i am smol one
don't base your decisions off of what she does
it's your life, not hers
why do all these unfortunate situations happen to you
and you specifically it's super odd and i'm worried about you

dear j,
so glad we can talk
miss you
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby FlitterRayne » Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:21 pm

Dear Mom,

I miss so much the person you used to be before your cancer returned. Your laugh, silly humor, comfort, support and faith. I miss the woman who raised me, who took me to garage sales, taught me to haggle, and even the fights we used to have...if anything it showed you still loved and cared what happened to everyone around you...even if I was wrong.

I hate what is happening to you right now. I hate seeing you fade before our eyes, seeing you so weak, seeing you trying not to give up, seeing you sick, in the hospital, and so afraid, even if you try not to show it.

I'm afraid as well, and this is so hard for all of us...but we're all trying to be strong. I know I hide quite a bit, for my daughter's sake, as younger ones always look to the adults around them for clues on how to feel, and how to handle emotions. She's scared too, so scared and trying to hold it together. She so fears losing you, and I do too.

It's not fair, and I so want to clutch you to me and sob with you, but we can't for multiple reasons, and I know and respect that. But I beg for just a little more time, for you to stay, for you not to be cheated into this incurable sickness.

Above all, I pray for you, that you find peace, that you no longer feel so sick, that you find that grace God grants to those lucky enough before they pass. I pray that you find comfort in these treatments in hopes that one, even if it doesn't let you stay with us longer, that you feel more able to press on until your journey ends. I pray for so much more, but even these basic things would mean the world to our family.

I wish I could say all of this to you, but I know I'll never be able to. I'm barely able to hold myself together just typing this...but I feel better saying them here, if nothing else. I fully believe you'll be greated in heaven and accepted in...your faith was stronger than many I've known, and I hope to follow you there one day. But I believe once you're there, this letter will land in your hands for you to see, that you know of all of these things, my hopes, my prayers, my worries, wishes and love, with that understanding and clarity available to us only after we sit beside God's golden love.

Please, please always know I love you...you've always been so supportive, and had nothing but love for your family. You've set a hard example to follow, big shoes to fill, but I hope one day I can be even half the woman you are. I love you!


Remembering my Mother lost last June 17th, 2017. You are loved and well missed.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby redhorizon » Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:34 pm

Dear you,

I love you. I wish I had the courage to tell you. You are my sun, you are my idol. When I don't know who else to go to, I can always go to you. I love you. I've always wanted to tell you. I've always wanted you to know how much you mean to me. I've always wished I were able to be like you. You just say what you feel and let things go the way they go. You don't let little things bother you. You're always there for the people that can't stand any longer. You're always the one to catch them and you're always the one to nurse them back to health. You're like a mother, nurturing, caring, supportive. You come across as rude and insensitive, but that's only to those that don't know you. You're so, so sweet. You're so sensitive. You can feel when something's not right and you speak for it. Gosh, I love you so much. My world revolves around you and you don't even know it. I know you don't feel the same way about me, I know I'm living off a dream, but I guess hope is what keeps us going, right? Hope that we'll last another day, hope that someone loves us the way we love them, hope that nothing explodes in your face. So yeah, I love you. I am confident in saying that, just not to you.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby tenor » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:36 am

    dear sch,

    I always hear your name in class and I freeze up. Even your last name gives me goosebumps. I'm in love with you. And have been since seventh grade. We've dated. Once. For three months. And you were a jerk after that, yeah. You still are. But I miss you. I don't know why I keep getting drawn to you. I wish I could tell you my feelings. But you have a girlfriend now. You're happy. So please, please get out of my head... I love you.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby mackstarr » Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:26 am

My love,
I'm sorry for always losing my head. I'm sorry that I said things that hurt you. I never meant to. I never want to hurt you, I love you so much. Please forgive me. I will try to be better. You're the most important thing in the world to me. I could not go on without you. I love you. I love you. I'm sorry.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby King Andre » Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:48 am

    Dear me

    You can find out a lot of things about yourself soul searching at 6 am.

    And other people too, apparently I guess. Im at least more certain about a lot of things than I was before. A lot has been on my mind, but I think I'm at the point where I'm ready to forget or simply not care about most of what's been bugging me in recent. I'll still probably have my moments with certain things and situations, but I have better things to do than worry about so much, especially when I have so much. I should've taken my own advice and lived in the moment but it's not too late to do that at least. Whatever happens in life is just going to happen, and I should enjoy what I have and put my focus on more productive things. That all being said, I'm an inherently paranoid person, and I overthink things to the point where I'll shut off everyone else until I've resolved whatever internal conflict I'm having at the time. And to be completely honest, that's an aspect of me that'll never change.

    But you need to realize that not all conflicts, internal or external, have resolutions. Sometimes, you'll just have to get over certain things. And I know it'll take you a long ass time to get over all of these things. Whether you like it or not, it's ridiculously obviously to others that something is bothering you, and that's not a good thing.

    Look, I know all of what's concerning you is hard to swallow. Some of the things, most of them... you just aren't going to fully get over. You just can't. You can shove those fears down and push them out of your head but let's face it, in the back of your mind, you are always going to be worried about those things. And that's okay, everyone has fears. But for the love of god don't let those fears consume you. You dwell and dwell on things that are completely out of your control, when life is too short for that.

    It's frustrating, isn't it, that so much is affecting you and you can do absolutely nothing about those things. But you need to realize that you can't keep worrying about things that you can't influence. And the things you can influence, you do your best to change and keep moving. It is so so easy to get tied up and slowed down focusing on that stuff that you can't even enjoy what you have no because you're scared.

    But I know how you are. Even with all this said, even after typing all of this, you're still going to worry. And that's fine. It'll take years maybe to get comfortable with a lot of these things, and that's okay. You had to shove those fears back momentarily just to write all of this, and that's okay. Worry until you get sick of worrying, be concerned until you get bored of being concerned. Let all of these fears destroy you if that's what it takes to become a better and more confident person. Have more introspective talks with yourself because god knows there isn't another soul on this planet that understands exactly how you feel at this moment.

    But do it all on your own time, please. If you're spending time with someone you care about, even if that someone is the focus of one of your worries, then devote that time to them and only them. Close yourself off sometimes, it's healthy to be alone with your thoughts at times. But don't ever half way do things: if you're going to work on productive things then just do that. If you're going to sulk and worry and stress then do it on your own and not when you're also attempting to interact with others, because you hate worrying other people about issues they can't even help, even if its issues they're a part of.

    You know it's easy to whine and hate your circumstances and wish they were better, or how sometimes you wish that you never even,,,, because then you wouldn't be worrying over those things or those people in the first place. But you're in this situation and you have to accept it. Are you at a point where you can start trying to focus on the better things and not worry as much? No. Will you ever completely be over certain things? Nope. Will some things always secretly bother you? Hell yeah. Can you help feeling that way? No but you wish you could.

    Well. Just hold onto this one piece of advice ; that, concerning that one problem, focus on that one thought. You know the thought I'm talking about.

    And I guess, while writing this you came to the conclusion that what you thought bothered you didn't bother you as much as you thought, and it was something else. And let's be honest, on a lot of occasions when you talk to that person, you're going to be reminded of that thing that bugs you more than anything. But you won't say anything and will act normal. But then you'll shut them and everyone else out for another worrying session. It'd be a lot easier if you communicated these fears to said person, but you're afraid it'd drive a wedge between you two if the talk took a wrong turn, which it easily could. So you just, exist miserably in self loathing. Because you hate yourself for feeling that way, don't you? They can't help it, and neither can you.

    Sigh, good luck. It'll be hard but we can make it. I'm not sure how but we always do.

    Sincerely and confusedly,

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby tapestry » Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:05 am

we did it. four months. those last few weeks nearly killed us, that last one, i felt like crying every day and you just kept steadfast against the incoming waves of fear. you did your best to protect us, you negotiated when i couldn't, and the two of us, in the end, had fun. thank you for everything. we did it, we really made this happen.

we may have had our differences, but in the end you were just as important as any of the others. your skills were invaluable to our team, we couldn't have done all we did without your technical knowledge and depth of experience. you worked so hard not only to help our team, but to help the other teams as well. i watched you save that poor group on the end, you were generous to put so much time and effort into their difficulties. you were awesome! have a little faith in yourself, you're pretty great! thank you, thank you!

hey! look at that, everything worked out okay! thank you for being there for me through it all. i appreciate, as always, your gentle support and inspiration. you never got any real credit in the end because you were so passively involved, but i feel you deserve recognition anyway. this would not have happened if you hadn't believed in me all this time. cheers, yet again, to a job well done!

just happy i was able to help. i don't think it was any reason to call me a lifesaver, but i'm happy that you're happy. i admire you a lot, actually. maybe in some other time we could've been friends. no sadness here, though! just gratefulness to you for being the person you are. keep going, you're almost there!
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Homarus » Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:35 am

dear -,
Why must you out me down so much? Everything I do seems to be wrong. I've had a terrible day, and when I get home, I'm yelled at for sneezing and sniffing too much (because I'm ill). It's not like I can help it? I'm feeling terrible, please cut me a little bit of slack!

Dear post office,
Why must you always lose my packages? Seriously, that's twice this year! Where do they even go?

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